1 - Dr.NJPaul

In those days the word of the Lord
was rare; there were not many
I Sam.3:1
February IV week
The old American adage says ‘A dozen by the dime’ and that is
very true in evangelism. It may look odd by it is true that people
do all kinds of things with it just to make a living. And some even
use God’s name and fame for their personal benefits. It existed
even 2000 years ago. Paul commented about such people saying,
“Their belly is their god, and God shall destroy both the belly and
the food”.
Moses, Daniel, Joseph, Abraham were all visionaries and went to
strange lands to endure difficulties and dangers to realize their
dreams; not to enjoy the benefits and comforts at the cost of
others. Peter and Paul warned the people that in the last days such
lots of false prophets would rise up to deceive and distract people
from the right course. They would soft pedal to make people feel
comfortable with the type of Christian living they lead. By
pleasing them they would drain their purses. But we need people
like John the Baptist who would enrage even a king like Herod to
warn him and correct him for his adulterous living. The reward he
received was martyrdom. Are missionaries and visionaries setting
their goals like Paul who said, “I am forging ahead though there be
dangers in Jerusalem”? All others who don’t fit into such design
are only mercenaries.
Then God blessed Noah and his sons.
Gen 9:1
New Year Day
A NEW BEGINNING –Gen. 7:1-24
Noah was a righteous man in all his generations. Yet God shut
him up in the boat while the beasts and the people were at large
for a week. And one day the tsunami struck. The fountains of the
deep opened and the water swept over the land three times. God
told Noah to put a window only 2 ft below the roof because He did
not want any of them to see the flood coming as giant waves and
the dead bodies and carcases floating around.
1. God shut him in so that he need not see the disaster around.
2. God shut him in so that he may shake hands with everyone in
the boat.
3. After the flood Noah came to the top of a mountain the whole
expanse was his:
a. A new beginning like that of Adam 8:13
b. A new blessing 9:7
c. A new covenant 9:17
d. A new change of climate and season 8:22
e. A new rainbow in the sky 9:16
f. A new authority 9:3
Noah set up an altar and sacrificed. But he planted a vineyard and
drank to his shame. Ham looked into the nakedness of his father
and became cursed. Does New Year begin with blessings or
looking into the failures of others and get into curse.
The old is gone. The new is come! All
this is from God.
II Cor.5:17.
As some claim that we say- “Let
us do evil that good may result”?
January I Week
A friend of mine reminded me of a New Year message I
preached several years ago. It was a mixed congregation with a
majority of them as new converts. So I made a simple
demonstration instead of a long message. I wore nice clothes and
on top of it I wore a torn soiled, stained T-shirt with words
‘hatred, fear, jealousy etc., written on it. I told them this is what
most of try to do in a new year. We want to have all the festivity
and joys and blessings of a new year but the things of the old
year are not gone.
I removed the dirty T-shirt which was full of stains and holes
and threw in a corner, and showed how nice I look in my new
clothes. Although I have thrown away the old piece of clothes, I
thought it may be useful to wipe my shoes or some such thing.
So I had a mind to keep it back again! Unless I throw it in the
garbage, it may find a reason to come back. It must ‘pass away’
and not ‘put aside’
Does old nature pop up now and then in the New Year as well?
We need to ask for grace to throw away things of the past.
February III week
Ten years ago things were not easy. We have to open up the
computer and screw in many of the printed circuit boards to
perform additional jobs. The math co processor, the color cards
the sound card and so on. Then we had to install the software to
run many things like our modem, the printer, the scanner and so
on. But things are made easy these days. Many devices in the
market come with the title plug in and play.
God also made things for us easy. If we have not time to go to
church or don’t feel like driving, there are a hundred Christian
programmes in the TV to choose from. There are the CDs and
DVDs to hear or see when we take a stroke or drive the car.
But if we spend all our time watching the cricket match all day
long or down load a dirty movie and see it all night, we are only
bugging our system and the viruses can wipe all the good
programmes God has loaded in our system.
The choice is ours. - To make a good living or bad. To go to
heaven or hell. Just plug in and play.
Lord teach us to pray Luke 11:1
I have fought the good fight, I have
fished the race ,I have kept the faith
II Tim.4:7
January II Week
February III Week
Forgive our ‘debts’ as we forgive them that are ‘dead against us’.
RUNNING THE RACE Phil.2:12,13.
As small boys, during Christmas we enjoyed participating in lot of
fun games in the church yard. One such is called ‘the spoon and
lemon race’. Children must hold a spoon in which a lemon is kept
and they should run without letting it fall down. Some children are
smart and they press their thumb on the lemon as they run. Some
are naïve; just shoot thinking they could manage. Both fail and are
disqualified. Others are afraid to participate and keep crying they
won’t, and hold onto the hands of their parents. But all the time
they watch why and how others fail and finally they also enter the
race. Fearfully they do it and they win!
Paul a great saint and a servant of God who laboured for Him in
so many countries, wrote at the end of his life: “continue to work
out your salvation with fear and trembling: For it is God who
works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose”
Many think, they can run this New Year just the same way like the
previous years and they will soon find themselves disqualified.
How about you?
Failures either of ours in the past or of others should not deter us
from running. Learn from the mistakes and avoid it.
Serve the lord with all your spirit,
your entire mind, and all your
strength. Lk.10:27
I have become like broken pottery. For I
hear the slander of many. Ps. 31:12,13.
February II Week
January II week
I wonder why we love and adore our pets and our children,
although they do not bring any material benefit to us. As soon as
we enter our home, tired from office, and before we are settled in
our sofa, the children run and leap and try to sit on our lap or to
squeeze in the sofa with us or sit on the arm of the chair. They
want to rub on us. The cat also comes and wants to smear her
body on our trousers and leg. Not to forget the dog which leaps
on us and tries to lick us or even pretends to bite our fingers as
soon as we enter the gate or doorstep of our house. That is their
expression of joy that makes us feel happy When we worship and
sing in the church, our spirit and mind rejoice in His presence.
But what about our strength? Do people hesitate to clap and shout
and dance in His presence?
The story is of a broken mud pot found in archaeological survey
made in a place where David was in a hiding for fear of Saul. He
would have used
it for drinking water and thrown it away. But as a broken or
reconstructed pot it is of much greater value as a piece of antiquity
in the museum. The original was worth very little to its first
owner because it carried wine or water and discarded after serving
his purpose. The broken shattered pieces as a whole has received a
reconstructed wholeness more in value a new purpose. So also are
the hearts and lives broken by tragedy of life go through the same
cycle from worthlessness to a value immeasurable when the
Master would fix the pieces together.
The soil is fed by nutrients as it is ‘tilled’. The plants yield the
grains when they are ‘cut and thrashed’. The grains are ‘mutilated
and ground’ to make the flour. The bread is ‘broken digested and
disintegrated’ to give us the energy. It is all a fearful process of
being broken. But all of that helps us to become what we are
designed to be.
I lay .. a precious …. Corner stone,
and the one who trusts in him will
never be put to shame.
I Pet. 2:6
And with your feet fitted with the
readiness that comes from the
gospel of peace.
February II week
January III week
In Antwerp there are many Jewish shops that deal with diamonds
and they would always write in the sales receipt as ‘crystal’ and
not use the word ‘diamonds’.
Paul must have seen people sprinting and setting ready for the
Olympics because he was living in Corinth which was close to the
Olympic village.
Sprinters wear spiked shoes which is uncomfortable for normal
walking. Sloped forward, they cause pain at the heels if someone
would use it for normal walking as the body weight would rest on
the spikes. So the sprinter has to lean forward always and at no
single moment his feet would rest on the ground but only touch it
for fractions of a second. Paul says that every Christian’s life
should be like that with no desires resting in the world or to stay
put in one place but ready to leap forward all the time.
Diamonds are quarried from coalmines. Then it looks like an
ordinary piece of glass. But after it has been cleaned up, cut and
polished, then it finds its place in the crown of the kings or in the
neck of the rich women. Individuals, people, churches which are
considered dirty and useless and of a shameful origin rise to
eminence if someone could spot the gem in them.
Corinthian church was having all kinds of problems and known
for its notorious men.
Fights, adultery, broken families,
participation in devil worships, lawsuits etc were common. No one
would want to become a member of such a church. But that was
the church overflowing with all gifts of the Holy Spirit, tongues,
teaching, prophecy, charity and what not. It is not where we are
that matters but what we are or what we could be. If we expect
every one to be a perfect saint, there would have been no necessity
for the Master to come all the way from heaven just to go down to
Calvary. He did that for the glass from the coalmine to become
the crystal for the crown.
The three Christian armour, helmet, shield and the sword or to
fight and defend and the shoes are to give the swift moment to
surge forward or thrust and escape the assault of the enemy the
belt tightens up and holds all the armour close to the body. We
may have faith, word, but if no readiness to go, the armour is only
a load on the body and be a burden. At the First Passover, the feet
were shod with shoes and standing they enjoyed the meal, contrary
to the Jewish custom. At the last march from this world will we
be found with readiness, the mark of good Christian life?
Your sandals on your feet and your
staff in your hand, Eat it in haste; it is
the Lord’s Passover.
January III Week
Abib was the first of the months. The Jewish calendar had 13
months based on the lunar system. The first month denotes the
time of the first harvest of wheat crop.
