Valuation of Self-Insurance and Self

2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Valuation of Self-Insurance and Self-Protection under Outcome
Ambiguity: An Experimental Study
Ozlem Yilmaz
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Department of Business Administration, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90-312-210 3061
Fax: +90-312-210 7962
This experimental study, first, compares the individual valuations of two risk management
tools: self-insurance and self-protection. Second, it investigates these valuations when the
loss amount is ambiguous and compares these values with valuations when loss amounts
are known. Third, the experimental design also eables us to test whether some theoretical
ambiguity models are good predictors of valuations under outcome ambiguity. Results
confirm that self-insurance and self-protection do not constitute a “frame” that affects
valuation. Further, outcome ambiguity affects valuation weakly, and using different
representations of ambiguity does not change valuation. Moreover, individuals are found to
be ambiguity averse for low loss amounts and ambiguity neutral for high loss amounts
regardless of the probability of loss levels. Finally, 28 percent of the subjects behave
consistent with the predictions of “anchoring and adjustment” model, while only 6 percent
support the “maximin” model’s predictions.
Keywords: self-insurance, self-protection, ambiguity, experiment
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
1. Introduction
Self-insurance and self-protection are defined as two risk management tools in the
literature (Ehlich and Becker, 1972). Self-insurance applies to the case in which human
precautionary actions do not affect the probability of the occurence of loss event, but can
influence the size of the loss. Self-protection, however, reduces the probability of the
occurence of the loss event, yet cannot influence the loss size. Eating less beef is an
example for self-protection in that one can lower the probability of getting mad cow
disease, but not the intensity of the disease (Immordino, 2000). In a similar vein, installing
resilient fittings to reduce the cost of damage from flood or any precaution that reduces the
loss size from natural disasters are considered to be self-insurance that only lowers the size
of the loss but not the probability of the occurrence of the hazard (Lamond et al., 2009).
Many disciplines have investigated and compared the individuals’ preferences and
valuations of self-insurance and self-protection. In psychology, for example, many choices
or valuations are found to be systematically influenced by framing an identical problem i.e.
using alternative means of representing the same issue, which is called “ framing effect”
(Tvesky and Kahneman, 1981). In economic theory, some models assume both selfinsurance and self-protection to be equally desirable (e.g., Chang and Ehrlich, 1985), while
others claim that differences may exist between the impact of self-insurance and selfprotection on individual responses to risk (e.g., Boyer and Dionne, 1983). The most famous
theoretical work, Ehrlich and Becker’s (1972) study find that while self-insurance and
market-insurance are substitutes, self-protection and market-insurance are conceptualized as
complements (also supported by Coulbage, 2000). Their argument that, “ the incentive to
self-protection... is not so dependent on attitude toward risk” has been supported by later
theoretical studies which conclude that a more risk-averse person always invest more in
self-insurance, but not necessarily more in self-protection (Boyer and Dionne, 1983; Dionne
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ISBN : 9780974211428
and Eechoudt, 1985; Briys and Schesinger, 1990; Briys, Sckensinger, and Schulenburg,
Although there have been many theoretical works (e.g., Kangoh Lee, 2005), to the
authors’ knowledge, only two experimental studies compare the impacts of these risk
reduction mechanisms on individual responses to risk. Shogen (1990) argues that a riskaverse or risk-neutral individual value self-protection more highly than self-insurance.
However, more recent study by Di Mauro and Maffioletti (1996) find no difference (no
framing effect) between the two mechanisms. This contradiction indicates the need for
further research. Thus, in the risk management context, for example, whether an individual
who wants to reduce the risk of burglary is indifferent between installing a burglar alarm
(self-protection) and putting valuable items in a safe (self-insurance) is questionnable.
The present experimental study attempts to investigate how individuals value risk
reduction through two risk management tools, namely, self-protection and self-insurance.
Particularly, we test the difference between valuation of these mechanisms (“pure framing
effect”) in a risky situation (where probability and the loss size is known) by using loss
situation in one state and no gain in the other state of the world. Self-insurance that reduces
the size of the loss to zero is perfectly equivalent to self-protection that reduces the
probability of the loss to zero. Any difference in the valuation of the two risk-management
tools can only be ascribes to the frame.
