New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON S D I V IS IO N New M ex i c o Bo ar d of Den tal H ealt h Car e an d New M ex i c o D ent al H y gi en ist C o mm it te e T on ey An a ya Bu i ld in g ▪ P.O . Box 251 01 ▪ S a nt a Fe, N ew Mexi co 87505 ( 505) 476 -4680▪ Fax (505) 476 -4545 ▪ www.r ld .st at e.nm .us New Mexico Dental Health Care REGULAR BOARD MEETING Friday, April 25, 2014 Santa Fe, NM MEETING MINUTES - DRAFT 1. CALL TO ORDER At 10:20 a.m. the Board Chair, Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS, called the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care April 25, 2014, meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Burrell Tucker, DDS Kimberly Martin, DMD Charles Schumacher, DDS Leo Balderamos, DDS Jolynn Galvin, DDS Ermelinda Baca, RDH Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH Richard Hatch, Public Member Robert Blewer, Public Member MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Jennifer Salazar, Assistant Attorney General STAFF PRESENT: Roberta Perea, Board Administrator Melissa Saiz, Administrative Assistant Michelle Padilla, Compliance Liaison Amos Padilla, Team Leader Roll Call was taken by Roberta Perea and a quorum was determined present. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to approve the agenda as written. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Revision date: 01/2014 4. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES January 24, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2014 Regular Meeting as written. Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chair: I will hear a motion for closure of the meeting to enter into Executive Session. Board Member Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH: I move that the New Mexico Dental Health Care Board close this meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 1015-1.of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal, revocation of a license. Mr. Richard Hatch SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Chair: Would the Board Administrator take a roll call vote to enter into Executive Session? Roll Call Vote: Burrell Tucker, DDS Kimberly Martin, DMD Charles Schumacher, DDS Leo Balderamos, DDS Jolynn Galvin, DDS Ermelinda Baca, RDH Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH Robert Blewer, Public Member Richard Hatch, Public Member Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Chair: The motion is approved by a unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 10:30 a.m. the Board entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off. Back in Open Session Let the record show that the recorder is back on. The New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care is back in open session. The time is 12:50 a.m. Pursuant to 10-15-1 H 1, 3 & 7 of the Open Meetings Act the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to the items listed in the motion. 6. BOARD ACTION ON MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Let the record show that the Complaint Committee Members Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD and Mr. Robert Blewer abstained from voting on committee recommended cases. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 2 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Items listed on Agenda) APPLICATIONS 14-28-APP Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to grant the application. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. DECISION & ORDER 11-59-COM & 12-37-COM (Dr. William Gardner, DDS) Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made the following MOTION: A. The Board adopted all of the hearing officer’s proposed findings of fact contained in the Hearing Officer’s Report; B. Based on the findings of fact, the Board made the following conclusions of law. Respondent violated the following statutes and Rules: Sections 61-5A-21(A)(5), 61-5A-21(A)(7), and 61-5A-21(A)(14) of the Dental Health Care Act, as well as Rule NMAC, Rule NMAC, Rule NMAC, and Rule NMAC. C. Based on these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Board orders as follows: 1. Respondent shall pay the Board a fine in the amount of five-thousand dollars ($5,000) for his violations of the Dental Health Care Act and the Board’s Rules. Respondent shall pay this fine within one year of his receipt of this signed Final Decision and Order. 2. Respondent shall take, and successfully pass, the New Mexico Dentist Jurisprudence Examination. The exam must be taken and returned to the Board, with Respondent receiving a passing score of at least 75%, within thirty (30) days from his receipt of this Final Decision and Order. 3. Respondent shall successfully complete twenty (20) hours of Board approved continuing education classes in the following subjects: (1) Ethics, (2) Treatment Planning, (3) Informed Consent, and (4) Implant Complications. The courses must be completed within one year of his receipt of this signed Final Decision and Order. The courses mandated by this Final Decision Order cannot be used to fulfill triennial renewal of continuing education requirements. 4. Respondent shall pay the Board the reporting and transcription costs incurred for this hearing within one (1) year from the date of his receipt of this signed Final Decision and Order. D. Board Chair, Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS, is designated to sign the order and Assistant Attorney General was given authority to prepare the order. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 11-69-COM (Dr. Gary Ross, DDS) Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made the following MOTION: A. The Board adopted all of the hearing officer’s proposed findings of fact contained in the Hearing Officer’s Report; B. Based on the findings of fact, the Board made the following conclusions of law. Respondent violated the following statutes and Rules: Sections 61-5A-21(A)(5), and 61-5A-21(A)(7) of the Dental Health Care Act, as well as Rule NMAC, Rule NMAC, Rule NMAC, and Rule NMAC. C. Based on these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Board orders as follows: 1. Respondent shall pay the Board a fine in the amount of three-thousand dollars ($3,000) for his violations of the Dental Health Care Act and the Board’s Rules. Respondent shall pay this fine within six months of his receipt of this signed Final Decision and Order. 2. Respondent shall take, and successfully pass, the New Mexico Dentist Jurisprudence Examination. The exam must be taken and returned to the Board, with Respondent receiving a passing score of at least 75%, within thirty (30) days from his receipt of this Final Decision and Order. 3. Respondent shall successfully complete twelve (12) hours of Board approved continuing education classes in the following subjects: (1) Ethics, (2) Practice Management, and (3) Conscious Sedation. The courses must be completed within one year of his receipt of this signed Final Decision and Order. The courses mandated by this Final Decision Order cannot be used to fulfill triennial renewal of continuing education requirements. 