MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ++++++ MASTERS' AND WARDENS' ASSOCIATION 2006 DIRECTORY Last Update – January 1, 2006 FOREWORD This 2006 Directory; of the Masters' and Wardens' Association for Districts 1A and 1B of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons (A.F. & A. M.) of the Commonwealth of Virginia; has been prepared in 8 1/2 by 11 inch format. This has been done for several reasons: 1. This format allows use of larger print which should be easier for us to read, particularly for those of us whose eyes are older and now require bifocals or reading glasses. 2. This format will allow us to provide corrections, changes and up-dates as required, or as they occur. These changes can be provided as replacement or additional pages that can be easily exchanged or inserted. 3. This format will allow us to easily add our own calendar data, notes, meeting agenda, or other information. On the down-side, this larger format will not fit in your pocket; however, neither would the old half-size format used prior to 1995. In order for this Directory to be as useful as possible, we request that each Lodge, or member, keep the Association Officers informed of any and all changes that might be needed to correct errors; that are needed due to changes of Lodge Officers, their addressed, or telephone numbers; that might be needed due to changes to, deletion of, or addition of activities, dates and locations. Your Association Officers will, in turn, attempt to make your Directory accurate, keep it current, and provide a service to the Lodges and members of Masonic Districts 1A and 1B. We sincerely hope that you will find this directory useful in all of your Masonic activities. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact any of your Association Officers. If you note any changes to correct existing information or want to add any additional information to make the entries more complete, please contact RW Jack Canard by one the following means and provide him with the information. He will publish changes to the directory as often as necessary: Canard, Granville Clayton “Jack”, Jr., PM’92 (22) PDDGM’00 (1A) 5501 Seminary Road, #1903-S, Falls Church, Virginia 22041-3910 703-347-6506 (H) 703-850-8141 (Cell) 703-998-0110 (Dedicaed FAX) 22 120 1949 Liberty, Beverly , MA * * THIS DIRECTORY IS FOR MASONIC USE ONLY ! * * * File Name: Macintosh HD:Users:G5:Desktop:2006Dir.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE Front Cover ................................................................................................................................................ (Original) Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... (Original) Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Inside Cover ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Officers, M & W Assoc and meeting dates ............................................................................................................... 5 By-Laws of the M & W Assoc .................................................................................................................................. 5 Grand Lodge Officers .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Grand Lodge Dates .................................................................................................................................................. 9 The Masonic Benefit Fund Officers and Annual Meeting Date ................................................................................ 9 District Officers ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Past District Deputy Grand Masters ....................................................................................................................... 10 Official Visits, District Deputy Grand Master's ........................................................................................................ 14 Masonic Ritual Schools .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Lodge Schedule (Chart) ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Alexandria-Washington Lodge #22 ........................................................................................................................ 17 Andrew Jackson Lodge #120 ................................................................................................................................. 18 John Blair Lodge #187 ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Skidmore Daylight Lodge #237 .............................................................................................................................. 20 Henry Knox Field Lodge #349 ................................................................................................................................ 21 A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research #1949 ................................................................................................... 22 Elmer Timberman Lodge #54 ................................................................................................................................. 23 Springfield Lodge #217 ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Mount Vernon Lodge #219 ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Occoquan Lodge #310 ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Dale City Lodge #319 ............................................................................................................................................. 27 John A. LeJeune Lodge #350 ................................................................................................................................. 28 Fort Hunt Daytime Lodge #353 .............................................................................................................................. 29 The Landmarks of Freemasonry ............................................................................................................................ 30 Degree Cast (Form) ................................................................................................................................................ 31 Entered Apprentice Degree (Suggested reading to Candidate) .............................................................................. 33 Resolution Regarding Deportment During the Master Mason's Degree ................................................................ 34 Resolution to be Read Following the Master Mason's Degree .............................................................................. 34 Roll of the Craft ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 Funeral Ode ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 Suggested Instructions to be Read to Newly Raised Master Masons ................................................................... 36 Masters’ and Wardens’ Association Recommended Installation of Officers Ceremony .......................................... 37 Hospitals ................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Funeral Homes ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 Miscellaneous Organizations ................................................................................................................................... 40 Masonic Benefit Fund ............................................................................................................................................. 46 By-Laws of the Masonic Benefit Fund .................................................................................................................... 47 The Masonic Leadership Program .......................................................................................................................... 49 The History of Masonic Districts 1A and 1B ........................................................................................................... 49 White Pages ................................................................................................................................................. 51 to 95 Form for Submitting Changes ................................................................................................................................... 96 Record of Changes Posted following White Pages (changed information posted in “BLUE” ) .................... 97 Back Cover .................................................................................................................................................. (Original) Page: 3 REVISION: January 1, 2006 MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ++++++ LODGES, OFFICERS, COMMUNICATIONS, AND OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST ++++++ ++++++ DISTRICT 1A DISTRICT 1B ALEXANDRIA/WASHINGTON #22 ELMER TIMBERMAN #54 ANDREW JACKSON #120 SPRINGFIELD #217 JOHN BLAIR #187 MT. VERNON #219 SKIDMORE DAYLIGHT #237 OCCOQUAN #310 HENRY KNOX FIELD #349 DALE CITY #319 A. DOUGLAS SMITH #1949 JOHN A. LEJEUNE #350 FORT HUNT DAYTIME #353 Page: 4 REVISION: January 1, 2006 MASTERS AND WARDENS ASSOCIATION, MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B Web Site URL: Webmaster: James M. Stevenson, PM’03 (22) The Association is in the process of major change and will not hold elections until after the changes are considered and approved by the body of members. 2004 OFFICERS John Wesley Pearson, WM’04 (217), President Jesse Thomas McMahan, SW’04 (22), Vice-President William Arthur "Bill" Shortt, PDDGM’02 (1B) (217), Secretary Andrew Christopher "Andy" Strickland, (349), Treasurer 2004 BUSINESS MEETINGS - 7:00 pm THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2004 ................................................ Hosted by ELMER TIMBERMAN LODGE NO. 54 FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2004 ............................................... Hosted by ALEXANDRIA-WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 22 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2004 (Called Meeting) ................................... Hosted by SPRINGFIELD LODGE NO. 217 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2004 ............................................... Hosted by ANDREW JACKSON LODGE NO. 120 ++++++ BY-LAWS OF THE MASTERS' AND WARDENS' ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B ARTICLE I - NAME The name of the association shall be the Masters' and Wardens Association of Virginia Masonic Districts No. 1A and 1B. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The purpose of the association shall be to promote Masonic education, principles and fellowship. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP The membership of the association shall include the Stationed Officers of the Lodges of Masonic Districts No. 1A and 1B, the District Educational Officers, the District Instructors of Work, and the District Deputy Grand Masters of Virginia Masonic Districts 1A and 1B. Nothing herein, however, shall be construed as preventing the attendance upon the meetings of the association of any Master Mason in good standing. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS The officers of the association shall consist of a President and Vice President, who shall be elected from the membership of the association. Also a Secretary and Treasurer, who may be elected from the membership of the lodges in the districts covered by this association, but not necessarily from the membership of the association as defined in Article III. Page: 5 REVISION: January 1, 2006 ARTICLE V - DUTIES OF OFFICERS President. The President shall preside over all meetings and be an exofficio member of all committees. Vice President. The Vice President shall act in an advisory capacity to the President and in his absence, assume the duties of the President. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted at meetings, maintain a current list of the Membership, conduct all correspondence for the Association, receive all monies for the Association, giving the same to the Treasurer and taking his receipt therefore. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary giving his receipt therefore, keep a fair and just account of the same, and pay them out as ordered by the President, or by vote of the membership. ARTICLE VI - ELECTIONS The annual election of the officers shall be held during the month of November. The elected officers shall be chosen by secret ballot. A majority shall be necessary for election. the elected officers shall serve until their successors have been elected and installed. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS In consonance with the PURPOSE of the association, the members shall assemble in associational meetings, exchange ideas, discuss their respected problems and consider such matters as may be deemed appropriate by the Membership. The schedule of meetings of the Masters and Wardens Association for the upcoming year shall be designated by the President of the association, and presented to the membership, at or before the last meeting in November, during the year of his term. Masonic District 1A and Masonic District 1B shall hold separate ritualistic schools, with attendance required at the school (James Noah Hillman Award) to be from the Lodge's District. The schedule for the District 1A and District 1B schools shall be set at the November business meeting and this schedule published in the Masters and Wardens Association Directory. The Master and Warden's Association shall meet as one body for the purpose of holding business meetings three times a year in the months of January, May and November. ARTICLE VIII - FINANCES Necessary finances of the association shall be by donations. ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS Any amendments proposed to these by-laws shall be submitted in writing at a meeting of the association and the membership and shall lie over until the next succeeding meeting of the association and the membership shall be notified thereof in writing. A two-thirds majority vote of the membership present shall be required for its adoption. MEMORANDUM OF ADOPTION AND CHANGE Originally adopted August 20, 1952 Change No. 1 adopted July 19, 1969 Change No. 2 adopted January 23, 1971 Change No. 3 adopted June 13, 1981 Change No. 4 adopted April 30, 1984 Change No. 5 adopted January 29, 1987 Change No. 6 adopted January 31, 1990 Change No. 7 adopted November 10, 1992 Page: 6 REVISION: January 1, 2006 OFFICERS - 2005 – 2006 GRAND LODGE, A.F.& A.M., OF VIRGINIA THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER OF MASONS IN VIRGINIA GLOVER HUNTER JONES, III [Emily] DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GRAND SENIOR WARDEN JAMES STANLEY JOHNSON [Carole] GEORGE BERNARD DUNGAN, JR GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN GRAND TREASURER WILLIAM LEE HOLIDAY, PGM’00 [Evelyn] EDMUND COHEN [Gwen] GRAND SECRETARY GRAND SENIOR DEACON ALAN WAYNE ADKINS, PGM'97 [Gerri] JEFFERY EUGENE HODGES [Susan] GRAND JUNIOR DEACON GRAND ORGANIST WILLIAM EARLE ROPER, JR [JUDITH] FRANCIS REED BROWN GRAND PHYSICIAN GRAND PURSUIVANT SAMUEL MOSLEY JONES, MD [Carol] GEORGE DOUGLAS SEGHERS [Louise] PAST GRAND MASTERS FROM DISTRICTS 1-A & 1-B Stewart Wilson Miner, PGM’74 [Gertrude] Donald Maynard Robey, PGM'87 [Doris] George Harry Chapin, PGM'99 [Connie] ++++++ Grand Lodge Committee Members from Districts 1A and 1B GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON WORK for DISTRICTS 1A, 1B, & 54 Charles Richard “Dick” Walk, PM’85 (217) [Cindy] GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON MASONIC EDUCATION AND PUBLICATIONS AREA VII EDUCATION COORDINATOR - DISTRICTS 1A, 1B, & 54 John Shroeder, Jr., PM'95 (54) [Marjorie] GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON MASONIC EDUCATION AND PUBLICATIONS FOR ELECTRONIC MEDIA Granville Clayton “Jack” Canard, Jr., PDDGM'00 (1A) MASONIC HERALD EDITORIAL BOARD Sheldon Barnett Richman, PDDGM’02, (1A) GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON MASONIC COMMUNITY BLOOD PROGRAM Ronald Eugene “Ron” Heald, Reg. V - Dis. 1A, 1B &54 Charles Richard Walk, Awards/Publications Page: 7 REVISION: January 1, 2006 GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE Walter Scott Downs William Edward Hershey, Jr Samuel Thomas "Sam" Atkinson GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS Harold James Jennings, Jr., PM (349) GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON LODGE BY-LAWS AND CHARTERS David Henry Smith, PM (219) GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON CODE COMMISSION Walter Scott Downs, PDDGM’65 (Dist 1) GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON PROPOSITIONS Stephen Wade Law, PM’92 (54) GRAND LODGE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH Matthew Todd “Matt” Szramoski, PM (187), PDDGM’03 Robert George Mertz, Jr., PM’02 (187) REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE MASONIC HOME (1A, 1B & 54) David Nathan Silver, PM’01-02 (237), PDDGM’04 (1A) ++++++ GRAND LODGE DIVISION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE MARCH 18, 2006 - 2:00 P.M. ALEXANDRIA SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE 1430 WEST BRADDOCK ROAD, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22302-2706 - PHONE: 703-998-9044 ++++++ WILLIAM HIRAM WOOD SCHOOL MAY 10-12, 2005; 7:00 P.M. SPRINGFIELD LODGE NO 217 Herbert Charles Hunter Memorial Masonic Temple 7001 Backlick Road, Springfield, Virginia Phone: 703-451-8112 Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Page: 8 Entered Apprentice Degree Fellow Craft Degree Master Mason Degree (1st Section) Master Mason Degree (2nd Section) District 1A 54th Masonic District District 1B Selected Individuals REVISION: January 1, 2006 ++++++ PROVISIONAL LODGE OF PAST MASTERS IN DISTRICTS 1A, 1B AND 54 Date, time and Location to be determined ++++++ OFFICIAL VISIT OF THE GRAND MASTER TO MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A, 1B & 54 Saturday, January 28, 2006 Dinner - 6:30 PM, Open Meeting – Guests Invited ALEXANDRIA SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE 1430 WEST BRADDOCK ROAD, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22302-2706 PHONE: 703-998-9044 ++++++ REID J. SIMMONS ACADEMY OF MASONIC LEADERSHIP August 6-9, 2006 FORK UNION MILITARY ACADEMY FORK UNION, VIRGINIA 23055 ++++++ GRAND LODGE RITUAL SCHOOL WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8-9, 2006 LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION FRIDAY - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10-11, 2006 LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED ++++++ THE MASONIC BENEFIT FUND DISTRICTS 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, & 54 CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY/TREASURER Harry L. Grimm, PM'72/90 (285), ANNUAL MEETING Date and time to be determined SHARON LODGE NO. 327 999 BALLS HILL ROAD MCLEAN, VIRGINIA For additional information on the Masonic Benefit Fund, to include the By-Laws and application for membership, see page 49 in this directory. Page: 9 REVISION: January 1, 2006 2005-2006 DISTRICT OFFICERS - DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B DISTRICT 1A DISTRICT 1B District Deputy Grand Master Carl Raymond Gagliardi, PM’79/99/05 (349) District Deputy Grand Master James Albert Newcomer, PM’95 (350), [Marie] District Instructor of Work Matthew Todd “Matt” Szramoski, PM'93 (205), PM’96/97 (187) [Alicia] District Instructor of Work Buford Talmadge “Dude” Walters, PM’75 (310), PM’02 (353) [Diane] Karl Gellert, WM06 (217) – Assistant DIW 1B District Education Officer Herbert “Herb” Charles Hollander, PM’02 (264) [Adrian] – District Masonic Home Ambassador Timothy Jay Butcher, PM'94-95 (187), PM’03 (120) [Ethel] District Blood Coordinator Daniel Martin “Dan” Clark, PM’02 (22) [Lynne] District Education Officer James George "Jim" Connal, PM’01 (319) [Betty] District Masonic Home Ambassador Michael Arthur Riley, PM’01 (54) District Blood Coordinator William Larry Alexander, PM'99 (310) District Funeral Coordinator Frank Rosser Dunaway, Jr., PM’94 (22), [Connie] District Funeral Coordinator Ralph Glenn Smith, PM'99 (319) Child I.D. Coordinator Vacant Child I.D. Coordinator John David Killian, PM’96-97 (219) [Barbara] PAST DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS OF DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER YEAR * A. H. Barbor 1948 * Alfred Bolongnese 1949 John A. LeJeune #350 * William E. Sprouse 1950 Henry Knox Field #349 *William H. Wood 1951 Andrew Jackson #120 * Frank M. Steadman 1952 Kemper #64 * Elnathan J. Skidmore 1953 Alexandria-Washington #22 * Homer F. Gilliam 1954 Kemper #64 * Benjamin L. Bigelow 1955 * Charles A. Cornnell 1956 Alexandria-Washington #22 * Charles E. Wallace 1957 Henry Knox Field #349 * Carroll K. Rush 1958 Andrew Jackson #120 * Walter H. Stanford 1959 Elmer Timberman #54 Page: 10 LODGE NAME AND NUMBER REVISION: January 1, 2006 * Lawrence E. Nail 1960 Occoquan #310 * Clarence M. Watkins 1961 Kemper #64 * Chester L. Williams 1962 Kemper #64 * Kenneth Miller 1963 John A. LeJeune #350 * Glen S. Faxon, Jr. 1964 Alexandria-Washington #22 Walter Scott Downs 1965 Henry Knox Field #349 Elwyn G. Raiden 1966 Springfield #217 * Cecil V. Brooks 1967 Andrew Jackson #120 * Arthur F. Dick 1968 Elmer Timberman #54 * Ronald S. Poplar 1969 Occoquan #310 * John H. King 1970 Henry Knox Field #349 PAST DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS, DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B DISTRICT 1A YEAR DISTRICT 1B Macon Ware #192 * Raymond F. Ritchel, PM'64 1971 John A. LeJeune #350 * Cecil E. Hunter, PM'67 Kemper #64 * William Gunter, PM'56 1972 Springfield #217 * Lyston Grimes Heflin, PM'69 Alexandria-Washington #22 * Godfrey Pierpoint Runaldue, PM'50 1973 Elmer Timberman #54 * Reid J. Simmons, PM'69 Henry Knox Field #349 * C. Lee Bolton, PM'68 1974 Occoquan #310 * John Sullivan, PM'70/94 Andrew Jackson #120 Lester Herman Conway, PM'64 1975 Mount Vernon #219 * Robert C. Coe, PM'68 John Blair #187 * Clarence Arthur Dains, PM'72 1976 John A. LeJeune #350 Meade A. Marshall, PM'70 Macon Ware #192 * Karl Davey, PM'58 1977 Springfield #217 * Reynold Judson "Dick" Matthews, PM'73 Kemper #64 * Karl Beckemeyer, PM'71 1978 Elmer Timberman #54 * Elmer W. Williams, PM'66 Alexandria-Washington #22 Donald Maynard Robey, PM'75, PGM'87 1979 Archer Bailey Gay #275 * William E. Poindexter, PM'76 Henry Knox Field #349 * Willard D. Flockhart, PM'73 1980 Occoquan #310 * Oliver Hill, PM'72 Page: 11 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Andrew Jackson #120 * William Adrian "Bill" Brown, PM'75 1981 Mount Vernon #219 * Howard Francis Schneider, PM'75 John Blair #187 * Werner Herman "Bill" Morlock, PM'78, PGM'93-94 1982 John A. LeJeune #350 * Robert Howard "Bob" Wallace, PM'79 Skidmore Daylight #237 Ralph Emmett Beahm, PM'78 1983 Springfield #217 John Philip McIntyre, PM'74 Macon Ware #192 Albert Bailey, PM'72 1984 Elmer Timberman #54 Francis Milton Shoemaker, PM'75 Kemper #64 David Henry Blank, PM'70 1985 Archer Bailey Gay #275 John D. "Jack" Allwine, PM'79 Alexandria-Washington #22 * Odie Howell, PM'59 1986 Occoquan #310 Edward L. Hensel, Jr., PM'81 Henry Knox Field #349 * Marshall D. Williams, PM'82 1987 Dale City #319 Elbert Rufus "Bud" Turner, PM'80/81 Andrew Jackson #120 James Harold Hayes, PM'85 1988 Mount Vernon #219 Ralph Eugene Simmons, PM'84 John Blair #187 * Robert King Byard, PM'83 1989 John A. LeJeune #350 Garnett Russell Bailey, PM'69 Skidmore Daylight #237 John Price "Jack" Riddell, PM'86 1990 Fort Hunt Daytime #353 * Clifford Sheldon Thurman, PM'87 Macon Ware #192 Peter V. Hwoschinsky, PM'86/93 1991 Springfield #217 George Harry Chapin, PM'75, PGM'99 Kemper #64 Dennis Lee Scholl, PM'78 1992 Elmer Timberman #54 William H. Atkinson, PM'82 Alexandria-Washington #22 Robert Clay "Bob" Swiger, PM'74 1993-94 Archer Bailey Gay #275 James Baker Herr "Jim" LeFever, PM'85 Henry Knox Field #349 Robert Louis "Pete" Crabill, PM'85 1995 Occoquan #310 Leon Sidney Troyer, PM'82 Andrew Jackson #120 1996 * James George "Pete" Melvin, PM'88, PM'95 (1949) Dale City #319 Edgar Bruce "Bruce" Holley, PM'86 Andrew Jackson #120 (for John Blair #187) 1997 William Hiram "Bill" Consla, PM'82 (64), PM'86 (1949) Mount Vernon #219 Samuel Thomas "Sam" Atkinson, PM'71 Skidmore Daylight #237 1998 John David "John" Denton, Jr., PM'79 (219), PM'92 (237) John A. LeJeune #350 Thomas Franklin "Tom" Blizzard, PM'92 Kemper-Macon Ware #64 Christopher Jones "Chris" Burris, Jr., PM'89 (192) 1999 Fort Hunt Daytime #353 * Harry Hubert "Jerry" Thompson, PM'89 (217), PM’99 (353) Alexandria-Washington #22 Granville Clayton "Jack" Canard, Jr., PM'92 2000 Springfield #217 Roy Martin "Marty" Heaster, PM'93 Page: 12 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Henry Knox Field #349 George William Allison III, PM'84/94 2001 Elmer Timberman #54 Richard Burditt “Dick” Baldwin, PM’87 Andrew Jackson #120 Sheldon Barnett “Shelley” Richman, PM’99 2002 Archer Bailey Gay #275 William Arthur “Bill” Shortt, PM’96 John Blair #187 Matthew Todd “Matt” Szramoski, PM'93 (205), PM’96/97 2003 Occoquan #310 Thomas Allison “Tom” Reese, PM’84/95 (310) PM’98 (353) Skidmore Daylight #237 David Nathan Silver, PM’01-02 2004 Dale City #319 John Douglas Jenkins, PM’95 Alexandria-Washington #22 Frank Rosser Dunaway, Jr., PM'94 2005 Mount Vernon #219 Lee Jackson Sloppy, PM’98 Henry Knox Field #349 Carl Raymond Gagliardi, PM’79/99/05 2006 John A. LeJeune #350 James Albert “Jim” Newcomer, PM’95 Andrew Jackson #120 2007 Fort Hunt Daytime #353 John Blair #187 2008 Springfield #217 Skidmore Daylight #237 2009 Elmer Timberman #54 Alexandria-Washington #22 2010 Occoquan #310 Henry Knox Field #349 2011 Dale City #319 Andrew Jackson #120 2012 Mount Vernon #219 John Blair #187 2013 John A. LeJeune #350 Skidmore Daylight #237 2014 Fort Hunt Daytime #353 Alexandria-Washington #22 2015 Springfield #217 · * - In front of Name indicates Deceased ++++++ Page: 13 REVISION: January 1, 2006 2005 DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER'S OFFICIAL VISITS DISTRICT 1A Carl Raymond Gagliardi, PM’79/99/05 (349) January 10, 2006 ............................................................................ HENRY KNOX FIELD LODGE #349 - 7:30 PM January 19, 2006 ............................................................................. ANDREW JACKSON LODGE #120 - 7:30 PM January 26, 2006 ................................................................ ALEXANDRIA-WASHINGTON LODGE #22 - 7:30 PM February 7, 2006 ...................................................................... SKIDMORE DAYLIGHT LODGE #237 - 11:OO AM February 15, 2006 ........................................................................................ JOHN BLAIR LODGE #187 - 7:30 PM April 22, 2006 ..................................................................... A. DOUGLAS SMITH (RESEARCH) #1949 – 10:00 AM DISTRICT 1B James Albert Newcomer, PM’95 (350), [Marie] February 1, 2006 ......................................................................................... MT. VERNON LODGE #219 - 7:30 PM February 7, 2006 ........................................................................................ SPRINGFIELD LODGE #217 - 7:30 PM February 8, 2006 .............................................................................. FT. HUNT DAYTIME LODGE #353 - 11:00 AM February 13, 2006 ......................................................................................... OCCOQUAN LODGE #310 - 7:30 PM February 17, 2006 ............................................................................................ DALE CITY LODGE #319 - 7:30 PM February 20, 2006 ............................................................................. ELMER TIMBERMAN LODGE #54 - 7:30 PM March 20, 2006 .................................................................................... JOHN A. LEJEUNE LODGE #350 - 7:30 PM Page: 14 REVISION: January 1, 2006 2005 MASONIC RITUAL SCHOOLS DISTRICT 1A (7:00 PM) Matthew Todd “Matt” Szramoski, PM'93 (205), PM’96/97 (187) [Alicia], DIW’01 (1A) January 31, 2005 Alexandria-Washington No. 22 EA Degree (5th Monday) February 28, 2005 John Blair No. 187 FC Degree (4th Monday) March 28, 2005 Andrew Jackson No. 120 MM Degree, 1st Section th (4 Monday) April 25, 2005 Henry Knox Field No. 349 MM Degree, 2nd Section th (4 Monday) June 27, 2004 Alexandria-Washington No. 22 Funeral Service, Balloting & Ceremonies (4th Monday) July 25, 2005 John Blair No. 187 EA Degree (4th Monday) September 26, 2005 Andrew Jackson No. 120 FC Degree (4th Monday) October 24, 2005 Henry Knox Field No. 349 MM Degree, 1st Section th (4 Monday) 2005 MASONIC RITUAL SCHOOLS DISTRICT 1B Buford Talmadge “Dude” Walters, PM’75 (310), PM’02 (353) [Diane] January 26, 2005 Dale City No. 319 Open MM Lodge (Stated); Receive (4TH Wednesday) DDGM & GM February 23, 2005 Occoquan No. 310 Dispense MM Lodge, Open EA Lodge, (4TH Wednesday) confer EA Degree March 23, 2005 Springfield No. 217 Open FC Lodge, Exemplify FC Degree (4TH Wednesday) April 27, 2005 John A. LeJeune No. 350 Open MM Lodge (Called); Confer both (4th Wednesday) sections of MM Degree May 25, 2005 Mt. Vernon No. 219 Call off MM Lodge, Exemplify MM Degree (4TH Wednesday) 1st Section June 22, 2005 Ft Hunt No. 353 @ Springfield Lodge No.217 Exemplify MM Degree 2nd Section; Close TH (4 Wednesday) MM Lodge August 24, 2005 Elmer Timberman No. 54 Funerals, elections, receiving the GM and (4th Wednesday) DDGM Page: 15 REVISION: January 1, 2006 LODGE DIRECTORIES 2006 LODGE SCHEDULE, Districts 1A and 1B Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Elmer Timberman Lodge #54 (Dec only) Skidmore-Daylight Lodge #237 11:00 AM --------------------Springfield Lodge #217 Mount Vernon Lodge #219 2nd Week of each Month Occoquan Lodge #310 -------------------John A. Lejeune Lodge #350 (Dec only) -------------------KENA Shrine Temple (Except July & Aug.) Henry Knox Field Lodge #349 (Except Nov) Ft. Hunt Daytime Lodge #353 11:00 AM @ Herbert C. Hunter Temple in Springfield ------------------------John Blair Lodge #187 (Dec only) AlexandriaWashington Lodge #22 Alexandria Scottish Rite 3rd Week of each Month Elmer Timberman Lodge #54 (Except Dec) -------------------John A. Lejeune Lodge #350 (Except Dec) Springfield Lodge #217 (Except July, Aug. Nov. and Dec.) --------------------Henry Knox Field Lodge #349 (Nov only) John Blair Lodge #187 (Except Dec) ------------------------District 1B Ritual School (April) Andrew Jackson Lodge #120 Dale City Lodge #319 (Except Dec) District 1A Ritual School (Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct.) District 1B Ritual School (Jan., Feb., Mar., May, June, Aug., Sept.) AlexandriaWashington Lodge #22 (Except Nov & Dec.) Dec 27 Installation of Officers ST 1 Week of each Month 4th Week of each Month Dale City Lodge #319 (Dec only) Stated Meeting 5th Week of each Month All lodges listed above meet at 7:30 PM unless otherwise noted. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research #1949 meets on the fifth Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM except December when the meeting is on the third Saturday at 10:00 AM and include Installation of Officers. Page: 16 REVISION: January 1, 2006 ALEXANDRIA-WASHINGTON LODGE No. 22 George Washington Masonic National Memorial 101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, Virginia Phone: 703-299-6122 (Lodge) Phone: 703-683-2007 (GWMNM) Web Site URL: Mailing Address - P.O. Box 4330 Alexandria, Virginia 22303-0330 Stated Meetings - 2nd and 4th Thursdays @ 7:30 P.M. except November & December - 2nd Thursday only @ 7:30 P.M. and Installation of Officers - December 27 @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master .......................................................................Thomas Gayle “Tom” Little, WM’06 (22) [Margaret] Senior Warden ........................................................................................ Robert George “Bob” Watkins, Jr. [Larissa] Junior Warden ............................................................................................ Douglas Hamer “Doug” Wood [Rebecca] Treasurer ........................................................................................... Daniel Martin “Dan” Clark, PM’02 (22) [Lynne] Secretary ............................................................. Granville Clayton “Jack” Canard, Jr, PM’92 (22), PDDGM’00 (1A) Secretary Emeritus ........................... Floren Lamont "Monty" Quick, PM'64 (7), PM'87 (20), PGM'71, Japan [Joan] Senior Deacon ....................................................................................................... Heber Charles Willis, III [Heather] Junior Deacon ........................................................................................................ Kent Shepard Webber [Margaret] Senior Steward ........................................................................................................................... Michael Caine Seay Junior Steward ................................................................................................................... Simeon Plamenov Petkov Chaplain ........................................................... Frank Rosser Dunaway, Jr., PM'94 (22), PDDGM’05 (1A) [Connie] Assistant Chaplain .......................................................................................... Earl Elmer Covey, PM’77 (350) [Irene] Chaplain Emeritus .................................................. Robert Clay “Bob” Swiger, PM’74 (22), PDDGM’93 (1A) [Muriel] Marshal ................................................................................................................ Richard Kimberly Shrout [Virginia] Musician ................................................................................................. Franklin Jay "FJ" Pepper, PM'99 (237) [Del] Tiler ................................................................................................... , Dimitar Gueorguiev "Dimitry" Mavrov [Radka] Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ...................................................................... Earl Elmer Covey, PM’77 (350) [Irene] Lodge Education Officer (LEO) .......................................................... Mark Wayne Underwood, PM’96 (22) [Shelia] Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ............................................................... Douglas Jeffery “Doug” Snow [Karen] Lodge Blood Program Chairman ....................................................... Daniel Martin “Dan” Clark, PM’02 (22) [Lynne] Lodge Funeral Representative ............................................... Jesse Thomas “Tom” McMahan PM’05 (22) [Priscilla] Immediate Past Master ........................................................... Jesse Thomas “Tom” McMahan PM’05 (22) [Priscilla] Page: 17 REVISION: January 1, 2006 ANDREW JACKSON LODGE No. 120 George Washington Masonic National Memorial North Room 101 Callahan Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2751 Phone: 703-684-0578 e-mail: Mailing Address - P.O. Box 25645 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 Stated Communications - 3rd Thursdays @ 7:30 P.M. (Dinner @ 6:15 PM) Worshipful Master ............................................................................................ Pablo Alejandro Rocha, WM’06 (120) Senior Warden ........................................................................................................... Grant Philip Routzohn [Kathey] Junior Warden ......................................................................................................... Carl “Blane” Adcock [Rebeckah] Treasurer ......................................................................................................... James William "Bill" Bradbury [Edith] Secretary ......................................................................................... William David "Bill" Mitchell, PM'95-96/04 (120) Senior Deacon ........................................................................................................John Toreston George Aakesson Junior Deacon ...................................................................................................................................Fabian Sandoval Senior Steward .................................................................................... David Benjamin “Ben” Browning, Jr. [Miriam] Junior Steward ......................................................................................................Adam Christopher Duncan [Beata] Chaplain .............................................................. Harry Paul Shaffer, Jr. PM'01 (120), PM’03, WM’06 (237) [Susan] Marshal ................................................................................................................................. Dennis Ronald Dunston Musician ........................................................................................................................................................... Vacant Tiler ......................................................................................... Charles Kiefer “Chuck” Sanders, PM'94 (120) [Betsy] Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ................................. Granville C. “Jack” Canard, Jr., PM’92 (22), PDDGM’00 (1A) Lodge Education Officer (LEO) .......................... Harry Paul Shaffer, Jr. PM'01 (120), PM’03, WM’06 (237) [Susan] Historian/Archivist ............................................................................ William David "Bill" Mitchell, PM'95-96, 04 (120) Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ................... Harry Paul Shaffer, Jr. PM'01 (120), PM’03, WM’06 (237) [Susan] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ......................................... Charles Kiefer “Chuck” Sanders, PM'94 (120) [Betsy] Lodge Funeral Representative ....................................................... William David "Bill" Mitchell, PM'95-96, 04 (120) Child ID Program Coordinator ........................................................................... Michael Damon “Mike” Farley [Mary] Immediate Past Master ......................... David Nathan Silver, PM’01-02 (237), PM’05 (120), PDDGM’04 (1A) [Jane] Page: 18 REVISION: January 1, 2006 JOHN BLAIR LODGE No. 187 Scottish Rite Temple 1430 West Braddock Road Alexandria, Virginia Mailing Address - c/o Matt Szramoski, Secretary 8309 Accotink Road, Lorton, VA 22079 (H)703-339-8308, (O)703-267-1596, E-mail: Stated Communications - Third Wednesdays @ 7:30 P.M. except Second Wednesday in December @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master ......................................................................................John Daniel Convery, WM’06 (187) [Lois] Senior Warden ......................................................................................... James William Schoonmaker, III [Melanie] Junior Warden ...............................................................................................................David Loren Brunelle [Laura] Treasurer ......................................................................................................................Daniel Robert Brown [Jeanie] Secretary ........................ Matthew Todd “Matt” Szramoski, PM'93 (205), PM’96/97 (187), PDDGM’02 (1A), [Alicia] Senior Deacon ....................................................................................................................John Chalmers Dickinson Junior Deacon ........................................................................................................................... Steven Louis Weigert Senior Steward ............................................................................................................Daryl Joseph Mull [Marrianne] Junior Steward ............................................................................................................................................Jack Miller Chaplain ........................................................................................................................... Harry Hunter Tyree [Patsy] Marshal ................................................................................................................................... Robert Earl Roush, Sr. Tiler ....................................................................................................................................... Herbert Sprung [Joyce] Musician ........................................................................................................................................................... Vacant Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ............................................................................... Robert George Mertz, Jr., PM’02 Lodge Education Officer (LEO) .................................................................................................................................... Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador .............................. Timothy Jay Butcher, PM'94-95 (187), PM’03 (120) [Ethel] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ............................................................... J. Patrick Weyant, PM’04 (187) [Becky] Lodge Funeral Representative ........................................... Nelson Robert "Bob" Bullock, PM'88 (237) PM'91 (187) Immediate Past Master ....................................................................... Robert Earl Roush, Jr., PM’05 (187) [Heather] Page: 19 REVISION: January 1, 2006 SKIDMORE DAYLIGHT LODGE No. 237 Scottish Rite Temple 1430 West Braddock Road Alexandria, Virginia Mailing Address – 7300 Craftown Road Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039 e-mail: web site URL: Stated Communications - 1st Tuesday @ 11:00 A.M. Worshipful Master ........................................... Harry Paul Shaffer, Jr., PM’01 (120), PM’03 & WM’06 (237) [Susan] Senior Warden ......................................................................... Dr. Franklin Jay "FJ" Pepper, MD, PM'99 (237) [Del] Junior Warden ............................................................................................................... Ralph Shephard, PM (5 DC) Treasurer .................................................................. William Underwood "Bill" MacBrayne, PM'96 (237) [Theresia] Secretary ...................................................................David Nathan Silver, PM’01-02 (237), PDDGM’04 (1A) [Jane] Senior Deacon .................................................................... Herbert Charles “Herb” Hollander, PM’02 (264) [Adrian] Junior Deacon ....................................................................................................................................... Mark Hoffman Senior Steward ............................................................................................................................................. (Vacant) Junior Steward .............................................................................................................................................. (Vacant) Chaplain ........................................................ David Leon "Dave" Greenspan, PM'76 (349), PM'93 (237) [Florence] Marshal ...................................................................................................................................................Alec Zoghaib Tiler ............................................................................................................................... Eugene Frank Hastings, PM Musician ......................................................................................................................................................... (Vacant) Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ...................................... John Price "Jack" Riddell, PM'86 (237), PDDGM’90 (1-A) Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ............................................................... Herbert Charles “Herb” Hollander [Adrian] Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ..................................... Nelson Robert "Bob" Bullock, PM'88 (237) [Elizebeth] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ......................................... Dr. Franklin Jay "FJ" Pepper, MD, PM'99 (237) [Del] Lodge Funeral Representative ................................ David Nathan Silver, PM’01-02, (237) PDDGM’04 (1A) [Jane] Immediate Past Master .................................. Herbert Charles “Herb” Hollander, PM’02 (264), PM’05 (237) [Adrian] Page: 20 REVISION: January 1, 2006 HENRY KNOX FIELD LODGE No. 349 Scottish Rite Temple 1430 West Braddock Road Alexandria, Virginia Mailing Address - Post Office Box 1139 Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1139 Stated Communication - 2nd Tuesdays @ 7:30 P.M. Except November - 3rd Tuesday @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master ................................................................................. Rodney Patrick Gray, WM’06 (349) [Fatima] Senior Warden .............................................................................................................. David Edwin Hartzell [Sheila] Junior Warden .................................................................................................................... Robert Gene “Rob” Hook Treasurer ......................................................................................................... Michael Robert Aulicino, PM’02 (349) Secretary ....................................................... George William Allison, III, PM'84/94 (349) PDDGM’01 (1-A)[Susan] Senior Deacon .............................................................................................................................. William Ryan Ware Junior Deacon .......................................................................................................................... John Emmett Crowder Senior Steward ................................................................................................................................................ Vacant Junior Steward ................................................................................................................................................ Vacant Chaplain ............................................................................................................ Dale Wayne Dressler, PM’03 [Ginny] Marshal ............................................................................................................................................... Herbert Sprung Organist ............................................................................................................................................................ Vacant Tiler ...................................................................Nelson Robert “Bob” Bullock, PM’88 (237), PM’91 (187) [Elizabeth] Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ..................... George William Allison, III, PM'84/94 (349) PDDGM’01 (1-A) [Susan] Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ....................................................................... Michael Robert Aulicino, PM’02 (349) Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ............ George William Allison, III, PM'84/94 (349) PDDGM’01 (1-A) [Susan] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ............................................................................... David Edwin Hartzell [Sheila] Lodge Funeral Representative .......................................................... James Wilson “Jim” Gladden, IV PM'97 (349) Immediate Past Master .................................................Carl Raymond Gagliardi, PM'79/99/05 (349), DDGM’06 (1A) Page: 21 REVISION: January 1, 2006 A. DOUGLAS SMITH, JR., LODGE OF RESEARCH No. 1949 George Washington Masonic National Memorial North Room 101 Callahan Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2751 Mailing Address – C/O Secretary, Luis Pages 20461 Walsheid Terrace, Ashburn, VA 20147-3737 Stated Communications – 5th Saturday@ 10:00 A.M., except December, 3rd Saturday in December Worshipful Master ................................................. James Deloss “Jim” Hawkins, PM’99 (57), WM’06 (1949) [Linda] Senior Warden ...............................................Douglas Lawrence Jordan, PM’84 (264), PDDGM’93-94 (58) [Nancy] Junior Warden ............................................................................... Donald Leo McAndrews, PM’01 (182) [Suzanne] Treasurer .................................................................. William Underwood "Bill" MacBrayne, PM'96 (237) [Theresia] Secretary .................................................................................................................. Luis Pages, PM’04 (16) [Mercy] Secretary Emeritus .............. Ander, Melvin Mickey “Mickey”, PM’87 (307), PM’94 (1949), PDDGM’93/94 (54) [Sue] Senior Deacon ....................................................................................... Franklin Jay "FJ" Pepper, PM'99 (237) [Del] Junior Deacon .................................................................................. Oral McNeil “Neil” Marple, PM’03 (54) [Debora] Senior Steward ................................................................................................. Rhey Solomon, PM’03 (264) [Penny] Junior Steward .............................................................................. Lauris Martin Eek, III, PM’93 (307), PM’04 (1865) Chaplain ........................................................................................................... Paul Richard Kulp, PM’00 (57) [Ann] Marshal ..................................................................................................... John Shroeder, Jr., PM’95 (54) [Marjorie] Tiler ............................................ Christopher Jones Burris, Jr.,PM’89 (192), PM’04 (64) PDDGM’99 (1A) [Thelma] Lodge Funeral Representative ....................................................................... Contact the Master or Senior Warden Immediate Past Master ................................................... Roger M. Firestone, PM’96 (16 DC now 12), PM’05 (1949) Page: 22 REVISION: January 1, 2006 ELMER TIMBERMAN LODGE No. 54 Annandale Masonic Temple 6911 Columbia Pike Annandale, Virginia Phone: 703-941-9708 Mailing Address - Post Office Box 438 Annandale, Virginia 22003-0438 Stated Communication - 3rd Mondays @ 7:30 P.M. except Dec. - 1st Monday only @ 7:30 P.M. Called Communications - @ 7:00 P.M. Worshipful Master ...................................................................... Stephen Floran Campbell, Jr., WM’06 (54) [Cheyrl] Senior Warden ............................................................................................................................... Jason Weber Lotz Junior Warden .................................................................................................... David Howard Andelman [Deborah] Treasurer .............................................................................................Oral McNeil “Neil” Marple, II, PM,03 [Debora] Secretary ............................................................................................... E. A. “Doc” Viereck, Jr., PM’00 (54) [Verna] Senior Deacon .............................................................................................................................. Sebastien Prosnick Junior Deacon ................................................................................................................................................ (Vacant) Senior Steward .............................................................................................................................................. (Vacant) Junior Steward ............................................................................................................................................... (Vacant) Chaplain ..................................................................................................................... Raymond Allen Evans [Evelyn] Marshal ............................................................................................................................ George Raymond Bierman Musician .......................................................................................................................................................... (Vacant) Tiler ............................................................................................................................................. Norman Leslie Page Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ........................................ John Price “Jack” Riddell, PM’86 (237), PDDGM’90 (1A) Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ................................................................. Richard Edwin Hodge, PM'91 (54) [Jane] Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ................................................................. Charles Eugene Hunnicutt [Ramona] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ............................................................ John Shroeder, Jr., PM’95 (54) [Marjorie] Lodge Funeral Representative ................................................................................Michael Arthur Riley, PM’01 (54) Immediate Past Master ......................................................................... Terence Herbert DuVall, PM’05 (54) [Renne] Page: 23 REVISION: January 1, 2006 SPRINGFIELD LODGE No. 217 Herbert Charles Hunter Memorial Masonic Temple 7001 Backlick Road Springfield, Virginia Phone: 703-451-8112 Mailing Address - Post Office Box 217 Springfield, Virginia 22150-0217 Stated Communication - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:30 P.M. except July, August, November, and December - 1st Tuesday only @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master ................................................................................................. Karl Norman Gellert, WM’06 (217) Senior Warden ................................................................................................................... Donald Joseph Ridley, Jr. Junior Warden ...................................................................................................................Romulo Magnaye Capuno Treasurer ............................................................................................................................ Charles Alanson Kimmey Secretary ................................................................................................ George Harry Wade, PM’76 (217) [Esther] Senior Deacon ................................................................................................................... William Carroll Stroud, Sr. Junior Deacon ............................................................................................................................ Alfred Castro Tecson Senior Steward ............................................................................................................................... John Alvin Hill, Jr. Junior Steward ..................................................................................................................... Michael Siegfried Willner Chaplain ................................................................................ Robert Solomon “Bob” Somers, PM’92 (217) [Carolyn] Marshal ......................................................................................................................... Robert John Bartruff, Sr., PM Tiler ................................................................................................... Noe Rondina Poblete, PM’03 (217) [Mary Ann] Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) .................................................................................................................................... Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ................................................................................................ Richard G. Wohltman Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador .............................................. William A. Shortt, PM’96 (275), PDDGM’02 (1B) Lodge Blood Program Coordinator .................................................................................. Christopher S. Dipasquale Lodge Funeral Representative ..................................................................................... Lodge Marshal and Deacons Immediate Past Master ........................................................ Norberto Manimtim “Bert” Chavez, PM’05 (217) [Cecile] Page: 24 REVISION: January 1, 2006 MOUNT VERNON LODGE No. 219 8717 Fort Hunt Road Alexandria, Virginia Phone: 703-780-5561 Mailing Address – Post Office Box 74 Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121-0074 Stated Communications – 1st Wednesday @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master .......................................................... Covert Wesley Williamson, lII, PM’01, WM’06 (219) [Janet] Senior Warden ....................................................................................................................... Ronald Gene Elliott, Sr. Junior Warden ........................................................................................................................... James David Scarce Treasurer .................................................................................... Lorance Dix “Larry” Lisle, PM’89 (219) [Lora Jane] Secretary ...................................................................................................... Grayson Leroy Koogle, PM’03 [Valorie] Senior Deacon ............................................................................................................ William Blake Allen III [Purcell] Junior Deacon .................................................................................................. Jimmier Dale “JD” Warmack [Sharon] Senior Steward ...................................................................................................... Lukas Ernest Hoska III [Christine] Junior Steward ................................................................................................................ Donald Lee Sowell [Christy] Chaplain ................................................................. Clinton Charles “Clint” Morningstar, PM’82 (219) [Gladys Pearl] Marshal ............................................................................................. Phillip Sylvester “Phil” Downs, Jr., PM’04 (219) Tiler ......................................................................................................................... Martin Leon Gogolski [Florence] Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ................................................................................................................................... Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ................................................................................................................................... Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador (LMHA) ........ William Arthur “Bill” Shortt, PM’96 (275), DDGM’02 (1B) [Sonia] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator (LBPC) ......................................... John David Killian, PM 96-97 (219) [Barbara] Lodge Funeral Representative ..................................................................... Grayson Leroy Koogle, PM’03 [Valorie] Immediate Past Master ................................................................................... Bob I. Feigenblatt PM’05 (219) [Karen] Page: 25 REVISION: January 1, 2006 OCCOQUAN LODGE No. 310 13315 Woodbridge Street Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-1608 Phone: 703-494-4074 Mailing Address – Same as Above Stated Communication – 2nd Mondays @ 7:30 P.M Worshipful Master ...........................................................................................................Henry Garvey, WM’06 (310) Senior Warden ........................................................................................................................ Donald Gordon Phillips Junior Warden ................................................................................................... Michael Jean King [Michele “Micky”] Treasurer ............................ Thomas Allison “Tom” Reese, PM’84/95 (310), PM’98 (353), PDDGM’03 (1B) [Sandi] Secretary .............................................................................................................. Charles Lee Cooper, PM’03 (310) Senior Deacon ............................................................................................................ Garon Eugene Young [Arlene] Junior Deacon ................................................................................................................... Robert Horace Hennessee Senior Steward ................................................................................................................... William Todd Eisenhauer Junior Steward ...................................................................................................................... Thomas Joseph Mulvey Chaplain .............................................................................................. Walter Roland “Walt” Peterman, PM’91 (310) Marshal ........................................................................................... Charles Glenn “Charlie” Bosworth, PM’00 (310) Tiler ................................................................................................................................. Donald Sherman Mitchem II Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ....................................................................................... Roland Bailey, PM’74 (310) Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ...............................................................................Joel David Klimoski, PM’04 (310) Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ....................................................................................................... John Rogers Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ........... Leon Sidney Troyer, PM’82 (310), PDDGM’95 (1B), PM’00 (310) [Sue] Lodge Funeral Representative ............................................................................................................ Charles Porch Lodge Scheduling ........................................................................................................................ Thomas Parks Winn Immediate Past Master ................................................................ William Larry Alexander, PM’99/05 (310) [Junelea] Page: 26 REVISION: January 1, 2006 DALE CITY LODGE No. 319 Regular Meeting Held: Glen Park I Building, Room 409 4310 Prince William Parkway, Woodbridge, VA 22192 Mailing Address – c/o Robert Crossland, Secretary 13760 Ensenada Court Manassas, Virginia 20112-3831 (H e-mail) Stated Communication – 3rd Fridays @ 7:30 P.M. except December – 1st Friday @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master ................................................................. Kenneth Robert Bishop, PM’96, WM’05 (319) [Kristen] Senior Warden ..................................................... John Douglas Jenkins, PM’95 (319), PDDGM’04 (1B) [Ernestine] Junior Warden .................................................................................................... Richard Edward Saunders [Teresa] Treasurer ............................................................................................................... Nolan Joseph Akau, PM’97 (319) Secretary ................................................................................. Robert John “Bob” Crossland, PM’00 (319) [Janine] Senior Deacon ....................................................................................................... Bruce Alan Oppenhagen [Denise] Junior Deacon ........................................................................................................... Norman Eugene White [Carole] Senior Steward ................................................................................................................. John Albert Wiley [Aurelia] Junior Steward ................................................................................................................................................. Vacant Chaplain ................................................................................. William Merriman Price IV, PM’88 & 95 (319) [Louise] Marshal ...................................................................... Edgar Bruce Holley, PM’86 (319), PDDGM’96 (1B) [Dorothy] Tiler .............................................................................................. David Lawrence Burket, Jr., PM’92 (319) [Susan] Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ........... Elbert Rufus “Bud” Turner, PM’77 (219), PM’80-81 (319), PDDGM’87 (1B) Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ................................. Edgar Bruce Holley, PM’86 (319), PDDGM’96 (1B) [Dorothy] Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador .................... John Douglas Jenkins, PM’95 (319), PDDGM’04 (1B) [Ernestine] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ................................................................................................................. Vacant Lodge Funeral Representative ....................................................................................................................... Vacant Immediate Past Master ...................................................................William Merriman Price, IV, PM’05 (319) [Louise] Page: 27 REVISION: January 1, 2006 JOHN A. LEJEUNE LODGE No. 350 235 Potomac Avenue Quantico, Virginia Phone: 703-640-7350 Web Site URL: Mailing Address – P.O. Box 214 Quantico, Virginia 22134-0214 Stated Communication – 3rd Monday @ 7:30 P.M. Except December – 2nd Monday @ 7:30 P.M. Worshipful Master .................................................................................. Wayne Lee Moreland, WM’06 (350) [Cathy] Senior Warden .................................................................................................. Douglas Allen “Doug” Preidis [Joyce] Junior Warden ........................................................................................................................ Ramon Louis Martinez Treasurer ........................................................................... James Albert “Jim” Newcomer, Jr., PM’95 (350) [Marie] Secretary ................................................................................................... Rex Wayne Rockhill, PM’82 (350) [Pam] Senior Deacon ...................................................................................................................... Donald Edward Radeke Junior Deacon .................................................................................................................................................. Vacant Senior Steward ................................................................................................................................................ Vacant Junior Steward ................................................................................................................................................. Vacant Chaplain ............................................................................................. Frank Wright Harris, III, PM’85 (350) [Marian] Marshal ........................................................................................................................................... Clifford Louis Roy Tiler ......................................................................................................................................... Leroy Anthony Spinner Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ..................................................................... James Anthony Solomon, PM’02 (350) Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ...................................................................................... Earl Richard Jones [Susan] Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador ........................... Garnett Russell Bailey, PM’69 (350), PDDGM’89 (1B) [Rita] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ......................................................................................... Ramon Louis Martinez Lodge Funeral Representative ............................................................ Harold Leo Powell, Jr., PM’86 (350) [Marylin] Immediate Past Master .................................................................. Wilfred George “Bill” Volkstadt, PM’05 (350) [Kip] Page: 28 REVISION: January 1, 2006 FORT HUNT DAYTIME LODGE No. 353 Herbert Charles Hunter Memorial Masonic Temple 7001 Backlick Road Springfield, Virginia Phone: 703-451-8112 Mailing Address – c/o Charles Vernard Porch, Secretary 13823 Gilbert Road Woodbridge, VA 22193 703-670-7626 Stated Communication – 2nd Wednesdays @ 11:00 A.M Worshipful Master ...................................................Ralph Taylor Woodrow, PM’75 Germany, WM’06 (353) [Nancy] Senior Warden .................................................................................................... John Wesley Pearson, PM’04 (217) Junior Warden .............................................................................................................................. Jerry Arthur Waller Treasurer ............................. Thomas Allison “Tom” Reese, PM’84/95 (310), PM’98 (353), PDDGM’03 (1B) [Sandi] Secretary ............................................................................................................................... Charles Vernard Porch Senior Deacon ....................................... Edgar Bruce Holley, PM’86 (319), PM’03 (353) PDDGM’96 (1B) [Dorothy] Junior Deacon .................................................................................................................................... Michael Howard Senior Steward ......................................................................................................................... Walter Waldo O’Hara Junior Steward ........................................................................................................................... Logan Virgil Catterall Chaplain ................................................................................................................Donald Ray Williams, PM’04 (353) Marshal ..................................................................................................................... John William Hayes [Margaret] Tiler ........................................................................................................................................ Louis Alexander Smith Lodge Instructor of Work (LIW) ............. Edgar Bruce Holley, PM’86 (319), PM’03 (353) PDDGM’96 (1B) [Dorothy] Lodge Education Officer (LEO) ................................................................................................... Karl Norman Gellert Lodge Masonic Home Ambassador .................... John Douglas Jenkins, PM’95 (319), PDDGM’04 (1B) [Ernestine] Lodge Blood Program Coordinator ...............................................................................................Romulo M. Capuno Lodge Funeral Representative ..............................................................................Donald Ray Williams, PM’04 (353) Immediate Past Master ............. Harry Hubert "Jerry" Thompson, PM'89 (217), PM’99 (353), PDDGM’99 (1B) [Nita] ............................................................................................................................................................. Now Deseased Page: 29 REVISION: January 1, 2006 THE LANDMARKS OF FREEMASONRY The Grand Lodge of Virginia has not officially adopted any group of Landmarks of Freemasonry. Various Masonic authors have propounded different lists of Landmarks and different Masonic jurisdictions have adopted different lists of Landmarks. Those lists generally include some or all of those listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The modes of recognition. The division of Symbolic Masonry into three Degrees. The Legend of the Third Degree. The government of the Fraternity by a Grand Master. The prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft. The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant Dispensations for conferring Degrees at irregular intervals. The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant Dispensations for opening and holding Lodges. The prerogative of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight. The necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges. The government of the Craft, when congregated, by a Master and two Wardens. The necessity that every Lodge, when congregated, should be duly tiled. The right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft. The right of every Mason to appeal from his brethren, in Lodge convened, to the Grand Master. The right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge. That no visitor, unknown to the brethren present or some of them as a Mason, can enter the Lodge without first passing an examination according to ancient usage. No Lodge can interfere with the business of another Lodge. Every Freemason is amenable to the Laws and Regulations of the Masonic Jurisdiction in which he resides. A candidate for initiation must be a man, freeborn, unmutilated, and of mature age. A belief in the existence of God as the Grand Architect of the Universe. Belief in a resurrection to a future life. A “Book of the Law” constitutes an indispensable part of the furniture of every Lodge. The equality of all Masons. The Security of the Institution. The foundation of a Speculative Science upon an Operative Art. These landmarks can never be changed. Page: 30 REVISION: January 1, 2006 DEGREE CAST DEGREE: [__] EA [__] FC [__] MM (Check One) DATE: ____/____/____ OPENING: [__] CLOSING: [__] CONFERRAL: [__] EXAMINATION: [__] Name Of Candidate: _________________________________________________ Worshipful Master: _________________________________________________ Senior Warden: _________________________________________________ Junior Warden: _________________________________________________ Treasurer: _________________________________________________ Secretary: _________________________________________________ Senior Deacon: _________________________________________________ Junior Deacon: _________________________________________________ Chaplain: _________________________________________________ Senior Steward: _________________________________________________ Junior Steward: _________________________________________________ Marshal: _________________________________________________ Tiler: _________________________________________________ Lecturer: _________________________________________________ Senior Deacon’s Lecturer: _________________________________________________ Middle Chamber Lecturer: _________________________________________________ Slides: _________________________________________________ Charge: _________________________________________________ Catechism Teaching and/or Examination: _________________________________________________ Page: 31 REVISION: January 1, 2006 SECOND SECTION (MM Degree) DATE: ____/____/____ Worshipful Master: _________________________________________________ Senior Warden _________________________________________________ Junior Warden: _________________________________________________ Secretary: _________________________________________________ Senior Deacon: _________________________________________________ Junior Deacon: _________________________________________________ Chaplain: _________________________________________________ Senior Steward: _________________________________________________ Junior Steward: _________________________________________________ Seafaring Man: _________________________________________________ First Ruffian: _________________________________________________ Second Ruffian: _________________________________________________ Third Ruffian: _________________________________________________ First Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Second Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Third Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Fourth Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Fifth Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Sixth Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Seventh Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Eigth Fellowcraft/Canvas Team: _________________________________________________ Nineth Fellowcraft: _________________________________________________ Tenth Fellowcraft: _________________________________________________ Eleventh Fellowcraft: _________________________________________________ Twelveth Fellowcraft: _________________________________________________ Page: 32 REVISION: January 1, 2006 ******************** ENTERED APPRENTICE DEGREE Statement Required To Be Read To Every Candidate Prior to His Being Initiated “Mr. : “You are about to be initiated into the Mysteries of Freemasonry. “The reasons for the manner of your preparation to receive this degree will be explained to you following the conferral of the degree. “During the conferral, you will be required to take upon yourself an Obligation of obedience to the tenets of the organization of which you have requested to become a member. “This Obligation is of Ancient Origin and contains penalties for violations which are founded in antiquity and are wholly symbolic in nature. “The only penalties which Freemasonry imposes in modern times for violations of its tenets and regulations are Reprimand, Suspension and Expulsion. “We have chosen to leave the symbolic penalties in the Obligations because of their antiquity and to impress upon you the seriousness of your undertaking. “You will now be conducted to the Lodge room to become the principal personality in a drama which symbolically unfolds the beautiful lessons of our Order.” ******************** On June 9, 1987, Most Worshipful Donald Maynard Robey issued Executive Order No. 4 (See Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, 1988, page 55) which REQUIRED “that the following (above) statement is to be read to every candidate prior to his being initiated in any Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction (Virginia)”. This was followed by Recommendation No. 3 contained in Most Worshipful Robey’s Address to the Grand Lodge (See Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, 1988, page 41). He stated that he had “required by means of Executive Order No. 4 that the following statement is to be read to every candidate prior to his being initiated in any Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction.” He further recommended “that this practice be continued throughout this Grand Jurisdiction.” In the “Report of the Past Grand Masters” (See Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, 1988, page 115) the Committee of Past Grand Masters stated that “3. The Past Grand Masters concur with RECOMMENDATION 3.” “The Report of the Past Grand Masters was adopted as amended by the delegates.” The amendments referred to made no changes in Executive Order No. 4 or in Recommendation No. 3. Page: 33 REVISION: January 1, 2006 RESOLUTION REGARDING DEPORTMENT DURING THE MASTER MASON’S DEGREE Adopted by the Grand Lodge of Virginia, February 14, 1968 (Instructions by the Worshipful Master presiding in the East immediately after the candidate is conducted out of the Lodge Room at the conclusion of the First Section of the Master Mason’s Degree.) My Brethren: A candidate is about to be raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The Lodge Room will be used as a stage to enact a drama which, symbolically, unfolds the great lesson of the immortality of the soul. To properly impress the Candidate with the seriousness of this ceremony, there must be no talking or whispering, laughing, or other commotion during the conferring of the Degree. Bear in mind the fact that the Temple, for this portion of the Degree, is supposed to be silent and unoccupied. Only the participants in the drama are to speak, and they are instructed to make no facial expressions, gestures, or unusual oral deliveries which might induce levity. The cooperation of each one here present is expected. An adherence to these instructions will help serve as an impressive climax to the Candidate’s progress in Freemasonry, and this section of the Degree could well be one of the richest experiences of his life. RESOLUTION TO BE READ FOLLOWING THE MASTER MASON’S DEGREE Adopted by the Grand Lodge of Virginia, February 14, 1924 (To be read by the Master to the Candidate at the conclusion of the charge.) Brother : There is a Catechism attached to this Degree. Our Grand Lodge feels so strongly regarding the necessity of learning this Catechism that the following resolution was adopted February 14, 1924: “That the Grand Lecturer and District Deputy Grand Master emphasize the teachings of the Catechism of the Master Mason’s Degree in each of the Subordinate Lodges. That the Grand Lodge of Virginia urges the stationed officers of the Subordinate Lodges to use their influence to induce those who are raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason to learn the Catechism of the Master Mason’s Degree. That the Masters of each Subordinate Lodge shall read this resolution to every Brother who is raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Page: 34 REVISION: January 1, 2006 ******************** ROLL OF THE CRAFT REUBEN (Reu-ben) GAD SIMEON (Sim-e-on) ASHER (Ash-er) LEVI (Le-vi) ISACHAR (Iss-a-car) *** *** JUDAH (Ju-dah) ZEBULUN (Zeb-u-lun) DAN JOSEPH (Jo-sef) NAPTHALI (Naf-ta-li) BENJAMIN (Ben-ja-min) *** FUNERAL ODE Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing time; As we journey here below, Through a pilgrimage of woe. Here another guest we bring, Seraph of celestial wing; To our funeral altar come; Waft our friends and brother home. Lord of all, below, above, Fill our hearts with truth and love; When dissolves our earthly tie, Take us to Thy home on high. ******************** Page: 35 REVISION: January 1, 2006 SUGGESTED INSTRUCTIONS TO BE READ TO NEWLY RAISED MASTER MASONS No one can truly be a Master Mason until he has mastered the teachings and principles of the Master Mason’s Degree, and these can best be appreciated by a thorough knowledge of the Master Mason’s Catechism. The Institution of Freemasonry has many usages and customs with which you will become acquainted in your attendance upon Lodges and in your conversation with well-informed Brethren. There are a few I would like to emphasize at this time. In the Lodge you are to conduct yourself with decorum. You are not to move about the Lodge room, engage in private conversations or otherwise disturb or interfere with the dignity and solemnity of the Lodge proceedings. When you enter an open Lodge, you approach the altar, wait until the door is closed, come under the D.G. of the Degree in which the Lodge is then open, and hold it until you are recognized by the W.M. and invited to be seated. As a member of (Lodge Name and No.), you are entitled to ballot in this and only in this Lodge. The ballot box contains white balls and black cubes. You will be called upon to cast your ballot to help decide the future membership of your Lodge, and in so doing you should let no personal feeling sway your judgement. If you believe a person will be a credit to our order, cast your ballot – a white ball – in his favor. If you know of any reason why the petitioner would not be a credit to our Fraternity, if he is not morally fit, it is equally your duty to cast a black cube – only one being necessary to keep an unworthy person out of our ranks and help preserve, unsullied, the reputation of our Fraternity. The ballot is secret and sacred, and you will never be called upon to divulge how your ballot was cast. It is a breach of Masonic Law for anyone to inquire how another has or will cast his ballot on a petition. You should also learn that matters brought up in a Masonic Lodge are never discussed with anyone who is not a member of the Fraternity. To insure that the three Great Lights in Masonry are in full view of the W.M. of a Lodge at all times (which silently admonish him of his duties), you should never cross between the altar and the East while Lodge is in session. Your progress from now onward will depend entirely on your own efforts. May I express the hope that you will become a real student of Masonry, for I can assure you that if you will travel in the foreign countries of Masonic History, Masonic Symbolism, Masonic Jurisprudence, and Masonic Philosophy, you will earn and receive Master’s wages far beyond your greatest expectations. Page: 36 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Masters’ and Wardens’ Association Recommended Installation of Officers Ceremony Each officer to be installed will place his right hand over his heart and repeat after me the obligation of the office which he bears. I promise upon my honor - as a Master Mason – that I will to the best of my ability – conform to and abide by – the Ancient Landmarks – customs – and usages of Masonry – the laws, rules and edicts and resolutions – of the Grand Lodge – Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons – of the Commonwealth of Virginia – and the by-laws of this Master’s and Warden’s Association – and that I will faithfully perform the duties of the office – to which I have been elected – for the ensuing Masonic Year – and until my successor shall have been chosen and installed – so help me God – to keep this, my solemn obligation. In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I proclaim the officers of the Master’s and Warden’s Association for Masonic Districts 1-A and 1-B duly installed and the Association properly constituted for the ensuing year. Page: 37 REVISION: January 1, 2006 HOSPITALS Arlington Hospital (Virginia Hospital Center) 1701 North George Mason Drive Arlington, Virginia 22205-3671 703-558-5000 (Main Number) 703-558-6100 (Patient Information) Alexandria Hospital 4320 Seminary Road Alexandria, Virginia 22304-1500 703-504-3000 (Main Number) 703-504-3008 (Patient Information) Bethesda Naval Hospital 8901 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-295-2126 Children’s Hospital 111 Michigan Avenue, NW Washington, DC 21010-2970 202-884-5000 (Main Number) Columbia Hospital for Women 2425 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20037-1485 202-293-6500 (Patient Information) DeWitt Army Hospital Fort Belvior, Virginia 22060 703-805-0510 Dominion Hospital 2960 Sleepy Hollow Road Falls Church, VA 22044-2082 703-536-2000 (Main Number) Fair Oaks Hospital (INOVA) 3600 Joseph Siewick Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22033-1797 703-391-3600 (Main Number) 703-698-3980 (Patient Information) Fairfax Hospital (INOVA) 3300 Gallows Road Falls Church, Virginia 22042-3352 703-698-1110 (Main Number) 703-698-3591 (Patient Information) George Washington University Medical Center 901 23rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037-2377 202-994-1000 (General/Patient Info.) Georgetown University Medical Center 3800 Reservoir Road, NW Washington, DC 20007-2196 202-687-2000 (General/Patient Info.) INOVA Emergency Care Center (Fairfax) 4315 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA 703-591-9322 INOVA Emergency Care Center (Reston) 11901 Baron Cameron Avenue Reston, VA 20190-3299 703-478-2776 Loudon Hospital Center 44045 Riverside Parkway Leesburg (Landsdowne) 20175 703-858-6000 Mary Washington Hospital 1001 Sam Perry Boulevard Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401-4453 540-741-1100 Mount Vernon Hospital (INOVA) 2501 Parker’s Lane Alexandria, Virginia 22306-3280 703-664-7000 (Main Number) 703-664-8000 (Patient Information) National Hospital for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation 2455 Army Navy Drive Arlington, Virginia 22206-2905 703-920-6700 (General Information) Potomac Hospital 2300 Opitz Boulevard Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-3398 703-670-1313 (Main Number) Page: 38 REVISION: January 1, 2006 HOSPITALS Prince William Hospital 8700 Sudley Road Manassas, Virginia 22110-4405 703-369-8000 (Main Number) 703-631-0096 (Fairfax Telephone No.) Vencor (Northern Virginia Doctors) Hospital 601 South Carlin Springs Road Arlington, Virginia 22204 703-671-1200 (Main Number) Walter Reid Army Hospital 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20307 202-782-3501 Washington Hospital Center 110 Irving Street, NW Washington, DC 20010-2931 202-877-7000 (Main Number) FUNERAL HOMES Arlington Funeral Home 3901 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, Virginia 22203-1601 703-522-1441 Cunningham Funeral Home 811 Cameron Street @ North Alfred Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2409 703-549-1800 Demaine Funeral Home 520 South Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314-4144 703-549-0074 Demaine Funeral Home 5308 Backlick Road @ Edsall Road Springfield, Virginia 22151-3311 703-549-0074 Everly Funeral Home 10565 Main Street Fairfax, Virginia 22030-3303 703-385-1110 Everly-Colonial Funeral Home 6161 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, Virginia 22044-2302 703-532-5161 Everly-Wheatley Funeral Home 1500 West Braddock Road Alexandria, Virginia 22302-2708 703-998-9200 Green Funeral Home 721 Elden Street Herndon, Virginia 22070-4636 703-494-5293 703-471-4090 Ives-Pearson Funeral Home 2847 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22201-3805 703-527-3016 Ives-Pearson Funeral Home 472 North Washington Street Falls Church, Virginia 22042-3434 703-532-1392 Jefferson Funeral Chapel 5755 Castlewellan Drive Alexandria, VA 703-971-7400 Lee Funeral Home of Manassas 8521 Sudley Road Manassas, Virginia 22110-3810 703-368-9800 703-385-0696 (Fairfax Telephone No.) Money and King Vienna Funeral Home 171 West Maple Avenue Vienna, Virginia 22180-5728 703-938-7440 Mountcastle Funeral Home 4143 Dale Boulevard Dale City, Virginia 22193-2224 703-680-1234 Page: 39 REVISION: January 1, 2006 FUNERAL HOMES Mountcastle Funeral Home 13318 Occoquan Road Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-1742 703-494-2000 Murphy Funeral Home 4510 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22203-1519 703-920-4800 Murphy Funeral Home 1102 West Broad Street Falls Church, Virginia 22046-2114 703-533-0341 National Funeral Home 7482 Lee Highway Falls Church, VA 703-208-9700 Sauers (Advent) Funeral Home 7211 Lee Highway Falls Church, Virginia 22046-3706 703-241-7402 Miscellaneous Organizations Annandale Masonic Temple 6911 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA (703) 941-9708 Cherrydale Lodge No. 42, A.F. & A.M. 3805 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Except July & August 3rd Thursdays (703) 524-4664 Mailing Address: 4515 N 17th Street, Arlington, VA 22207 Arlington Centennial – Glebe Lodge No. 81 Arlington Masonic Temple, meets 4th Monday at 7:30 p.m. Except December 2nd Monday - One South George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA (703) 685-4906 Mailing Address: 4118 Plaza Lane, Fairfax, VA 220333005 Columbia Lodge No. 285, A.F. & A.M. 3508 Lee Highway, Arlington VA. 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Except July thru Sept 3rd Monday only. Mailing Address: P O Box 10722, Arlington, VA 22210 Concord Lodge No. 307, A.F. & A.M. 146 Church Street, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Except December 1st Tuesday (703) 938-5290 Grand Lodge F.A.A.M. of District of Columbia 5428 MacArthur Boulevard NW, Washington, DC Voice: (202) 686—1811 Fax: (202) 686-2759 E-Mail: Grand Lodge of Virginia, A.F.