In addition, the current study detects how individuals value self-protection and selfinsurance risk management tools when loss size is ambiguous and compares these values to
those given when the loss size is known. For example, does an individual prefer buying a
smoke detector (self-protection) or decorating the house with unburn materials (selfinsurance) in the case when the exact loss amount of possible fire is known versus
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ISBN : 9780974211428
Previous experiments have investigated ambiguity in two dimensions: probability
versus outcome. Probabilistic ambiguity is defined as the uncertain situation where
probability of occurrence of an event is unknown, and outcome ambiguity is defined as the
one where the size of the loss/gain is unknown. The majority of the experiments have
focused on the impact of probabilistic ambiguity on the individual reactions (e.g., Camerer
and Kunreuther, 1989; Cohen, Jaffray, and Said, 1985), and not much research effort has
been devoted to analyze the effect of outcome ambiguity. Findings concerning the effects of
ambiguous probability and ambiguous outcome on choices are also unequivocal (Camerer
and Weber, 1992; Ho, Keller, and Keltyka, 2002).
The only empirical study that we are aware of that examines the effect of ambiguity
on risk management tools is Di Mauro and Mafiolletti’s (1996) work on ambiguity in
probability. They conclude weak effect of ambiguous probability on valuations of both selfinsurance and self-protection. We follow their experiment design to complement their
research and also compare our results (concerning the effect of ambiguous loss size on the
valuations of self-insurance and self-protection) with theirs (concerning the effect of
ambiguous probability on the valuations of self-insurance and self-protection). It is
beneficial for insurers or other risk management practitioners to know whether individuals
are willing to pay more for reducing the loss amount or the probability when they are
provided by exact information about probability of loss and/or loss amount.
Following Di Mauro and Mafiolletti’s (1996) experimental design, we
operationalize ambiguous outcome in two different ways: best estimate (the point estimate
which is exactly the same as the risky case but through the wording used in the scenario is
made imprecise to the subjects) and an interval of loss size (where the mean of the two
extremes in the interval equals to the “best estimate”). We check whether the impact of
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
outcome ambiguity on individuals’ valuations of self-insurance and self-protection changes
with different representations of ambiguity.
In addition to the purposes stated above, as the by-product of the experimental
design used in the current study, we also explore individual attitudes to outcome ambiguity.
Amongs very few studies on outcome ambiguity, Oliver (1972) and Kuhn and Budescu
(1996) find individuals to be ambiguity averse, yet, in Ho et al.’s (2002) study people are
found to be ambuiguity seeeking in the loss domain. The contradictory results of the
previous work on outcome ambiguity attitudes indicate the need for further research.
Lastly, we check the consistency of individuals’ valuations of self-insurance and
self-protection under outcome ambiguity with the predictions of Einhorn and Hogarth’s
(1985) “Anchoring and Adjustment” ambiguity model and Gardenfors and Sahlin’s (1982;
1983) “Maximin model”. The paper is organized as follows. Next section reviews prior
research, while Section 2 describes the experimental design. The results of the experiment
are explained in Section 3, followed by conclusions discussed in Section 4.
