SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Vipin Kumar
S/o Sh. Krishan Kumar,
H. No. 319, Ward – 24,
New Abadi, Tehsil – Khanna - 141401,
Distt. – Ludhiana
……. Complainant
The Director,
Public Instructions(Sec.), Pb.,
Sector 62, P.S.E.B Complex,
S. A. S. Nagar (Mohali)
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Secretary to Govt. of Punjab,
Deptt. of Education(Sec.),
Pb. Mini Sectt., Sector 9,
Complaint Case No. 904 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Vipin Kumar, the complainant, in person.
Sh. Inderjit Singh, Deputy Director-cum-PIO ;
Ms. Shashi Kiran, Senior Assistant ;
Ms. Swarnjit Kaur, Senior Assistant ;
Ms. Baljinder Kaur, Deputy D.E.O., Ludhiana ;
Sh. Ranjit Kumar, District Resource Person, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. Manoj Kumar, Superintendantcum-Nodal PIO, sought three week’s time to collect the information to supply the same to the
information seeker.
The complainant, Sh. Vipin Kumar, appeared in person in today’s hearing.
Sh. Inderjit Singh, Deputy Director-cum-PIO and Ms. Shashi Kiran, Senior
Assistant, Ms. Swarnjit Kaur, Senior Assistant, Ms. Baljinder Kaur, Deputy D.E.O., Ludhiana, Sh.
Ranjit Kumar, District Resource Person, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in today’s
hearing, state that similar case has been filed by the complainant, Sh. Vipin Kumar i. e. A. C. No.
1107 of 2015 and the same is pending for today’s hearing.
After going through the documents placed on record, it is found that contents of
the RTI request filed in A. C. No. 1107 of 2015 and the present RTI application, are the same.
On this, the complainant, Sh. Vipin Kumar, states that he will have no objection if
this case is closed today itself.
As no cognizance is required to be taken in this case, hence the present case is
disposed of and closed.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Chander Shekhar,
H. No. 2012/8,
Bazar Babian,
Katra Dulo, Amritsar
……. Complainant
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Chairman,
Improvement Trust,
Complaint Case No. 1020 of 2015
Present :
None on behalf of the complainant.
Sh. Baljit Singh, Executive Engineer-cum-PIO, in person ;
Sh. Amandeep Singh, Junior Engineer, on behalf of the respondent
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Baljit Singh, Trust Engineer, Improvement Trust, Amritsar, under Section 20 (1) of the RTI Act.
In compliance to the order dated 09.06.2015, Sh. Baljit Singh, Executive Engineercum-PIO, appeared in person alongwith Sh. Amandeep Singh, Junior Engineer in today’s hearing,
submits reply dated 03.06.2015 showing that the requisite information has already been supplied
to the complainant, Sh. Chander Shekhar vide letter no. 3057 dated 03.06.2015. It is taken on
Sh. Baljit Singh, Executive Engineer also submits a reply dated 13.07.2015 to the
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015, which is taken on record.
After going through the oral-submission and written reply dated 13.07.2015,
submitted by Sh. Baljit Singh, I found that the explanation given by him is genuine. In view of the
explanation, the show cause issued to him is dropped.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that the complainant,
Sh. Chander Shekhar through a letter, which has been received in the Commission vide Diary No.
16644 dated 01.07.2015, has requested to transfer this case to another Bench.
I am of the view that there is no valid reason for transferring this case as the
information has already been supplied to him time and again.
As no cause of action is left in this case, the case is
disposed of and closed.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the information supplied by the respondent
PIO, he is free to approach the First Appellate Authority of the office concerned, who is Sh. Arvind
Sharma, Executive Officer, Improvement Trust, Amritsar.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Chander Shekhar,
H. No. 2012/8,
Bazar Babian,
Katra Dulo, Amritsar
……. Complainant
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Chairman,
Improvement Trust,
Complaint Case No. 1023 of 2015
Present :
None on behalf of the complainant.
Sh. Baljit Singh, Executive Engineer-cum-PIO, in person ;
Sh. Amandeep Singh, Junior Engineer, on behalf of the respondent
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Baljit Singh, Trust Engineer, Improvement Trust, Amritsar, under Section 20 (1) of the RTI Act.