4. Respondent shall pay the Board the reporting and transcription costs incurred for this hearing within six months from the date of his receipt of this signed Final Decision and Order. D. Board Chair, Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS, is designated to sign the order and Assistant Attorney General was given authority to prepare the order. Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 7. REPORTS New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 3 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 A. Chair Report – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS (Attachment A) B. Secretary’s Report – Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS reported to the board that from January 14, 2014 through April 1, 2014, the following licenses were issued: 5 Dental licenses issued by Examination 5 Dental licenses issued by Credentials 62 Dental Assistants 0 Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Certificates 0 Community Dental Health Coordinator Certificates 1 Non-Dentist Owner Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH made a MOTION to ratify the Boards Secretaries approval of new licensees report into record. Dr. Leo Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. C. Dental Hygienist Committee Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick made a MOTION to ratify the recommendations of the Dental Hygienist Committee. Dr. Leo Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Licenses Issued for Period 1/14/14 thru 4/1/14 2 Dental Hygienists by Examination 1 Dental Hygienists by Credentials 2 Dental Hygienists by Collaborative Practice D. Anesthesia Committee Report – Dr. John Mitchell, DDS (Attachment B) Dr. John Mitchell, DDS reported to the board that from January 14, 2014 through April 1, 2014 the following permits were issued: 5 Nitrous Oxide Permits, 2 Conscious Sedation I permit 2 Conscious Sedation II permits 0 Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia permits E. NM Health Services Report, Devi Gajapathi, BDS No report given F. NM Dental Association ReportVerbal report given G. NMDHA Report, Ms. Mary Kay Vigil, RDH (Attachment C) H. PIMA Report – Melissa McDougal-Plese (Attachment D) New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 4 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 I. NM Department of Health Report – Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH (Attachment E) J. AADB Report – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS (Attachment F) K. WREB Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH (Attachment G) L. CRDTS Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH Verbal report given M. NERB Report – Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH Verbal report given N. ADEX Report – No report given O. CITA Report – Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD No report given P. SRTA Report – No report given Q. Administrator’s Report – Ms. Roberta Perea Ms. Perea reported to the board that RLD hired new staff (Melissa Saiz, Administrative Assistant and Michelle Padilla, Compliance Officer) she also reported that board staff is working on renewals and postcards should be mailed out within the next week. R. Compliance Liaison Report – Ms. Michelle Padilla No report given S. Rules Committee – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS reported that a rule hearing is planned for the October board meeting and a rules committee meeting will be schedules here soon. T. Prescription Drug Misuse and Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council-Dr. Balderamos (Attachment H) U. Ad Hoc Committees – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS will work on appointing Committees for budget and Communication. V. Quality Health Management Report (Attachment I) W. Health Action New Mexico Report – Pamela K. Blackwell, JD (Attachment J) New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 5 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Confirm Future Meeting Dates and Locations July Board Meeting – July 18, 2014 – Ruidoso October Board Meeting – October 17, 2014 – Albuquerque January Board Meeting – January 30, 2015 – Santa Fe April Board Meeting – April 24, 2015 – Santa Fe B. Discussion and Possible action on School-Bases Questionnaire/Dental Mobile Units – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to send out the questionnaire to dental mobile units. Ms. Denise TeagueMyrick, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. C. Discussion and possible action on X-ray Exam recommendations for grading criteria – Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH made a MOTION to accept the recommendations for the grading criteria. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. D. National Safety Council – Request for CPR Course Approval Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to accept the CPR course from the National Safety Council. Mr. Robert Blewer SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. E. Discussion and possible action on revising dental jurisprudence exam Update- Dr. Kimberly Martin Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD will work on clearing up some questions on the exam. F. Complete Credentialing and Background Services, LLC – Response – No action taken 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Budget Report – Kathy Ortiz – No action taken Ms. Kathy Ortiz did a brief presentation on the dental board budget. B. Complaint Committee Member Recommendation Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to appoint Bonnie Ruyle to the complaint committee. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. C. EMS Safety Services – Request for CPR Course Approval Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to approve the CPR course given by EMS Safety Services. Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 6 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 D. CNM – Melanie Upshaw, Dental Assisting Director, CDHC Program Melanie Upshaw did a brief presentation on the Community Dental Health Coordinator Program that CNM has been working with the American Dental Association (ADA) to adopt. The purpose of the Community Dental Health Coordinator Program is to educate prevent and negotiate for the community members. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH mad a MOTION to accept the Community Dental Health Coordinator Program. Dr. Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED BY UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. E. Specialty Exams Ms. Roberta Perea will contact WREB and let them know that the specialty exam in still required in NM as it is in statute. F. DXTR Mannequin Request Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to lend the boards DXTR to Quality Health Management for one year. Quality Health Management will be responsible for maintenance on the DXTR and shall provide documentation to the board showing what maintenance has been done. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. G. Hearing officer Appointments Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to appoint Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH, Ms. Denise TeagueMyrick, RDH and G. Mark Yarbrough, DDS as hearing officers. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. H. Public Comment - None 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chair: I will hear a motion for closure of the meeting to enter into Executive Session. Board Member Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH: I move that the New Mexico Dental Health Care Board close this meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 1015-1.of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal, revocation of a license. Mr. Richard Hatch SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Chair: Would the Board Administrator take a roll call vote to enter into Executive Session? Roll Call Vote: Burrell Tucker, DDS Kimberly Martin, DMD Charles Schumacher, DDS Leo Balderamos, DDS Jolynn Galvin, DDS Ermelinda Baca, RDH Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 7 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 Robert Blewer, Public Member Richard Hatch, Public Member Aye Aye Chair: The motion is approved by a unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 3:09 p.m. the Board entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off. Back in Open Session Let the record show that the recorder is back on. The New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care is back in open session. The time is 3:40 p.m. Pursuant to 10-15-1 H 1, 3 & 7 of the Open Meetings Act the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to the items listed in the motion. 11. BOARD ACTION ON MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Let the record show that the Complaint Committee Members Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD and Mr. Robert Blewer abstained from voting on committee recommended cases. (Items listed on Agenda) APPLICATIONS: 14-27-APP Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to grant a 60 day extension from the date of notification. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 14-34-APP Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to revoke the permit until the applicant passes the facility exam as per (B)(4). Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. RETIREMENT STATUS REQUESTS: James M. Short, DDS Ermelinda Baca, RDH, made a MOTION to accept Application for Retirement for James Short. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous approval. COMPLAINTS: Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to dismiss the following case(s): 13-43-COM, 13-91-COM, 13-101-COM, 13-103-COM, 13-107-COM, 13-110-COM, 13-111-COM, 13-112-COM, 13-113-COM, 13-116-COM, 13-119-COM, 13-122-COM, 14-01-COM, 14-02-COM, 14-04-COM, 14-07-COM, 14-08-COM, 14-09-COM; Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 12-76-COM Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to the AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 61-5A-21 A (2) and H with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent’s certification will be placed on probation for five years; Respondent must immediately report any violations of the law to the Board; Respondent shall provide the Board with a copy of the Judgment & Sentencing Paperwork from D-0202-CR-2012-02151 and D-0202-CR-2012-02787; Any further DWI convictions within the next five year probationary period will result in further disciplinary action; Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 8 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 13-20-COM Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to the AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 61-5A-21 A (5) (7) (10), B (13) & (15) with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent shall pay a fine of $2,000.00 within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall successfully take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall complete 8 hours of board approved CE in the area of Ethics (half of the CE’s may be taken online) within 90 days of the signed agreement. Continuing education hours cannot be used toward the triennial renewal. Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 13-117-COM Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 615A-21 A(5) (7) and B (13) (20) with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent shall pay a fine of $2,000.00 within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall successfully take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall complete 8 hours of board approved CE in the area of Ethics (half of the CE’s may be taken online) within 90 days of the signed agreement. Continuing education hours cannot be used toward the triennial renewal. In the alternative, the Respondent may surrender his NM dental license and the complaint will be dismissed by the Board. Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. INCIDENT REPORTS/MALPRACTICE: Case numbers 13-121-INC, 14-19-INC, 14-22-INC are for informational purposes only. 13-120-MAL Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 615A-21 A (5) (7) (12), B (19), and with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent shall pay a fine of $1,000.00 within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall successfully take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of the signed agreement; The Jurisprudence Exam cannot be used as CE’s toward the triennial renewal. Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 14-13-INC Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 615A-21 A (5) (7) (9), A, and A with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent shall successfully take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall complete 4 hours of board approved CE in the area of Ethics within 90 days of the signed agreement. NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination and continuing education hours cannot be used toward the triennial renewal. Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 14-14-INC Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 615A-21 A (5) (7) (9), A, and A with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent shall successfully take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall complete 4 hours of board approved CE in the area of Ethics within 90 days of the signed agreement. NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination and continuing education hours cannot be used toward the triennial renewal. Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 9 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 DISCUSSION AND BOARD ACTION 11-57-COM (Barbara Heywood-Lewis, DDS) Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to grant a 12 month extension to complete the continuing education hours. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APROVAL. 12-120-MAL Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to rescind the Board’s action from the January 25, 2013 Board meeting in which the Board passed a motion to issue an NCA Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to refer to AGO for a Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement for violation of 615A-21 A (5) (7) (12), B (19), and with the following terms proposed for early resolution: Respondent shall pay a fine of $1,000.00 within 30 days of the signed agreement; Respondent shall successfully take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of the signed agreement; The Jurisprudence Exam cannot be used as CE’s toward the triennial renewal. Should the Pre-NCA Settlement Agreement fail the AGO may proceed with the issuance of a Notice of Contemplated Action. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 13-73-APP Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to rescind the Board’s action from the July 26, 2013 Board meeting in which the Board passed a motion to issue an NCA to deny the application. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. 13-73-APP Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to grant her application for dental assisting certification. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. REPORTS New Mexico Monitored Treatment Quarterly Report PMP Reports 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Dental Board, Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 3:53 p.m. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. Submitted by: Roberta Perea, Board Administrator Approved by: ________________________________________ Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS ___________ Date ___________ Date New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 10 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment A) Chair Report: NMBODHC April 2014 Charles Schumacher, DDS I want to thank of all of the Board and Committee members for their time and efforts to help guide the dental profession in our state. It is from your time and talents that we will continue to improve the ultimate charge of this organization, to protect the public and ensure competent dental practice for our citizens. I especially want to thank the board staff and RLD for doing an amazing job keeping this all together. As your new chair, I would like to work on a few items to help us in the future. A few may require statute changes and some are policy and procedural. Some may be wishful thinking, but a good discussion should help improve our outcomes and help the staff run the organization. We need to start having an active Statute Committee. The Act sunsets next year and is automatically repealed July 1, 2016. Here is a short list to work on: The specialty language needs to be modified to work around the problem of the specialty exam. Modify scope to include simple medical screenings that are able to be done easily in a dental office. These would be tests simply done by auxiliaries that would help aid in diagnosing and treating dental disease. (glucose, saliva, etc.) Modify bleaching definitions and make specific. Update sedation definitions to aid in rulemaking. Further define the “board of dental health fund”, and its purpose and uses. Require reserve funds for legal purposes. Modify background checks requirements. A few other action items: Get the update on the position from Principal Ins Co that their dental consultants do not require NM licenses. Review sedation and anesthesia guidelines, especially as it pertains to pediatric sedation. Discuss CE requirements for CS II sedation (Anesth Committee). We need to develop a “crisis management plan”. Several states have this in place, especially OK, with their Hep C case that occurred last year. Along with communication guidelines in talking with the media, one spokesperson should be designated to be the contact person. We need to find ways of proper communication with all licensees, preferably by email. Messages for crises, and updated rules would enhance our efficiency and may help reduce future complaints. A quarterly board update would be nice to get info to the licensees. How we communicate to the public, the media, and the licensees needs to be defined. Provide food and drinks to Hearing Officers. Continue working in Rules Committee. I think we have a great team, and I believe we can accomplish many things over the next couple of years. With your help and hard work, we will be able to achieve our goals. I attended the Mid-Year AADB meeting on Apr 6-7 in Chicago and have a full report in the meeting packet. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 11 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 Remember to contact other members of the board, please go through Roberta so that we stay within the rules of the Open Meetings Act. If you ever have any ideas for me during the times between our quarterly meetings, please let me know. Thanks again for all you do. CS New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 12 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment B) 14 April 2014 Anesthesia Committee Report to The New Mexico State Board of Dental Health Care: 1. A meeting of the Anesthesia Committee was held on 14 April 2014 at the office of Dr. John C. Mitchell in Albuquerque. 2. Members present: a. John Mitchell, chairman b. Gary Cutrell c. Aaron Rasmussen (by phone) d. Joy Trigo (by phone) e. Wai Pong Ng f. L. Paul Balderamos (by phone) g. Ray Lyons 3. Members absent a. Robert Gherardi b. Jason Flores 4. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 5. Assignments were made for members of the Anesthesia Committee for completion of office anesthesia evaluations which are pending. 6. A big Welcome to our most recently appointed committee member, Dr. L. Paul Balderamos 7. A discussion was held about the possibility of amending the requirements for facilities “hosting” at large anesthesia providers (physician anesthesiologist, dental anesthesiologist or CRNA). No changes to current regulations are recommended. 8. There was a discussion about the possibility of amending/creating a list of sedative agents which can be used by CSII permit holders such that induction agents (e.g. Propofol) could be used only by DS/GA permit holders. It was, in fact, unanimous agreement that the Board consider stipulating that induction agents (such as ketamine, propofol, methohexital, etc) be excluded from the sedative drug regimens of all permit holders except those with DS/GA permits. 9. Adjournment. Permits recommended for approval since last committee meeting: A. Nitrous Oxide/ Oxygen a. Anne Harrison b. David Flack c. Hunaman Gade d. Holly Lindsay e. Kerry Tramontanas f. Michael Seo g. Petra Mayer h. Rebecca Misner Albuquerque Rio Rancho Amarillo, TX Rio Rancho Santa Fe Lubbock, TX Albuquerque Santa Fe New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 13 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 i. j. Robert Chavez Taipul McCarthy Albuquerque Alamagordo a. b. c. d. Christopher Patterson Lucy Komorowski Peter Hayes Todd Parco Santa Fe (2nd Location) Farmington Las Cruces Las Cruces Permanent (Initial) Permanent (Initial) Permanent (Renewal) Permanent (Initial) Santa Fe Gallup Hobbs Temporary (Initial) Permanent (initial-Facility only) Temporary (Initial) Santa Fe Farmington Albuquerque Permanent (Renewal) Permanent (initial-Facility only)) Failed Cottonwood Smiles Modern Dentists Zia Road Zaragosa Rd. Albuquerque Las Cruces Permanent (Initial-facility only) Permanent (Initial-facility only) Permanent (Renewal) Permanent (Initial-facility only) Permanent (Initial) Permanent (Renewal) Gallup Albuquerque Kirtland Las Vegas Albuquerque Albuquerque Initial Initial Initial Renewal Renewal Initial B. CSI: C. CSII a. Haley Ritchey b. Michael