2. Literature
Most theoretical studies on ambiguity have focused on modeling the impact of
imprecise probabilities on decision making. Ambiguity is usually assumed to be adding a
second order probability distribution on the top of uncertain probabilities in a decision
under risk, in that case, decisions under outcome ambiguity are not different from the
decisions under risk or probabilistic ambiguity (e.g., Camerer and Weber, 1992; GonzalesVallejo and Shapiro, 1996; Kuhn and Budescu, 1996). However, Ho et al. (2002, p.49)
claim that “when outcomes are ambiguous, people may or may not think of such ambiguity
as consisting of a probability distribution over possible outcomes” and the effect of
ambiguous probability versus ambiguous outcome on choices may differ (e.g., Schoemaker,
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ISBN : 9780974211428
1991). Note that they portray outcome probability as “the range of outcomes without
explicitly invoking probabilistic reasoning” (Ho et al., 2002, p.51). Further, Prospect theory
(Kahneman and Tvesky, 1979) portrays outcomes in the loss domain as having a steeper
slope for the value function than do outcomes in the gain domain (loss aversion) and
Gonzalez-Vallejo, Bonazzi and Shapiro’s (1996) gain domain study find ambiguity
avoidance for gambling choice decisions. Thus, the theoretical literature about the relation
between ambiguous outcome and ambigious probability is lack of concluding consistent
For the empirical work, some scholars claim that the effect of ambiguity on
probability and outcome on choices (e.g., Camerer and Weber, 1992; Schoemaker, 1989;
1991; Gonzalez-Vallejo et al., 1996) and pricing (Kunreuther et. al. 1995) are indifferent,
others suggest that differences exist (e.g., Ho et. al., 2002; Shapiro, 1993). The prior studies
about the distinction between outcome and probabilistic ambiguity necessitates for further
research. In fact, one of the main objectives of the current study is to explore this distinction
in the self-insurance and self-protection context.
There are two experimental studies that compare the difference between the
valuations of self-insurance and self-protection. Shogen (1990)’s result is claimed to be
misleading due to the lottery srtucture used in the study and the most recent study by Di
Mauro and Maffioletti (1996) find no difference (no framing effect). According to Di
Mauro and Maffioletti (1996, pg 54), any rational individual would value self-protection
more, according to the lottery structure used in Shogen (1990) study. We use the Di Mauro
and Mafioletti (1996)’s lottery structure when we ask subjects to evaluate the risk
management tools. That way, we enable to compare our results for self-insurance and selfprotection valuations when loss size is ambiguous with the results of Di Mauro et al. (1996)
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
that investigate self-insurance and self-protection valuations when the probability of loss is
With our experiment design, we also explore ambiguity in the self-insurance and
self-protection context also through comparing individual attitudes to risk and ambiguity.
Most of the recent experimental studies report that individuals tend to avoid ambiguity (e.g.,
Hogarth and Kunreuther, 1985; Gonzalez-Vallejo, Bonazzi, Shapiro, 1996; Kuhn and
Budescu, 1996; Kunreuther, Hogarth, and Spranca, 1995; Camerer and Kunreuther, 1989;
Sarin and Weber, 1993), except for the studies of Kahn and Sarin (1988) and Ho et al.
(2002). Consistent with Kahn and Sarin (1988), they found that most managers were
ambiguity seeking in loss domain for both outcome and probabilistic ambiguity situations.
Moreover, amongst the probabilistic ambiguity studies that investigate the relation between
risk attitudes and uncertainty attitudes, some suggest no correlation between risk attitutes
and ambiguity attitudes (Cohen et al., 1985; Hogarth and Einhorn, 1990). Few
experimental studies have examined the effect of outcome ambiguity on the domain of
losses (Oliver (1972) study on bankers’ loans and Kuhn and Budescu‘s (1996) enviromental
and health hazards study) find individuals to be ambiguity averse. In Ho et al.’s (2002)
managerial decision making experiment, however, it is concluded that people are
ambuiguity seeeking in the loss domain and ambiguity averse in the gain domain. It appears
that any rational person would try to avoid ambiguity in their gain domain setting not to
give up the opportunity to gain, more than in the loss domain. One possible reason of this
contradiction could be based on the fact that in Camerer and Weber (1992) outcome
ambiguity is represented as an unknown probability distribution over the potential range of
outcomes, whereas in Ho et. al. (2002) it is taken as the range of outcomes without
explicitly invoking probabilistic reasoning.The actual return on investment (ROI) is given
as 16% where in the loss domain they use the lottery; 14% for sure for risky versus 10%-
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
18% for ambiguity and in the gain domain they use the lottery; 18% for sure for risky
versus 9%-27% for ambiguity. As the most current study, Di Mauro and Maffioletti (2004)
reveal that people are risk/ambiguity averse for gains and risk/ambiguity seeking for losses
in high probability events, and risk/ambiguity averse for losses and risk/ambiguity seekers
for gains in low probability events. Further, they find increasing patterns in both risk and
uncertainty aversion when probability of loss decreases and when probability of gain
increases. We provide evidence that a similar pattern of attitudes emerges also in our
outcome ambiguity manipulations.