& A.M. 4115 Nine Mile Road Richmond, VA 23223-4926 (804) 222-3110 (800) 554-6812 E-Mail: Henry Lodge No. 57 10503 Oak Place Fairfax, VA (703) 691-0917 Kemper-Macon Ware Lodge No. 64, A.F. & A.M. 411 Little Falls Street, Falls Church, Virginia 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Except November 3rd Tuesday (703) 241-9297 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 451 Falls Church, VA 22040-0451 Occoquan Lodge No. 310, A.F. & A.M. 13315 Woodbridge Street, Woodbridge, VA 2nd Mondays Except November, 1st Monday (703) 494-4074 Page: 40 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Miscellaneous Organizations Sharon Lodge No. 327, A.F. & A.M. 999 Balls Hill Road, Mclean, VA 2nd & 4th Thursdays Except July & Aug 2nd Thursday Except Nov & Dec 2nd & 3rd Thurs (703) 821-1486 Mailing Address: P O Box 551 McLean, Virginia 22101-0551 Springfield Masonic Temple 7001 Backlick Road, Singfield, VA (703) 451-8112 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction Valley Of Alexandria, Orient Of Virginia 1430 Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 2nd Friday at 7:30 p.m. Secretary: Walter S. Downs (703) 998-9044 House of the Temple 1733 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-3579 Valley of Washington Orient of District of Columbia 2800 16th Street NW, Washington, DC Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. except 5th Secretary: Joel R. Kahn (202) 232-8155 Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Almas Temple 1315 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 Meetings when called by the Potentate Recorder: Craig Telford Voice: (202) 898-1688 Fax: (202) 789-1148 Kena Temple Barkley Drive & Arlington Boulevard, Fairfax, VA 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m. Recorder: Thomas Loftis (703) 573-4202 Mailing Address: P O Box 456, Merrifield, VA 22116 Daughters of the Nile El Manrah Temple No. 132 Annandale Masonic Temple 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Recessed in June, July, and August Recorder: Betty Swick (703) 416-8661 Fraternal Supplies ABC Masonic Supplies P. O. Box 5420 San Leon, TX 77539 Voice: (281) 705- 9290 Web: Capstone Productions Inc Box 221466 El Paso, TX 79913 Voice: (915) 833-8700 Fax: (915) 584-6903 Web: E-Mail: Fraternal Crafters Bob Davidson 144 E. Carlton Road, Steubenville, OH 43953 Voice: (740) 264-4993 Web: George Lauterer Corporation 310 W. Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60606 Voice: (312) 332-5584 Web: E-Mail: Gordon Spurlock P. O. Box 1752, Brunswick, GA 31521 Web: E-Mail: Harry Klitzner Company Voice: (800) 621-0161 Fax: (800) 622-9802 Web: E-Mail: Page: 41 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Miscellaneous Organizations J. P. Luther Co, P. O. Box 344 173 S. Pearl Street Berlin, WI 54923 Voice: (800) 558-8292 Fax: (800) 842-9357 Web: Kistler’s Specialized Gifts KSG Kistler’s Specialized Gifts 4182 Kettering Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45439-2023 Voice: (800) 237-6188 or (937) 293-7004 Fax: (937) 293-2171 Web: E-Mail: Lily of the Valley 1032 Aldus Street, Suite 6F, Bronx, NY 10459 Office: (718) 991-9913 Fax: (718) 991-3825 Web: Los Angeles Fraternal Supply Co., Inc. Voice: (323) 231-1141 or (800) 726-8604 Fax: (323) 233-8844 Web: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc. P O Box 9759 3011 Old Dumbarton Road, Richmond, VA 232280759 Voice: (804) 262-6551 Fax: (804) 266-8256 Toll Free: (800) 637-4640 for credit card orders Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, Al Manarah Court No. 50 Scottish Rite Temple 1st Monday at 7:30 p.m. Recessed in July and August Recorder: Zorah M. “Zip” Phares, PHP (703) 912-9310 National Sojourners, Inc. Quantico Chapter No. 44, P.O. Box 44, Quantico, Va. 22134-0044 Meets 2nd Thursday at 6:30 PM Samuel Nicholas Camp, Heroes of ‘76 Meets 4th Thursday at 6;30 PM email 540-659-0626 Brother Kenneth Lee “Ken” Wrisley Secretary/Adjutant National Sojourners, Inc. Arlington Hall Chapter No. 440 Kemper-Macon Ware Temple 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. January, April, November Steak and Ale Restaurant 4661 Kenmore Ave, Alexandria 3rd Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. February, March, May, September, October, December Contact: Thomas M. Williams, Jr., LTC, USA, Ret. (703) 532-4119 Page: 42 Collingwood Library and Museum on Americanism 8301 East Boulevard Drive Alexandria, VA 22308-1399 (703) 765-1652 Location of the Sojourners, Inc. Headquarters for National REVISION: January 1, 2006 Miscellaneous Organizations Old Dominion Chapter No. 364 Gadsby’s Tavern, Alexandria 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Secretary: Ronald Dooley (703) 250-3402 Order of the Amaranth Potomac Court No. 4 Arlington Masonic Temple 1st Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Recessed in July and August Worthy Secretary: Janyce Cone (703) 922-8582 Order of the Eastern Star Unity Chapter No. ___ Kemper-Macon Ware Masonic Temple 1st Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Recessed July & August Harmony Chapter No. 60 Concord Lodge 4th Monday at 8:00 p.m. Except Mar & Dec – 2nd Monday Recessed July & August Secretary: Judy McIntyre (703) 441-2293 Martha Washington Chapter No. 42 George Washington Masonic National Memorial 3rd Tuesday at 8:00 PM Recessed July & August Secretary: Stacey L. Phillips (703) 490-0449 Mount Vernon Chapter No. 178 Mount Vernon Masonic Temple 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 PM Recessed June, July & August Secretary: Roberta C. Brown (703) 768-0172 Sharon Chapter No. 63 Sharon Masonic Temple 3rd Monday at 8:00 p.m. Except May – 2nd Tuesday Recessed July & August Secretary: Lenora Evers (703) 356-0914 E-Mail: White Shrine of Jerusalem, Dogwood Shrine #3 Arlington Masonic Temple 1st Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Recessed in July and August Worthy Scribe: Karlene Saenz (703) 866-9525 York Rite, Annandale Chapter No. 77, Royal Arch Annandale Masonic Temple 3rd Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Secretary: George R. Bierman (703) 280-5056 Arlington Chapter No. 35, Royal Arch Cherrydale Masonic Temple 1st Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Secretary: James W Smith, PGHP (703) 354-8034 Arlington Commandery No. 29, Knights Templar Arlington Masonic Temple 1st Friday at 7:30 p.m. Recorder: Garnett R. Bailey (703) 591-6311 Lord Fairfax Council No. 90, Allied Masonic Degrees Membership by invitation only Kemper-Macon Ware Temple 5th Friday at 7:30 p.m. Except 2nd Friday in December Mount Vernon Chapter No. 14, Royal Arch George Washington Masonic National Memorial 1st Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Contact: Carl Gagliardi (703) 494-9615 Page: 43 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Miscellaneous Organizations Old Dominion Commandery No. 11, Knights Templar George Washington Masonic National Memorial 4th Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Recorder: Carl Gagliardi (703) 494-9615 Triangle Chapter No. 73, Royal Arch Arlington Masonic Temple 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Secretary: Donald L. Gray (703) 573-2322 Youth Alexandria-Washington Chapter, Order of DeMolay George Washington Masonic National Memorial, North Room 1st & 3rd Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Chapter Dad: Rob Mertz (703) 538-7031 Bethel No. 1, International Order of Job’s Daughters Arlington Masonic Temple 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Except July & August 3rd Tuesday Guardian: Randi Mendelsohn (703) 978-1818 Bethel No. 22, International Order of Job’s Daughters George Washington Masonic National Memorial 1st & 3rd Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Except July & August 3rd Sunday Guardian: Alicia Szramoski (703) 780-0734 Bethel No. 55, International Order of Job’s Daughters Occoquan Masonic Temple 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Recessed July and August Guardian: Leah Taylor (703) 221-2659 Cmdr Wm. L. Herndon Chapter, Order of DeMolay Herndon Masonic Temple 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Chapter Dad: Scott Solomon (703) 327-9559 Fairfax Assembly No. 3, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Henry Masonic Temple 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Except June – August 1st Thursday Mother Advisor: Mrs. Donna Kluefer (703) 250-2080 Lord Fairfax Chapter, Order of DeMolay Henry Masonic Temple 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Chapter Dad: Jason Lotz (703) 249-8240 Occoquan Chapter, Order of DeMolay Occoquan Masonic Temple 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Chapter Dad: James A. Newcomer (703) 590-9882 Prince William Chapter, Order of DeMolay Manassah Masonic Temple 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Chapter Dad: Mark Polson (703) 369-1117 Page: 44 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Miscellaneous Organizations Quantico Assembly No. 6, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls John A. LeJeune Masonic Temple 2nd & 4th Thursday at 7:30 p.m. 3rd Thursday in Nov & Dec Mother Advisor: Mrs. Kathy Bryan (540) 659-6626 Fork Union Military Academy Fork Union, VA 23055 (804) 842-3210 Emergency: (804) 842-4205 Fork Union Motor Lodge P O Box 278 Fork Union, VA 23055 (804) 842-3255 George Washington Masonic National Memorial 101 Callahan Drive Alexandria, VA Office: (703) 683-2007 Tours: (703) 549-9234 Masonic Home of Virginia 4101 Nine Mile Rd Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 222-1694 (800) 262-4644 The Masonic Service Association of North America 8120 Fenton Street, Suite 203 Silver Spring, MD 20910-4785 (301) 588-4010 Sheraton Richmond West Hotel (usual location for Grand Lodge) 6624 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23230 Voice: (804) 285-1234 Fax: (804) 288-3961 Virginia Masonic Information Net Page: 45 REVISION: January 1, 2006 MASONIC BENEFIT FUND The Masonic Benefit Fund was established in 1925 and presently consists of Master Masons in eight (8) Masonic Districts (1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, & 54) in Virginia who have applied for membership and pay an assessment (described below). Three Officers; a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary/Treasurer; elected annually from the membership, manage the Fund. The Masonic Benefit Fund is available to any Master Mason who is a member of a Lodge under the listed Districts, or resides in these Districts, and is under the age of 68. Those who are 68 or over at the time they become a Master Mason, have up to one year to apply for Membership. The initiation fee is $2.50. The Masonic Benefit Fund is not an Insurance Policy. It provides a means whereby member Master Masons can honor their Obligation to contribute to the relief of the Widow of a Deceased Brother Master Mason, or such beneficiary as predetermined by the member. The administration of the Fund is as follows: Upon the death of a member Master Mason, the Secretary/Treasurer of the Fund, upon receiving such notice, will prepare a check to be presented to the Widow (or other beneficiary) by the most expedient means possible. This may be done by the Secretary/Treasurer, the Master of the member’s Lodge, through some other personal contact, or by mail. The amount of the check is determined by a formula based on the number of members active in the Benefit Fund at the time of the Brother’s death. At the year end 1996, the membership was 1,111. Benefits paid during 1996 averaged in excess of $1300.00 for each recipient. When the Secretary/Treasurer has distributed ten (10) Benefits, he will advise the membership, by mail, of the names of the ten deceased and indicate an assessment of $2.00 X 10 ($20.00) is due and payable to replenish the Fund. Mail completed form and check to: Harry L. Grimm, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 10722, Arlington, VA 22210-1722 Phone: 703-421-0572 (H) 202-408-3218 (O) Masonic Benefit Fund Application (complete both sides) Name in Full ___________________________________________________________ Age _______ (Last) (First) (Middle) Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip ____________-__________ Lodge Name __________________________________ Lodge Number __________ District ______ I understand there is a periodic assessment necessary to maintain the Masonic Benefit Fund and that prompt remittance of such assessment is required as a condition of my continued membership. Date Raised ______/______/______ _______________________________ ______/______/______ (mm) (dd) (yy) Signature Today’s Date [ ] Fee of $2.50 payable to The Masonic Benefit Fund accompanies this application. Beneficiary: __________________________________________ Relationship: __________________ Complete the following if the information is different than that on the Application. Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip ____________-__________ Telephone _________-_________-____________ (Area Code) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 46 - BY-LAWS OF THE MASONIC BENEFIT FUND For the purpose of providing a fund to defray funeral expenses of deceased members and relieve the immediate distress of their widows and orphans, the members hereof associate themselves together, for the establishment and maintenance of said fund, subject to the following conditions, privileges and rights. The name of the Association shall be “THE MASONIC BENEFIT FUND”. OFFICERS: Section 1 The officers shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary-Treasurer, who shall constitute the Executive Committee, and a Managing Committee comprised, where practicable, of two or more members of the association from each Lodge represented. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Section 2 1. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings. He shall call an annual meeting of the members of the association during the month of March of each year for the transaction of business, the election of officers for the ensuing year, and for selection of members of the Managing Committee. He shall have the power to call special meetings, appoint special committees, and have general supervision over the organization. 2. The Vice-Chairman shall perform all duties of the Chairman during his absence, or during a temporary vacancy in the office. 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of assessments, the custody of all the funds, the payment of benefits, and the keeping of proper records, rendering a complete account of all financial transactions and other vital statistics at the annual meeting in March. He shall notify membership in writing, not less than ten days in advance of the time and place of the annual meeting. He shall give bond in the amount satisfactory to the Executive Committee and at the cost of the Association. He shall receive compensation upon the payment of death benefits a sum equal to 7 1/2 per cent of the amount paid. His books shall be audited annually by a committee appointed by the Chairman, and the report of the audit committee read at the March meeting. 4. The Managing Committee shall meet upon call of the Chairman for the transaction of such business as may be brought before it. A quorum shall consist of five members, in addition to the Executive Committee. A majority vote of the members present at any such meeting shall be necessary for approval. 5. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for determining those distressed worthy master masons eligible for assessment relief, by having such assessment(s) paid from the funds on deposit. MEMBERSHIP: Section 3 1. Master Masons in good standing in any lodge in Districts 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, & 54 under the age of 61 years shall be eligible to apply for membership. However, any member of the aforementioned lodges will be eligible to apply for membership, regardless of age, providing application is submitted within sixty days after the annual meeting of the Benefit Fund following the year in which he was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. 2. An affiliated member, 61 years of age or older, is not eligible for membership to the Masonic Benefit Fund. 3. Applications must be on the prescribed form, accompanied with the initiation fee of $2.50, and endorsed with the recommendation of a member of the Managing Committee. Approval of the application by a majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute membership. 4. Any member in good standing demitting from Lodges in Districts 1A, 1B, 2,3,4,8, 9, & 54 shall be permitted to retain membership in the association and be entitled to its benefits upon compliance with these by-laws; provided, however, he shall affiliate with a Masonic Lodge WITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF DEMIT, AND SHALL NOTIFY THE SECRETARY TREASURER OF SUCH AFFILIATION. ASSESSMENTS AND BENEFITS: Section 4 1. The funds to operate the association and pay death benefits shall be derived from the initiation fees and from voluntary assessments of the members as herein prescribed. Each assessment shall be $1.25 for REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 47 - each death. Upon the death of a member his beneficiary shall be paid an amount equal to $1.15 for each and every member in good standing on the date of such death. Said payment shall be the only payment made to the beneficiary by the Benefit Fund. The Managing Committee may in its discretion impose an additional assessment at any time to insure the Fund shall have sufficient funds in advance to pay fifteen assessments. 2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall pay the prescribed death benefit to the beneficiary of record promptly upon receipt of reliable information of the death of a member in good standing. Any member has the right to change his beneficiary at any time upon written request. In the event of the death of the beneficiary, or if for any other reason payment cannot be made to the beneficiary of record, within the period of one year, the death benefit shall be paid to such person, or persons, as the Executive Committee may decide to be lawful and proper. FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP: Section 5 Should any member fail to pay any assessment within thirty days after notice has been given by mail to him or lose good standing in his lodge, he shall forfeit membership in and all rights to the benefits of the fund; provided, however, that he can be restored by a majority vote of the Executive Committee upon making application within one year and paying all arrearages due at the time of suspension or voluntary withdrawal, together with all assessments made subsequent thereto. AMENDMENTS: Section 6 These By-Laws may be amended at any annual or special meeting, provided the membership has been notified in writing, not less than ten days in advance that proposed changes are to be presented. A majority vote of the members present at any such meeting shall be necessary for approval. (AMENDED, March 29, 1988) BENEFIT FUND ESTABLISHED 1925 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 48 - THE MASONIC LEADERSHIP PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM The Committee on Masonic Education proudly presents this program on self improvement for all Master Masons within the Grand Jurisdiction of Virginia. This program has been developed to assist Virginia Masons, as well as Blue Lodge Officers, in refining their skills and knowledge in the principles, working and understanding of Freemasonry in and out of our Masonic Lodges. Participation in this program will enhance your awareness in the areas such as Ritual, Ceremonies, Methodical Digest and the Officers Manual; and assist you in a wide range of other areas. It will aid you in having a more positive concept of what this Fraternity is and the ideals for which it strives. Each course is divided into four individual parts, which will be forwarded to you separately. As you complete each lesson and return it for grading, the next lesson will be mailed to you. A small fee is required to participate in this program to cover the cost of materials, printing and mailing. Please enclose $10.00 with this form for each course. Upon receipt of your registration form, the first lesson of the selected course(s) will be mailed to you. A course should be completed within one year after registration. The form for registration can be found on the web site at: THE HISTORY OF MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A AND 1B The Grand Lodge of Virginia authorized the formation of Masonic Districts as early as 1806; but, it was not until 1819 that Districting was actually accomplished. In 1820, the First (1st) Masonic District encompassed Lodges in Norfolk, Kempsville, and Portsmouth. Of course, Virginia Lodge No. 1 is in Norfolk. At that time there were twenty (20) Districts throughout the Commonwealth; and, our area comprised the Thirteenth (13th) Masonic District which included ten (10) Lodges: in Alexandria; Centreville; Fauquier Court-House and Warrenton in Fauquier County; and Aldie, Leesburg, Middleburg and Waterford in Loudon County. One imagines that the District Deputy Grand Master could not visit his Lodges very often in those days, given their widespread location and the transportation of the time. By 1850, the number of Districts had grown to 28, and our area was designated the Fifteenth (15th) Masonic District. In 1874, our area was re-designated the First (1st) Masonic District. By then, the number of Masonic Districts in Virginia had grown to 40. In 1970, an Executive Order of Most Worshipful Grand Master William T. Watkins divided our area into Masonic Districts 1A and 1B. There were five (5) Lodges in each District. District 1A was comprised of: Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 (Constituted February 3, 1783 by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, .......................................................................... and than Chartered April 28, 1788 by the Grand Lodge of Virginia), Kemper Lodge No. 64 ............................................................................................ (Chartered December 3, 1896), Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 120 ............................................................................ (Chartered December 14, 1854), Macon Ware Lodge No. 192 ............................................................................. (Chartered February 14, 1951), and Henry Knox Field Lodge No. 349 ................................................................................................... (Chartered 1925) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 49 - District 1B was comprised of: Elmer Timberman Lodge No. 54 .............................................................................. (Chartered February 11, 1953), Springfield Lodge No. 217 ........................................................................................ (Chartered February 12, 1958), Mount Vernon Lodge No. 219 .................................................................................. (Chartered February 15, 1961), Occoquan Lodge No. 310 .................................................................................. (Chartered February 10, 1910), and John A. LeJeune Lodge No. 350 .............................................................................. (Chartered February 11, 1925). Between 1970 and 1988, Districts 1A and 1B each grew to consist of eight (8) Lodges. Those added to District 1A were: John Blair Lodge No. 187 ......................................................................................... (Chartered February 10, 1971), Skidmore Daylight Lodge No. 237 .................................................................... (Chartered February 15, 1977), and A. Douglas Smith Jr. Lodge of Research No. 1949 .................................................. (Chartered February 10, 1988). Those added to District 1B were: Archer Bailey Gay Lodge No. 275 ............................................................................ (Chartered February 12, 1975), Dale City Lodge No. 319 ................................................................................... (Chartered February 10, 1981), and Fort Hunt Daytime Lodge No. 353 ............................................................................ (Chartered February 15, 1983). Effective 1 January 1998, Kemper Lodge No. 64 and Macon Ware Lodge No. 192 were combined to form KemperMacon Ware Lodge No. 64. Thus, Masonic District 1A came to consist of seven (7) Lodges while Masonic District 1B still consisted of eight (8) Lodges. Effective at the conclusion of the Grand Communication in 1998, A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research No. 1949 was transferred out of District 1A into a District containing only Research Lodges. Thus, Masonic District 1A came to consist of six (6) Lodges while Masonic District 1B still consisted of eight (8) Lodges. Effective at the conclusion of the Grand Communication in 1999, Kemper-Macon Ware Lodge No. 64 was transferred out of District 1A into District 54. Thus, Masonic District 1A came to consist of Five (5) Lodges while Masonic District 1B still consisted of eight (8) lodges. Effective at the conclusion of the Grand Communication in 2000, the Research District formed in 1998 was no longer continued and A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research No. 1949 was transferred back into District 1A, thus bringing Masonic District 1A back up to six (6) Lodges while Masonic District 1B still consisted of eight (8) Lodges. Effective 1 January 2003, Archer Bailey Gay Lodge No. 275 and Springfield Lodge #217 were combined with the lodge name remaining Springfield Lodge #217. Thus, Masonic District 1A still consisted of six (6) lodges while Masonic District 1B was reduced to seven (7) lodges. REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 50 - WHITE PAGES Masonic Member a E-mail Address LODGE No. Section –A- Aakesson, John Toreston George 7312 Leesville Blvd, Springfield VA 22151 120 Acquaah, Kwame Munko, PM’03 (1949). 6015 Rock Cliff Lane, Apt D, Alexandria, Virginia 223154616 703-922-7425 (H) 202-973-2815 (O) Adcock, Carl “Blane” 6716 Tower Drive #105, Alexandria VA 22306 ADKINS, ALAN WAYNE, PGM’97 [Gerri] GRAND SECRETARY 6119 Green Haven Drive Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111-7509 804-559-9320 (H) 804-222-3110 (O) Akau, Nolan Joseph, PM’97 (319) [Annette] 14321 Wrangler Lane, Apt #5, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193 703-590-5454 (H) 202-267-0698 (O) 319 Alexander, William Larry, PM’99 (310) [Junelea] 15415 Beachview Drive, Dumfries, Virginia 22026-1025 15 703-670-8498 (H) 703-229-1227 (O) 703-801-9361 (Cell) 310 Allen III, William Blake [Purcell] 8417 Riverside Road, Alexandria VA 22308-1547 703-619-1457 (H) 703-838-8663 (O) 219 Allison, George William, III, PM’84/94 (349) PDDGM’01 (1A) [Susan] 10538 Tralee Terrace, Damascus, Maryland 20872-0207 (301) 253-0825 (H) (301)-227-7041 (O) (301) 227-2233. (FAX) 301-641-8074 (Cell) 349 353 Andelman, David Howard [Deborah] 9424 Candleberry Court, Burke, Virginia 22015 (703) 230-2455 (H) (202) 616-9419 (O) Ander, Melvin Mickey “Mickey”, PM’87 (307) PM’94 (1949), PDDGM’93/94 (54) [Sue] 5911 Edsall Road, PH-2, Alexandria, Virginia 22304-4164 703-370-1441 (H) 202-781-3264 (O) 202-781-4606 (FAX) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 51 - 15 DC 1949 120 54 307 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Anderson Jr, Allan Russell [Tracey] 1503 Alexandria Ave, Alexandria, VA 22308 703-765-9206 Anderson, Clark Andrew “Andy”, PM’71/88 (81), PDDGM’95 (54) (Racine) 501 Greenwich Street, Falls Church, VA 22046-2502 (703) 534-4468 LODGE No. 22 81 Anderson, Ray M., PM (Sara) 2815 Key Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-4005 (703) 525-2139 WM – 1989 (285) 285 Apaga, Ernesto Cacal “Ernie” PM’00 (217) [Edna] 5107 Bradfield Court, Annandale, Virginia 22003-4009 703-978-8734 (H) 703-978-0044 (O) 703-978-0045 (FAX) 703-587-8136 (Mobile/Pager) 217 Arbeen, Mark Francis, PM’02 (275) [Heather] 6351 Silver Ridge Circle, Alexandria, VA 22315 (H) 703-719-6530 (Cell) 703-597-8564 Atkinson, Samuel Thomas “Sam”, PM’71 (219) PDDGM’97 (1B) [Helen] 904 Peele Place, Alexandria, Virginia 22304-2027 703-370-4028 (H) 703-370-0354 (FAX) 217 219 237 1949 Augustad, Robert Lyle “Bob” [Lois] 6715 Anders Terrace, Springfield, Virginia 22151703-256-2719 (H) 54 Aulicino, Michael Robert “Mike” PM’02 (349) 7413 Falmouth Street, Springfield, Virginia 22150-4004 703-451-3179 (H) 202-205-9793 (W) 349 Ayers, Rodney F. “Rod”, PM’97 (350) [Virginia] P.O. Box 337, Culpeper, Virginia 22701 703-829-9183 (H) 350 b 4 (DC) 22 217 1949 Section –B- Bailey, Albert Brown, PDDGM, PM’72 (192), PDDGM’84 (1A) (Rachel) Summer: 503 Candidate Road, Richmond, VA 23223-5550 (804) 236-5899 Winter: 1720 NE Third Court Apt 4, Boynton Beach, FL 33435-2500 (561) 734-7275 64 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 52 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Bailey, Garnett Russell “Garnett”, PM’69 (350), PDDGM’89 (1B) [Rita] 10507 Providence Way, Fairfax, Virginia 22030-3105 703-591-6311 (H) 703-683-8430 (O) LODGE No. 350 1949 Bailey, Roland, PM’74 (310) 15421 Michigan Road, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-3732 703-491-1748 (H) 310 353 Baker, Louis Robert “Bob”, PM’60(22DC), PGM’87 (DC) 1417 Mayflower Drive, McLean, VA 22101-5615 Home: (703) 356-5515 1949 Baldwin, Richard Burditt “Dick”, PM’87 (54), PM’88 (1949), PDDGM’01 (1B) 5400 Bromyard Court, Burke, Virginia 22015-1915 703-323-0007 (H) 703-323-7580 (FAX) 703-501-6535 (Cell) Banton, James H. (Claudine) 5301 2nd Street N, Arlington, VA 22203-1211 (703) 527-5493 81 Barger, Randy Eric 6678 Turning Run Lane, Marshall, VA 20115 Home: ( ) 202-207-5301 81 Bartlett, Ralph Ott “Ralph” [Linda] 10205 Bent Tree Lane, Manassas, Virginia 20111-4221 703-368-5948 (H) 703-769-7156 (O) Voice: (703) 407-0579 Voice Pager: (301) 215-4946 Bartley, Barry 621 Third Street, Herndon, VA 20170-3415 703-471-4634 (H) 703-938-5300 (O) Baumbach, William J II 9975 Pennsylvania Ave. Manassas, Va. 20110-2028 Ph: 703-273-4400 ext:1708 Fax: 703-691-0946 Office: 10509 Orchard Street Fairfax Virginia 22030 Ph: 1-800-280-2820 Fax: 703-691-0946 54 1949 Bedsole, Gene Coy [Kay] 5801 Cove Landing Road, Burke, Virginia 22015-2622 703-250-3987 (H) 1949 16 54 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 53 - 217 Masonic Member E-mail Address Behrens, Henry Goodwin “Henry” 920 Manor Road, #203, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 703-684-9159 (H) 202-623-3300 (O) LODGE No. 237 Benesch, Walter Powers, PM’93-94(275) 3501 Slade Run Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042 703-237-3116 (H) 217 Benton, David Arthur, PM’04 (319) [Ginelle] 15788 Beau Ridge Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193 703-730-0120 (H) 319 Berg, William Marston “Bill”, PM’98 (187) [Neome] 2115 Wolf Street, Fort Washington, Maryland 20744-3277 301-567-4487 (H) 187 Bernabucci, David Christian “Dave” PM’02 (120) [Mary] 600 Oronoco Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2308 703-548-6264 (H) 703-548-0662 (O) 120 Bessel, Paul Martin, PM’97 (237) 7714 Northdown Rd Alexandria VA 22308-1332 (home & work phone) 703-718-2020 Bible, Michael Paul “Mike”, PM’99 [Zondra] 6401 Rose Hill Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22310-2828 703-922-7324 (H) 22 Bingler, Richard George “Rich”, PM’99 (54) [Susan] 5566 Countryside Circle, Jeffersonton, Virginia 22724 703-207-9220 (H) 703-626-1105 (O) 703-361-6706 (FAX) 703-626-1105 (Cell) 54 Bishop, Kenneth Robert “Ken”, PM’96 [Kristin] 2011 Wave Drive, Stafford, VA 22554-2509 540-659-1865 (H) 703-313-0360 (O) 22 237 Blackmon, Marion Claxton, PM’87 (349) 811 North Latham St, Alexandria, VA 22304-2213 703-370-3350 (H) 319 349 Blamer, Stephen Kent, PM’94 (307) (Kathie) 16 Linden Hill Way SW, Leesburg, VA 20175-5030 Home: (703) 737-0321 Office: (703) 689-9150 Blizzard, Thomas Franklin “Tom”, PM’92 (350) PDDGM’98 (1B), [Nancy] 1 Rosedale Drive, Stafford, Virginia 22554-6215 540-286-0036 (H) 703-704-0360 (O) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 54 - 307 350 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Blossom, John W. 1001 Mountfort Court SW, Vienna, VA 22180-6469 Home: (703) 281-3604 Office: (703) 648-4964 Bosworth, Charles Glenn PM’00 (310) 12521 Oakwood Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-3138 703-494-9806 (H) LODGE No. 307 310 353 Bradbury, James William “Bill” [Edith] 3524 Saylor Place, Alexandria, Virginia 22304-1831 703-370-1586 (H) 703-370-1586 (H FAX) 120 Brannam, Jay A. PM’02 (285) (Jill) 5804 Hall Street Burke, VA 22015 Home: 703.913.5804 Work: 703.604.7221 285 Brown, Andrew D. 3718 Forest Grove Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003-1956 703-354-2954 (H) 703-645-0420 (O) 54 Brown, Daniel [Jeanie] 102 West Mason Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301-1912 703-548-1654 (H) 187 BROWN, FRANCIS REED “Reed”, PM’93 (42) GRAND ORGANIST Office: (703) 276-8738 FAX: (571) 432-0881 Brown, Norman P. 6908 Kerrywood Circle, Centreville, VA 20121-5403 Home: (703) 266-0542 Office: (202) 260-6025 42 307 Browning, David B. “Ben” [Miriam] Brundage, Stephen L., PM (Bren) 11307 Hunt Farm Ln, Oakton, VA 22124-1202 Home: (703) 620-6156 Office: (703) 324-2398 22 120 307 Brunelle, David Loren [Laura] 5864 Kara Place, Burke, VA 22015 Home: 703-569-0841 187 Bryan, William Jennings 212 Oak Grove Lane, Stafford, VA 22554 540-659-6626 (H) 350 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 55 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Buckley, Edward Elliott, PDDGM, PM’43 (307), PDDGM’50 (54) (Pearl) 9634 Blake Lane, Fairfax, VA 22031-1022 (703) 938-3838 Buckner, Larry Eugene “Larry”, Jr. PM’01 (310) [Brenda] 10604 Anita Drive Lorton, Virginia 22079-3524 04 703-339-1641 (H) 703-339-6886 (O) LODGE No. 307 Buckner, Larry Eugene, Sr. [Joyce] 10607 Anita Drive, Lorton, Virginia 22079-3526 07 703-339-6746 (H) 703-339-6886 (O) 310 353 310 Buffaloe, David [Catherine] Captain, US Army 7907 Birchtree Ct., Springfield, VA 22152 703-451-1663 (H), 703-300-3948 (Cell) Bullock, Nelson Robert “Bob”, PM’88 (237), PM’91 (187) [Elizabeth] 309 Yoakum Parkway, Apt. 1207 Alexandria, Virginia 22304-3948 703-370-4454 (H) 703-622-0217 (Cell) Burcham, Jeffrey G. GRAND HIGH PRIEST, GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF VIRGINIA Burgess, James Edward “Jim” [Cheryl] 703-241-7719 (H) 22 187 237 21 120 Burket, David, Jr., PM’92 (319) [Susan] 2274 Longview Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-2648 703-494-5069 (H) 703-792-4388 (O) Burner, Ronald Eugene, PM’97 (190 MD) 301-253-6477 (H) 319 190/MD 1949 Burns, Brendan M 6622 Greenleigh Lane, Alexandria, VA 22315 703-822-0263 Burns, James M. “Jim”, PGM - PM’74(22DC), GM’84(DC) (Edith) 705 N. Frederick St., Arlington, VA 22203-1412 (703) 525-1865 Burris, Christopher Jones “Chris”, PM’89 (192), PDDGM’99 (1A) [Thelma] 3107 North 4th Street, Arlington, Virginia 22201-1613 703-243-0293 (H) 22 DC REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 56 - 22 64 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Butcher, Timothy Jay, PM’94-95 (187), PM’03 (120) [Ethel] 4507 Kentland Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-5274 703-590-9138 (H) 703-704-0046 (O) c LODGE No. 120 187 319 Section –C- Cambron, Randall Home 301-912-3560 Work 202-283-0755 Campbell, Brent Nial, PM’01 (22) [Jennifer] 703-507-7911 (Cell) 877-883-3917 (Fax) 22 120 Campbell, Stephen Floran, Jr., WM’06 (54) [Cheri] 7411 Hamilton Street, Annandale, Virginia 22003 (703) 941-5558 (H) (202) 220-3420 (w) 54 Canard, Granville Clayton “Jack”, Jr., PM’92 (22) PDDGM’00 (1A) 5501 Seminary Road, #1903-S, Falls Church, Virginia 22041-3910 703-347-6506 (H) 703-862-6518 (Cell) 703-850-8141 (Cell) 703-998-0110 (Dedicated FAX) Capuno, Romulo Magnaye 703-644-7818 22 120 1949 Liberty, MA 217 Caramat, Filixberto Zarate “Bert”, [Norma] 7405 Scarborough Street Springfield, Virginia 22153-1827 703-866-4066 (H) 202-269-4994 (O) 703-582-4066 (Mobile) Carpenter, Edward Past Grand Commander, Knights Templar of Virginia Carson, Robert Lee “Bob”, Sr., PM’01 (217) [Carlene] 7209 Constantine Ave, Springfield, Virginia 22150-3116 703-451-1053 (H) Carter, Louis Stillman, PDDGM, PM’70 (307), PDDGM’75 (54) 309 Plum Street SW, Vienna, VA 22180-6323 (703) 938-7997 Castellow, Jeffery Wayne “Jeff” 4637 Brentleigh Court, Annandale, Virginia 22003 703-354-0226 (H) 703-742-1237 (O) 703-742-1154 (FAX) 217 307 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 57 - 217 54 Masonic Member E-mail Address Cauthon, James. David PM’00 (349) 3940 South 9th Road, Arlington, Virginia 22204-4171 703-892-8190 (H) 202-606-1090 (O) 349 Cerrone, Armand A. Scott [Kathy] 8317 Woodacre St, Alexandria VA 22308-1625 703-619-0815 (H) 703-676-7226 (O) 219 Champlin, Douglass Davenport, PDDGM, PM’69 (181), PDDGM’73 (54) 365 Roycroft Blvd., Buffalo, NY 14226-4822 (716) 839-1406 LODGE No. 81 Chapin, George Harry, PM’75 (217), PDDGM’91 (1B), PGM’99 (VA) [Connie] 418 Birchside Circle, Lake of the Woods, Virginia 22508-9556 540-972-2131 (H) 540-972-9218 (FAX) 540-840-3083 (Mobile) Chavez, Norberto Manimtim “Bert” [Cecilia] 14717 Hackwood Street, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191 703-490-3135 (H) Clark, Daniel Martin, PM’02 (22) [Lynne] 9053 Swans Creek Way, Lorton, Virginia 22079 703-646-5448 (H) 703-642-2300 Ex 131 (W) 703-585-8123 (Cell) Cohen, Edmund, PDDGM, PM’82 (57), PDDGM’89 (58) (Gwen) GRAND LODGE OFFICER 1442 Creekside Court, Vienna, Virginia 22182-1701 703-556-6536 (H) 703-613-1352 (O) 703-613-3020 (FAX) COLE, JAMES DEAN “JIM” PGM’01 [Mary Ann] SGIG in Virginia, Scottish Rite P.O. Box 5, Shawsville, Virginia 24162-0005 540-268-5547 (H) 804-514-1309 (O) 775-244-4383 (FAX) 217 1949 217 22 DANIEL.CLARK@WellsFargo.COM Cole, Thomas Lussier “Tom” [Martha] 6918 Hamilton Court, Lorton, Virginia 22079-1212 703-339-3859 (H) 703-706-1774 (O) 57 219 Collins, Steven Bruce [Sandra] 14040 Holly Forest Drive, Manassas VA 20112 703-680-4680 (H) 703-969-8312 (Cell) Pager: (703) 518-7340 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 58 - 319 Masonic Member E-mail Address Conlon, Albert Roy, PM’79 (327) 7103 Thrasher Road, McLean, VA 22101-2014 (703) 356-1132 LODGE No. 327 Connal, James George “Jim”, PM’01 (319) [Betty] 3102 Austin Court, Dale City, Virginia 22193-1234 703-670-5985 (H) 703-580-0544 (O) 703-580-9863 (FAX) Connor, Marshal Lee “Marshal”, PM’72 (64) [Lois] 3151 Norfolk Lane, Falls Church, Virginia 22042-3636 703-573-5740 (H) 319 64 Consla, William Hiram “Bill”, PM’82 (64), PM’86 (1949), PDDGM’97 (1A) [Nelva] 5307 North 16th Street, Arlington, Virginia 22205-2714 703-536-4167 (H) 703-352-3552 (O) 120 1949 Convery, John Daniel, WM’06 (187) [Lois] 9414 Coral Lane, Alexandria, VA 22309 703-360-7573 (H) 187 Cooper, Charles Lee, PM’03 (310) 131 Hamilin Dr Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405-3372 703-371-5652 (H) 310 Copes, George Thomas “Tom”, PDDGM, PM’92&97 (81), PDDGM’99 (54) (Molly) 108 Yorkview Rd, Yorktown, VA 23692-4246 (757) 833-6227 81 1949 Cotton, David Loren “David”, PM’89 (307) PM’98 (1949) 3803 Washington Woods Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22309-2735 703-780-4134 (H) 703-836-6701 (O) 307 1949 Covey, Earl Elmer, PM’77 (350) [Irene] 1400 Florida Avenue, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-3602 703-494-5823 (H) 703-221-1953 (O) 22 350 Crane, Melvin Leon, PDDGM, PM’80 (181), PDDGM’92 (54) (Rosella) 318 S. Cleveland Street, Arlington, VA 22204-2038 Home: (703) 521-9022 Crossland, Robert John “Bob” PM’00 (319) [Janine] 13760 Ensenada Court, Manassas, Virginia 20112-3831 703-791-4546 (H) 703-283-7240 (O) 703-491-4546 (FAX) 703-551-8017 (Pager) 81 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 59 - 319 Masonic Member E-mail Address Cumes, Manuel Mario “Manny”, PM’02 (219) 5805 Burke Manor Court, Burke, Virginia 22015-3102 703-978-8937 (H) 703-585-8938 (O) d LODGE No. 219 Section –D- Davidson, Kevin J., PM, PM’98 (307) 549 Shenandoah Valley Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630-6033 Home: (540) 636-9649 Office: (202) 312-5375 Davis, Marko Henry, Jr. [Ida] 128 Meadows Road, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-4620 540-752-1093 (H) 703-784-3354 (O) Dean, John Robert “Bob”, PGM, GM’92 (VA) (Kathryn) 208 Gilland Road, Max Meadows, Va. 24360-3560 Home: (276) 637-6278 Office: (276) 637-6279 (FAX) Cell: (276) 724-0429 Denton, John David, Jr., PM’79 (219), PM’92 (237), PDDGM’98 (1A) [Dot] 5305 Masonic Terrace, Richmond, VA 23223-5555 307 1949 310 Lodges: 22 – 54 – 187 – 219 – 237 – 349 – 353 – 1949 Dickinson, John Chalmers 4323 Taney Avenue, Apt: 201 Alexandria, VA 22304 Cell: 203-568-6730 PGM 1949 Lodges in box at left. 187 Domingues, Aires Eugenio, PM’95 (307) 5520 Buggy Whip Drive, Centerville, VA 20120-1663 703-449-0576 (H & O) 307 1949 Downs, Maurice Wayne [Donna] 7607 Devries Drive, Lorton VA 22079 703-339-0448 (H) Downs, Philip Sylvester “Phil”, Jr., PM’04 (219) 8948 Waldren Way, Lorton, Virginia 22079-1319 Mailing: P.O. Box 732, Lorton VA 22199 703-339-5749 (H) 202-393-8240 (O) 219 Downs, Walter Scott, PM’64 (349), PDDGM’65 (1) 8213 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22308-1733 703-768-7903 (H) 703-998-9044 (O) 703-778-2804 (FAX) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 60 - 22 349 Masonic Member E-mail Address Dressler, Dale Wayne, PM’03 (349) [Ginny] 5701 Locust Branch Court, Centreville, VA 20120-2885 (H) 703-830-8076 (W) 703-947-3621 / 202-261-4948 FAX: 703-947-6382 (Cell) 412-855-4435 Dudley, John Gurney., Jr., PM’76 (42), PM’90 (327) (June) 5115 27th Road N, Arlington, VA 22207-1722 Home: (703) 536-8566 349 42 327 1949 Dunaway, Frank Rosser “Frank”, Jr., PM’94 (22), DDGM’05 (1A) [Connie] 5501 Seminary Road #605, Falls Church, VA 22041-3904 703-933-1113 (H) 703-403-6836 (Cell) DuVall, Terence Herbert [Renne] 4505 Dickerson Road, Partlow, VA 22534 540-895-9769 (H) 703-591-3770 (O) 703-591-5458 (FAX) e LODGE No. 22 120 349 1949 5 DC 54 Section –E- Edmonds, Reverend Dr. Larry Joe 7013 Woodland Drive, Springfield, VA 22151 703-256-5841 (H) 703-256-6655 Ext 106 (O) 703-916-8543 (FAX) 54 Eek, III, Lauris Martin, PM’93 (307) 329 Center Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4518 703-938-1957 (H) 703-428-3104 (O) 307 1949 Eek, Lauris M., Jr. (Dorothy) 1834 Saint Roman Drive, Vienna, VA 22182-3431 Home: (703) 938-9310 307 Ekren, David Lee 13820 Calico Lane, Manassas, Virginia 20112-3730 703-791-6629 (H) 703-617-4467 703-617-0763 (FAX) 350 Elliott, Kenneth McKeller “Mack”, Jr., PM’92/94 (275) [Judy] 8690 Young Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153-2253 703-912-7566 (H) 703-769-4729 (O) 703-769-4747 (FAX) Cellular: (703) 517-0583 217 Elliott, Kenneth McKeller “Tripp”, III, PM’99 (275) 5254 Potomac Drive Suite E. Dahlgren, VA 22448 Work Voice: (540) 663-3104 /3106 Home Voice: (540) 891-6627 Work Fax: (540) 663-3273 703-413-6262 (O – Xtal City) 217 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 61 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Ellis, D. Scott, PM’68-69 (3389 Monte Video, England) (Ruby) 1336 Murray Downs Way, Reston, VA 20194-1435 (703) 478-6315 LODGE No. 327 Ennis, Harvey Emmitt 301-735-2411 (H) 237 Ennis, Robert B., PM’92 (187) 703-549-6428 (H) 187 Entsminger, Samuel Page, Sr. 7597 Pahlson Court, Warrenton, Virginia 20187 (703) 341-8145 (H) 54 Evans, Raymond Allen [Evelyn] 5315 Iverchapel Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151 (703) 321-8241 Everly, John Clark “John”, PM’71 (120) [Carol] 2900 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22302-3512 703-548-4729 (H) 703-998-9200 (O) f 54 22 120 217 1949 Section –F- Facemire, Phillip David “Phil” 8600 Greeley Boulevard, Springfield, Virginia 22152-2807 703-866-9498 (H) 349 Fails, Kenneth Harrison “Ken”, II, [Tennie] 3015 Colonial Springs Court, Alexandria, Virginia 22306 703-780-4713 (H) 703-768-6170 (O) 703-768-1983 (FAX) 217 237 Feigenblatt, Bob I [Karen] 3903 Sulgrave Drive, Alexandria VA 22309 703-799-7238 (H) 202-267-0326 (O) 219 Fergus, Danny Joe, [Julie] 4087 Jasper Loop, Dumfries, Virginia 22026-1940 703-441-0711 (H) 353 Fernandez, Jorge Ignacio 5030 North 25th Street, Arlington, VA 22207 22 Ferreira, Arthur Cardoso, PM’01 (187) [Judy] 4501 Colonial Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-2550 703-780-5758 (H) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 62 - 187 Masonic Member E-mail Address Finisecy, Lawrence W. “Larry” [Joyce] 1051 Temple Court, Sterling, Virginia 20164-4814 703-450-2380 (H) 1-888-279-6212 (O) Finn, David W., PM’98 (33 DC), PM’01 (81) 3112 S Grove Street, Arlington, VA 22202-2334 Home: (703) 836-4493 Office: (703) 625-3753 Firestone, Roger M., PM’96 (16 DC, now 12) 10159 Turnberry Pl, Oakton, VA 22124-2847 Home: (703) 281-5329 Office: (703) 883-6706 FAX: (703) 883-7996 Foran, Kenneth L. “Ken” PM (DC) 5001 Seminary Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22311-1904 703-931-8824 (H) 22 Fouts, William Roland “Widge”, PM’62 (350) [Muriel] P.O. Box 274 18013 Joplin Road, Triangle, Virginia 22172-0274 703-690-0646 (H) 350 Fox, John G., PM’57 (54) [Ruth] 7313 Auburn Street, Annandale, Virginia 22003-5821 703-256-0303 (H) 237 81 57 1949 54 Frank, John Weldon., PM’98 (42) 3800 Fort Worth Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304-1709 Home: (703) 212-8374 Freemon, Larry PM’00 (187) [Beverly] 1080 Utterback Store Road, Great Falls, Virginia 220661524 703-444-5875 (H) 703-735-8907 (O) 703-735-8008 (FAX) 703-283-1739 (Cell) Frost, James A. (Diane) 10202 Kenbrooke Court, Vienna, VA 22181-4025 Home: (703) 938-2261 42 187 307 Fulesdy, Charles A. [Alice] 5105 Redwing Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22312-2044 703-354-5105 (H) g LODGE No. 54 Section –G- REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 63 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Gagliardi, Carl Raymond, PM’79/99/05 (349), DDGM’06 1A 1816 Hylton Avenue, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-1816 703-494-9615 (H) 202-646-3815 (W) 310 349 Gambale, David Anthony 9817 Sudley Manor Drive, Manassas, VA 20110 703-366-3046 (H) 703-366-3733 (O) 319 Gambril, Jody Craig 11035 Edgepark Circle, Apt. 303 Manassas, Virginia 20109-7729 703-330-6612(H) LODGE No. 319 Gardella, James Thomas “Jim” [Dorothy] 6813 Rosewood Street, Annandale, Virginia 22003 703-941-2592 (H) 703-305-2997 (O) 703-305-2751 (FAX) 54 Garvey, Henry 13114 Orleans St., Woodbridge, VA 22191-3711 703-494-5293 (H) 310 Gasper, Richard Conover H. 134 N. Almond Street, Orange, VA 22960 540-672-2002 (H) 237 Gellert, Karl Norman 703-566-3814 (H) Gibbs, William Henry “Bill”, PM’78 (217) [Marjorie] 6216 Alamo Street, Springfield, Virginia 22150-1607 703-971-9169 (H) 217 217 1949 Gigure, Terry Lee “Terry” PM’00 (22) [Barbara] 2205 Yardley Court, Alexandria, Virginia 22308-2413 703-360-6177 (H) 703-607-4893 (O) Gilbreath, George Gill, Dennis Joseph [Elba] 9 Woodmount Court, Stafford VA 22554 540-720-7687 319 Gladden, James Wilson “Jim”, IV, PM’97 (349) 349 703-823-1419 (H) 703-683-2007 Ext 24 (Thur & Fri) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 64 - 22 120 Masonic Member E-mail Address LODGE No. Glascock, William C., Sr., PDDGM, PM’79 (307), PDDGM’87 (54) (Lois) 10836 W 1st Street, Fairfax, VA 22030-4721 Home: (703) 591-5249 307 Gogolski, Martin Leon [Florence] 2911 Breezy Terrace, Alexandria VA 22303-2401 703-768-7729 (H) 219 Graessle, Philip Grant Southern Maryland Grand Lodge of Virginia, A.F.