Bibliography - Constitution Society

Document Collections
Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of New Hampshire in New England. Portsmouth: n. p., 1771.
Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey. 2 volumes. Woodbridge:
Province of New Jersey, 1752-61.
Acts of the Privy Council, 1542-1604. 32 volumes. London: H. M. Stationary Office,
Acts of the Privy Council, 1613-1629. 11 volumes, in progress. London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1922-.
Acts of the Privy Council: Colonial, 1613-1783. 6 volumes. London: H. M. Stationary
Office, 1908-12.
Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts. 21 volumes.
Boston: State of Massachusetts, 1869-1922.
American Archives. edited by Peter Force. 9 volumes in series IV and V. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Government, 1837-1853.
American Museum, or, Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, Etc. Philadelphia: Matthew Carey, 1789.
American State Papers: Military Affairs. 7 volumes. Washington: Gales and Seaton,
Anderson, Enoch. Recollections of Captain Enoch Anderson. edited by H. H. Bellas.
Wilmington: Historical Society of Delaware, 1896.
Archives of Maryland. edited by W. H. Browne and others. 72 volumes to date. Annapolis, Md.: State of Maryland, 1883-19-.
Archives of the State of New Jersey. edited by William Whitehead and others. 36 volumes. Newark, N.J.: State of New Jersey, 1880-1941.
Bagley, J. J. and P. B. Rowley, editors. A Documentary History of England, 1066-1540.
2 volumes. New York: 2d ed.; Cambridge University Press, 1965.
Balderson, Marion and David Syrett. The Lost War: Letters from British Officers During
the American Revolution. New York: Horizon, 1975.
Bowen, Francis, editor. Documents on the Constitution of England and America. Cam-
bridge University Press, 1854.
British Public Records Office. Records Relating to South Carolina. 15 volumes. London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1889--.
Calendar of State Papers: Domestic, 1547-1704. 80 volumes. London: H. M. Stationary
Office, 1865--.
Calendar of Home Office Papers of the Reign of George III, 1760-1775. 4 volumes.
London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1878-99.
Calendar of State Papers: Colonial Series, American and West Indies, 1574-1733. 40
volumes. London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1862-1939.
Charter Granted to William Penn and the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania Passed
Between the Years 1682 and 1700. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1879.
Colonial Laws of New York. 7 volumes. Albany: State of New York, 1894.
Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. Allen D. Chandler, compiler. 27 volumes.
Atlanta, Ga.: State of Georgia, 1904-1916.
Colonial Records of North Carolina. edited by William L. Saunders. 10 volumes. Raleigh, N.C.: State of North Carolina, 1886-1890.
Colonial Records of South Carolina: Journal of the Common House of Assembly. edited
by J. H. Easterby and others. Columbia, S.C.: State of South Carolina, 1951-. 11 volumes to date.
The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts, Reprinted from the Edition of 1660, with Supplements to 1672, Containing also the Body of Liberties of 1641. edited by W. H.
Whitmore. Boston: State of Massachusetts, c. 1887.
The Colonial Laws of New York from the Year 1664 to the Revolution, Including the
Charters to the Duke Of York. 5 volumes. Albany, N.Y.: State of New York, 1894-96.
Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. edited by Allen D. Candler. 26 volumes.
Atlanta: State of Georgia, 1904-16.
The Compact with the Charters and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth. edited by William Brigham. Boston: State of Massachusetts, 1836.
Delaware Archives: Military Records. 5 volumes. Wilmington, De.: State of Delaware,
Documentary History of Rhode Island. edited by Howard M. Chapin. Providence, R.I.:
State of Rhode Island, 1916-19.
Documents and Records Relating to the State of New Hampshire during the Period of the
American Revolution, from 1776 to 1783. Volume VIII of the Provincial and State Papers. Nathaniel Bouton, compiler. Concord: State of New Hampshire, 1874.
Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. 10 volumes. edited by E. B. O'Callaghan and B. Fernow. Albany: Weed & Parsons, 1853-87.
Documents Relating to Indian Affairs: Colonial Records of South Carolina. 3 volumes to
date. William McDowell, editor. Columbia, S.C.: State of South Carolina, 1958-.
Eardley-Wilmot, John, editor. Historical View of the Commission for Enquiring into the
Losses, Services and Claims of the American Loyalists at the Close of the War between
Great Britain and Her Colonies in 1783. London: Nichols, Son & Bentley, 1815.
Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of the
States, Territories and Colonies, Now and Heretofore Forming the United States of
America, 1492-1908. 7 volumes. edited by Francis N. Thorpe. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government, 1909.
Great Britain, Public Records Office. Calendar of State Papers: Colonial Series. America and the West Indies; Preserved in the Public Record Office. edited by Cecil Headlam
and others. 27 volumes. London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1910-53.
