1 PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS USED IN RESEARCH GENERAL GUIDELINES, POLICIES, AND PROCEDURES OF THE TEMPLE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE B FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE RIGHTS AND WELFARE OF HUMAN BEINGS PARTICIPATING IN FUNDED AND NON-FUNDED RESEARCH Revised: August 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Studies Requiring Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition of Human Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Research Review by the IRB 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Exempt Research Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expedited Research Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Committee Review Research Proposals . . . . . . . . Preparation of the Request for Protocol Review Face Part Part Part Part Part Part Sheet I. . II. III. IV. V. . VI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . 8 8 10 11 11 14 14 Responsibilities of the IRB Subcommittee B Following the Submission of the Request for Protocol Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Responsibilities of the Investigator(s) Following the Approval of the Request for Protocol Review by the IRB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Appendix A: Request for Protocol Review . . . . . . . . . 16 Appendix B: Permission to Videotape . . . . . . . . . . . Permission to Audiotape . . . . . . . . . . . Permission to Photograph . . . . . . . . . . . 22 25 28 Appendix C: Sample Consent Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Appendix D: Indemnifying Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Appendix E: Application Check List Form 42 . . . . . . . . . 3 INTRODUCTION Safeguarding the rights and welfare of all human beings (i.e., human subjects) who participate in research projects conducted under the aegis of Temple University is the responsibility of both the University and the investigator(s). The safeguarding of the rights and welfare of human subjects is extended to the intent of the investigator(s) to protect research subjects as well as comply with the specific requirements established by sponsors of its research, the standards established by the Declaration of Helsinki Recommendations Guiding Doctors in Clinical Research in 1964 (revised in 1975), U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Guidelines in 1971 (revised in 1974), The Nuremburg Code in 1947, The Belmont Report in 1978, and the American Psychological Association codes for pursuit of social and behavioral research published in 1973. No one such guideline or code is fully adequate to meet all research situations. Concerns that the rights and welfare of human beings are safeguarded from individuals who are conducting research requires federally mandated review processes to assure adequate protection of human subjects used in research protocols. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Subcommittee B represents most research conducted on the main campus of Temple University and has the responsibility to review in representing the best in ethical concerns for the safeguarding of the rights and welfare of all human subjects used in research protocols. Generally, the IRB Subcommittee B reviews research protocols that are limited to non-medical interventions. Subcommittee A of Temple University School of Medicine and Temple University Hospital will review protocols requiring medical interventions and most research involving human materials. The length of time required for the review process of submitted Request for Protocol Review to the IRB Subcommittee B is variable. The review process for studies that qualify for expedited review usually require three or more weeks. Request for Protocol Review requiring full committee review may require several months for the review process. The full committee of the IRB Subcommittee B meets approximately every eight weeks for the review of research protocols requiring full committee review. 4 STUDIES REQUIRING REVIEW Temple University is charged by federal guidelines and procedures to review all research involving human subjects or human materials carried out by its personnel. There is no distinction between funded and non-funded research activity by either Federal Guidelines and policies and procedures of the IRB of Temple University. To assure the protection of human subjects and to comply with federal law, Temple University requires that, prior to initiation, all research projects involving human subjects or human materials be reviewed and approved by the IRB. This policy applies to all biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects or human materials conducted by faculty, staff, and students of Temple University. If the research program or study is a part of an application to a Sponsoring Agency, the human protocol must be submitted for either Subcommittee B's or Subcommittee A's review prior to or when the application is processed by the Office of the Vice President for Research. DEFINITION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS Research involving human subject(s) is defined as research involved with any living individual about whom any investigator (whether faculty, staff, or student) conducting research obtains data through an intervention or an interaction with that individual or acquisition of identifiable private information. "Intervention" includes both a manipulation of the human subject's environment or physical acquisition of data performed for research purposes. "Interaction" includes any communication or interpersonal contact between the investigator and the subject for research purposes. "Private information" includes all information about an individual or the behavior of an individual that occurs in a context in which an individual can reasonably expect that no observation is taking place, and/or information which has been provided for specific purposes by an individual who reasonably expected would not be made public. Such information must be individually identifiable by the investigator to constitute research involving human subjects. 5 RESEARCH REVIEW BY THE IRB Human research is defined as any activity initiated by Temple University faculty, staff, or student which has the intent of securing information from humans for the purpose of advancing generalized knowledge. There is no distinction whether the activity is funded or non-funded. The IRB of Temple University must review all research protocols involving human subjects. It is assumed by the IRB that the investigator has included in the submission of the research protocol explicit objectives and formal procedures of the research so suitable review can be undertaken. The IRB has the responsibility of reviewing and the authority to approve, require modification in, or disapprove any or all activities or proposed changes in previously approved research activities. The IRB approves human research based on the IRB's determination that the following requirements are satisfied: Risks to human subjects are minimized by using research procedures which are consistent with sound research design and which do not unnecessarily expose the subject to risk. Appropriate procedures already being performed on the subjects for diagnostic or treatment purposes are not altered in a way to increase risks to the human subjects. Risks to subjects must be reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects and the importance of knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result. In evaluating risks and benefits, the IRB considers only those risks and benefits which may result from the research (as distinguished from risks and benefits of therapies subjects would receive even if not participation in the research). Selection of subjects must be equitable. In making this assessment the IRB shall take into account the purpose of the research, the setting in which the research will be conducted, and the population from which the subjects will be recruited. The IRB shall determine if the investigator by knowledge or unknowingly uses coercion for human subjects participation in research. Such coercive actions by an investigator may include using students in his/her class, assigning extra credit for participation in 6 research, waiving other course requirements, etc . All of these actions would require the IRB to disapprove the research protocol unless there were unusual extenuating circumstances. The IRB must assure that informed consent is sought from each prospective subject or the subject's legally authorized representative, in accordance with law. The informed consent must be appropriately documented. The IRB must assure that adequate provisions for monitoring the data collection to insure the safety of subjects. The IRB must assure that adequate provisions for the protection of the privacy of subjects and to maintain the confidentially of data. The IRB must assure that when a cooperating institution(s), departments, or cooperating research