Virginia Fitzgerald Webquest Assignment The Five Themes of Geography 7th Grade World Studies Goal: To become re-familiarized with the five themes of geography and how each relates to the study of geography. A Webquest of the Five Themes of Geography So, what are the five themes of geography? And how do these themes relate to the study of geography? This webquest will help you review the five themes of geography. Review of Five Themes Watch the video to get an overview of the themes, and answer the questions. What is the mnemonic for the five themes (that is, what is the word or phrase to help you remember the five themes)? What does each letter of it stand for (in other words, what are the names of the five themes)? List them in the order that they appear in the mnemonic. Summary of Five Themes Watch – and listen to - the video, then answer the following questions with the information the video provides. Caution: Be ready to pause, if needed, to catch everything. . What does location tell you? What question does the video ask about place? What gets around? What two questions are asked about human-environment interaction? What do regions have in common (give the first 4 mentioned)? Exploring Location Read the paragraphs below the blue & gray world map, and answer the questions. . What are the two types of location, and what is an example of each? What are the two elements in the main coordinate system used for absolute location? (Each is measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.) Now, on the right side of the web page, below where it says “Quickly find the latitude and longitude,” click on the hyperlink, which will take you to a page titled “Latitude and Longitude Finder”. In the box just a few lines below those words, type in “Detroit, Michigan” and click on the button labeled “Submit”. The coordinates for Detroit will appear, and a map will appear just below the coordinates. Use the coordinates and map and to answer the questions. What is the latitude and longitude of Detroit, Michigan? Zoom out a bit so you can see all fo Michigan. Which direction must you go to get from Detroit to Traverse City. (That is, what is Traverse City's relative location to Detroit?) Remember, in geography we use compass directions not up or down or left or right. And what is Chicago's relative location to Detroit? Exploring Place Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. Use this website: . Look for the section of the National geographic Education oage that says “Mapping. Click on the hyperlink that says “MapMaker Interactive.” Once the page loads, click and drag the map so that the United States is centered in the map window. We will use the "Add a Layer" feature to get different information from the map.. Note: if the key is not shown, click on the little i.) Go the Earth systems layers. Which tectonic plate is most of the U.S. (including Utah) on? Hint: Use legend tab on the right. Remove this layer when done. Go to Earth systems layer again. What elevation (in feet) is most of the United States lower than? Remove this layer when done. From now on, explore the layers yourself. Add and remove the layers you need for the questions. What climate zone does a long, wide stretch of North America lie within, and does that climate zone have a dry season? What major religion is predominant in the Southeastern region of the U.S.? According to this web page, does the United States have more language diversity, less language diversity, or the same amount of language diversity as Canada does? In the contiguous United States (meaning all states except Alaska and Hawaii), have there been any volcanic eruptions that caused human deaths? If so, how many eruptions? Exploring Human-Environment Interaction This theme consists of three aspects: how humans depend on the environment, how humans adapt to the environment, and how humans modify or change the environment. Websites 5 through 7 each will address one of these aspects. Go to This is a letter to the editor of the Helena, Montana, Independent Record, written by Mary Fitzpatrick, in response to some actions by the Montana State Legislature. Some of what is written is opinion, but some is well-stated fact about how humans depend on the environment. Use the letter to answer the questions. Ms. Fitzpatrick defines the environment as what? [2nd paragraph] Defined this way, what does the environment do for humans? [2nd paragraph] Do you agree with her claim that “when the waters and air are polluted, the whole community is polluted, including human bodies”? Why or why not? What do you think is something important that we depend on the environment for? Exploring Human-Environment Interaction- Continued Go to This page addresses both sides of the human-environment interaction theme, looking at examples from France. List again the two parts of the theme of human-environment interaction? Examine the two headings for information on the slide. What are two ways that people have changed their environment in France? What two ways does the slide show that people adapt to their environment? Exploring Human-Environment Interaction- Continued Yet Again Go to This web page uses a specific yet common modification to introduce the idea of how humans modify or change the environment. Use the letter to answer the questions. What does the page call the relationship between the natural environment and human culture? Besides technological adaptation, what has increasingly modified the natural environment? What are two of the five examples of the permanent changes to the natural world resulting from the factor listed in b. Exploring Movement This theme deals with how we are connected by the movement of people, products, and ideas. Go to . You will use this website to answer the next three questions. If Google does not open with a map of Michigan, in the box at the top of the page, type in “Detroit, Michigan” and hit the enter key. Zoom in closer on Detroit. In the box at the top of the page, type in "airports." Zoom out so you can see Michigan. Name three airports in southeast Michigan? If you are on satellite view or Earth view, in the upper right corner, click on "Map" instead. How are the highways in Detroit named? Type "Traffic" in the search box. What information are you given about these highways? The previous two topics dealt with a couple of ways that people and products can move. But how do ideas move? One way is communication. What are two search terms that could you enter at this site that are businesses related to communication? Exploring Region This theme deals with the ways in which the world is divided into areas for study. The last two websites 9 and 10 will address this theme. – 9 will show what regions can be, and 10 will allow for a comparison of regions. What can a region be? Go to . This part of National Geographic's Education website lists the national standards for the study of geography. Click on the description of standard number 5 in the list of standards. At that page (Geography Standards: That People Create Regions to Interpret Earth’s Complexity), read the first paragraph and then click on "Show all" to continues reading and answer the following questions. What does a region have that sets it apart from another? [1st paragraph] How small, and how big, can regions be? [2nd paragraph] How many basic ways do geographers define regions? [2nd paragraph] What is the first type of region, and what is it characterized by? [3rd paragraph] What is the second type of region, and what is it organized around? [4th paragraph] What is the third type of region, what does it reflect, and what is it defined by? [5th paragraph] Comparing Regions Go to . Use the information on this page to answer the two questions. Into how many regions does this website divide the U.S., and what are the regions' names? How does National Geographic define region? List examples of ways to define a region given. Keep the regions map up and open this link in a new tab. High_Temperature_of_the_United_States.jpg . Scroll down and click on the second map that shows "Annual Average Max Temperature ( F). In a well developed short answer in full sentences, use the two maps to compare the regions of the United States in terms of temperature. At the top of the web page there is a United States map colored by region. Click on the Western region, which is purple. Record information about this region in the chart below. When you have completed the “West” column, use the back arrow in your web browser to navigate back to the map page and click on the Northeast region, which is dark green. F E AT U RE S Climate: temperatures West Northeast July January Climate: yearly precipitation Major Landforms Population: Name the largest state. Give its population. Population: Name the smallest state. Give its population List 3 Manufactured Products/ Resources. List 3 Natural Products/ Resources, including at least 1 from mining and 1 from farming. Although any region has a number of differences from other regions, there are usually at least some similarities between different regions. Complete the chart below with similarities that you noticed between the West and the Northeast. Think of as many as you can, using the links from web page if necessary, as well as any knowledge you already had about these two regions. Si milaritie s