May, 2012 Reviews, Citations and other references to Shiell Publications This document contains a list of citations to my published work. It is as accurate as my current information permits. Please contact me if any inaccuracies are discovered. Summary: My published work has been the subject of 13 book reviews and is cited in 110 books and 74 articles by publishers in the United States, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. The citations appear in a wide variety of academic disciplines including Philosophy, Law, History, Education, Communication, Political Science, Library Science, Business and Business Law, Sociology, Medicine, Psychology, Philology, Classics, Critical Writing, English and Anthropology as well as in popular magazines and student newspapers. My work is available in more than 1200 libraries worldwide including Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, England, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, and Wales. Table—Shiell, Reviews and Citations Publication Book Reviews Campus Hate Speech on Trial, 1998, 2009 12 “Unity of Plato’s Political Thought,” 1991 Legal Philosophy, 1993 1 “Three Conceptions of Academic Freedom,” 2006 “On Marx’s Holism,” 1987 “Hate Speech and Hostile Environment Law,” 1993 Wisconsin Free Speech Legacy, (website), 2004 “Hartshorne on Humanism: A Comment,” 1990 __ 13 Totals Book Citations 82 13 7 4 2 1 1 __ 110 Article Citations Total 50 6 4 10 2 1 1 144 19 12 10 6 3 2 1 __ 74 __ 197 List of Citations and other Notable References Legal Philosophy: Selected Readings (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1993). Available in 69 libraries worldwide (U.S., Canada, Australia, Wales, South Africa, New Zealand, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand) (source:, accessed 7-13-09) Reviews: 1. The Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Jan, 1992), p137-145. Book citations: 1. International philosophical bibliography, Vol.48, Issues 1-2 (Société philosophique de Louvain, 1996), p192. 2. David Friedrichs, Law in Our Lives (Roxbury Publishing, 2001), pp. 346, 375. 3. Joshua Dressler, The Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, Vol. 4, 2nd ed. (Macmillan, May, 2012 2001), p1639. 4. David Schichor and Steven G. Tibbetts, Victims and Victimization: Essential Readings (Waveland Press, 2002), p30. 5. Evan Gerstmann and Matthew Streb (eds.), Academic Freedom at the Dawn of a New Century: How Terrorism, Governments, and Culture Wars Impact Free Speech (Stanford, 2006), p233. 6. Mark D. White, “Respect My Authorita! Is Cartman “The Law,” And Even If He Is, Why Should We Obey Him?” Chapter 6 in Robert Arp (ed.), South Park and Philosophy (Blackwell, 2007), p 67n1. 7. Stephen Tully, Research Handbook on Corporate Legal Responsibility (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007), p174. Journal citations: 1. Virginia Davis, “A Way Out of the Realist Indeterminacy Morass,” 26 University of California Davis Law Review 583 (1992), n4. 2. Rick Archer, “Community college lecture focuses on hate speech,” The Sunday Gazette (Johnstown, NY), Apr. 29, 2001, p.3. 3. Bede Haines, “What to do when Faced with an Unjust Law?” Australasian Journal of Legal Philosophy, Vol. 29 (2004), p91n1. 4. Little V. West, “Awakening the Moral Consciousness: On the Numbing of the Conscience of a Nation,” 83 North Carolina Law Review 289 (Dec 2004), n18. Webpage citation: 1. “Recht (Sc—Th),” Information Philosophie, Die Zeitschrift, die über Philosophie Informient, (accessed 12-3-09) Campus Hate Speech on Trial (University Press of Kansas, 1998) Available in more than 1175 libraries worldwide (Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, U.S.) (source:, accessed 11-10-10) Recommended 2008 Summer Reading List, North Country Public Radio, Canton, NY (accessed 7-15-09) Required Source in 2005 Law Journal “Write On” Competition sponsored by Texas Law Review (accessed 7-15-09) Reviews: 1. Stephen L. Hupp, Library Journal, Vol. 123, No. 10 (June, 1998), p133. 