> (May 1, 2006)
The day started with a prayer by Indian team and the participants continued their group discussion in preparation for the reporting per barangay group.
They were given until 10:00 in the morning to discuss according to the guiding questions of the workshop and prepare the sharing of outputs in a plenary.
Before the group presentation, Ms. Ui took the floor and requested the participants to practice a sort of applause in different languages that will be given after each presentation to wit:
Good good very good
Galing galling ang Galing
Laoh laoh laoh nas
Eyo eyo tottemo eyo
(Sri Lanka : Sinha la )
Hondai hondai Bohoma Hondai
(Bangladesh: Bengali)
Balo balo Khub Balo
(India: Telu g u)
Bagande bagande challa Bagande
The reporting started at exactly 10:20 in the morning.
Moderator: UI Shiori
1 st Presenter: Barangay Del Pilar
Why PAD?
Lack of participation
Top-down approach not effective
Limited scope of empowerment
Lack of convergence of resources
Lack of collaboration
Lack of transparency and accountability
Capability Building (All levels, sectors)
Capability Building of coordinators, actors, organizers)
Getting all institutions involved from the start
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Improved coordinative and communication processes
Setting up space for feedback mechanism including monitoring and evaluation
Building on what was there and transforming them
Networking at the local level (sectoral and multi-sectoral)
Focus on common issues for all/most
Clear lines of communication
Avoid competition and promote collaboration/complementation
More democratic relationship among key players through value formations among themselves with action-reflection-action praxis
Putting right leaders (Primary and secondary)
Sector/Stage Planning Implementation
PO Full participation
- Actual
- Monitoring
(internal –
GO/LGU including transparency)
- Resource - Facilitator
- Initiator
- Collator
- bringing
- Provide cost counterpart
(labor, materials)
Project implementation evaluator
Process evaluator
For all
Promotion of People’s Participation:
Acknowledge presence of different sectors
Integration of Plans (Program, Projects and Activities or PPAs)
Trust building , through values formation, transparency, information sharing
Institutionalization of Sustainability Mecahanims
Establish collaborative mechanism
Networking, resource sharing/mobilizing
Strengthening POs
Increasing people’s of ownership through conscientization process
Issue-based community organizing
Salient Points/Clarifications:
Q: How about the last page of the guide questions, how do you cope up with the emerging issues?
Response: Sorry but we did not discuss about the issues that cut across in
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Q: Why did you consider NGO as external monitor? Is that the role of NGO?
Response: Some IADs has built-in funded internal monitoring. But in other areas the evaluation is done by a certain group specialized in monitoring.
Q: Is there an advantage/disadvantage?
We did not follow the guide questions one by one but we did discussed the
important points.
Regarding networking we discussed it and learned some from Del Pilar
activity. We got the idea about networking system.
Q: Maybe for the benefit of other groups, what are the issues that we addressed using the issue-based CO and what are the learnings of the LCO,
MDC and Local Leaders?
The starting point is the land issue by mobilizing the barangay sector.
Dynamism of organized group able to identify certain issues that
continuously binds them. They approached certain GOs but were
hampered because they did not trace the owner of the land. The
Municipal Government took initiative for government housing for the poor
people. Such issues sustain them alive.
Q: How long did they achieve the result?
Response: Still on the process. The LGU is still looking for funds to purchase the land.
Q: A participant raised the following issues on:
The land reform issue was not shared which is a constraint point of
The approach is to improve the quality of life but the Kumboy is not aware.
MBN is not achieved but many people are talking about it
Issue-based approach is difficult to convene for SIAD processes
Small salary of laborers/workers
Response (Mayor Federiso):
On the issue of low salary of laborers/employees, so many owned a small area in the community. That is why we cannot solve the salary of laborers. For the municipal workers they received P196 daily.
Based on MBN P5,000/month is below the poverty line. We have not gone to solve this problem because income of their land is not enough to support the family (e.g., 1 hectare with 10 children to feed). We cannot establish yet on how to solve the salary of the laborers.
On agrarian reform until now lands were not distributed to owners.
Beneficiaries are not also trained in SIAD process that is why they neglected the area.
This issue is not only in New Corella but also in other places. How can this be put into priority issue in PAD since this issue is conflicting with the government issue.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
2 nd Presenter: NEW CORTEZ
Why PAD?
