New Patient Information Name and nickname: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/________/_______ Gender: Male Female Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________State:_____Zip:____________ Phone Numbers-Home: _________________ Work: __________________ Cell: _______________ Preferred contact: Marital Status: Home Married Work Single Cell E-mail:____________________________________ Widowed Divorced Domestic Partnership Occupation: _____________________________________________________________________ Employer: _______________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact person: ________________________________________________________ Emergency contact phone number: __________________________________________________ How were you referred to our office: _________________________________________________ Primary Care Physician: ____________________________________________________________ INSURANCE INFORMATION Please indicate any and all insurance coverage that may be applicable in this case. Major Medical Worker’s Comp Medicare Medicaid Auto Accident Name of primary insurance company _____________________________________________ AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE: I authorize payment of insurance benefits directly to the chiropractor or chiropractic office. I authorize the doctor to release all information necessary to communicate with personal physicians and other healthcare providers and payers and to secure the payment of benefits. I understand that I am responsible for all costs of chiropractic care, regardless of insurance coverage. I will notify the chiropractic office of any change in my status in regards to insurance information. I consent to the care including diagnostic procedures, examinations and treatment that the chiropractor designates and considers to be necessary to treat my condition. The office may be reached by phone at 319-480-7492 and by fax at 888-243-0130. The patient understands and agrees to allow this chiropractic office to use their Patient Health Information for the purpose of treatment, payment, healthcare operations, and coordination of care. We want you to know how your Patient Health Information is going to be used in this office and your rights concerning those records. If you would like to have a more detailed account of our policies and procedures concerning the privacy of your Patient Health Information we encourage you to read the HIPAA NOTICE that is available to you at the front desk before signing this consent. If there is anyone you do not want to receive your medical records, please inform our office. Patient signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Guardian’s signature authorizing care: _________________________________Date: __________________ Larson Family Chiropractic, Laura J. Larson, DC, DICCP, 241 S. State St., Denver, IA 50622 1 CURRENT CONDITION Major complaint/symptoms: 1._______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Symptoms are worse in: morning Symptoms: come and go afternoon night constant Date symptoms appeared or accident happened ______________________________________________________ Describe how the injury or symptoms first occurred____________________________________________________ What positions or activities aggravate your condition: bending reaching coughing walking lifting lying down What positions or activities relieve your condition: sitting standing walking lifting turning head lying down sneezing turning head sitting standing bowel movement bending reaching Have you been treated by a medical physician for this condition? _________________________ Have you ever had the same or a similar condition? Yes No If yes, when and describe _________________________________________________________ Days lost from work ________________ Height ___________ weight ____________ Social habits Past OR present: smoker __________ alcohol use _________ IV Drug use__________ coffee__________ tea __________ Date of last physical_____________________________ Have you ever been in any accidents, auto, fall down stairs, fall from ladder, or other significant trauma (even as a child)? When? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Surgeries: Back/Joint spinal fusion laminectomy disc surgery joint reconstruction joint replacement rotator cuff knee repair carpal tunnel Heart angioplasty Catheterization artery bypass pacemaker insertion defibrillator other Female C-section hysterectomy mastectomy lumpectomy D&C ablation Other gall bladder appendectomy hemorrhoidectomy tonsillectomy cosmetic hernia repair Surgery dates___________________________________________________ Other surgeries not listed _________________________________________ Larson Family Chiropractic, Laura J. Larson, DC, DICCP, 241 S. State St., Denver, IA 50622 2 Please list all prescription and over-the –counter medications AND supplements. Name of Medication Dosage Frequency For what condition How long have you been taking it? Prescribing MD Do you have medication allergies? (Please list medication and reaction) __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you gained or lost weight, without trying, in the past year? ________________________________________________ Have you had a bacterial infection in the past 30 days? _______________________________________________________ FOR WOMEN Is there any possibility you could be pregnant? ______________________________________________________________ When was your last menstrual period? ____________________________________________________________________ Do you take birth control pills? ___________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any unusual bleeding or discharge? _____________________________________________________________ Do you have any thickening in your breasts or elsewhere? _____________________________________________________ Please indicate if you have any of the following conditions: facial pain/stiffness neck pain/stiffness back pain/stiffness arm/hand pain leg/knee pain headaches dizziness Family History pins/needles in arms pins/needles in legs fatigue sleeping difficulties asthma allergies blurred vision Self ringing in ears depression nervousness tension cold sweats stomach problems night pain Father loss of smell loss of taste loss of memory jaw problems constipation shortness of breath bowel/bladder problems Mother nausea cold feet chest pain fever fainting problems swallowing Sibling High Blood Pressure Heart Problems Circulation Problems Stroke (CVA or TIA) Emphysema Asthma Seizures-Convulsions Diabetes Kidney Disease Thyroid Disease Cancer Arthritis Osteoporosis Larson Family Chiropractic, Laura J. Larson, DC, DICCP, 241 S. State St., Denver, IA 50622 3 QUADRUPLE VISUAL ANALOG SCALE Please read carefully Please circle the number that best describes the question being asked. NOTE: If you have more than one complaint, please answer each question for each individual complaint and indicate the score for each complaint. Please indicate you pain level right now, average pain and pain at its best and worst. EXAMPLE: headache neck low back No pain ___________________________________________________________________________ worst possible pain 0 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 ○2 ○6 ○9 What is your pain right now? no pain ___________________________________________________________________________ worst possible pain 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What is your typical or average pain? no pain ___________________________________________________________________________ worst possible pain 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What is your pain level at its best? (how close to “0” is your pain at its best) no pain ___________________________________________________________________________ worst possible pain 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What is your pain level at its worst? (how close to “10” is your pain at its worst) no pain ___________________________________________________________________________ worst possible pain 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mark the areas on this body where you feel the described sensations. Use the appropriate symbols. Mark areas of radiation. Include all affected areas. Numbness --------------- Pins & Needles ooooooooooo Burning xxxxxxx Aching ****** Stabbing //////// I verify all information provided is true and correct to the best of my ability. Signature:___________________________________________________________Date:________________ Larson Family Chiropractic, Laura J. Larson, DC, DICCP, 241 S. State St., Denver, IA 50622 4