site(s) are to be utilized in the investigator(s) research that appropriate notifications and approvals of use of the institution or site for research have been acquired. There are three categories of research protocols that are reviewed. These are research proposals which are exempt from review, research proposals which undergo expedited review, and research proposals which require full committee review. Exempt Research Proposals The Office of the Vice President for Research of Temple University in consultation with the IRB is responsible for reviewing the preliminary determination of research investigations and for making final institutional determination whether research protocols qualify for exemption. Therefore, the investigator must submit to the IRB a proposal so that a determination for exemption can be made. The following categories of research are normally exempt from full committee IRB review but must be reported to the IRB for determination of exempt status [Please note that studies using children (i.e., minors) or special populations are ineligible for exempted review]: 7 Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving normal educational practices. Research involving educational tests (i.e., cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures, or observations of public behavior. No research will be exempted if the information obtained is recorded in a way that the subject can be identified or through identifiers linked to the subject; or, any disclosure of the human subject's responses outside of research could reasonably place the subject at risk of criminal liability, civil liability, or damage financial standing, employability, or reputation. Further, no human research involving elected or appointed public officials or candidates for public office can be exempted [federal statute(s) require(s) confidentiality without exception of the personally identifiable information will be maintained throughout the research and thereafter]. Research involving existing data or documents that are publicly available or if the information is recorded by the investigator in a manner that human subjects cannot be directly identified or through identifiers linked to the subjects. Exempt research protocols will be forwarded to the appropriate Sponsoring Agency if deemed exempt by the IRB and the Office of the Vice President for Research. All nonexempt research proposals will be forwarded to the IRB for review. Expedited Research Proposals The Office of the Vice President for Research will in consultation with the appropriate IRB Subcommittee chairperson determine whether the research protocol meets the requirements necessary for expedited review process. Other members of the IRB are called upon as necessary to ensure sound judgement of the expedited review. The eligibility of some research for review through the expedited procedure is in no way intended to negate or modify the federal guidelines or procedures. 8 The IRB uses the expedited review process to review minor changes in previously approved research during the period for which approval is authorized. The only other research for which the IRB uses expedited review procedure is that which involves no more than minimal risk to subjects as demonstrated by the research protocol and indicated by the appropriated IRB Subcommittee chairperson and the Office of the Vice President for Research. Expedited review is conducted by the appropriate IRB Subcommittee chairperson or by one or more of the experienced IRB members designated by the chairperson to conduct the review and the Office of the Vice President for Research. The IRB member(s) conducting the expedited review exercises have all of the authorities of the IRB except that the reviewer(s) may not disapprove a research protocol. The reviewer(s) shall refer any research protocols which the reviewer would have disapproved to the full committee for review. The reviewer(s) shall also refer research protocols to the full committee whenever the reviewer(s) believes that full committee review would be warranted. When the expedited review procedure is used, the appropriate IRB Subcommittee chairperson or member(s) conducting the review inform the full committee in writing of research protocols that have been approved. At a convened IRB meeting, any member may request that any research protocol which has been approved under the expedited procedure be reviewed by the IRB in accordance with non-expedited procedures. A vote of committee members will be taken for review with a simple majority required for full committee review. Research that qualifies for expedited review includes: Recording of data from subjects 18 years or age or older using noninvasive procedures routinely employed in clinical practice. This includes the use of physical sensors that are applied either to the surface of the body or at a distance and do not involve input of matter or significant amount of energy into the subject or an invasion of the subject's privacy. It also includes such procedures as weighing, testing sensory acuity, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, thermography, detection of naturally occurring radioactivity, diagnostic echography, 9 and electroretinography. It does not include exposure to electromagnetic radiation outside the visible range (for example, x-rays, microwaves). Collection of hair and nail clippings in an undisfiguring manner, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth if patient care indicated a need for extraction. Collection of excreta and external secretions including sweat, uncannulated saliva, placenta removed at delivery, and amniotic fluid at the time of rupture of the membrane prior to labor. Voice recordings made for research purposes such as investigations of speech defects [Please see Appendices for the Permission to Audiotape form]. Moderate exercise in healthy volunteers. The study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens. Research on individual or group behavior of characteristics of individuals, such as studies of perception, cognition, game theory, or test development, where the investigator does not manipulate subject's behavior and the research will not involve stress to subjects. Research on drugs or devices for which an investigational new drug exemption or an investigational device exemption is not required. Full Committee Review Research Proposals Research proposals scheduled for full committee review are distributed to all members of the IRB prior to the meeting. When consultants or experts are used to provide special expertise to the IRB in its review of a protocol, the research protocol is distributed to the consultants or experts prior to the meeting. For a research proposal to be approved, it must receive the approval of a majority of those members present at the convened meeting. Where research is deemed to be of particular 10 sensitivity an unanimous decision is viewed as essential. No IRB may have a member participating in the IRB's initial or continuing review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRB. Where research activities were initially approved under expedited review procedures and subsequently reviewed by the full committee, the decisions reached at the convened meeting will supersede any decisions made through the expedited review. In order to facilitate protocol review, the IRB Subcommittees A and B requests that the protocols, consent forms, and attachments be prepared carefully and completely according to these guidelines. The protocols become part of the permanent records maintained by IRB and therefore, are subject to inspection and review by various government and granting agencies. PREPARATION OF THE REQUEST FOR PROTOCOL REVIEW The following are general guidelines, procedures, and practices in preparing the Request for Protocol Review for Subcommittee B of Temple University main campus [Please see Appendices for complete request form or call (215) 707-8757 for the request form]. The Request for Protocol Review for Subcommittee A of Temple University Medical School is available by also calling (215) 707-8757. FACE SHEET This is the administrative form used by the IRB Subcommittee B 11 for most research conducted on the main campus of Temple University. Please supply all of the requested information including required signatures. Please provide a reasonable starting date and estimated duration for the proposed research. The funding agency may require additional forms to be completed when submitting the research protocol for review. Each part of the Request for Protocol Review will have a brief clarification of the information which is required under each section. Clarification responses are in bold. Part I. A. Characteristics of Potential Subjects About how many subjects will you need? The response is a numerical number which must closely approximate the number of subjects to be used in the research protocol. B. Describe the potential subjects in terms of gender, age range, ethnic group, economic