Moses told the people to get ready with a lamb on the 10th day of
the month to be sacrificed on the 14th eve. In the meanwhile
people would go into the fields to harvest the first lot of the corn
and grind it into a flour to make the unleavened bread. It must
have been an all exciting new experience, cleansing of the leaven
from the nook and corner of the house. They ate bitter herbs, fruits
and the roasted meat and enjoyed all through the night, while the
rest of the world was in mourning. It was a Passover from one old
experience to a new experience. A new journey to a new
destination began. The slavery of 430 years belonged to a
forgotten era. The first month of the year is an exciting period of
cleansing and preparations for a new journey. But after the feast if
some one prefers to stay behind in Egypt?
God invites us to his table and then wants us to step forward into
new life. That means to leave behind the unwanted things of the
world which is called Egypt. It is passing over to new experience.
By making peace through is blood
shed on the cross.
Col 1:20
February I Week
One morning as I woke up, I heard the cries of someone standing
in their worship place and pleading for forgiveness of sins. The
voice was audible though the words were not clear. As I was
making my own prayers to God, I was asking this question to
myself “could there by forgiveness without bloodshed?” What
about those who do not know anything about the price paid by
Jesus on the cross? If their penitence is sincere would not God
forgive them?
Elijah one day on mount Carmel, challenged the 480 priests of
Baal. They were screaming and shouting, scratching and even
cutting themselves with knives asking their gods to accept their
sacrifices. Was it a ritual or a demonic worship? Elijah had a time
of fun and laughter at them. But if suppose God failed to accept
Elijah’s offering, the 480 priests of Baal would have leaped on
him and chopped him to pieces. Did Elijah take a calculated risk?
What is our reaction to the people worshipping in ignorance?
Should I ask God to forgive them saying ‘they do not know what
they do’ or do I say, “Open their eyes that they may see the
wondrous things of Thy law”? Will God open my eyes to see the
communities not reached for God yet, and still close to me
everyday in my life?
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul and with all your mind and
with all your strength.
Mark 12:30
February I week
Jesus made the lawyer to quote this verse from the Old Testament
that we should worship the Lord with all our spirit, mind and
strength. When we are at worship normally the mind wanders and
sometimes we are not able to enjoy like others because we are in a
different spirit. But all the time the body is left behind.
Why did Jesus say with all your strength?
Early in the morning when the spirit invites to go for the worship
the body wants to pull the blankets firm and be warm in the bed.
Or when it is raining the body says it is not worth going to the
church when it is pouring. Or at times when we are ill or have
some pain don’t want to do anything with worship. It is the body,
which dictates in all these situations.
Jesus said the spirit is quick but the flush is weak indeed.
Do we know that at the end of life, this flesh will be dropped down
and only the soul and the spirit will be gathered up?
Why then pamper this body? Paul therefore wants us to give up
many things like an athlete ready for a race so that the body may
obey the mind and spirit and do what they demand. Or do we
worship them with all our strength?
It would be better for him to be thrown in
the sea… than for him to cause one of
these little one’s to sin. Luke 17:2
January IV Week
Most of us have raised pets sometime or other. What an amount of
care we take even if it be a couple of fish in a tank or birds in a
cage. We have to clean up the cage or a tank, or organise special
feed, or take them to a doctor or specialist when they are sick or
arrange some one to take care of our pet dogs and cats when we go
on vacation. We should also allot time to take them out for a walk
or play with them or pet them. We are not upset even when they
spoil our carpets or sofa. Some people even allow them to sleep in
their own beds!
But I have watched the same people not spending even half the
time and attention to their own children. When they get ill or sick
we don’t pay much attention and when they need help in their
studies or when they struggle with their emotions and feelings and
unable to express it in words we are not by their side. We treat
them as adults and are even angry when they don’t come up to our
We forget that cats don’t travel to eternity with us but our children
do! It is high time we change our ideas about things!
Be imitators of God, therefore, as
dearly loved children. And live a life
of love
January IV Week
Paul did not say follow God as children. What are the good
characteristics of darling children? Children whom we want to lift
up and hug and kiss at the very first sight!
They are beautiful, clean and well dressed– not with unkempt hair
and dirty clothes. They are smiling and cheerful and say ‘hi’ even
to strangers. Not those who are crying and unfriendly.
They play with their toys and mind their work, occasionally lifting
their heads to see who is around and are not the type of children
who go behind their mother all the time crying and nagging or
worried or fearful about what is happening around.
They like to share their toys and chocolates with other children
who pop in and not grab all things for themselves. They happily
cite a nursery rhyme or a verse when asked to and do not reply, “I
don’t know.”
Do people see in us all these good and divine qualities that they
can consider us as darling children of a great God?
He rebuked the wind and said to the waves,
“Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down
and it was completely calm.
Mark 4:39
A tiny satellite up in the sky is trying to probe the cosmic changes
and feed it back to the earth. The tremor of angry waves, the
changes in the undercurrents in the sea, a storm somewhere in the
mind of an ocean a solar eruption that can cause a global
warming- all these macros, affect the micros in our systems. The
unseen changes in the magnetic fluxes can affect our health and
appetites and a normal health cycle. For some they are selfadjusted but for others it is in the ‘end on’ position. So the doctors
try to ‘delete’ it by giving a pill or a short in the arm.
One day there was a storm in the sea for no reason. Jesus was fast
asleep. The disciples were worried and upset. The joy of feeding
the five thousand and the happy meal they had that evening now
caused nausea in the system as the rough waves tossed their boat
high up and down. They woke up the Master. He knew what to do.
He pressed the control alt and delete buttons and the system was
forced to shut down. The waves were ‘controlled’, the laws of
nature ‘altered’, and their fears ‘deleted’. The next morning started
up again normal as if nothing has happened before. Does it happen
to you?
There was famine in the land and
Isaac went to Gerar. Gen. 26:1
Be on guard! Be alert. You do not know
when the time will come
Mk. 13:33.
April III week
February IV week
And there was famine in the land. and Isaac moved towards
Gerar. The declining economy is a mystery to many analysts.
What could be once predicted in terms of trade cycles or
supply and demand has become nothing short of a speculation.
Those were the golden days when gold was the ruling standard.
Soon that was over thrown and the black gold (the crude)
dominated for a while. But economy thrives and prices drop
inspite of soaring price of oil! Some head for a crash and others
lead the world. Technologies change and plastic cards give
place to bio metrics. We are dealing with transactions when we
have no money in our wallets! Calamities can destroy
properties and valuables but not the prosperity. Accidents are
covered by insurance and insurance is covered by what?
Everything seems to come free and from no where. People
come to know the truth only when something like the Wall
Street crash. Some one can get to know my own bank balance
or my buyings before I could get to know myself! Isaac had a
place called Gerar to go in times of adversity. Where will the
world go on the dooms day?
I have heard of watch dogs? But what about watch birds? Dogs
are best friends of human beings. In the ancient days they were
helpful to the shepherds in taking care of the sheep while they
were grazing and the lambs at night while everyone was fast
asleep. Like dogs other animals are also watchful and are wary of
strangers. Peacocks are good watch birds. They always live in
fruit orchards and perch on the highest and loftiest branch. When
they see strangers they start cooing and send a warning note. In
the forest they alert all the small animals when the predators set
out for their prey. The peacock sends a signal at night when the
lion or the tiger is moved out of its den, and that makes the
monkeys leaps from one branch to the other the other, and the
birds start screeching in the trees and the whole forest is thus
Even birds are said to be sensitive to the earthquakes and to the
strange happenings on earth and in the sky. But unfortunately we
human being are not alerted to the day of judgement though the
Bible speaks specifically about it. Jesus said watch and pray. Do
we pray that we do not become a prey?
After a while the brook dried up,
because there had been no rain in
the land
I Kings 17:7
David… danced before the LORD
with all his might.
II Sam. 6:14
April II Week
Elijah killed the prophets of Jezebel and she was hunting for his
head. He ran and ran until he came to a brook called Kerith near
river Jordan. Elijah hid himself in a cave and the water in the
brook quenched his thirst. He was happy to befriend a bird which
faithfully brought him his daily meal. Elijah was upset that all
these came upon him because of his zeal for his God who now left
him in a lurch. It appeared though God seems to forsake him the
bird was kind to him. One day the brook also dried up. It is not a
bird which Elijah can cajole. The brook obliges no one except
God the creator. And Elijah had to look up to God, who had great
plans for him. Elijah had to march a long distance to meet a
widow who would feed him for another two years. The brook
dried up and it was a sign post pointing to another direction of
God’s providence. When everything fails and comes to a grinding
halt, God is pointing to some other direction for us to live, only if
our eyes and ears are open to him.
Gone are the days of carefree living. The hot selling courses are
on stress management for the business executive or to the school
going children. They call it ‘summer camps’ for kids where the
fun and enjoyment offer them a release from school boredom.
Many people do not know that worship time is a good stress
management period. When we were young we were taught action
songs in Sunday school and it was an hour of great enjoyment
those days. And in many a church, worship is introduced
effectively even for the grown ups. The Philippine or the
Ethiopian or the African congregation enjoy worship. It looks odd
or strange to see old and grown up jump or swing or sway like
children as if they enjoy the music. It may look odd, but that is
what they teach
in any stress management courses for the
executives. Shout, scream, loud laughter, wave and swing are
considered as best vent for all the pressure within. In Japan, the
workers vent their boredom, anger and monotony by punching the
billow in the recreation hour thinking it as their Manager. That
prevents them from going on strikes that jeopardize the progress
and productivity. David danced before the LORD with all his
might, until he felt exhausted and felt to the ground. A lot of pent
up emotions was released in God’s presence. The result – the
temple was built and the worship began.