Hyneman, Charles S. and Donald S. Lutz, editors. American Political Writing During the
Founding Era, 1760-1805. 2 volumes. Indianapolis, In.: Liberty Classics, 1983.
Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. Worthington C. Ford, J. C. Fitzpatrick, Gillard Hunt and Roscoe R. Hill, editors. 34 volumes. Washington: U.S. Government, 1904-37.
Journal of the Grand Council of South Carolina, 1671-1680. edited by A. S. Salley.
Columbia, S.C.: State of South Carolina, 1907.
Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1619-1777. 30 volumes. Richmond, Va.: State of
Virginia, 1905-15.
Journal of the House of Commons. multi-volume, with volumes appearing annually.
London: H. M. Stationary Office, n.d.
Journal of the House of Lords. multi-volume, with volumes appearing annually. London:
H. M. Stationary Office, n.d.
A Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia, Beginning October 20, 1737. [William Stephens' diary]. London: Meadows, 1742.
Kammen, Michael, ed. The Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History. New York: Penguin, 1986.
Laws of the Earliest English Kings. London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1922.
Laws of the Government of New Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware. 2 volumes.
Philadelphia: Province of Pennsylvania, 1741-42.
Laws of the State of North Carolina. Edenton, N. C.: James Iredell, 1791.
Leaming, Aaron and Jacob Spicer, eds. The Grants, Concessions and Original Constitutions of the Province of New Jersey. Philadelphia: Everts, 1758.
Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. edited by Paul H. Smith. 20 volumes.
Washington: Library of Congress, 1976-85.
Letters on the American Revolution, 1774-76. edited by Margaret Wheeler Willard.
Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1925.
The Liberties of the Massachusetts Collonie. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Classics, 1938.
Lower Norfolk County Minute Book, 1637-1646, manuscript.
Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, Antiquary. edited by Edward W. James. 3 volumes.
New York: Peter Smith, 1951.
McIlwaine, H. R., editor. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia. 4 volumes. Richmond: State of Virginia, 1925-30.
_______. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1619-1776. 13 volumes.
Richmond: State of Virginia, 1905-15.
Military Laws of the United States. edited by J. F. Callan. Philadelphia: 2d ed.; Childs,
Minutes of the Council and General Court of Virginia, 1622-1632. Richmond, Va.:
State of Virginia, 1924.
Niles, Hezekiah. Chronicles of the American Revolution. edited by Alden T. Vaughan.
Originally compiled by Hezekiah Niles as Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1965.
North Carolina Moravian Records. edited and translated by Adelaide Fries and others.
10 volumes. Raleigh, N.C.: State of North Carolina, 1922-1926.
North Carolina State Records. edited by Walter Clark and William L. Saunders. 26
volumes. Raleigh, Winston and Goldsborough, N. C.: State of North Carolina, 18861907.
Official Records of Governor Robert Dinwiddie. edited by R. A. Brock. 2 volumes.
Richmond: State of Virginia, 1883-84.
Pennsylvania Archives. edited by J. H. Linn and W. H. Egle. 119 volumes in 9 series.
Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1852-1935.
Pennsylvania Colonial Records. edited by J. H. Linn and others. 16 volumes. Harrisburg, Pa.: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1852-1860.
Phillips, Ulrich B., editor. Plantation and Frontier Documents, 1649-1863. 2 volumes.
Cleveland: World, 1909.
The Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire. edited by Nathaniel Bouton and
others. Concord, N.H.: State of New Hampshire, 1876-1943.
Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1636-1776. edited by James H. Trumbull
and Charles J. Hoadly. 15 volumes. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1850-1890.
Public Records of the State of Connecticut. edited by Charles J. Hoadly and Leonard W.
Labaree. 9 volumes. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1894-1953.
Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. edited by Nathaniel B.
Shurtleff. 12 volumes. Boston: State of massachusetts, 1855-61.
Records of Connecticut Men in the Military and Naval Service During the War of the
Revolution. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1889.
Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation in New England. edited by John Russell Bartlett. 10 volumes. Providence, R.I.: State of Rhode Island, 190635.
Records of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England. edited by
Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 5 volumes. Boston: State of Massachusetts, 1854.
Records of Plymouth Colony: Laws, 1623-1682. edited by David Pulsifer. Boston: State
of Massachusetts, 1861.
Records of the State of Rhode Island. 10 volumes. edited by John Russell Bartlett. Providence, R.I.: State of Rhode Island, 11906-35.
Records of the Virginia Company of London. edited by S. K. Kingsbury. 4 volumes.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government, 1906-35.
Reports of the Secretary of War. multi-volume. Washington: U. S. Government Printing
Office, 1915--.
The Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia. edited by Allen D. Candler. 3 volumes. Atlanta: Franklin-Turner, 1908.
Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence. edited by Brent Tarter. 8 volumes.
Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1983.
Sandoz, Ellis, editor. Political Sermons of the Founding of America, 1730-1805. Indianapolis, In.: Liberty Classics, 1991.
