Mahopac CSD Level: 8th Grade Home and Career Skills Curriculum Content Area: Home and Career Skills Standards Essential Question Standard 1 Students will use an understanding of the elements of good nutrition to plan appropriate diets for themselves and others. How do the recent advances in the food industry enhance and hinder our lives? Content: Students will know… Meals in a hurry Culinary Arts Curriculum Map--May Skills: Students will… Assessment: Performance Instructional Materials Examine reasons why meals need to be prepared quickly List the demands on a family’s time Textbooks Computers Internet Analyze quick meals for nutritional content Food Guide Pyramid Convenience Foods Examine the use of convenience foods in meal preparation Compare Product labels of convenience foods for nutritional value Final Exam Choosing from a teacher generated list of meals students will prepare a meal using convenience foods Nutrition labels. Understand how to make meals preparation easy, fast and appealing Take final examination which covers material from the entire year Vocabulary Words Convenience Foods All vocabulary words from the year Dietary Guidelines for Americans Fast Food Restaurant Nutrition Information