For process participation
For community development
For people’s empowerment/ownership
People’s involvement in decision-making
For sustainability of development process
For people contribution
For common direction
For good governance
Community organizing
Organizational development and strengthening
LGU-NGO-PO collaboration
Creation of BMT, PMC
Linkage building
Capacity building
Exchange, exposure, benchmarking
Strengthening of barangay councils, community
Role of stakeholders:
Active participation
Honest and trusted
Voluntary service
Community friendly
People’s Participation:
Ownership given to community
Involvement in the process
Capacity building
Dialogue and consultation
Sustainability mechanisms:
Community organizing
LGU-NGO-PO collaboration
VMGO known to community
Ensure support
Legal support of LGU
Shared responsibility
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Decentralization Process:
Bottom-up system
Addressing people’s demand
Efficient delivery of services
Flow of information
Giving of authority to all sectors
How to cope up with emerging issues:
Stakeholders interest
Lots of demands/issues/needs
Level off
Prioritize people’s demands
Lack of funds
Resource mobilization
Salient points/Clarifications:
Q: Do you have any other issues that you want to discuss this afternoon?
Response: We have different set of norms and different government policies
(suited in the Philippines but not workable in Bangladesh and Cambodia) but we discussed it already. Maybe we will share these afternoon issues that we cannot answer.
Q: What are the advantage/disadvantage (+ & - points) in the institutionalization of PAD?
The advantage is it is more effective as we saw in the barangay and the
municipality. The mayor is active. With this process there are so many
advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages are so many. The delivery of the services to the people is
faster than before. People knew their rights. People’s involvement is also
People understand that they form part as representative of the BDC. In
New Cortez members reached to 32 members. The disadvantage is more
on LGU leaders who have personal interest but we cannot do with it
because of transparency.
Q: Does the PO have a clear agenda when they sit at the EBDC?
We can only talk with Brgy. New Cortez. There is a very clear agenda
when they sit at the EBDC.
Information were already disseminated to them before sitting in.
Planning process starts at the purok level and bring their interest at the
EBDC meeting to raise their concerns.
Q: How about the LCEs flexibility of the budget?
Response: The Mayor has discretion in terms of budget.
Also a bigger issue is if other NGO will enter into the barangay, there
might be a duplication of program from other NGO.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
As process check, Mariper requested the body to include issues that are not resolved in their level. She further stated that she wanted to put some systems or order so it would be better to raise conflicting issues so that they can be considered in the processing and synthesis session.
3 rd Presenter: BRGY. LIMBAAN
Why PAD?
Bottom-up for planning and budgeting
Transparency (openness and awareness)
Holistic participation in development
Stakeholders have a role in the development
Purok consultation
Formation of EBDC
Capacity building of all stakeholders
Benchmarking indicators
Set-up different committees for PM&E
Community organizing
strengthening of PO
Taho sa barangay
General assembly
Active participation in the EBDC
How to build capacities of key actors: through field visit, exposure to other barangay, homestay, international workshop, training.coaching by PO
How to sustain the LSB?
regular meeting of LSB
Policy and resolution
Leadership of local people through SIAD
Spirit of volunteerism
Policy advocacy:
municipal resolution and resolution support SIAD process and strategies
MOA between NGO and GO
GO led: Strong sense of ownership, political commitment and sustainability
NGO Led: preparing the grassroots to participate
PO led: People empowered
GO led: Passive attitude of community, community will be not well-organized/mobilized, nepotism
NGO led: create dependency of LGU and PO, loss of people ownership of the process
PO led: difficult to convince LGU and other partners
NGO led: how PO participate, what role played?
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
How PO led the PAD what is the result?
Roles of the different stakeholders:
main participant
partners with LGU
provide voluntary services
human resources
contribute financial assistance
collect ideas, issues, concerns from the respective sectors
member of monitoring team
capacity building
community organizing of all stakeholders
technical assistance and trainings
IEC advocacy member of monitoring team
provide funds
support people initiative for advocacy
regular budget allocation to barangay development projects
member of monitoring team
provide financial assistance
promote local production
assists IGPs
People’s Participation:
How to create a balance between process and tangible gains?
gradual change in level of participation
constant education, awareness of their participation
support of barangay chairperson
strong political will
How do we promote/develop relationship based on trust among stakeholders?
informal communication (personal communication, informal interaction)
formal communication
Taho sa barangay
(the group did not mention)
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
routinary process of the government, became less innovation, less dynamic
train a resident of barangay
empower the people
Resource mobilization
comprehensive plan of all stakeholders are integrated into the
barangay development plan
Maximize resources
look for internal resources
organize POs with SIAD process
Comprehensive planning guidelines
the Philippine has local government code as guide for decentralization but its up to the LGU to implement that guidelines
Salient points/Clarifications:
It’s an observation that there was no organizing of agrarian reform
beneficiaries. It also came out in the other group’s presentation.