King c. Venkata Nalla D. DS/GA None Office Anesthesia Evaluations Completed A. CSII a. L. Paul Balderamos b. Todd Wahlin c. Clark Brinton B. DS/GA a. Jeffry Wheaton i. Albuquerque ii. Albuquerque iii. Santa Fe iv. Santa Fe b. Mark Conover c. Nathan Dickerson Office Anesthesia Evaluations Pending: A. CSII a. Ryan Ullibari b. Kevin Harrison c. Jared Southwell d. Raymond Collins e. Robert Belfon f. Anne Scott New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 14 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 g. h. i. j. k. Clark Brinton Jon Wagner Haley Ritchie Jacob Rogers Venkata Nalla Albuquerque Santa Fe Santa Fe Albuquerque Hobbs Re-evaluation Initial Initial Initial-Facility only Initial B. DS/GA a. Frieder, Dennis b. Kristopher Smith c. Sean Healy i. Santa Fe ii. Taos iii. Los Alamos 2 locations in Albuquerque Facility Eval Only Santa Fe Initial Initial Initial-Facility only Initial-Facility only John C. Mitchell DDS Chairman of Anesthesia Committee New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 15 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment C) NMDHA Report to the Dental Hygienists’ Committee April 25, 2014, 9:00 am, Toney Anaya Building, Santa Fe, NM Update on happenings within the Dental Hygienists community: Albuquerque Day just concluded with good attendance and great CE courses, sponsored by HDDHS. NMDHA participated as judges for PMI Table Clinics on April 7, 2014. NM Legislative session recently concluded without the successful passage of the Dental Therapist bill. The next public hearing for Albuquerque water fluoridation is April 9, 2014 NMDHA is participating in the campaign advocating for fluoridation through the NM Oral Health Advisory Council. UNM Table Clinics will be held on April 17, 2014 at UNM NMDHA Midyear CE and General Membership Meeting will be held April 25, 2014, offering OSHA and CPR traning. May 1, 2014 HDDHS Elections/Business Mtg/2CE’s/Salsa Cook-off “Basic Spanish Terminology for the Dental Professional”. At the UNM Domenici Center 6-8:30pm. May 8, 2014 Dona Ana Community College Graduation May 10, 2014 SJCC Graduation May 16, 2014 NMDHA is sponsoring a Laser CE course. UNM Graduation is May 17, 2014 at Popejoy Hall NMDHA is continually updating the web site with current information on upcoming events. NMDHA will participate this year in District IX meetings via web access to see if this is the way of the future for the tri state meetings. June 18-24, 2014 ADHA CLL at the 91st Annual Session, Caesars Palace Las Vegas, NV. NMDHA MISSION STATEMENT To represent dental hygienists in continuing to improve the oral health of our community by being innovative in increasing access to oral healthcare. VISION STATEMENT To elevate the dental hygiene profession by promoting education, expanding the opportunities for practice, and enhancing access to quality oral healthcare. Mary Kaye Vigil, RDH, BSDH NMDHA President New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 16 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment D) Pima Medical Institute Dental Hygiene Program Report to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care & Dental Hygiene Committee April 25, 2014 Current Demographics of Cohorts: The current census of the two cohorts enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program reflects the following statistics: There are currently 54 active students enrolled in the program. Cohort 3 has 24 students and Cohort 4 has 30 students. Cohort 4 started March 24, 2014 Graduating Class/Class of 2014: Pima Medical Institute recently graduated its second cohort on March 14, 2014 Graduation Rate, Exam Pass Rate, and Employment Rate o Program Completion/Graduation Rate = 21/30; 70% o National Exam Pass Rate = in process; graduates currently testing o WREB Local Anesthesia Exam Pass Rate = 21/21; 100% (first attempt) o CRDTS Clinical Exam Pass Rate = scheduled to occur 4/4/14- 4/6/14 o Employment Rates= pending completion of boards and licensure Community Outreach/Clinical Activities: Students are currently raising funds to allow them participate in the upcoming New Mexico Mission of Mercy Project to be held in Rio Rancho on October 24 and 25 Community/Professional Activities: Cohort 2 presented their table clinic presentations on March 7, 2014. The Program applied and received approval for continuing education credit by the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care. The event was held at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center and was sponsored by Henry Schien. Forty one dental professional attended the event and received continuing education credits. Dental Hygiene faculty will present an advanced dental hygiene instrumentation continuing education course hosted by High Desert Dental Hygienists’ Society on April 24, 2014 at Pima Medical Institute. Regulatory Affairs: The Program submitted a report of change to the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) that was considered at the January 29, 2014 meeting. The Commission granted the proposed change that increases the length o f the program from 84.5 to 86.5 credit hours and degree awarded from an Associate of Occupational Science (AOS) to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS). The Program has further received New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 17 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 approval from the intuitional accrediting agency: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and is awaiting final approval from the New Mexico Higher Education Department. In closing, Pima Medical Institute’s Albuquerque Dental Hygiene Program is proud of our accomplishments thus far and looks forward to continuing the development of future dental hygienists. Respectfully Submitted, Melissa (Missy) McDougal-Pleše, RDH, MS Dental Hygiene Program Director Pima Medical Institute- Albuquerque Campus 4400 Cutler Avenue, NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 881-1234 New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 18 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment E) To: New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygiene Committee From: Carol Hanson, RDH, BSDH, MPH NM Dental Support Center (NMDSC) Coordinator New Mexico DOH/PHD/HSB/OPCRH 300 San Mateo NE, Suite 900 Albuquerque, NM 87108 505-222-8685 Date: March 28, 2014 In partnership with the NMPCA: developed and disseminated January, February, and March 2014 Provider Newsletters; planned and participated in January 17, 2014 NMPCA/NMDSC Provider Meeting—a total of 21 attended; planned April 4, 2014 Provider Meeting Maintained and updated NMDSC Provider and Educator databases and distribution lists Provided technical assistance (including providing dental sealants) for network dental providers and educators Disseminated information on continuing education and other pertinent information to network dental providers and educators Participated in Santa Fe Oral Health Coalition Children’s Oral Health Month Planning on January 13, 2014 Attended NM Oral Health Advisory Council Meetings on January 17 and March 14, 2014 Attended NM Healthy Aging Collaborative Executive Committee Meetings on January, 23 and March 17, 