In compliance to the order dated 09.06.2015, Sh. Baljit Singh, Executive Engineercum-PIO, appeared in person alongwith Sh. Amandeep Singh, Junior Engineer in today’s hearing,
submits reply dated 03.06.2015 showing that the requisite information has already been supplied
to the complainant, Sh. Chander Shekhar vide letter no. 3057 dated 03.06.2015. It is taken on
Sh. Baljit Singh, Executive Engineer also submits a reply dated 13.07.2015 to the
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015, which is taken on record.
After going through the oral-submission and written reply dated 13.07.2015,
submitted by Sh. Baljit Singh, I found that the explanation given by him is genuine. In view of the
explanation, the show cause issued to him is dropped.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that the complainant,
Sh. Chander Shekhar through a letter, which has been received in the Commission vide Diary No.
16644 dated 01.07.2015, has requested to transfer this case to another Bench.
I am of the view that there is no valid reason for transferring this case as the
information has already been supplied to him time and again.
As no cause of action is left in this case, the case is disposed
of and closed.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the information supplied by the respondent
PIO, he is free to approach the First Appellate Authority of the office concerned, who is Sh. Arvind
Sharma, Executive Officer, Improvement Trust, Amritsar.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Nirpal Singh, Punjabi Master,
Govt. Sr. Sec. School,
Dadhahur, Tehsil – Raikot,
Distt. –Ludhiana - 14110909
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Director,
Public Instructions(Sec.),
PSEB Complex, Sector 62, Mohali
First Appellate Authority,
O/o The Director,
Public Instructions(Sec.),
PSEB Complex, Sector 62, Mohali
Appeal Case No. 589 of 2015
Present :
None on behalf of the appellant.
Sh. Narinder Kant, Senior Assistant, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Ms. Suhinder Kaur, Assistant
Director, sought three week’s time to enquire about the matter so that official record could be
verified from the concerned District Education Officer and Principal of the concerned school.
The appellant, Sh. Nirpal Singh, is absent from today’s hearing without any
intimation to the Commission.
Sh. Narinder Kant, Senior Assistant, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, submits a reply dated 13.07.2015, signed by Assistant Director-cum-PIO, stating
that the requisite information has already been supplied to the appellant, Sh. Nirpal Singh vide
letter no. 809 dated 06.07.2015, in person. It is taken on record.
He also produces a written note dated 06.07.2015 signed by the applicant as an
acknowledgement of having received the requisite information. It is taken on record.
In view of the above, the case is disposed
of and closed.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Vipin Kumar
S/o Sh. Krishan Kumar,
H. No. 319, Ward – 24,
New Abadi, Tehsil – Khanna - 141401,
Distt. – Ludhiana
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Director,
Public Instructions (Sec.), Pb.,
Sector 62, P.S.E.B Complex,
S. A. S. Nagar (Mohali)
First Appellate Authority,
O/o The Director,
Public Instructions(Sec.), Pb.,
Sector 62, P.S.E.B Complex,
S. A. S. Nagar (Mohali)
Appeal Case No. 1107 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Vipin Kumar, the complainant, in person.
Sh. Inderjit Singh, Deputy Director-cum-PIO ;
Ms. Shashi Kiran, Senior Assistant ;
Ms. Swarnjit Kaur, Senior Assistant ;
Ms. Baljinder Kaur, Deputy D.E.O., Ludhiana ;
Sh. Ranjit Kumar, District Resource Person ;
Sh. Mohinderjit Singh, Senior Assistant, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. Manoj Kumar, Superintendantcum-Nodal PIO, sought three week’s time to collect the information to supply the same to the
information seeker.
Sh. Inderjit Singh, Deputy Director-cum-PIO and Ms. Shashi Kiran, Senior
Assistant, Ms. Swarnjit Kaur, Senior Assistant, Ms. Baljinder Kaur, Deputy D.E.O., Ludhiana, Sh.
Ranjit Kumar, District Resource Person and Sh. Mohinderjit Singh, Senior Assistant, who
appeared on behalf of the respondent in today’s hearing, handed over the partial information to
the appellant, Sh. Vipin Kumar during the hearing in the Commission today.
The appellant, Sh. Vipin Kumar, who appeared in person in today’s hearing,
expressed his dissatisfaction as the information to all the points of his RTI application has not
been supplied by the respondent PIO concerned.
On this, the above said officials state that complete information would be supplied
to the appellant to his satisfaction by the next date of hearing.
Appeal Case No. 1107 of 2015
After examining the documents placed on record, it emerges that the requisite
information has not been supplied by the respondent PIO to the information seeker even after a
period of about one year.