A fool shows his annoyance at
April II week
When the anger gets a man out of control, disastrous things
happen. Cain slew his brother Abel, and Moses threw the
sacred writings of God and broke them to pieces. People spew
words of insults, get other at each other’s throat or quickly
snatch any weapon their hands can reach. The unquenchable
thirst of anger is likened to the inferno of the hell fire. Families
ruined, nations destroyed and history comes to dead halt when
the people at the helm of affairs lose their balance in mad fits
of rage. It does more harm to our inner parts, as much pain and
suffering it inflicts in the body and mind of the target or the
receiver. It pumps more acid into our stomach and causes ulcer
and pumps more blood into our veins that can sustain the
pressure. But the Bible says the wrath of a man cannot fulfil
the righteousness of God. Even for right reasons a man cannot
justify his uncontrolled anger. It is like waves that would beat
on the rocks and erode it away. But does the rough sea that
tossed the ship know that its Creator lay in the lower deck at
the stern fast asleep? By His word He could have dried the
oceans in a moment! To make the storm come to a norm, Jesus
always stays calm.
There is rejoicing in the presence of the
angels of God over one sinner who
Luke 15:10
March I week
The word repentance means ‘coming back’ or coming back to
God or coming back to one’s normal senses. That means to say
the people go away from God only when they are out of their
senses. A man is drunk and goes out of his senses but he thinks
he talks sense and is right but others are wrong. A man
indulges in sin and adultery and he thinks ‘he is only enjoying
life’. But when things go wrong or finance and health fails or
when friends leave him, then he begins to become angry.
1. He is angry that friends have become unfaithful.
2. He is angry that no one is willing to help him even those
who enjoyed his money.
3. He is angry that God has failed him.
This is not repentance. Then he becomes worked up and finally
desperate and at last he is broke. He is sad that he has lost
everything or he is sad because of the pains he has and cries for
help. And still this is not repentance. Repentance is not feeling
sad at one’s own losses but that he had misused and abused
God’s goodness and the kindness of others–For having hurt
others or caused damaged to other’s well being.
Forgetting what is behind and straining
towards what is ahead Phil.3:13
March I week
At times our lumber- room is stored with many things that we
don’t actually use a whole year. Some are broken and useless and
we have no time to repair or set right. Some have been stored for
future requirement. Some clothes are really expensive which we
have outgrown or waiting for the fashion to return. Some bought
in haste and now considered to be waste. Some we want to give
away but not decided whom. Some we do not want to give and do
not need in everyday use. Some keep the old shoes even after
buying a new pair! We find it difficult to dispose them. Even
while giving it away we may make a speech of its values and
worthiness though it was lying in a dusty corner. But what a relief
to the mind when some space is cleared in the lumber- room!
There was a gain in that giving also! And a desire and decision to
clear the other things also dawns in the mind! Though we disposed
off a few things like an old car or appliance even for a price, we
still keep thinking of it. We have disposed it but not dispossessed
to it. It is the same with sinful things we have disposed off through
grace and power of the blood of Jesus which keep coming back to
us. We need to dispossess such thoughts just as we have learnt the
art of dispossessing things from our lumber-room. Paul said old
things have passed away
Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to
April I Week
Joseph was sold out in Egypt – a land far away from his home
and as a houseboy. He was comfortable as a darling son in his
father’s house, and now he had to do menial jobs than what his
servants did for him. It is shameful that for ten years Joseph
was in the prison for a guilt that could not be proved. But the
scripture says that God was with Joseph all the time and did
nothing about it!
People like him who have gone to far off countries seeking job
opportunities soon discover that they have to endure shame and
dishonour to earn for a living. Is this an irony of life, or is it
fate or unkind act of God? Why God’s children be put to
shame before the pagan and the unbelievers?
But anyone who reads the story of Joseph would skip over this
passage as if nothing happened to him but wonder at the glory
and majesty he enjoyed thereafter. We all want the better part
of the story to be our experience and not the first bitter part to
be mentioned anytime anywhere in our lives.
Joseph’s brothers were instrumental for the afflictions of
Joseph. But later they led a normal simple beggarly life while
he was on the throne.
Who can have a crown without a cross?
Luke 23:34-46.
April I week
What did Jesus do on the cross? There are seven sentences
which He said among His groanings and crying in pain. And
these seven sentences are elaborated as sermons than
suggestions for our spiritual growth and experience.
1.Pardon -For all those who caused His pain and on top of it
jeered at Him. How do we react to those who hate us?
2.Promise-To the repentant thief Jesus gave the assurance of
Eternal life.
3.ProvisionHis destitute mother was trusted into the
care of His disciple. What do we do for orphans and the poor?
4.Petition-He said, “I am thirsty.” The great God of creation
and universe was in anguish and pain and thirst. What does He
need of you?
5.Projection-Despair is for every Christian, sometime or other
in our life. But not to abandon into the hands of men but of
6.Preservance- Into Thy hands. There can be nothing better
than trust God in desperate moments of life
7.Prevailing- Finished. A Christian life is ending with a
victorious note if not joyous. Let not a day close without
settling of accounts with God and others
Serve whole-heartedly as if you
were serving the Lord. Eph. 6:7
March II week
Have you seen at the desk of a top executive a small little tree
which is not even one foot high but clustered with lot of fruits like
oranges or lemon? They are very real and you could pluck the
fruit and eat it too! It is an art and a science developed in Japan,
by which big trees could be stunted not to grow big and yet retain
all the qualities of the original. The cost of such a plant is
enormous, more than the price of a real big tree and the land on
which it stands. A real tree gives shade, fruits and wood in plenty
and is a source of revenue for the gardener. A Bonsai is only a
showpiece, just attractive but in the real sense absolutely useless.
It costs its owner a lot of money to maintain it. Many a Christians
stunted in growth are like Bonsai. They may look attractive but of
no use to their Master.
“give us an inheritance among our
March II week
When the people of Israel landed in Canaan after a struggle of
40 years in the wilderness, Moses and later Joshua divided the
land to each tribe and family. According to the Hebrew culture
the men folk only got the allotments. There was a family in the
tribe of Manasseh who had no sons and there were only five
girls. So they came together to Joshua and asked for a portion
and he granted their request after consulting God.
Many a field workers get disappointed to find no fruits in their
ministry; but the secret lies here. If a housewife finds a lovely
dress in the shop, would she keep dreaming that she would get
it as her birthday gift, or would she wait for the best moment to
talk to her husband about that? Certainly a good husband
would also not wait for the Birthday but go and buy and give it
to her straight away. Children who ask for the specific toy in
the shop no matter what the price be, somehow succeed in
getting it. We claimed many people, ministry, and lands and
got them. Ask-and you will receive.
Cast the net on the right side of the
boat and you will find some. Jn.21:6
Ernest Hemingway wrote his noble prize novel “the old and the
sea’ in which he describes the adventures of an old fisherman
on a stormy night. While all alone in the mid sea, something
huge like a monster fish struck his net and he could not haul it
onto his boat. Since it was too big to bring it on board he tied it
to the sides of his boat and started sailing towards the shore
with his huge catch. Because of the cloudy nights and storm, he
lost the direction for many a days. One day the village folk saw
the old man’s boat on the shore with a huge skeleton of that of
a whale tied to the sides of his boat. Though it was a great
catch, the other fish at the sea have gobbled the flesh leaving
only the bones. It was a fortune that was lost But they were
happy the old man returned safe. In stormy nights alone in the
high seas many a temptations are waiting to swallow us up. If
we don’t hook it up or catch it in our net it would swallow us
altogether. Soul winner must be agile ready for the fight. Or he
will be lost in the ocean of temptations and struggles. Gospel is
the net. Jesus has taught us how to cast it.
According to the Grace of God, which
was given to me, as a wise master builder,
I have laid the foundation, and another
builds on it.
1 Cor. 3:10
March IV week
Have you ever seen a builder at work? A couple of labourers
are around him working at his beck and call. Some fetch water,
some bring the slurry and a few are engaged in picking up the
stones or bricks he wants. He would want a small broken brick
to fill up a gap and reject a good brick in its place. He would
tap on a brick when it sets higher than the others in the mortar.
He would use a plumb line and tap side ways if the brick
projects out of the wall. Some question why God is doing
similar things in their lives- here a tap and there a tap. Only the
master builder knows what is good for our lives and how and
where we should fit into His pattern for His church. Paul was
trained –amidst all persecutions and pains- to be a builder
himself as trained by the Master builder to work on the same
pattern with his colleagues. Corrections admonitions,
counselling help us to be built on the one foundation Jesus
When I became a man, I put childish
ways behind me.
I Cor. 13:11
March III week
Children like to go out on camping because they can have the
fun of staying in a tent, lit a camp fire, gather around and sing
songs or laugh and joke. Memories of such things remain long
in their lives. But when we grow old, worries and anxieties
gather around us and we lose momentum and wrinkles appear
on our faces in the place where smiles dominated. Like the
campfire that was lit up and then smothered, life glows bright
and then darkness swells again. The happy faces we saw
around are no more there and possibly they have also grown
weary like us. Campfire may not go all night and even if it be
so, would be meaningless to stay till morning break when the
sunlight comes up and we would be thought crazy to drop one
more splinter onto the fire. It is time to pack up and go. Things
that look attractive and joyous and exciting become empty
again. Paul rightly said “When I was a child, I spoke like a
child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. But when I
grew up to be a man I have to put off those things. What now I
see is the faces of others in a camp fire. But then I would have
the bright sunlight to see everything clearly. Are we still
kindling campfires or looking for daybreak? Do we linger in
small pleasures or petty things of life or things of eternal
The glory has\ departed from Israel.
I Sam.4;21
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a
mirror. Now I know in part; then I shall
know fully.
