
(Revised on March 5, 2004)
Bernard Lauriol
University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Canada)
February 25th2004.
A. Title
Glacier Margins Fluctuations & Hydrogeomorphological Study of Auyuittuq National
Park (Nunavut – Canada)
B. Date of proposal
February 27th 2004.
C. Investigators
Dr. Bernard Lauriol
60 University St.
P.O. Box 450 Stn. A
Department of Geography
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
Tel.: (613) 562-5800 (x.1050)
Fax: (613) 562-5145
E-mail: blauriol@uottawa.ca
Dr. Ian D. Clark
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
Tel: (613) 562-5800 (x 6571)
E-mail: idclark@uottawa.ca
D. Co-investigators
Denis Lacelle
PhD Candidate
Supervisors Ian D. Clark and Bernard Lauriol
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
Christophe Kinnard
PhD Candidate
Supervisor: Bernard Lauriol
Department of Geography
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
Elyse Butros-Lucier, Mélanie Gervais and Marie-Eve Bélanger
Undergraduate thesis
Supervisor: Bernard Lauriol
Department of Geography
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
E-Field assistant
Jordan Clark
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
D. Table of contents
A. Title
B. Date of proposal
C. Investigators
D. Co-investigators and field assistants
E Table of contents
A. Scope of Project
B. Background Studies
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
iii – Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters and Distribution of Carbonate Crusts
C. Literature Summary
D. Location of Study
E. Intended Use of Results
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
iii – Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters and Distribution of Carbonate Crusts
A. Description of Study Area
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
iii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
iii – Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters and Distribution of Carbonate Crusts
B. Procedures
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
iii – Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters and Distribution of Carbonate Crusts
C. Collections
A. Schedule
B. Budget
A. Publications and Reports
B. Collections
C. Data
D. Other Materials
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i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
iii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
iii – Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters and Distribution of Carbonate Crust
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The studied sites for 2004 are the same than for 2003
A. Scope of Project
In the document « Auyuittuq National Park Reserve: Ecological Integrity Statement » (1998)
the following sentences can be read: « The National Parks Act requires that Parks Canada
maintains the ecological integrity of its Park. In order to fulfill this mandate, park managers need
to know how threats can potentially affect a park’s ecosystem. They need to understand and
detect changes and need to be able to measure the effectiveness of management actions. To date,
such information has not been collected in a systematic way; ecological integrity has not been
monitored in the park […]. As with other Eastern Arctic National Parks, perhaps Auyuittuq’s
major role in the future will be to act as a catalyst in the responsible promotion and
implementation of ecosystem-based management in Canada’s Arctic regions ».
The 2004 research (current application) could be a contribution to these goals. We intend to
study: 1) the mass balance of glaciers; 2) the glacier margin fluctuations; 3) the
hydrogeomorphological phenomena and 4) slopes activities in Akshayuk Pass. These goal could
be used as indicators of rapid environmental change in the Akshayuk Pass. Landscape element
indicators (or geoindicators) are measures of surface or near-surface geological processes and
phenomena that vary significantly over periods 100 years and provide information that is
meaningful for environment assessment. They measure geological (mainly abiotic) variations,
including those related to climate change, that are important for understanding the terrestrial
environment. Geoindicators measure both catastrophic events and those that are more gradual but
evident within a human lifespan (Bergen, 1996).
The scope of the study is to map, detect and understand recent changes in glacier mass
balance, hydrogeomorphology, glacier margins and slope activities in the Akshayuk Pass. This
study is the second year of a yearly monitoring program. This scope is a contribution to the
recommendations issued by the Park Data Plan (Welch, 1984). We intend to continue monitoring
for the following years (2005-2009) if we get the financial support from CRSNG.
B. Background Studies
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
(Genevieve Mercier & Jonathan Wandershoot)
During the summer of 2002-2003, Genevieve Mercier et her field assistant, in collaboration
with Jean Poitevin, observed rapid
retreat of glaciers in the Akshayuk Pass
by comparing glacial snout positions,
using pictures taken in the 1950’s and
the 1970’s (Thompson, 1954; Parks
Canada Ecological Survey).
To evaluate the age of deposition
of moraines from six (6) different
glaciers (Têtes des Cirques, Windy
Lake, Glacier #12, #18, #20, and #20a),
a lichenometric study was conducted
based on size-frequency distribution
and lichen percentage cover analysis.