Sh. Mohinderjit Singh, Senior Assistant, states that Sh. Vijay Singh Chauhan,
Superintendant, Education - 6 branch, Pb. Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh is present PIO in this
case. He also states that Sh. Manoj Kumar was PIO when the RTI application was moved by the
applicant and is now posted as Superintendant C/o Establishment-1 branch, Pb. Civil Secretariat,
In view of the above,
1. Sh. Manoj Kumar who was PIO when the RTI application was
moved, now posted as Superintendant C/o Establishment-1 branch ;
2. Sh. Vijay Singh Chauhan, Superintendant, Education - 6 branch, present PIO
will show cause in writing or through an affidavit, under Section 20(1) of the RTI
Act, as to why penalty be not
imposed upon them for willful delay/denial in supplying the
information to the RTI applicant and why the compensation be not awarded to the informationseeker under the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005.
In addition to their submissions, the PIOs are also hereby given an opportunity
under Section 20(1) provision, thereto, for a personal hearing before the imposition of such
penalty on the next date of hearing.
They may take note that in case they do not file their submissions and do not avail
themselves of the opportunity of personal hearing on the next date fixed, it will be presumed that
they have nothing to say and the Commission shall proceed to take further proceedings against
them ex-parte.
They are also directed to file status report regarding action taken by them on the
RTI request filed by the applicant which must be accompanied with supporting documents as per
official record before or on the next date of hearing. A copy of the RTI request be sent to them for
ready reference through registered post.
District Education Officer, Ludhiana is also directed to bring full information into
the Commission the next date of hearing. A copy of this order be sent to him through registered
post. A copy of the RTI request be sent to him alongwith this order through registered post for
his ready reference.
The case is adjourned
to 5th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
Appeal Case No. 1107 of 2015
CC :
Sh. Vijay Singh Chauhan,
Education - 6 branch,
Pb. Civil Secretariat,
Sh. Manoj Kumar,
C/o Establishment-1 branch,
Pb. Civil Secretariat,
The District Education Officer,
(Regd. Post)
Encl :
(Regd. Post)
Encl :
(Regd. Post)
Encl :
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
(Regd. Post)
Joginder Singh,
H. No. 553/1,
Sector 38 – A,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Principal,
Govt. College,
Phase – 6,
S. A. S. Nagar, Mohali (Punjab)
First Appellate Authority,
O/o The Director,
Public Instructions(Colleges), Pb.,
S.C.O. 66 – 67, Sector 17 – D,
Appeal Case No. 1143 of 2015
Present :
None on behalf of the appellant.
Ms.Suman Gandhi, Principal-cum-PIO ;
Sh. Ramesh Bansal, Associate Professor, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. Harsimran Singh,
Superintendant and Ms. Pooja Gupta, Senior Assistant, appeared on behalf of the respondent and
sought an adjournment to supply the remaining information to the appellant.
The appellant, Sh. Joginder Singh is absent in today’s hearing without any
intimation to the Commission.
Ms.Suman Gandhi, Principal-cum-PIO, who appeared in person in today’s
states that the remaining information has also been supplied to the appellant, Sh.
Joginder Singh vide leter No. 467 dated 15.6.2015. She has also submitted a copy of the same,
which is taken on record.
A copy of the remaining information be sent to the appellant along with this order
through registered post.
I have gone over the queries raised by the appellant, Sh. Joginder Singh, in his
RTI request and the response given by the respondent PIO concerned, I found it satisfactory.
In view of the above, the case is disposed
of and closed..
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
Encl :
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Ravinder Pal Singh Chadha,
30, Banda Bahadur Nagar,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,
First Appellate Authority,
O/o The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,
Appeal Case No. 1538 of 2014
Present :
None on behalf of the appellant.
Sh. Parampal Singh, Assistant. Town Planner, in person.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. Shakti Sagar Bhatia, Senior
Town Planner, through a reply has stated that copy of the order dated 07.05.2015 was received in
his office on 03.06.2015 and the process of preparing the demand draft for paying the
compensation to the appellant has already been initiated and the same would be delivered to Sh.
Ravinder Pal Singh Chadha shortly and requested for an adjournment in this case.
In compliance to the order dated 09.06.2015, Sh. Parampal Singh, Assistant. Town
Planner, who appeared in person in today’s hearing, submits a letter no. 493 dated 14.07.2015
stating that compensation amount of Rs. 3000/- has been paid to the appellant, Sh. Ravinder Pal
Singh Chadha through demand draft no. 972930 dated 14.07.2015 through registered post. He has
also produced a photostat copy of the demand draft. A copy of the same is taken on record.
