Catalog Volume 2, Number 2 July 2007 Quality Books at Bargain Basement Prices! Social Sciences Sub-catalog To order, indicate the number of each title that you want in the QUANTITY (QTY) column. Any/All titles that you do not want can be deleted: Highlight at least one cell in the row(s) to be deleted. Right click. Choose ‘Delete Cells’ and then ‘Delete entire row’ To place your order with us, attach the file(s) with your desired titles to an email and send it to: Use <CNTRL-F> to search for title or author keywords. Social Sciences 840 Titles Author Publisher Pub $ Our Price California. 17.95 $6.00 Title/ISBN: FMT. A Share of the Harvest: Kinship, Property, & Social History Among the Malays of Rembau.ISBN:0520080866 PB Michael Peletz Academic Scribblers. ISBN:0691059761 PB William Reit & Roger L. Ransom Princeton. 19.95 Adam Smith & the Origins of American Enterprise: How America's Industrial Success was Forged by the Timely Ideas of a Brilliant Scots Economist. ISBN: 0312285523 HB Roy C. Smith St. Martin's. 23.95 Adaptive Dynamics: The Theoretical Analysis of Behavior. ISBN: 0262194538 HB 66.57% J.R.R. Staddon MIT. 68.00 22.00 19.95 Adaptive Radiations in Prehistoric Panama. ISBN:0873659058 PB O.F.Linares Peabody Museum. Addressing Postmodernity: Kenneth Burke, Rhetoric, & a Theory of Social Change. ISBN: 0817310630 PB Barbara A. Biesecker Alabama. Araceli Damián Ashgate. Adjustment, Poverty & Employment in Mexico. ISBN: 0754613690 You Save: NDJ 119.95 $6.00 69.92% $7.50 68.68% $8.50 87.50% $6.00 72.73% $7.50 62.41% $10.00 91.66% Administering the Taylor Law: Public Employee Relations in New York. ISBN:0875461638 NDJ Advocate & Activist: Memoirs of an American Communist Lawyer. ISBN:0252020308 HB Aesthetics of Action: Continuity & Change in a West African Town. ISBN:1560982357 HB Kris L. Hardin Affirmative Action & Racial Preference: A Debate. ISBN: 0195148940 HB Carl Cohen & James P. Sterba Oxford. 30.00 After the Hurricane: Linking Recovery to Sustainable Development in the Caribbean. ISBN: 0801856248 HB Phillip R. Berke & Timothy Beatley Johns Hopkins. 58.00 Aftermath of Defeat: Societies, Armed Forces, & the Challenge of Recovery. ISBN:0300058535 HB ed. George J. Andreopoulos, et al Yale. Against Capital Punishment: The AntiDeath Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994.ISBN:0195132491 PB Herbert H. Haines Oxford. NDJ Thomas Scharf Berg. 75.00 PB Charles Heckscher, et al Oxford. 24.50 Alternative Capitalisms: Geographies of Emerging Regions. ISBN: 0340763213 PB Robert N. Gwynne, et al Arnold. 35.00 Amazonia: Territorial Struggles on Perennial Frontiers. ISBN: 0801866618 HB Paul Little Johns Hopkins. 47.00 Ambiguous Relations: Kin Class & Conflict Among Komachi Pastorialists. ISBN:0874743060 HB Daniel Bradburd Smithsonian. 32.50 American Century: Consensus & Coercion in the Projection of American Power. ISBN:0631212221 PB American Dream in Black & White: The Clarence Thomas Hearings. ISBN: 0801485614 PB American Kin Universe: A Genealogical Study. ISBN:0916256022 PB David Schneider Chicago. American Legal Thought from Premodernism to Postmodernism: An Intellectual Voyage.ISBN:0195109678 PB Stephen M. Feldman Oxford. American Occupational Structure. ISBN:0029036704 PB Peter Blau & Otis D. Duncan Free Press. 