These measurements provided a record
of glacial fluctuations since the Little
Figure 2: Blocks near Windy Lake
Ice Age, as lichen diameters provide an absolute and relative dating technique for approximately
the last 500 years.
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
(Genevieve Cool, Caroline Couture & Annick Doucet)
During the summer of 2003, one of the phenomena that seemed important in the Akshayuk
Pass, Auyuittuq National Park was the presence of rocks falling along the rock face (Figure 2).
While walking in the trail we could see rocks on the ground ranging in size from one to many
cubic meters. We have also observed that the rocks had different ages by comparing the lichen
coverage on their surfaces. Genevieve Cool monitered rock falls in relation to the slope
exposition in 2003 and Annick Doucet studied the debris flows which occur on the slopes. Theirs
results will be presented during the annual meeting of the Arctic Worshop 2004 at Boulder
iii – Distribution of Carbonate Crusts and Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters
(Denis Lacelle and Jean-Francois Dion)
In 2003, Denis Lacelle and Jean-Francois Dion examined carbonate crusts a few millimeters
thick covering morainic boulders. These carbonate crusts are often associated with the
precipitation of carbonate-rich waters on the rock-surfaces. Precipitation of calcite by expulsion
during freezing of carbonate rich waters is a frequent process in nature. The term cryogenic
calcite is often used to describe these deposits since they are driven by the freezing of water.
Cryogenic calcite deposits were observed by Lauriol et al. (1991) and Clark and Lauriol (1997) as
a result of aufeis formation in northern Yukon. Hubbard and Hubbard (1998), Souchez and
Lemmens (1985) and Hallet (1976) also desbribed cryogenic calcite deposits in a glacial
environment. Most of these deposits were observed in limestone and other calcareous
environment. Auyuittuk National Park rests on Precambrian granitic gneisses terrain (Riley
1951), therefore, the source of CaCO3 needed to precipitate the cryogenic calcite is unlikely
derived from Precambrian bedrock. Using C-O isotope chemistry of the carbonate crusts, we
should be able to determine their formation. Accordingly, the carbonate crusts can be used as
proxies for paleoclimatic indicator and potentially be used as terrestrial analogues for the martian
meteorite ALH84001. Preliminary results indicate a kinetic isotope fractionation during the
formation of the carbonate crusts.
During previous field seasons (2002-2003), Lacelle sampled aufeis ice (near Turnweather
glacier) and glacier ice (Windy G., Niftheim G. and Caribou G.). Isotopic analysis of the ice
samples allows an insight into the origin of the aufeis ice. Preliminary isotopic results from these
ice formation indicate distinct water source for the aufeis and glacier ice, the latter being depleted
by at least 1.4‰ over aufeis ice (Table 1). This suggests that the main water source for the
growth of aufeis might be subpermafrost waters.
Table 1: Isotopic composition of glacier ice and aufeis.
n d18O
4 -22.0 -161.9
6 -21.8 -160.3
4 -23.2 -175.3
8 -20.4 -157.3
C. Literature Summary
Bergen A.R. & W. Iams, 1996: Geoindicators: Assessing Rapid Environmental Changes in Earth
Systems. A.A. Balkema/Totterdam/Brookfield.
Canadian Park Services, 1989: Auyuittuq National Park Reserve Resource Description and
Analysis. Natural Resources Conservation Section, Prairie and Northern Region, Winnipeg,
Deshaye, J., 2000: Vegetation Mapping for Auyuittuq National Park using LANDSAT images.
Field reports, Summer 2000.
Paquet, F. ,2000: Vegetation mapping of Auyuittuq N.P. Nunavut, using Landsat TM Imagery.
Internal report, 15p.
Parks Canada, 1998: Auyuittuq National Park. Ecosystem Conservation Plan and Ic-Auyuittuq
National Park Reserve: Ecological Integrity Statement. Hull, Canada.
Sutherland, M., Seidel, K.H. & J.E. Mines, 1988: Auyuittuq National Park Reserve: An annoted
bibliography. Natural Resource Conservation Section, Prairie and Northern Region, Winnipeg,
Tarnocai, C. & H. Veldhuis, 1998: Soils and trafficability of Pangnirtung Pass, Auyuittuq
National Park Reserve. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Welch, 1984: Auyuittuq National Park Reserve: Park Data Plan. Hull, Canada.