For a non-devolved area like ARMM still the remaining issue is how do
they apply the PAD process in this area.
There was also an observation that for example in the health sector not all
plans by all partners in the community related to health are incorporated
in the health plan of the barangay (e.g., 1 PO which had a plan of
providing assistance to BnB) but it was not integrated in the health plan of
the barangay. What came out as a very strong recommendation is a clear
cut guideline for the planning process from the MPDO.
There was also a suggestion to gather all partners in the community which
had plans for health and then consolidate this and put this in the
barangay development plan.
Health issue does not have much attention in SIAD in New Corella
There was a coop in Brgy. Limbaan that has a budget of more than 5
Million pesos but we don’t know where they invested the money. To avoid duplication of program in the barangay, the Barangay Captain needs to know how to utilize the resources. And also the budget from the municipality allocated for BDP are to be integrated into NGO and coop budget so they can see the whole picture of the resources invested in the
Barangay Development Plan. After our visit we had a short meeting and the Barangay Captain made a presentation but there was no budget sharing on the contribution of the NGO and coop to the barangay.
At this point, Mariper clarified the group of which coop they are talking about and what is that 5 M funds. The group responded that Guadalupe has this 5 M funds.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Additional Comment:
The coop has programs on infrastructure, spring development and solar
dryer. They said they commit to implement this but it was not clear. And
to implement this they need to spend their investment (5 M ). They do not
know how to integrate it to the Brgy. Limbaan development plan. Their
explanation is not clear, we do not know which purok are they investing.
Reactions from the participant in relation to the 5 M funds:
I think I got the issue that was raised. The grasp understanding with the
word asset should be cleared here. When we say asset it is not money. It
is all that you have like building and equipment. Those are assets or
properties. This is not cash which you will budget but these are
properties of the coop or of the association. So they did not show how
they are using their asset because that is not money. Those are in the
form of building and equipment. They just put a value into it and that is
their total asset.
Those assets were accumulated, some were grants from other NGOs. With
the long existence of the coop (10 years) its assets was accumulated that
reaches 5M.
What they had reported is just the budget of the PO which was not
included in the plan because it is their own money. The barangay also
have budget for their own plan.
Before the presentation of another group Mariper verbalized that while listening to the concerns raise her reflection is that when they go to a certain community whether in New Corella or in other areas how are they intervening. Are they bringing in their own biases in the community because they think that is how the community should go forward? Or are they respecting the rights-based wherein this is really what the community has to have as their priority. She added that she is just raising it now because it seems that they are trying to look into the cases based on what they think are the important based on their own measurement. If they will go through the concept of PAD they are only one of the stakeholders. There is the community and there are other people as well.
4 th Presenter – BRGY. SUAWON:
Why PAD?
to empower the community to prepare, participate and identify their needs and prioritization
people are depending on the government support to basic social services
to build the transparency and accountability
to prepare the plan for collection of resources
goal of sustainability
PO/NGO/GO and other stakeholders should take responsibilities in the area development
The trend of decentralization
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Economic development through equal access and equitable distribution of resources
Efficient and effective delivery of basic social services
Process and Strategies in PAD?
According to focus group, the process and strategies appropriate
Based on the points, like area situation, background of community, awareness levels and information access, we have to make plans
How to build the capacities of key actors?
PO: training, exposure, interaction with different stakeholders
Local elected members/officials: convergence meeting, interface with different stakeholders, trainings
Local government units: convergence meetings, training, interface with different stakeholders
How to sustain LSB?
meeting should be regular
formation and revisit of the plans
Policy advocacy: timely information dissemination to LSB
If NGO Led, how PO participate, what role played?
Peoples’ role will be like implementer and initiator
Advantages and disadvantages of GO/NGO/PO led PAD:
Availability of resources to support
GO forced to include their own plan in
PPA of the community development plan
Less priority to people
Project in community can be utilized as political means or
They accept people’s plan
People utilize their capacities, abilities, a knowledge
Appropriate to their own needs
People can develop ownership personal interest
Less financial resources less ownership of people
Creation of dependence to NGO
Limited knowledge, information and the skill to facilitate
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Roles of the stakeholders:
Identify their problems and prioritize them so they can express their problems
Facilitating role
Fund sourcing
How do we promote a relationship based on trust?