For further investigation, our experimental design enables us to check whether
individual behaviors are consistent with Einhorn and Hogarth’s (1985) “Anchoring and
Adjustment Model” and Gardenfors and Sahlin’s (1982; 1983) “Maximin Model”. The
Anchoring and Adjustment model says that “when the probability of loss increases,
individuals move from ambiguity aversion to ambiguity preference”. However, the
Maximin model implies that, individuals are always ambiguity averse regardless of the
level of probability of loss. In the Di Mauro and Maffioletti (1996) study, no strong
evidence of consistency was found for any one of the two models in differing probabilistic
ambiguity situations. The present study explores the viability of both models using outcome
ambiguity instead of probabilistic ambiguity.
In sum, the main objectives of the current study are to (1) examine and compare the
individual valuations of the two risk reduction mechanisms in risky situations and test
whether there exists “framing effect”, (2) investigate how these valuations differ between
ambiguous versus unambiguous loss size conditions, (3) compare our results with the
results of Mauro and Maffioletti (1996; 2004) to see whether the effects of probabilistic and
outcome ambiguity situations on the valuation of risk reduction mechanisms are somewhat
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
3. The experiment
Table 1 summarizes the experimental design. The experiment consists of four
sessions with 20 students each. Two sessions include 12 scenarios for self-insurance and
the other two sessions include 12 scenarios for self-protection (6 risky, 6 ambiguous
scenarios). Risk and ambiguity are manipulated as a within-subject treatment, and the two
representations of loss amount ambiguity (best estimate and interval of loss amounts) are
treated between subjects (through different sessions). The loss amounts of 3 Euro and 8
Euro out of 10 Euro with probabilities of the occurrence of the loss event being 3%, 50%,
and 80% are used for the sake of remaining compatible with prior experiments in the
literature (Di Mauro and Maffioletti, 1996; 2004).
Insert Table 1
For the risky scenarios, exact probabilities and loss amounts are stated. For the
ambiguous scenarios, only the probabilities were exactly known by the subjects, the loss
amounts are operationalized as “ambiguous” in two different ways: best estimate (the point
estimate which is exactly the same as the risky case but through the wording used in the
scenario is made imprecise to the subjects) and an interval of loss size (where the mean of
the two extremes in the interval equals to the “best estimate”). By using the point estimate
representation for outcome ambiguity, we intent to test whether Einhorn and Hogarth’s
(1985) “anchoring and adjustment model” for the probabilistic ambiguity holds for the
outcome ambiguity in the loss domain through the decision making processes of selfinsurance and self-protection. The best estimate definition of ambiguity is stated in the
instructions as “an expert, hired by a governmental agency, estimates the money loss to be
10 Euro if a loss event occurs. However, this is the first investigation ever carried out, so
you experience considerable uncertainty about the precision of this estimate.” As for the
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
interval definition of ambiguity, the ranges are taken where the mean of the interval equals
to the “best estimate”. For example, for the situation where the probability of loss being
50% and the amount of loss is 8 euro: both Scenario A and Scenario B are examples of selfinsurance scenarios, however, Scenario A is an example of “best estimate” representation
type of ambiguity and Scenario B is an example of “interval” representation type of
SCENARIO A: Assume that you have 10€ and you are concerned about the occurrence of some event. The
probability of the occurrence of such an event is 50% and if this event does occur, you will lose some money.
An expert, hired by a governmental agency, estimates the amount of money loss to be 8€ if the event occurs.
However, this is the first investigation ever carried out, so you experience considerable uncertainty about the
precision of this estimate. You are now asked to state the maximum amount of money that you would be
willing to pay to reduce the amount of money loss to zero.
SCENARIO B: Assume that you have 10€ and you are concerned about the occurrence of some event. The
probability of the occurrence of such an event is 50% and if this event does occur, you will lose some money.
An expert, hired by a governmental agency, estimates the amount of money loss to be anywhere between 6€
and 10€ if the event occurs. You are now asked to state the maximum amount of money that you would be
willing to pay to reduce the amount of money loss to zero.
