Fluid Mechanics Principles and Applications MET 3101 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Norman Russell: Phone – 678 915 5480; Office Q226. E - mail nrussell@spsu.edu. Office hours will be posted and noted in class. Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the counselors at ATTIC as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. The educate.spsu.edu/faculty website will be used to communicate information on the syllabus, test schedules, assignments, and topic schedules. The prefix “afm” will designate the appropriate information. In addition, e-mail will be used to present current information on class activities. Students will adhere to the guidelines in the Catalog in reference to “Academic Dishonesty”. Prerequistes: ENGR 2214, MATH 2253,TCOM 2010 A study of Fluid Mechanics fundamentals in applications of hydrostatic forces, pumping systems, fluid power, momentum transfer, external flow, and open channel flow. Handson laboratory exercises demonstrate lecture topics. Course Outcomes Students will be able to do the following: 1. Determine forces on submerged surfaces in the design of weirs, dams, tanks, etc. Determine the buoyant forces acting on an object as a function of fluid and solid properties. 2. Apply the general energy equation to pumping systems to determine important operational properties: head, flow, efficiency, cavitation potential. Apply this information in the selection of appropriate system components (pump, pipe, valves, and fittings) to accomplish a task. 3. Evaluate the equipment selection and operation of a hydraulic or pneumatic system for a specific fluid power task. 4. Determine the energy transfer between a flowing fluid and solid surfaces in turbines. 5. Apply empirical equations for the determination of flow in open channels. 6. Apply external flow concepts to calculate drag coefficients for a range of geometric shapes to understand the effects of streamline separation on drag. 7. Prepare laboratory reports using designated format. Course Topics 1. Introduction – a brief description of key concepts and applications. Descriptions and importance of fluid properties: density, specific weight, specific gravity, bulk modulus, viscosity, viscosity index, vapor pressure. 2. Ideal gas law: compressibility and density of gases. Pressure: absolute, gage, and atmospheric. Pascal’s Law. 3. Hydrostatic forces of submerged surfaces: plane and curved. Buoyancy 4. Conservation of mass and energy: continuity, Bernoulli’s Equation: siphon and Pitot tube. 5. General energy equation. Laminar and turbulent flow; Reynold’s Number; energy gradient lines. 6. Darcy’s equation; friction factor. Moody Chart: relative roughness. Minor losses; loss coefficient and equivalent length. 7. Piping systems with pumps and turbines. 8. Pump types and applications. Performance curves: system curves, operating point. 9. Centrifugal pump: head, capacity, efficiency. Net positive suction head. Affinity laws. 10. Positive displacement pumps: applications. Performance curves. 11. Fluid power: applications. Hydraulic systems components. Performance parameters. 12. Pneumatic system components: compressors, control valves, actuators. 13. Fluid power circuits to perform specific tasks. 14. Momentum transfer: forces acting on control volume. Linear and angular momentum. 15. External flow: pressure and friction drag forces. Drag coefficient. Flow separation and streamlining. 16. Open channel flow: prismatic channels. Manning equation. Weirs. Laboratory Exercises 1. Viscosity: measurement and temperature effect. 2. Hydrostatic force on submerged surface and buoyancy. 3. Centrifugal fan performance and air flow measurement. 4. Hydraulic pump performance: centrifugal and gear pumps. 5. Fluid friction: pipe and minor losses. 6. Momentum: jet impact and Pelton wheel. 7. Drag coefficients: basic shapes and model autos. 8. Open channel flow measurement. Laboratory work will be performed in groups and individual reports are required. Students must participate in collecting all information used in a report. Reports are due one week after a lab is performed, unless notified by the Instructor. Late reports will receive reduced credit. NO LAB REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED OFR CREDIT DURING THE LAST WEEK OF A SEMESTER. Text: Applied Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, Robert Mott. Credits: Three or four tests – 60%; Exam – 20%; Lab Reports 20%. Students must achieve passing grades in both the lecture and laboratory portions of MET 3101.