Living in Three Dimensions by Seth Davidson There are 3

Up/In/Out Men’s Bible Study
Week of 10.21.13
Living in Three Dimensions
by Seth Davidson
There are 3 dimensions to the spiritual life—Up (w/ God), In (w/ other believers) and Out (w/ the
As we take up the challenge to become more like Jesus, we need to model our lives after the
master. This was our theme at Man-Time, and we can see this reality lived out in the life of
Jesus. Jesus lived out his life in three perfectly balanced relationships: Up—with his Father;
In—with his chosen followers; and Out—with the hurting world around him.
This three-dimensional patter for living a balanced life is evident throughout the Scriptures. It
can inform us in how we experience fruitfulness in our ministry, our relationships, and our
personal spiritual walk.
But, if we are being perfectly honest, most people (and most churches and ministries) are
strong in only two of the three elements—Up, In, and/or Out. So, as a Christian, if you lack
balance or you attend to one type of relationship more than another, it is likely your life or your
ministry will be out of balance as well. We are created to be three-dimensional beings—when
one dimension is missing or suppressed, the other two do not function as they should. If we do
not tend to all three elements, we are out of balance and we will wobble through life. If you’ve
ever driven a car with tires out of balance, you know what we mean. It’s not only a bumpy ride
but eventually there will be a blowout—and that can be downright dangerous!
If you have been around Heartland for awhile, you know that we often visualize this reality by
drawing a triangle to illustrate the 3 dimensions of the spiritual life:
Jesus’ model for a balanced life is also the model needed to be a healthy person, and it is also
necessary for the communities we are a part of to find a healthy balance. So, if Jesus did not
settle personal (or for his church) for the best two out of three, why should we? Jesus’ perfect
plan for us is to live in balance, with all three dimension fully functioning; and Scripture shows
us exactly how he did it. This is the point of our 6-week study, and we are so glad that you are
taking this journey with us!
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.”
Heartland Community Church, Man Time 2013 Weekly Devotional
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~ Micah 6:8
monday 10.21
Read: Micah 6:8
Do you see all three dimensions laid out in this passage? Take a moment to write down the
words from the passage that define each dimension, and write a sentence defining each in
your own words.
Which of these words (or dimensions) comes most easily for you? Which of the words (or
dimensions) is the most challenging for you?
What is one thing you can do today (or one thing that you need prayer for today) in order to
“walk humbly,” “love mercy,” or “act justly”?
tuesday 10.22
Read: Luke 6:12, and Luke 11:1-4
How was Jesus’ prayer life the source of his effective life of ministry?
What was it about Jesus’ life or prayer life that was so attractive to the disciples? What about
his prayer do you find challenging or compelling?
How effective is your time spent in your relationships with God? What is one obstacle to you
developing an effective prayer life?
Heartland Community Church, Man Time 2013 Weekly Devotional
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wednesday 10.26
Read: Read Luke 6:13-16
Why is it significant that Jesus spent time investing in the lives of the disciples?
What do you think it means to be a disciple? Do you believe you can be a disciple without
being involved in Christian community?
Who has invested in you in a similar way, and who have you invested in? What “In”
relationships are you currently a part of?
thursday 10.24
Read: Luke 6:17-19
What were the characteristics of “the crowd” in Jesus’ day? What are characteristics of “the
crowd” (aka. those in the world who do not know Jesus) today?
How do you think Jesus’ viewed these people? How do you think they viewed him?
How do you view “those” people? How do you think those outside the church see you?
Heartland Community Church, Man Time 2013 Weekly Devotional
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friday-sunday 10.25-10.27
Summary of the Week
What has stood out to you about the three dimensions of the spiritual life?
Draw the triangle as it relates to your life. What is your strongest dimension, and what area are
you weakest in?
What is one thing you would like to do this week to leverage your greatest area of strength,
and what is one thing you can do to work on your area of greatest weakness?
What is something others in your group can pray for you about?
Heartland Community Church, Man Time 2013 Weekly Devotional
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