On hearing, held on 01.04.2015, Sh. Parampal Singh, A. T. P had already submitted
a reply dated 26.03.2015 to the show cause issued to him vide orders dated 05.03.2015.
After going through the oral-submission and written reply dated 26.03.2015,
submitted by Sh. Parampal Singh, I found that the explanation given by him is genuine. In view of
the explanation, the show cause issued to him is dropped.
Since the orders passed by the Commission has been complied with, the case is
disposed of and closed.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Ravinder Pal Singh Chadha,
30, Banda Bahadur Nagar,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,
First Appellate Authority,
O/o The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,
Appeal Case No. 1540 of 2014
Present :
Sh. Ravinder Pal Singh Chadha, the appellant in person.
Sh. Parampal Singh, Asstt. Town Planner, in person.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. Shakti Sagar Bhatia, Senior
Town Planner, through a reply has stated that copy of the order dated 07.05.2015 was received in
his office on 03.06.2015 and the process of preparing the demand draft for paying the
compensation to the appellant has already been initiated and the same would be delivered to Sh.
Ravinder Pal Singh Chadha shortly and requested for an adjournment in this case..
In compliance to the order dated 09.06.2015, Sh. Parampal Singh, Assistant. Town
Planner, who appeared in person in today’s hearing, submits a letter no. 495 dated 14.07.2015
stating that compensation amount of Rs. 3000/- has been paid to the appellant, Sh. Ravinder Pal
Singh Chadha through demand draft no. 972931 dated 14.07.2015 through registered post. He has
also produced a photostat copy of the demand draft. A copy of the same is taken on record.
On hearing, held on 01.04.2015, Sh. Parampal Singh, A. T. P. had already submitted
a reply dated 26.03.2015 to the show cause issued to him vide orders dated 05.03.2015.
After going through the oral-submission and written reply dated 26.03.2015,
submitted by Sh. Parampal Singh, I found that the explanation given by him is genuine. In view of
the explanation, the show cause issued to him is dropped.
Since the orders passed by the Commission has been complied with, the case is
disposed of and closed.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Amrik Singh,
H. No. 1151/4,
Street No. - 1,
Dutt Road, MOGA (142001)
Public Information Officer
O/o Asstt. Excise & Taxation Commissioner,
(Mobile Wing)
Sector 68, S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
First Appellate Authority
O/o Asstt. Excise & Taxation Commissioner,
(Mobile Wing)
Sector 68, S.A.S. Nagar (Punjab)
Appeal Case No. 3127 of 2014
Present :
Sh. H. S. Hundal, on behalf of the appellant.
Sh. Balbir Singh Bhatti, Excise and Taxation Officer ;
Sh. Karam Giri, Inspector, (Mobile Wing), on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 04.06.2015, Sh. Simrandeep Brar, Assistant
Director (Investigation) and Sh. Karam Giri, Inspector, (Mobile Wing), handed over 130 pages of
information to Sh. H. S. Hundal, who appeared on behalf of the appellant, Sh. Amrik Singh and Sh.
Hundal requested for some time to go through these pages so that he could match the
information supplied to him with the queries raised by the appellant in his RTI request and
subsequently would point out deficiencies, if found in the information supplied.
Sh. H. S. Hundal , who appeared on behalf of the appellant, Sh. Amrik Singh, in
today’s hearing, states that information relating to the list of vehicles mentioned at point No. 1(g)
of the RTI request is still remainng to be supplied by the respondent PIO concerned.
Sh. Balbir Singh Bhatti, Excise and Taxation Officer and Sh. Karam Giri,
Inspector, (Mobile Wing), who appeared on behalf of the respondent, in today’s hearing states
information relating to the 13 vehicles will be made available to the representative of the appellant
before 11.08.2015. Both the representative of the appellant and Sh. Balbir Singh Bhatti, Excise and
Taxation Officer and Sh. Karam Giri, Inspector, (Mobile Wing), have mutually agreed for the same
with a written statement, which is taken on record.
The case is adjourned
to 11th August, 2015 (Tuesday) at 11:00 A. M. in
Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sukhpreet Singh
Ward – 10, Maur Khurd,
P. O. – Maur Mandi,
Tehsil – Talwandi Sabo,
Distt. - Bathinda
Public Information Officer,
O/o The General Manager,
Milk Plant, Bathinda
First Appellate Authority,
O/o The Managing Director,
MILKFED, SCO 153-155,
Sector 34-A, Chandigarh
Appeal Case No. 3539 of 2014
Present :
None on behalf of the appellant.
