Date: 21 November 2007 Time: 9.30pm Venue: Erlas In attendance

Framework Partnership Board: MINUTES OF MEETING
Date: 21 November 2007
Time: 9.30pm
Venue: Erlas
In attendance:
Terry Garner
Bob MacLaren
Peter Stevenson
Clare Field
Cllr. Arwel Jones
John Gallanders
(Vice Chair)
John LeeceJones
Board Members
Ruth Purdie
Strategic Director CYP
Cilla Robinson
Carol Moore
Hywyn Williams
WCBC Learning and
Lead Non-Executive
North Wales Fire and
rescue Service
Head of Service: Perf.,
Support and Development
Sally Rees
Non-Executive Director
Phil Owen
Also present at this meeting:
North Wales Police
Sue Willis
Angela Roberts
(Also deputising for SW in the event of her
Papers only
WCBC Safeguarding
and Support
Public Health
WCBC Prevention and
WCBC (Lead Member)
Jan Jones
1. Cllr. David Bithell
2. Andrew Figiel
1. N/A
2. N/A
Distribution: As above
Minutes taken by:
Pre-Agenda: The Chair welcomed Phil Owen of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service and
Ruth Purdie of North Wales Police to their first meeting. Their presence was very welcome and
the Board looks forward to working in closer partnership with them.
Agenda/Points covered:
 See above.
Previous Minutes (21 November 2007) and matters arising not already on
the agenda
 Nothing raised.
 Agreed: The Minutes of previous meeting were agreed
Responsible person:
Agenda/Points covered:
Responsible person:
Confirmation of Agenda
 Nothing further raised
Agreed: Partners agreed the agenda
Partnership and other Updates (items requiring Board discussion/decision)
4.1 Learn and Achieve SCoG (HW)
4.1.1 Verbal update
Next LA SCoG scheduled for 17 December.
HW provided a brief overview of groups within the SCoG for the benefit
of new members. There was particular interest in the group which will
be looking at maximising the use of school buildings.
4.1.2 Estyn Inspection of LEA
Draft report received, amended and returned. Final report expected
early in January 08. It will be on the Estyn website and will also be
placed on the CYPFWP website. A post inspection action plan (PIAP)
will be drawn up and shared with partners in due course.
Feedback on the 14-19 and YSS inspections will take place next week
(29 November 1.30 at Yale College).
4.1.3 New TF Groups – PASS (Pupil Attitude to Self and School)
Some new groups have now been set up by the SCoG. A PASS group
which already existed has been brought within the SCoG as it has
potential to impact on support for children and young people beyond
the Learning and Achievement Department alone; has potential in
respect of Team Around the Child, EHWB provision, exclusions and
attendance, NEETS, for example. Currently being looked at for roll out
across all schools; if this can be achieved, and data incorporated into
existing ICT packages, scope for sharing more widely can be
addressed. (Cost approx. £45k).
The Keeping in Touch (KIT) group has been re-convened in response
to comments during the Estyn YSS inspection.
The SCoG is also looking at the achievement of vulnerable groups
starting with Looked after Children (LAC). Over time there will be
presentations re. the full range of vulnerable groups and the hope is
that an achievement profile for each group can be developed alongside
broader support strategies as a result of working with Partners on this.
 AR expressed a willingness to become involved in both PASS
and vulnerable groups as and when this becomes
Issues around data collection/analysis and reporting, data protection
and information sharing were discussed. The difficulties relating to
information sharing were rehearsed and acknowledged. A number of
actions were agreed:
 RP explained that NW Police have a functioning protocol in place
which she can share.
 PO explained that a protocol between Fire and Rescue and NHS
had just been agreed.
 This might be something which the LSB can take forward at the
executive level if necessary.
Agenda/Points covered:
ACTION: Information sharing to be scheduled into the work
programme as soon as possible; RP to send police protocol to
4.2 Enjoyment and Participation SCoG
4.2.1 Verbal Update (JHJ in CF’s absence)
SCoG meeting took place on 22 October and the next is scheduled
for 21 January 08.
WAG funded Extended Entitlement project has now ended. Wrexham
achieved 97% of the WAG target – 11,700 young people were
reached. There is a need to continue to publicise the ten
Entitlements but this might prove difficult once the funding ends.