2. Daniel Lessard Levin, Law and Politics Book Reviews, Vol. 8 No. 8 (August 1998) pp345-347. May, 2012 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Michael Curtis, Choice, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Nov 1998). Robert O’Neil, Academe, Vol. 85, No. 1 (Jan/Feb 1999), pp65-66. Melanie Jacobs, 8 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 579 (Spring 1999). Jan Alan Neiger, 28 Journal of Law and Education 304 (April 1999). David M. Rabban, The Journal of American History, Vol. 86, No. 1 (Jun., 1999), pp338-339. 8. Ellen Altman and Alan Pratt, “The JAL Guide to the Professional Literature: Censorship,” Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 25, No. 4 (July 1999), p332. 9. Robert A. Sedler, Ethics, Vol. 111, No. 2 (Jan., 2001), pp456-457. 10. Kyo Ho Youm, “First Amendment Law: Hate Speech, Equality and Freedom of Expression,” Journal of Communication, Vol. 51, No. 2, (Summer, 2001), pp406-413. 11. Michael J. Connell, Community College Journal of Research & Practice, Vol. 26, No. 10 (Dec., 2002), pp812-813. 12. Mark Oromaner, H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences (June, 2010). Book citations: 1. William White, Library Journal (Bowker, 1998), p133. 2. Staff of R.R. Bowker, John Bowker, American Book Publishing Record Cumulative 1998 (ABPR, 1999), p532. 3. James Weinstein, Hate Speech, Pornography, and the Radical Attack on Free Speech Doctrine (Westview, 1999). 4. Raymie E. McKerrow and Bruce Gronbeck, Principles and Types of Speech Communication 14th ed., (Longman, 1999). 5. Facts on File, Inc., Issues and Controversies on File , Vol. 6 (Facts on File News Services,1999), p233. 6. Francis K. Scott, Unity and Diversity in America: Tradition and Change in the 21st Century, Special Bibliography Series, No. 95 (Dept of the Air Force, 1999), p5. 7. Barbara M. Jones, Libraries, Access and Intellectual Freedom: Developing Policies for Public and Academic Libraries (ALA Editions, 1999), pp46, 252. 8. Stephen Satris, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Moral Issues, 7th ed. (Dushkin/ McGraw-Hill, 1999), p123. 9. James E. White, Contemporary Moral Problems (Wadsworth, 1999), p411. 10. Scott Barbour, Free Speech (Greenhaven, 1999), p193. 11. Martin Golding, Free Speech on Campus (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000), p11. 12. Thomas Simon, Law and Philosophy: An Introduction with Readings (McGraw-Hill, 2000), p506. 13. Tamara L. Roleff, Hate Crimes (Greenhaven Press, 2000), p154. 14. Jack Green Musselman, Judicial Craftsmanship at the Supreme Court (Indiana Univ. Press, 2000), 15. Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Morality Matters: Race, Class and Gender in Applied Ethics (McGraw-Hill, 2001), p51 2. 16. James M. Henslin, Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 4th ed. (Allyn and Bacon, 2001), pSR-10. 17. J.P. Lacy, Matt Taylor and Jim Hanson (eds.), West Coast Debate: Philosopher and Value Handbook, Vol. 8 (West Coast Publishing, 2001), p103. 18. Richard Johannesen, Ethics in Human Communication (Waveland Press, 2001), pp. 243, 248. May, 2012 19. Barbara A. Bardes, Mack C. Shelley, Steffen W. Schmidt, American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials (Wadsworth, 2001), p141. 20. Ronald Beiner and Wayne Norman (eds.), Canadian Political Philosophy: Contemporary Reflections (Oxford University Press, 2001), p212. 21. Andrew Altman, “Speech Codes and Expressive Harm,” in Hugh La Follette (ed.), Ethics in Practice: An Anthology, 2nd ed. (Blackwell, 2002), p376. 22. Thomas T. Lewis, The Bill of Rights (Salem Press, 2002) 23. Andrew Altman, “Freedom of Speech and Religion,” in Hugh La Follette (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Practical Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2003), p319. 24. Jody M. Roy, Love to Hate: America’s Obsession with Hatred and Violence (Columbia University Press, 2002), p185. 25. James J. Magee, Freedom of Expression (Greenwood, 2002), p272. 26. Richard L. Johannesen, Ethics in Human Communication , 5th ed. (Waveland, 2002), p248. 27. Thomas Mappes, Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy, 6th ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2002), p266. 