D. Location of Study
As for the season 2002 and 2003, the study area in Auyuittuq National Park will cover the
area from Overlord Cabin to Highway glacier. See included map of study area (Fig. 1).
E. Intended Use of Results
The results obtained from the research period (2002-2004) in the park will lead to:
- two PhD thesis (D. Lacelle and C. Kinnard),
- two Masters thesis (Genevieve Mercier and Yan Troutet)
- five B.A. thesis (Genevieve Cool, Melanie Gervais, Eliane Boutros, Cynthia Marchildson
and Marie-Eve Bélanger).
The results will be transmitted to Parks Canada via the annual report that would include the
themes covered. Also the results should lead to publications in scientific journals (e.g. Journal of
Glaciology, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences) and will be presented in conferences (i.e.
Annual Arctic Workshop).
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
(Bernard Lauriol, Christophe Kinnard, Melanie Gervais)
The project objective of Melanie Gervais and her assistant Jean-Francois Maheu is to
continue the work of Genevieve Mercier, by collecting data using lichenometric techniques on
glacier moraine complexes in the Akshayuk Pass. Next, these observations and results will be
compared with those of Thompson (1954), Davis (1982) and Graham (1997). This is a continuity
of the work done by Genevieve Mercier in previous field campaign.
The project objective of Christophe Kinnard is to continue the work of Jean Poitevin by
measurig snout glacier positions using a Leica Laser Lens. Christophe is doing a PhD in
collaration with Dr. Christian Zdanowicz, from the Geological Survey, Glaciological Division, in
Ottawa. Christophe will be a link between ours results and those from the Geological Survey.
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
(Bernard Lauriol, Marie-Eve Bélanger, Elyse Butros-Lucier)
The research project of Marie-Eve Bélanger is to continue to work started by Genevieve
Cool by dating the age of rock falls and mapping the distribution of those rocks in space and time
in Akshayuk Pass in order to provide a map of rock fall risks. A second objective is to relate the
distribution of the rock falls to climatological parameters (i.e temperature, precipitation,
insolation) and slope of the rock face from which the rocks fell.
The research project of Elyse Butros-Lucier is to continue the mapping and dating of debris
flows and talus accumulations. Observers in the Pass can see large volume of talus at the foot of
rockwalls and large debris flows on the slope. Some of these landforms are active while others
aren’t. One objective of this research is to provide a map showing these differences.
Paul Lafreniere and will be the field assistant for Elyse Butros-Lucier and Marie-Eve
iv – Distribution of Carbonate Crusts and Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters
(Ian Clark, Denis Lacelle and Jordan Clark)
As hypothesized, the carbonate crusts can only originate from the precipitation of carbonaterich waters. The observation aufeis (naled) along the Pass might be an indication of the presence
of highly mineralized subglacial or subpermafrost waters, as aufeis are known to be solute-rich
(Hodgkins et al. 1998). Aufeis are sheetlike mass of ice that forms during the winter where
waters issuing from the ground under hydraulic pressure freezes at the surface (French 1996).
Presently, little is known about the hydrochemistry of this ice and its source waters.
The first objective of this study is to describe the known occurrences of these calcite deposits
and to propose a model of its formation based primarily on the isotope chemistry of calcite (13C,
18O, 14C and 87Sr/86Sr). The second objective is to define the hydrochemical signature of
meltwaters draining the glaciers and hence, identifying potential water source of the aufeis.
A. Description of Study Area
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
The study area for this project will be mainly focus around Summit Lake area (66°36’N;
65°15’W): Highway Glacier, Norman Glacier, Turner Glacier, Rundell Glacier, Caribou Glacier
and Fork Beard Glacier.
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
The study area for this project will focus on the area from Windy Lake Cabin (66°30’N;
65°30’W) to Summit Lake Cabin (66°36’N; 65°15’W) in Akshayuk Pass.
iii – Distribution of Carbonate Crusts and Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters
The study of carbonate crusts and hydrochemical studies of waters implies mapping their
distribution and sampling groundwater around Highway Glacier, as the southern portion of
Akshayuk Pass (Overlord Cabin to Highway Glacier) was investigated in 2002 and 2003. The
results from this investigation should do the object of a publication in a major scientific journal
by the end of 2004.