 Information re. the ten Entitlements to be placed on the
PIP – Parent Information Points; satellites have been successfully
launched as an outreach from the CIB. Well-received – will monitor
Directory of Services – available from within young people’s website
( and on main website as soon as it has
been translated. Over 100 services listed, but more than half are
Council services. Next priority will be to increase the number and
range of services listed there. There may be maintenance issues as
the Directory builds; currently Info Shop verifying entries, but this is
only a short term solution.
Team Around the Child (TAC) launched in September at Ysgol
Rhiwabon. This has proved so successful that there is now a pressing
need for admin support (see Agenda Item 5.3).
4.3 Safe from Harm SCoG (also LSCB Development Group) (BMcL)
4.3.1 Verbal Update
SCoG met 30 October and will meet again 18 December.
Child Protection policies are about to be published and the LSCB
Business Plan can be found on the website
A template for annual reporting re. safe employment practices (eg.
CRBs) is being developed; organisations such as Yale have been
contacted and replies are awaited. The WAG protocol relating to
allegations against school staff was flagged up, as was the Children’s
Commissioner’s response to this.
The Audit Group will finalise its Terms of Reference shortly; this
group will examine cases of special interest and share good
practice/lessons learned.
A range of plain English public information leaflets have been
developed and all Council staff will receive one via payslips
explaining what they should do if they have a concern about a child
 Partners expressed an interest in possibly sharing the same
leaflet more widely with other staff groups. This interest was
noted. BMcL will speak to ML about the possibility of adapting
for Partners.
BMcL confirmed his retirement in March 08. Arrangements following
this decision are being considered by Council officers and Elected
Responsible person:
Agenda/Points covered:
4.3.2 Update: Housing and Accommodation Group
Serena Baxter of Housing Dept. is now convening a group on this
issue. Will initially review pre-existing action plan and advise if a
longer term TF Group needs to be convened.
AR asked about the involvement of Barnardos, especially in light of
their recent Big Lottery bid. JHJ confirmed that KU is part of the
RP shared concerns re. community mental health placements and
some young people which the police service have to deal with and
expressed a willingness to become involved with a TF Group if it is
 JHJ to share this information with PSD support officer (Jillian
McBrearty Gilliam)
4.3.3 Proposed Partnership Training Day (10 April 08) (Please note
date, as it differs from that contained in agenda) (See written
The day will be WAG funded and an excellent provider (Tony
Morrison) has been engaged. The four main Partnerships will be
brought together for the event (CYPFWP; HSCWB; CSP; LSCB).
 AGREED: that this is a very good idea and Partners fully
supportive. Date to be put into diaries. More information will
be provided closer to the date by Marie Lebacq.
Healthy and Active SCoG (SW)
4.4.1 Verbal Update
SCoG met on 29 October with next meeting scheduled for 08
January 08.
Emotional Health and Well-being: Health Inspectorate Wales
(HIW) currently looking into this (nb. Durham mapping activity of
NHS funding going into this area of work). AR had attended a
regional meeting and shared concern that the approach taken
would fail to capture all the work being carried out by other
partners and agencies, and would create a skewed picture of
finance/provision. The intention is that other partners will be
included in second phase. Doubts were expressed about capacity
to keep the data properly updated. It was pointed out that the
scope was intended to be broader than CAMHS.
This issue was proposed as one to take to the LSB at a later date.
Colleagues were informed that the Children’s Commissioner’s
report on CAMHS has now been published (Somebody Else’s
Young Carers: group now established. Margaret Southall is
leading on this on behalf of the SCoG.
Sexual Health: Partners reminded again of the ongoing funding
shortfall in pharmacy costs which is proving resistant to solutions. It
was noted that currently one person is giving one day per week to
this service, but funding will end in January 08. The TF Group is
looking closely into services provided for children and young people
as part of a wider integrated service – see also Agenda Item 5.4.
Speech and Language: There have been concerns re. the pilot
integration project and capacity to deliver the original action plan in
light of the shortening of the pilot period by WAG (now to complete
at the end of March 08). This area of work impacts on both
Responsible person:
Agenda/Points covered:
Responsible person:
Learning and Achievement and Healthy and Active and is
regarded as very important by both. Action is being taken to
ensure that the project is helped to stay on track.