28. Hugh La Follette (ed.), Ethics in Practice: An Anthology, 2nd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2002), p385. 29. Fred D. White and Simone J. Billings, The Well-Crafted Argument: A Guide and Reader (Houghton Mifflin, 2002), p329. 30. Dominic J. Pulera, Visible Differences: Why Race Will Matter to Americans in the Twenty-First Century (Continuum Int’l, 2003), p354. 31. Edward Sidlow and Beth Henschen, America at Odds (Thomson Wadsworth, 2003), p97. 32. Nancy Kubasek, Dan Herron, Neil Browne, Dan Ostas, Andrea Giampetro-Meyer, Contemporary Business Law in a Global Economy (Lakeshore Communication, 2003), p.105. 33. Laura Egendorf (ed.), Should There Be Limits to Free Speech? (Greenhaven Press, 2003) p91. 34. James D. Torr, Civil Liberties (Greenhaven, 2003), p. 195 35. Jamin Raskin, We the Students: Supreme Court Decisions For and About Students, 2nd ed. (CQ Press, 2003), 36. Diane Ravitch, The Language Police:How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (Knopf, 2003) 37. David R. Karp and Thom Allena (eds.), Restorative Justice on the College Campus (Thomas, 2004), p216. 38. James Sterba, Morality in Practice , 7th ed., Revised, (Wadsworth, 2004), p445. 39. Samuel L. Walker, Civil Liberties in America: A Reference Handbook (ABC-CLIO annotated edition, 2004), p268. 40. H.L. Pohlman, Constitutional Debate in Action: Civil Rights and Liberties, 2nd ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), p155. 41. George McKenna and Stanley Feingold, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Political Issues (McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2004), p244. 42. Donald Alexander Downs, Restoring Free Speech and Liberty on Campus (Cambridge, 2004), pp. xvii, 17, 34, 56, 283. 43. Thomas R. Dye, Politics in America, Basic Version (Prentice-Hall, 2004), p535. 44. The editors of IDEA, The Debatabase Book: A Must Have Guide for Successful Debate (International Debate Education Association, 2004), p129. 45. Kate Burns, Censorship (Greenhaven Press, 2004). 46. Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Guide to Practical Ethics (Oxford, 2005), p385. 47. Christine T. Sistare (ed.), Civility and Its Discontents: Essays on Civic Virtue, May, 2012 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Toleration and Cultural Fragmentation (University Press of Kansas, 2006), p152n2. Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Guide to Practical Ethics, (Oxford, 2006), p369. Timothy C. Shiell, “Three Conceptions of Academic Freedom,” Chapter 2 in Evan Gerstmann and Matthew J. Streb (ed.), Academic Freedom at the Dawn of a New Century: How Terrorism, Governments, and Culture Wars Impact Free Speech (Stanford University Press, 2006), p196n91. Donald A. Downs, “Political Mobilization and Resistance to Censorship,” Chapter 4 in Evan Gerstmann and Matthew J. Streb (eds.), Academic Freedom at the Dawn of a New Century: How Terrorism, Government, and Culture Wars Impact Free Speech (Stanford University Press, 2006), p71, 200n28, 201n45, 201n64, 228. David O. Friedrichs, Law in Our Lives, 2nd ed. (Roxbury, 2006), p21. William A Kaplan and Barbara A. Lee (eds.), The Law of Higher Education (John Wiley and Sons, 2006), pp1047, 1722. Thomas A. Mappes and Jane S. Zembaty, Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy, 7th ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2006), p271. Andrew Gichuru, “Hate Speech on the College Campus,” in Jane Muchabac (ed.), City Tech Writer, Vol. 1 (New York: City University of New York, 2006), pp 53, 54, 56, 58. Paul Finkelman (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge, 2006), p222. Mark Timmons, Disputed Moral Issues: A Reader (Oxford University Press, 2006), p133. Kate Burns, Censorship (Greenhaven Press, 2006). Nancy Kubasek, Bartley A. Brennan, M. Neil Browne, The Legal Environment of Business: A Critical Thinking Approach (Prentice-Hall, 2006). James Henslin, Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach (Allyn and Bacon, 2007). Michael S. Waltman and John S. Haas, “Advertising Hate on the Internet,” Chapter 17 in Davis W. Schumann and Esther Thorson (eds), Internet Advertising: Theory