B. Procedures
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
Methods used for this project are lichenometric techniques, Schmidt-hammer and Leica Laser
Lens measurements. Lichenometric techniques are based on two methods. The first method is
based on size-frequency distribution analysis, while the second method is based on digital lichen
percentage cover analysis.
Field Techniques
Sites are located on stable moraine complexes, especially those positioned on moraine ridges. A
minimum of 300 lichens thalli will be measured per site, each site having a minimum surface area
of 400m2. The specie Rhizocarpon geographicum spp. is the only lichen species taken into
consideration for these measurements. A digital caliper (Appendix B) will be used to measure
the longest thalli axis. Orientation and aspect of each site and the surface temperature of rocks
will be noted.
To calculate the percentage of lichen cover for each site, a digital technique will be used.
Photographs of a minimum of 15, densely populated boulders will be taken. The azimuth and the
size of the rocks will be noted. Pictures will be numbered so that a digital analysis may be
completed in laboratory.
Lichenometric measurements will be used to produce control points and to construct a
lichen growth curve. Control points represent a point of known age and help to estimate the
relation between lichen diameter and the age of the surface.
Boulder weathering will be evaluated with a Schmidt-hammer (Appendix C)
instrument. This non-destructive instrument will measure four R-values on a minimum of 15
boulders per site. This R-value is an
index for rock weathering and
represents a relative dating technique
for moraine complexes.
Hobos (Appendix D) will be
located on various moraines to measure
temperature variations during the
fieldwork season. Pictures will be
taken of the glaciers studied to
compare their snout positions with
during previous
To complement conventional
remote-sensing techniques (satellite
images), a Leica Rangefinder Laser
Locator (Appendix E) was used for
mapping glacier margins. At each
following Figure 3: Size-frequency distribution histogram
methodology for data collection was
all stations are situated between 200-820 meters from glacier margins
proper station selection (i.e. accessibility, stabilization, repeatability, etc.)
data capture for distance, azimuth and elevation angles
GPS reading at monitoring station for periodic observations (option to couple rangefinder
with a GPS) (Appendix A)
Laboratory Techniques
A first serie of analysis will be conducted with the size-frequency distribution results based on the
measurements of the lichens diameter for each site. These analyses will be done with statistical
software named S+, producing graphs similar to Figure 3.
A second serie of analysis will be done for the percentage of lichen cover. A digital
technique is applied with the Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.1 software. Each boulder is
individually analyzed to determine the percentage of the lichen cover (Appendix A).
Schimdt- hammer R-values analysis will be produced using density histograms, similar to
Figure 3, and box plots. Statistics analysis will be conducted using S+ statistical software.
With the control point’s data collected, a lichen growth curve will be constructed. The lichen
growth curve will use also older control points established during previous lichenometric studies.
This lichen growth curve will permit the establishment of ages for the site using the sizefrequency distribution and the lichen percentage cover analysis.
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
The methods used will be the recording of rocks falling on the rock faces, precipitation, and
temperature. Also, we will choose some of our sites for the larger rocks from color infrared
images (1:27K) of 1972, those sites will be studied to see if new rocks have been added since
1972. Their lichens and their acoustic properties will determine the relative ages of the larger
rocks. The slope and aspect of the rock faces, as the insolation value for the Pass will be
calculated from GIS programs.
Field Techniques
Three Hobos (Appendix E) will record the temperature around Mount Thor. In addition
there will be two absolute humidity and relative humidity recorders. These recorders will also
give thermal data. In total there will be five measuring points.
A digital caliper (Appendix B) will be used to measure the lichen on the larger rocks;
also we will photograph each surface of the rock at a distance of 1m to calculate the lichen
Laboratory techniques
In the laboratory, before the fieldwork, block cartography will be done on a topographic map
1:25,000 from aerial infrared color photography in order to choose our study sites. Insolation
maps will be made with Solar Analysis, an Arc View extension. The slope and aspect of the
rock faces will be calculated with PCI Geomatica 8.2.
To study the falling rocks, the audio recording will be numerised by computer (MP3) at
the University of Ottawa. The results will be compared to the meteorological data (temperature,
precipitation and air humidity). Some statistical tests will allow us to determine the influence of
the climatic events on the rocks falling.