status, and any other significant descriptors. The response must be specific as to the requested information. Subjects that may be particularly vulnerable populations include [this list is not inclusive]: Minors Mentally impaired persons Pregnant women Prisoners Individuals in nursing homes Chronically disabled persons Terminally ill patients Single parents (including minors) Armed forces personnel Students Impoverished persons Sick persons Battered adults Abused children Persons who are HIV positive or who have AIDS If subjects are to be excluded because of age, gender, economic status, ethnic origin, etc., reasons for exclusion must be documented by the investigator(s). Research involving subjects that are particularly vulnerable will require full committee review. Please Note: Research proposals submitted to NIH require 12 significant justification if the investigator(s) excludes female or minority subjects in the research design. If at all possible, the subject population should resemble that of the demographics of the University or the regional area where the research is being undertaken. C. Indicate any special subject characteristics, such as persons with mental handicaps, prisoners, pregnant women, etc. Please see list in Part I, Section B. Use of such subjects will require a detailed rationale and documentation as to why these subjects are to be used in the research protocol. D. What is the general state of health of the subjects (physical and mental)? What parameters are to be used to determine the state of health. Reasons for using subjects that are not healthy must be documented by the investigator(s). E. Describe how you will gain access to these potential subjects? Please be precise as to the methods used to gain access to potential subjects. If advertisement(s) are to be used, please append the Request for Protocol Review with advertisement document. F. How will subjects be selected or excluded from the study? Inclusion and exclusion criterion need to be stated. If there are multiple inclusion and exclusion criterion, append these to the Request for Protocol Review. G. If subjects are from an institution other than Temple University, please indicate the name of the office responsible for granting access to the subjects. Statement is self-explanatory. Please attach letter(s) for permission for access to subjects to the Request for Protocol Review. The IRB has the responsibility of assuring that cooperating institutions and/or research sites have appropriately reviewed and approved applications for the use of human subjects. H. If the subjects are children, anyone suffering from a known 13 psychiatric condition, or legally restricted, please explain why it is necessary to use these persons as subjects. The investigator(s) must document why such persons are 14 necessary for the research. Part II. A. Experimental or Research Procedure Please describe the intended experimental or research procedure. This should include a description of what the subject will experience or be required to do. Please attach a copy of all questionnaires or instruments to be used. Summarize the purpose of the study, the hypotheses which are to be tested and a statistical analysis procedure if necessary. Provide a succinct and clear description of past findings which led to the plan of this research study. A summary of relevant research reports may be included in this section. Describe the experimental procedures in sufficient detail so that the IRB will have a clear understanding of the experimental design and procedures. B. Will the subjects be deceived in any way? describe below. If yes, please Research using deception will require full committee review. Justification and documentation as to why deception must be used must be provided by the investigator(s) to the IRB. C. To what extent will the routine activities of the subject be interrupted during the course of the study? This section is self-explanatory. Justification for significant disruption of the subjects daily routine must be documented by the investigator(s). D. Indicate any compensation for the subjects. Compensation is not required. If subjects are to be compensated, describe any inducements to be provided to the subjects whether monetary or prizes, gifts, or provided services or benefits. Further, compensation for subjects that are excluded by the investigator or by withdrawal must be clarified. Explain how and when subjects will receive compensation or inducements for participation in the research. Part III. Data Confidentiality 15 A. What procedure(s) will you use to insure confidentiality of the data. How will you preserve subject anonymity? The Office of the Vice President for Research and the IRB of Temple University requires that confidentiality be maintained for subjects. The IRB must be informed of the steps that will be taken to assure confidentiality especially when personally identifiable information is being recorded. Specifics concerning the coding of data, storage of data, and access to data must be documented by the investigator(s). In some cases, Sponsoring Agencies may have access to data for review. If such review is mandated the IRB must be notified. Part IV. A. Consent Procedures Attach a copy of consent form to be used. If non-written consent is to be used, attach a statement describing exactly what the subjects will be told. The consent form should be a succinct statement which gives reasonable information about the study including the purpose, procedures, benefits, risks (and discomfort to the subjects), duration of the study, and alternative therapy if applicable so that the subject may make a meaningful decision about participation. The following items must be covered in the consent form: The Consent Form must be on Temple University letterhead and should be titled Consent Form. The Consent Form should be subtitled with the name of the study. The name(s) and phone number(s) of the responsible investigator(s) should appear under Consent Form. The Consent Form should be written in clear, understandable English or appropriate language which explains the purpose of the study and precisely states what will be done to the subject. [For a Consent Form in language other than English a translation must be provided to the IRB.] The Consent Form must provide adequate information concerning the study so that the subject may decide whether or not to participate. The Consent Form may not use language that by which the subject is made to waive, or appear to waive, any of his/her legal rights or to the release Temple University or its agents from liability for negligence. Each adult subject must receive a signed copy of the Consent Form. Guardians signing for minors or those individuals who cannot provide informed consent must receive a signed copy of the Consent Form. The principal investigator 16 must retain in his/her confidential files copies of the consent forms signed by each subject for at 17 least five (5) years following the completion of the research study or longer if required by the Sponsoring Agency. The following points must be covered in the consent form: Purpose of research - The purpose of the research should be expressed in lay terms clearly indicating the purpose and nature of the research. The subject should be told why he/she is being asked to participate in the research. Selection of subjects - The subject must be informed of the reasons why he/she is being asked to participate in the research. Inclusion and exclusion criterion must be made know to the subject. General experimental procedures - The subject must be informed of the general experimental procedures and exactly what his/her participation will involve. Information concerning the duration of the research procedures, location of the where the experimental procedures will be performed, pre- and post-evaluations of subjects, types and number of test, randomization procedures, photographing, video-taping, or audio-taping requirements, amount of blood, urine, or saliva to be taken, and follow-up studies must be clearly stated in the Consent Form. Please refer to appendices for forms granting permission to videotape, audiotape, and photograph. Risks - Research may have inherent and/or unforseen hazards, discomforts, or inconveniences. The disclosure of inherent and/or unforseen hazards, discomforts, and inconveniences must be clearly stated in the Consent Form. If you’re doing fMRI Studies, use the language below: “The brain scan that is done as part of this research protocol is not intended to detect any brain disease of abnormality. Research brain scans are not examined by a clinical radiologist to look for abnormalities. The brain scan for this research will only look at a portion of your brain activity as it relates to this research. The Investigators, the fMRI operators and other members of the research team are not qualified to interpret the scan for any diagnostic or therapeutic value. Therefore, the fMRI scan being done for this research study will not be analyzed to detect any medical condition. The scan will not be available to you or your physician.” 