I Cor.13:12
March IV week
March III week
Ichabod means the glory of the LORD is departed. All through
their lives people bring disgrace to a loving God and fail to see
that they have almost pushed Him out of their heart. And when
something disastrous strikes, then the first thing they utter are
that the Lord has let them in a lurch. Our material well-being,
or loses is equated to God’s goodness and faithfulness. Eli was
a high priest who neglected his duty and allowed his sons to
profane the holy rituals at the temple. They even committed
adultery in the temple court! God sent three warning notes
through His faithful servants and waited twenty years for them
to change their ways. And because of their wickedness, the
people began to detest the worship and failed to have any
regard for their Holy God. So when the time of war came they
were utterly defeated, the two sons of Eli were killed and the
Holy covenant box was captured by the pagan people and Eli
fell back and died. People seldom come to senses until disaster
after disaster strikes them till they are driven to emptiness.
Is God put to shame by our failures?
At the time of this writing by Paul, a looking mirror would have
been an expensive item of novelty, found in the cosmetic kit of a
society woman. And when Paul took a look into it, his memories
flashed back to olden days when he played like a child and
laughed like a child. But things have changed for the better in his
personal life.
People look forward for good and great changes. I have travelled
in bullock cart and also in the fastest of aircrafts around the world.
I have stood in queue for meagre rations in the post war period and
now am walking into big superstores. I have done maths and
counting using my fingers but now use fast computers. Things
have changed all around me. But I am surprised to see things have
not changed with the children around the world, laughing and
playing the same way I did sixty years ago. A kick of a ball brings
a roar of laughter to a child even today. I look back and say I wish
I had the same laughter and joy and peace of that child with no
cares for tomorrow.
What flashes into our mind when we look into a mirror and see
more grey hairs and wrinkles on our faces? The word of God is
like a mirror that reflects what we have had been and what we are
now. Do we have a sigh or a smile at ourselves?
I thought about the former days. Ps.77:5
Give us today our daily bread Mtt.6:11
June II Week
Serve the lord with all your spirit, your entire mind, and all your
strength. Jesus taught a simple prayer to His disciples in which
this title is a sentence. It was appropriate at that time because
people were struggling under heavy taxation levied by the Roman
emperors who were living in luxury and extravagance at the cost
of the slave nations. Each day was a difficult experience for them
who worked hard to feed their families. For a person living in
modern times with all conveniences, this sentence is meaningless,
irrelevant or redundant. Either there is enough food in the kitchen
or is available in plenty at the nearest supermarket or in one of the
food joint that caters to the taste. Yet, with all such conveniences,
the richest sometimes are not able to eat and enjoy what they like
(or even crave) for certain medical reasons. Either they have
problems of high cholesterol or sugar or calories etc., while the
poor have no time to think about all that and only want to fill their
empty stomach. It is not surprising that even in the richest
countries; there are still some poor people who dig the garbage
bins for something to eat. And what about the millions who die of
hunger and famine in countries like Ethiopia? When we drive
home from office assured of a tasty meal or a lunch waiting for us,
let us remember it is grace that we are not in such unfortunate
situation like some of them. Then this sentence and the prayer
becomes really meaningful!
April III Week
Old age is one of the growing problems in the present world
for the person himself (or herself) and the society. Most
societies consider the senior citizens as a burden and a drain of
financial resources. Longevity of life is no more a blessing. In
most countries, the old people are shunted to old age homes or
after care homes. Some find haven in labour camps where they
eke out a living by making soft toys and souvenirs for very low
wages similar to the child labour exploitation. The concept of
joint family living has become a forgotten story. The old
people sadly remember how their own grandpas and grandmas
were served like kings and queens and their imperial orders
ruled over every situation in life. There was order in homes
and discipline and control in the society. But the egg has
hatched and a dragon has appeared. In the name of freedom
chaos prevails. Like a pendulum their thoughts swing back and
forth of yesterday and tomorrow. David’s counsel to such
people is- “Give me the grace to count my days.” (Ps.90:12).It
is the grace that needed to retract, resign, retreat and retire. It
is wrong to expect the world to remain the same. Science and
politics have changed many things in the world. Even empires
have been knocked out of position. If people have pushed God
to a corner in their lives where do we expect the old people to
find a place?
I lift up my eyes to the hills- where
does my help come from? Ps. 121:1
The way of the fool seems right to
him ,but a wise man listens to
April IV week
June I Week
This look strange and a pagan philosophy for a person like
David to utter. Some other translators rewrote it as “can I look
to the hills for my help. Nay. I will look to God who made
heaven and earth” Hills look formidable to climb and we do
not know what goes on the other side. Are the enemies
preparing to attack? This is a pessimistic approach. But David
saw the hills as a blessing and a protection. The enemies have
to climb up and come and it would be easy to attack them then.
So the hills are a protection. Again the clouds rest on the hills
and it brings the rain. The trees of the forest provide fruits and
fuel. The small animals and birds are a game. The cows and
the sheep graze there. The rocks and the wood are good for
building the homes and shelter. So what looks formidable is
always a blessing if only we know how to accept it. Above all
God who made the hills is so great that he can be our greatest
protection and grant all the blessing we need.
How often we find impatient drivers behind us flashing and
honking or waving angrily at us when they want to overtake us.
There are those who even drive on the hard shoulder or on the
wrong side to get away quickly not realising that the whole traffic
is jammed or polarized ahead because of a diversion or men at
work, or an accident had taken place.
There are those who think too smart to drive across a wild river
and get stuck up at the mid stream and shout for help! What make
people do such daring but foolish things which others would think
twice before plunging?
It is because people fail to look at the sign boards and consider
they are not for them. God has given many guide posts for us to
lead a good life. Either we should see those who are ahead of us or
the sign boards of scriptures each day. But many think they know
better only to find they are caught up in a mess at the dead end of
their lives.
Go to the village ahead of you … and
bring the colt.
Mark 11:2
June I Week
Jesus always planned or organized any major event in His life.
Before He celebrated the last Passover or the royal procession on a
colt, He had made special arrangements before hand. Even before
He sent the twelve or the seventy disciples as two by two on
missionary journeys, He instructed them what to do and what not
to do. Even before they marched to the Garden of Gethsemane on
the last night He told them to get ready for any eventualities. Once
He was upset with the disciples for not bringing any bread with
them when they crossed the sea of Galilee by boar. That show He
did not want to leave anything to chances. When God gives us
missionary vision, we want to set back hoping God to do
everything for us. We have to pray for detailed instructions and
get ready against it. The reason why many visions are not
successful is that either we try to organize things in our own way
or wait for everything to come in our way or pour down from
heaven. God prepares people and places and provisions. But we
have to pack the luggage.
So they set out and went from village to
village, preaching the gospel. Luke 9:6.
April IV week
Very often preachers try to do things from the pedestal and
therefore see no fruit in their ministry. I have learnt to sit on
the mat or on the floor in the humble dwellings and in the tin
sheds of poor folk or ate and drank of their cup. Sharing their
pains comes first and sharing the gospel comes next.
Preaching a message from a pedestal or through the media
works much less than visiting the people in their villages, and
do what Jesus did. The Bible says He went about doing ‘good’.
The gospel means ‘Good news’. Do people hear what we say
as good news or a set of army commands? Do we treat the
people like sheep or as dogs? Both are in the company of the
shepherd. The dog obeys the shouts of the shepherd and sits
where he commands. But the same shouting would drive the
sheep in panicky and it would jump over the fence and run
Pulpits and palm mats are made from the same tree, but serve
different purpose and are handled in different ways.
Understanding the make of the people is the key to success in
evangelism not handling a score of techniques as in a
In the beginning there was WORD.
And the word was God and it was
with God
Jn 1:1
We have heard of spider workers who climb high rise buildings
and perched on narrow ledges, perform odd jobs. There are also
stunt men who do tight rope walking between two tall buildings.
But there are few men in the world who climb very tall buildings
holding onto almost nothing such as the slim edge of the glass
windows. Freezing temperature, cold and strong winds, or high
humidity etc. may not deter them from achieving their goals. Yet
when they have gone high up, they turn around and look to the
crowds gathered below and speak to them words of
encouragement. Still how many dare to follow their adventurous
example? There is a price to pay for every step in glorious living.
Jesus did that impossible thing by going to the cross.
In Greek they mean ‘word’ which could be plan, thought or design
that tends to action. Although Bible scholars strive to bring out
the subtle difference they make all the difference to the way we
lead our Christian living. Jesus told a parable which fits into
explains. A noble man had some servants on who worked in his
home as butler other in the garden and orchards and the last one in
his office. The ably managed their assistances by saying that any
time the master would walk in everything should be in top
condition. The Master was very satisfied with their way y of
handling his matters that he went abroad entrusting them to their
offices with more authority. Upon his return he found the
assistants worked faithfully the same way they would do revere
him. In the first case the men used the name of the Master and got
things done. Later they used the same authority as he would and
had things done. We sometimes ask God to heal a person or solve
a problem quoting his words and promises. That is LOGOS. They
are depending on His word and promise to help. But there are
those who the same authority as Jesus did and cast out devils or
command illness to depart. That is Rhema. It is with God
operating from inside -a life of total authority in His name. God
wants us to be commanders and not a child always.