and Research (Routledge, 2007), pp399, 425, 498. John F. Welsh, After Multiculturalism: The Politics of Race and the Dialectics of Liberty ( Lexington Books, 2007) pp25, 206. Xingkai Jiao, Meiguo zui gao fa yuan zhong yao pan jue zhi yan jiu (Translated: Essays on Important Decisions of the United States Supreme Court: 2000-2003) (Taibei Shi : Zhong yang yan jiu yuan Ou Mei yan jiu suo, Minguo 96), p108. John Lea, Political Correctness and Higher Education: British and American Perspectives (Taylor and Francis, 2008), pp20 (twice), 78, 272, 279. Peter J. Spiro, Beyond Citizenship: American Identity after Globalization (Oxford University Press, 2008), p177n6. Bruce L. R. Smith, Jeremy D. Mayer, A. Lee Fritschler, Closed Minds? Politics and Ideology in American Universities (Brookings Institution, 2008) Jane H. Hill, The Everyday Language of White Racism (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008), pp187, 213, 223. Abul Pitre, Ruth Ray, Esom Pitre, The Struggle for Black History (University Press of America, 2008). William A. Kaplan and Barbara A. Lee, A Legal Guide for Student Affairs Professionals, 2nd ed. (John Wiley and Sons, 2009), p510. Lucia Scaffardi, Oltre i confini della libertà di espressione: l'istigazione all'odio razziale (Wolters Kluwer Italia, 2009), p307. C.L. Moore, “Communicative Violence in Romantic Relationships,” in Department May, 2012 of Rhetoric and Communication Studies Honors Papers (University of Richmond, 2009), p18 71. Roger Chapman, Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Voices and Viewpoints (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2009), p531. 72. Alex Scott, What is Expression?: How a Formal Theory Can Clarify the Expressive Possibilities of Language (iUniverse Incorporated, 2010), p275. 73. Hyunyung Kim, “”How Do We Deal with Incidents of Noose-Hanging on College Campuses? Its Legal and Educational Implications,” in Helen A. Neville, Margaret Browne Huntt, and Jorge Chapa (eds.), Implementing Diversity:Contemporary Challenges and Best Practices at Predominantly White Universities(University of Illinois, 2010), pp72, 78. 74. Joan DelFattore, Knowledge in the Making: Academic Freedom and Free Speech in America’s Schools and Universities (Yale University Press, 2010), two citations. 75. Barbara MacKinnon, Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues (Wadsworth, 2010), p153. 76. Daniel T. Rodgers, Age of Fracturing (self-published, 2011), p321. 77. Ronald K.L. Collins and Sam Chaltain, We Must Not Be Afraid to Be Free: Stories of Free Expression in America (Oxford University Press, 2011), p396. 78. Erik Bleich, The Freedom to be Racist: How the United States and Europe Struggle to Preserve Freedom and Combat Racism (Oxford University Press, 2011), two on p171, 192. 79. David Boonin, Should Race Matter? Unusual Answers to Usual Questions (Cambridge, 2011), pp273, 403. 80. Michael Herz and Peter Molnar, The Content and Context of Hate Speech (Cambridge, 2012), 81. Mordecai Feingold, History of Universities (Oxford, 2012), p273. 82. Victoria Saker Woeste, Henry Ford’s War on Jews and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech (Stanford, 2012). Doctorate citations: 1. Richard Anthony Baker, Sticks and Stones and What You Really Think of Me, Texas Tech University, Higher Education Administration, 2010, pp32, 36, 37, 106, 228. Master’s Thesis citations: 1. Wen-Yao Lin, Hate speech on-line: A socio-legal perspective, National Chun Hsing University, China, 2009. Undergraduate Honors Thesis citations: 1. Christina L. Moore, “Communicative Violence in Romantic Relationships,” May 4, 2009,, two on p18. Journal citations: 1. Lori Chellevold and William Ross, “Resources,” Signal (Fall 1998), p15. 2. Eric Boehm (ed.), American History and Life, Vol. 36, No. 4 (1999), p1066. 3. Black Literary Digest, “Recent Books by African Americans or About the African May, 2012 American Experience,” The Journal of Blacks in Education, No. 21 (Autumn, 1998), p145. 4. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol 13, (Pergammon, 1999), p159. 5. Kenneth B. Nunn, “The ‘Darden Dilemma’: Should African Americans Prosecute Crimes?” 