Influencing policies/programs, giving the appropriate services, including people’s needs in their plan
Giving services, financial supports according to the needs
Direct implementation, transparency and accountability (PO, NGO, GO) regular meetings
Involving people in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation
How do we create a balance between process and tangible gains?
Analyzing what they had done and make a plan again after the completion of each activity.
Positive and negative points of PIAD Institutionalization
Only positive points. People’s Participation and transparency of transaction.
Institutionalizing the sustainable mechanisms, people-based, mobilizing resources from different stakeholders with their linkages and lobbying.
Issues on donor/NGO dependence, leader-centered
Resource Mobilization
Timely information dissemination through PO at village level
How to maximize resources from all sources?
lobbying, convergence meetings
creating impact
Issues that cut across:
How is the decentralization process of the government? Local government code of the Philippines need for amendment no equal provision of funds
How to cope up with the emerging issues/concerns?
policy advocacy
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
convergence of resources
Salient points/Clarifications:
Q: Do you have any feedback on sustainability mechanism done by the people in the area?
Response: People got some schemes from the government but other sources are not existing. There is a gap since people have less resources.
To mobilize more resources. To start their group savings and not too be
dependent with the government.
There was a reduction of women’s group from 65 to 25 members but they
are still active in participating the EBDC. EBDC has 40 members
including other sectors and convene regularly as mandated by law.
Q: How do Paramma and Ramanamma see the tribal group in Suawon. Are there similarities with their own group?
The group is very good especially when it comes to the women’s group. Up
to the implementation of project is okey.
They suggested to them to start savings regularly and to get registered to
women’s group to have more sources
Political leaders are not involved during the 2 meetings. All the groups
presented nicely but there were no local officials present.
There are barangay officials present during the 2 days interaction but did
not present themselves who they were individually during the meeting.
Q: With regards to women’s group we visited a handicraft group. There is no equity in terms of wages. Employer-employee problem is bringing in, why was this? All the members of the women’s group should be equal in terms of their pay (they are working hard to have a better product). Hiring other women with cheaper wage of P100/day is disappointing.
Response: In Del Pilar the average income per labor depends on the output per meter. Average pay is P100/day but you can have more if you can finish more. Two persons get P150 pesos so P75 each for laborer.
Are they doing it in the store or in the house? If done in their house they
have the availability of time. How was the system? Maybe we are misled
or they do it at home and work depending on their availability.
The P75 is not an 8 hours work. The minimum wage in Davao del Norte is
P190/day for an 8 hours work. To have below daily wage is not a good
practice. It is against the labor law.
We should understand things in proper context. Mayumi presented two
types of POs. In violating their rights do they see this as an issue? But we
cannot do anything since there are other competitors. Maybe the
community were hesitant to share because they do not see this as an
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
New Corella is one of the favorite places for Kumboy, hence the BLGU
raised the policy that only the people who resides in New Corella will be
hired to do farm labor.
Issue on equity has a lot more to do.
We tried to facilitate how it will be resolved. We suggested to federate
themselves because it will increase their power. They are now trying to
federate themselves (Kumboy).
We have Kumboy to increase income since we have problems in the buying
price of the farmers product (low-buying price hence low profit in the farm).
If we can demand higher buying price then there will be no problem in
paying the labor. If the quality of the product of the farmers will increase
then we can give higher wages.
5 th Presenter: POBLACION:
Why PAD?
transparency and accountability
autonomy “people is the subject” for the people, of the people, by the people
Process and strategy in PAD:
LGU’s commitment (MOA) and legal basis
Large range of involvement, involvement of different sectors
Situation Analysis giving basic platform for SIAD = Minimum
Basic Needs conducted
Through PRA (Participatory Rapid Appraisal), key actors identified
Extention of network among different sectors --- Extended
Barangay Development Council
Participatory Planning – 5 year development plan/annual investment plan and budget
Approval of plan and budget by Barangay Council with confirming by Municipal LGU
Regular monitoring and feedbacking to make change (flexibility assured)
Capacity Building to stakeholders
Awareness building
Skill training
If GO or NGO only led…. High demand or expectation, People think it another “project”
If NGO led. Financing will be faster and easier.