The Lord’s coming is near. James 5:8
Lord met Moses and was about
to kill him Ex. 4:24
May IV Week
May I Week
Most of the non Christians have no idea of the end times, how the
final judgement day could be. And most of the Christians have
wrong ideas about the secret coming and second coming because
the churches are not preparing them to meet the Lord. Everyone
dreams of a painless, instant death. Even in final departure they
want to be comfortable. Some even plan how they could be laid in
rest comfortably. The word of God says that many will be found
‘missing’. Some even think they will be taken up like Elijah in a
golden chariot. Elijah was the only one exceptional in history to
go up with a human body. But a whirl wind took him up and
separated him from Elisha. Some went in search of the body
thinking it might have been tossed, broken, fractured, bleeding as
if in an accident or wholly buried as in an earthquake. It does not
matter what happens to our mortal body because it would finally
perish and decay while the glorious spirit and soul are gone to the
Creator’s presence. The recent Tsunami that struck the eastern
world recently is a typical example of what would happen. Many
went for a walk and the children were playing and some men were
out at sea fishing, when the giant waves rolled over and took up
everything. And many are still found missing. The list is still not
over. The lesson is also not over.
At the burning bush Moses received the instruction to go to
Pharaoh and win the freedom of the people as God’s
commandment. And he went to Egypt at the compulsion of God
and to the unwillingness of his wife. He had tried to handle the
problem earlier as an Egyptian prince and not as a Hebrew. Over
the forty years spent in Midian, the message of his mother who
nursed him and the Hebrew language she taught him were all
forgotten. But God wanted him to identify himself back again with
the slaves and feel their pains and plead with God for deliverance
and not try to use his muscle power as before.
But why should the Lord try to kill him even though he went
willingly or unwillingly? God wanted him and his family to
realize that they once belonged to the Hebrew nation and that
they have been circumcised like any of them. Why people get into
unwanted illness and problems? That is God’s correcting
measures and methods when we are not available to His great
purpose and work for which he considers as the most suitable
candidate. Do we consider it a privilege to work for him or a
burdensome thing?
Then God opened her eyes and
she saw a well of water. Gen.21:19
Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds
of material.
May I Week
May IV Week
Hagar bore a son, Ishmael for Abraham, though she was not his
legal wife. But Hagar despised Sarah because she was very old
and infertile. She thought when Abraham and Sarah dies, Ishmael
and through him she would become the heir of that great property.
The book of Leviticus lays down a set of rules not only concerning
spiritual matters and worship but also civic laws that relate to
health and hygiene, even codes relating to modesty and decency in
wearing dress. But this passage is unique in not explaining the
reasons why clothes of different material should not be mixed
worn. In the time of Moses there were only 3 types of fabric
material known to the Israelites- The cotton, the wool and the flax.
Thin fibre from flax was used to weave a thick and rough material
like curtains. Most of us do not know that during winter days
when we wear wool and cotton and synthetics, we generate a lot of
static electricity. The charges developed are so high that at night
when someone wakes up and touches the door handle or a metallic
object they could see a lot of sparks jumping with sound. Static
electricity could be dangerous at times. The Israelites walked
through the desert which was warm during day and freezing at
night. If they wore such mixed clothing to ward of cold the
chances of generating static electricity by three millions people
could be enormous like that of a generator. Three thousand years
ago it could have been difficult to explain static electricity to
them. Some of God’s laws are not understandable even to day.
It is for only our good and well being.
Her eyes became blinded because of this arrogance and evil design
and she was thrust away from the family. With just a bottle of
water she had to leave the home and wander in the wilderness.
When she became desperate to the point of dying, she came to her
senses. She realized that her very existence was through the
kindness of Sarah and her present problems were due to her own
An angel of God appeared to her and opened her eyes and she saw
a pool of water nearby where she and he son went and got
Very often our own pride and arrogance blinds our eyes and block
the blessings that God wants to bestow in our lives.
Ask God to enlighten our understanding of His goodness in our
“Tell us, ‘they said, “when will this happen,
and what will be the sign of your coming and
of the end of the age?”
My Father will give you whatever you
ask in my name.
May II Week
May III Week
Books will become rare as people will have no time or tendency to
read but want to hear, may be e book will become popular.
Sms and cell phones would carry weird communications secretly
between people without need to talk or others to know. Crime and
sin is facilitated.
Coins totally vanishing in currency. Already plastic currency in
full swing.
Plastic surgery to help criminals play Jekyl and Hyde which would
make hard to detect them and biometrics would be the only next
Shore line would push in and dwellings washed away by high
tides and waves. Especially new man made islands.
Cyclopaedic mystery music would lead many towards dark world.
Music lures away into darkness – youth.
Life span would be again shortened to 36 years and take away the
lot by mysterious (virus) sickness.
Even newsprints and paper would be made of quick biodegradable
and become small in size
Intercity connected by chopper flights as cities are crowded.
Many will live without any idea of future or purpose of eternity
and would want to go…...where?
Very often we find that God promises and it has not been fulfilled.
But God is not One who withdraws His promises or tell lies.
Receiving is our part and there may be some difficulty in that.
People do send letters and parcels by post to us and sometimes
they may be lost in transit or delayed. But the fact remains that it
was posted already.
God promised Abraham that he would have a son but it was
delayed for 25 years. It was Abraham’s fault. God told him to
leave his country and reach Canaan and be there. But Abraham
went to Syria and stayed there long. Again he went to Egypt and
got into a problem. He picked up an Egyptian slave girl who
became his mistress and Abraham lost 13 years because of this.
She did bare him a son but that was not according to God’s
promise. Abraham suggested many alternatives to fit into God’s
promise- Eleazer his faithful servant, Ishmael the son of his
mistress –who could never fit into God’s pattern. Very often we
also are side tracked and try to fit in many things as God’s
promised blessings.
Our prayers are not answered for long just because they may not
fit into the plan God has for us.
Receiving depends on our intentions not God’s unwillingness
to give
Is not he rightly named Jacob? He has
deceived me these two times. Gen.27:36
“Teacher, I will follow You wherever
you go”
May II week
Jacob in the Hebrew language means supplanter or one who
trips others to fall down. It also means cheater or deceiver. It
is said when he was born as a twin of Esau, he came out
holding the feet of Esau. (Normally twins come joined or one
after another). Esau, because he came out first, was considered
the rightful heir of the whole family property. But he
neglected it and went roaming around as a hunter. He cared
less for that and he sold it away to his brother just for a bowl of
hot soup. At one point he became so furious with Jacob that he
plotted to kill Jacob who toiled all the time for the up keep of
the property. While Jacob fled for his life the angels met him
in a night’s dream and he saw them ascending up to heaven.
From that time onwards Jacob was ascending in prosperity.
What he toiled for in his father’s home became wasted away.
Jesus also came out of the grave victorious and ascended to
heaven, but He told us to hold onto His heels and be partners
and be heirs.
Though we are like Jacob, yet He can transform our lives to be
a blessing.
May III Week
One day a young man came to Jesus and said the same thing. Jesus
told him that the (innocent) birds of the sky have nests and the
(Cunning) foxes have holes, but the Son of man has no where to
lay his head to rest. Why did Jesus say so? Did not he have a home
in Nazareth until his thirtieth year where he took care of the
carpentry shop perhaps after His father’s death and sustained the
family? Then He decided to quit that and went for ministry. But
the strange thing was that whenever He rose to speak something in
the synagogue, it sparked a controversy and that they even wanted
to throw him down a cliff. His mother always (like any other
woman) wanted her first born to get married and settle down in the
village. But not only He became a wanderer but gathered a team of
fellows who also left their homes and parents and families and
almost ditched them.
And every time he visited the people, the twelve hefty fellows
followed him into that little home and it would have been a great
be problem those difficult days to feed all of them. So, many
would have found it difficult to entertain Jesus. Even his brothers
would have been angry at an irresponsible elder brother who did
miracles to feed the 5000 but nothing for the family. Follow Jesus
and embarrass others or entertain those who follow Jesus truly?
I am setting a plumb line in the midst
of My people.
Amos 7:8
August I Week
Amos saw a vision of a plumb line. A plumb line is a device used
by the builder to set right the bricks and the blocks while building
a wall. After he spreads the mortar he sets the brick one over the
other and taps on the brick for it to set and then when the row is
complete uses to the plumb line to see if any brick is projection or
depressed or above or below its neighbour.
A dividing line is one which separates a thing or a plot or a piece
of land or some body’s rights from others.
We need to have both in our lives. Our properties and our
Christian character must be well defined as separate from others.
And as we progress in our daily life each brick or step must be
firm and right placed so that we are not found lope sided or
deviated at a later time.
He took up our infirmities and carried
our diseases. Matt. 8:17
June II Week
As a small boy I memorized this passage without understanding
the significance of this sentence. How could someone be healed by
some body else’s scars?
There are three things revealed to us in these words
1. Jesus bore the punishment for us and therefore we need not
undergo any punishment for our sins.
2. At times of our tests and trials, devil will try to intimidate us or
cause doubt in our minds that we will be punished by God for our
misdeeds. But the scars of Jesus tell, us that what He did for us is
the greater truth. That is why on the day of His resurrection Jesus
appeared to His disciples and showed them the nail marks He
received on the cross that His death was not a myth.
3. The scars of Jesus are a story of 2000 years and all generations
since then are blessed and benefited by believing it. It is free for
all. Just as one looks to the cross for forgiveness, we look to the
wounds and scars and get assured in our faith.
You yourselves have seen…. how I
carried you on Eagle’s wings . Ex. 19:14
A heavenly host appeared with
the angel praising God. Lk. 2:13
June III Week
Every time I read the story of the birth of Jesus, I fancy the song
of angels to the shepherds in the open fields of Bethlehem. Was it
all a one time story in history? Would it never happen again?
