COM 1010-02: ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Fall Semester 2005 (TH 4-5:20 p.m.; Draper) Taught by Natalie Barfuss, Adjunct Instructor CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail: University of Utah Office: LNCO 2930 Phone: 581-7267 (don’t leave message) Hours: by appointment Web site: Cell (emergency only): 597-8674 *e-mail is preferred method of communication REQUIRED READINGS Exercises and Assignments. Print from Web site. Adler & Elmhorst. (2005). Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions (8th edition). COURSE DESCRIPTION Effective communication is frequently cited as one of the most important elements contributing to corporate and personal success. This course will: 1) introduce you to basic theoretical concepts designed to improve your interpersonal and organizational communication competence and 2) provide you with an opportunity to apply these concepts and practice these skills. The communication concepts we will study include: listening, superior-subordinate communication, conflict resolution, oral presentations using PowerPoint, resume writing, interviewing, and interaction in task groups. ASSIGNMENTS PERCENT OF GRADE DATE DUE 12% Project #1: Interview, memo, and thank-you letter 10/11 10% Project#2: Proposal 10/18 05% 14% Project #3: PowerPoint slides Oral presentation (with PowerPoint) 12% 08% Project #4: Team project Team participation 24% Quizzes (online) (6 quizzes @ 4% each) various 05% Final exam (online) 12/09-12/15 10% 100% Class attendance & participation daily 11/08 12/08 NOTE: The content of this class has been carefully reviewed by the SLCC Curriculum Committee. Each assignment serves the purpose of acquainting you with a different aspect of communication competence. Therefore, you cannot pass this class unless you submit all four projects. That is, if you get As on three of the projects and then chose not to participate in the team project, your grade would automatically revert to a C. A = 93-100% A- = 90-92% B+ = 88-89% B = 83-87% B- = 80-82% POINT/GRADE DISTRIBUTION C+ = 78-79% D+ = 68-69% C = 73-79% D = 63-67% E = 0-59% C- = 70-72% D- = 60-62% COURSE REGULATIONS I believe in learning by doing. Be prepared to participate in discussion on-line and in class, learn independently and with your class, and show what you’ve learned by producing employable results. This means time and commitment will be required on your part; this is not a “easy A.” I work in the “real world,” and I assume you are planning to also. I want you to leave this class with skills you will continue to use. Participation / Attendance: This is a communication class, so you will be communicating throughout. In-class lectures/discussions and activities will not repeat what is in the text but will augment what you’ve read. That means you need to study the assigned pages before class, so you can participate fully. To ensure that you are actively engaged, during each class meeting, you’ll submit a short written assignment, which I will tally as your attendance / participation grade. You start with 95 points for attendance at the beginning of the semester. Each student is allowed one absence without penalty. After that, you will lose 5 points for every absence. If you don’t miss any classes, you will earn 5 extra-credit points, raising your attendance score to 100. It is your responsibility to be sure you have submitted your assignment. Please, NO HANGING CHAD on submitted written assignments. Punctuality: You may not earn attendance / participation points if you arrive to class more than 10 minutes late or leave more than 10 minutes before the end of class. (Exception: I’ll be lenient with this policy on heavy snow days.) Specifications for written assignments: I won’t accept your assignments unless you type them and staple the pages together. Please omit cover sheets and/or folders unless otherwise instructed. In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, type (single-spaced) your name, class and section #, title of assignment, and date, as shown below. Natalie Barfuss 1010_02 Information-Gathering Interview 08/22/05 Timeliness of assignments: Written work is due on the date specified in this syllabus. I won’t always announce these dates in class; it is your responsibility to read the syllabus and attend to the posted dates. If you experience extenuating circumstances, you may submit one assignment up to two weeks late. Each student may use this privilege only one time during the semester. The late assignment must be accompanied by an explanatory statement. Ten per cent will be deducted from the score. I won’t accept assignments more than two weeks late. Please do not abuse this “late” privilege. Trying to keep track of late papers creates an unwelcome burden for your professor and does not represent professional behavior on your part. Have mercy on me please. Oral presentations: The PowerPoint presentation may NOT be given late. If you fail to show up on time on your assigned speaking day, you are a NO SHOW and you will receive NO CREDIT for your speech. Evaluation of assignments: I will evaluate your assignments according to the criteria specified in each assignment description. Grades will be based on achievement, not effort. I do not grade on a curve. Quizzes and exam: You will take your quizzes and final examination online on WebCT. The questions will be objective in nature (multiple choice, true/false, matching, etc.). All tests are open-book, open-note and are timed. No credit will be given for answers submitted after the time limit has elapsed. Instructions will be posted on the WebCT site, which can be accessed by logging in to MyPage and selecting this section. Professional Civility: All class members are expected to behave professionally and treat others with civility. Cellular phones must be turned off or silent during class. Racist, homophobic, and sexist behavior/comments directed at class members are unprofessional and therefore inappropriate. Unprofessional behavior will be politely but immediately and firmly addressed by the professor. Upward communication: I truly welcome your questions and/or feedback regarding course content, class activities, your performance, etc. Don’t wait until the end of the semester to talk to me, especially if you are having any difficulties. I may be able to help you, so keep in touch. Accommodations for disabilities: Students with disabilities that need accommodations, please contact me on the first day of class. Also contact the Disability Resource Center (SCC W138). Phone: 957-4659 (voice) or 957-4646 (TTY). Academic dishonesty: If you cheat or plagiarize, YOU FAIL THE CLASS, not just the assignment. Withdrawal from class: Any student who does not attend but fails to officially withdraw will receive an "E" grade for the course. I will not award "I" or “W” grades to students who have not participated fully and successfully throughout the semester. COURSE SCHEDULE (Readings and assignments are to be completed by the dates shown below. The instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule during the semester and announce the changes verbally in class, not in writing. If you miss a day, have a colleague fill you in on what you missed.) WK 1 Date 08/25 Topics/Activities Introductions / Syllabus Activity Day Readings Due 2 08/30 pp. 4-14 3 09/01 09/06 Nature of communication Begin Practice Quiz (extra credit) Communication Networks Communication channels & ethics 09/08 Co-cultural communication pp. 38-62 09/13 Organizational cultures pp. 62-68 09/15 Sexual harassment Begin Quiz #1 (Comm Basics) pp. 87-90 5 09/20 Student as interviewer Assign Project #1 6 09/22 09/27 09/29 Student as interviewee pp. 198-237 Formal memo format pp. A11-A13 Proposal pp. 444-445 Assign Project #2 See packet Begin Quiz #2 (Interviewing & Business Writing) INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCE Verbal communication pp. 74-87 Nonverbal communication pp. 90-103 Listening pp. 106-131 Assignments Due COMMUNICATION BASICS 4 7 8 9 10/04 10/06 10/11 10/13 10/18 10/20 pp. 14-24 pp. 24-35 & 441-443 Practice Quiz due INTERVIEWING AND BUSINESS WRITING pp. 172-189; 191-194 See packet Supportive communication Managing Conflict Negotiation Begin Quiz #3 (Interpersonal Competence) pp. 134-142 pp. 142-154 pp. 154-165 Quiz #1 due Project #1 due Quiz #2 due Project #2 due PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 10 10/25 11 10/27 11/01 12 11/03 11/08 13 11/10 11/15 Organizing your presentation Assign Project #3 Shaping your presentation Delivering your presentation FALL BREAK – no class PowerPoint lab I pp. 314-335 See packet pp. 338-365 pp. 368-398 PowerPoint lab II Public presentations PowerPoint Project due Begin Quizzes #4 & #5 (PowerPoint & Public Presentations) Public presentations Public presentations O’Hair Ch 1-3 Quiz #3 due O’Hair Ch 4 Project #3a due Project #3b due 11/17 14 15 11/22 11/24 11/29 12/01 16 12/06 12/08 12/09-12/15 Effective teamwork Assign Project #4 Leadership THANKSGIVING BREAK (No School) Solving problems Productive meetings Decision methods Groupthink & risky shift Feasibility reports Begin Quiz #6 (Teamwork) Wrap Up Day Wrap-up day WORKING IN TEAMS pp. 244-251, 269-275, & 277-278 See packet pp. 252-262 pp. 262-266 pp. 282-308 pp. 266-269 pp. 275-277 pp 432-434 Quizzes #4 and #5 due Project #4 due Quiz #6 due Final exam (Online)