& A.M 4115 Nine Mile Road, Richmond, Virginia 23223-4926 804-222-3110 (O) 1-800-554-6812 (O) 804-222-4253 (Fax) 22 Graves, John Adam 309 Wolfe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3725. 703-548-5575 (H) 349 Graves, Philip Edwin “Phil”, PM’66 (327), PDDGM’01 (54) 1139 Marion Avenue, McLean, VA 22101-2951 (703) 356-3397 327 Gray, Rodney Patrick [Fatima] 602 North Jordan Street #403, Alexandria, VA 22304-5437 703-823-2283 (H) 703-684-0520 (W) 703-739-6573 (F) 349 Greenspan, David Leon “Dave”, PM’76 (349), PM’93 (237) [Florence] 958 North Pegram Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22304-2018 703-370-4174 (H) Grimm, Harry Lee, PDDGM, PM’72 (285), 1990 (285), PDDGM’90 (54) P O Box 10722, Arlington, VA 22210-1722 Home: (703) 465-5552 Office: (202) 408-3218 h 237 349 285 Section –H- Hambacher, Jay Steven 7138 Bristol Ridge Drive, Houston, TX 77095 Home: 281.550.7653 22 Hambley, William A.rthur, Jr., PM’98 (327) (Holly) 9105 Shasta Court, Fairfax, VA 22031-1433 (703) 280-5962 327 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 65 - Masonic Member E-mail Address LODGE No. Hance, Charles Harold Jr. 3910 Hewitt St #d Wahiawa, Hi 96876 Hardy, Carter Jay “CJ” [Elsie] 7005 Skyles Way, #204, Springfield, VA 22151-4505 4543 Glendale Rd. Woodbridge, VA 22193 Work Voice: (703) 418-0179 Work Voice: (703) 898-2719 Home Voice: (703) 354-6188 Voice Pager: (703) 816-3404 217 Harford, Mark Anthony, PM’95 (275) [Ginny] P.O. Box 237 Cross Junction, VA 22625 703-408-7057 217 353 Harmon, James Keith [Julia] 12121 Westmoreland Road, Alexandria VA 22308 703-721-3341 (H) 219 Harrington, George Fred “George”, PM’96 (78) 1300 Crystal Drive, #3045 Arlington, Virginia 22202-3234 703-416-7280 (H) 22 78 1949 Harris Jr., Claude Harrison PM’93 (22) Bangkok Thailand 22 DC 5 Harris, Frank Wright “Frank”, III, PM’85 (350) [Marian] 13009 Caton Place, Manassas, Virginia 20112-4629 703-791-3936 (H) 350 1949 Harrison, Marcus Alonzo “Marcus”, Jr. [Pat] 7403 Grace Street, Springfield, Virginia 22150-3915 703-451-4136 (H) 202-962-1489 (O) 219 Harrison, Robert Malcom 208 N. Auburn Drive, Sterling, Virginia 20164 703-421-6640 (H) 703-628-4528 (Cell) 22 Hartsoe, Joseph Robert “Joe”, PM’04 (54) [Sue] 2121 Jamieson ave #1502, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 703-548-3103 (H) 202-383-3435 (O) 804-435-3849 (Weekends) 202-441-1309 (Cell) 54 Hartzell, David Edwin [Sheila] 6907 Hard Rock Court, Alexandria, VA 22306-1106 703-768-5553 (H) 202-324-5601 (W) 349 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 66 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Hastings, Eugene Frank, PM 4309 Laurel Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-2520 703-780-9320 (H) LODGE No. 237 Hawkins, James Deloss “Jim”, PM’99 (57), WM’06 (1949) [Linda] 5202 Holden Street, Fairfax, VA 22032 (703) 978-4078 (H) (703) 409-6753 (Cell) Hayes, Jeffery Mark “Jeff”, PM’97 (64), PM’01 (64) [Carol] 6415 Eppard Street, Falls Church, Virginia 22044-1709 703-237-2414 (H) 202-424-0454 (Beeper) 703-538-4368 (FAX) Hayes, John William “John”, [Margaret] 8708 Plymonth Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22308-2509 703-360-4507 (H) 57 1949 64 353 Hays, Charles Edward 5500 Holmes Run Parkway, Alexandria, VA 22304 703-212-8784 (H) Hays, Philip John “Phil”, PM’98 (22) [Carolina] 11723 Fairfax Woods Way #7206 Fairfax, Virginia 22030 703-201-9369 (H) Heald, Ronald Eugene “Ron”, PM’94 (217), [Linda] 8323 Wickham Road, Springfield, Virginia 22152-1740 703-569-4052 (H) 217 Heaster, Roy Martin “Marty”, PM’93 (217), PDDGM’00 (1B) [Lindy] 5412 Quance Lane, Dale City, Virginia 22193 703-580-0634 (H) 217 Heinz William John, [Carol] 4625 Quarter Charge Drive, Annandale, Virginia 220034621 703-978-4612 (H) Helm, Otho W. [Emily] 3618 Annandale Road, Annandale, Virginia 22003-1650 703-560-3775 (H) Hennig, Gary Lee, PM’97 (42) (Lynn) 960 N Lebanon Street, Arlington, VA 22205-1456 Home: (703) 533-0090 22 54 54 1949 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 67 - 349 42 Masonic Member E-mail Address Hershey, William E. Jr., PM [Michele] 4316 Dumfries Road, Catlett, VA 20119-1755 540-788-9547 (H) 703-679-3259 (O) 540-788-4249 (F) Hickey, James 21789 N. Coral Drive, Suite 2-B Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-862-5540 (office) Hilliard, Travis Sanchez. 15031 Cherrydale Drive, Dale City, VA 22193-5335 Home: (703) 580-9446 Hink, Frederick P., PM’89 (54) [Janice] 3411 Frenora Court, Falls Church, Virginia 22042-4010 703-534-9150 (H) LODGE No. 217 42 54 Hinkle, Charles Cecil “Charlie”, PM’99 (219) 8319 Orville Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1049 703-780-6925 (H) 703-780-9750 (O) 703-780-8634 (FAX) 219 Hinkle, Charles Joseph “Joe” 8319 Orville Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1049 703-780-6925 (H) 703-846-5659 (O) 219 Hinkle, Daniel William “Bill” PM’00 (219) 8319 Orville Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1049 703-780-6925 (H) 703-780-0400 (O) 219 Hodge, Richard Edwin, PM’91 (54) [Jane] 9612 Villagesmith Way, Burke, Virginia 22015-4170 703-455-9313 (H) 703-683-2007 (O) 54 Hoke, Ralph M. [Matilda] 703-960-7774 (H) 349 Holbrook, Jeffrey Scott, PM. PHP, EPC 7820 Howard Street, Manassas, Virginia 20111-2130 Home: (703) 368-3250 Work: (703) 367-6348 Fax: (703) 367-4259 Cover Letter Required 182 Hollander, Herbert Charles “Herb” PM’02 (264) [Adrian] 908 Riva Ridge Drive, Great Falls, Virginia 22066-1619 703-759-3454 (H) 703-759-5837 (FAX) 237 264 Hollar, Carl E “Mike” Jr. [Kathy] Secretary & Treasurer, Virginia DeMolay Foundation, Inc P. O. Box 6969, Charlottesville, VA 22906 804-817-1611 (O) 804-960-6415 (Cell) 804-973-0898 (FAX) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 68 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Holley, Edgar Bruce “Bruce”, PM’86 (319), PM’03 (353) PDDGM’96 (1B) [Dorothy] 15106 Calexico Lane, Dale City, Virginia 22193-1625 703-670-5413 (H) Holliday, William Lee, PGM’00 [Evelyn] 336 Citation Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4023 757-497-6029 (H) 757-887-0856 (O) 757-497-6495 (FAX) Holt, John W Jr. 4650 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria VA 22304 703-212-7472 (H) 120 Hounshell, Michael [Carol] 15021 Carlsbad Road, Dale City VA 22193 703-590-2822 319 Hull, David M., PM’00 (285) 6509 Harwood Place, Springfield, VA 22152-2012 Home: (703) 452-5475 285 Huneycutt, Robert Erwin “Bob” 1501 Middlebury Drive, Alexandria, VA 22307-1722 703-765-7470 (H) 202-616-1112 (O) Hunnicutt, Charles Eugene 7740 Arlen Street, Annandale, VA 22003 703-750-1617 (H) LODGE No. 22 319 353 PGM 22 54 Hurley, Thomas George “Tom”, Jr., PM’80 (275) [Ann] 7111 Colgate Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22307-1619 703-768-5050 (H) Huston, Ralph W. 703-920-1581 (H) 217 237 Hutchinson, Julius Carlyle “JC”, PDDGM, PM’56 (81), PM’67 (81), PDDGM’69 (54) P O Box 753, Irvington, VA 22480-0753 (804) 438-6644 81 Hwoschinsky, Peter Vladimir, PDDGM, PM’86 (192), PM’90 (1949), PM’93 (192), PDDGM’91 (1A) (Beth) 1094 Safa Street, Herndon, VA 22070-2336 Home: (703) 450-8599 I 64 1949 Section –IREVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 69 - Masonic Member j E-mail Address LODGE No. Section –J- Jackson, Andrew Raymond “Andy”, PM’84 (120) 703-971-2469 (H) 120 Jenkins, John Douglas “John”, PM’95 (319), PDDGM’04 (1B) [Ernestine] 4194 Windflower Court, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-5100 703-670-6907 (H) 703-792-4668 (O) 571-221-3808 (Cell) 703-680-2021 (FAX) 319 Jennings, Harold James, Jr., PDDGM, PM’76 (307), PDDGM’81 (54) (Ada) 12910 Pinecrest Road, Herndon, VA 20171-2602 (703) 860-0138 307 Johnson, Ronald Wayne “Ron” 703-569-8958 (H) 217 Johnston, Joel Robert, PM’92 (310) [Annetta] 4501 Evansdale Road, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-2628 01 703-670-5327 (H) 310 Jones, Earl R. 2 Summer Lake Court, Stafford, Virginia 22554 540-720-5439 (H) 703-808-4820 (O) 350 JONES, GLOVER HUNTER III [Emily] GRAND LODGE OFFICER RR1 Concord, VA 24538-9801 (804) 993-2184 203 JONES, SAMUEL MOSLEY, MD [Carol] GRAND PHYSICIAN 10145 Community Lane, Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039 703-425-9890 (H) 703-391-2020 (O) 703-391-1211 (FAX) Jordan, Douglas Lawrence “Doug”, PDDGM, PM’84 (264), PDDGM’93-4 (58) (Nancy) 13101 Moss Ranch Lane, Fairfax, VA 22033-3525 (703) 968-2439 (H) (703) 278-5993 (10-1600) (703) 378-1001 (FAX) k Section –KREVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 70 - 1949 264 1777 1949 381(CA) Masonic Member E-mail Address Kastle, Michael J. (Karen) 2097 Kedge Drive, Vienna, Va 22181-3211 Home: (703) 281-6164 Office: (202) 761-5771 Kelly, Emory Caldwell “Emory” PM’00 (350) [Pamela] 6500 Malbrook Court, Manassas, Virginia 22112-4035 703-670-8307 (H) 703-257-8283 (O) LODGE No. 307 1949 350 Kight, Surry William, Jr. 12018 William and Mary Court Woodbridge, Virginia 22192-1613 18 703-494-8844 (H) 310 Killian, John David “John”, PM’96-97 (219) [Barbara] 8105 Ashton Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1344 703-360-3480 (H) 219 Kimmey, Charles Alanson 703-644-7131 217 King, Jeremy Michael 8512 Golden Ridge Court, Lorton VA 22079 703-967-9604 (H) 310 King, John William “John”, Jr. [Marlena] 200 Broadway Street, Quantico, Virginia 22134-3425 703-640-7284 (H) 703-640-7500 (O) 350 King, Michael Jean [Michele “Micky”] 1706 Cool Spring Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308 703-360-0789 (H) 703-684-9153 Ex 234 (O) 310 Kirby, Curtis Franklin, PM’95 (353) [Audrey] 55 East Rosemont Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 223012324 703-548-7379 (H) 353 Kirby, Donald Lee “Don”, Sr., PM’96 (353) [Virginia] 6131 Park Terrace, Alexandria, Virginia 22310-2726 703-971-7048 (H) 353 Kirby, Donald Lee, Jr., PM’98 (349) [Krista] 117 Colonial Circle, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443-9009 349 Klimoski, Joel David, PM’04 (310) 15285 Waterwheel Terrice, Woodbridge VA 22191-3832 703-670-8728 (H) 703-882-0542 (O) 717-762-8790 (Weekends/Vacation) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 71 - 310 586 PA Masonic Member E-mail Address Knaggs, George Alexander 7655 Royston Street, Annandale, VA 22003 703-941-6738 (H) 703-681-2246 (O) 54 Koogle, Grayson Leroy “Grayson”, PM’03 (219) [Valorie] 8000 Cardiff Street Mason Neck, Lorton, Virginia 22079-3511 703-550-7954 (H) 703-412-8444 (O) Krouse, Thomas Earl “Tom”, PM (Kitty) PM’81 (64) 3208 Hewitt Street, Falls Church, VA 22042-2508 (703) 573-6373 219 64 Kruger, David, 33 Degree, P S.G.I.G., AASR 310 Quaker Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 703-370-1137 (H) l LODGE No. 1 22 237 Section –L- Lamery, Philippe, PM’99 (42) 6513 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA 22101-4641 Home: (703) 749-8585 Office: (703) 283-8368 42 Lanier, Clarence Leland “Leland”, PM’78 (54) [Marion] 7600 Allman Drive, #102, Annandale, Virginia 22003-5222 703-256-2328 (H) 54 Largent, Bradford LeRoy “Brad”, Sr. [Shirley] 2325 Quarters, Quantico, Virginia 22134-1511 703-630-0671 (H) 703-784-2656 (O) 350 Lauler, William Charles (Nancy) 7119 Warbler Lane, McLean, VA 22101-3601 Home: (703) 356-5036 Office: (703) 821-2555 327 Law, Stephen Wade “Stephen”, PM’92 (54), [Rene] 14003 Marblestone Drive, Clifton, VA 20124 703-830-0097 (H) 703-412-9094 (O) 54 1949 Lazere, Patrick, PDDGM’ 3006 Doeg Indian Court Alexandria, VA 22309-2213 703-799-5320 (H) 1949 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 72 - Masonic Member E-mail Address LODGE No. Leavenworth, Arthur J. , PM’95 (42) (Jean) 165 Sunset Dr, P.O. Box 844, Dayton, VA 22821 Home: (540) 879-0127 42 LeFever, James Baker Herr “Jim”, PM’85 (275), PDDGM’9394 (1B) 5908 Bush Hill Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22310-1104 703-971-1591 (H) Levin, Daniel Lawrence, PM’71(181), PM’88(81), PDDGM’86(54) [Ruth] 1014 19th Street, Arlington VA 22202-1612 703-979-5655 (H) 217 81 Lewis, Ralph Kenneth, PM’81(187) 3111 Holly Street, Alexandria VA 22305-1819 703-683-4525 (H) 187 Linderman, Chris 8850 Surveyors Pl, Springfield, VA 22152 703-644-6069 (H) 202-433-6582 (O) Link, Ryan Arthur [Alice] 1407 Hamilton Street, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 660-747-7446 (H) Lisle, Lorance Dix “Larry”, PM’89 (219) [Lora Jane] 8815 Northern Spruce Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 223094217 703-360-2413 (H) 703-706-1019 (O) 703-780-4585 (FAX) Little, Thomas Gayle [Margaret] 8315 Stationhouse Ct, Lorton, Virginia 22079 703-550-7089 (H) 571-274-8531 (Cell) Lopez, Norman E., PM’97 (285) 5000 Backlick Road, Annandale, VA 22003-6001 Home: (703) 914-1727 Lotz, Jason W. 6017 Sweet Oak Court. Springfield, VA 22152-1415 703-303-2805 (H) 54 57 Loudermilk, James Ardville, II, PM’91 (64) 703-330-0317 (H) 64 m Section –MREVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 73 - 22 22 219 1949 22 285 Masonic Member E-mail Address MacBrayne, William Underwood “Bill”, PM’96 (237) [Theresia] 6313 Greeley Boulevard, Springfield, Virginia 22152-1943 703-451-3240 (H) Magill, Earl Delbert “Earl” [Janet] 8118 Russell Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1364 703-780-8408 (H) LODGE No. 217 237 1949 219 Mahan, Donald L.”Don” PM’01 (307) (Suzan) 43234 Maple Cross Street, South Riding, VA 20152-5361 Home: (703) 327-6584 Marple II, Oral McNeil “Neil”, PM’03 [Debora} 7312 Statecrest Drive, Annandale, VA 22003 703-573-8530 (H) 703-676-0701 (O) 307 54 1949 Marsden, Patrick 35510 Sassafras Drive, Round Hill, VA 20141-2564 (540) 338-5623 307 Marshal, Robert Samuel “Bob” [Ann] 4421 Roundhill Road Alexandria, Virginia 22310-2953 703-971-3440 (H) 217 353 Marth, Mark Mathew [Pamela] 1 Katherine Court, Stafford, Virginia 22554 540-720-5364 (H) 540-288-8378 (O) MARTIN, FREDERICK GARRISON, III [Pat] PAST GRAND MASTER 7276 Pegway Lane, Mechanicsville, VA 23111-3752 804-746-2197 (H) 804-264-1319 (O) Martin, Kenneth Harold “Hal”, PM’84 (319) [Bobbie] 14708 Cloyd Way, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193 703-670-5709 (H) Mathis, Kevin Lee 7702 Bartley Way, Alexandria, VA 22315 703-339-3816 350 319 217 Mavrov, Dimitar Gueorguiev "Dimitry" [Radka] 4740 Kenmore Ave. apt:.202 Alexandria, VA 22304 cell.703-944 8443 Mazingo, Daniel Christopher [Katrine] 13406 Kerrydale Road, Dale City VA 22193 703-580-8974 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 74 - 22 319 Masonic Member E-mail Address McAndrews, Donald L, PM [Suzanne] 12045 Kahns Road, Manassas VA 20112-3249 703-791-5436 (H) 703-582-5408 (O) McClelland, J. Jeffrey (Pam) 3329 Hemlock Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042-3309 Home: (703) 876-9188 Office: (703) 771-9200x415 LODGE No. 42 McCreary, Woodrow Wilson “Woodie”, PM’94 (353) [Hazel] 2708 Beacon Hill Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22306-1612 703-765-1126 (H) McDonough, James W., PM’73 (192) [June] 3132 Chepstow Lane, Falls Church, Virginia 22042-2640 703-534-7452 (H) 217 349 353 McGhee, Claud C. 5721 7th Street N, Arlington, VA 22205-1017 (703) 522-0819 64 285 McKay, William Peter [Pam] 9613 King George Drive, Manassas VA 20109 703-369-0360 319 McMahan, Jesse Thomas [Priscilla] 5149 Heritage Lane, Alexandria, VA 22311 703-408-5848 (Cell) 703-212-8870 Ex 105 (O) 22 McNoldy, Charles Edward “Chuck”, PM’01 (350) [Joan] 13519 Brinn Court, Manassas, Virginia 20112-4753 703-791-5800 (H) 22 350 McPherson, Henry Earl 5445 N. Morgan # 501, Alexandria, Virginia 22312 703-567-9454 (H) 319 McQueen, Douglas B., (Debi) 3123 Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA 22042-4244 (703) 532-3840 285 Mella, Robert Pennock, PM’84 (237) 11260 Inglish Dr., Great Falls, VA 22066-2953 703-321-9320 (H) 237 Mertz, Robert George, Jr., PM’02 (187) 6256 Rose Hill Court, Suite 3B, Alexandria, Virginia 22310 703-922-8299 (H) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 75 - 187 Masonic Member E-mail Address Miklovic, Ronald Paul “Paul”, II [Jennifer] 7119 Lake Cove Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22315-4220 703-719-5522 (H) LODGE No. 219 Miller, George William “Bill”, PM’85 (81), PM’89 (1949) 8118 Clifforest Drive, Springfield, VA 22153-2625 703-440-0928 (H) (202) 226-4455 (O) Miller, Ralph Reese “Ralph”, Jr. (Elizabeth) 5906 King James Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310-2044 703-960-3213 (H) Milliken, Marcus Todd “Marc” [Mila] 5001 Seminary Road #321, Alexandria, Virginia 22311 703-566-1656 (H) Miner, Stewart Wilson “Stew”, PM’65 (42), PM’77 (1777) PM’79 (3 DC), PM’83 (120), PGM’74 [Gertrude] 3865 North Upland Street Arlington, Virginia 22207-4641 703-538-4882 (H) 202-686-1811 (O) Misch, Gary Leland [Peggy] 14648 Carrico Mills Road, Brandy Ststion, Virginia 22714 540-825-4379 (H) 703-933-3327 (O) 703-855-6935 (Cell) Mitchell, Roy Totten 504 Meridian Street, Falls Church, VA 22046-2623 Home: (703) 532-2452 182 1949 217 353 54 3 (DC) 22-42 120217 1777 1949 54 64 Mitchell, William David “Bill”, PM’95-96, 04 (120) 1000 6th Street, SW #303 Washington, DC 20024 703-816-8198 (O) 703-863-2403 (Cell) 120 1949 Mogus, Jack Nichols, PM’99 (307) 20976 Albion Lane, Ashburn, VA 22147 Home: (703) 723-7276 Office: (703) 281-7400 307 1949 Moore, Donald G. (Pam) 9423 Mirror Pond Drive, Fairfax, VA 22032-1362 (703) 978-3319 Moore, H. David “Dave”, Jr. 703-476-1912 (H) 64 64 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 76 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Moreland, Wayne Lee WM’06 (353) 11 Owen Street, Stafford, VA 22554 540-659-0239 (H) Morningstar, Clinton Charles “Clint”, PM’82 (219) [Gladys Pearl] 8429 Mount Zephyr Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-2306 703-780-6693 (H) Morris, Jason Daniel 187 White Oak Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 540-368-2564 (H) 353 219 353 Morris, Reginald Taylor (Reggie) 6022 Backlick Road, Springfield, Virginia 22003 703-451-6191 (H) 353 217 Morris, Ronald Nicholas “Ron” PM’01/04 (349) [Mary] 7416 Falmouth Street, Springfield, Virginia 22150-4003 703-451-9341 (H) 703-451-5002 (O) 703-509-5448 (Cell) Morris, William Condron “Bill”, PM’56 (51 DC now 22 DC) 5116 Kenwood Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003 703-354-6905 (H) 349 22(DC) 217 Mozzochi, Sevino Joseph “Mo”, PM’97 (217) [Irene] 8117 Kenova Lane, Springfield, Virginia 22153-2914 703-455-2143 (H) n LODGE No. 217 Section –N- Nail, Lawrence Earl “Larry”, PM’54 (310), PDDGM’60 (1) 4801 Maurine Ct, Gainsville, Virginia 20155-1203 703-330-1706 (H) 310 Newcomer, James Albert “Jim”, Jr., PM’95 (350) DDGM’06 1B [Marie] 5590 Shadybrook Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-3513 703-590-9882 (H) 703-619-4923 (O) 350 Newhall, Paul 13611 Dairy Lou Court, Herndon, VA 20171-3342 703-471-5070 (H) 1949 Ng, Roger P. (Amy) 1718 Great Falls St, McLean, VA 22101-5062 (703) 821-7877 327 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 77 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Nicholson, John Monroe “John”, Jr., PM’85 (22) 6 Woodbrook Ln., Bridgeport, WV 26330 (304)-842-3476 Nittle, Christopher Andrew Leslie “Chris” [Megan] 2225 Hunters Run Drive, Reston, VA 20191 703-860-9811 (H) 703-648-1717 (O) 217 Nobles, George P 6 Saint James Court, Stafford, VA 22554 540-720-2640 (H) 22 350 O LODGE No. 22 Section –O- O’Hara, Walter “Waldo”, [Janet] 8909 Seagraves Lane, Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039 703-690-6233 (H) Oppenhagen, Bruce [Denise] 12271 Arabian Drive, Woodbridge VA 22192 p 353 319 Section –P- Page, Norman Leslie “Norman” 7000 Schoonmaker Ct., Alexandria, Virginia 22310 (703) 924-7035 (H) 703-960-3431 (O) 703-329-8476 (FAX) 54 Pages, Luis, PM’04 (16) [Mercy] 20461 Walsheid Terrace, Ashburn, VA 20147-3737 703-723-6485 home 703-723-6486 Fax 703-801-5285 cellular 16 Pain Sr., Cesar A. 1127 Treeside Ln, Herndon Va. 20170 (703) 709-5177 (H) 14 (DC) 92 (DC) 327 Palmer, Cameron Bruce “Bruce”, PDDGM, PM’78 (327), PDDGM’96 (54) (Peggy) 1423 Audmar Drive, McLean, VA 22101-5624 (703) 356-5279 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 78 - 327 Masonic Member E-mail Address Papadimitriu, Jimmy Sea-Deli Panama Ocasa Miami c/o BOX Pty-15179 1717 N.W. 82nd Ave., Miami, FL 33126 (507) 251-1771-(W) (507) 251-1883-(W)Panama or Jimmy Papadimitriu 6-1407 El Dorado, Panama R.P. Panama Cell Phone (507) 616-6264 Pape, Hamilton E. “Buck” [Peggy] 5503 Hinton Street, Springfield, VA 22151-3222 703-642-5496 (H) PARKER, CLIFFORD ALAN “SKIP” [Margaret] PAST GRAND MASTER 723 Roslyn Road, Newport News, Virginia 23601-1624 757-595-9558 (H) 757-878-3299 X260 (O) LODGE No. 22 22 350 Parra, Michael Leon [Susan] 5851 Quantrell Avenue, #504 Alexandria, Virginia 22312-2758 703-914-1781 (H) 187 Parrish, Lexie C 1705 Sharp Dr, Woodbridge, VA 22191-1938 709-499-9313 (H) 310 Patterson, Jay 703-435-4797 (H) Payne, George Browniee 37 Canterbury Square, Alexandria, VA 22304 703-370-5237 (H) 703-792-4040 (O) 217 Peak, Roger Worley “Roger”, PM’98 (64), PM’01 (1949) [Lea] 899 North Nottingham Street Arlington, Virginia 22205-1510 703-532-5662 (H) 202-502-2583 (O) For personal mail: Pearson, John Wesley, PM’04 (217) 7035 Leestone Street, Springfield, Virginia 22151-3518 703-750-3562 (H) (202) 231-1582 (O) Cell Phone `(703) 505-7140 217 353 Pendleton, Arthur L [Phyllis] Present, Virginia DeMolay Foundation, Inc. 125 Heritage Drive, Blue Ridge, VA 24064 540-977-4026 (H) 804-780-8599 (O) 317 For all other mail: REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 79 - 64 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Pennington, Delbert Lee “Del” [Jan] 13300 Hillendale Drive, Dale City, Virginia 22193 703-590-2840 (H) Pepper, Dr. Franklin Jay “FJ”, MD, PM’99 (237) [Dell] 4600 Duke Street, #424, Alexandria, VA 22304-2578 703-751-0770 (H) 703-823-2311 (O) 703-823-2429 (FAX) 703-299-9200 (Answering Service) Peren, Victor Raimund “Vic”, PM’95 (237) [Jean] 6829 Lamp Post Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 22306-1321 703-768-5721 (H) 703-765-8313 (FAX) Perry, Douglas Lee 6055 Palladium Court, #202, Alexandria, Virginia 223154847 703-971-4198 (H) LODGE No. 350 237 1949 120 310 Peterman, Walter Roland, PM’91 (310) 13411 Woodbridge St., Woodbridge, VA 22191-1724 703-494-2556 (H) Petty, James Samuel, PM’67 (192) 3007 Graham Road, Falls Church, VA 22042-1802 (703) 573-5259 310 64 Phares, Rex Minter 8078 Athene Street, Springfield, Virginia 22153-2420 703-912-9310 (H) 217 Phillips, Donald Gordon 2309 Galley Court, Woodbridge VA 22192 703-490-0449 310 Pierson, Art Pierson Photography 1107 Lincoln Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22046 Voice: 703-237-5937 703-450-2592 (Cell) Facsimile: 703-237-4794 22 Plamondon, Ronald Lee Roy “Ron” [Donna] 4021 Estabrook Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003-2412 703-256-0054 (H) Poblete, Noe Rondina “Noe”, PM/03 (217) [Mary Ann] 333 South Glebe Road, #518, Arlington, Virginia 22204 703-271-4081 (H) 703-256-3466 (O) 217 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 80 - 217 Masonic Member E-mail Address Powell, Harold Leo “Leo”, PM’86 (350) [Marylin] 16011 