And my Bible says that the angels are always singing and praising
Him in His presence. And what do they sing about? There is more
joy in heaven when a sinner repents. And therefore there is
singing each time the good news is shared to a sinner. So the
Christmas night repeats over and again. Yes, I could make it
happen it as often as I wish! Like the angel who proclaimed the
good news, I have to do my part and then the heavenly hosts
would join in!
And then the shepherds could not contain. They ran into the
village and saw all that was told did really happen. And all those
who heard it marvelled and rejoiced- A nation drowned in sorrow
and pain by the heavy taxation had some reason to be happy
about! We have the good news for those in sorrow and pain and
the angels are waiting to sing.
Can we ring the bell?
When someone gets a free lift after a long waiting, his first feeling
is a sign of relief. He talks about his disappointment with others
who did not stop. But soon he begins to feel his greatness (and
not the kindness of the driver) that enabled him to win the free lift.
Then he starts discussing about the destination and even goes to a
point of persuading the driver (if possible) to deviate from his
route and drop him at his doorstep. Back at home he briefs about
his worthiness or greatness (or both) that made the driver do this
favour for him, while the driver goes with the satisfaction of
helping a poor stranger left alone on the roadside. The traveller
has no real sense of gratitude. There could be an exception that a
few are really different but a majority of the people take things for
granted and think others are obliged to help them.
Most of us take God for a ride though He cared to carry all our
worries and us all the years of the long journey we have taken so
far in our lives. We are like the proud traveller in every respect.
If only the driver could read the mind of his co passenger he
would have dropped him somewhere half the way. But God is
considerate and good like the driver.
The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. It
grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air
perched in its branches.
Lk. 13:19
July IV Week
What do they have in common? Nothing! Fowls of the air
dominate the sky. They travel as they wish – no one hindering. It
is said that birds when they migrate they could fly non-stop a
distance of 7000 kms. from Siberia to India! No modern aircraft
could do that without refuelling! Vultures and eagles are birds
which have very sharp sight and can even spot a small prey from a
distance of thousands of feet and sweep on them suddenly and at
high velocity and accuracy like that of a jet bomber! There are
people like that, skilled in their jobs and could handle tough tasks
like that easily.
The mustard seed on the other hand is helpless and smallest and
yet it has life to germinate and grow. It has such a bitter taste and
sting that it can alter the nature of the food to which it is added.
Both are effective in altering or affecting things around them. And
both of them come together in one place. The bird so great and
flies so high finds shelter under the mustard when it has grown as
a thick bush. I have seen pelicans finding shelter for the night
under thick bushes in Australia.
Do we alter others lives, or they find shelter under us?
Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say
it again: Rejoice!
June III Week
Joystick is a small device used by children in their play stations
for computer games. For what reason it is given that name I do
not know, but I see the excitement and joy in the face of children
when they are at it. The games could be a car race or getting out
of a maze or a grand chase and the player is to escape out of all the
hurdles and challenges and dangers that keep coming to him at a
faster and faster speed.
The player can navigate to the left or right but not reverse, at any
cost. He must keep going faster ahead. In spiritual life it is much
real. The joy is in overcoming the hurdles and not escaping from
it. We must meet the challenge with joy of the spirit and not like
the unbeliever who can rejoice only when victory comes. It is our
faith and joy that brings the victory in all situations. It is our
joystick. That is why Paul said emphatically ‘rejoice and again I
say rejoice.’
In addition to all this, take up the shield of
faith, with which you can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the evil one. Eph. 6:16
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool
repeats his folly.
June IV Week
July IV Week
In the early days, fiery darts were the most dangerous weapons
used in the battle ships, against one another and to shoot at secured
forts and battlements where no other means of approach was
There is a cyclopaedic folk song, which has an alliteration of the
words ‘there is a hole in the bucket’. It is the story of a man and
his wife – Henri and Leister. Henri urgently wanted a pail of
water and Leister lamented that there was a hole in the bucket.
Henri told her to plug the hole with a bunch of straw. But she
lamented that the cow had eaten away even the last bundle of
straw and she had to go to the farm to collect the straw. But in the
meanwhile a series of hurdles come in the way. The folk song
ends up with a hole in the bucket and nothing could be done. For
many a Christians, their life is like this song which swings back to
square one year after year. The New Year begins with all
promises to God and hopes, but within few days they discover that
the hole in the bucket is still unplugged. Very often selfdetermination, dedication which is not supported by the strength
of the Holy Spirit, leads back to un-confessed old way of life and
leaves the bucket with a hole.
The defence is possible against spears and arrows but not so easy
with burning torches hurled upward. They descend down and
make an impact with such a high speed that the splinters socked
with oil scatter everywhere like shells or modern day missiles.
Paul in his letter to the Corinthians warns the church to get ready
against all the attacks of the enemy. It may be difficult to defend,
but we should try to put off the flame before it guts the whole
place. When the soldiers run helter skelter in panic and their
attention is lost, it becomes easier for the enemies to do something
else outside or surge forward.
Instead of panicky, we can coordinate all our thought at prayer
time and try to act in the right direction.
The Bible says as the dog returns to the vomit, so shall the wicked
return to his own ways. Should we find believers also doing the
same thing?
The earth is the Lord’s, and
everything in it. Ps.24:1
July III Week
Newton discovered the law of gravity because the apple fell on his
head and hurt him so much that he became angry and started
thinking as to why it should add to his pains and problems. He
tried to throw it back at God and it kept falling a dozen times
again and again. He said to himself that something powerful
beyond human comprehension governs the affairs of the universe.
Some people, like him, even today keep blaming God for all the
problems and difficulties they face in life. For some others, things
keep falling down over and again and they decide to swallow it.
Had only Newton kept his mouth open and swallowed the apple,
he would not have bothered the people today with his queer ideas
on gravity! There are millions of people who swallow their
problems as inevitable or fate while few like Newton begin to
question and end up with the truth that “God governs the course
of the universe and the destiny of our lives”.
During that night Paul had a vision of a man
of Macedonia… begging him .
Acts 16:9
June IV Week
Dreams normally come at night spontaneously. But some people
create it for themselves. Some people weave dreams of their
future. Young girl dreams of marrying a rich prince or man
dreams of building or buying a big house with a lawn and a
swimming pool. For some, their ‘dreams come true’ while others
end up with disappointments in life, calling it all a ‘bad dream’. It
is the human expectations that help people to have a hope for
better days and opportunities, and in the spiritual realm, it is much
the same. Jacob and his son Joseph were good dreamers; they
dreamt of everything from success in work to family prosperity
and God enabled their wishes to come true. Business magnets
work towards their dreams and finally build their empires. God’s
children should also think and dream of attaining great things for
God. It does not stop with thinking but continue to dream of it
and then work on it and plan it. Jesus said where your treasure is
there your heart would be. In other words where your heart is,
there you would find your treasure. Inventors, Discoverers,
scientists were all great dreamers. That is how they discovered
new lands, aircrafts, new medicines, equipments and machinery.
Let us dream of reaching nations for God as Paul did. And
someday someone we will write about us saying. And it came to
Saul asked,” who are you Lord?” Acts 9:5
A good man .. out of his heart brings
forth good things.
July III week
Bible scholars suggest that the book of Mark was addressed to
gentiles and was written to show Jesus as the servant of God. But
throughout the book Jesus is referred to as the Son of Man and at
times as the Son of God. What is the difference between the two?
Can God have a Son? This is the sarcastic question of some
religions. Can God be a man is the question of the other people?
At the same time, the Jewish people believed God would appear as
a man-The Messiah and subdue all their enemies and they would
reign supreme for ever. The Greeks believed that man could attain
the position of a demigod like Hercules.
To answer such questions, Mark quickly presents some snapshots
so that we could get a picture of Jesus ourselves. What is the
answer we give to people when they ask this question?
If someone suffers bad breath, there are three things he can do.
Use a mouth spray and cover up the situation. Or he could use
a mint tablet and chew it for the time being. Alternatively he
could brush his teeth or consult his dentist to clean it up. Still
if it persists then he has to go to the root of the problem.
Consult and ENT or see what lies deep within his system that
cause the problem. Jesus said the root of the problem must be
cut down. Dentists say, too much of sweets would spoil the
teeth and Paul says the love of (too much of) money is the root
of all evil. But the believer and the non believer are only
running after it- Knowing or unknowing. The rich man lost the
opportunity to enter the gates of haven because he wanted to
save a piece of bread that could have been given to poor
There are other things inside a person which can cause the bad
breath. Such things may not be seen openly. A spray or a
perfume cannot cover up such situation. Jesus said that if the
heart is filled with such things it is manifest in our word
thought or deed. What should be done about it?
A heart surgery or a new heart?
Joshua the son of Nun sent two spies from
Shittim ..especially Jericho.
July II Week
The conquest of Jericho was not realized when the men clambered
over the crumbled walls. It took place much earlier than that.
When the two spies jeopardized their lives and went in faith and
came out with a hair breadth between them and death, the
conquest was already over.
The first step is that matters more. The joy of succeeding is not as
exciting as the thrill of passing through fearful exciting moments.
It is good to go two by two because when one is frightful, the
other poses as brave. And when one slips, the other laughs and
gives a helping hand.
What is the most cherished moment of our life? What is most
exciting in the joy rides?-The thrill of going upside down in the
loop of the roller coaster or the fun of hearing some one shouting
in fear?
The rod and the staff- one for safeguarding and the other for
feeding – are always with us. We are not left alone even if our
feelings are working against us! Jesus and the comforter are with
us unseen. He knows the land must be won. So when we take a
step there he is with us also.