19.95 $6.00 American Public Finance & Financial Services, 1700 - 1815. ISBN:0814206204 PB Edwin J. Perkins Ohio State. 21.95 $6.00 PB ed. John H. Jameson, Jr., et al Alabama. 29.95 Ancient Southwestern Community: Models & Methods for the Study of Prehistoric Social Organization.ISBN:0826314767 NDJ ed. W.H. Wills & Robert D. Leonard New Mexico. 45.00 Ancient Urbanism at Xochicalco: The Evolution & Organization of a Pre-Hispanic Society - Archaeological Research at Xochicalco, Volume One. ISBN: 0874805856 NDJ Kenneth Hirth Utah. Ageing & Ageing Policy in Germany. ISBN: 1859731910 Agents of Change: Crossing the PostIndustrial Divide. ISBN: 019926175X Ancient Muses: Archaeology & the Arts. ISBN: 0817312749 Ronald Donovan Cornell. 37.50 $6.00 84.00% John J. Abt Illinois. 29.95 $7.00 76.63% Smithsonian. 47.00 $7.00 85.11% 30.00 $7.50 75.00% $7.50 87.07% $7.00 76.67% 19.95 $6.00 69.92% $7.50 90.00% $7.50 69.39% $7.50 78.57% $7.50 84.04% $7.00 78.46% ed. David Slater & Peter J. Taylor Blackwell. Jane Flax Cornell. 32.95 $6.00 81.79% 20.95 $7.50 OP $6.00 19.95 $6.00 64.20% N/A 69.92% $9.00 69.92% 72.67% 69.95% $7.00 84.44% Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences 75.00 $15.00 80.00% 2 And Sin No More: Social Policy & Unwed Mothers in Cleveland, 1855-1990. ISBN:0814206026 HB Another's Country: Archaeological & Historical Perspectives on Cultural Interactions in the Southern Colonies. ISBN: 0817311297 PB Anthropology of Pregnancy Loss: Comparative Studies in Miscarriage, Stillbirth & Neonatal Death. ISBN: 1859731252 PB Anthropology of the Subject: Holographic Worldview in New Guinea & Its Meaning & Significance for the World of Anthropology. ISBN: 0520225872 PB Roy Wagner Antonio Candido: On Literature & Society. ISBN: 0691036306 PB Howard S. Becker Princeton. 19.95 Archaeological Researches at Teotihuacan, Mexico. ISBN: 0817350055 PB Sigvald Linné Alabama. 34.95 Archaeological Results from Accelerator Dating. ISBN:0947816119 PB J.A. Gowlett Oxford. 28.00 Philip Phillips, et al Alabama. 70.00 Philip Phillips, et al Alabama. Marian J. Morton Ohio State. 45.00 $7.00 84.44% ed. J.W. Joseph & Martha Zierden ed. Rosanne Cecil Alabama. Berg. California. 29.95 $8.50 71.62% $7.50 67.39% $7.50 58.22% $7.50 62.41% $9.00 74.25% 23.00 17.95 $6.00 Archaeological Survey in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1940-1947. ISBN: 0817311041 NDJ Archaeological Survey in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1940-1947. ISBN: 0817350225 PB Archaeology of Southern Urban Landscapes. ISBN: 0817310304 PB ed. Amy L. Young Alabama. 34.95 NDJ Charles H. Fairbanks Alabama. 47.50 Archaeology, History & Predictive Modeling: Research at Fort Polk, 19722002. ISBN: 0817312706 NDJ David G. Anderson & Steven D. Smith Alabama. Archaeology, History & Predictive Modeling: Research at Fort Polk, 19722002. ISBN: 0817312714 PB David G. Anderson & Steven D. Smith Alabama. Art & Performance in Oceania. ISBN: 0824822838 HB ed. Barry Craig, et al Hawaii. 45.00 Art and Politics of Wana Shamanship. ISBN:0520078772 PB Jane Atkinson California. 18.95 $6.00 Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. & the Ideological History of American Liberalism.ISBN:0817307184 HB Stephen Depoe Alabama. 29.95 $7.00 Articulated Peasant: Household Economics in the Andes. ISBN: 081333716X PB Enrique Mayer Westview. 