Knights Log Vol. 9, No 8 Council 11730 – Est February 1996 October 2004 Grand Knights Message 4th Degree Happenings Rod McNeill Mike Hogan Greetings Brothers, Sunday, Oct 3: 4th Deg Breakfast, 6 a.m. 4636 Hall, Security. This is the only fund-raiser for the 4th Deg. All Sir Knights should try to help. Contact Mike Hogan. We are back in full swing with our fellowship ministry of providing a delicious taco dinner/breakfast and an opportunity for gathering to our fellow parishioners. Jeff Maschler’s and Tony Marcotte’s teams did a great job as usual on the weekend of 25/26 Sep. Our next opportunity to serve is 31 October 2004. Please start thinking about how you may be able to help our council in this effort. Once we have moved into our new church, I think we will have an opportunity to conduct these events more frequently and hopefully in a bigger and more efficient environment. If that happens, WE NEED MORE TEAMS !!!! Mike Hogan has again graciously volunteered to host our Annual Council Christmas Party. It is tentatively scheduled for 5 Dec 2004. Mark your calendars and plan on attending this wonderful event. I have contacted the local area Knight’s Honor Guard representative and have asked them to participate in our new church building dedication event in December. Again, this is an opportunity for the Knights to both help the parish and also give all the Catholic Gentlemen in the church an opportunity to see the Knights in action. I will provide more details as to the extent of our council’s involvement at the next business meeting. Tootsie Roll Drive Dave Gage 570-0839. Brother Knights October is Mental Health Awareness Month and one reason why we have the Tootsie Roll Drive at this time. In October, we will have our last days of the drive on the 9th and 10th. The location will change to the WalMart on Woodmen Rd. We will man two shifts per day. They are from 10am to 12pm and 12pm to 2pm. Please look at your calendars and support this important effort by calling me at the above phone number and scheduling to work one or more shifts. Thanks, Dave Gage Jackets, Vests and Caps Greg Smith Our Jacket and Vest order has arrived. Please come to the next regular meeting with your cash or checks. I will have the "goods" at the meeting. I will continue to order our Council's Jackets and Vests for Thanks again for all your support Vivat Jesus 1 the next time we put in an order. I do have a few extras but not many so first come, first serve. 2. To gain a unique opportunity for personal leadership development through its organizational structure. The prices are as follows: Quilted Oxford Baseball Jackets (like we ordered in the past) Small to XL are $50; Larger Sizes are a few dollars more; Vests (like we ordered in the past) Small to XL are $22; Larger sizes are a few dollars more and Caps are $5. 3. To share in the Knights’ apostolate for the Catholic Church – the promotion of vocations, prayer, religious education, and parish activities Call me at 554-2721 (work) or 494-8171 (home) if you have any questions. 4. To participate in the Family Life movement of the Knights, a family organization of some 8 millon men, women, and children. Yours in Christ, Greg Smith. 5. To work in the community for others who need you. Last year more than $100 millon and over 40 millon man-hours of service were given by Knights in charitable and community endeavors. Your Insurance Corner Mike Balchus 488-6816, 6. To help build future leaders through the Knights’ own Columbian Squires and through Scouting, CYO, Big Brothers, 4-H Clubs, and etc. "I know I need more life insurance". That's how the father of three young children, profiled in the new "Stages of Life" section of the Knights of Columbus Web site ( explains his situation. He cites several reasons for delaying the purchase of needed protection. In his heart, however, he knows better and feels a little guilty. "Every time I see a life insurance ad, I feel a little twinge of guilt", he says. "Stages of life" is an interactive feature of the Knight's web site offering