2014 Attended NM Board of Dental Health Care & Dental Hygienists’ Committee Meetings on January 24, 2014 Participated in New Mexico Health Resources 2014 Retreat Planning Committee Meetings on January 27 and February 10, 2014 Coordinated and facilitated January 28, 2014 Dental Educator Consortium conference call. Four attended from Dona Ana DH & DA Programs. Transcribed meeting minutes and disseminated to network dental educators Participated in Youth Development Inc. Health Services Advisory Meeting on January 29, 2014 Participated in Santa Fe High School Career Day on January 30, 2014 New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 19 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 Attended the Early Childhood Community Resources Focus Group on February 20, 2014 Attended the UNM DH Advisory Committee Meeting February 21, 2014 Attended NM Head Start Association Meeting. Was appointed to the Board of Directors. Operated an exhibit booth at the NM Association for the Education of Young Children on March 1, 2014 Participated in NM Chronic Disease Prevention Council Meeting March 18, 2014. Participated in the Head Start Region VI Conference Planning Committee Meeting on March 20, 2014 The Office of Oral Health and the Santa Fe Oral Health Coalition had a successful Children’s Oral Health Month! Following Governor Susana Martinez proclamation stating February 2014 as “Children’s Oral Health Month”, Espanola Mayor Lorraine Lucero made the official proclamation as well. DOH Cabinet Secretary Retta Ward participated in a Dental Sealant Clinic at Nava Elementary School in Santa Fe, while Public Health Division Deputy Director Cathy Rocke participated in a Santa Fe Head Start Fluoride Varnish Clinic. Other activities included: promoting dental careers at Santa Fe High School Career Day, conducting oral health exams at the United Way Center and appearing in the 2014 Health and Wellness Directory for the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper regarding United Way of Santa Fe Preparing Children for Success Program, conducting an “Oral Health Poster” contest for the Santa Fe County Head Start Programs, addressing oral health issues on Radio Station KSUAVE, and addressing the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority in support of reinstating community water fluoridation. OOH staff provided: dental sealants for over 540 elementary school children, fluoride varnish applications for over 76 pre-school children, and oral health education for over 375 children, Head Start parents, and other adults during the month of February. Respectfully Submitted, Carol Hanson New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 20 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment F) AADB Mid-Year Meeting Report The meeting was held at ADA headquarters in Chicago on April 6-7, 2014. The current AADB president, Dr. Mark Christensen from Utah delivered opening remarks and reminded the attendees of some of the benefits of membership: AADB website has all 50 of the states’ Dental Practice Acts for review. Yearly Boards Clearinghouse publication, notifying of what all state boards are facing and doing. ASP- Assessment Services Program, which helps boards to deal with dentists not fitting into normal protocols and behavior, consisting of two parts: o D-PREP- Dentists Professional Review and Evaluation Program offers service to assess skills, judgment and knowledge of dentists and provide remediation solutions as needed. o Expert Review Assessment- provides expert witnesses as needed. One item the AADB is reviewing is a type of assessment before any discipline is taken and offering remediation to act on those willing to help themselves improve skills and knowledge. A large time was spent on the subject of anesthesia and future changes in the ADA guidelines. Highlights: ADA policies are for patients 13 years old and over, and they refer to the AAPD guidelines for younger patients. Capnography (CO2 monitoring), will most likely be recommended soon for moderate to deep sedation. ADA has courses for maintaining competency, part 1 online, and part 2 hands-on with human simulator. Maintenance of competency is big buzz phrase- need to keep up with current CE, possibly 4 hours on the subject every 2 years. Problems most associated with medical issues, especially obese and sleep apnea patients. We will need to update our Rules to coincide with new guidelines once they are published. Botox/Dermal Fillers were a subject, and most states’ allow this as being under the scope of dentists. The ADA President, Dr. Charles Norman made a few comments. One was that we may increase the scope of dentistry to include medical screenings such as diabetes, etc. Also, he said to expect more complaints as dental consumers are seeking more services for less money. They are seeing multiple providers, and not developing long term relationships with patients. The NC case about bleaching and the FTC ruling allowing kiosks boils down to states jurisdiction versus federal jurisdiction over individual state law. The US Supreme Court is to hear arguments in October. Another topic was Health Information Exchange, i.e., electronic health records. It was presented at the end of the day, and it was hard to listen, but expect more changes and confusion on this subject, especially since the main issues are how to protect patient confidentiality and the costs. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 21 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 OSAP, the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention did a presentation of their services and they provide a checklist for mobile van units, of which I will send the link to the board office, and they can forward to the NMDOH. DOCS, the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, is allowing board members to audit their courses, especially the pediatric sedation. CO and KY have good statutes on anesthesia; I will get a copy of each for our review. Colorado has a unique issue-now that marijuana is legal, they are getting applications for dentists and hygienists that have been in trouble in other states for such use. Hmmm, one of those “unintended consequences” things! Oklahoma’s board attorney was there to recommend a crisis management document for boards. More on that in my Pres report. It was stressed that we need to inform patients that file complaints, that private health information will be exposed to the board and to the public due to open meetings acts. Many state boards are struggling with keeping their licensees aware of changes to rules and regulations. The ADA will have applications once again for recognition of Implants and Dental Anesthesia as specialty status. AK has dropped specialty licenses. TX does not have such a license or specialty statute, but now is in a lawsuit from a dentist saying that he has a 1st Amendment right to call himself a specialist…another consideration for our statute revision. Charles Schumacher, DDS New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 22 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment G) NEW MEXICO DENTAL HYGIENISTS COMMITTEE WREB REPORT (HERB) SUBMITTED BY: ERMELINDA BACA, RDH APRIL 25, 2014 