Sources of American Independence. H. Peckham, editor. 2 volumes. Chicago: William
L. Clements Library, University of Chicago Press, 1978.
Sources of Our Liberties. edited by R. Perry and J. Cooper. Washington: American Bar
Association, 1959.
Statutes at Large, Being a Collection of All Laws of Virginia. edited by W. W. Hening.
13 volumes. Richmond: State of Virginia, 1818-23.
Statutes at Large of South Carolina. edited by Thomas Cooper and David J. McCord. 10
volumes. Columbia: State of South Carolina, 1836-41.
Statutes at Large of Virginia, 1792-1806. edited by Samuel Shepherd. Richmond: State
of Virginia, 1835.
Statutes at Large of South Carolina. edited by Thomas Cooper and David J. McCord.
Columbia: State of South Carolina, 1836-41.
Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania from 1682 to 1801. 16 volumes. edited by James T.
Mitchell and Henry Flanders. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1896-1908.
Statutes of the Realm. 11 volumes in 12. London: Dawsons, 1963.
Stock, L. F., editor. Proceedings and Debates of the British Parliaments, Respecting
North America, 1542-1739. 4 volumes. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office,
Vaughan, Alden T., compiler. Chronicles of the American Revolution. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965.
Vermont State Papers. edited by J. W. Copeland. Middlebury, Vt.: State of Vermont,
Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania.
edited by Gertrude McKinney. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1931.
Alden, John R. A History of the American Revolution. New York: Knopf, 1969.
_______. John Stuart and the Southern Frontier. Ann Arbor, Mi.: University of Michigan Press, 1944.
Allen, Ethan. A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity, Written by Himself. Bur-
lington, Vt.: Chauncey Goodrich, 1838.
_______. Reason, the Only Oracle of Man. New York: Scholars' Facsimiles, 1940.
Allen, John. An Oration Upon the Beauties of Liberty, or, the Essential Rights of Americans, Delivered at the Second Baptist Church in Boston upon the Last Annual Thanksgiving. London: Knight & Green, 1773.
American Heritage Book of the Revolution. New York: American Heritage, 1958.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. William Morris, editor. New
York: American Heritage, 1969.
Amherst, Jeffery. The Journal of Jeffery Amherst. edited by J. C. Webster. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1931.
Amory, Thomas C. The Military Service and Public Life of General John Sullivan. Boston: Wiggin and Lunt, 1868.
Anderson, Enoch. Personal Recollections of Captain Enoch Anderson. ed. by H. H.
Bellas. Wilmington: Historical Society of Delaware, 1896.
Anderson, Thornton. Development of American Political Thought. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1961.
A Plan for Establishing and Disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain, Ireland and
in all the British Dominions of America, to which is Added An Appendix Containing Proposals for Improving the Maritime Power of Great Britain. London: Millar; 2d ed., 1745.
The British Museum attributed this work to Colonel Samuel Martin.
Arthur, John P. Western North Carolina, A History. Raleigh, N.C.: Edwards and
Broughton, 1914.
Ashe, Thomas. Carolina, or a Description of the Present State of that Country. London:
Grover, 1682.
Ashmead, Henry G. History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts,
Bailyn, Bernard. The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Bakeless, John. Turncoats, Traitors and Heroes. New York: Lippincott, 1959.
Barck, Oscar T. New York City During the War for Independence. New York: Columbia
University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, number 357, 1931.
Barnhart, Clarence, editor. The World Book Dictionary. Chicago: World Book, 1972.
Barstow, George. History of New Hampshire. Concord, N.H.: Boyd, 1842.
Baurmeister, Carl Leopold. Revolution in America: Confidential Letters and Journals of
Adjutant General Major Baurmesiter of the Hessian Forces. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood,
_______. Letters from Adjutant General Major Baurmesiter to Colonel von Jungkean
Written during the Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778. ed. by B. A. Uhlendorf and Edna
Vosper. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1937.
Beeman, Richard R. Patrick Henry: A Biography. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Boehret, Paul C. Arming the Troops, 1775-1815. Easton, Pa.: Boehert, 1967.
Bolles, Albert S. Pennsylvania: Province and State, A History from 1609 to 1790. Philadelphia: Wanamaker, 1899.
_______. Industrial History of the United States from Earliest Settlements to the Present
Time. Norwich, Ct.: Bill, 1881.
Bolton, Charles Knowles. The Private Soldier Under Washington. New York: Scribner's, 1902.
Boorstin, Daniel. The Americans: The Colonial Experience. New York: Vintage, 1958.
Border, Morton and Penn Border. The American Tory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: PrenticeHall, 1972.
Bowett, D. W. Self-Defense in International Law. New York: Praeger, 1958.
Boyd, Thomas A. Simon Girty: The White Savage. New York: Minton-Balch, 1928.
Boylan, Brian R. Benedict Arnold: The Dark Eagle. New York: Norton, 1973.