68 Fordham Law Review 1473 (April, 2000), n73. 6. Catherine B. Johnson, “Stopping Hate without stifling Speech: Re-examining the Merits of Hate Speech Codes on University Campuses,” 27 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1821 (August, 2000), nn1, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 53, 66, 67, 136, 137, 142, 143, 188, 251, 272, 275, 292, 294. 7. Richard Delgado, “Toward a Legal Realist View of the First Amendment,” 113 Harvard Law Review 778 (January, 2000), n53, 92. 8. Avern Cohn, “Life on Campus Really Ain’t So Bad,” 98 Michigan Law Review 1549 (May, 2000), n27. 9. Faye Schuett, “Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Scope of Free Speech and Hate Speech in the College Community,” Michigan Community College Journal: Research & Practice, Vol.6, No.1 (Spring, 2000), pp9-37. 10. Kenji Yoshino, “The Fall,” 98 Michigan Law Review (2000), p1555. 11. Matthew Silversten, “What's Next for Wayne Dick? The Next Phase of the Debate over College Hate Speech Codes,” 61 Ohio State Law Journal 1247 (2000), nn3, 4, 8-11, 18, 20-21, 26, 30, 42, 46-47, 50, 54-56, 62, 64, 71, 79, 91, 118, 221, 250, 253, 254, 257. 12. Richard Allen Olmstead, “In Defense of the Indefensible: Title VII Hostile Environment Claims Unconstitutionally Restrict Free Speech,” 27 Ohio Northern University Law Review 691 (2001), nn99, 100, 216, 217, 218, 219. 13. Rick Archer, “Community college lecture focuses on hate speech,” The Sunday Gazette (Johnstown, NY), Apr. 29, 2001, p.3. 14. Donald A. Downs, “The Politics of Civil Liberty on Campus,” Wisconsin Policy Research Institute Report, Vol. 14, No. 7 (Oct., 2001), p5. 15. Elizabeth Thweatt, “Bibliography of Hate Study Materials,” Journal of Hate Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2001-2002), pp 214-215, 239. 16. J. Angelo Corlett and Robert Francescotti, “Foundations of a Theory of Hate Speech,” 48 Wayne Law Review 1071 (Fall, 2002), n4. 17. David E. Bernstein, “Perspectives on Constitutional Exemptions to Civil Rights Laws: Boy Scouts of America v. Dale: The Right of Expressive Association and Private Universities’ Racial Preferences and Speech Codes.” 9 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 619 (April, 2001), n100. 18. Dawn White, “Failure of campus hate speech regulations discussed,” FMCC Gateway, Vol. IV, Issue 8 May 2001, p1. 19. Allison Farrell, “Hate speech discussed at FMCC,” The Leader-Herald (Gloversville-Johnstown, NY), Apr. 25, 2001, p3 20. Chi Steve Kwok, “A Study in Contradiction: A Look at the Conflicting Assumptions Underlying Standard Arguments for Speech Codes and the Diversity Rationale,” 4 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 493 (April, 2002), n15. 21. Richard L. Cravatts, “Don’t put free speech on trial at Harvard Law,” Boston Business Journal, 12/27/2002 22. Richard L Cravatts, “The FIRE this time,” The Washington Dispatch, 5/7/2003 23. Richard L. Cravatts, “The FIRE this time,”, 5/8/2003 24. Marla E. Eisenberg, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, and Mary Story, Associations of May, 2012 Weight-Based Teasing and Emotional Well-being Among Adolescents,” Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 157, No. 8 (Aug., 2003), p738. 25. Donald A. Downs, “Whose Ox is Gored? Free Speech, the War on Terror, and the Indivisibility of Rights,” The Good Society, Vol. 14, Nos. 1-2 (2005), pp72-79. 26. Paul Horwitz, “Grutter’s First Amendment,” 46 Boston College Law Review 461 (May, 2005), n213. 27. Jason A. Abel, “Americans Under Attack: The Need for Federal Hate Crime Legislation in Light of Post-September 11 Attacks on Arab Americans and Muslims,” 12 Asian American Law Journal 41 (2005), n105. 28. "Hate Speech." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 7 Nov. 2005. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>. 29. John C. Knechtle, “When to Regulate Hate Speech,” 110 Penn State Law Review 539 (Winter,2006), n114. 30. Brady Coleman, “Shame, Rage, and Freedom of Speech: Should the United States Adopt European “Mobbing” Laws?” 35 Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law 53 (Fall 2006), n32. 