With Adobe Photoshop, we will determine the lichen coverage on the surfaces from the
photos taken at a distance of 1m from the rock. These results are going to be compared to those
provided by the lichen diameter to determine their relative ages. We will also compare the
distribution of the rocks with the insolation map, the slope of the rock face, the temperature, and
the precipitation in those areas.
Finally, we will determine the degree of risk along the trail from the number of rocks
present and their ages.
iii – Distribution of Carbonate Crusts and Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters
The study of cryogenic calcite crusts and hydrochemistry of water involves the following
Mapping of the distribution of carbonate crusts. Do we observe cryogenic
calcite on the moraines of all glaciers in the Park, or only a few glaciers? Is cryogenic
calcite found around aufeis?
Sampling the carbonate crusts and groundwater.
Analyzing the geochemistry (major ions and anions) and isotopic
geochemistry (18O and D) of waters to determine if a difference exist between the
hydrochemistry of waters where carbonate crusts are found and where they are absent.
Field techniques
To study the origin of the calcite crusts and the pathways of waters, field measurements are
necessary. We will start with mapping the distribution of these deposits using a hand-held
Garmin-12 Global Positioning System. Approximately 15 g of carbonate powder will be sampled
for laboratory analyses using a chisel and a hammer. The analysis of geochemistry of water will
begin with the in situ measurement of unstable parameters using a Hydrolab Datasonde
Multiprobes (Appendix H). This instrument is designed to measure the following parameters:
temperature, pH, total disolved solids, dissolved oxygen and redox potential (Appendix I). The
Hydrolab will be positioned at one site (to be determined) during the field season. Meltwaters
and springs will be sampled and their unstable parameters will be determined using hand-held
probes (thermometer, pH meter, TDS meter).
Laboratory analyses
Water samples brought back to Ottawa will be analyzed for geochemistry and isotopic
geochemistry (18O and D). The 18O and D will analyzed at the G.G. Hatch Laboratory
(University of Ottawa), while the samples for geochemistry will be sent to the city of Ottawa for
analysis (major ions and anions).
The mineralogy (XRF, XRD) and isotope chemistry (13C and 18O) of cryogenic calcite will
be determined at the G.G. Hatch Laboratory (University of Ottawa). The 87/Sr/86Sr ratio, which
is a proxy for the origin calcium in the carbonate crusts, will be analysed at Carleton University.
The carbonate crusts will be radiocarbon dated at IsoTrace Laboratory (University of Toronto)
to determine their age of formation.
C. Collections
None of the projects involve sampling of materials from the park, except for the hydrochemistry
of ground and surface waters and distribution of carbonate crusts. Approximetaly 100 waters
samples will be collected in 50 ml plastic bottle and analyzed in the laboratory back in Ottawa for
isotopic geochemistry and a few grams (ca. 100 g) of carbonate will also be sampled for calcite
isotope chemistry analyses.
A. Schedule
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
Melanie Gervais, Christophe Kinnard
Arrival date at Pangnirtung: July 10th
Departure date: Around August 12th
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
Bernard Lauriol, Marie-Eve Belanger, Elyse Butros-Lusier
Arrival date: Around July 10th
Departure date: Around August 5th
iii –Distribution of Carbonate Crusts and Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters
Denis Lacelle , Ian D. Clark and Jordan Clark
This team plan to conduct the field component of this study from mid-July to mid-August
2004 in the vicinity of Highway glacier, access permitting from Qikiqtarjuaq. If it is found to be
to harzardous to access this site, we will focus around Caribou glacier where an hydrothermal
spring was observed in 2002 upstream of a small aufeis.
B. Budget
i – Funding sources
Secured: NSERC (Lauriol and Clark),
University of Ottawa and
Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)
ii – Travel expenses (for 1 person)
Airplane ticket: $1500.00
Boat from Pangnirtung to Overlord: $200
iii – Field expenses (for 1 person for duration of 30 days)
Food: $500
Equipment (films et al…): $500
iv – Laboratory analyses and Scientific equipment (for all of projects)
ca. $30,000
v- Lodge at Pangnirtung
200-400 $ for 1 person
A. Publications and Reports
The results obtained from the research in the park will lead to:
- two PhD thesis (D. Lacelle and C. Kinnar),
- three B.A. thesis (Melanie Gervais, Marie-Eve Belanger and Elyse Butros-Lucier).
