OLD CONTENTS PART ONE THE BASIC TOOLS OF CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 1 THE TOOLS OF CHEMISTRY OLD = NEW CHAPTER 1MATTER AND MEASUREMENT 1.1 The Science of Chemistry 1.2 Methods of Science 1.3 Some Definitions 1.4 Units of Measurement 1.5 Handling Numbers 1.6 Problem Solving by Dimensional Analysis CHAPTER 2 ATOMS AND ELEMENTS OLD = NEW CHAPTER 2 ATOMS AND ELEMENTS 2.1 Elements 2.2 Atoms 2.3 Isotopes 2.4 Atomic Weight 2.5 The Periodic Table of the Elements An Introduction 2.6 The Mole SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Chemical Elements: Platinum CHAPTER 3 COMPOUNDS AND MOLECULES OLD = NEW CHAPTER 3 MOLECULES, IONS AND COMPOUNDS 3.1 Compounds, Molecules, and Molecular Formulas 3.2 Elements That Exist As Molecules 3.3 Ions and Ionic Compounds 3.4 Names of Compounds SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Planetary Chemistry: Neptune 3.5 Molar Mass, Molecular Weight, and Formula Weight 3.6 Determination of the Formula of a Compound CHAPTER 4 CHEMICAL REACTIONS: AN INTRODUCTION OLD = NEW CHAPTER 4 CHEMICAL EQUATIONS AND STOICHIOMETRY 4.1 Chemical Equations 4.2 Balancing Chemical Equations 4.3 Some Common Types of Chemical Reactions SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Titanium Dioxide: A White Pigment 4.4 Weight Relations in Chemical Reactions: Stoichiometry 4.5 Reactions Where One Reagent Is Present in Limited Supply 4.6 Percent Yield 4.7 Chemical Equations and Chemical Analysis CHAPTER 5 REACTIONS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION OLD = NEW CHAPTER 5 REACTIONS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION 5.1 Properties of Aqueous Solutions: An Introduction 5.2 Balancing Equations for Reactions in Aqueous Solution: 5.3 Some Types of Reactions in Aqueous Solution: Exchange Reactions SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Lead Iodide Crystals Grown in Space-A Student-Designed Experiment 5.4 Stoichiometry of Reactions in Solution 5.5 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Sunglasses, Photochromic Glass, and Oxidation-Reduction SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Cisplatin, A Cancer Chemotherapy Drug CHAPTER 6 THERMOCHEMISTRY OLD = NEW CHAPTER 6 ENERGY AND CHEMICAL REACTIONS 6.1 Energy and Its Forms 6.2 Units of Energy 6.3 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat 6.4 Energy Changes in Chemical Processes: Enthalpy 6.5 Hess's Law 6.6 State Functions 6.7 Standard Conditions and Standard Enthalpies of Formation 6.8 Measuring Heats of Reactions: Calorimetry SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Our Energy Future PART TWO ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER 7 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY OLD = NEW CHAPTER 7 ATOMIC STRUCTURE & CHAPTER 23 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 7.1 The Nature of Radioactivity 7.2 Nuclear Reactions 7.3 Stability of Atomic Nuclei 7.4 Rates of Disintegration Reactions 7.5 Artificial Transmutations 7.6 Nuclear Fission 7.7 Controlled Nuclear Reactions 7.8 Nuclear Fusion 7.9 Uses of Radioactivity SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Radon CHAPTER 8 ATOMIC STRUCTURE OLD = NEW CHAPTER 7 ATOMIC STRUCTURE 8.1 Electromagnetic Radiation 8.2 The Quantization of Energy 8.3 The Photoelectric Effect and Albert Einstein 8.4 Atomic Line Spectra and Niels Bohr 8.5 The Wave Properties of the Electron 8.6 SchrOdinger, Heisenberg, and Quantum Mechanics 8.7 The Wave Mechanical View of the Atom SOMETHING MORE ABOUT The History of Atomic CHAPTER 9 ATOMIC ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS AND PERIODICITY OLD = NEW CHAPTER 8 ATOMIC ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS AND PERIODICITY 9.1 Electron Spin 9.2 The Pauli Exclusion Principle 9.3 Atom Orbital Energies and Electron Assignments 9.4 Atom Electron Configurations 9.5 Ion Orbital Energies and Electron Configurations 9.6 Atomic Properties and Periodic Trends SOMETHING MORE ABOUT The Importance of Ionic Properties: Gems and Their' Colors 9.7 The Energy Required to Form Common Monatomic Ions and Its Chemical Consequences SOMETHING MORE ABOUT The Origin of the Elements CHAPTER 10 BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMICAL BONDING & MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OLD= NEW CHAPTER 