With POs involvement, commitment of community will be stronger
Utilization of existing institution (= Purok – Barangay) with innovation
Roles of different Stakeholders:
Initiate community needs and responses
Involvement of POs and different sectors
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Providing feedbacks
activate functionaries
allocate/provide funds
assure legislative procedure
assure general welfare of constituents
Coordination role
Institutionalize participatory mechanism and innovation
Technical support
At initial stage providing/creating the common platform
Provide funds
Provides information and experience sharing
Continuous coaching (= support through LCOs)
giving of funds
joint monitoring and evaluation
Promotion of people’s participation
assuring transparency
performance of officials
continuous innovation/improvement htrough feedbacking
continuous/regular reporting
recognition by LGU
timely funding according to the plan
providing venue to clarify doubts and concerns
increasing awareness through information sharing
How to institutionalize sustainability mechanism?
to have common system through integration among stakeholders
through “proper” planning and identifying areas of contribution, resources can be mobilized
* Decentralization process is the key for participatory governance
Salient points/Clarifications:
Q: Is there any problem in your lending policy?
Response: We have set our policies for lending, and one of these is the criteria created. We have a committee to screen the recipient of our project.
Q: Is SIAD non-partisan? Was the SIAD process affected by the partisan politics in the barangay:
Response: We have not observed that in the barangay if there are nonpartisan politics. Only problem observed are within the PO.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Q: How is the SEED Project integrated with the SIAD Process. If you can clarify more related to this matter? There was a statement from the
Barangay Kagawad that IPHC works independently.
Q: SEED activity is not integrated with the process of SIAD. So would there be a space of possibility for them to be more active or to take part of the process?
It bothers me a lot that IPHC works independently in the area. If there is
any room for improvement we would appreciate it very much.
It is not so clear how SEED project integrated into SIAD. How will SEED
complement to make SIAD more comprehensive. This is the key point that
needs to be clarified.
At this point in time, Mariper asked the participants if there are any points that they feel missing and to be discussed further in the big group this afternoon.
Responses from the participants:
SIAD process is good but can we have more focus on the health sectors.
How does this comprehensive SIAD process contribute to health sector?
How could we focus on health sector with the SIAD Process in New Corella?
As a challenge, Mariper threw the following questions to the big group:
How are we intervening? Are we bringing our biases in the community? Or are we bringing the right-based issues in the community.
Which concerns/problems/measurement are we bringing in when we work in our community?
The morning session ended at 12:50 noon and was followed with a buffet lunch.
The afternoon session resumed at 2:30 with an ice breaker to energize the participants.
Moderator: Mariper Mercader
Mariper explained that what they did this morning is to come up with their learnings based on the cases presented as well as with the field exposure.
She then proceeded with her presentation of the processing/synthesis based on the previous discussion.
Mariper started the synthesis with the sharing on the elements of PAD and how these elements were seen in the learnings presented by the participants from the case presentation and barangay visit.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Summary of Commonalities as the ELEMENTS of PAD:
Pink Cards:
Environment Nurturance
Green Cards:
- devolution process
peace and order condition
external donors
Livelihood Development
Empowerment of the People
- savings mobilization
- micro-credit support
- community organizing
Policy Advocacy
Multi-sectoral Cooperation
Capability Building
- Youth, political leaders, women, GO,
NGO, PO, Community
Other sectors, purok
- Use of existing structure for service Effective & Efficient
Delivery of Basic Services delivery
- Maximization of volunteer workers
No to gender & other biases
Increase budget allocation
- Focus on women
Technology Development - Innovations on planning, monitoring,
project implementation
organic farming
HCF, appropriate technology
Sustainability/Continuity - Group savings
Increase level of awareness of the community
Mariper also stated that people will demand the process hence SIAD will continue. She then proceeded by presenting the issues that arise during the case presentation or the issues that are pointed as disadvantages.
Yellow Cards:
GO led – passive community
NGO led-create dependency
PO led –difficulty to convince other partners
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
GOs routinary process result to less innovation
She also presented the issues to be discussed and to be resolved and to put to an end at the end of the 8-day workshop.
Blue Cards:
- How to avoid duplication of services? “Coordination Policy”
- How do we consolidate plans, resources? At different levels?
- How do we level off stakeholders interest?
- How do we balance NGO/GO Biases/priorities with community needs?
- How do we bring community to focus on Health?