Boynton, Lindsay. The Elizabethan Militia, 1558-1638. London: Routledge and Keegan
Paul, 1967.
Bradley, A. G. The First American Frontier. New York: Arno, 1971.
_______. The United Empire Loyalists. London: Butterworth, 1932.
Brant, Irving. The Bill of Rights: Its Origin and Meaning. Indianapolis, In.: BobbsMerrill, 1965.
Brown, Alexander. The Cabells and their Kin. Richmond, Va.: privately printed, 1896.
Brown, Wallace. The Good Americans: The Loyalists in the American Revolution. New
York: Morrow, 1969.
_______. The King's Friends. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1965.
Bruce, Philip A. Institutional History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. New York:
Putnam, 1910.
Burgh, James. Political Disquisitions, or, An Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects and
Abuses. 3 volumes. London: Dilly, 1774-75.
Bush, Martin H. Revolutionary Enigma: A Reappraisal of General Philip Schuyler.
Port Washington, N. Y.: Friedman, 1969.
Butterfield, Consul W. History of the Girtys. Cincinnati: Clarke, 1890.
_______. Washington-Crawford Letters, Being Correspondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1787. Cincinnati: Clarke, 1877.
_______. An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky under Colonel William Crawford in 1782. Cincinnati: Clarke, 1873.
Calhoon, Robert M. The Loyalists in Revolutionary America, 1760-1781. New York:
Harcourt-Brace-Jovanovich, 1973.
Callahan, North. Henry Knox: Washington's General. New York: Rinehart, 1958.
_______. Royal Raiders: The Tories of the American Revolution. Indianapolis: BobbsMerrill, 1967.
_______. Flight from the Republic: The Tories of the American Revolution. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963.
Campbell, Norine Dickson. Patrick Henry: Patriot and Statesman. New York: DevinAdair, 1969.
Carrington, Henry B. Battles of the American Revolution. New York: A. S. Barnes,
Clarke, William Packer. Official History of the Militia and National Guard of Pennsylvania. 3 volumes. Philadelphia: Hendler, 1909-12.
Clement, Maud Carter. History of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Lynchburg, Va.: Bell,
Cochran, Thomas C. and Wayne Andrews, editors. Concise Dictionary of American
History. New York: Scribner's, 1962.
Commager, Henry S. and Richard B. Morris, editors. The Spirit of '76: The Story of the
American Revolution as Told by Participants. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1958.
Craven, Wesley Frank. Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century. Baton Rouge:
Louisiana State University Press, 1949.
Cress, Lawrence Delbert. Citizens in Arms: The Army and Militia in American Society to
the War of 1812. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
Crozier, William A. The Virginia Colonial Militia. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing
Company, 1905.
Cruikshank, C. G. Elizabeth's Army. Athens: Ohio University Press; 2d ed., 1964.
Cushing, Jacob. A Sermon Preached at Lexington, April 20th 1778. Boston: Powars &
Willis, 1778.
Cushing, Thomas. History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Chicago: Warner, 1889.
Danckaerts, Jasper. The Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-80. edited by B. B. James
and J. F. Jameson. New York: Scribner's, 1913.
Daniell, Jere R. Experiment in Republicanism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1970.
_______. Colonial New Hampshire: A History. Millwood, N.Y.: K.T.O. Press, 1981.
D'Auberteuil, Hilliard. Essai historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Americains. Brussels, Belgium: n. p., 1782.
DeForest, Louis Effingham and Anne Lawrence DeForest. Captain John Underhill:
Gentleman, Soldier of Fortune. New York: Underhill Society of America, 1934.
Delbruck, Hans. History of the Art of War. translated by Walter J. Renfroe, Jr. Lincoln,
Nb: University of Nebraska Press, 1975.
Demond, Robert O. The Loyalists in North Carolina During the Revolution. Durham, N.
C.: Duke University Press, 1940.
de Valinger, Leon, Jr. Colonial Military Organization in Delaware, 1638-1776. Wilmington, De.: Delaware Tercentenary Commission, 1938.
Doyle, John Andrew. English Colonies in America. 5 volumes. New York: Holt, 18821907.
Drake, Samuel Adams, editor. Bunker Hill: The Story Told in Letters from the Battlefield
by British Officers Engaged. Boston: Nichols & Hall, 1875.
Draper, Lyman C. King's Mountain. Cincinnati, Oh.: Thompson, 1881.
Dunton, John. Letters Written from New England, A.D., 1681. edited by W. H.
Whitmore. Boston: Prince Society, 1867.
Ekirch, Arthur A., Jr. The Civilian and the Military. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1956.
Elliott, Benjamin. The Militia System of South Carolina. Charleston: Miller, 1835.
Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. London: Oxford University Press,
Evans, G. N. D. Allegiance in America: The Case of the Loyalists. Reading, Ma.: Addison-Wesley, 1969.