Sh. R. K. Patel, Deputy Manager(Production)-cum-PIO, in person.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. R. K. Patel, Deputy Manager
(Production)-cum-PIO was directed to make a representation to clarify the fact that as to whether
Hon’ble Justice Ajay Tewari, Judge, Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, has
also stayed the Bench of the under signed for proceeding in this case regarding the show cause
issued to him under Section 20 (1) of the RTI Act, 2005, on 24.02.2015.
The appellant, Sh. Sukhpreet Singh is absent in today’s hearing without any
intimation to the Commission.
Sh. R. K. Patel, Deputy Manager(Production)-cum-PIO, who appeared in person.
in today’s hearing, states that a C.W.P. No. 10668-2015, in this regard, is pending in the Hon’ble
Punjab and Haryana High Court.
The case is adjourned ‘Sine-die’ till the outcome of this Civil Writ Petition.
The parties of this case are free to approach the Commission as per decision of that Civil Writ
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla,
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 466 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, under Section 20
(1) of the RTI Act and a compensation of Rs. 2000/- was awarded to the complainant.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
Complaint Case No. 466 of 2015
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
also sent a reply with regard to action taken report on the RTI request of Sh. Kusla, which is taken
on record.
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable office of Chief Director, Vigilance Bureau,
Chandigarh, submitted that he has come to attend today’s hearing to inform the Bench that
cognizance has been taken regarding the direction made by the bench in its order dated
09.06.2015. He stated that a letter has been written to Sh. Kusla for initiating action on the
direction of the Bench given on 09.06.2015.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that Sh. Kishore
Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, has not filed his reply to
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
Another opportunity is given to Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, to file his reply to the show cause issued to him vide orders
dated 09.06.2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
Sh. Kusla is also directed to inform this Bench that whether he has received the
compensation amount of Rs. 2000/-, which was awarded to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 467 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, under Section 20
(1) of the RTI Act.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
Complaint Case No. 467 of 2015
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
also sent a reply with regard to action taken report on the RTI request of Sh. Kusla, which is taken
on record.
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable office of Chief Director, Vigilance Bureau,
Chandigarh, submitted that he has come to attend today’s hearing to inform the Bench that
cognizance has been taken regarding the direction made by the bench in its order dated
09.06.2015. He stated that a letter has been written to Sh. Kusla for initiating action on the
direction of the Bench given on 09.06.2015.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that Sh. Kishore
Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, has not filed his reply to
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
Another opportunity is given to Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, to file his reply to the show cause issued to him vide orders
dated 09.06.2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 468 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, under Section 20
(1) of the RTI Act.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
Complaint Case No. 468 of 2015
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
also sent a reply with regard to action taken report on the RTI request of Sh. Kusla, which is taken
on record.
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable office of Chief Director, Vigilance Bureau,
Chandigarh, submitted that he has come to attend today’s hearing to inform the Bench that
cognizance has been taken regarding the direction made by the bench in its order dated
09.06.2015. He stated that a letter has been written to Sh. Kusla for initiating action on the
direction of the Bench given on 09.06.2015.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that Sh. Kishore
Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, has not filed his reply to
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
Another opportunity is given to Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, to file his reply to the show cause issued to him vide orders
dated 09.06.2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 469 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, under Section 20
(1) of the RTI Act.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
Complaint Case No. 469 of 2015
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
also sent a reply with regard to action taken report on the RTI request of Sh. Kusla, which is taken
on record.
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable office of Chief Director, Vigilance Bureau,
Chandigarh, submitted that he has come to attend today’s hearing to inform the Bench that
cognizance has been taken regarding the direction made by the bench in its order dated
09.06.2015. He stated that a letter has been written to Sh. Kusla for initiating action on the
direction of the Bench given on 09.06.2015.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that Sh. Kishore
Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, has not filed his reply to
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
Another opportunity is given to Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, to file his reply to the show cause issued to him vide orders
dated 09.06.2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 470 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, Sh. Rajinder Kumar, Assistant
Registrar-cum-APIO, appeared on behalf of the respondent PIO and handed over a CD to the
complainant, Sh. Kusla during the hearing and Sh. Kusla, was advised to go through the contents
of the CD and point out deficiencies, if any.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Complaint Case No. 470 of 2015
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 471 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, under Section 20
(1) of the RTI Act.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
Complaint Case No. 471 of 2015
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
also sent a reply with regard to action taken report on the RTI request of Sh. Kusla, which is taken
on record.