18 Benefits - Any benefits to the subject should be explained in the Consent Form including compensation. Compensation payment schedules must be included if appropriate in the Consent Form. Confidentiality - Although the study team has placed safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of my personal information, there is always a potential risk of an unpermitted disclosure. To that degree, all documents and information pertaining to this research study will be kept confidential, unless required by applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations to be disclosed. I understand the records and data generated by the study may be reviewed by Temple University and its agents, the study sponsor or the sponsor's agents (if applicable), and/or governmental agencies to assure proper conduct of the study and compliance with regulations. I understand that the results of this study may be published. If any data is published, I will not be identified by name. Disclaimer/Withdrawal - The subject must be informed that he/she is free to decide whether or not to participate in the study. The subject must be informed that nonparticipation in the research or withdrawal from the research will not prejudice future interactions with the investigator or Temple University. There must be assurances that the subject is not coerced for participation or coerced not to withdraw from the research. Injury/Complications - If applicable, subjects should be advised as to availability of nonavailability of medical treatment or compensation for injury incurred as a result of participating in the research. For research involving more than minimal risks, there may be obligations by Temple University to cover, in part, medical treatments, etc. In studies where no threat of injury exists, no additional statement is needed. Subject rights - The following statement regarding the rights of research subjects must appear in all consent forms: " If I have any questions about my rights as a research subject, I may contact the Institutional Review Board Coordinator at (215) 707-3390. The IRB Coordinator may also be reached by email: irb@temple.edu or regular mail: 19 Institutional Review Board Coordinator Temple University Research Administration Student Faculty Conference Center 3340 North Broad Street – Suite 304 Philadelphia, PA 19140" Questions - The subject should be encouraged to ask questions. The Consent Form should state that the subject can ask questions and these questions will be answered. Indemnifying Clauses - Some types of research will require indemnifying clauses. Please refer to appendices for examples of indemnifying clauses. Certification by the IRB - The Office of the Vice President for Research will stamp and date the approved Consent Form prior to its use. The approval will be for one year following the date of certification. If at any time the investigator(s) alters the IRB approved research protocol, the Office of the Vice President for Research and the IRB must be notified and the Consent Form may have to reflect the alterations of the research protocol. Once appropriate changes have been made in the revised Consent Form, the Office of the Vice President for Research will stamp and date the revised form. B. Describe how you will handle consent procedure for minors, mentally challenged persons, and persons with significant emotional disturbances. A Consent Form written for and signed by the guardian must be submitted to the IRB as per instructions in Part IV, Section A. Whenever possible, provide a consent form written in lay language understandable by the minor, mentally challenged person, and person with significant 20 emotional disturbances. Part V. A. Benefits of the Study How will any one subject benefit from participation in this study? The benefit(s) to the subject, if any, should be explained. If there is no benefit to the subject this should also be explained. A study that has no benefits to the subject and places the subject under risk will be critically reviewed by the IRB. B. How will society, in general benefit from the conduct of this study? The benefit(s) to society, if any, should be explained. If there is no benefit to society this should also be explained. A study that has no benefit for society and places the subject under risk will be critically reviewed by the IRB. Part VI. A. Risks/Discomforts to Subjects Describe any aspect of the research project that might cause discomfort, inconvenience, or physical danger to the subjects. The investigator must provide documentation of risks, discomfort, inconveniences, and physical danger that may occur to a subject participating in the research protocol. Documentation of emergency procedures, etc. should be included where appropriate. B. Describe any long range risks to the subjects. Answer this section similarly to the responses in Part VI, Section A. C. What is the rationale for exposing the subjects to these risks? The investigator must provide a detailed rationale for exposing the subjects to risks, discomforts, inconveniences, and physical danger. The IRB cannot make a decision concerning approval of the Request for Protocol Review without such detail. 21 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE IRB FOLLOWING SUBMISSION OF REQUEST FOR PROTOCOL REVIEW Two (2) members of the IRB Subcommittee are assigned as the primary reviewers of the submitted Request for Protocol Review. If the Request for Protocol Review requires full committee review, copies of the protocol are sent to each member of the IRB. It is the responsibility of the primary reviewers to lead the discussion concerning the protocol being reviewed at the scheduled meeting of the IRB. Following discussion of the Request for Protocol Review, the IRB Subcommittee B determines whether human subjects are or are not at risk, and decides to: (a) approve the protocol as submitted; (b) approve the protocol contingent on specific revisions; (c) to table the protocol for substantive changes and/or resubmission to the Office of the Vice President for Research and the IRB; or (d) disapprove the protocol. Actions of the IRB Subcommittee B will be recorded in the minutes of scheduled meetings. The chairperson of the appropriate IRB subcommittee will notify the investigator of the decision as soon as possible after the meeting. University policy and Federal Regulations require that all research studies involving human subjects be reviewed every 12 months. The IRB Subcommittee B will perform such requirements. In some cases, depending upon the risks to human subjects, the IRB Subcommittee B may review research studies on a more frequent schedule. At anytime the IRB becomes aware of investigator abuse of human subjects, it is the responsibility of the IRB to immediately revoke the approval of the investigator(s) research study. Further, any student research involving human subjects in degree granting processes must be approved the IRB prior to graduation. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INVESTIGATOR(S) FOLLOWING APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR PROTOCOL REVIEW BY THE IRB It is the responsibility of the investigator(s) to immediately inform the Office of the Vice President for Research and the IRB Subcommittee of any change in the research protocol, injury(ies) and untoward response(s) of human subjects, and termination of the research. The IRB Subcommittee B will review most protocol changes by expedited review. Changes in research protocols may mandate changes in the Consent Form. The approved revised Consent Form will be stamped and dated by the Office of the Vice President 22 for Research. The Consent Form will be certified for use for one year following the date of certification. If changes in the research protocol are instituted, the process for research protocol approval and the certification of the Consent Form will be immediately initiated by the investigator(s) as previously described. Any and all injury(ies) and untoward response(s) that occur during a research protocol must be immediately reported to the Office of the Vice President for Research at (215) 707-8757 and followed with detailed documentation to the events. Actions taken to remedy either the injury or untoward responses must also be included. Investigators must inform the Office of the Vice President for Research when a project is terminated. This process can be accomplished by a letter. 