9 BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 10.1 Valence Electrons 10.2 Chemical Bond Formation 10.3 Ionic Bonding 10.4 Covalent Bonding 10.5 Bond Properties 10.6 Molecular Shape 10.7 Molecular Polarity CHAPTER 11 FURTHER CONCEPTS OF CHEMICAL BONDING: ORBITAL HYBRIDIZATION, MOLECULAR ORBITALS, AND METALLIC BONDING OLD = NEW CHAPTER 10 ORBITAL HYBRIDIZATION, MOLECULAR ORBITALS 11.1 Valence Bond Theory 11.2 Molecular Orbital Theory 11.3 Metals and Semiconductors SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Semiconductors PART THREE STATES OF MATTER CHAPTER 12 GASES AND THEIR BEHAVIOR OLD = NEW CHAPTER 12 GASES AND THEIR PROPERTIES 12.1 The Properties of Gases 12.2 The Gas Laws: The Experimental Basis 12.3 The Ideal Gas Law 12.4 The Gas Laws and Chemical Reactions 12.5 Gas Mixtures and Partial Pressures 12.6 Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases 12.7 Graham's Law of Diffusion and Effusion 12.8 Nonideal Gases SOMETHING MORE ABOUT: Molecular Speeds CHAPTER 13 INTERMOLECULAR FORCES, LIQUIDS, AND SOLIDS OLD = NEW CHAPTER 13 INTERMOLECULAR FORCES, LIQUIDS, AND SOLIDS 13.1 Phases of Matter and the Kinetic Molecular Theory 13.2 Intermolecular Forces SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Sweeteners-The Secret is in the Shape 13.3 Properties of Liquids 13.4 Solids SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Probing Solids with X-Rays SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Artificial Diamonds 13.5 The Special Properties of Liquid and Solid Water 13.6 Phase Changes CHAPTER 14 SOLUTIONS AND THEIR BEHAVIOR OLD = NEW CHAPTER 14 SOLUTIONS AND THEIR BEHAVIOR 14.1 Units of Concentration 14.2 The Solution Process 14.3 Colligative Properties 14.4 Colloids and Colloidal Dispersions SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Beer and the Chemistry of Solutions PART FOUR THE CONTROL OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS CHAPTER l5 CHEMICAL KINETICS: RATES AND MECHANISMS OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS OLD = NEW CHAPTER l5 CHEMICAL KINETICS 15.1 Kinetics and Conditions 15.2 Chemical Reaction Rates 15.3 Rate Expressions 15.4 Concentration/Time Relationships 15.5 Rate Changes with Temperature 15.6 Reaction Mechanisms SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Reactions and Mechanisms in Urban Air Pollution 15.7 Catalysis SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Catalysis: The Production of Acetic Acid from Simple Compounds CHAPTER 16 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIA: GENERAL CONCEPTS OLD = NEW CHAPTER 16 CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIA 16.1 The Nature of the Equilibrium State 16.2 The Equilibrium Constant 16.3 The Reaction Quotient 16.4 Some Calculations with the Equilibrium Constant 16.5 External Factors Affecting Equilibria 16.6 Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Mechanisms CHAPTER 17 THE CHEMISTRY OF ACIDS AND BASES OLD = NEW CHAPTER 17 THE CHEMISTRY OF ACIDS AND BASES 17.1 Water, the Hydronium Ion, and Auto-Ionization 17.2 The Bronsted Concept of Acids and Bases 17.3 Water and the pH Scale 17.4 Strong Acids and Bases 17.5 Weak Acids and Bases 17.6 The Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Planetary Chemistry: The Acid Clouds of Venus CHAPTER 18 REACTIONS BETWEEN ACIDS AND BASES OLD = NEW CHAPTER 17 THE CHEMISTRY OF ACIDS AND BASES 18.1 Acid-Base Reactions 18.2 The Common Ion Effect and Buffer Solutions 18.3 Acid-Base Titration Curves 18.4 Acid-Base Indicators CHAPTER 19 PRECIPITATION REACTIONS OLD = NEW CHAPTER 18 OTHER ASPECTS OF AQUEOUS EQUILIBRIA 19.1 Solubility of Salts 19.2 The Solubility Product 19.3 Determining Ksp from Experimental Measurements 19.4 Estimating Salt Solubility from Ksp 19.5 Precipitation of Insoluble Salts 19.6 Solubility and the Common Ion Effect 19.7 Solubility, Ion Separations, and Qualitative Analysis 19.8 Simultaneous Equilibria 19.9 Solubility and Complex Ions 19.10 Acid-Base and Precipitation Equilibria of Practical Significance SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Carbon Dioxide Equilibria-Of Oceans and Eggs SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Silver Chemistry CHAPTER 20 THE SPONTANEITY OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS: ENTROPY & FREE ENERGY OLD= NEW