Macedonia Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-4408 703-680-4562 (H) 703-875-6071 (O) 703-209-8904 (cell) 703-875-6282 (FAX) Powell, Harry A. 13005 Sturbridge Rd., Woodbridge, VA 22192-3714 703-491-4647 (H) LODGE No. 350 1949 310 Pratte, Jeffery R. [Bobbi] 703-998-9292 (H) 64 Predmore, Thomas Reilly “Tom” 6831 Indian Run Court, Annandale, Virginia 22003 703-658-2507 (H) 703-697-8815 (O) 703-695-9955 (FAX) 54 Price, William Merriman, IV, PM [Louise] 10001 Marshall Pond Road, Burke, VA 22015 703-323-9369 319 Priedis, Douglas Allen 5 Timberwood Court, Stafford, VA 22554 540-720-6579 (H) 353 Pro, Richard Thomas “Dick”, PM’99 (217) [Barbara] 6608 Doeset Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22310-3020 703-960-6090 (H) 217 Pruitt, Richard J. 13384 Keystone Drive, Dale City, Virginia 22193-5213 703-878-3898 (H) q Section –Q- Quick, Floren Lamont “Monty”, PM’64 (7), PM’87 (20), PGM’71 (Japan) [Joan] 7450 Greenspring Drive, Apt 323, Springfield, Virginia 22150-4943 703-923-9702 (H) 703-923-9703 (Fax) QUINLEY, JOHN RANDALL [Jill] GRAND MASTER 2005 P.O. Box 453, Madison, Virginia 22727-0453 540-948-4304 (H) 540-829-7711 (O) 540-829-7407 (Fax) r 350 Section –RREVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 81 - 22 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Raehn, Raymond Paul “Paul” (Linda) 6708 Old Chesterbrook Road, McLean, VA 22101-4404 Home: (703) 790-3638 Office: (703) 356-7800 Reese, Thomas Allison, PM (310/353) PDDGM’03 (1B) 13307 Kenny Rd, Woodbridge, VA 22193-4809 703-590-1541 (H) LODGE No. 327 Rehrig, Eugene Stephen “Gene”, [Alma] 2313 Apple Hill Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22308-1502 703-799-7097 (H) 310 353 217 Resch, Dean Matthew, PM (16) PDDGM’01 (Dist 4) 15467 Meherrin Drive, Centreville, VA 20120-3707 703-803-8040 (H) 202-493-4711 (W) Rhodes, Philip Niemann “Phil”, PM’97 (192), PM’99 (64) (Melinda) P. O. Box 17012, Arlington, VA 22216-7012 Home & Office: 703-237-0036 703-532-0999 (FAX) Richardson, Timothy Michael “Tim” [Beth] 2898 Farmington Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22303-1317 703-317-9169 (H) Richman, Sheldon Barnett “Shelley”, PM’87/93/97/04 (NY 750), NY's Gr. Rep. Of Pernambuco (Brazil) '98-02, PM’99 (120), PDDGM’02 (1A) [Arleen] 2741 Carter Farm Court, Alexandria, Virginia 22306-3242 703-780-2405 (H) 202-452-4527 (O) 202-728-5203 (O FAX) Riddell, John Price “Jack”, PM’86 (237), PDDGM’90 (1A) [Roberta] 6715 Capstan Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003-1953 703-256-2622 (H) 703-549-9234 (O) 16 22 64 1949 22 22 120 NY 750 22 54 237 1949 Ridley, Donald Joseph 540-659-5232 217 Riffe, Robert Louis, PM’77 (310) 116 Republic Ave, Locust Grove, Virginia 22508-9536 540-972-2433 (H) 310 Riley, Michael Arthur, PM’01 (54) 3800 Powell Lane, #1119, Falls Church, Virginia 22041 703-379-7923 (H) 703-697-9556 (O) 703-695-9794 (FAX) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 82 - 54 Masonic Member E-mail Address Ritenour, Donald Ford “Don”, PM’76 (350) 12195 Seaford Court, Woodbridge, Virginia 22192-2358 703-492-6930 (H) Robey, Donald Maynard “Don”, PM’75 (22), PDDGM’79 (1A), PGM’87 [Doris] 290 Forest Green Road, Reedville, VA 22539 804-453-3804 (H) Robinson, Richard E. 5 Auburn Court Apt A, Alexandria, VA 22305-2919 Home: (703) 549-2149 Rocha, Pablo Alejandro “Pablo” 6045 Bellview Drive, Apt. #A, Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041-6045 703-820-4447 (H) Rockhill, Rex Wayne “Rex”, PM’82 (350) 40 Toluca Road, Stafford, Virginia 22554-1848 540-659-2966 (H) LODGE No. 350 22 1949 42 54 120 1949 350 1949 Rohrback, Robert John “Bob”, PM’03 (187) [Sharon] 9109 Courtley Court, Fairfax, Virginia 22031-3826 703-280-1672 (H) 703-645-1037 (O) 187 Rose, William Stuart [Susanna] 15816 Lazy Day Lane, Montclair, VA 22026 703-583-7888 (H) 202-622-3787 (O) 202-622—4425 (FAX) 319 Roush, Robert Earl, Jr. [Heather] 418 N. Armistead Street #103, Alexandria, Virginia 22312 703-914-0206 (H) 187 Roush, Robert Earl, Sr. [________________} 187 Rowell, Charles Harris, PDDGM, PM’61 (307), PDDGM’62 (54) (Miriam) P. O. Box 826, Kilmarnock, VA 22482-0826 (804) 435-1889 Ruprai, Sukhwinder Singh “Sukhi” [Davinder] 9117 Braeburn Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003 703-503-3492 (H) 703-351-1008 (FAX) 703-725-6177 (Cellular) 703-719-1266 (Pager) s 307 1949 Section –SREVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 83 - 217 Masonic Member E-mail Address Sanders, Charles Kiefer, PM’94 (120) 120 Sandy, Paul Edgar, Jr. 120 Scarce, James David 8292 Crestmont Circle, Springfield VA 22153 703-690-5738 (H) 219 SCEARCE, JAMES MILTON, JR., PGM’04 [Judy] 4811 Hunting Hill Court, Roanoke, Virginia 24014-4975 540-774-2089 (H) 540-342-9923 (O) 540-774-2020 (FAX) Schindler, Robert E. “Bob”, Sr., PM’92 (181), PM’97 (181), PM’00 (1865) (Nell) 109 Patrick Street SW, Vienna, VA 22180-6740 (703) 560-4938 Schofield, Lee Neal, PM’96 (217) 4219 Summer Ridge Court, Woodbridge, Virginia 22192 703-897-9029 (H) 703-845-2110 (O) LODGE No. 81 217 1949 Scholl, Dennis Lee “Denny”, PDDGM, PM’78 (64), PDDGM’92 (1A) (Minnie) 1611 Folley Lick Court, Herndon, VA 20170-2959 Home: (703) 318-1435 Office: (301) 868-1170 301-868-0996 (FAX) Schoonmaker, James W. [Melanie] 13944 Preacher Chapman Place Centereville, VA 20121 703-830-9249 (H) 64 187 Scott, James Robert “Jim”, Jr., PM’98 (310) [Karen] 10912 Harley Road, Mason Neck, Virginia 22079-3904 12 703-550-0099 (H) 310 Scott, James Robert Sr. 13214 Alison St., Woodbridge, VA 22191-1619 703-494-8206 (H) 310 Seip, Leonard W. “Shorty”, PM’82 (327) (Mary Elizabeth) 7444 Spring Valley Drive PB-G04 Springfield, VA 22150-4456 (703) 866-3788 327 1949 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 84 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Sellers, Thomas Melvin 11806 Federalist Way #31 Fairfax, Va 22030 Work Voice: (703) 681-3279 x119 Home Voice: (703) 222-9638 Voice Cellular: (703) 966-1642 Sentelle, David B. (Jane) 5123 Portsmith Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 Home: (703) 273-4262 Office: (202) 273-0348 LODGE No. 217 42 Shaffer, Harry Paul “Harry”, Jr. PM’01 (120), PM’03 (237) [Susan] 8733 Ridge Hollow Court, Springfield, Virginia 22152-1439 703-569-3278 (H) Shepard, Charles Edward “Chuck” [Brenda] 6732 Blanche Drive, Lorton, Virginia 22079-1319 703-560-1265 (H) 120 1949 219 Shortt, William Arthur “Bill”, PM’96 (275), PDDGM’02 (1B) [Sonia] 13120 Yorktown Drive, Bowie, Maryland 20715-1454 21 301-262-5271 (H) Shroeder, John (NMI) Jr., PM’95 (54), PM’02 (1949) [Marjorie] 5418 Inverchapel Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151-2020 703-321-7047 (H) Shrout, Richard Kimberly 1500 Lincoln Ct #217, McLean, VA 22102 703-821-9693 (H) 703-907-6283 (O) 571-334-1070 (Cell) Silver, David Nathan, PM’01&02 (237), PM’05 (120) PDDGM’04 (1A) [Jane] 7270 Locust Run Drive, Marshall, VA 20115 800-448-1922 (O) 703-448-1994 (O-Fax) 703-675-2759 (Cell) 120 237 Simmons, Ralph Eugene “Ralph”, PM’84 (219), PDDGM’88 (1B) 466 Valley Mill Road, Winchester, Virginia 22602-6238 703-378-6514 (H) 540-678-4745 (H) 219 Sinclair, Victor Wilson “Vic”, PM’68 (217) [Jean] 7502 Nottoway Place, Springfield, Virginia 22150 703-451-1778 (H) 217 219 54 1949 22 217 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 85 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Singstock, David John “Dave” (Julie) 1125 Portner Road, Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 519-0394 (Res.) (703) 892-7966 (Off) (703) 216-0906 (Cell) Sizemore, William G., PM’86 (42) (Helen) 2612 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207-3549 Home: (703) 356-5515 42 Skwirut, Frank Stanley, PM’04 (22) 7101 N 19th Ave, Apt 187 Phoenix, AZ 85021 22 LODGE No. 217 571-438-8004 (cell) Sloppy, Lee Jackson “Lee”, PM’98 (219) DDGM’05 (1B) [Amanda] 6875 South Kings Highway, Alexandria, Virginia 223061109 703-768-7229 (H) 703-750-4850 (O) Smith, Benjamin Williams, PDDGM, PM’81 (42), PDDGM’91 (54) 2408 N. Upshur Street, Arlington, VA 22207-4024 Home: (703) 528-5532 219 42 1949 Smith, David Henry “Dave”, PM’90-91 (219) 5819 Pin Oak Commons Court, Burke, Virginia 22015-2841 703-239-8659 (H) Smith, Howard K [Sallie] State Executive Officer, Virginia DeMolay 1407 Spring Branch Road, Lexington, VA 24450 540-463-2572 (H) 219 54 Smith, James Warren “Jim”, PM’96 (192) (Alene) 6702 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003-6104 (703) 354-8034 64 Smith, Louis Alexander 4601 Cornwallis Court, Alexandria, Virginia 22309 703-780-9095 (H) 353 Smith, Orval J., PM’79 (81) 710 N George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1439 (703) 528-9087 81 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 86 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Smith, Ralph Glenn “Glenn”, PM’99 (319) [Cindy] 13456 Orangewood Drive Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-3918 703-680-0038 (H) Smith, Ralph W. Jr, PM (57) 9617 Ceralene Drive, Fairfax, VA 22032 703-425-9156 (H) 57 Smith, Robert Authur “Angus”, II 9242 Sprucewood Rd, Burke, VA 22015 703-569-4253 (H) 301-933-1707 (O) 571-331-0751 (Cell) 22 Smith, Robert Leigh “Bob”, PM’90 (192) 1909 Gilson Street, Falls Church, Virginia 22043-1127 703-356-3867 (H) Snow, Douglas Jeffrey “Doug” [Karen] 6875 Colonel Taylor Lane, Centerville, Virginia 20121 703-830-7493 (H) 703-560-5000 Ext: 14070# LODGE No. 319 64 192 22 Snyder, Ernest Alfred “Ernie”, PM’87 (275) 6732 Harrison Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 22306-1526 703-768-9253 (H) 217 Snyder, Glen 1310 N Stafford Street, Arlington, VA 22201-4840 Home: (703) 528-4980 285 Sobel, Howard M., PM’00 (81), PDDGM’04 (54) 4600 Duke Street, Unit 903, Alexandria, VA 22304, 703.461-7999 (h) 703.946-2788 (c). Office: (703) 741-0300 x1139 Solomon, James Anthony “Jim” 114 Oakridge Drive, Stafford VA 22554 540-657-7668 (H) 540-374-5000 X5583 (O) Cell – 703-629-6637 Solomon, Scott 703- 327-9558 (H) Solsman, Mark Harold, PM’98 [Kelley] 2810 Klein Court, Crofton, Maryland 21114-3118 301-858-1715 (H) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 87 - 81 350 120 Masonic Member E-mail Address LODGE No. Somers, Robert Solomon “Bob”, PM’92 (217) [Carolyn] 5313 Neville Court, Alexandria, Virginia 22310-1113 703-971-3679 (H) 703-690-0200 (O) 703-690-0324 (FAX) 217 Sprung, Herbert (NMI) [Joyce] 309 Yoakum Parkway, #712, Alexandria, Virginia 223043951 703-823-5457 (H) 187 310 Steinberger, John Carlton, PM’87 (285), PM’01 (285) 211 Orchard Drive, Purcellville, VA 20132-3256 Home: (540) 338-5633 Cell: (301) 254-2828 Stephens, Thomas Harold 7005 Lombard Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 285 353 Stevens, George Derrick “Kingfish”, PDDGM, PM’59 (42), PDDGM’89 (8) (Virginia) 575 Hope Road, Stafford, VA 22554-5221 (540) 659-3607 42 1949 Stevenson, James McHenry “Jim”, PM’03 (22) [Cathy] 208 Wildman Street NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 703-669-6202 (H) 703-209-0921 (Cell) Stokes, Ronald Louis [Ann] 6705 Benson Drive, Alexandria VA 22306-1304 703-765-6230 (H) 219 Stone, David Lee [Nancy] 154 Green Acres Drive, Stafford, VA 22554 540-752-0885 (H) 703-920-4446 (O) 350 Stone, Gregory Michael [Brenda] 410 Carlyle Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-5762 703-684-7929 (H) 703-684-8548 (W) 703-684-9505 (Fax) 703-408-8350 (Cell) 349 Stone, James B., PM’76 (22) [Gaye] 8701 Clydesdale Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151-1429 703-323-8334 (H) 703-361-0575 (O) Stone, Nathan [Barbara] 2500 N. Van Dorn Street #225, Alexandria, VA 22301 703-671-8379 (H) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 88 - 22 114 22 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Strehle, Donald E. (Mary) PM’01 (42) 2104 N Kenmore Street, Arlington, VA 22201-4339 Home: (703) 524-3915 Office: (703) 359-9380 42 Strickland, Andrew Christopher “Andy”, [Ann C.] 3729 Huntley Meadows Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306703-765-7939 (H) 202-515-1083 (Pager) 349 LODGE No. Swift, Edward B. “Ed” [Mary] 13602 Lindendale, Road, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-4308 703-590-3442 (H) 319 Swiger, Robert Clay “Bob”, PM’74 (22), PDDGM’93/94 (1A) [Muriel] 3001 Park center Drive #919 Alexandria, Virginia 22302 703-212-7264 22 1949 Sykes, Eddie Hugh “Eddie”, PM’80 (350) [Joyce] 14608 Tazwell Court, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-2631 703-491-9225 (H) 703-608-3375 (Cell) 350 Szramoski, Matthew Todd “Matt”, PM’93 (205), PM’96/97 (187) DIW’01 (1A) [Alicia] 8309 Accotink Road, Lorton, VA 22079 703-339-8308 (H) 703-267-1596 (O) 187 Tamayo, J. David (Lorena) 6312 Seven Corners Center #262, Falls Church, VA 22044Home: (703) 430-1717 Office: (703) 683-8430 x291 Cell: (703) 898-8459 64 Taylor, Charles Frank “Charlie”, PM’93 (319) [Debbie] 18905 Barnette Circle, Triangle, Virginia 22172-2138 703-221-2659 (H) 703-221-1129 (O) 703-221-8995 (FAX) 319 Tecson, Alfred Castro [Mila] 5772 Dunster Court, #272, Alexandria, Virginia 22311 703-820-7894 (H) 217 Terry, Henry Albert “Al” [Rita] 2504 Fleming Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22306-1622 703-768-5983 (H) 703-642-5990 X2026 (O) 703-582-1015 (Cell) 217 t Section – REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 89 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Thiebaut, Steven Ray “Steve” 7411 Masonville Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003-1655 703-573-7890 (H) 703-762-5979 (O) Thompson, Dan, Secretary, Fredericksburg No. 4 31 Pawnee Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22401-1119 540-371-2089 (H) 202-692-1181 (O) Thompson, Kingsley P., PM’94 (181) (Betty Jean) 102 N Fillmore Street, Arlington, VA 22201-1053 Home: (703) 524-2918 181 1949 Thompson, Richard Klett “Rich”, PM’97 (307), PM’04 (1949), PDDGM’00 (54) (B’Linda) 9151 Hermosa Drive, Fairfax, Virginia 22031-1306 Home: (703) 591-9055 Office: (703) 693-2946 307 1949 LODGE No. 217 4 Thompson, Russell E., PM’79 (310) 16012 Carroll Avenue, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-4208 703-221-8115 (H) 310 Thornburg, Jon Erwin [Martha] 6509 Oakland Ct, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-7022 703-730-1123 (H) 703-603-7111 (O) 310 Thurber, Charles Hiram “Charley”, Jr., PM (Christina) PM – 1990 (64), 1996 (64) 7510 Essex Avenue, Springfield, VA 22150-3810 Home: (703) 451-1336 64 Tidwell, Robert Lee “Bob” 6116 Union Camp Drive, Fairfax Station, Virginia 220391303 703-250-3216 (H) 22 Travers, Richard W., PM (Kate) PM’00 (42) 1201 S Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22204-4651 Home: (703) 521-9283 Pager: (703) 294-0100 42 Troyer, Leon Sidney, PM’82 (310), PDDGM’95 (1B) [Sue] 15901 North Gate Drive, Montclair, Virginia 22026-1760 01 703-680-4586 (H) Tunstall, Palmer Gleason, PM’66 (217) 3619 Highland Place, Fairfax, Virginia 22033 703-971-0729 (H) 310 353 217 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 90 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Turner, Elbert Rufus “Bud”, PM’77 (219), PM’80/81 (310), PDDGM’87 (1B) [Carol] 14755 Danville Road, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193-1924-55 703-670-5260 (H) Turner, William G. L. (Patty) Tuthill, Lonnie Edgar “Lonnie”, PM’96 (54) [LaVon] 4015 Justin Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003-1849 703-256-3536 (H) 703-256-3535 (24 Hours) 703-817-4956 (Pager) LODGE No. 219 319 353 81 54 Tyler, Phelan E., Jr., PM’57 (349) 321 East Oak Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22301-2213 703-683-3758 (H) 349 Tyree, Harry Hunter [Patsy] 2116 Rollins Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22307-1661 703-768-7168 (H) 187 u Section –U- Uhler, Edward Kemper, Jr., PM’73 (54) 5645 Ravenel Lane, Springfield, Virginia 22151 703-321-4997 (H) 54 Underwood, Mark Wayne “Mark”, PM’96 (22) [Shelia] 6320 Mary Todd Court, Centreville, Virginia 20121-3545 703-818-1323 (H) 703-802-4748 (FAX) Voice: +703.788.6364 (O) Upton, Bill G., PM’94 (327) (Hazel) 46687 Winchester Dr, Sterling, VA 20164-3553 (703) 430-3663 v 22 1949 327 Section –V- Vasjuta, George (Susanne) 6634 Barrett Road, Falls Church, VA 22042-4203 Home: (703) 534-2312 Office: (202) 619-7077 64 Viereck, Ennis A. “Doc”, Jr., PM’00 (54) (Verna) 11704 Mallard Road, Mason Neck, Virginia 22079-4113 703-339-7591 (H) 703-339-8035 (FAX) REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 91 - 54 Masonic Member E-mail Address Volkstadt, Wilfred George [Kip] 117 Channel Cove, Stafford, Virginia 22554 540-659-1244 (H) 540-207-0716 (C) w LODGE No. 350 Section –W- Wade, George Harry “George”, PM’76 (217) [Esther] 7428 Grace Street, Springfield, Virginia 22150-3917 703-451-5619 (H) Wagner, Charles W. 703-257-4705 (H) Walk, Charles Richard “Dick”, PM’85 (217) [Cindy] 400 Madison Street, Hearndon, Virginia 20170-4503 703-790-8324 (H) 301-838-6220 (O) 301-838-6222 (FAX) 217 1949 Wallace, John Ernest, PM’91 (192), PM’97 (1949) 801-565-6000 (H) 192 1949 Waller, Jerry A [Ruth] 7814 Belleflower Drive, Springfield, VA 22152 703-451-3144 (H) 703-461-8383 (O) 703-906-5134 (Cell) 310 Waltermire, Jacob Bruce “JB”, Jr. [Kathy] 8106 Overton Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153 703-440-0594 (H) 217 Walters, Buford Talmadge “Dude”, PM’75 (310) PM’02 (353) [Diane] 98 Barnes Blvd, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443 804-224-2835 (H) 703-304-2805 (Cell) 217 310 353 Watkins, Robert George [Larissa] 527 N. Imboden St, #401, Alexandria, VA 22304 703-567-1575 (H) 22 Webber, Kent Shepard [Margaret] 9405 DeLancey Drive Vienna, VA 22182-3410 703-938-8141 (H) 202-675-4905 (W) 22 Weigert, Stephen Louis [Susan] 4901 Stilwell Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 23309-3347 703-360-8710 (H) 187 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 92 - 217 1949 Masonic Member E-mail Address Welch, Charles William, PM’69-70 (674/Italy) [Edith] 3719 Mount Airey Lane, Annandale, Virginia 22003-1549 703-560-3078 (H) LODGE No. 54 West, Benjamin Edward “Ben”, Jr. [Frances] 7432 Convair Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22306-2210 703-765-6165 (H) 217 West, George H “Bud” P.O. Box 6081, Alexandria, Virginia 22306 703-619-5083 (H) 120 West, George Robinson “George”, Jr. P.O. Box 15060, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-0060 703-619-5083 (H) 22 Weyant, J. Patrick, PM’04 (187) [Becky] 7446 Gadsby Square, Alexandria, Virginia 22315 703-922-7138 (H) 187 White, Robert, III, PM (Shelya) PM’99 (285) 403 N. Fillmore Street , Arlington, VA 22201-1621 Home: (703) 243-2742 285 White, William Arnold “Bill”, PM’01 (275) [Leslie] 7266 Linden Tree Lane, Springfield, Virginia 22152-3544 703-913-7803 (H) 703-769-4746 (O) 703-769-4747 (FAX) (703) 283-2777 (Cell) 217 Wigglesworth, John Robert., Jr., PM’90 (81) (Mary) 1930 Lenard Road, Falls Church, VA 22043-1322 (703) 893-7830 81 Wilcox, James David 10213 Belmont Blvd, Lorton VA 22079-2201 703-550-0671 (H) 703-550-9162 (O) 310 Williams, Donald Ray, PM’04 (353) 144 Moncure Drive, Alexandria VA 22314-4946 703-548-8234 353 Williams, Gregory W. P O Box 1721, Middleburg, VA 20118-1721 Home: (540) 687-3117 307 Williams, Jack Murphy “Jack”, PM’99 (350) [Kathy] 902 Anderson Drive, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405-1621 540-371-5474 (H) 350 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 93 - Masonic Member E-mail Address Williamson, Covert Wesley “Covert”, III, PM’01 (219) [Janet] 3413 Little Hunting Creek Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1921 703-780-6625 (H) 703-451-8122 (O) Willis, Heber Charles, III [Heather] 3800 North Oakland Street Arlington, Virginia 22207 703-525-9095 (H) Willis, Richard Kean “Dick” [Lynda] 7607 Gaylord Drive, Annandale, Virginia 22003-5430 703-256-5086 (H) LODGE No. 219 22 54 Wilson, Lewis Joseph, PM (Diane) PM’91 (327) 3430 Arnold Lane, Falls Church, VA 22042-3506 Home: (703) 560-1556 327 Winemiller, Gary Wayne “Gary”, PM’03 (319) [Sandy] 13026 Kenmar Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia 22193 703-590-1440 (H) 319 Winn, Thomas Parks “Tom” [Jo] 1473 Arkansas Court, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-3509 73 703-491-7864 (H) 310 Wise, Arthur Raymond “Ray”., Jr., PM’84 (285) DDGM’02 (54) (Fonda) 3611 Colony Road, Fairfax, VA 22030-1801 (703) 591-0243 Wise, Joshua Harrison 13152 Applegrove Ln Oakhill, VA 20171-3943 703-587-1592 (Cell) 703-212-8870 Ex 157 (O) Wishart, James Andrew 2015 Radford Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22191 703-494-0682 (H) 202-305-3913 (O) 202-305-3557 (FAX) 350 Wohltman, Richard Gibson “Rich” [Nancy] 1737 King Street, Suite 110, Alexandria, VA 22314 703-971-3283 (H) 703-548-4990 (O) 703-837-1005 (FAX) 217 Wood, Douglas Hamer [Rebecca] 3516 S. Utah St., Arlington, VA 22206 703-998-1115 (H) 703-371-0826 (Cell) 285 1949 22 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 94 - 22 Masonic Member E-mail Address Wood, Paul William [Delores] 9240 Northedge Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22153-3925 703-455-8134 (H) 804-985-6677 (O) Woodley, Douglas Monroe “Doug”, PM’76 (349) [Kathryn] 7704 Hayfield Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22315-4052 703-971-3741 (H) 703-256-6400 (O) 703-616-4189 (Pager) Woodrow, Ralph Taylor, PM’74 Solomon #822, Germany, WM’06 (353) [Nancy] 8302 Brixton Street, Springfield, VA 22152-2901 703-451-6115 (H) 703-606-9630 (C) LODGE No. 349 349 Woodward, Roger Spellman, PM’96 (349) [Wilda] 3202 Clayborne Ave, Alexandria, VA 22306-1405 703-765-8846 (H) 217 353 822 349 Wrisley, Kenneth Lee, PM’03-04 (350) [Susan] 1007 Columbus Drive, Stafford, Virginia 22554-1936 540-659-0626 (H) 703-758-5720 (O) Cell – 571-212-6768 350 Wyman, Alvin Edwin “Bear”, Ph.D. (Jane) 27 Jefferson Drive, Sterling, VA 20165-8602 (703) 430-3483 327 217 x Section –X- y Section –Y- Yates, Paul Leighton “Paul”, Jr. [Janet Marie] 9408 Park Hunt Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153-1351 703-569-7190 (H) 703-769-4721 (O) Work Fax: (703) 769-4746 Home: (703) 440-3543 z Section –Z- REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 95 - Directory Update Form Use this form to notify the Editor of additions, deletions, and updates or corrections of Brethren listed in the Directory. Clearly PRINT all information. Mail or E-mail to the Editor as indicated on page 2 of this Directory or FAX it to 703-998-0110. Check change type: _____ Add – Note all information about the Brother. _____ Delete – Note name of Brother to be deleted. _____ Update – Note the Name and the information to be changed. Name: ________________________________________________ Title: _________________ Spouse Name: ____________________ Lodge and Assignment: ____________________________________ Street Address: __________________________________________ City: __________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________ Home Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: _________________ Other Phone: _______________ E-Mail: ______________________ Additional Information: ___________________________________ REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 96 - Record of Changes Basic 2006 directory published on and with Revision date: JANUARY 1, 2006 REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 97 - + + + + MASONIC DISTRICTS 1A & 1B 2006 DIRECTORY + + + + Back Cover REVISION: January 1, 2006 Page - 98 -