35.00 Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida & the Caribbean, 1500-1800: Volume 1 Ceramics, Glassware, & Beads. ISBN: 0874743931 PB Kathleen Deagan Smithsonian. 34.00 As If: A Crime, A Trial, A Question of Childhood. ISBN:0312167776 HB Blake Morrison Picador. Asian Indigenous Law: In Interaction with Received Law. ISBN: 0710301138 HB ed. Masaji Chiba KPI. NDJ ed. Alice B. Kehoe & Mary Beth Emmerichs New Mexico. Archaeology of the Funeral Mound: Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia. ISBN: 0817313087 Assembling the Past: Studies in the Professionalization of Archaeology. ISBN: 0826319394 78.57% $12.50 82.14% $10.00 74.97% $7.50 78.54% $9.00 81.05% $10.00 85.71% $8.50 75.68% $11.50 74.44% 39.95 70.00 34.95 68.34% 76.63% Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences 21.00 161.50 $8.50 75.71% $10.00 70.59% $7.00 66.67% $13.00 91.95% $7.50 87.49% 59.95 3 Assessing Rational Expectations: Sunspot Multiplicity & Economic Fluctuations. ISBN: 0262072076 HB Asturian of Cantabria: Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers in Northern Spain. ISBN: 0816508003 PB At the End of the Rainbow? Gold, Land, & People in the Brazilian Amazon. ISBN: 0231103557 PB Athenian Political Thought & the Reconstruction of American Democracy. ISBN:0801481791 PB Autobiography of Florence Kelley: Notes of Sixty Years - With an Early Essay on 'The Need of Theoretical Preparation for Philanthropic Work.' ISBN: 0882860933 PB Autonomy and Intervention: Parentalism in the Caring Life. ISBN:0195085310 HB John Kultgen Oxford. 50.00 $7.00 Back to Reality: A Critique of Postmodern Theory in Psychotherapy. ISBN:0393701921 HB Barbara S. Held Norton. 32.00 $7.00 Balancing the Request to Be Good: An Account of a Visit to the Outskirts of Child Psychotherapy.ISBN:0185343323 NDJ Bargaining with the State from Afar: American Citizenship in Treaty Port China, 1844-1942. ISBN: 0231121091 PB Bargaining With the State. ISBN: 069104273X HB Battles for The Standard: Bimetallism & the Spread of the Gold Standard in the Nineteenth Century. ISBN: 1859284361 NDJ Roger Guesnerrie MIT. Geoffrey A. Clark Arizona. Gordon MacMillan Columbia. ed. Peter Euben Cornell. 45.00 81.11% $7.50 67.32% $7.00 76.27% 22.95 29.50 17.95 $6.00 66.57% ed. Kathryn Kish Sklar Charles H. Kerr. 17.50 $7.50 57.14% 86.00% 78.13% Behind Painted Walls: Incidents in Southwestern Archaeology. ISBN: 0826321909 PB Benjamin V. Cohen: Architect of the New Deal. ISBN: 0300088795 Sheila Cameron Eileen P. Scully Free Association. 55.00 Columbia. 24.50 Richard A. Epstein Princeton University Press. 45.00 Ted Wilson Ashgate. 99.95 New Mexico. HB William Lasser Yale. 42.50 PB Juliet Cassuto Rothman Continuum. 16.95 Bertil Ohlin: A Centennial Celebration (1899-1999). ISBN: 0262062283 HB ed. Ronald Findlay, et al MIT. 65.00 Between Contacts & Colonies: Archaeological Perspectives on the Protohistoric Southeast. ISBN: 081731167X PB ed. Cameron B. Wesson & Mark A. Rees Alabama. 29.95 Between Contacts & Colonies: Archaeological Perspectives on the Protohistoric Southeast. ISBN: 0817312536 NDJ ed. Cameron B. Wesson & Mark A. Rees Alabama. Between Fordism & Flexibility: The Automobile Industry & Its Workers. ISBN: 085496312X PB ed. Steven Tolliday & Jonathan Zeitlin Berg. Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation & Anthropological Discourse. ISBN: 085496813X NDJ ed. Gisli Palsson Berg. Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences $7.00 87.27% Florence C. Lister Bereaved Parents' Survival Guide. ISBN: 0826410138 $8.50 $7.50 69.39% $7.50 83.33% $10.00 89.99% $7.50 62.41% $7.50 82.35% $7.00 58.70% $10.00 84.62% $7.50 74.96% $8.50 86.40% $7.50 90.00% $7.50 90.00% 19.95 62.50 75.00 75.00 4 Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation & Anthropological Discourse. ISBN: 0859730213 PB ed. Gisli Palsson Berg. 25.00 Beyond Death: The Chinchorro Mummies of Ancient Chile. ISBN: 1560985127 HB Bernardo T. Arriaza Smithsonian. 45.00 Beyond Heredity & Environment: Myrtle McGraw & the Maturation Controversy. ISBN:0813390702 PB ed. T.C. Dalton & V.W. Bergenn Westview. 23.00 Beyond Idols: The Shape of a Secular Society. ISBN:0195143698 HB Richard K. Fenn Oxford. 27.50 Beyond the Age of Innocence: Rebuilding Trust Between America & the World. ISBN: 1586482688 HB Koshore Mahbubani Public Affairs. 26.00 Beyond the Broker State: Federal Policies Toward Small Business, 1936-1961. ISBN:0807822965 HB Jonathan J. Bean Chapel Hill. Beyond Utility: Liberal Education for a Technological Age. ISBN:0826209297 HB Athanasios Moulakis Missouri. 24.95 Big Cotton: How a Humble Fiber Created Fortune, Wrecked Civilizations, & Put America on the Map. ISBN: 0670033677 HB Stephen Yafa Viking. 25.95 Bioarchaeological Studies of Life in the Age of Agriculture: A View of the Southeast. ISBN: 081731007X PB $7.00 72.00% $7.50 83.33% $6.00 73.91% $7.00 $8.50 49.95 74.55% 67.31% $7.00 85.99% ed. Patricia M. Lambert Alabama. $7.00 71.94% $9.00 65.32% $8.00 77.11% $8.50 86.92% $7.50 78.54% $7.50 72.73% 69.92% 34.95 Bioarchaeology of Virginia Burial Mounds. ISBN: 0817314385 NDJ Debra L. Gold Alabama. 65.00 Bioarchaeology of Virginia Burial Mounds. ISBN: 0817351442 PB Debra L. Gold Alabama. 34.95 Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics. ISBN: 0195170032 PB Gerald M. Meier Oxford. 27.50 Black Hamlet. ISBN:0801852862 PB Wulf Sachs Johns Hopkins. 19.95 $6.00 Black Mountain: Land, Class, & Power in the Eastern Orange Free State, 1880s to 1980s.ISBN:1560982276 HB Colin Murray Smithsonian. 53.00 $7.00 86.79% ed. Evan Peacock & Timothy Schauwecker ed. Evan Peacock & Timothy Schauwecker Blackland Prairies of the Gulf Coastal Plain: Nature, Culture, & Sustainability. ISBN: 0817312153 PB Blackland Prairies of the Gulf Coastal Plain: Nature, Culture, & Sustainability. ISBN: 0817312633 NDJ Boss Rule in the Gilded Age: Matt Quay of Pennsylvania. ISBN:0822934264 HB James A. Kehl Pittsburgh. 49.95 Bottle Creek: A Pensacola Culture Site in South Alabama. ISBN: 0817312196 NDJ ed. Ian W. Brown Alabama. 70.00 Bottle Creek: A Pensacola Culture Site in South Alabama. ISBN: 081731220X PB ed. Ian W. Brown Alabama. 37.50 Leslie L. Bush Alabama. 55.00 Boundary Conditions: Macrobotanical Remains & the Oliver Phase of Central Indiana, A.D. 1200-1450. ISBN: 0817314342 NDJ Boundary Conditions: Macrobotanical Remains & the Oliver Phase of Central Indiana, A.D. 1200-1450. ISBN: 0817351418 PB Boy Will Come to Nothing: Freud's Ego Ideal & Freud as Ego Ideal. ISBN:0300056842 HB Leslie L. Bush Leonard Shengold Alabama. Alabama. Alabama. Yale. Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences 39.95 $7.50 81.23% $10.00 85.71% 70.00 $7.00 85.99% $8.00 88.57% $7.50 80.00% $8.50 84.55% $7.50 74.96% 29.95 37.00 $7.00 81.08% 5 Breaking of the American Social Compact. ISBN: 1565844769 PB Frances Fox Piven New Press. 17.95 Bridging Mental Boundaries in a Postcolonial Microcosm: Identity & Development in Vanuatu. ISBN: 0824820487 PB William Miles Hawaii. 15.00 Bridging of Faiths: Religion & Politics in a New England City. ISBN: 0691074135 HB N.J. Demerath III & Rhys H. Williams Princeton. 47.50 Broken Promises of America: At Home & Abroad, Past & Present - An Encyclopedia for Our Times, Volume 1: A-F. ISBN: 1567513123 PB Douglas F. Dowd Common Courage. 19.95 Broken Promises of America: At Home & Abroad, Past & Present - An Encyclopedia for Our Times, Volume 1: A-F. ISBN: 1567513131 HB Broken Promises of America: At Home & Abroad, Past & Present - An Encyclopedia for Our Times, Volume 2: G-Z. ISBN: 156751314X PB Broken Promises of America: At Home & Abroad, Past & Present - An Encyclopedia for Our Times, Volume 2: G-Z. ISBN: 1567513158 HB Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles. ISBN: 0195179145 NDJ Lisa Tessman Oxford. 65.00 C. Wright Mills: Letters & Autobiographical Writings. ISBN:0520211065 HB ed. Kathryn Mills California. 40.00 Caborn-Welborn: Constructing a New Society after the Angel Chiefdom Collapse. ISBN: 0817314199 NDJ David Pollack Alabama. 60.00 Caborn-Welborn: Constructing a New Society after the Angel Chiefdom Collapse. ISBN: 0817351264 PB Can Europe Work? Germany & the Reconstruction of Postcommunist Societies. ISBN:0295974613 PB ed. S.E. Hanson & W. Spohn Washington. Canals & Communities: Small-Scale Irrigation Systems. ISBN: 0816515921 HB ed. Jonathan B. Mabry Arizona. 52.00 Capitalism Culture & Decline in Britian, 1750-1990. ISBN:0415037190 PB W.D. Rubinstein Routledge. 22.99 Carved Flesh/Cast Selves: Gendered Symbols & Social Practices. ISBN: 0854967257 NDJ ed. Vigdis BrochDue, et al Berg. 75.00 Carved Flesh/Cast Selves: Gendered Symbols & Social Practices. ISBN: 0854968687 PB ed. Vigdis BrochDue, et al Berg. Case of Sigmund Freud: Medicine & Identity at the Fin de Siecle. ISBN: 0801849748 PB Sander L. Gilman Johns Hopkins. Castles of Our Conscience: Social Control & the American Stated, 1800-1985. ISBN:0813516269 HB William Staples Rutgers. Catalogue of Ivories from Hasanlu, Iran. ISBN:0934718334 PB Oscar White Muscarella Pennsylvania Museum. 34.95 Catawba Valley Mississippian: Ceramics, Chronology, & Catawba Indians. ISBN: 0817311637 PB David G. Moore Alabama. 34.95 Douglas F. Dowd Douglas F. Dowd Douglas F. Dowd David Pollack Common Courage. Common Courage. Common Courage. Alabama. $7.50 58.22% $7.50 50.00% $9.00 81.05% $7.50 62.41% $8.00 77.14% $7.50 62.41% $8.00 77.14% $13.00 80.00% 35.00 19.95 35.00 $7.00 82.50% $10.00 83.33% $7.50 74.96% 29.95 17.50 $6.00 65.71% $7.50 $6.00 85.58% 73.90% $8.00 89.33% $7.50 70.00% $7.00 64.91% 25.00 19.95 40.00 $7.00 82.50% Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences $6.00 $8.00 82.83% 77.11% 6 Central America & the Middle East: The Internationalization of the Crises. ISBN:0813010187 PB Chairman of the Fed: William McChesney Martin, Jr. & the Creation of the American Financial System. ISBN: 