Fairchild, Byron. Messrs. William Pepperrell: Merchants at Piscataqua. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1954.
Fenton, William N., editor. Parker on the Iroquois. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University
Press, 1968.
Firth, Charles Harding. Cromwell's Army. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Flick, Alexander C. Loyalism in New York During the Revolution. New York: Columbia
University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, number 14, 1901.
-------, ed. Minutes of the Albany Committee of Correspondence, 1775-1778. 2 vols.
Albany: State of New York, 1925.
Ford, Worthington C., editor. General Orders Issued by Major General Israel Putnam,
When in Command of the Highlands the Summer and Fall of 1777. Brooklyn: Historical
Printing Club, 1931.
_______. Correspondence and Journals of Webb. 2 volumes. Brooklyn: Historical
Printing Club, 1933.
_______. Correspondence and Journals and Samuel Blachley Webb. 3 volumes. New
York: New York Times, 1969.
Fortescue, John W. A History of the British Army. 3 volumes. London: Routledge and
Keegan Paul, 1899--1930.
Franklin, Benjamin. The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin. edited by Ralph
Ketcham. Indianapolis, In.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
_______. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin. edited by Leonard W. Larabee. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959-.
_______. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. edited by J. A. LeMay and P. M.
Zall. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1981.
Frothingham, Richard Little. History of the Siege of Boston. New York: Little, Brown,
Galloway, Eileen. History of U.S. Military Policy on Reserve Forces, 1775-1957. Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress, 85th Congress, first session, 1957.
Ganoe, William A. History of the United States Army. New York: Appleton, 1936.
Gentry, William R. Full Justice: The Story of William Gentry and His Missouri Volunteers in the Seminole War. St. Louis: privately published, 1937.
Gerlach, Don R. Philip Schuyler and the American Revolution in New York. Lincoln,
Nb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1964.
_______. Philip Schuyler: Proud Patriot. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1987.
Gipson, Lawrence H. The British Empire Before the Revolution. 15 volumes. New
York: Knopf, 1936-70.
Graymont, Barbara. The Iroquois in the American Revolution. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1972.
Greene, Francis Vinton. The Revolutionary War and the Military Policy of the United
States. New York: Scribner's, 1911.
Greene, Nathaneal. The Papers of General Nathanael Greene. edited by Richard K.
Showman. 5 volumes. Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1976.
Griffin, Clarence W. History of Old Tryon and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina,
1730=1936. Asheville, N.C.: Miller, 1937.
Grose, Francis. Military Antiquities Respecting a History of the British Army. London:
Stockdale, 1812.
Guibert, Comte de. Essais general de tactique . . . Liege, Belgium: n.p., 1771.
Hadden, James. Washington's and Braddock's Expeditions. Washington, D.C.: Library
of Congress, 1910.
Hamilton, Edward. The French and Indian Wars. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1962.
Hamor, R. A True Discourse of the Present State of Virginia [1615]. Richmond, Va.:
Virginia State Library, 1957.
Hancock, Harold Bell. The Delaware Loyalists. Wilmington, Delaware: New Series,
Volume III, Papers of the Delaware Historical Society, 1940.
_______. The Loyalists of Revolutionary Delaware. Newark, De.: University of Delaware, 1977.
Harrell, Isaac S. Loyalism in Virginia. Durham: Duke University Press, 1926.
Haswell, Jock. Citizen Armies. London: Davies, 1973.
Hatch, Louis C. The Administration of the American Revolutionary Army. Volume X of
Harvard Historical Studies. New York: Longmans, Green, 1904.
Heilbrunn, Otto. Partisan Warfare. New York: Praeger, 1962.
Henry, Howell Meadoes. Police Control of the Slave in South Carolina. Lynchburg,
Va.: Emory, 1914.
Henry, William Wirt. Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence and Speeches. 3 volumes.
New York: Scribner's, 1891.
Hill, Jim Dan. The Minuteman in War and Peace. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1963.
Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia. New York: Hardesty, 1884.
History of Wayne, Pike and Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts, 1886.
Hoffman, Ronald and Peter J. Albert, eds. Arms and Independence. Charlottesville, Va.:
University of Virginia Press, 1984.
Hofstadter, Richard. The American Political Tradition. New York: Scribner's, 1948.
Hollister, C. W. The Military Obligation of Norman England. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.
_______. Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Hooker, Thomas. A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline. London: Bellamy, 1684.
Huddleston, J. D. Colonial Rifleman in the Revolution. York, Pa.: Shumway, 1978.
Huntington, Samuel P. The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of CivilMilitary Relations. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 1957.
Jennings, Francis. Empire of Fortune: Crowns, Colonies and Tribes in the Seven Years
War in America. New York: Norton, 1988.
Jensen, Merrill. A New Nation: A History of the United States During the Confederation.
New York: Knopf, 1950.
Johnson's and Walker's English Dictionary. Philadelphia: Johnson & Walker, 1853.
