Izmir University of Economics ECON 102 Spring 2008 Office Hours: W 13.30-15.00 F 10.30-12.00 Gül Ertan Özgüzer Office:821 Phone: 488 84 82 e-mail: gul.ertan@ieu.edu.tr webpage: http://homes.ieu.edu.tr/~gertan PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS Objectives: This course is intended to introduce the students to some basic macroeconomic concepts, with special emphasis on determinants of the level of national income, prices and employment. Current problems of inflation and unemployment are explored with the aid of such analysis, and alternative views of the effectiveness of fiscal, monetary, and other governmental policies are analyzed. Textbook: Case&Fair; Principles of Economics, Pearson – Prentice Hall, Seventh Edition The Companion Web site is an ideal complement to the textbook. By visiting the Web site at www.prenhall.com/casefair students can explore a collection of resources correlated to the book’s table of contents, including Internet Applications, Readings, and Power Point Presentations. Grading First Midterm: 20% Second Midterm: 20% Final: 40% Attendance, Homeworks, Class Performance: 20% Course Outline 1. Introduction to Macroeconomics 2. Measuring National Output and National Income 3. Long-run and Short-run Concerns: Growth, Productivity and Inflation 4. Aggregate Expenditure and Equilibrium Output 5. The Government and Fiscal Policy 6. FIRST MIDTERM EXAM 7. The Money Supply and Federal Reserve System 8. Money Demand, the Equilibrium Interest Rate and Monetary Policy 9. SECOND MIDTERM EXAM 10. Money, Interest Rate and Output: Analysis and Policy 11. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and Inflation 12. FINAL EXAM Assignments Students have two types of assignments: Article Assignments and Cyber problems. a) Newspaper Articles: Students are supposed to discuss and summarize an article that released in one of the newspapers, which are showed below, within the week. Financial Times The Wall Street Journal Dünya Gazetesi Referans b) Cyber problems: 1) Compare the main economic and social indicators of Turkey (such as GDP per capita, external debt, life expectancy at birth) with the world and with the other countries you wondered. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20535 285~menuPK:1390200~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html . 2) Read the foreign direct investment report of Turkey. http://www.hazine.gov.tr/guncelduyuru/20070613_UDYatirim_Rapor.pdf . Which sectors had the highest level of FDI in 2006? Compare these trends with the world trends? Explain the reforms for the improvement of the FDI environment in Turkey? 3) Go to: http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/jan1990/b3653163.htm And answer the following questions: a. How does your textbook define the terms: (i) Demand-pull inflation, (ii) Cost-push inflation, and (iii) The natural rate of unemployment? b. In 1999, when this article was written, there was a concern that the U.S. unemployment rate could be too low. Explain this concern, making use of the concepts you defined in part (a) c. In the article, the relationship between inflation and unemployment is discussed, and two alternative points of view are given. Briefly, explain these two points of view. 4) You will find the Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy of TCMB for 2008 on http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/yeni/eng/. What does the terms “Uncertainty Band”, “Transmission Mechanism” mean? Explain the role of public sector in inflation targeting strategy. 5) During the semester you have learned a lot about the main macroeconomic indicators of an economy. Log on to http://www.muhasebat.gov.tr/ekogosterge/2007WEB/teg/teg.htm . Evaluate the changes between 2000-2008 with respect to the indicators of the economy between the given years by considering the crises years.