0300105088 HB Changes in Washoe Land Use Patterns: a Study of Three Archaeological Sites in Diamond Valley, Alpine County, California. ISBN: 0962911054 Damian Fernandez Florida. Robert P. Bremner Yale. PB ed. Charles D. Zeier & Robert G. Elston Prehistory Press. Changing Rural Systems in Oman: The Khabura Project. ISBN:0710306075 HB Roderic W. Dutton Kegan Paul. 49.95 $7.00 Character & Identity: Volume II - The Sociological Foundation of Literary & Historical Perspectives.ISBN:0885118104 NDJ ed. Morton A. Kaplan Paragon House. 34.95 $7.00 Charting Japanese Industry: A Graphical Guide to Corporate & Market Structures. ISBN: 0304333964 PB Tomokazu Ohsono Cassell. 49.95 Cheran: A Sierra Tarascan Village. ISBN:0806130245 PB Ralph L. Seals Oklahoma. 24.95 $6.00 Chief Justiceship of Warren Burger, 19691986. ISBN:1570033358 HB Earl M. Maltz South Carolina. 39.95 $7.00 Child Abuse in Freud's Vienna: Postcards from the End of the World. ISBN:0814792871 PB Larry Wolff N.Y.U. 19.00 $6.00 Children Talk About the Mind. ISBN:019511566X PB Karen Bartsch & Henry M. Wellman Oxford. 24.95 $6.00 China Learns English: Language Teaching & Social Change in the People's Republic.ISBN:0300055625 HB Heidi A. Ross Yale. 42.00 $7.00 Chinatown, N.Y.: Labor & Politics, 19301950. ISBN: 1565846400 PB Peter Kwong New Press. 16.95 HB Lorne Tepperman Westview. 75.00 New Press. 17.95 $7.50 58.22% Kegan Paul. 127.50 $10.00 92.16% 21.95 $6.00 Choices & Chances: Sociology for Everyday Life. ISBN:0813325722 Cigarettes: Anatomy of an Industry from Seed to Smoke. ISBN: 1565847431 Citizenship East & West. ISBN:0710304919 City of Capital: Politics & Markets in the English Financial Revolution. ISBN:0691049602 PB HB PB Civil-Military Relations & Democracy. ISBN:0801855365 PB Class Action: Reading Labor, Theory, & Value. ISBN: 0801483557 PB Class Notes: Posing as Politics & Other Thoughts on the American Scene. ISBN: 1565844823 Coins of Ancient Meiron. ISBN: 0897572084 75.95% 38.00 $7.50 80.26% $8.00 60.00% 20.00 85.99% 79.97% $7.50 84.98% 75.95% 82.48% 75.95% 83.33% PB Cognitive-Behavioural Social Work in Practice. ISBN: 1857423739 $6.00 68.42% Cityscapes & Capital: The Politics of Urban Development. ISBN: 0801857678 Coginitve Modeling. ISBN: 0262661160 24.95 Tara ParkerPope Andre Liebich, et al Bruce G. Carruthers Michael A. Pagano & Ann O'M. Bowman ed. Larry Diamond & Marc F. Plattner Princeton. 19.95 Johns Hopkins. 17.95 William Corlett Cornell. 19.95 HB Adolph Reed, Jr. New Press. 25.00 PB ed. Thad Polk & Colleen Seifert NDJ PB $9.00 55.75% 88.00% 72.67% Johns Hopkins. ed. Katy Cigno & Diana Bourn Joyce Raynor & Yaakov Meshorer $7.50 MIT. Ashgate. ASOR. Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences 60.00 119.95 25.00 $7.00 $6.00 64.91% 66.57% $7.00 64.91% $7.50 70.00% $8.50 85.83% $10.00 91.66% $7.50 70.00% 7 Collected Papers of Otto Fenichel: 2 Volume Set. ISBN: 0039301505 HB ed. Hanna Fenichel & David Rapaport W.W. Norton. 60.00 Color of Politics: Race & the Mainsprings Politics. ISBN: 1565843258 PB Michael Goldfield New Press. 