CHAPTER 19 ENTROPY AND FREE ENERGY 20.1 Spontaneous Reactions and Speed: Thermodynamics Versus Kinetics 20.2 Energy and Spontaneity 20.3 Spontaneity, Disorder, and Entropy 20.4 Entropy, Elements, and Compounds 20.5 Entropy and the Second Law 20.6 Thermodynamics and the Equilibrium Constant 20.7 Thermodynamics and Time CHAPTER 21 ELECTROCHEMISTRY: CHEMISTRY OF OXIDATION-REDUCTION RxNS OLD = NEW CHAPTER 20 ELECTRON TRANSFER REACTIONS 21.1 Chemical Change Leading to Electric Current 21.2 Electrochemical Cells and Potentials 21.3 Voltaic Cells At Nonstandard Conditions 21.4 Common Batteries and Storage Cells 21.5 Electrolysis: Chemical Change from Electrical Energy 21.6 Electrical Energy 21.7 The Commercial Production of Chemicals by Electrochemical Methods 21.8 Corrosion: An Example of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions PART FIVE THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS AND THEIR COMPOUNDS CHAPTER 22 THE CHEMISTRY OF HYDROGEN AND THE s-BLOCK ELEMENTS OLD = NEW CHAPTER 21THE CHEMISTRY OF THE MAIN GROUP ELEMENTS 22.1 The Chemistry of Hydrogen SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Hydrogen Absorbed by Metals-The Cold Fusion Episode 22.2 Diagonal Relationships 22.3 The Alkali Metals: Group lA SOMETHING MORE ABOUT The Chemistry of Fireworks 22.4 The Alkaline Earth Metals: Group 2A CHAPTER 23 METALS, METALLOIDS, AND NONMETALS: PERIODIC GROUPS 3A and 4A OLD = NEW CHAPTER 22 THE CHEMISTRY OF THE TRANSITION ELEMENTS 23.1 The Elements of Group 3A 23.2 The Elements of Group 4A SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Lead Chemistry SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Asbestos CHAP CHAPTER 24 THE CHEMISTRY OF THE NONMETALS: PERIODIC GROUPS 5A THROUGH 7A AND THE RARE GASES OLD = NEW CHAPTER 22 THE CHEMISTRY OF THE TRANSITION ELEMENTS 24.1 The Chemistry of Group 5A Elements 24.2 The Chemistry of Group 6A Elements SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Ozone in the Stratosphere 24.3 The Chemistry of Group 7A Elements 24.4 The Chemistry of the Rare Gases CHAPTER 25 THE TRANSITION ELEMENTS AND THEIR CHEMISTRY OLD = NEW CHAPTER 22 THE CHEMISTRY OF THE TRANSITION ELEMENTS 25.1 Physical Properties of the Transition Metals Commercial Production of Transition Metals Coordination Compounds Structures of Coordination Compounds and Isomers Bonding in Coordination Compounds The Colors of Coordination Compounds SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Iron Chemistry SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Nickel Chemistry SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Superconductivity CHAPTER 26 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY OLD = NEW CHAPTER 11 CARBON: MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER ELEMENT 26.1 Some Preliminaries: Structural Formulas and Bonding 26.2 The Alkanes 26.3 Functional Groups and Common Classes of Organic Compounds 26.4 Alcohols, ROH 26.5 Ethers, ROR SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Organic Chemistry, Gasoline, and Gallstones 26.6 Unsaturated Compounds: Alkenes and Alkynes 26.7 Benzene and Aromatic Compounds 26.8 Alkyl Halides 26.9 Carboxylic Acids and Esters SOMETHING MORE ABOUT Fat 26.10 Carbonyl Compounds: Aldehydes and Ketones 26.11 Amines and Amides 26.12 Petroleum and Refinery Processes CHAPTER 27 POLYMERS: NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC MACROMOLECULES OLD = NEW CHAPTER 11 CARBON: MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER ELEMENT 27.1 Amino Acids 27.2 Proteins 27.3 Carbohydrates 27.4 Energy and Information: Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 27.5 Synthetic Polymers: Plastics, Fibers, and Elastomers Appendices A-L a. Some Mathematical Operations b. Common Units, Equivalences, and Conversion Factors c. Physical Constants d. Some Physical Constants for Water and a Few Common Substances e. Ionization Constants for Weak Acids at 25 °C f. Ionization Constants for Weak Bases at 25 °C g. Solubility Product Constants for Some Inorganic Compounds at 25 °C h. Formation Constants for Some Complex Ions in Aqueous Solution i. Standard Reduction Potentials in Aqueous Solution at 25 °C j. Selected Thermodynamic Values k. Answers to Exercises in the Text l. Answers to Selected Study Questions m. Atomic Masses of the Element