NSW Air Pty Ltd is a small highly professional flight training organisation operating from the Illawarra Regional Airport at Albion Park just 15 mins South of Wollongong City. NSW Air Pty Ltd is the Premier Flight Training Organisation on the NSW South Coast. We cater for the training needs of individuals who aspire to a commercial aviation career in its many different facets and also for the training and advancement of private pilots seeking the enjoyment of aviation as a recreation or as a business tool. We provide all flight and ground training components associated with the issue of a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) and/or the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). We also cater for advance flight training such as the Multi-Engine Command Instrument Rating (MECIR), Private Instrument Rating (PIFR), Night VFR (NVFR) Rating and the Flight Instructor Rating (FIR). There is an excellent selection of navigation training aids within easy flying time from Wollongong, such as Nowra with an ILS to the south and the Sydney primary control zone to the North. The Illawarra basin provides a spectacular backdrop for flight training with spectacular views of the escarpment and fantastic coastline. BEFORE YOU GET STARTED Why not try a short Trial Instruction Flight (TIF), with you at the controls? It's yours any time you like. Your instructor will show you many of the basics, and you can enjoy the view at the same time. Trial Instructional Flight (40 minutes @ $160, or 60 minutes @ $220 in a Cessna 152). This flight can be logged and goes towards to your Pilot Licence. After the TIF, if you decide you wish to continue flying training, there are a few things which we recommend you do. They are as follows: Aviation Medical Check with Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (NSW Air will provide you with a list of approved doctors) Apply for Student Pilot Licence (SPL) and Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC). This can be done at the flying school and costs $246 payable to CASA. Pilot Log Book which can be purchased from the flying school @ $24. Basic Aeronautical Knowledge Textbook for self study, this will always be a great reference material after you get your licence. NSW Air carries stock of these. NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 BASIC FLYING TRAINING – GFPT (BLOCK 1) The Basic Flying Training programme will take you from your first lesson through to your General Flying Progress Test (GFPT). This is a passenger carrying endorsement on your Student Licence and will allow you to take family and friends flying in the local flying training area. This training is undertaken in our 2 seat Cessna152 aircraft. Phase 1 - Training to First Solo FLYING TRAINING - Effects of controls, straight and level, climbing, descending, turning, stalling, circuits, circuit emergencies. Typically 10 hours dual instruction. THEORY TRAINING - Training to pass 'PRE FIRST SOLO AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE' examination. Either private study, TAFE or NSW Air ground school FIRST SOLO FLIGHT - In circuit area. You'll never forget this one! Phase II - Training to First Area Solo FLYING TRAINING - Circuit solo consolidation, training area familiarisation, emergency landing procedures, advanced turning - 6 hours dual instruction & 4 hours solo flight THEORY TRAINING - Training to pass 'PRE AREA SOLO AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE' examination. Either private study, TAFE or NSW Air ground school FIRST AREA SOLO - In training area, and you will find your own way home! Phase III - Training to the GENERAL FLYING PROGRESS TEST FLYING TRAINING - Advanced circuits, introductory instrument flying, bad visibility procedures, advanced emergency procedures. 9 hours dual instruction & 1 hour solo flight THEORY TRAINING - Training to pass 'BASIC AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE' examination. Either private study, TAFE College or NSW Air ground school GFPT (Flight Test) 2 hours dual. Approximate Costs to GFPT Training Flight Test 24 hrs @ $245/hr 6 hrs @ $245/hr 1 hr @ $175/hr Flight Test Fee Average training cost = $5880 = $1470 = $175 = $250 = $7775 NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 CROSS COUNTRY NAVIGATIONAL TRAINING (BLOCK 2) Phase IV - Private Pilot Licence This phase of flying training consists of nine cross country flights including two of which are done solo. During this phase, you will learn now to plan and execute a cross country navigation exercise over different terrain and airspace. This is designed to prepare you for the Private Pilot Licence which will allow you to fly anywhere in the country and even overseas if the flight is done in an Australian Registered aircraft. FLYING TRAINING Mix of short and longer flights. Check the weather, the best route, visual navigation, track keeping and radio procedures, fuel and load planning. It'll all fall into place! THEORY TRAINING Training to pass the CASA "PRIVATE PILOT LICENCE AEROPLANES" examination (PPLA). Either private study, TAFE or NSW Air ground school. Also study to pass Flight Radiotelephone Operator’s Licence Exam. PRIVATE PILOT FLIGHT TEST - 2.5 hours dual cross-country. Summary of Phase IV (GFPT to PPL) Average 19 hours dual, 5.0 hours solo plus Flight Test. Approximate Costs GFPT to PPL Training in a Cessna C152 19 hrs @ $245/hr 5 hrs @ $200/hr = $4655 = $1000 Flight Test 2.2 hrs @ $175/hr Flight Test Fee = $385 = $320 Average training cost = $6360 Navigation training and the test may be conducted in the Cessna 172 or Piper Warrior if desired, at a slightly higher cost. NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 COMMERCIAL PILOT TRAINING Phase V - Commercial Pilot Licence. The Commercial Pilot Training is designed to consolidate what you’ve learnt during the PPL cross country phase but to a higher level of accuracy, professionalism and broader range of skills. Once you are qualified as a Commercial Pilot, your first job could be anything from Aerial Photography, Freight, Scenic Flights, Charter Flights and even flying instruction upon completion of a Flight Instructors course. The CPL syllabus is designed to prepare you for this. The Commercial Pilot Course requires a Minimum of 150 hrs if enrolled in the CASA approved 150 hr CPL Syllabus otherwise a minimum of 200 hrs is required prior to completing the flight test. During this time, you can complete a number of endorsements or ratings to count towards the 150 or 200 hr syllabus. These include but not restricted to a Night VFR Rating, Initial Multi Engine endorsement, Aerobatics. For more information and to help you design your 150/200 hr syllabus, please contact us on 02 4256 1977 or send an email to the CFI at warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Approximate Cost PPL to CPL (150 hr course) CPL with Manual Propeller Pitch Control and retractable undercarriage, including Single Engine Night VFR Flight Training Instrument Training Synthetic Trainer PFC CAT III 5.0 hrs @ $125/hr Manual Pitch Propeller/Retractable Undercarriage Endorsement Piper Arrow 2.0 hrs @$359/hr Night VFR Training - Piper Warrior II 10.0hrs @$320/hr Night VFR Training – Cessna 152 2.0hrs @ $245 Night VFR Flight Test fee Commercial Navigation/General Handling Training 13 hrs @$359/hr Solo Cross Country/General Handling 37.5 hrs C152 @$175/hr 30 hrs PA28 @$250/hr CPL Flight Test 3.5 hrs Piper Arrow @$359/hr Flight Test fee Average Cost for CPL from PPL = $625 = $718 = $3200 = $490 = $390 = $4667 = $6562.5 = $7500 =$1256.50 = $420 = $25,829 For average costs for 200 hr CPL syllabus, please contact the Chief Flying Instructor. NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 OTHER ENDORSEMENTS AND RATINGS Manual Pitch Propeller / Retractable Undercarriage These are really two separate design features found on most high performance aircraft. Flown in the Piper Arrow, they are slightly more complex than the Piper Challenger or Piper Warrior and provide an excellent step-up in performance. The endorsement includes briefing and training in use of the propeller pitch lever and the retractable undercarriage. These feature endorsements are valid across aircraft types, but you will need a thorough check out onto any new type you encounter. Approximate Training Cost in Piper Arrow, 2.0 hrs @ $359/hr = $718 Initial Multi-Engine Endorsement The Initial Multi Engine Endorsement teaches you to operate an aircraft with two engines. You will learn how to operate it with both engines operating normally and also how to deal with ‘Asymmetric’ or Single Engine operations. Ideally, you would’ve already achieved the Manual Pitch Propeller and Retractable Undercarriage endorsements prior to commencing your initial twin. However, these two endorsements can be combined with your initial multi engine endorsement. Allow an extra hour to the below training costs. NSW AIR has a curriculum of training of 7 hours dual for initial twin endorsement on the Beechcraft Duchess (BE76). Duchess conversions are available if you are endorsed on another twin. Approximate Training Cost in Beechcraft Duchess BE-76 5.0 hrs @ $495/hr = $2475 NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 Night VFR Rating This rating allows you to extend your flight into the night if you are running late or have unplanned diversions etc. Although this rating allows for flights wholly at night, this is not recommended and allows for late arrivals from a cross-country trip. The training consists of Navaid tracking and intercepts and night circuits. You will also conduct several Night cross country navigational exercises prior to attempting the Night VFR Rating test. Approximate Cost of Night VFR Training Flight Training - PA28 Warrior II 12 hours dual @ $320/hr 4 hours simulator @ $125/hr Flight Test Fee Average cost of Night VFR Training = $3840 = $500 = $390 = $4730 Command Instrument Rating The Command Instrument Rating (single or multi) is a professional qualification. You must obtain this rating if you wish to fly in Instrument Meteorological Conditions IMC for a living. You will cover tracking and holding patterns on the Non Directional Beacon (NDB) and VHF Omni Range (VOR) as well as Approaches on NDB and VOR and the Instrument Landing System (ILS) and Localiser (LLZ). In addition, training in GPS (RNAV) approaches is covered. Part of the training for a Command Instrument Rating is conducted in the simulator but most if it is in the aircraft. You will need to hold at least a Private Pilot Licence or greater to undertake a CIR course and by the time you are ready for the flight test you will have at least: - 50 hours cross-country flight time as pilot in command, - 40 hours instrument time, not less than 20 of which are cross country - 10 hours dual instrument flight