19.95 Columbus's Outpost Among the Tainos: Spain & America at La Isabela, 1493-1498. ISBN: 0300090404 HB Kathleen Deagan & Jose Maria Cruxent Yale. 45.00 Common Denominators: Ethnicity, NationBuilding & Compromise in Mauritius. ISBN: 1859739547 NDJ Thomas Hylland Eriksen Berg. Common Denominators: Ethnicity, NationBuilding & Compromise in Mauritius. ISBN: 1859739598 PB Thomas Hylland Eriksen Berg. Common Value Auctions & the Winner's Curse. ISBN: 0691016674 HB John H. Kagel & Dan Levin Princeton. 65.00 Common Worlds & Single Lives: Constituting Knowledge in Pacific Societies. ISBN: 1859731694 PB ed. Verena Keck Berg. 26.00 Commonsense Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, & a World Gone Crazy. ISBN: 0826414508 PB Bruce E. Levine Communication Theory Today. ISBN:074561289X PB ed. David Crowley & David Mitchell Polity. 25.00 $6.00 Communities Of Faith & Radical Discipleship: Luce Program on Religion & the Social Crisis.ISBN:0865542163 HB ed. Bryan McLeod Mercer. 16.95 $7.00 Comparative Performance of U.S. Econometric Models. ISBN:0195057724 HB Lawernce Klein Oxford. 60.00 $7.00 Comparative Theory & Political Experience: Mario Einaudi & the Liberal Tradition.ISBN:0801423686 HB Theodore Lowi Cornell. 35.00 $6.00 Computational Vision: Information Processing in Percpetion & Visual Behavior. ISBN: 0262133814 NDJ Continuum. $15.00 75.00% $7.50 62.41% $10.00 77.78% $8.50 88.67% $7.50 70.00% $7.50 88.46% $7.50 71.15% $7.00 61.00% 75.00 25.00 17.95 58.70% Hanspeter A. Mallot MIT. 55.00 $9.00 83.64% $7.50 78.87% PB ed. John Bintliff Edinburgh. 35.50 Conditions Not Of Their Choosing: The Guaymi Indians & Mining Multinationals in Panama.ISBN:0874744725 HB Chris Gjording Smithsonian. 45.00 Consciousness & Class Experience in Nineteenth-Century Europe. ISBN:0841904448 HB Consent: Sexual Rights & the Transformation of American Liberalism. ISBN: 0801485185 PB Constitution & the Pride of Reason. ISBN: 0195117476 HB Steven D. Smith Oxford. 45.00 PB Sotirios A. Barber Johns Hopkins. 18.95 $6.00 PB Dennis C. Mueller Oxford. 21.95 $6.00 Ralph C. Chandler, et al ABC-CLIO. 65.00 $7.00 Constitutional Democracy. ISBN:0195144074 Constitutional Law Dictionary. Volume 1: Individual Rights Supplement 3. (Covering the 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93 & 1993-94 Supreme Court Terms.)ISBN:0874367581 88.33% 82.86% Conceptual Issues in Environmental Archaeology. ISBN: 0852245467 Constitution of Judicial Power. ISBN:0801857902 76.00% $7.00 84.44% NDJ ed. John M. Merriman Holmes & Meier. 39.98 Pamela Haag Cornell. 21.50 Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences $7.00 82.49% $7.00 67.44% $9.00 80.00% 68.34% 72.67% 89.23% 8 Constitutional Literacy: A Core Curriculum for A Multicultural Nation. ISBN:0822313642 HB Constitutional Rights & Powers of the People. ISBN:0691002444 Context of Human Discourse: A Configurational Criticism of Rhetoric. ISBN: 0872498174 Contingent Work: American Employment Relations in Transition. ISBN: 0801484057 Contradictions of American Capital Punishment. ISBN: 0195178203 Toni Marie Massaro Duke. PB Wayne D. Moore Princeton. 21.95 HB Eugene E. White South Carolina. 34.95 24.95 71.94% PB ed. Kathleen Barker Cornell. 21.95 PB Franklin E. Zimring Oxford. 17.95 Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making Sense of Modernity. ISBN: 0745620493 PB Anthony Giddens & Christopher Pierson Polity. 17.95 Conversations with Lew Binford: Drafting the New Archaeology. ISBN: 0806130083 HB Paula Sabloff Oklahoma. 