NSF: MW has indicated that she does not want to continue with
the current one day per week requirement post March 08. JHJ/AR
looking at co-ordination requirements going forward.
4.4.2 Integrated Children’s Disability Service (ICDS) AR/YH
AR confirmed that the funding for the Joint Working Special Grant
has been confirmed for a three-year period which provides some
stability for the proposed ICDS post from April 2008.
Consultant post agreed through to end of March 08.
(See also Agenda Item 5.1 for report on this subject).
4.5 Children’s Partnership (CR)
4.5.1 Verbal Update
13 November meeting went well. The move to a role which contains
more of a scrutiny element (as per the ToR) was supported by the
production of a ‘Headlines’ paper which summarised briefly the
activities of the many TF/Linked Groups. This was well-received as a
way of keeping Partners in touch with key issues without taking up a
great deal of time.
This enabled a more detailed report on ICDS to be delivered in which
Partners were very interested and it was noted that the Children’s
Partnership fully supports the plan and proposals in respect of ICDS.
Chairs of SCoGs had not sent CR any specific key issues which they Chairs to
would wish to appear on the agenda – no doubt this will happen over
time as the role of the CP develops.
CP members were invited to suggest areas/issues which they would
like to explore further. Family Support was raised – partners asked for
an update on how this was being progressed as the previous group
appeared to have ‘disappeared’. They also asked for some
information relating to children and accidents, especially in relation to
journeys to and from school, as a precursor to deciding if this was an
area they should pursue further. The two areas will be researched by
LP will
Lauren for the next meeting (additional agreed – for 30 January 08).
More detailed reports on TAC and Flying Start were also requested.
The need to be cautious in taking too much on was discussed, and
also to ensure that CP/YPP were not embarking on exploring issues
already looked at or within the remit of a SCoG. JHJ pointed out that
the CP/YPP Chairs’ involvement in the overall CYPFWP, and JHJ’s
attendance at all key meetings ought to ensure there is no
It was agreed that the meeting had been very positive – very ‘buzzy’ –
and that the membership needed to be comfortable with the
Children’s Partnership’s amended role, and confident that it could
make a genuine contribution to the overall CYPFWP by identifying
areas to explore in greater detail.
4.6 Young People’s Partnership (JG)
4.6.1 Verbal Update
 20 November meeting was not attended by Estyn as part of their
inspection of YSS which was a disappointment to Partners. It was
also noted that a number of members did not attend and that Council
Agenda/Points covered:
Responsible person:
representatives had not attended this or other CYPFWP meetings for
some time; The involvement and support of all Partners was agreed
to be very important to the Partnership. Agreed that the meetings
need to be dynamic and meaningful if people are to be encouraged to
YPP members also found the ‘Headlines’ overview a valuable tool.
Concerns were raised in respect of short term funding for projects
such as Extending Entitlement and Counselling services – exit
strategies aren’t clearly set out; we should consider not always taking
funding on offer if the short term gain will lead to long term issues re.
raised expectations which cannot be actually be met.
In common with Children’s Partnership role development, a clear
focus on young people’s issues and how the scrutiny role should be
developed and supported needs to be maintained now that the
SCoGs have the key role in delivering and monitoring many services.
4.6.2 Estyn Inspection of YSS
 Verbal feedback on inspection judgements will be provided for
Partners on 29 November – 1.30 @ Yale College. Points made thus
far include:
 recognition of range of good work going on and of support for new
 good engagement at strategic level but more communication
needed at operational level;
 some issues being raised about the use of buildings and
resources – DRA compliance etc;
 demonstration of effectiveness – focus on outcomes – but
recognition of the journey travelled;
 CRBs/HS issues;
 14-19 – some caveats around sixth forms.
 The drain placed on time and energy of all concerned by so many
Estyn inspections in short space of time was noted.
Local Service Board (and RSB)
4.7.1 Verbal Update
CAMHS report requested: AR met with EHWB group on 09
November and had produced paper for LSB as per action noted in
previous minutes. The key focus was on a Training Strategy involving
a wide range of staff including teachers. ‘Gold Standard’ within the
Training Strategy would cost £450k (!) A 2-page Executive Summary
is available.