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable office of Chief Director, Vigilance Bureau,
Chandigarh, submitted that he has come to attend today’s hearing to inform the Bench that
cognizance has been taken regarding the direction made by the bench in its order dated
09.06.2015. He stated that a letter has been written to Sh. Kusla for initiating action on the
direction of the Bench given on 09.06.2015.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that Sh. Kishore
Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, has not filed his reply to
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
Another opportunity is given to Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, to file his reply to the show cause issued to him vide orders
dated 09.06.2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,
SCO No. 32-34, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH, Ph. No. 0172-4630054
Visit us @
Sadhu Ram Kusla
S/o Sh. Ram Chand,
H. No. 138, Veer Colony,
Maharaja Aggarsen Road,
Public Information Officer,
O/o The Vice Chancellor,
Punjab Tech. University,
Kapurthala Road,
Complaint Case No. 472 of 2015
Present :
Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, the complainant in person.
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate ;
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable, on behalf of the respondent.
On the last date of hearing, held on 09.06.2015, a show cause was issued to Sh.
Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, under Section 20
(1) of the RTI Act.
The complainant Sh. Sadhu Ram Kusla, who appeared in person in today’s
hearing, alleges that the respondent PIO concerned has not made compliance of the order of the
Commission made on 09.06.2015. He stated that whatever information has been supplied to him
till today is wrong and not according to the queries raised by him in his RTI request.
He stated that wrong information was supplied to him despite the fact that he
explained to the authorities concerned about the information sought for him on 15.06.2015 at PTU
Campus, Jalandhar. He stated that he explained each and every thing regarding the queries raised
by him in his RTI request to the respondent PIO concerned as he was called to discuss this issue
personally by the respondent PIO concerned and Director, Distant Education of PTU, Jalandhar.
He demanded that penal action must be taken against the respondent PIO
concerned as the respondent PIO concerned has shown disrespect to the order of the
Commission on one hand and on the other hand he has violated the provisions of the RTI Act,
which was enacted to bring transparency in the functioning of the public authority to curb
Sh. Piyush Khanna, Advocate, who appeared on behalf of the respondent in
today’s hearing, in his oral submission stated that some sort of communication gap has
developed between Sh. Kusla and the respondent PIO concerned regarding the information, to be
supplied as per queries raised by Sh. Kusla in his RTI request.
Complaint Case No. 472 of 2015
He also requests in writing vide letter dated 15.07.2015 that one more opportunity
be given in this case so that issue could be resolved and relevant information could be supplied
to the information seeker to this satisfaction. It is taken on record.
Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
also sent a reply with regard to action taken report on the RTI request of Sh. Kusla, which is taken
on record.
Sh. Parminder Kumar, Head Constable office of Chief Director, Vigilance Bureau,
Chandigarh, submitted that he has come to attend today’s hearing to inform the Bench that
cognizance has been taken regarding the direction made by the bench in its order dated
09.06.2015. He stated that a letter has been written to Sh. Kusla for initiating action on the
direction of the Bench given on 09.06.2015.
After hearing the parties concerned and examining the documents placed on
record, I am of the considered view that one more opportunity be given to the respondent PIO
concerned so that requisite information could be supplied to the information seeker. This will be
the last opportunity.
If the respondent PIO concerned fails to fulfill his responsibilities, assigned to him
in the capacity of PIO under RTI Act, action would be taken against him as provisions of the RTI
Today’s order of this Bench be read with the orders made on 09.06.2015.
After examining the documents placed on record, it is found that Sh. Kishore
Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, has not filed his reply to
show cause issued to him vide orders dated 09.06.2015.
Another opportunity is given to Sh. Kishore Luthra, Assistant Registrar of Punjab
Technical University, Jalandhar, to file his reply to the show cause issued to him vide orders
dated 09.06.2015 before or on the next date of hearing.
The case is adjourned
to 12th August, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 A. M.
in Chamber, S. C. O. 32 – 34, Sector 17 – C, Chandigarh.
Copies of the order be sent to the parties.
(Chander Parkash)
15th July, 2015
State Information Commissioner
CC :
(Regd. Post)
Sh. Kishore Luthra,
Assistant Registrar-cum-PIO,
Punjab Technical University,