The Hygiene Exam Review Board met on March 21, 2014 in Phoenix, AZ. UPDATES: WREB HAS NOT RAISED EXAM FEES IN 5 YEARS NEVADA JOINED WREB IN JULY, 2014 THERE ARE 18 MEMBER STATES IN WREB 38 STATES ACCEPT WREB EXAMS THE DENTAL PORTFOLIO EXAM WILL BE IMPLEMENTED IN CALIFORNIA IN 2014 AND HYGIENE IS CONSIDERING DEVELOPING A PORTFOLIO EXAM AS WELL. ADEX HAS MADE THE PERIO PORTION IN THEIR DENTAL EXAM OPTIONAL. CITA AND SERTA WILL ADMINISTER ADEX IN 2014. CALIFORNIA NOW ACCEPTS CRDTS AS WELL. WREB DENTAL HYGIENE NOW HAS ONLINE RADIOGRAPHIC CALIBRATION. LOOKING AT CONVERTING THE LOCAL ANESTHESIA WRIITEN EXAM FROM MULTIPLE CHOICE TO A CASE BASED EXAM. EXPENSWIRE IS NOW IMPLEMENTED. REORGANIZING ACCOUNTING FUNTIONS TO BE MORE EFFICIIENT AND ACCURATE. HYGIENE COMMITTEE DEVELOPING AND ELECTRONIC HYGIENE TYPODONT CALIBRATION. HYGIENE COMMITTEE DEVELOPING SECURE MOBILE REMOTE TESTING FOR THE POC EXAM. CONVERTING TO ONLINE SURVEYS FOR ALL POST-EXAM EVLAUATIONS. DEVELOPING AN ADVOCACY COMMITTEE TO CARRY WREB'S MESSAGE TO EXTERNAL CONSTITUENTS. DENTAL HYGIENE EXAM CANDIDATES WILL NO LONGER BE ALLOWED TO ADMINISTER LOCAL ANESTHESIA PRIOR TO CHECK IN.(MORE PATIENT FRIENDLY, EVEN PLAYING FIELD, IMPROVE EXAM FLOW) PSYCOMETRIC UPDATES New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 23 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 PASS RATES--DENTAL HYGIENE EXAM 82%, LOCAL ANESTHESIA-79%, RESTORATIVE 68% (FIRST ATTEMPTS) (RETAKE PASS RATES) DENTAL HYGIENE-95%, LOCAL ANESTHESIA-93%, RESTORATIVE -81% RESTORATIVE EXAM NOW WILL REQUIRE REMEDIATION AFTER 2 UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS DUE TO THE FAILURE RATE. NO STATISTICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EFDA AND DENTAL HYGIENISTS EXAMINER AGREEMENT-CONSISTANT EXAM SITE AVERAGES EVERY YEAR-88% CALIBRATION POSSIBLE FUTURE DENTAL HYGIENE EXAM MODIFICATIONS CUT DOWN ON CHECK IN TIME TO INCREASE TREATMENT TIME PATIENT CRITERIA-ACCEPTABLE PATIENTS WILL BE ASA 1-3. ASA 3 REQUIRING MEDICAL CLEARANCE EIO VIDEO IN THE PROCESS OF CARE EXAM WILL BE MORE CASE BASED PRESENTATIONS POC TEST SPECIFICATIONS MAY CHANGE TO 20% HEALTH RISK, EIO; 35% PERIO ASSESSMENT, 25% DH CARE PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND 20% OUTCOMES EVALUATION MAY CHANGE REMEDATION/RETAKE POLICIES FOR THE LOCAL ANESTHSIA EXAM SEPERATE REMEDIATION REQUIREMETS FOR THE WRITTEN AND CLINICAL NOT COMBINE RESTORATIVE: (2016) WILL BE USING ACUDENTAL PREFORMED PREPS. THIS WILL ALLOW FOR MORE CONSISTANT PREPS AT ALL EXAMS, WILL ALLOW TO CHECK THE CCLUSION, BETTER EMBRASURE SPACE TO MIMIC REAL LIFE, MANUFACTURED IN THE US, WILL REDUCE COST, BETTER REPLICATION OF HUMAN DENTITION, WILL ELIMINATE THE CHECK IN PROCESS, WILL REDUCE SET UP TIME, AND WILL REDUCE CANDIDATE ANXIETY OVER PREP ACCEPTANCE. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 24 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment H) REPORT The New Mexico Prescription Drug Misuse and Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council met on March 7, 2014 in Albuquerque. The focus of the meeting was Medicaid coverage of Naloxone Rescue Kits. New Mexico will be the first state in the nation to have such a program, and many other States are watching how this will play out. By mid-April a Naloxone Rescue Kit should be available by prescription in any New Mexico pharmacy and the kit will be covered by Medicaid. The product will be billed as a medical claim, similar to an immunization product. Medicaid Based Insurance Plans (BCBS, Molina, Presbyterian and United Health Care) indicate that they will reimburse pharmacies for the service (cost of drug product, training/advising the patient/user and cost of atomizer device). It is expected that non Medicaid Plans will follow these guidelines. The Advisory Council would like feedback from the Board of Dental Health Care on Prescribing, CoPrescribing and Integration of this Naloxone Rescue Kit in the practice of Dentistry. Based on the above and careful evaluation I can suggest 3 ways that that this Kit could be used in Dentistry. If anyone has ideas and input...please bring it forward. 1. Dentists who hold Nitrous Oxide, Conscious Sedation or General Anesthesia privileges MUST have the device. The rational is that this is a quick and simple reversal mechanism for a patient who may be experiencing overdose in the sedation setting. 2. It is RECOMMENED that Dentists have this device as a part of their office Emergency Kit. The rational is that the device can be used in a non-invasive and quick fashion for patients suspected of being in overdose. 3. Dentists should use PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT regarding PRESCRIBING or CO- PRESCRIBING this device to their ACUTE or CHRONIC pain patients. The rational is that a one time dosed patient is different than a maintenance dosed patient and that many factors play into the decision to prescribe narcotics. The NMBDHC should evaluate these developments and offer suggestions at our April25 ,2014 meeting in Santa Fe. The NMBDHC's suggestions can then be communicated to the Prescription Drug Advisory Council. Respectfully Submitted, L. Paul Balderamos DDS, MS, FACP New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 25 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment I) EFDA – Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliary UPDATE REPORT Quality Health Management is delighted to have the opportunity to provide NMEFDA the courses for the New Mexico EFDA. Participants are required to complete the following courses: Dental Anatomy – 6 hours Dental Materials – 6 hours Restorative Dentistry (hands on) – 10 hours We have prepared a training program that not only provides a participant with program requirements, but also, a potential of completing 22 continuing education credits. This is a “winwin” situation for participants. QHM is an ADA CERP Provider. FIRST GROUP ( 2 participants from Grants, NM & 1 from Portales) May 25, 2013 – Dental Anatomy August 17, 2013 – Dental Materials December 14 – Restorative Dentistry SECOND GROUP (8 participants in Las Cruces, NM) August 9, 2013 – Dental Anatomy August 10, 2013 – Dental Materials January 10 & 11, 2013 – Restorative Dentistry New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 26 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 THIRD GROUP (7 participants in Albuquerque) February 28, 2014 – Dental Anatomy March 22, 2014 – Dental Materials May 16 & 17, 2014 – Restorative Dentistry QHM is experiencing great interest in the EFDA classes however, many of the individuals DO NOT have the initial expanded functions of Dental Radiography, Coronal Polishing, Topical Fluoride, Pit & Fissure Sealant or the 5 years of work experience to move them towards the EDFA courses. QHM provided: Coronal & Topical Fluoride course on December 7, 2013 Pit & Fissure Sealant course on December 20, 2013 QHM scheduled courses: Coronal & Topical Fluoride on March 14, 2014 Pit & Fissure Sealant on March 15, 2014 The Dental Radiography courses are held every 1st Saturday of the month Several participants in these courses are working hard to complete the initial phase of expanded functions courses in preparation for the EFDA courses QHM is