31. Dennis Chong (2006) “Free Speech and Multiculturalism In and Out of the Academy,” Political Psychology 27, Vol. 27, Issue 1, (August 2006), pp29–54. 32. Allie Goldstein, “Is Hate Speech Necessary for Democracy?” The Bates Student, 9/29/06. 33. Donald A. Downs, “Freedom of Speech Wins in Wisconsin,” Academic Questions, Vol. 19, No. 3 (June 2006), 34. Diana Bruns and Jeff W. Bruns, “Hate Speech: Implications for Administrators,” Academic Exchange Quarterly (Fall 2006), 35. Ryan D. Pittman, “The College Student Media as House Organ: Reflection on an Offkey Decision in Hosty v. Carter,” 44 Houston Law Review 131 (2007), n152. 36. Nancy J. Whitmore, “First Amendment Showdown: Intellectual Diversity Mandates and the Academic Marketplace,” 13 Communication Law and Policy 321 (Summer 2008), n61. 37. Joshua S. Press, “Teachers, Leave Those Kids Alone? On Free Speech and Shouting Fiery Epithets in a Crowded Dormitory,” 102 Northwestern University Law Review 987 (Special Issue 2008), n15. 38. Jennifer Lavarias, “A Reexamination of the Tinker Standard: Freedom of Speech in Public Schools,” 35 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 57 (Spring, 2008), n138. 39. Christopher N. LaVigne, Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and the University: Why the High School Standard is Here to Stay,” 35 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1191 (Oct 2008), n8. 40. Lawrence Rosenthal, “The Emerging First Amendment Law of Managerial Prerogative,” 77 Fordham Law Review 33 (October, 2008), n165. 41. Lea Namdar, Wertweiler Central Library, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, “’Academic Freedom’ and ‘Academic Boycott’: A Bibliography.” (no date). (Accessed 7-14-09) 42. Mark Slagle, “An Ethical Exploration of Free Expression and the Problem of Free Speech,” Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Vol. 24, No. 4, (Oct 2009), 238-250. 43. Justin Kirk Houser, “Is Hate Speech Becoming the New Blasphemy? Lessons from an American Constitutional Dialectic,: 114 Penn State Law Review 571 (Fall, 2009), nn220, 286, 287, 339, 342, 350. 44. Lesley Klaff, “Anti-Zionist Expression on the UK Campus: Free Speech or Hate May, 2012 Speech?,” Jewish Political Studies Review 22:3–4 (Fall 2010), pp 98, 107n32, 108nn75 and 86. 45. Lesley Klaff, “Antisemitism on Campus: A New Look at Legal Interventions,” Journal for the Study of Antisemitism 2 (2010), p316n87. 46. J. Patrick Biddix, “Relational Leadership and Technology: A Study of Activist College Women Leaders,” NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2010), pp. 41, 42, 47. 47. David Palfreyman, “Bookends,” Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 4 (2010), pp.129-132. 48. Jerad Maplethorpe, “First Amendment rights challenged on campus,” Stoutonia, Vol. 102, No. 3 (Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2011), p.6. 49. Mordecai Feingold, History of Universities XXV/2 (Oxford University Press, 2011), p273. 50. David T. Ball, “Campus Hate Speech Codes,” American Business (January 13, 2012), Three Conceptions of Academic Freedom” Chapter Journal citations: 1. ACTA editors, “The New Civic Ignorance,” ACTA’s Must-Reads (posted Nov.12, 2006 06:42 PM) (Accessed 7-14-09). 2. Richard H. Hiers, “Institutional Academic Freedom or Autonomy Grounded upon the First Amendment: A Jurisprudential Mirage,” 30 Hamline Law Review 1 (Wtr, 2007), n360. 3. Paul Horwitz, “Constitutional "Niches": The Role of Institutional Context in Constitutional Law: Universities as First Amendment Institutions: Some Easy Answers and Hard Questions,” 54 UCLA Law Review 1497 (August, 2007), n262. 4. Robert F. Arnove, “Education in a Time of Crisis: Calls to Action,” Comparative Education Review (Nov 2007). 5. David, Watson, “Academic Freedom at the Dawn of a New Century,” London Review of Education, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Mar 2007), p91. 6. J. Douglas Toma, “Book Review: Academic Freedom at the Dawn of the New Century,” The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 79, No. 4 (July/August 2008), p482. 