time - 10 hours night flight time of which at least 5 are as pilot in command. In addition to the above flying hours, you must also pass the Instrument Rating theory Exam (IREX). Training can be conducted in either our Piper Arrow (single engine CIR) or Beechcraft Duchess BE76 (multi-engine CIR) NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 Approximate Cost for the ME Command Instrument Rating with NDB, VOR, ILS, LLZ, DGA and GNSS/RNAV is as follows: Based on CASA minimum requirements i.e. 40 hrs Instrument Time: 20 hrs on BE76 Duchess @ $495/hr = 20 hrs on PFC CAT III Synthetic Trainer @ $125/hr = $9900 $2500 Flight Test 2.5 hrs @ $405/hr Flight Test Fee = = $1012.5 $480 Average cost using the BE76 Duchess = $13,892.5 Private IFR Rating (PIFR) This rating is designed to allow you to safely fly as a private pilot in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) from point to point at or above the route lowest safe altitude. LSALT. This is handy when operating out of Wollongong, often the cloud cover is sitting on the escarpment and the weather is clear on the other side. After completing the initial Basic PIFR, additional endorsements can be added to allow procedures such as GPS Arrival, NDB Approach, VOR Approach, ILS/LLZ approach and GPS (RNAV) approach, to get you lower than LSALT in accordance with published procedures. This rating offers you a lot of flexibility in your operations provided you are flying an appropriately equipped aircraft. It is also designed to allow the private pilot to maintain currency in procedures in a more flexible fashion than the full Command Instrument Rating, yet adhering to the same standards. THEORY TRAINING The first part of the theory training focuses on the basic PIFR (en-route) and looks at radio navigation, meteorology, instrument flight planning and flight procedures. The second is devoted the individual Flight Procedure Authorisations (FPA's) for approaches to airfields in IMC. These do not have to be done if you do not require them to be added to your rating. FLYING TRAINING This training includes radio navigation, instrument emergencies, instrument flight planning and radio procedures, various instrument departure and arrival procedures as well navaid holding patterns. NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 Training for the PIFR can be conducted on either a Cessna C182 (single) or our Beechcraft Duchess BE76 (twin). Simulator training can be used to reduce the costs of navaid training. Approach FPA training is completed in both the simulator and the aircraft. Flight Training for the PIFR requires a minimum 20 hours dual, including up to 10 hours simulator for en-route PIFR. Approach FPA's are additional to the above and it is recommended that at least 4 flights per desired FPA are conducted. BASIC PIFR FLIGHT TEST Approximately 2.5 hours dual cross-country in simulated IMC in either the Cessna C182 (single) or the Beechcraft Duchess BE76 (twin) aircraft. PIFR FPA FLIGHT TEST One or more flights of variable duration to demonstrate competency in the various instrument approach manoeuvres. Why do your Instrument Rating at Wollongong Wollongong Airport is within 30 miles of an ILS (NOWRA) which is a great location as it gives Student exposure to Class C airspace and operations within a Military Control Zone. Very rarely do you experience delays or unnecessary holding whilst operating into Nowra. Remember delays = fuel = added expense. Wollongong has its own NDB (Non Directional Beacon) approach, DGA (DME GPS Arrivals) and two GNSS (RNAV) approaches. Bindook VOR is also within close proximity of Wollongong Airport completing the exposure to all types of NAVAIDS. As the airport is a Non Controlled aerodrome, this gives students plenty of exposure to CTAF procedures in IMC. The majority of airports in Australia served by instrument approaches are Non Controlled therefore exposure to this type of environment whilst conducting instrument approaches is essential. NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977 Instructor Rating This module covers the flying and ground training for the issue of a Grade 3 Flight Instructor Rating and includes 50 hours in the Cessna 152 and similar aircraft and approximately 150 hours ground training in the principles of instruction. Training manuals are supplied to trainees. Flight tests for the issue of the FIR are normally conducted by our Chief Flying Instructor. If a test is performed by the CFI it is FOC and included in the price. If CASA elects to do the test there will be an additional fee payable to CASA. The trainee may now earn a living as a Flying Instructor. Cost for the Flight Instructor Rating is $16,500. ex GST. Flight Tests The flight tests associated with the training undertaken at NSW Air are conducted by our Chief Flying Instructor who is a Delegate of the Civil Aviation safety Authority as an Independent Approved Testing Officer. Further Information For further information on any of the training sequences or flight tests for licences or ratings covered by this brochure, please contact the flying school on 02 4256 1977 or email: warren.gengos@nswair.com.au The Cessna C152 training aircraft The Piper PA28-180 Challenger touring aircraft The Beechcraft BE76 Duchess IFR training aircraft NSW Air Pty Ltd Illawarra Regional Airport PO Box 162, Dapto, NSW 2530 warren.gengos@nswair.com.au Telephone (02) 4256 1977