Subjects are asked to indicate their willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce the
probability of loss (the amount of loss) for self-protection (self-insurance) sessions. A
computerized second price auction is used to elicit the willingness to pay values. More
precisely, subjects indicate their willingness to pay by pressing any key when the price
reaches the most that they are willing to pay (the closing price when they want to leave the
auction). The last person to drop out has the right to reduce the amount of money loss to
zero after paying the price at which the second-to-last person dropped out. Others play the
randomly selected scenario. If the event occurs, they face a money loss and if the event
does not occur, they keep their initial endowment. After all of the subjects complete their
decisions for all 12 scenarios, the computer randomly selects one of the scenarios to play
out for real, so it determines whether the event would occur or not through a random
mechanism (with respect to the probability stated in the scenario).
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ISBN : 9780974211428
3. Empirical results
80 students from Jena University are recruited randomly, using the ORSEE software
(Greiner, 2004) to participate in the experiment and the design is computerized through
using z-Tree (Fischbacher, 2007). Participants receive written instructions after being seated
at a computer terminal. A sample of the instructions in English is available in the
Appendix. Information regarding the demographic characteristics of the participants is
collected through a very short questionnaire just before the experiment. The sample
contains 49 percent females. The average age level is 24 years and the average monthly
income level is 404 Euros. All of the subjects, except for one, are single.
3.1 Differences in the risk reduction mechanisms
Means, medians, and standard deviations of WTP for each risk reduction mechanism
(self-insurance and self-protection) for each probability and loss amount level, and for each
representation of ambiguity (best-estimate and interval) are presented in Table 2. Observe
that, based on the differences in mean values; it is difficult to conclude that a “framing
effect” exists due to the usage of the two different risk reduction mechanisms.
Insert Table 2
Indeed, as shown in Table 3, the Mann-Whitney U-test for independent samples
shows that the distribution of WTP values to reduce the probability (self-protection) and
WTP values to reduce the loss amount (self-insurance) are not statistically different from
each other under risk.
Insert Table 3
3.2 Valuation under risky and ambiguous loss situations
To test whether individual valuations of self-insurance and self-protection differ
between ambiguous outcome and risky situations, the Wilcoxon rank-sum test is used.
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ISBN : 9780974211428
According to the test results summarized in Table 4, the Z values indicate that in the
majority of the loss situations ambiguous and risky WTP values were derived from the
same parent distribution. This result is consistent with Camerer and Kunreuther (1989) and
Cohen et al. (1985).
Insert Table 4
To determine individual risk attitudes, we calculate the mean values of the risk ratios
and to determine individual ambiguity attitudes, we calculate the mean values of the
ambiguity ratios. The risk ratio equals to the WTP value of the risky situation (when the loss
size is exactly known) divided by the expected value of the risky situation. The ambiguity
ratio equals to the WTP value of the ambiguous situation (when the loss size is not exactly
known) divided by the WTP value of the risky situation. For both, a ratio greater than one
indicates risk (ambiguity) aversion, smaller than one stands for risk (ambiguity) seeking
attitude, and equal to one indicates risk (ambiguity) neutrality.
Table 5 shows that the average level of risk ratios are statistically greater than one
(according to one-sample t-tests), indicating a general risk aversion behavior. Further, at the
probability level of 3 percent, subjects behave substantially more risk averse. Scheffe test
(that is used for grouping the means in homogeneous subsets) displays the WTP values for
50% and 80% probabilities in the same group, while WTP values for 3% probability
belongs to a separate group.Also provided in Table 5 are individual ambiguity attitudes.
Using these figures, one can evaluate the Einhorn and Hogarth model with respect to loss
amount ambiguity. The mean values of ambiguity ratios indicate that subjects are ambiguity
averse (the average of the ratio is significantly greater than one based on a one sample ttest) for low loss amounts (3 Euros). For high loss amounts (8 Euros), however, the ratio is
not significantly different from one, indicating risk neutrality. Therefore, these results are
somewhat in line with Einhorn and Hogarth model predictions.