Johnson, Edward. The Wonder Working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England
[1654]. edited by J. F. Jameson. New York: Scribner's, 1910.
Jones, Edward Alfred. The Loyalists of New Jersey in the American Revolution. Newark: Volume X, Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society, 1927.
_______. The Loyalists of Massachusetts. London, 1930.
Jones, Hugh. The Present State of Virginia [1724]. New York: Sabin, 1865.
Kapp, Frederick. Life of Frederick William von Steuben. New York: Mason, 1859.
Kauffman, Henry J. The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle.. Harrisburg: Stackpole, 1960.
Kelley, Joseph J., Jr. Pennsylvania: The Colonial Years, 1681-1776. Garden City: Doubleday, 1980.
Kennett, Lee. French Armies in the Seven Years War. Durham, N.C.: Duke University
Press, 1967.
Ketcham, Ralph. The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin. Indianapolis, In.: BobbsMerrill, 1965.
Kipping, Ernest, ed. Hessian View of America, 1776-1783. Monmouth Beach, N.J.:
Frenau, 1971.
Koontz, Louis K. The Virginia Frontier. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
Kooperman, Paul. Braddock at the Monongahela. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
Press, 1977.
Kurtz, Stephen G. and James H. Hutson, eds. Essays on the American Revolution. Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1973.
Laurens, John. The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens, 1777-1778. ed. by
William G. Simms. New York. s.n., 1867.
Leach, Douglas Edward. Flintlock and Tomahawk: New England in King Philip's War.
New York: Macmillan, 1958.
_______. Arms for Empire: A Military History of the British Colonies in North America.
New York:Macmillan, 1973.
_______. Northern Colonial Frontier, 1607-1763. Albuquerque, N.M.: University of
New Mexico Press, 1966.
Leach, Jack F. Conscription in the United States. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1952.
Lee, Charles. Strictures on a Pamphlet Entitled, a "Friendly Address to All Reasonable
Americans, on the Subject of Our Political Confusions," Addressed to the People of
America. Philadelphia: n.p. , 1774.
Lee, Henry and J. F. Clarke. The Militia of the United States: What It Has Been, What It
Should Be. Boston: Marvin, 1864.
Lee, Lawrence. The Lower Cape Fear in Colonial Days. Chapel Hill, N. C.: University
of North Carolina Press, 1954.
Lee, Richard Henry [?]. Letters from the Federal Farmer. Philadelphia: Williams, 1788.
Authorship of this work is disputed.
Lefler, H. T. and A. R. Newsome. North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of
North Carolina Press, 1954.
Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican. Walter Bennett, editor. Montgomery, Al: University of Alabama Press, 1975.
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A Plan Exercise for the Militia of the
Province of Massachusetts, 79
A Virginian's Plan of Union of 1701,
Abercromby, General James, 54-55, 58
Adams, John, 169
Adams, Sam, 56, 109
Albany Congress, 36-38
Albany Plan, 23, 27, 40, 43ff
Ames, Richard, 70
Amherst, Sir Jeffrey, 56, 78, 114
An Easy Plan of Discipline for a Militia, 79
Anderson, Fred, 66
Andros, Governor Edmund, 16, 23
Appleton, Nathaniel, 152
Army, 2
Arnold, Benedict, 112, 119-120
Articles of Confederation, 173
Ashurst, Henry, 19, 178
Assembly of Province, 46
Assize of Arms, 1
Associated Refugees, 118
Atkinson, Theodore, 41
Atwood, Isaac, 129
Bache, Theophilus, 111
Balfour, Nesbitt, 117
Battle of Bennington, 117
Battle of Blue Licks, 133
Battle of Cowpens, 108
Battle of Germantown, 118
Battle of King's Mountain, 141
Battle of Cross Creek, 146
Battle of Moore's Creek, 146
Belcher, Governor, 32, 51
Bellomont, Earl of, 24
Bernard, Governor Francis, 12, 73
Betsey, 133
Blackstone, William, 66
Bland, Humphrey, 78-79