It was pointed out that if we had the money to make this happen we
would already have done so – LSB need to find additional resources
to make things happen – counter-productive if they were to place
spending expectations on Partners outside of existing decisionmaking processes re. allocation of scarce resources.
Timescale tight as LSB meeting is 12 December.
PS suggested that the Mental Health Promotion Strategy, which
should be available in December, should be shared with Partners.
AR and group thanked by Board members for their work on this.
ACTION: Training Strategy to be posted on website. MHP
Strategy also if available.
AGREED: Given tight timescales, Chair will sign off report
for LSB on behalf of CYPFWP Board
Agenda/Points covered:
Responsible person:
Framework Partnership Board – For Action
ICDS: proposals for appointments to make this plan a reality (see
report provided)
 Importance of the ICDS project agreed by Partners. Agreement that
eventual manager post (to be in place 01 April 08) needs to be at level
higher than M2 and concern as previously discussed that Flexibilities
funding may not be able to fund a post at a level higher than this.
 ACTION: AR to report back on this issue at next meeting.
JWSG – needs a stronger children/young people input to balance
current adult focus. JG already attends.
 AGREED: that AR be nominated by the CYPFWP Board as a
member of this group in future.
ACTION: SW to notify Richard Owen of this decision.
Cymorth Slippage: reporting arrangements and re-confirmation of
approach to allocating/ commissioning (JHJ) (See written report)
 Criteria for slippage allocation set out in the report were debated. As a
result, the following criteria were agreed:
 Criterion 1: that first call on slippage is inflation uplift to voluntary
organisations which in 2007-08 is agreed as 3%.
 Criterion 2: second call on slippage would relate to maintaining/
strengthening existing Cymorth-funded projects which address the
CYPFWP’s agreed key priorities – currently these are CAMHS and
disability; more will be identified as part of the CYPP process.
 Criterion 3: third call on slippage would relate to support for
activities/services which address key priorities but which are NOT
currently Cymorth-funded projects.
 Criterion 4: fourth call on slippage would relate to maintaining/
strengthening existing Cymorth-funded projects which do not
address current key priorities.
 Criterion 5: the fifth call on slippage would relate to support for
activities/services which are not currently Cymorth-funded projects
which do not address current key priorities.
 Criterion 6: in the case of new areas projects/services being
supported, these would need to comply with Cymorth guidance.
 Criterion 7: all cases, the need to maintain % allocations and not to
vire across themes will need to be borne in mind.
In all cases of requests for slippage, a detailed needs assessment and
business case will be required to underpin any request for additional
funding. This will need to go via the most appropriate SCoG, the case
made will need to be supported by that SCoG and put forward to the
Partnership Advisory Group (PAG) (sponsored) by the SCoG Chair for
consideration and recommendation to the Board.
Supported slippage requests will usually be agreed for the duration of
that financial year only unless clearly stated otherwise.
The suggestion that an amount of slippage be set aside for small
scale grants was not supported. JG pointed out that AVOW already
operates such a scheme. (Nb. Russell Committee).
Now that the PSD team is in place attention will be directed again at
strengthening SLAs and improving monitoring processes against
these. Organisations/services will be expected to meet the service
Agenda/Points covered:
Responsible person:
outcomes agreed and set out in SLAs and they will be helped to ‘bend
to fit’ services where necessary. Continued non-compliance with SLA
outcomes and service spec. will lead to de-commissioning – practice
in Flintshire in this respect was cited.
AGREED that JHJ will turn these agreements into a clear
paper/flyer which can be widely shared so that everyone is aware
of how slippage will be allocated and of the criteria agreed to
ensure a fair process which directs funding towards key
priorities wherever possible. A pro forma for making requests will
be developed in order to support a fair process for all.
Cymorth Slippage: request for funding to be allocated to strengthen
TAC pilot (CF) (See written report/request)
 This request for additional funding from slippage was supported by the
Enjoy and Participate SCoG, sponsored by the EP SCoG Chair and
approved by the PAG for recommendation to the Board.
 The great success of the TAC initiative to date was acknowledged and
the need for admin support to enable the Co-ordinator (who is funded
from Cymorth) to carry out that role more effectively.