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ISBN : 9780974211428
Insert Table 5
3.3 Representation of loss size (outcome) ambiguity
It has been argued that, while “best estimate” and “interval of loss amounts”
representations of ambiguity have the same expected values, because they differ in their
variances, individuals perceive the interval of loss amounts representation to be more
ambiguous than the best estimate one. However, our analysis suggests that this may not be
the case because a Mann-Whitney U-test (for probability of loss and amount of loss
separately) reveal no significant differences between valuations of the two representations
(Table 6). That is, subjects seem to perceive the best estimate and the interval of loss
amounts representations of ambiguity in the same fashion.
Insert Table 6
3.4 Consistency of the valuations with the theoretical models
Table 7 summarizes the number of the subjects that behaved consistent with the
predictions of each of several ambiguity models. Note that in the prior analysis of these
models, probability of loss is taken to be ambiguous, whereas, for the present study, it is the
loss amount that is ambiguous. With respect to this, 20 percent of the subjects are found to
be consistent with the predictions of expected utility theory, while approximately 28 percent
of the subjects are found to be consistent with the Anchoring and Adjustment model, while
only 6 percent of the responses support the Maximin model predictions. More important,
more than 31 percent of the subjects do not behave consistent with any of the models
(expected utility, anchoring and adjustment, maximin, ambiguity preference, or ambiguity
aversion) considered.
Insert Table 7
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ISBN : 9780974211428
4. Conclusions
This paper provides experimental evidence to compare the individual valuations of
two risk reduction mechanisms; self-insurance and self-protection, in risky situations, also,
it is the first attempt to investigate how individual valuations for these mechanisms in
ambiguous versus unambiguous outcome (loss size) situations. The results are in line with
Di Mauro and Maffioletti’s (1996) probabilistic ambiguity study in that individuals are
found to respond to self-insurance and self-protection framing conditions similarly.
In addition, findings indicate that individuals’ valuations of these two risk reduction
mechanisms are only minimally and no significantly different between ambiguous and risky
situations (also in line with the results of Cohen et al., 1985 and Camerer and Kunreuther,
1989). This conclusion is not only consistent with Expected Utility Theory, but also with
Di Mauro and Maffioletti’s (1996) probabilistic ambiguity study and may indicate that the
effects of probabilistic ambiguity and outcome ambiguity on choices are somewhat similar
(e.g., Camerer and Weber 1992; Schoemaker, 1991; Gonzalez-Vallejo and Shapiro, 1996).
In addition, concerning the relative impacts of using “best estimate” and “interval of loss
amount” as two alternative representations of ambiguity, no evidence is found to conclude
that the valuations alter due to the change in the type of the ambiguity representation. This
result supports the conclusions of Di Mauro and Maffioletti’s (2004) study. They examined
differences between “best estimate” and “interval” representations of probabilistic
ambiguity which also implied that there was a parallelism among the representations of
The results about the individual risk attitudes confirm the presence of the wellknown fourfold pattern of risk attitude which is also one of the features of Prospect Theory
(e.g., Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; Tversky and Kahneman, 1992). Accordingly,
individuals are found to be risk averse for losses, particularly at the low probability
July 1-2, 2015
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
conditions. As for the individual ambiguity attitudes, subjects are found to be ambiguity
averse for low loss amounts. For high loss amounts, however, they become ambiguity
neutral. This finding provides evidence in favor of an outcome based anchoring and
adjustment process, in that individuals appear to shift their attitudes towards a more
ambiguity seeking stance as the loss amount increases.
Finally, the analysis in the present study on ambiguity in the loss amount did not
strongly support any single one of the theoretical frameworks, namely, expected utility,
anchoring and adjustment, maximin. Remarkably, 31 percent of the subjects did not behave
consistent with any of the models. This particular finding suggests that more theoretical
work needs to be done in this area.
The study has several limitations that also indicate avenues for future research.