- How can we apply PAD in a non-devolved area?
- How is SEED integrated in SIAD?
- How do we share roles/position?
- How do we respond to “Equity” Issue in PAD?
- What about the Land Ownership Issue?
- Low wages/salary by POs
- How about the poorest of the poor?
- Issue-based organizing
After the presentation of the synthesis, Mariper asked the body on how they wanted the things to be discussed, should it be in plenary or not. The group agreed to have the discussion in plenary.
ISSUES/CONCERNS/QUESTIONS that need further discussion:
1. How do we level off stakeholder’s interest? How to avoid duplication of
services? How do we consolidate plans, resources at different levels? How
accountable the POs are to the community and the barangay?
Q: Is there a policy that prevents duplication of services?
(New Corella experience) Accreditation of NGO and MOA signing between stakeholders, Government and NGO decides on the type/kind of partnership and agree on the process to be undertaken by both partners. Encourage the people to exercise transparency in all transaction.
(Talaingod experience) The intervention of any organization will contribute to the realization of the vision of the municipality.
Stakeholders (NGO, PO) actively participates in the planning process
(Barangay level) Business sectors or any NGO wanted to engaged with the barangay level must attend the barangay session to inform the council on the NGO/sector programs and projects. Roles of stakeholders will also be defined. Legal accreditation will be check by the Brgy. Council. The Brgy. Council will then authorized the Brgy.
Captain to enter into an agreement with the NGO. Open discussion on the nature of the project as well as its limitations is also important.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
(Likas) Network of NGO at National level has developed “Code of
Ethics” which all NGO has to follow.
Philippine Council for NGOs also exists who helps the Network of
NGO coordination network in the Phils. is very strong with check and balance among NGOs which includes transparency of funds
New trends (ODA): Funder course through its funds to the LGU. NGOs will prepare proposals & present to council for approval.
- Disadvantage: there are LGUs who would request special negotiations for
that NGO to be accepted.
Through ODA foreign funding are course through the LGU. The decision is at the LGU level. Some NGOs are donor dependent. Being like it some NGOs will have difficulties in balancing.
LGU is the one endorsing the NGO to work in the area
(India experience) LGUs supported the NGOs. 85 NGOs in one district
POs who will allow direct purchased can avail of cheaper price on materials and equipments than bidding by the government.
(Cambodia) Installation of GIS (geographical information system) provides information on specific NGOs (nature/operation) which is accessible to all (GO,other NGO,funders). NGO local forum is also conducted. Multisectoral planning is also utilized (GO. NGO, funder, other sector) where indicators are set. All NGOs who would like to join has to adopt the indicators being agreed. Village health support group represent the grassroots level and they are being consulted on health issues & concern. There are different technical working groups representing different sector involved in planning which are then consolidated into the national anti-poverty plan.
There is a need to come up with a consolidated plan of all stakeholders (data base) at the village level. This could be used for monitoring purposes.
2. How do we balance NGO, GO priorities with community needs?
(Philip) Minimum Basic Need survey results are relayed to the community. Analysis of the result of the survey is crucial but the perception of the peoples need has to be considered also.
All stakeholders has to focus all interventions based on their own needs (SIAD process).
Advocacy will help each community member realized what they need against their perceived needs.
Transparency of the NGOs is also important for the community to understand its limitations.
The community people will really have to say what kind of intervention, type of intervention, timing of intervention etc.
encouraging participation of the poorest among the poor, empowering them will lead them to actively participate in their development at a higher level.
3. How do we bring the communities to focus on Health?
(Mayor) 65% is below poverty line. We orient the people to participate for us to know their situation
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
(Cambodia) Not only health sector is involved but there are other sectors involved in health undertaking.
(Ui) Basic needs should be identified in the community since we have also our weaknesses and limitation. Transparency is one of our strengths.
Convergence of intervention
4. How do we respond to “EQUITY” issue in PAD? What about the land
ownership issue? Low wage/salary by POs? How about the poorest of the
poor? (issue-based organizing).
(Bangladesh) PO want to developed on our own. Not to depend on others. Savings among members is encouraged. PO protecting the children, women’s rights we are doing on our own through participation.
(India) Women were organized. Venue for discussion, opportunity to sit with other members in the village and discuss things among themselves.
Low wage/salary for POs has to be balance with viability of their enterprise and competition among stable business stakeholders.
(IPHC) on the part of the CO creating job for the PO is a small victory.