23 APPENDIX A REQUEST FOR PROTOCOL REVIEW FORWARD THREE (3) COPIES OF ALL MATERIAL - COVER PAGE, PROTOCOL, CONSENT FORMS, QUESTIONNAIRES, INSTRUMENTS, ETC. TO: INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD STUDENT FACULTY CONFERENCE CENTER 3340 NORTH BROAD STREET – SUITE 304 PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19140 24 INTRODUCTION TO THE RESEARCH REVIEW PROCESS Federal Regulations require that funded research involving human subjects must be approved by a human rights committee. The regulations further stipulate that if a college or university receives any federal research funding, all human subject research that is conducted at the college or university must also comply with the federal research regulations. The Temple University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the human rights committee that is charged with the responsibility of insuring that the rights of human subjects are protected in all Temple University research. It should be clear that the IRB is not a peer review committee that serves to critique or limit research. The IRB serves only to insure that the rights of subjects and potential subjects are protected. It is the primary intent of the IRB to insure that the potential subject is provided with sufficient information to enable him/her to make a free and informed decision about his/her participation in the research project. You are asked to provide information about your proposed research project on this form. The IRB will use this information in its review process. If you have any questions about the IRB process, please feel free to contact the IRB coordinator at irb@temple.edu. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I. CHARACTERISTICS OF POTENTIAL SUBJECTS A. About how many subjects will you need? Please include the number of females and males you wish to recruit. B. Describe the potential subjects in terms of gender, age range, ethnic group, and any other significant descriptors. C. Indicate any special subject characteristics, such as persons with mental handicaps, physical handicaps, prisoners, pregnant women, etc. D. Are you aware of any special health problems with the subject pool? E. Describe how you will gain access to these potential subjects. F. How will subjects be selected or excluded from the study? G. If subjects are from an institution other than Temple University, please indicate the name of the officer responsible for granting access to the subjects. 25 H. If the subjects are children, anyone suffering from a known psychiatric condition, or legally restricted, please explain why it is necessary to use these persons as subjects. II. EXPERIMENTAL OR RESEARCH PROCEDURE A. Describe the objectives and/or goals of your research. B. Please describe the intended experimental or research procedure. This should include a description of what the subject will experience or be required to do. Please attach a copy of all questionnaires or instruments to be used. C. Will the subjects be deceived in any way? If yes, please describe below. D. To what extent will the routine activities of the subject be interrupted during the course of the study? E. Indicate any compensation for the subjects. III. DATA CONFIDENTIALITY A. What procedure(s) will you use to insure confidentiality of the data? How will you preserve subject anonymity? IV. CONSENT PROCEDURES A. Attach copy of consent form to be used (Please note that if consent form is more than one (1) page, the title of the study must be on the signature page. OR If non-written consent is to be used, attach a statement describing exactly what the subjects will be told. B. Describe how you will handle consent procedure for minors, mentally challenged persons, and persons with significant emotional disturbances. 26 V. BENEFITS OF THE STUDY A. How will any one subject benefit from participation in this study? B. How will society, in general, benefit from the conduct of this study? VI. RISKS/DISCOMFORTS TO SUBJECTS A. Describe any aspects of the research project that might cause discomfort, inconvenience, or physical danger to the subjects. B. Describe any long range risks to the subjects. C. What is the rationale for exposing subjects to these risks? 27 APPENDIX B PERMISSION TO VIDEOTAPE PERMISSION TO AUDIOTAPE PERMISSION TO PHOTOGRAPH 28 This form must be on Temple University letterhead Permission to Videotape Investigator's Name: Department: Project Title: Subject: Log #: Date: (Choose one) I give for the following purpose (s): permission to videotape me. This videotape will be used only CLINICAL This videotape will be used as part of my treatment. It will not be shown to anyone but my treatment team, my family, and myself. EDUCATION This videotape may be shown to education professionals outside of educational purposes. At no time will my name be used. for RESEARCH This videotape will be used as a part of a research project at . I have already given written consent for my participation in this research project. At no time will my name be used. MARKETING/PUBLIC INFORMATION This videotape will be used to promote to educational or health professionals, referral sources, and/or the general public. At no time will my name be used. OTHER Description: WHEN WILL I BE VIDEOTAPED? I agree to be videotaped during the time period: to . HOW LONG WILL THE TAPES BE USED? 29 I give my permission for these tapes to be used from: to . (Include a statement that data will be stored for three (3) years after completion of the study. If you wish to store longer, than permission must be received from the IRB.) WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? I understand that I can withdraw my permission at any time. Upon my request, the videotape(s) will no longer be used. This will not affect my care or relationship with in any way. OTHER I understand that I will not be paid for being videotaped or for the use of the videotapes. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION If I want more information about the videotape(s), or if I have questions or concerns at any time, I can contact: Investigator's Name: Department: Institution: Street Address: City: Zip Code Phone: Office State: Home This form will be placed in my records and a copy will be kept by the person(s) named above. A copy will be given to me. 30 Please print Subject's Name: Date: Address: Phone: Subject's Signature: (Or signature of parent or legally responsible person if subject is a minor or is incompetent to sign.) Relationship to Subject: Subject cannot sign because: but consents orally to be videotaped under the conditions described above. Witness Signature Date Witness Signature Date 31 Letterhead Permission to Audiotape Investigator's Name: Department: Project Title: Subject: Log #: I give for the following purpose (s): Date: permission to audiotape me. This audiotape will be used only (Choose one) CLINICAL This audiotape will be used as part of my treatment. It will not be shown to anyone but my treatment team, my family, and myself. EDUCATION This audiotape may be shown to education professionals outside of educational purposes. At no time will my name be used. for RESEARCH This audiotape will be used as a part of a research project at . I have already given written consent for my participation in this research project. At no time will my name be used. MARKETING/PUBLIC INFORMATION This audiotape will be used to promote to educational or health professionals, referral sources, and/or the general public. At no time will my name be used. OTHER Description: Permission to Audiotape - Page 2 of 3 WHEN WILL I BE AUDIOTAPED? I agree to be audiotaped during the time period: to . HOW LONG WILL THE TAPES BE USED? 32 I give my permission for these tapes to be used from: to . (Include a statement that data will be stored for three (3) years after completion of the study. If you wish to store longer, than permission must be received from the IRB.) WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? I understand that I can withdraw my permission at any time. Upon my request, the audiotape(s) will no longer be used. This will not affect my care or relationship with in any way. OTHER I understand that I will not be paid for being audiotaped or for the use of the audiotapes. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION If I want more information about the audiotape(s), or if I have questions or concerns at any time, I can contact: Investigator's Name: Department: Institution: Street Address: City: Zip Code Phone: Office State: Home This form will be placed in my records and a copy will be kept by the person(s) named above. A copy will be given to me. 33 Permission to Audiotape - Page 3 of 3 Please print Subject's Name: Date: Address: Phone: Subject's Signature: (Or signature of parent or legally responsible person if subject is a minor or is incompetent to sign.) Relationship to Subject: Subject cannot sign because: but consents orally to be audiotaped under the conditions described above. Witness Signature Date Witness Signature Date 34 Letterhead Permission to Photograph Investigator's Name: Department: Project Title: Subject: Log #: Date: I give permission to photograph me. This (these) photograph(s) will be used only for the following purpose (s): (Choose one) CLINICAL This (these) photograph(s) will be used as part of my treatment. It will not be shown to anyone but my treatment team, my family, and myself. EDUCATION This (these) photograph(s) may be shown to education professionals outside of for educational purposes. At no time will my name be used. RESEARCH This (these) photograph(s) will be used as a part of a research project at . I have already given written consent for my participation in this research project. At no time will my name be used. MARKETING/PUBLIC INFORMATION This (these) photograph(s) will be used to promote to educational or health professionals, referral sources, and/or the general public. At no time will my name be used. OTHER Permission to Photograph - Page 2 of 3 35 Description: WHEN WILL I BE PHOTOGRAPHED? I agree to be photographed during the time period: to . HOW LONG WILL THE PHOTOGRAPHS BE USED? I give my permission for this (these) photograph(s) to be used from: to (Include a statement that data will be stored for three (3) years after completion of the study. If you wish to store longer, than permission must be received from the IRB.) WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? I understand that I can withdraw my permission at any time. Upon my request, the photograph(s) will no longer be used. This will not affect my care or relationship with in any way. OTHER I understand that I will not be paid for being photographed or for the use of the photograph(s). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION If I want more information about the photograph(s), or if I have questions or concerns at any time, I can contact: Investigator's Name: Department: Institution: Street Address: City: Zip Code Phone: Office State: Home . 36 Permission to Photograph - Page 3 of 3 This form will be placed in my records and a copy will be kept by the person(s) named above. A copy will be given to me. Please print Subject's Name: Date: Address: Phone: Subject's Signature: (Or signature of parent or legally responsible person if subject is a minor or is incompetent to sign.) Relationship to Subject: Subject cannot sign because: but consents orally to be photographed under the conditions described above. Witness Signature Date Witness Signature Date 37 APPENDIX C SAMPLE CONSENT FORMS 38 THIS CONSENT FORM MUST BE TYPED ON TEMPLE UNIVERSITY LETTERHEAD. The name of the drug used in this study and the name of the investigators have been removed. Participant's Name: DATE Title: Double Blind Study on the Effect of Drug A Administration on the Hormones of the Hypothalamic-PituitaryAdrenal Axis During Exercise-Induced Stress in Normal Male Subjects Investigators: Investigator I, - Biokinetics Research Lab (215) 204-xxxx Investigator II, - General Clinical Research Cnt (215) 221-xxxx Investigator III, - Biokinetics Research Lab (215) 204-xxxx Purpose of Research: This research will determine the effect of Drug A (a drug that mimics Hormone A of your thymus gland) on your hormonal responses of your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to near maximal exercise for 10 minutes and during the following recovery. General Research Design: I understand that I am being asked to participate in a research study at the Biokinetics Research Laboratory of Temple University. This study will evaluate the effect of an experimental drug called Drug A (50 mg) or a placebo on the hormonal responses of my hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during and following an exercise stress at 90% of my maximal oxygen consumption. Drug A or placebo will be injected in a volume of 1.0 mL into the subcutaneous or the "fatty" area just below my skin. This study will be blinded so that neither I nor the investigators will know if I am receiving the placebo or Drug A. I have a 50% chance of receiving either the placebo or the Drug A. Following the administration of Drug A or placebo, I will sleep in the Biokinetics Research Laboratory and remain in the facility the entire next day. At about 4:30 pm a catheter will be placed into a vein on the back of my hand or forearm. At about 5:30 pm, I will be asked to run on a motorized treadmill at 90% of my maximal oxygen consumption for 10 minutes in intervals of 30 seconds of running and 30 seconds of standing recovery. Blood will be drawn four (4) times: prior to, at the completion of the treadmill run, and at 30 and 120 minutes following the exercise. The volume of blood drawn at each time will be approximately 35 mL. Following the blood draw at 120 minutes 39 post-exercise, I will remain in the Biokinetics Research Laboratory until 9:00 the next morning at which time I will be discharged from the research project. This research project will allow the investigator to characterize the effect of Drug A on the hormonal response to near maximal exercise in normal males. Approximately twenty (20) subjects will participate in this study. Procedures to be Followed: Pre-admission to study (Visit 1): A complete medical history and physical exam will be performed. Clinical laboratory tests including blood (about 20 mL) and urine tests will be performed. These test will include standard clinical chemistry tests, blood cell differentials, and tests for HIV-1 antibody (AIDS), hepatitis B, and a drug screen. Lung function (breathing tests), a resting ECG, and a body composition determination via underwater (hydrostatic) weighing will be completed. I understand that the results of these tests will be forwarded to my physician by my written request. I understand that if my pre-admission evaluations qualify me to participate in this research project, I will be assigned a seven (7) digit code for these tests and all subsequent evaluations. I understand that all of the collected research data will be kept confidential and the only reference to my data will be by the 7-digit code. I understand that I will not receive any compensation for these pre-admission tests. Stress test with maximal oxygen consumption (Visit 2): I understand that I will be asked to run on a motorized treadmill to volitional exhaustion seven days following pre-admission qualification to the research project. I understand that my heart rate and blood pressure responses to the maximal oxygen consumption test will be monitored. I understand that the risks of a maximal oxygen consumption test are small. They include too high or too low blood pressure, too rapid or too slow heart rate response, or a possible myocardial infarction (heart attack). Should any abnormal exercise event occur, I understand that the exercise test will be stopped, and, if necessary, I may be transported to the emergency room of Temple University Hospital. I understand that the results of this test will be forwarded to my physician upon written request. I understand that I will not receive any compensation for this evaluation. Entry into the study (Visit 3): I understand that six (6) days following the stress test with maximal oxygen consumption I will be admitted to the study facility by 12:00 noon and will remain in the study facility for about 45 hours. I understand that 40 just prior to receiving my injection of study medication a sample of blood (approximately 35 mL) will be drawn. I understand that at about 7:30 pm I will be administered 50 mg/mL of Drug A or a placebo by a physician. I understand that I will sleep overnight in the study facility. I understand that I will be provided a nutritionally balanced dinner the night of entry into the study, breakfast for the next two mornings, lunch the following day, and dinner the following night two hours after my treadmill run. I understand that at about 4:30 pm on the day after admission to the study facility, I will have an indwelling catheter placed in a vein in the back of my hand or my forearm. I understand that I will have blood drawn four (4) times: prior to, at 15 minutes of treadmill running, and at 30 and 120 minutes post-exercise. I understand that I will sleep over a second night in the study facility, will have 20 mL of blood drawn and a urine sample collected at 8:00 am, and will be discharged from the study at 9:00 am the following morning. I hereby authorize Investigator I, Investigator II, and Investigator III and such assistants as may be selected by the investigators to perform my medical history and physical exam with a blood drawn, urine collection, lung tests, and body composition determination; determine my maximal oxygen consumption; and, administer Drug A or the placebo, complete the metabolic determinations of my maximal oxygen consumption during treadmill exercise and perform the four (4) blood draws as outlined in this investigation. The procedures of this investigation have been explained to me by Investigator I. Any questions that I may have concerning the study will be answered at any time during the working day by calling Investigator I at (215) 204-xxxx or at home at (215) xxx-xxxx. I understand that if I have further medical questions, I can contact Investigator II at (215) 204-xxxx or Investigator III at (215) 221-xxxx. I understand my treatment with Drug A during the study may result in my experiencing reactions consisting of itch, mild rash, intermittent redness of skin, swelling around the eyes, local irritation at the site of injection which may be characterized