 AGREED that the admin post should be funded from Cymorth
slippage until the end of this financial year at which point it will
need to be reviewed.
HSWB Strategy: CYP Priorities (ALL) (See briefing paper from PS)
 PS provided an overview of the issues and of the needs assessment
process underpinning these. It was acknowledged that this process
was far from perfect but it provided clear pointers to need. In
summary, priorities improving health and well-being had been
identified by:
 analysing and interpreting the core public health data sets for
 analysing health trend data for Wrexham; and
 considering a population-based approach to improve health and
well-being and reduce inequalities in Wrexham.
 PS pointed out that WAG is planning to launch a Public Health
Strategy for Wales in 2008 and that the priorities in the HSCWB
Strategy may need to be reconsidered in light of this.
 The CYPFWP Board has agreed CAMHS and disability as key
priorities arising out of the evidence provided by the NSF SAAT.
However, PS reminded Partners that these priorities, though very
important, impact on relatively small numbers of children and young
people and the HSCWB strategy is looking at priorities which will
impact on larger populations.
 The table provided on page 3 of the paper sets out the HSCWB
priority areas which are to be consulted on within the Strategy. These
include both CAMHS and disability and also specifically focus on:
 children and young people’s substance misuse services (which is
tagged in the strategy as subject to CYPFWP approval);
 minimising risky behaviour in children and young people;
 reducing the incidence of dental caries is a target under the
‘reducing inequalities’ heading (pg. 6 of paper).
 It should be remembered that priorities applying to whole populations
apply to children and young people also (eg. waiting times).
Agenda/Points covered:
There is a ‘window’ for further consideration during the consultation
AGREED that HA SCoG should lead on this aspect and SCoG
representatives should arrange to meet with HSCWB/NPHS/
Health Alliance representatives to clarify and confirm CYP
Process for supporting Lottery Bids and other forms of grant funding
(JHJ) (See written report for suggested process)
 This was carried over from previous meetings.
 The issue was discussed and concerns that such funding can
sometimes not prove to be an entirely positive contribution to overall
programmes were re-iterated. Concerns remain about exit strategies
and doubts were expressed that CYPFWP was not always a relevant
group to support bids, though it was acknowledged that this was often
a requirement of the funding provider and, in theory, it enabled the
Partnership to have an input into bids being proposed.
 AGREED to share process contained in report widely with
Partners with an additional element relating to the need to inform
the CYPFWP Board of any proposed changes to the projects
being funded prior to those changes being implemented.
For Information
6.1 Reports for Information
6.1.1 CYPP Work Programme (JHJ) – Core Aim tasks allocated. Existing
needs assessment/consultation data being drawn together.
6.1.2 Advocacy - WAG Consultation (JHJ): Still no information received
from WAG re. this.
6.1.3 Wrexham Play Association (TDG): not discussed on this occasion.
6.1.4 Movement of Cymorth into RSG (JHJ): information received from
WAG re. Cymorth allocations and amounts to go into RSG from
Childcare theme. JHJ will publish with these minutes.
6.1.5 Partner ‘alerts’: awareness of impact of decisions in parent
organisations on partnership working (TDG): TDG made a plea for
all Partners to consider how decisions made within individual
organisations might (or might not) impact on the work of the CYPFWP
– when everyone is so very busy it is easy to forget that one element
might impact on another.
6.1 Current Consultations
 Consultations listed on agenda noted but time did not allow for
further discussion.
7.1 Central Costs update (JHJ) – a paper was provided for Partners.
Paper from Equalities Officer re. setting up a separate group for young
people with disabilities (JHJ for CG)
 This suggestion is being made as part of the development of Corporate
Equalities policy and practice. The issue was thoroughly debated. JG
pointed out that three disabled young people were already on the
overall DES Steering Group and one of these also sits on the WAG
Steering Group for this issue. The feeling of the board was against the
proposal, on balance.
Responsible person:
Agenda/Points covered:
AGREED that there should be a meeting with CG to discuss and
that TDG will talk to MR if necessary to clarify/resolve.
The meeting closed at 12.40pm
8. Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday 27 February 2008; 9.30am; Erlas Centre
Responsible person:
JHJ and