Through the Kumboy they were able to build their houses in concrete materials. But before their houses are made of sacks. We are still looking for some other means to increase their income. This is just the beginning for them to be more participative in community activities.
(IPHC) As compared with the previous situation, women with P75/day is already worth recognizing since in the past they have no opportunities like this.
(India) wages issue is a slow process. All aspect has to be studied.
(Mayumi) How to narrow the gap between the poor and the rich – Is
SIAD really responding? Based on her experience although the commitment is there but most of the time it was put aside.
(IPHC) providing livelihood to the poorest among the poor is not that easy. The issue of equity cannot be responded right away. But by little by little it can be answered. It has to be look into a very comprehensive manner.
(Sri-lanka) The poor were being used before for the GO/NGO to have some funds for the project then just go. A lot of projects has been installed but they themselves in the community don’t know about the project. They later started to organize themselves and do some planning. These plans are presented to the GO and most of these plans are not accepted. Education , awareness raising have contributed to the environmental protection. At present they are now empowered and they can already express what they want.
(New corella) helping the very poor will really take TIME. We are moving towards equity. This has also to be related to the Macro level
– national and even global level. Multi-level intervention is already started. Commitment, sincere participation of the poorest among the poor as well as continuous education and awareness raising for them are vital.
Equity has always to be in the agenda.
Critical collaboration is very important also.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
At this point, Mariper presented the Empowerment Process as an input to be considered. She emphasized that people in the community can participate only after their basic needs are met and they are provided with access to utilize resources. This will be the start that they can understand their situation through the guidance of an NGO or a helping institution. Once the community understood this, taking action would be easy.
BASIC NEED LEVEL (resources)
ACCESS LEVEL (utilize existing resources)
AWARENESS (understand and analyzed present situation in a structural way)
TRANSFORMATION LEVEL (change in policy)
Mariper added that the empowerment process should be think of very critically. She then continued with the discussion on the remaining issues identified beforehand.
5. How SEED is integrated in SIAD?
Started as livelihood support to SIAD
Provide capital for the entrepreneurial poor and not the poorest among the poor
There are different microfinance groups, even banks are now existing in the area (competition).
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Coordination among the groups has to be built. Forum among all microfinance groups operating in the area was initiated but they did not attend except IPHC.
Clients has been given big loans as big as 500 Thousand
There still lot of things to improve towards integrating SEED in the
SIAD process.
6. How can we apply PAD in a non devolved area?
Coordination with the regional level
(IPHC) started health as an entry point
Convergence of resources for there are lot of donors
Provision of livelihood (e.g. rebel returnees) indirectly improving peace and order situation.
May allocate funds for capacitation for peace & development.
7. How do we share roles/position?
Cooperative Law of the Philippines does not allow relatives occupying close positions (eg. Chairman & treasurer) in other organizations it depends on the policy they have drafted.
IPs have low chances of being voted upon since Filipinos would really vote for their relatives. Popularity also is a big factor in winning a certain elected position.
Political education plays a crucial role in the electoral process
Decision making, organizing, transparency will be very much affected if all the officers are relatives.
8. In what conditions where PAD is not applicable?
In communist areas
Still necessary even in rich countries for transparency, coming together is important.
If there is hostility among the stakeholders? Perhaps innovations have to be developed.
After the discussion, Mariper summarized what have been discussed by presenting the shift in the development approach to wit:
“What” of the development
Development “for whom”
“How” of development
Development “by whom”
Blueprint development
Large/Big projects
Top down
Modern technology
Highly centralized
Learning Process
“Small in beautiful” project
Appropriate technology
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Outside intervention Internal knowledge
Before she ended her session she expressed her hope that the participants are now prepared to do their POAs.
Moderator: UI Shiori
Ms. Ui took the floor and showed to the participants where they had gone through so far in terms of the process flow of the workshop. Having done with it, she also presented the guidelines in making their POAs.
Points of Actions
What learnings/insights are applicable to your area? (Per team/area)
How will you make a difference?
Your action
As a team
As an individual
* Maximum of 10 minutes/per person.
* Presentation and Comments
* Visual aids can be used.
Some adjustments on schedule were discussed. After some other announcements were made, the session ended at 7:00 in the evening. All the participants started working on their POAs till late evening.
International Workshop on Participatory Area Development
April 25-May 2, 2006/Davao City & New Corella, Davao del Norte, Philippines