Specifically, we suggest that a series of experiments should be designed using other
incentive mechanisms, different representations of ambiguity (e.g., sets of outcomes) and
different settings (that incorporate separate versus joint effects of risk reduction
mechanisms). In Lee (1998), self-insurance and self-protection is investigated as “selfinsurance-cum-protection (SICP)” that represents a risk management tool that reduces both
the probability of loss and the size of loss. They claim that there are many actions
individuals face in practice, for example, “high quality brakes reduce both probability of an
automobile accident and the magnitude of a loss if an accident occurs”. Further empirical
studies should take into account the SCIP mechanism to contribute to the better
understanding. In addition, the risk reduction mechanisms should be investigated and
compared for different kinds of risky events such as environmental risks, terrorism, and
workplace risks and/or for different losses (health versus monetary losses). Given the
theoretical and practical relevance of the findings, much research needs to be done in this
area in order to advance risk management strategies.
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2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
The financial support of Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group is
gratefully acknowledged. In addition, the authors are grateful to Werner Güth for his
valuable comments.
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July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Appendix- Sample instructions for self-protection experiment
You are about to participate in an experiment concerning gaining some information on certain economic
behavior. If you follow the instructions carefully you can earn money, but you may end up not earning
anything, other than the 2 Euro participation fee. You will be paid in cash at the end of the experiment. During
the experiment, you are not allowed to communicate with the other participants.
You will be presented twelve different scenarios with different probabilities of occurrence of an
event. If event occurs, you would face a loss of money. However, you have an opportunity to take some action
at some monetary cost. If you take this action you will be able to reduce the probability of the occurrence of
such an event to zero. For each scenario you will be asked to state the maximum amount you are willing to
pay to reduce the probability of the occurrence of such an event to zero. There will be an auction mechanism
to indicate your willingness to pay as follows:
On the screen you will see a description of the scenario. Below the description, at the bottom of the
screen, will be displayed a price which will steadily increase. You will indicate your willingness to pay by
pressing any key when the price reaches the most that you are willing to pay (the closing price when you want
to leave the auction). The last person to drop out will have the right to reduce the probability of the occurrence
of the event to zero and will pay the price at which the second-to-last person dropped out. For each scenario,
your endowment is 10 Euro, meaning that you can spend up to 10 Euro in each scenario to reduce the
probability of the occurrence of the event to zero. After you have indicated your willingness to pay for all
twelve scenarios, the computer will randomly select one of the scenarios to play out for real.
Example 1: Assume for the scenario that is randomly chosen out of eight, you are the last person
who dropped out last (highest price). The second-to-last person (second highest price) is 3 Euro. Then you
will have the right to reduce the probability of losing money to zero and will pay the price 3 Euro.
You earn
Endowment- Price =
10 Euro- 3 Euro = 7 Euro
Example 2: Assume for the scenario that is randomly chosen out of twelve, you are not the lst person
who dropped out. Then you will play the selected scenario out that is if the event occurs, you face a money
loss, if the event does not occur, you will keep your endowment, 10 Euro.
If event occurs:
You earn= Endowment- Money Amount stated in the scenario
If event does not occur:
You earn= Endowment
Step1: At the beginning of the experiment, you will be given an example in order to get familiar with the
procedure of the experiment.
Step 2: You will see the first scenario on the screen and will be given a few minutes to think about it and
when you are ready, please press OK.
Step 3: The auction will take place. You will be asked to press a key when the price reaches the most that you
are willing to pay (that is when you want to leave the auction).
Step 4: You will be presented the other eleven scenarios and will repeat the same procedure.
Step 5: At the end of the twelve scenarios, the computer will select a number from 1 to 12 (each number
corresponds to one of the scenarios). The selected scenario will displayed with all the prices at which each
participant dropped out from the auction.
Step 6: The last person to have dropped out will pay the price at which second-to-last person dropped out
(second highest price).
The other participants will play the explained scenario for real and be paid according to the outcome: The
computer will determine whether the event occurs or not through a random mechanism. If the event occurs,
then you will lose the amount of money mentioned in the scenario. If the event does not occur, then you will
keep your endowment. On the next page there are practice questions. With these questions, how each different
scenario is played will be explained in greater detail.
Examples of self-protection scenarios
Best Estimate: Assume that you have 10€ and you are concerned about the occurrence of some event. The
probability of the occurrence of such an event is 80% and if this event does occur, you will lose some money.