Bollan, William, 51
Boorstin, Daniel, 6
Boston Evening Post, 56, 70-71
Boston Tea Party, 115
Bowater, John, 117-118
Braddock, Edward, 1, 53, 74, 173
Bradstreet, Governor, 18
Brant, Joseph, 119-121
Brodhead, Daniel, 135
Brooke, Chidley, 19
Browne, Montefort, 113, 145
Brush, Crean, 116
Bryan, Morgan, 149
Bull, William, 33
Burgoyne, John, 117, 119, 177
Butler, John, 106, 120
Butler's Rangers, 108
Cadet, The, 79
Campbell, Archibald, 143-144
Campbell, John, 54, 58
Campbell, William, 142
Cannon, James, 158
Carleton, Guy, 106, 120-121, 135
Carlisle, Abraham, 160
Case, Peter, 152
Cathcart, William, 109
Chalmers, George, 138
Charles I, 10, 66
Charles II, 66
Cincinnatus, 4
Clark, George Rogers, 135
Clarke, James, 122
Clarke, Dr. William, 51
Clifton, Alfred, 137
Clinton, Governor George, 32-33
Clinton, Sir Henry, 75, 104-105, 109,
125, 127
Clinton, James, 109
Clow, Cheney, 137
Cole, Samuel, 120
Collier, George, 145-146
conscientious objectors, 151ff
Coombs, John, 124
Cooper, William, 56
Coote, Richard, 20
Connecticut Assembly, 20
Connelly, Thomas, 69
Connolly, John, 140
Continental Congress of 1774, 50, 167
Corlies, John, 124
Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 102ff
Cossit, Ranna, 120
Cougle, James, 124
Coxe, Daniel, 19
Cromwell, Oliver, 1
Currie, Daniel, 137
Cushing, John, 152
d'Auberteuil, Hilliard, 5
Daniel, Patrick, 11
Daugherty, Mordecai, 109
de Vaudreuil, Marquis, 96
DeLancey, Governor James, 46,
DeLancey, Oliver, 54
Dickinson, John, 126, 169
Dinwiddie, Robert, 52
Dougherty, Bernard, 134
Drummond, Robert, 124
Dudley, Governor Joseph, 20-21
Dulaney, Daniel, 139
Dunton, John, 86
Elliott, Matthew, 132, 134
Enrolled militia,2
Essays on the Command of Small Detachments, 79
Exercises of the Army, 79
Fanning, Edmund, 118, 146-147
Ferguson, Patrick, 148
Fielding, William, 118
Fitzgerald, James, 69
Fletcher, Benjamin, 18-20
flintlock, 84ff
Forrest, James, 116
Fort Conwallis, 107
Fort DuQuesne, 1
Fort Edward, 94
Fort Pitt, 134
Fort Stanwix, 120
Fort William Henry, 94
Franklin, Ben, 6ff
Franklin, William, 107, 123-124
French and Indian War, 52ff
Frey, Barent, 120
Fouts, Christian, 136
Gage, Major-General Thomas, 56, 114115
Galloway, Joseph, 126ff
Garretson, Freeborn, 137
Gates, Horatio, 172, 175
Germain, George, 104, 125
Gerry, Elbridge, 163
Gilbert, Thomas, 115
Girty, George, 132-133
Girty, James, 133-134
Girty, Simon, 132
Girty Jr., Simon, 134
Glen, Governor, 32-33
Glyn, James, 147
Gorham, Joseph, 103, 106
Grant, James, 145
Greenleaf, William, 56
Grey, Charles, 105
Hamilton, Governor, 32-33
Hamilton, James, 146
Hamilton, John, 144
Hammond, Andrew, 137
Hancock, John, 109
Hanger, George, 180-81
Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor, 53
Hardy, Sir Charles, 12
Harrington, James, 4
Harrison, Edmund, 19
Henry, Patrick, 172
Herkimer, Nicholas, 119
History of Massachusetts, 41
Hobbes, Thomas, 66
Holderness, Earl of, 34
Hooker, Thomas, 12
Hopkins, Stephen, 41
Hovendon, William, 109
Howard, Simeon, 5
Howe, William, 116, 173
Hughes, James, 69
Humphreys, Jr., James, 129
Hunter, Governor, 27
Hutchinson, Thomas, 40-43, 47,50
Instructions for Young Officers, 79
Instrument of Government, 66
James II, 14, 16
James, Jacob, 109
Jay, John, 144
Jefferson, Thomas, 169
Johnson, Governor, 32
Johnson, Guy, 120
Johnson, John, 108, 119-121
Johnson, William, 119, 131
Jones, David, 133
Jones, Elisha, 116
Journal of the Times, 56
Kelly, Hugh, 139
Kene, Philip, 117
Kennedy, Archibald, 27
Kennedy-Franklin Plan of 1751, 27
Kidd, Captain, 20
King Philip's War, 7, 15, 24, 71, 77, 86
King William's War, 24
Knox, Henry, 56, 181
Lee, Charles, 173, 175
Lee, Richard Henry, 172, 175, 178
Lee, Thomas, 33
Legge, Governor Francis, 103
Leisler, Jacob, 16-17
Leonard, Daniel, 122-123
Levees en masse, 3
Leverett, John, 15
Lincoln, Benjamin, 144
Livingston, Robert, 18, 25