The results will be transmitted to Parks Canada via the annual report that would include
the themes covered. Also the results should lead to publications in scientific journals (e.g.
Journal of Glaciology, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences) and will be presented in conferences
(i.e. Annual Arctic Workshop).
B. Collections
The collected water and carbonate samples will be used for hydrochemical and isotopic analyses.
The samples should be used in their entirety during the analyses.
C. Data
Mapping will follow cartographic standards (content, scale, etc.). All created databases will be
available on CD-ROM with associated metadata and will be distributed to Nunavut Office,
Auyuittuq National Park and Parks Canada National Office Documentation Center.
i – Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers
Davis, P.T., 1985: Neoglacial moraines on Baffin Island, in Andrews, J.T. (ed.), Quaternary
environments, eastern Canadian Arctic, Baffin Island and western Greenland, Boston: Allen and
Dyke, A.S., 1990: A lichenometric study of Holocene rock glaciers and neoglacial moraines,
Frances lake map area, southeastern Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories, Geological
Survey of Canada, Bulletin 394, 33 p.
Graham, D., 1997: The Neoglacial history of Akshayuk Pass, Baffin Island, Canada, using
lichenometry and rock weathering techniques, Centre for Glaciology, University of Wales,
Aberystwyth. (Mémoire de baccalauréat). http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~gydjg2/baffin.htm
Innes, J.L., 1985: Lichenometry, Progress in Physical Geography 9, 187-254.
Innes, J.L., 1986: The use of percentage cover measurements in lichenometric dating, Arctic and
Alpine Research 18, 209-216.
Locke, W.W. III, Andrews, J.T., Webber, P.J., 1979: A manual for lichenometry, British
Geomorphological Research Group, Technical bulletin, no. 26, 45 pp. (population size-frequency
McCarthy, D.P. & Z. Zaniewski, 2001: Digital analysis of lichen cover: a technique for use in
lichenometry and lichenology, Arctic, Antarctica and Alpine Research 33, No.1, 107-113.
Thompson, H.R., 1954: Pangnirtung Pass, Baffin Island: an exploratory regional
geomorphology, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Montreal, McGill University.
Williams, R.S., Jr. & J.G. Ferrigno, 2002: Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, North
America, United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-J, USGS, 405 p.
ii – Slope Activity of the Glacial Valley
Innes, J.L., 1985: Lichenometry, Progress in Physical Geography 9, 187-254.
Innes, J.L., 1986: The use of percentage cover measurements in lichenometric dating, Arctic and
Alpine Research 18, 209-216.
iii – Distribution of Carbonate Crust and Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters
Clark, I.D. and Lauriol, B. 1997. Aufeis of the Firth River Basin, Northern Yukon, Canada:
Insights into permafrost hydrogeology and karst. Arctic and Alpine Research, 29: 240-252.
French, H.M. 1996. The periglacial environment. 2nd edition, Longman. Harlow. 341p.
Hallet, B. 1976. Deposits formed by subglacial precipitation of CaCO3. Geological Society of
America Bulletin, 87: 1003-1115.
Hubbard, B. and Hubbard, A. 1998. Bedrock surface roughness and the distribution of
subglacially precipitated carbonate deposits: Implications for formation at glacier de Tsanfleuron,
Lauriol, B., Cinq-Mars, J. and Clark I.D. 1991. Les naleds du nord Yukon: Localisation, genese
et fonte. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2: 225-236.
Riley, G.C. 1951. Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1061A,
scale 1:506,808.
Souchez, R.A. and Lemmens, M.M. 1985. Subglacial carbonate deposition: an isotopic study of
a present-day case. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology and Paleoecology, 51: 357-364.
Safety –
1) Each research team will carry a satellite phone, walkie-talkie radio and first aid kit.
To cross streams, each team will have a rope. Everybody followed a first aid and
survival class giving by specialists.
2) C. Kinnard accompanied by D. Lacelle will travel on Highway glacier or Norman
glacier for a mass balance study in relation to the work of the Geological Survey of
Canada. Poles will be implented in the surface of the ice in the spring by C. Kinnard and
C. Zdanowicz. C. Kinnard has a lot of experience in glacier travel.
Polar Bear Safety –
Each team will carry a horn for bear safety.