visitors the opportunity to hear from different people at different stages of their lives (from just-out-of-college to recently widowed to newly retired), talking about the importance of life insurance. It is well worth logging on to check out. The fact is most people need life insurance. As a member of the Knights you are fortunate. You have a professionally trained agent who will take the time to determine exactly how much you need and how much you can afford. By performing a thorough needs analysis based on your needs, goals, and budget, he can provide the financial protection that is right for your family. He will do more than try to sell you a policy, he will help you protect your family at a price you can afford. Your council agent and friend is Mike Balchus. 7. To enjoy with your family in your local council a wide variety of social, cultural, and athletic activities. 8. To have available to yourself and your family a fraternal low-cost life and health insurance program. 9. To qualify for college student loan and scholarship programs for yourself and your family. (Even after the death of the member, a spouse or dependent may continue to qualify for these benefits.) 10. To receive the Columbia magazine, the largest Catholic monthly magazine in North America. 11. To be remembered with your family in a monthly Mass offered by the Supreme Chaplain. Deceased members are remembered in a daily Mass at St Mary’s Church, the birthplace of the Order in New Haven, CT. Twelve Reasons Why You Should Be A Knight of Columbus 12. To take pride in helping the Holy Father bring the message of Christ to the world by providing annually for global telecasts of the Christmas and Easter liturgies and other papal ceremonies from Vatican City. Submitted by Jeff Maschler 1. To unite with 1.7 million men in the largest society of Catholic men in the world working in over 13,000 local councils situated throughout North America and the Pacific. 2 Knight of the Month John McGuire John is being recognized for freely participating in council activities. He volunteers at every opportunity and can always be counted on for support and leadership. Birthdays of September 12 12 23 Richard Slusser Brian Dart Gene Noel 28 28 Steve Waskewicz Larry Kotik Council Officers Chaplain Grand Knight Dep. Grand Knight Chancellor Advocate Lecturer 3rd Year Trustee 2nd Year Trustee 1st Year Trustee 1st Inside Guard Fr Jerry Borer Rod McNeill Jeff Maschler Mike Hogan Greg Smith Jimmy Stewart Gary Ware Bobby Royce Bill Emborski Pierre Gaudreault 594-6138 548-8440 495-8538 495-0605 495-8174 488-9416 633-6885 495-4623 495-2974 495-7359 Financial Sec. Treasurer Recorder Warden 2nd Inside Guard Outside Guard Insurance Agent District Deputy Dave Miller Jack Perroni Tom DeClue Larry Kotik Brian Livie Angelo Pinterpe Mike Balchus Chris Smith Programs Program Director Jeff Maschler Pro Life Couple Mike & Fran Hogan Ladies Auxiliary Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Jeannie McNeill Shelly Maschler Kathy Kotik Mickey Cote Hospitality Historian Past President Page 3 Marty Hunt Shirley Larouere Dana Ware 495-0289 282-8467 495-3059 591-2778 303-681-0378 494-8099 488-6816 Knights of Columbus Council # 11730 11020 Teachout Rd. Black Forest ,Co 80908 Council Web Site: State Web Site: http://www.kofc- FRATERNAL CALENDAR Date Time 2 7:30A 2 8:00A 3 10:15A 3 6:00A 9,10 13 10:00A 12:00P 7:00P 20 7:00P 30 31 6:00P 7:00A OCTOBER Activity Prayer Service Our Lady of the Pines Road Pick-up Meet at Our Lady of the Pines Corporate Communion Our Lady of the Pines 4th Degree Breakfast Fundraiser #4636 Hall, Security Last two days of Tootsie Roll Drive at the Woodman Rd. Walmart Council Meeting/Ladies Auxiliary Our Lady of the Pines Fourth Degree-Assy #4636 Hall, Security Taco Dinner/Pancake Breakfast Our Lady of the Pines 4 Date Time 6 7:30A 10 7:00P 17 7:00P 24 7:00P NOVEMBER Activity Prayer Service Our Lady of the Pines Council Meeting/Ladies Auxiliary Our Lady of the Pines Fourth Degree-Assy #4636 Hall, Security Officer’s Meeting Our Lady of the Pines