Livingston, William, 156
Losch, George, 160
Lott, Jeromus, 109
Loyal American Associators, 115
Loyal Associated Volunteers, 115
Loyal North British Volunteers, 115
Loyal Irish Volunteers, 115
Lynch, Charles, 107
Mackay, Captain, 53
MacLead, Allen, 117
Maclean, Francis, 103
Madison, James, 163
Malott, Catherine, 134
Mansin, Henry, 136
Manual Exercise as Ordered by His
Majesty in 1764, 79
Maryland House of Delegates, 19
Massachusetts General Court, 13
Mather, Cotton, 152
Mayflower Compact, 11-12
McAlpine, William, 116
McClintock, Samuel, 2
McDonald, Donald, 110, 147
McGrath, Daniel, 148
McKean, C.J., 130
McKee, Alexander, 131-132, 134-135
McKee, Thomas, 131
McKee II, Thomas, 132
Memoirs of Saxe, 79
Menzies, Thomas, 112
Miles, Elijah, 117
Military Discipline, 79
Military Guide for Young Officers, 79
militia, 2ff
Millidge, Thomas, 119
Monckton, Brigadier General, 56
Moncrieffe, James, 144
Moultrie, William, 144
Murray, Daniel, 143
Murray, James, 5
musket(s), 83ff
Mutiny Act, 16ff
Myer, Wendel, 136
Naval militia, 3
Narragansett Bay, 15
Narragansett War, 10
National Defense Act, 182-83
Nelson, John, 19
New England Charter, 11
New England Confederation, 9ff
New England Puritans, 10ff
New England, United Colonies of, 15,
New York Gazette, 87
New York Journal, 56
Nicholson, Governor, 19, 27
Nicoll, William, 19
Norfolk Discipline, 79
Norwegian Home Guard, 3
Ogle, Governor, 32
Paine, Thomas, 126, 179
Parliament, 16
Partisans, 3
Pattinson, Thomas, 113
Penn, John, 132
Pennsylvania Chronicle, 56
Pennsylvania Gazette, 35
Pennsylvania Ledger, 111, 129
Pennsylvania Militia Act of 1757, 162
Pepperrell, William, 115
Peters, Richard, 38-39
Percy, Lord, 113
Phillips, Josiah, 145
Phips, William, 19, 32
Pickering, Timothy, 79
Pile, John, 147
Pinckney, Charles, 182
Pitkin, William, 41
Plain Truth, 139
Plan of Utopia, 42
Plunkett, William, 121
Pownall, Thomas, 36, 38, 54
Prescott, Richard, 116
Public Advertiser, 57, 74-75, 77
Puritans, 9ff
Purvis, John, 124
Putnam, Israel, 156
Queen Anne's War, 25-26
Queen's Rangers, 109
Quisling, Vidkung, 3
Rankin, William, 138
Raymond, W.O., 102
Regulations for the Prussian Infantry,
Rein family, 136
Roberts, John, 160
Robertson, General James, 100
Robertson, John, 73
Rodney, Caesar, 137
Ross, Alexander, 131
Royal Claims Commission, 98
Royal Gazette, 111
Ruggles, Timothy, 119
Rules and Articles of War, 57-58, 65
Saur Jr., Christopher, 160
Seven Year's War, 66, 70, 117, 126,
Sharpe, Governor Horatio, 53
Shippen, Peggy, 112
Shirley, Governor William, 33, 54-55,
Shockley, Valentine, 109
Shy, Professor John, 14, 21, 26
Sill, Richard, 160
Simcoe, John Graves, 118
Simes, Thomas, 79
Skinner, Cortlandt, 124
Sloughter, Henry, 17
Smith, Adam, 5
Smith, John, 108
Smith, Robert, 108
Smith, William, 41, 46
Society of Friends, 24
Sproat, David, 108
St. Clair, Arthur, 135
St. Leger, Barry, 117, 119
Stair, Earl of, 27
Stamp Act Congress of 1765, 50
Stark, John, 120
Story, Joseph, 5
Stuart, John, 106, 142
Sullivan, John, 122
Tarleton, Banastre, 119, 177
Terry, Thomas, 108
Thatcher, Peter, 152
Thomas, Henry, 117
Thomas, Isaiah, 56
Thomas, John, 144
Thompson, Benjamin, 118
Thomson, Charles, 52
Townsend, Thomas, 153
Trained Bands, 1
Treatise of Military Discipline, 78
Trumbull, Jonathan, 48
Turnbull, John, 117
Tyron, William, 113, 117
Underhill, John, 11
Utrecht, Treaty of, 26
Vance, Henry, 4-5
Vetch, Governor, 25
Wallace, James, 115
Wapanoags, 9ff
War of 1812, 84
War of Spanish Succession, 87
Warren Earl, 6
Washington, George, 1ff, 172, 176, 178
Wayne, Anthony, 135
Webb, General Daniel, 54
Weillust, Jost, 11
Wentworth, Governor, 32
Wightman, George, 122
Willard, Abijah, 115
Windham, William, 79
Winthrop, Governor Fitz-John, 13, 18,
Winslow, Edward, 102
Winslow, Major-General John, 58ff
Wolcott, Governor, 32
Wolfe, General, 79
Wright, James, 142
Young Artillery-Man, 79