When Moses was tending the flock of
Jethro ..and came to Horeb.. Heb.3:1
July I Week
For a generation which is familiar with digital technologies, dark
room techniques are an unknown, unheard of matter. Fifty years
ago, when photography was at its infant stage, films were used in
the cameras (not chips or cassettes). These films after exposure
have to be taken into a dark room and washed in chemicals kept in
shallow pans. That process was called developing. Then the
exposed film would come in black and white which again in a
dark room kept in contact with a positive or white glossed paper
and again exposed which again was developed in the chemicals.
Finally the pictures are to be washed in water and dried. The more
sensitive the film, the darker would be the room. In all it would
take several hours of washing and drying and an impatient or
improper processing would result in faded or over exposed
pictures. When God called Moses far into the Midian desert or up
the mountain or into the most holy place, there were dark
moments and frightening silence and lonesomeness. But they
were the moments when some of the greatest historic events
discussed or were transacted. In the darkest moments of our lives,
God wants to share His privacy with us. Great things can happen
only after such meetings.
The kingdom of God is like a mustard
Luke 13:18,19
Do not be terrified by them. Jer.1:17
July II Week
July I Week
It may be strange, but it is true that the magnetic pulls of moon
far away are responsible for the rise and fall of tides in the
ocean. The Hindu believes that on the day of new moon the
digestive systems of the human being are affected and so they
prefer to fast. But doctors say that thyroid gland which is
hardly a centimetre in size, secretes thyroxin in micrograms,
which can affect the entire metabolism of a person-Distaste for
food, imbalance in the body equilibrium and many more acute
disorders. Jesus said a parable of micros and macros- Faith the
size of a mustard seed could move a mountain. But to locate
the mustard seed is a problem. God’ word and faith in it is the
mustard. By the word, God created the earth, sun, moon and
stars and the whole universe. So we find macros and micros are
linked together in a wonderful pattern. Yet, people neglect to
read the word of God. Some treat it like any other storybook on
the shelf. Just as people who do not know what macros and
micros could do in a computer, we are illiterate as long as we
do not realize what God word could does in our lives- Like the
man who will see the tossing waves and yet do not realize the
magnetic pull is all around him. The pebble sized faith of
David (micros)rolled off the bolder called Goliath?- Macros vs
Micros. Yes that is true every time.
In the villages, farmers prop up a figure in the shape of a man
stuffed with straw to frighten the birds, which come to eat the
corn. I have seen the same type of straw filled figures being used
by the soldiers during World War II for shooting practices! The
scarecrow, which frightens the innocent birds, is helpless before a
volley of bullets. Very often this is true in our spiritual warfare.
The wicked are an instrument in the hands of the enemy to
frighten and intimidate God’s people in their work places and
society. They puff up to show that they control the destiny of
others in promotions, and benefits and things like that and even
threaten to sack them. Sometimes we come across people who
wave angrily while we are driving or try to pick up a row with us
in public places for no reason. In reality they are filled with fear
inside of incompetence and weakness yet they put up a show of
strength. Pharaoh was afraid that the Israelites were multiplying in
number and growing stronger. At the same time he did not want to
relinquish the comforts of having the servitude of a million slaves.
So he devised a cunning plan to diminish or weaken them but not
destroy them. The Enemy comes to cause and instil fear, doubts
worries and unwanted stress. But he is only a straw filled
For no other foundation can any
one lay than that which is laid,
which is Jesus Christ. I Cor. 3:11
Your Heavenly Father knows
that you need them. Matt.6:32
September IV Week
August I Week
The Titan became world famous once again by the movie though
it sank under the sea 70 years ago. It was double hulled unsinkable
ship that started with faulty design. And it sank by hitting an
iceberg not knowing that the tip was just so small than the whole
of it. Many begin their life with a wrong design or misjudge things
mid way in their life. And so in the mid sea they are sunk.
But does any know of the other unsinkable ship which hardly
took a voyage in the deep sea and did not begin its maiden voyage
to serve the purpose it was designed for? It was ‘Dreadnought’ the
unsinkable war veteran waiting to make a massive attack on the
enemy. And while it was still in the harbour at anchor suicide
bombers leaped onto its funnel and exploded its boilers. That was
the pearl harbour disaster that shook the war history.
Many business veterans sank when the Wall Street collapsed.
Many tall towers crashed, many commercial centres washed off or
rocked by earth quakes defying man’s law and ability to protect
himself. Billy Graham’s famous crusade song is “On Christ the
solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand. All other
ground is sinking sand.” What about you?
A famous preacher summarized that every Christian believer’s life
is either driven by a need or spirit controlled. Most of us are
bogged down by our needs and that forms the major part of our
daily prayer also. But when Jesus taught His disciples a model
prayer, He suggested that God’s authority in our daily lives should
be upper most. So He made the opening sentence saying, “Thy
will be done on earth”
Unfortunately, what we do everyday or how we pattern our life,
depends on how much one of these two driving forces takes
control of our thoughts and minds. Jesus said that the pagan
people do worry about the clothes and food but God’s children
ought not to be so because the Heavenly Father knows that we
need them. Why most of the anointed people are unfruitful and
ineffective in their lives is because they are not kingdom minded
but driven by a need.
Take no thought for the ‘tomorrow’ but seek the kingdom of the
first ‘today’!
Resist the devil, and he will
flee from you.
“My voice You shall hear in
the morning O Lord”. Ps.5:3.
August II week
September IV Week
Screeching noise in the street on an inky dark night or the sight of
a cockroach or a small insect can instil great fear in the mind of a
child or even an adult. A roach and a fly cannot bite a man but
can cause more dangers to our internal organs if they happen to
crawl over our foodstuffs. Yet, what makes the children and the
people to be afraid of darkness? The fear is that there could be
some stranger, or a thief or a devil is in the hiding! Though the
existence of the devil is a disputed subject, the truth is that he
cannot kill a person. But he can frighten us or even bring sickness
to our bodies in an unseen manner like the insects that offend our
health. He achieves that by first making us disobey God. So we
should be careful about what is left outside that he can crawl upon.
The food looks good but we do not know it had been poisoned. So
also the TV and the Internet look good but are not aware of all the
evil that can get in and do more harm unseeingly. It is not the
darkness we should be afraid of but the bright screens that matter.
The Bible tells us, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” like
the dog and the fly and the roach. But what the unseen evil he
brings that matters most and we better be on guard!
For some people the first thing in the morning would be a cup of
coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. To them it is a
sign of luxury and a carefree life. For them petty things in life are
of no matter. They do not want to think any thing less than global.
But to be honest they would have been the lot of children who
cried for their lost books and shoes and un finished home works
every morning in their school days. In the evening they would
have come home beaming with smile that the teacher had
forgotten to ask about their home work. Yet the morrow opened
with the same sorrows.
I have seen my grandpa waking up at four in the morning. He
would prefer to sit in the pantry where he could get more warmth
from the flame of the stove and more light to read his bible which
he did with the aid of a magnifying glass (in addition) to his thick
glasses (spectacles). His shivering hand could not hold a cup of
coffee straight and yet not a drop of it would spill. His Bible in the
other hand gave him all the confidence and the stability he needed
in the shaky moments of his life. A cup of coffee in the morning is
welcome to every one of us. But the God who made the coffee
bean to grow is much more important. The age tells.
I, the LORD, search the heart, test
the mind. Jer.17:10
After a while the brook dried up because there
had been no rain in the land. I Kings. 17:7
September III Week
August II week
When Rontgen discovered the X-rays, he would have seldom
thought that it could help to see the flaws inside man. The Xray
film reveals nothing to a lay man or the patient, but holding it
against a lamp the doctor or the surgeon in a moment finds the
dislocations or a fracture in the bone or a growth underneath the
teeth. Though the patient and the doctor has the same eye and
vision it is not the eye that is able to read the truth. Therefore it is
rightly said that the eye does not see the things but the mind reads
A small bend or a picture hung a little angular is seen by the eye
without the need for a set square.
We always look at the outside of the things and ignore it or
comment upon it. Lot was man who had a lot of failures. He
fought with his uncle and deserted him and chose the best of the
lot. He failed to obey the angels in time. He made incest with his
own daughters. By every standard of the world he is considered a
great sinner. But the Bible calls him righteous Lot! Zacceus was
said to be a cheat and a social outcast but Jesus found in him a
potential candidate for his kingdom. Do we have xrays to see the
inner beauty of the person or do we condemn them by what we see
or hear?
Elijah was not a bird watcher. Not was he a pet keeper. He
befriended a raven (wild crow) and he would boast of his
cleverness to seize bread from the mouth of a raven which is
considered to be a cunning bird. Ravens don’t see with both their
eyes. They have to tilt their head side ways and see through one of
the eyes. In other words they always have one sided view. Elijah
was also of the same sort. He thought of God’s negligence in his
life and his smartness in handling a wild bird. But one day the
river also dried up. Elijah’s tricks with a bird would not work with
the wild river. He had to learn the hand of a mighty Creator behind
even such small thing’s – a raven and a river.
I have met with such empty situations in life when everything
seemed to have been lost and dried up. Then I find the finger’s of
the great God painting towards another direction where a
provision for a longer time has been made for me ready.
Do we doubt God’s goodness in guiding us or upset when the river
is dried up and the raven do not turn up?
When you pray believe that you receive
them and you will have them Mk.11:24
August III week
Children are full of dreams. And they expect good and nice things
to happen always in life. And when we grow older we don’t strip
of that childhood nature. Someone rightly said, ‘half the life is
spent in expectations and the other half in disappointment.’
