South Shore Arts 2005-2009 Long-Range Plan Summary of Goal Categories and Objectives I. Beginning in FY06, annually create an approved marketing plan including strategies to review mission and major programming. A. Establish and maintain image/brand of organization. 1. By June 2005, examine the mission statement of South Shore Arts to reflect expanded or future capacity and goals. Lead: Executive Committee, Executive Director 2. By December 2005, examine the option for a stronger visual component to the logo to be more representational of the South Shore Arts mission and to make South Shore Arts more recognizable to the public. Lead: Marketing Committee, Executive Director, graphic designer a. By June 2006, rebrand all print and electronic materials with new logo. Lead: Marketing Committee, Executive Director, staff, graphic designer b. By November 2006, introduce the new logo mark and mission statement to current and potential markets, i.e. introduction brochure, press release/conference and web site. Lead: Marketing Committee, Executive Director, staff, graphic designer B. Expand marketing into Porter and LaPorte counties. Lead: Marketing Committee, staff II. Beginning in FY06, annually create an approved programming plan including strategies to secure and expand programming in manner commensurate with organizational capacity. A. Beginning in 2005, expand number of Youth Outreach Program participants by 10% annually. 1. By 2009, expand after-school programs to two new school districts. Lead: Education Committee, staff 2. By 2009, develop two new on-going Youth Outreach Program partnerships in Porter County. Lead: Education Committee, staff 3. By 2009, develop an on-going Youth Outreach Program partnership in LaPorte County. Lead: Education Committee, staff B. Beginning in 2005, present a major exhibition annually. Lead: Board of Directors, Exhibits Committee, staff C. Expand registration for art classes 1. Conduct needs assessment to identify opportunities for expanding regular art classes through partnerships in surrounding communities. Lead: Education Committee, staff 2. Expand class registration by 5% annually at South Shore Arts locations. Lead: Education Committee, staff D. Develop opportunities for regional programming where appropriate 1. Create and implement a plan for promoting South Shore Arts as a facilitator for public art projects to municipalities Lead: Executive Director, Public Art Task Force a. Research existing ordinances that dedicate percentage of new construction projects to creation of public artwork b. Advocate existing models to other municipalities c. Make South Shore Arts available to serve as facilitator for conducting commissions of public artwork 2. As opportunities arise and where it is deemed appropriate, serve as cosponsor of regional public art projects consistent with role as IAC Regional Arts Partner Lead: South Shore Arts Board, Executive Director III. Beginning in FY06, annually create an approved fund development plan including strategies to secure and expand existing funding base. South Shore Arts Long-Range Plan 2 A. Beginning in FY06, expand fundraising capability and participation in fund development by board of directors, resulting in annually demonstrated increase in funds raised. Lead: Governance Committee, Board of Directors, staff B. Beginning in 2006, actively identify and cultivate additional sources for potential support for restricted and unrestricted programs and projects (i.e. Art Smart, exhibit underwriting, annual fund) Lead: Development Committee, Board of Directors, staff C. By 2007, identify sources for and secure increased public funding Lead: Development Committee, Board of Directors, staff D. Beginning in FY06, expand strategic alliances with collaborators that will include pieces of project funding for South Shore Arts Lead: Development Committee, Education Committee, staff South Shore Arts Long-Range Plan 3 IV. Secure and expand stakeholder relationships. A. By October 2005, determine the participation of South Shore Arts in rebranding of Northwest Indiana with Quality of Life Council and other community partners Lead: Executive Committee, Executive Director B. By June 2005, determine extent of the South Shore Arts management of Northwest Indiana Forum South Shore poster campaign Lead: Executive Committee, Executive Director C. By January 2006, complete a regional cultural needs assessment for Lake, Porter and LaPorte counties. Lead: Regional Arts Council, staff D. By June 2005, launch South Shore Environmental Arts Initiative with community partners including Gary Art Works, Lake County Solid Waste Management and Indiana Dunes Environmental Learning Center, etc. Lead: Executive Director, Education Department E. Beginning in 2005, expand constituent services as Regional Arts Partner of the Indiana Arts Commission Lead: Regional Arts Council, staff F. By fall 2005, create and utilize a framework for cooperative scheduling, promotion and collaboration of community arts programs by regional arts providers Lead: Regional Arts Council, Board of Directors G. Beginning in fall 2006, organize and host an annual regional arts conference. Lead: Regional Arts Council, staff V. Secure and expand non-financial organizational capacities. A. Build a strong and active Board of Directors that will successfully govern South Shore Arts. 1. By 2006, increase to 100% board giving Lead: Board of Directors 2. Recruit and develop a diverse and effective board of directors committed to furthering the mission and goals of South Shore Arts. Lead: Governance Committee 3. Develop board leadership and succession planning to South Shore Arts Long-Range Plan 4 enhance governance continuity and strengthen board capacity. Lead: Governance Committee 4. By June 2005, ensure that all prospective and slated board members-elect are South Shore Arts are members in good standing for the coming term. Lead: Governance Committee B. By 6/30/06, develop and implement I.T. plan with funding framework; review annually. Lead: Staff, consultant VI. Beginning in FY06, annually create an approved membership plan, including strategies to attain new members and retain existing ones. A. Beginning in FY06, increase the number of annual membership renewals Lead: Membership Committee B. Beginning in FY06, increase the membership level of annual renewals Lead: Membership Committee C. Increase the number of new members annually. 1. Investigate membership programs of similar organizations and implement as needed. Lead: Membership Committee 2. Increase membership among class enrollees by 10% in FY06 and 5% each year thereafter. Lead: Education Department D. Beginning in FY06, actively cultivate membership in Porter and LaPorte counties through new and existing program and service relationships Lead: Membership Committee South Shore Arts Long-Range Plan 5