SAT Vocabulary Unit 1, Lesson 2, Day 1

SAT Lesson 2, Day 1
Match the vocabulary words below with its definition.
1. _____ jaded
A. v.
to make a pretense of; imitate; to show the outer signs of
2. _____ lurid
B. v.
to rise above or beyond; exceed
3. _____ meritorious
C. adj.
causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational, pale or sallow in color;
terrible or passionate in intensity or lack of restraint
4. _____ petulant
D. adj.
wearied; worn-out; dulled in the sense of being satiated by excessive
5. _____ prerogative
E. adj.
peevish; annoyed by trifles; easily irritated and upset
6. _____ provincial
F. adj.
worthy; deserving recognition and praise
7. _____ simulate
G. adj/n
excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of
earnestness; sincerity or piety; fatty; oily; pliable
8. _____ transcend
H. adj/n
pertaining to an outlying area, local; narrow in mind or outlook;
countrified in the sense of being limited and backward; of a simple
plain design that originated in the countryside // a person with a narrow
point of view; a person from an outlying area; a soldier from a province
or colony
9. _____ umbrage
I. n.
a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence
10. _____ unctuous
J. n.
shade cast by trees; foliage giving shade; an overshadowing influence
or power; offense; resentment; a vague suspicion
Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word from above.
11. I take no _________________________ at your personal remarks, but I feel you would have been better
advised not to make them.
12. I feel that, as an old friend, I have the _________________________ of criticizing your actions without
arousing resentment.
13. In an age when the United States has global responsibilities, we cannot afford to have leaders with
_________________________ points of view.
14. Of course you have the right to ask the waiter for a glass of water, but is there any need to use the
_________________________ tone of a spoiled child?
15. Various insects have a great capacity to protect themselves by _________________________ the
appearance of twigs and other objects in their environment.
16. I certainly appreciate your praise, but I must say that I can see nothing so remarkably ________________
in having done what any decent person would do.
17. Forever humbling himself and flattering others, Dickens’ Uriah Heep is famously __________________.
18. The midnight fire of our apartment building cast a (n) _________________________, unearthly light on
the faces of the firefighters struggling to put it out.
19. The issue of good faith that you conduct raises far _________________________ the question of
whether or not you are responsible for the problem.
20. Their tastes have been so _________________________ by luxurious living that they seem incapable of
enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
Choose a vocabulary word to answer each question below.
1. Which employee will receive praise from the boss?
2. Which person was asking the impolite, peevish questions?
3. Which word names one of the perks of attaining high ranking in a company? _____________________
4. Which student was wearied by too many compliments?
5. Which gruesome details of grave robbing would we hope never to hear? _________________________
Choose the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning as the boldfaced word or expression below.
6. blameworthy, reprehensible, discreditable
7. amiable, even-tempered, serene
8. servitude, subjugation, bondage
9. pleasant, attractive, appealing
10. unspoiled, unblemished, pure
Choose the vocabulary word most nearly the SAME in meaning as the boldface word/expression below.
11. surpass, exceed, outdo
12. mealy-mouthed, servile, greasy
13. irritable, testy, waspish
14. narrow-minded, insular, naïve
15. feign, pretend, affect
Choose the vocabulary word that BEST completes the analogies below.
16. angry : indignation :: resentful : __________________________________________
17. city mouse : country mouse :: urbane : __________________________________________
18. trail : excel :: lag :: __________________________________________
19. expert : accomplish :: imposter : __________________________________________
20. positive : humble :: negative : __________________________________________