forwarding the information to the following NM dental community groups. Utilizing the following methods: QHM web site (see attached copy) Eastern District Dental Meeting in Ruidoso – February 7th & 8th Albuquerque Dental Society – February 11th Santa Fe District Dental Society – February 20th Planned presentations to: Primary Care Providers Meeting – April 4, 2014 Future meetings: Indian Albuquerque Area Clinic Northern Pueblo Clinics Ben Archer Health Clinics in southern NM NMDA Annual Session – June 13, 2014 New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 27 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 Ruidoso Dental Hygiene group Presbyterian Medical Services – Dental Clinics University of New Mexico Dental Clinics In order to defray some of the course expenses and supply costs, we have established a valuable linkage with the NM Workforce Connections, (Gayle Romeo), Customized Training – Employed worker training Program-PY2013, (See Attached Description). These funds can serve as a huge resource for participants and their employers. The Community Health Resource component is available for participants after they have completed the initial EFDA training and licensure. We have not had many individuals indicate an interest. We see this component as necessary to the overall success of the dental program. Since this program takes much work in forming community linkages, we believe funding is going to be necessary to the overall success to cover travel, training and development of community and clinical linkages. New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 28 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 (Attachment J) April 25, 2014 RE: Dental Therapist Report • Dental Therapist Legislation Update • CODA Dental Therapist proposed Standards Update • Request to Formally Present to Board & Committee, Meeting with Board & Committee Chairs Dear NM Dental Board and Hygienist Committee Members, We are pleased to report that on Feb. 19, HB 306/SB76 the Dental Therapist-Hygienist Licensure Bill was brought to the House floor for consideration by bill sponsor Rep. Dennis Roch (R). HB 306 passed unanimously through the House Health Government & Indian Affairs Committee, and by a vote of 12-4, by the House Judiciary Committee. This is the first time the bill has been brought to the House floor. In addition, Governor Susana Martinez included HB 306/SB 76 on her “message” or call of bills that she felt worthy of consideration during the 2014 legislative session. Sen. Benny Shendo (D) brought SB 76 to the Senate Public Affairs Committee for consideration during the session as well.Unfortunately, time ran short to move our bill past the house floor. However we will be bringing the legislation again in 2015 at the encouragement and request of many legislators, NM communities, medical and dental providers and organizations across NM. HB 306/SB 76 remains and will likely remain in our 2015 legislation a bill that: • Includes dental therapists (DTs) as a part of New Mexico’s dental team, expanding the reach of NM dentists to underserved communities. • Includes in a DTs scope of practice a range of routine treatment and restorative care services as well as prevention and education services under the off-site supervision of a dentist. o These proven, high-quality, billable services provided by DTs in the United States make DTs a cost-effective, and proven financially viable workforce model even when only serving underserved patients. • Is a dental hygiene-based model so that all DTs would be dually licensed and could practice as dental therapists and as hygienists. • Includes a pathway for hygienists who with a minimum additional year of education and training to become DTs. • Allows for NM institutions of higher education to train and educate DTs. • Is a community-based model, so that DTs who come from and/or desire to serve underserved NM communities are nominated to attend DT training and education programs by underserved New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 29 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014 communities. As students and practitioners, DTs will reflect the culture and background of our NM communities serving these communities. • Regulates DT licensure and practice. o DT licensure and practice is regulated jointly by the sitting members of the NM Dental Board and Hygienist Committee, and one dental therapist expert/NM licensed DT similar to how collaborative practice dental hygienists are currently regulated. Update on Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) Proposed Standards for Dental Therapist Education Programs CODA continues to move forward with proposed standards for dental therapist education programs. This second round of proposed standards is very similar to the dental therapist model we have proposed here in NM. The CODA proposed standards: • Allow for DTs to be trained at community colleges receiving associates level degrees. (The proposed standards do not require that DT education programs be bachelor’s or master’s level degree or length of programs.) • Allow for dental hygienists to have an abbreviated pathway to be trained and educated to practice as DTs. • Do not require that “diagnosis” can only be included in a dentists’ scope of practice. Request to Formally Present and Meet with Board and Committee Chairs We were very disappointed to learn that the board and committee decided to rescind their invitation for us to formally present to the board and committee at the April 25, 2014 meeting.The purpose of our formal presentation is to provide the board, committee and staff with more information on dental therapist education, licensure and practice, as well as provide detailed information on our NM dental therapist legislation and answer any questions board, committee and staff may have.During the presentation we would also welcome the input of the board and committee members to improve our proposal so that it best serves NM underserved communities and works well within the board and committee structure. Given the role that the board and committee will play in the regulation and licensing of dental therapists it would seem critical for the board and committee members to more fully understand dental therapist practice and the dental therapist legislation well in advance of passage of the legislation and before promulgating regulations. We therefore respectfully request that we again be invited and allowed to formally present to the board and committee within the year.In the meantime, we would welcome the opportunity to meet this summer with the chairs of the board and committee and staff to provide information about dental therapists, our NM dental therapist legislation, answer your questions and certainly to obtain your suggestions on improving our legislation. Please let us know within the next month what dates and times you would be available to meet.Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Pamela K. Blackwell, JDProject Director, Oral Health Access Health Action New Mexico 505.508.2768 New M ex i c o R eg ulat i o n and L ic ens in g D epar t men t BO AR DS A ND CO M MI SSI ON D I V IS IO N Page 30 of 30 Revision date: 01/2014