by pain, burning sensations, itching, redness and swelling. Allergic reactions to Drug A can occur in rare instances. Unforseen reactions may also occur. I understand that circumstances may arise which might cause the investigators to terminate my participation in the study before its completion. These circumstances would include any situation in which the investigators believed that further participation 41 would be dangerous to me. I understand that if my participation in the study is terminated at any time for any reason, a complete physical exam and laboratory evaluations will be performed. I understand that the results of this study may be published but my identity will not be disclosed without written consent by me on a separate form. I understand that as a participant in this study, my records relating to my treatment will be kept confidential and reviewed only by the medical staff, the study sponsor and possibly the Federal Drug Administration. I agree to permit Temple University to keep, publish, or dispose of the results of my treatment results. I understand that the data of this study will not be released to me until the termination of the study. Although the study team has placed safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of my personal information, there is always a potential risk of an unpermitted disclosure. To that degree, all documents and information pertaining to this research study will be kept confidential, unless required by applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations to be disclosed. I understand the records and data generated by the study may be reviewed by Temple University and its agents, the study sponsor or the sponsor's agents (if applicable), and/or governmental agencies to assure proper conduct of the study and compliance with regulations. I understand that the results of this study may be published. If any data is published, I will not be identified by name. I understand that the possible benefits of this study are: a) to better understand the hormonal response to near maximal exercise; b) to determine if the administration of Drug A influences these hormonal responses; and c) to provide data to determine if future studies on the hormonal status following near maximal exercise are feasible. I understand that I will not be charged for any of the medical, blood, urine, metabolic or body compositional evaluations outlined in this investigation. I understand that I may refuse consent or withdraw from the research project at any time without penalty or loss of medical care to which I am entitled. I understand that I will be compensated $250 for my time for my two (2) night stay in the Biokinetics Research Laboratory, the treadmill run at 90% of my maximal oxygen consumption, the four (4) blood draws associated with the treadmill run, and the blood draw the morning after my second night stay. I understand that 42 I will be compensated $100 if the investigator(s) terminate my participation from the study because of an unexpected event occurring during or for 120 minutes following the treadmill run at 90% of my maximal oxygen consumption. I understand that if I am injured as a result of my involvement in this study, only physician's fees and medical expenses in excess of my medical and hospital coverage or other third party coverage will be paid with no additional cost to me. I understand that financial compensation for such injury is not available. If I need to, I can contact Investigator I, Biokinetics Research Laboratory, Broad and Montgomery Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19122, office phone (215) 204-xxxx, home phone (215) xxx-xxxx, Investigator II, Biokinetics Research Laboratory, Broad and Montgomery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122, office phone (215) 204-xxxx or Investigator III, General Clinical Research Center, 3401 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, office phone (215) 221-xxxx. For questions about my rights as a research subject, I may contact the Institutional Review Board Coordinator at (215) 707-3390. The IRB Coordinator may also be reached by email: irb@temple.edu or regular mail: Institutional Review Board Coordinator Temple University Research Administration Student Faculty Conference Center 3340 North Broad Street – Suite 304 Philadelphia, PA 19140 I have read and understood this consent form and I voluntary agree to participate in this research project. I understand that I will be given a copy of the signed consent form. Signature of the Subject Date Signature of Witness Date Signature of Investigator Date 43 THIS CONSENT FORM MUST BE TYPED ON TEMPLE UNIVERSITY LETTERHEAD. Investigators names have been removed. Title: Determination of Resting and Ambulatory Energy Cost Following Weight Loss and Weight Training Investigators: Investigator I, Biokinetics Research Laboratory, 204-xxxx Investigator II, Biokinetics Research Laboratory, 204-xxxx Investigator III, Biokinetics Research Laboratory, 204-xxxx INTRODUCTION This study will determine the effect of a six week diet of 1000 to 1100 calories per day and weight training on the resting energy expenditure and the ambulatory energy cost of walking at 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 mph and bicycling at 25, 50, and 75 Watts. Four experimental groups will participate in this study. Group One will be a control group that neither diets nor weight trains for six weeks; Group Two will consume a protein enriched low fat diet of 1000 to 1100 calories per day for six weeks; Group Three will weight train for six weeks with no diet modification; and Group Four will diet (1000 to 1100 calories per day) and weight train for six weeks. All participants in the study will be allowed to undergo the diet and/or weight training programs if they are not assigned to either of those experimental groups. The resting energy expenditure, ambulatory energy costs, and upper and lower body strength assessments will be made prior to, at the end of three weeks of the experiment, and at the end of six weeks of the experiment. This study will help to quantify both the metabolic and muscle strength changes associated with dieting and with weight training. CONSENT I hereby authorize Investigator I, Investigator II, Investigator III, and such assistants as may be selected by the investigators to complete the metabolic determinations of my energy cost while at rest, during exercise, and during recovery and my muscular strength as outlined in this investigation. I hereby authorize the aforementioned investigators to complete a body composition assessment by the densiometric method of underwater weighing to determine my non-fat mass. I understand that this is a research study designed to determine if dieting and weight training lower the resting energy expenditure, ambulatory energy expenditure, and muscular strength. 44 I understand that the risks of an exercise walking test and bicycling tests are small. They include too high or too low blood pressure, too rapid or too slow heart rate, or a possible myocardial infarction (heart attack). Should any abnormal exercise event occur, the exercise test will be stopped and, if necessary, I may be transported to the emergency room of Temple Hospital. I understand that the strength assessments may result in muscle soreness. I understand that risks of the underwater weighing are minimal. I understand that I am in a water environment and the risk of swallowing of water, choking on water, or possibly drowning may occur. I understand that the possible benefits of this study are: a) to better understand the changes in metabolic efficiency (energy expenditure) during weight reduction; b) to provide data to determine the energy cost of ambulatory activities such as walking and cycling that one may use to maintain weight loss following dieting; and c) to determine if weight training will increase or maintain non-fat mass during dieting. The procedures of this investigation have been explained to me by Investigator I. Any questions that I may have concerning the study will be answered at any time during the working day by calling 204-xxxx. I understand that the data will not be released to me until the termination of the study. Although the study team has placed safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of my personal information, there is always a potential risk of an unpermitted disclosure. To that degree, all documents and information pertaining to this research study will be kept confidential, unless required by applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations to be disclosed. I understand the records and data generated by the study may be reviewed by Temple University and its agents, the study sponsor or the sponsor's agents (if applicable), and/or governmental agencies to assure proper conduct of the study and compliance with regulations. I understand that the results of this study may be published. If any data is published, I will not be identified by name. I understand