Ashley D. Fluhme Week of 11/4 4 5 Allusion of the day: Students will take notes on the allusion du jour. Election Day Mnemonic devices: Voc. proctors provide mnemonic devices. Outline the position of your character on Wiki: Meet with other students assigned the same character and develop your outlines. Complete character outline. Photo Story due Monday, Nov. 11 6 7 Allusion of the day: Students will take notes on the allusion du jour. Allusion of the day: Students will take notes on the allusion du jour. Groups will present their positions: Groups will present their wikispaces outlining the assigned individual in Denby. Groups will finish presenting their positions: Groups will present their wikispaces outlining the assigned individual in Denby. Debate Prompt: Students will review the prompt for the debate. Photo Story due Monday, Nov. 11 Class is Divided regardless of personal view: Students must then defend or condemn Conrad as a racist. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8 Voc. Quiz: Students will complete the cumulative vocabulary quiz. AP Advantage: Students will popcorn read the passage from their AP Advantage packets. Students should then discuss their responses to the AP Advantage questions in class. Debate must be completed by the start of class on Thursday the 14th. Photo Story due Monday, Nov. 11 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8 Marlow as racist Preparation: Divide students into groups to find passages supporting Marlow as a racist and Marlow as an antiimperialist. In what ways is Marlow condescending? In what ways is he respectful? How can we reconcile this polarization? Each student must make one comment stating the case for either condemnation or defense. Students must then reply to as many comments as they can (with a minimum of three responses). Debate must be completed by the start of class on Thursday the 14th. Complete AP Advantage for Fri. Study Vocabulary for Fri AP4 8 Photo Story due Monday, Nov. 11 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 Ashley D. Fluhme Week of 11/4 Portable Phonograph Quiz: Students will take the portable phonograph quiz. Portable Phonograph Quizzes Returned: Students will receive their quizzes back and check for understanding Theme Lesson: Example, Instruction, Review and Reinforcement: Example: Students will be given the lyrics to “The Best of Both Worlds” theme song. The students will follow along with their lyrics. Afterwards, we will discuss the theme song as a theme for the tv show through discussion. “The Scarlet Ibis”: Quiz Students will take a reading quiz on the short story. Discussion - “The Scarlet Ibis”: Using the story guide, students will discuss the conflict, characters, complications, climax, and other plot elements of the novel. The symbol of the Scarlet Ibis to Doodle will be discussed, showing the comparison between the death of the bird foreshadowing the death of Doodle. Notes from the overhead: Students will then take notes from the overhead about the definition of theme and things to consider when trying to unlock theme. Wrap-up Example: Students will use the lyrics of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” to solidify the concept of theme. Election Day Discuss theme of Portable Phonograph: Students will share their view of theme for the story. The Scarlet Ibis” Prompt: In “The Scarlet Ibis” the narrator makes this statement: “Pride is a wonderful, terrible thing . . . .” In the quotation he means that pride can be a positive force, but excessive pride can result in terrible consequences. Students will write to the prompt as an introduction to the ideas presented in the story. Complete the syllabus requirements for “The Scarlet Ibis” for tomorrow. “The Scarlet Ibis”: If time remains, students can use the rest of the class to begin reading the story. Read “The Scarlet Ibis” for Thursday. Complete the story guide. “Scarlet Ibis” Quizzes Returned: Students will receive the results of their quiz on the Scarlet Ibis. The Scarlet Ibis”: Instruction Figurative language: Similes and Metaphors: Students will be instructed on the format and purpose of figurative language. Then, working with a partner, they will complete the Figurative Language Worksheet which asks theme to complete, identify, and find other examples of similes and metaphors. Read the story, “The Balek Scales” for class Monday and complete all syllabus requirements. Look for the following: s symbol, a simile, a metaphor, an example of irony, and the theme of the story. 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Handout: Identifying Theme: Students will count off by 5. Each group will take a different story title. This will be due as we read each story. Complete for the story you have been assigned. 1-1 . 1.1, 1.3, 1,6 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 Ashley D. Fluhme Week of 11/4 Cancerland Popcorn Read/SSR read: Students may read Cancerland either in a popcorn fashion or silently, depending on the prevailing attitude of the class. Written Expression Finish Cancerland for Wed. & answer questions Election Day Small Groups Discuss Cancerland: Students will get together in groups to discuss their response to the reading. Large Group Analysis: In a larger group, we will share our insights. Begin Popcorn Reading of Chapter Three: Students will read and discuss. Quickwrite: Explain Goethe’s statement, “There is a great difference, whether the poet seeks the particular for the sake of the general, or sees the general in the particular.” On Seeing the General in the Particular: Students will share their insights into this concept Thinking Small: Students will discuss the value of thinking small. On Crowding the Reader Out of His Own Space: Discuss the concept of crowding the reader out of her space. Defining Image within a Literary Context: Students will develop a working definition of image. Don’t Lose any of Your Senses: Identify the ways to add all of your senses to a piece of writing. Imagery that Works on Two Levels: Stuents will understand that imagery operates on two levels. Don’t Lose any of your senses: Students will use the example on page 118 as a model. Students must write five versions of a description, adding a sense each time. Students should highlight the enhanced imagery. Finish Reading Chapter Three 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 Turn in Descriptions: Students will turn in their sensory passages. Discuss Use and Abuse of Metaphor: As a class we will identify the various types of metaphors identified in the packet. Next Assignment: Students will read the Harper’s index assignment. Harper Personal Index is due on Friday 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8