ONONDAGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE OUTLINE PHY 105 PHYSICS 105 MECHANICS Credit Hours: Four Prerequisites: MAT 161 or POI Catalog Description: The first course of a calculus-level sequence in general physics, primarily for engineering students or for students majoring in the physical sciences. Kinematics and dynamics of a particle, Newton’s Laws of Motion, work and energy, momentum, rotational motion, periodic motion, gravity, and fluid mechanics. Three class hours and three laboratory hours. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Students must be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the concepts and principles of mechanics by correctly stating the definitions of fundamental terms and by clearly expressing physical laws and principles. 2. Students must demonstrate and ability to select and apply the appropriate laws and principles of mechanics to a wide variety of specified problem situations. This calls for insight, discrimination and analysis. 3. Students must be able to formulate in mathematical terms appropriate relations and conditions that pertain to relatively complex physical problems, using appropriate techniques of mathematical analysis, and they must be able to follow through with the computational solution. 4. Students must be able to apply the principles taught in the classroom to laboratory situations. This includes making accurate measurements, performing mathematical and graphical analysis of measured values, and reporting the results of the laboratory measurements in a comprehensible written report. COURSE OUTLINE TOPIC WEEKS 1. UNITS, VECTORS A. Units and Unit Conversion B. Vectors and Vector Addition C. Vector Components D. Unit Vectors E. Dot and Cross Product of Vectors II. KINEMATICS OF MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION A. Position and Displacement B. Velocity: Average and Instantaneous C. Acceleration: Average and Instantaneous D. Motion with Constant Acceleration E. Free Fall III. KINEMATICS OF MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS A. Displacement in Two and Three Dimensions B. Velocity and Acceleration in Two and Three Dimensions C. Projectile Motion D. Motion in a Circle E. Relative Velocity 1 1 1 IV. NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION A. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion B. Force and Mass Concept C. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion D. System of Units E. Weight F. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion G. Free Body Diagrams H. Using Newton’s Laws 1 V. APPLICATION OF NEWTON’S 2ND LAW A. Linear Motion with Constant Forces B. Static Equilibrium of a Particle C. Circular Motion; Centripetal Force D. Friction E. Multi-Particle Systems F. Pseudo Forces 2 VI. WORK AND ENERGY A. Concept of Work B. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem C. Power 1 VII. POTENTIAL ENERGY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION A. Potential Energy B. Conservative Forces C. Gravitational Potential Energy D. Elastic Potential Energy E. Conservation of Energy F. Thermal Energy 1 VIII. MOMENTUM, IMPULSE AND COLLISIONS A. Impulse and Momentum B. Conservation of Linear Momentum C. Elastic Collisions D. Coefficient of Restitution E. Inelastic and Perfectly Inelastic Collisions F. Center of Mass G. Velocity and Acceleration of Center of Mass; Systems of Particles 1 IX. ROTATION OF RIGID BODIES A. Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration B. Relationship between Angular and Linear Quantities C. Constant Angular Acceleration D. Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia E. Parallel-Axis Theorem F. Translation and Rotational Motion 1 X. DYNAMICS OF ROTATIONAL MOTION A. Torque B. Newton’s Law of Rotation; Torque and Angular Acceleration C. Work and Power in Rotational Motion D. Angular Momentum of a Particle and Rigid Body E. Torque and Angular Momentum for a System of Particles and Rigid Bodies F. Conservation of Angular Momentum 2 XI. EQUILIBRIUM AND ELASTICITY A. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body B. Center of Gravity C. Stress and Strain D. Shear Stress and Strain E. Elasticity and Plasticity XII. GRAVITY A. Newton’s Law of Gravitation B. Weight and Acceleration Due to Gravity C. Motion of Satellites XIII. FLUID MECHANICS A. Density B. Fluid Statics C. Buoyancy D. Bernoulli’s Equation E. Fluid Dynamics F. Turbulence 1 1 1 LABORATORY The following list shows typical exercises which a selection is made appropriate to the theory material which is currently being developed in the lectures: VECTORS VELOCITY CONCEPT ACCELERATION ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY PROJECTILE MOTION INERTIA AND GRAVITATIONAL MASS COMPOSTION OF FORCES CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM CENTRIPETAL ACCELERATION CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY PERFECTLY INELASTIC COLLISIONS BALLISTIC PENDULUM ATWOOD’S MACHINE MOMENT OF INERTIA EQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES EVALUATION METHOD Student’s final grades are based on the following evaluation instruments in the percentage shown: Five hourly exams at approximately three week intervals…………………………….30% One final exam, comprehensive in nature …………………………………………….30% Mastering Physics Homework and Quizzes ..…………………………………………20% *Laboratory average based on lab report grades ……………………………………...20% _____ TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………100% *(A passing average on lab work is required to pass this course.) TEXT: Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics 13th Edition By: Young & Freeman September 2011 Jaquin