that I may refuse consent or withdraw from the study at any time. 45 I understand that the results of this study may be published, but my identity will not be disclosed without my separate consent. I understand that circumstances may arise which might cause the investigator to terminate my participation in the study before its completion. These circumstances would include any situation in which the investigators believed that further participation would be dangerous to me. I understand that neither the Biokinetics Research Laboratory of Temple University nor the investigators will provide special services, free care, or compensation for any injuries resulting from this research. Treatment for such injuries will be provided under the same financial arrangements as those under which treatment is usually provided. I understand that I will not be charged for any of the metabolic evaluations outlined in this investigation. I understand that I will not receive any fees for my participation in this investigation. I understand that my completion of the experimental protocols will allow me to use the Adult Fitness Center of Temple University until August 30, 1991 at no cost to me. I am in good health, and do not know of any medical problems that may interfere with my participation in this study. I voluntarily consent to participate in this study. I understand that if I am injured as a result of my involvement in this study, only physician's fees and medical expenses in excess of my medical and hospital coverage or other third party coverage will be paid with no additional cost to me. I understand that financial compensation for such injury is not available. If I need to, I can contact Investigator I, Biokinetics Research Laboratory, Broad and Montgomery Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19122, office phone (215) 204-xxxx, home phone (215) xxx-xxxx. For questions about my rights as a research subject, I may contact the Institutional Review Board Coordinator at (215) 707-3390. The IRB Coordinator may also be reached by email: irb@temple.edu or regular mail: Institutional Review Board Coordinator Temple University Research Administration Student Faculty Conference Center 3340 North Broad Street – Suite 304 Philadelphia, PA 19140 46 Subject Witness Investigator Date 47 THIS CONSENT FORM MUST BE TYPED ON TEMPLE UNIVERSITY LETTERHEAD. Sample General Consent Form TITLE: Investigator(s) Name, Department, Phone Number (if student include the advisor's name, Department, Phone Number). We are currently engaged in a study of (general topic of study). To help us gain further insights into this area we will ask you to (describe what the subject's will be requested to do and what will happen to them.) If procedures expose the subjects to any physical and/or emotional risk, discomforts, and/or inconveniences, please describe the risks, discomforts, and/or inconveniences. The data you will provide will be recorded anonymously and your participation and anything you say during the session will be held in the strictest confidence. (If data is not recorded anonymously and/or participation is not held in strictest confidence, tell subjects how the data will be stored and who will have access to the data). Although the study team has placed safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of my personal information, there is always a potential risk of an unpermitted disclosure. To that degree, all documents and information pertaining to this research study will be kept confidential, unless required by applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations to be disclosed. I understand the records and data generated by the study may be reviewed by Temple University and its agents, the study sponsor or the sponsor's agents (if applicable), and/or governmental agencies to assure proper conduct of the study and compliance with regulations. I understand that the results of this study may be published. If any data is published, I will not be identified by name. We welcome questions about the experiment at any time. Your participation in this study is on voluntary basis, and you may refuse to participate at any time without consequence or prejudice. For questions about my rights as a research subject, I may contact the Institutional Review Board Coordinator at (215) 7073390. The IRB Coordinator may also be reached by email: irb@temple.edu or regular mail: Institutional Review Board Coordinator Temple University Research Administration Student Faculty Conference Center 48 3340 North Broad Street – Suite 304 Philadelphia, PA 19140 Signing your name below indicates that you have read and understand the contents of this Consent Form and that you agree to take part in this study. ____ Participant's Signature Date _______________________________________________________________ Investigator's Signature Date APPENDIX D INDEMNIFYING CLAUSES 49 The following statement (as amended as appropriate) must be included in informed consent only if the study drug/device could effect women of childbearing age, the unborn fetus, or a woman breast-feeding a child. PREGNANCY: Due to the effects of this drug/device, there could be serious harm to unborn children (or children who are breast-feeding) and it could also jeopardize the health of the mother. In addition, it is possible that harmful side effects that are not yet know could occur to both the mother and unborn or breast-feeding child. For this reason, if you are pregnant, we want you to tell us and we will not include you in the study. If you are capable of becoming pregnant, you will be giving a pregnancy test prior to entry into the study. Further, you understand that while you are taking this drug/device you should not become pregnant, and if you do become pregnant, you must discontinue the drug/device and consider termination of the pregnancy. The following statement (as amended as appropriate) must be included in the consent form if the data is reviewed by a Sponsoring Agency. CONFIDENTIALITY: Any information obtained in connection with this project and which could be identified with you will be kept strictly confidential. However, representatives of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (or appropriate Sponsoring Agency), or the United States Food and Drug Administration may inspect your research records to assess the results of this research. The information obtained in this study may be published in scientific journals or presented at scientific meetings, but your identity will be kept strictly confidential. The following statement (as amended as appropriate) may be need to be included in the consent form if the research intervention could result in untoward physical, psychological, or medical responses (such protocols may be required to be reviewed by the IRB Subcommittee "A" of Temple University Hospital). I understand that if I am injured as a result of my involvement in this study, only physician fees and medical expenses in excess of my medical and hospital coverage or other third party coverage will be paid with no additional cost to me. I understand that no financial compensation for such injury is not available. If I need to, I can contact Principal Investigator, Address, Home Phone Number, Office Home Number. 50 For Questions about my rights as a research subject, I may contact the Institutional Review Board Coordinator at (215) 7073390. The IRB Coordinator may also be reached by email: irb@temple.edu or regular mail: Institutional Review Board Coordinator Temple University Research Administration Student Faculty Conference Center 3340 North Broad Street – Suite 304 Philadelphia, PA 19140 51 APPENDIX E: APPLICATION CHECK LIST FORM 52 APPLICATION CHECK LIST Please complete this form prior to submitting the Request for Protocol Review to the Office of the Vice President for Research. Face Sheet Name of the researcher, home department, and school. Full title of the project. Date submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Research. Appropriate Research Category checked. Proposed starting date and estimated duration of the research project included. Study location designated (with attached letters for permission for use for Off-Campus Sites). Funding Agency cited if applicable. Signature of Faculty Advisor for Student Projects. Application Justification for the use of minors and/or other special populations. Clear description of the Experimental Procedures and Design. Assurances of maintaining Data Confidentiality. Consideration of Subject and/or Societal benefits. Considerations of risk, discomfort, inconvenience, or physical danger to the subjects [both short-term and long-term risks]. All Consent Forms on Temple University Letterhead including: Consent Form and Permissions to Videotape, Audiotape, and/or Photograph. Copies of all questionnaires and, where applicable, data forms to be used by the researchers are attached to the application. Letters of agreement of participation from Off-Campus Co-Investigators attached to the application.