course syllabus - My SMCC - Southern Maine Community College

Southern Maine Community College
South Portland, ME 04106
Course Title: Intermediate Accounting 1
Credit Hours: 3 Spring Semester 2015
Instructor: Stephen Strand, CPA, MBA
Catalog Number: ACCT 205
Meeting Times: Tues/Thurs 11am -12.15pm
Telephone: #207/741-5847
Office Hours: Tues 12:30pm-2.30pm
--anytime by appointment—
Office: Office #111, Hague Hall (1st floor)
Required Pre-requisite: Financial Accounting (ACCT-105)
Text: Intermediate Accounting, Keisco & Weygandt, Wiley Publishers, 14th edition (Volume #1)
Course Description:
This course is the intensive study of accounting and the use of financial information for business decisionmaking. This course is a continuation of the basic accounting principles and theories primarily covered in
Financial Accounting. Intermediate Accounting is also a further introduction of accounting as a career
Course Objectives: After successfully completing the course, the student will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply complex financial and accounting theories;
 Develop and execute various forms of financial analysis;
 Identify the profession of accounting, financial analysis, entrepreneurship, investing and business
management for the student;
 Understand the inter-workings of financial statements, financial reporting and account analysis and to
understand the interaction between operations and financial results;
 Communicate in the business world with decision making based on understanding financial results
Grading: Grading will be as follows:
Exam #122.5%
Exam # 222.5%
Exam # 322.5%
Exam # 4-*
Class participation & preparation
*Final exam may be comprehensive, depending on the level of understanding by the end of the semester.
Class Assignments: There is always direct correlation between the amount of assignments attempted & completed and
the final grade. Typically, the more the assignments are attempted, the better the grades. Accounting sounds simple in
theory, but the practical application is imperative: TRY THE ASSIGNMENTS, BE PREPARED FOR CLASS.
Attendance: As per SMCC’s policy, you are expected to be present at all regularly scheduled classes. If you miss a class,
it is your responsibility to get the assignments and class notes and keep yourself current. Please remember that 10% of
your grade will be class participation & preparation.
NOTE: The Academic Achievement Center at SMCC provides tutoring and they are available to assist you.
Add-Drop Policy : Students who drop a course during the one-week “add/drop” period in the fall and spring semesters
and the first three days of summer sessions receive a 100% refund of the tuition and associated fees for that course.
Please note any course that meets for less than the traditional semester length, i.e., 15 weeks, has a pro-rated add/drop
period. There is no refund for nonattendance.
Intermediate Accounting 1
Week #
Assignments *
Topic/Chapter #
Introduction & review- #1, Concep. Framework- #2
Week of
1/13, 1/15
Concept framework- #2, Acctg Info Systems -#3
1/20, 1/22
Stmt of Income, R/Earnings- #4
1/27, 1/29
Balance Sheet - #5
2/3, EXAM #1: 2/5
Cash, Accts Rec, Notes Rec- #7
Tangible Assets- #10, Deprec #11
Tangible Assets- #10, Deprec #11
Intangible Assets- #12 --per UTube video lecture-Ratio Analysis- #5
No class- take home exam
2/10, 2/12
2/17, 2/19
3/3 (take home exam given)
3/10, 3/12
No class- take home exam
EXAM #2 DUE, Inventories- #8
3/19 (take home DUE)
Inventories- #8, Inv, other issues- #9
Inv - #9, Gain/Loss on Asset sales - #10
Liabilities- #13
3/24, 3/26
3/31, 4/2
4/7, EXAM #3: 4/9
Liabilities- #13
No class- holiday (4/21) Stmt of Cash Flows- #5
Time Value of Money- #6
4/14, 4/16
4/28, 4/30
week of 5/5th
--note: current event memos and group work will be interspersed throughout the semester—
* = Assignments given at the end of each applicable class
End-of-Course Evaluation: In order to gain access to final course grades, students must complete evaluations for each course attended at SMCC.
Evaluations are submitted online and can be accessed through the student portal site. Students can access the course evaluation report beginning two
weeks before the end of classes. The deadline for submission of evaluations occurs 24 hours after the last day of classes each semester. Instructors
will announce when the online course evaluation is available.
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): Southern Maine Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and employer. For
more information, please call 207-741-5798. If you have a disabling condition and wish to request accommodations in order to have reasonable
access to the programs and services offered by SMCC, you must register with the Disability Services Coordinator, Sandra Lynham, who can
be reached at 741-5923. Further information about services for students with disabilities and the accommodation process is available upon request at
this number. Course policies about online testing are modified to suit each individual’s accommodations.
Student printing policy (new): This policy identifies the cost per page for black and white as well as color printing in varying page sizes. Specifics of
the policy are outlined below: Per Page Costs Each semester students receive a $20 printing credit. The balance resets at the end of the semester and
any remaining credits are removed. The cost varies depending upon page size and whether printing is done in black and white or color. The College’s
pay-for-print system monitors printing on all printers (including those in general access labs, library printers, the Academic Achievement Center, Noisy Lounge and
technology labs). Students can check the number of pages they have printed by using the Printing Balance tool available on SMCC computers. If you have questions
about the pay-for-printing policy or your printing charges, please contact the HelpDesk at 741-5696 or send an email to
Withdrawal Policy : A student may withdraw from a course only during the semester in which s/he is registered for that course. The withdrawal
period is the second through twelfth week of the fall and spring semesters and the second through ninth week of twelve-week summer courses. This
period is pro-rated for shorter-length courses. To withdraw from a course, a student must complete and submit the appropriate course withdrawal
form, available at the Enrollment Service Center (no phone calls, please). The designation “W” will appear on the transcript after a student has
officially withdrawn. A course withdrawal is an uncompleted course and may adversely affect financial aid eligibility. Failure to attend or ceasing to
attend class does not constitute withdrawal from the course. There is no refund associated with a withdrawal.