Access to Study Sites Access to study sites will be done by foot traverse and we will camp near the
Ice Marginal Position of Glaciers in southern Akshayuk Pass and slope Activity of
the Glacial Valley
B.Lauriol, M. Gervais, M.E. Belanger, E. Bustros-Lussier.
Arrival date at Overlord Cabin from Pangnirtung: July 12th
Tete de Cirque: from July 14th to July 18th
Windy Lake Lake Cabin from July 18th to July 24th
Summit Lake Cabin: from July 26th to August 4th
Return to Overlord Cabin around August 10th
Hydrochemistry of Ground and Surface Waters, Distribution of Carbonate
Crusts and ice marginal position of glaciers in northern Akshayuk Pass.
D. Lacelle, I.D. Clark, J. Clark, C. Kinnard
Arrival date at North Pang Cabin from Qikiqtarjuaq: July 15th
Owl river Cabin from July 17th to July 20th
June valley Cabin from July 22th to July25th
Glacier Lake from July 26th to 30th
Return of I.D. Clark and J. Clark to North Pang Cabin around August 5th
D.Lacelle and C.Kinnard to Highway glacier or Norman glacier for mass balance
study from August 1st.
Return to NorthPang around August 12th
Fuel and fuel caches –
We only carry nafta fuel for cooking food. Last year, we lost lots of time to
transport our food and fuel from camp to camp. This year, we hope to cache some food
and nafta in or near the cabins. One bag of food would be left, as well as one 3.5L of
nafta at the cabins (Highway glacier, Windy Lake, Summit Lake). The cache will be put
in place by C.Kinnard and C. Zdanowicz in the spring when they will put in place poles
for a mass balance study. Very resistant bags will be used instead of barrels since we will
be able to easily carry them out of the park in the summer.
Human Waste Management –
Last year, two teams who conducted research ousitde the vicinity of the cabins,
carried small barrels for their waste and emptied them in the toilet facilities at the cabins.
This year, we expect the same procedure to be followed by all the teams. This method should be
easy to implement to everyone. In order to limit the waste, we have reduced our research party to
eight instead of eleven. Four members will access the park by Qikiqtarjuaq and the other four by
Pangnirtung. Most of our research will be based from the cabins.
Garbage Management –
All of the garbage will be carried out of the park as we did last year. Our garbage is
limited to plastic bags containing the food.
Use of Mechanized and Other Equipment The hydrolab instrument (Lacelle et al.) will be left for the duration of the field
research at Owl River near North Pang fjord. Same for Hobo temperature
Chemical Use – N/A
Ground Disturbance – N/A
Animal Welfare – N/A
Parks Canada Assistance – N/A
Wilderness Protection –
We will use the trails for hiking between the cabins and most of the study sites
are outside vegetated zones. Their will never be more than two teams at the same
site at the same moment in order to minimize to impact towards the tourists.
There is no impact associated with these studies.
Nunavut Impact Review Board Information Requirements
Type of species (common name,
associated herd, etc.)
Migratory Birds:
Canid family (wolves, wolverines,
foxes, etc.)
Bears (grizzly, polar, black):
Historical/Archaeological sites:
Important Habitat Area (calving,
staging, denning, migratory
pathways, spawning, nesting,
Critical time periods
(calving, post-calving, spawning,
nesting, breeding, etc.)
1. List the community representatives that you have contacted about this proposed
None contacted.
Community | Organization | Date | How Contacted | Telephone # | Fax #
2. Describe the level of involvement that the residents of Nunavut have had with respect
to the proposed project. Elaborate on local employment opportunities, training programs,
contracts, Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreements (if applicable):
We are using the service of local outfitters to access Auyuittuk National Park. As we are
a large group (8), it generates ca. 1600$ to the outfitters. The students are buying arts and
crafts from the local craft store in Pangnirtung, which supports the local community.
Last year ca. 3000$ were spent in that local store. We are also purchasing some
perishable goods from the local coop store and spending some nights at the lodge.
3. s there a Traditional Knowledge component to this research project? If yes, please
describe. If the traditional knowledge component will occur outside the national park
please ensure you obtain a research licence from the Nunavut Research Institute.
At the moment there is no traditional knowledge component is our project, but we would
like in the future to include this aspect, particularly, the retreat/advance of glaciers in
association with the changing climate.