7. Terence Karran, Academic Freedom: A Research Bibliography (2009), p.46 (accessed 7-14/09) 8. John Collins, “Interrogating the Politics of Post 9/11 Academic Freedom,” College Literature, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Winter, 2009), pp142-152. 9. Nancy L. Thomas, “The Politics of Academic Freedom” New Directions for Higher Education: Educating for Deliberative Democracy (Wtr 2010). 10. Concepts in Communication Wikipage, “Free Speech,” (accessed 12-1-2011) “On Marx’s Holism” Book citations: May, 2012 1. Heiner Schmidt and Günther Albrecht, Bibliography of Studies on German Literary History, 3rd ed., Vol. 21 (Duisberg: Verlag für Pädagogische Dokumentation, 1994), p285. 2. Alan Megill, Karl Marx: The Burden of Reason (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), p216, 240, 288n58, 323n55. 3. Ian Charles Jarvie, Karl Milford, David W. Miller, Karl Popper: a Centenary Assessment Vol.3: Science (Ashgate, 2006), pp241, 234, 282. 4. Ton Otto and Nils Bubandt, Experiments in Holism: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), pp. 12, 15, 254, 261. Journal citations: 1. Tijdschrift voor filosophie (Lueven, Belgium) 2. Instituto “Luigi Sturzo,” Sociologia: rivista di scienze sociali, Vol. 25 (Rome: Instituto Luigi Sturzo, 1994), p269. Other: 1. John Filling, “Marx and the Production-Organism,” (accessed 12-3-09) 2. Alan Megill, “Reading about Marx: Some Suggestions,” (accessed 9-10-09) “Unity of Plato’s Political Thought” Book citations: 1. Wilhelm Totok and Helmut Schröer, Handbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie, 2nd ed. (Klostermann, 1990), p. 331. 2. Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie, (Louvain: Sociétē philosophique de Louvain, 1993), p237. 3. David J. Cohen, Law, Violence and Community in Classical Athens (Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 43, 209. 4. Maurizio Migliori, Arte politica e metretica assiologica : commentario storicofilosofico al "Politico" di Platone (Milano : Vita e pensiero, 1996), p362, 384. 5. Robert Eccleshall and Michael Kenny, Western Political Thought: A Bibliographical Guide to Post War Research (Manchester University Press, 1995), p23. 6. Luc Brisson and Frëdëric Plin, Platon, 1990-1995: A Bibliographie (Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin, 1999), p314. 7. Trevor J. Saunders and Luc Brisson, Bibliography on Plato’s Laws, Vol. 12 of International Plato Studies, (Academia, 2000). p62. 8. John R. Wallach, The Platonic Political Art: A Study in Critical Reason and Democracy (Penn State University Press, 2001), p355n60, 452. 9. Maurizio Migliori (ed.), Plato: Politico: Testo greco a fronte, Vol. 41 of Testi a fronte (Italy, Bompiani, 2001) , p269. 10. Thanassis Samaras, Plato on Democracy (Peter Land, 2002), pp372, 402. 11. Georges Leroux, La République: Platon (Paris: Flammarion, 2002) p752. 12. Daniela Hüttinger, Zum Begriff des Politischen bei den Griechen (Würzburg: May, 2012 Königshausen & Neumann, 2004), p266. 13. Albert Keith Whitaker, A Journey into Platonic Politics: Plato’s Laws (University Press of America, 2004), pp19, 240. Journal citations: 1. Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, Vols. 11-13 (El Centro, 1992), p331. 2. Current Contents: Arts and Humanities, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Autumn 1991), p377. 3. David J. Cohen, “Law, Autonomy, and Political Community in Plato's Laws,” Classical Philology, Vol. 88, No. 4 (Oct, 1993), p301n3. 4. V. Bradley Lewis, “Politeia Kai Nomoi: On the Coherence of Plato's Political Philosophy,” Polity, Vol. 31, No. 32 (Winter, 1998), pp. 331-349. 5. Michael S. Kochin, “Plato's Eleatic and Athenian Sciences of Politics,” The Review of Politics, Vol. 61, No. 1 (Winter, 1999), n26. 6. V. Bradley Lewis, “The Seventh Letter and the Unity of Plato’s Political Philosophy,” Dissertation citation: 1. Kevin Cherry, Aristotle's First Critique: The Eleatic Stranger and the Politics (University of Notre Dame, 2007). Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 38, No. 2 (2000), pp231-250. Wisconsin Free Speech Legacy website Book citations: 1. Timothy C. 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