An expert, hired by a governmental agency, estimates the amount of money loss to be 8€ if the event occurs.
However, this is the first investigation ever carried out, so you experience considerable uncertainty about the
precision of this estimate. You are now asked to state the maximum amount of money that you would be
willing to pay to reduce the probability of the occurrence of the event.
Interval of Loss Size: Assume that you have 10€ and you are concerned about the occurrence of some event.
The probability of the occurrence of such an event is 80% and if this event does occur, you will lose some
money. An expert, hired by a governmental agency, estimates the amount of money loss to be anywhere
between 6€ and 10€ if the event occurs. You are now asked to state the maximum amount of money that you
would be willing to pay to reduce the probability of the occurrence of the event.
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 1 Summary of experimental design
Do individuals perceive self-insurance and self-protection differently? (Framing effect) (Between subject
 Self-insurance reduces the amount of loss
 Self-protection reduces the probability of occurrence of loss
How much does valuation under ambiguity differ from valuation under risk? (Within subject factor)
 Risky scenarios (probability and loss amount are exactly known)
 Ambiguous scenarios (probability is known, but loss amount is not known exactly)
What is the impact of different representation of ambiguity? (Between subject factor)
 Best estimate
 Interval of loss amount
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 2 Summary statistics of individual WTP values
( risky situation)
(risky situation)
(Best estimate)
(Best estimate)
(Interval of loss
(Interval of loss
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
Probability of lossLoss amount
50%-3 Euro
80%-8 Euro
3%-8 Euro
3%-3 Euro
Standard deviation
Number of subjects
50%-3 Euro
80%-8 Euro
3%-8 Euro
3%-3 Euro
50%-3 Euro
80%-8 Euro
3%-8 Euro
3%-3 Euro
50%-3 Euro
80%-8 Euro
3%-8 Euro
3%-3 Euro
50%- 6-10 Euro
50%-1-5 Euro
80%- 6-10 Euro
80%-1-5 Euro
3%-6-10 Euro
3%-1-5 Euro
50%- 6-10 Euro
50%-1-5 Euro
80%- 6-10 Euro
80%-1-5 Euro
3%-6-10 Euro
3%-1-5 Euro
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 3 Mann-Whitney test between risk-reduction mechanisms (one-tail test): values of
Risky WTP*
-Best estimate 170
-Interval of
loss amount
* For risky WTP values, the standardized normal variable Z is given instead of U, since the sampling
distribution of U for large samples approaches the normal distribution.
** None of them are found significant at the 95% level in that self-insurance is stochastically larger than selfprotection.
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 4 Wilcoxon rank-sum test between risky and ambiguous WTP values (Z values)
Best estimate
Interval of loss
Best estimate
Interval of loss
Probability of loss- Amount of loss out of 10 Euro
*Significant at 95% confidence level in that the risky and ambiguous willingness-to-pay (WTP) values differ
in distribution.
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 5 Mean values of risk and ambiguity ratios to determine individual attitudes to risk
and ambiguity
Risk ratios*
-Best Estimate
-Interval of loss
-Best estimate
-Interval of loss
Probability of loss- Amount of loss out of 10 Euro
* The risk ratio is calculated as WTP/Expected value. A risk ratio that is greater than one implies risk
aversion, while a risk ratio smaller than one means risk loving (seeking) behavior.
** The ambiguity ratio is calculated as the WTP value under ambiguous situation divided by the
corresponding WTP value under risky situation.
***The mean values of the ratios are not significantly different from one at 95% confidence interval level
according to one-sample t-test results.
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 6 Mann-Whitney U-test for independent samples between the two representations of
Probability of loss-amount of loss out of 10 Euro
U-values are given in the table that concludes distributions of two representations of ambiguity being the
same, since none are found to be significant at 95% confidence level.
July 1-2, 2015
Cambridge, UK
2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 7 Number of individual responses consistent with the predictions of the ambiguity
Expected Utility
Anchoring and Adjustment
Ambiguity Preference
Ambiguity Aversion
Other Behaviors
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Cambridge, UK