24.95 Cool Knife: Imagery of Gender, Sexuality, & Moral Education in Kaguru Initiation Ritual. ISBN: 1560987138 HB T.O. Beidelman Smithsonian. 35.00 Cooperation Among Nations: Europe, America & Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade. ISBN: 0801496993 PB Joseph M. Grieco ed. Catherine McNicol Stock & Robert D. Johnston Philip J. Kellman & Martha E. Arterberry John D'Emilio, et al $7.00 Cornell. 72.67% $7.50 78.54% $7.00 68.11% $7.50 58.22% $7.00 61.00% $8.00 67.94% $9.00 74.29% $7.50 67.32% $7.50 72.17% $8.50 71.67% 22.95 Countryside in the Age of the Modern State: Political Histories of Rural America. ISBN: 0801487714 PB Cradle of Knowledge: Development of Perception in Infancy. ISBN: 026261152X PB Creating Change: Sexuality, Public Policy, & Civil Rights. ISBN:0312243758 HB Creation of Chaos: William James & the Stylistic Making of a Disorderly World.ISBN:0791407012 NDJ Frederick J. Ruf Credit, Intermediation, & the Macroeconomy: Models & Perspectives. ISBN: 0199243069 PB Sudipto Bhattacharya, et al Oxford. Critical Issues in Social Theory. ISBN:0271007532 PB John K. Rhoads Penn State. 17.95 Critique of the Foundations of Psychology: The Psychology of Psychoanalysis. ISBN: 0820702579 PB Georges Politzer Duquesne. 22.50 Crossing Borders: Political Essays. ISBN: 082646923X PB Bernard Crick Continuum. 34.95 Crossing the Waters: Arabic Speaking Immigrants to the United States Before 1940.ISBN:0874745489 HB ed. Eric Hooglund Smithsonian. 32.50 Crown & Ritual: The Royal Insignia of Ngoyo. ISBN: 0802042279 HB Zdenka Volavka Toronto. 60.00 Cults: Faith, Healing, & Coercion. ISBN:0195066588 PB Marc Galanter Oxford. 14.95 Cultural Pluralism & Dilemmas of Justice. ISBN: 0801436826 HB Monique Deveaux Cornell. 41.95 Cultural Prison: Discourse, Prisoners, & Punishment. ISBN: 0817308229 HB John M. Sloop Alabama. 39.95 Culture & Democracy: Media, Space, & Representation. ISBN: 0817350772 PB Clive Barnett Alabama. 29.95 Cornell. $6.00 26.95 MIT. 30.00 St. Martin's. 35.00 $7.00 SUNY. 64.50 $7.00 80.00% 89.15% 54.50 $9.00 $6.00 83.49% 66.57% $8.50 62.22% $8.50 75.68% $7.00 78.46% Catalog – July 2007 – Social Sciences $10.00 $6.00 83.33% 59.87% $7.50 82.12% $7.50 81.23% $7.50 74.96% 9 Cultures of the Death Drive: Melanie Klein & Modernist Melancholia. 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ISBN: 0801488109 PB William W. Grimes Cornell. ed. Robert J. Morris & Richard H. Trainor Ashgate. Tumbas Reales de Sipán. (Text in Spanish) ISBN: 0930741323 Twin City Tales: A Hermeneutical Reassessment of Tula & Chichen Itza. ISBN: 0870814036 Two Majorities: The Issue Context of Modern American Politics. ISBN: 0801850193 Uncertain Tradition: Constitutionalism & the History of the South. ISBN:0820310751 Undeclared War: Twilight Zone of Constitutional Power. ISBN:0271007796 PB $7.50 55.75% $9.00 74.29% $15.00 69.97% $7.00 64.91% 19.95 110.00 $7.50 $11.00 74.96% 90.00% 63.55% $11.00 90.00% Verbal Art in San Blas: Kuna Culture Through Its Discourse. ISBN:0826318827 PB Joel Sherzer New Mexico. 21.95 Very Lonely Planet: Love, Sex, & the Single Guy. ISBN: 155152094X PB Ryan Bigge Arsenal Pulp. 15.95 PB George J. Gumerman Arizona. 16.95 PB Raymond B. Flannery, Jr. Continuum. 18.95 HB Peter Berkowitz Princeton. 39.95 $7.00 PB James T. 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