We are disappointed because others do not rise upto our
expectations, but others are disappointment to see that we are
expecting too much. And it goes on as a vicious circle. We expect
great things from others whom we love most. It is a standard by
which we try to measure others love and concern for us. The wife
expects a (valuable) gift from her husband and certainly not from a
stranger. A father expects a good report about his own children
and not the street urchin.
We expect God to give us all things because we say He loves us.
Disappointments come because we misjudge His love. Or He
expects many things out of us.
So where does expectations meet disappointment? In the prayer
closet when we are at communication with him. We find we have
disappointed Him more than He us. And that is what we read in
So God created man in His own
Gen. 1:27
September III Week
The space explorations done by the NASA scientists reveals
that planets like Mars or Venus are covered by dust storms or
carbon monoxide and hold no attraction for human beings as
there are no green vegetation or animals as here on earth. The
Sun and starts on the other hand are huge a thousand times than
earth but are only a bundle of hot waves like the clouds above
us and don’t have a solid form like mother earth. The Bible
tells us that God just ordered one word and those great cosmic
things a million of them were formed just like that. But as far
man He took one whole day to sit and design him and from
him with his own hands. No wonder human mind has a billion
memory chips more than the super computers and the human
eyes has a billion colour pictures than any TV tube or the most
sophisticated camera designed by man or the human body
contains a net work of thousand of kilometres of nerves system
and blood canals. God took time and effort to design you and
me. And therefore we are precious to Him than a million stars
which hang in the sky. That shows God’s is concerned with
ach of our lives than the lost trajectory of any great celestial
body or a shooting star or a comet. What is God’s special plan
for you and me today?
They set up for themselves sacred pillars and
wooden images on every high hill and under
every green tree.
II Kings 17:10
September II Week
Under every lush green tree there must be good soil. And there
must be good atmosphere surrounding it too. I have seen
withered trees with dried and curled leaves because of acid and
poisonous gases emitted from the chimneys of the fertilizer
plants near by. The factories are supposed to produce
chemicals which should enable plants grow healthier stronger
and fruitful. But the poisonous gases do more harm to the
people and plants nearby and do just the opposite. Yes, in
history such things did take place. The people when they saw
every green and fruitful tree they were supposed to bring thank
offering and first fruits to God’s temple. Instead they built
altars for strange Gods and indulged in immoral practices
under every green tree. What would God do in such a
The very trees where they did abomination served their
enemies to build ramparts against their fortified cities during
time of siege and they cut those trees to make all war weapons
and to send fiery darts against them.
Every blessing we receive in life from God must help us to
serve Him better. Not to satisfy our wishful and whimsical way
of living.
Leave us not into temptation. But deliver
us from the evil one.
August III Week
These are the days when we make the microwave do the macro
things for us. A pound of meat is cooked in a minute’s time. A
friend thousands of miles away can shout ‘hello’ to me even when
I am driving my car. The messages bounce and back from the
satellite or from a star far away in the sky. The invisible
microwave is doing a lot of work as it goes into the system and out
of it.
Thoughts are like microwave subtly entering into our minds. But
when it comes out of the man it could do devastating things. A
lustful look, an arrogant and an angry word can destroy other
people’s life as well.
That is why Jesus said what goes inside a man does not matter
much. But we should be watchful of what comes out, ‘for out of
the heart comes adultery, hatred, covetousness’ ‘unsoweiter’
“Leave us not ‘into’ temptation but deliver us ‘out of’ evil, for
your kingdom has power and glory not only now but for ever.”
But the Lord did not answer him by
dreams or Urim or prophets. I Sam.28:6
August IV Week
In the early eighties, when a high rise building in a condominium
had to be demolished, they adopted a new technique called
“implosion” (opposite of explosion) whereby the whole building
would be made to come down like a pack of cards without
affecting the adjacent structures. On a set day, early in the
morning, a big crowd including some press reporters gathered
there to watch the fun. I also was present there with my video
A group of young guys were standing a little ahead of us, talking
and joking because the implosion did not take place at the set time
and the workers were scuttling in and out of the vacant building
now and then trying to fix the explosives. And then suddenly in a
moment, the whole building collapsed and there was only a heap
of rubble. The young friends standing ahead of me have missed
the moment and were lamenting, “I have not seen it; I have not
seen it.” All their waiting was a waste because they could not
capture the vision. But I had carefully video graphed it and could
play it time and again.
Moses had the sight of the burning bush only once but it kept on
burning in his bosom thereafter. Joseph had dreams only one
night but that was the vision for his lifetime. God still speaks to
people that the fields are ready for harvest. But who captures the
Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to
land, full of large fish, 153.
Jn. 21:11
September II Week
DRAG AND DROP –John 21:8-10
Twenty years ago when computers began to replace the electric type
writers, the secretaries considered it a great boon and a marvel that
sentences could be cut and pasted without having to retype. Even
whole paragraphs and pages could be moved up and down. Nowadays
the whole files or folders could be dragged and dropped, as wanted or
unwanted or to be analysed or used or modified giving room to
several options. The disciples used a ‘drag’ net and one time they
caught about 183 large fishes. They brought it to the shore and
‘dropped’ it at the feet of the resurrected Master. Those years such a
catch would have been considered as a great fortune and paid for a
month of feasting for their families. But now it was left as a useless
stuff at the feet of the Master who could feed the multitudes with no
fuss. May be they ate a dozen or two of the fishes and the rest was
discarded! In the presence of the Master everything is ‘dropped out’.
Jesus not only enabled them to get a ‘drag’ of fishes but taught them
to ‘drop’ the unwanted. Things are too attractive in life and drag us or
we drag them but we do not know when and where to drop them.
Jesus finished ‘everything’ on the cross and said “come and drop it
here”. He bore our sicknesses and all infirmities on the cross. Why do
people ‘drag’ it all their life time and not ‘drop’ it at the place where
it should be?
And all flesh shall see the salvation
of God.
The bin of flour shall not be used up nor
shall the jar of oil run dry. I Kings 17:14
September I Week
August IV Week
The word repentance means ‘coming back’ or ‘coming back to
God’ or ‘coming back to one’s normal senses’. That means to say,
the people go away from God only when they are out of their
senses. A man is drunk and he goes out of his senses. But he
thinks he talks sense and is right while others are wrong. A man
indulges in sin and adultery and he thinks ‘he is only enjoying
life’. But when things go wrong – finance and health fails or when
friends leave him, then he begins to become angry.
Very often in life we pass through difficult situations and we are at
our wit’s ends not knowing what to do. The prophet was fed by a
raven for about a year and that also was gone. The river had dried
up and the bird would not come anymore. Now the prophet had to
take a step which was shameful and unbecoming of him- to beg a
widow for a morsel of food! As long as he got the bread from the
raven he did not question any thing. The raven had stolen the
bread and carried it in its beak, with which he fed himself on the
corpses of dead animals. It was stolen bread served by an unclean
bird! There was no question of ethics about what he did. But to go
to the widow for help was embarrassing. The widow also had no
food for herself and her son and the prophet had to beg a portion
of what little she had. Did he beg? No. the prophets do not bow
down before any one. No not even the kings. He used the same
tenor when he instructed the woman to make a cake for himself
first! It was not lesser than an order or a commander. He professed
a blessing that the pot of flour and the vessel of oil would not be
dried up for many more days to come. And it happened so. We in
his situation would have been curved down.
1. He is angry that friends have become unfaithful.
2. He is angry that no one is willing to help him even those who
enjoyed his money.
3. He is angry that God has failed him.
This is not repentance.
Then he becomes worked up and finally desperate and at last he is
broke. He is sad that he has lost everything or he is sad and cries
for the pains he has or he cries for help. And still this is not
repentance. Repentance is not feeling sad at one’s own losses but
that he has misused and abused God’s goodness and the kindness
of others. – For having hurt others or caused damaged to others
well being.
What do we do with empty vessels and dried up rivers? Command
them in the name of the Lord?
Speak …all the words that I command you to
speak to them . Do not diminish a word. Jer. 26:2
Oh, remember that my life is a
Job. 7:7
September I Week
I used to wonder about the prophets of the Old Testament days.
They were men who had no social acceptance. Many of them had
no formal education. Some of them had disrupted family life and a
few others even had to beg for a morsel of food each day. Yet they
were the people who walked before the kings to their court
fearlessly and spoke provokingly and walked away untouched.
Many of them did no miracles for others to see and believe and
they did not use plain speech which all could understand. Yet
years later, the people accepted that whatever they uttered had
come to pass. The prophets also did not lead a busy life all the
time like the priest who had to work from morning till evening at
the temple and later counsel to someone when off duty. On the
other hand through the years the prophet had only one message to
say and perhaps the very same words, which God dictated them.
They could not exceed or deviate even by one word in their
speech. But they were the people who were waiting all the time
night or day in God’s presence to receive something new for the
people. They were the ones who were tough with the people but
melted before God pleading for their ignorance and
insubordination. But there are many who play sweet with the
people and show God as unkind. What are they? Prophets or
priests or what… ?
Every one of us whether it be a babe in the crib or the grandpa in
the arm chair, pass through cycles of emotions every hour of the
day and every day of the year. We spin and weave our own
emotions and then are caught in a web. Psalm twenty three is an
example of one cycle which David made in the disguise of a
stupid sheep.
There is a time happy enjoyment, peaceful life and tranquillity
followed by sudden danger or disaster which wants to swallow up
and then there is heavenly intervention, protection, comfort. In the
end there is solace, rejoicing, thanksgiving and abundant blessing.
The seven stages of life cycle are condensed into six short verses.
Are you in a depressed moment? The consolation is that every
one has passed through it. It will be worst, time and again but not
swallow us. Life is not a bed of roses.
God is our refuge and the source of all blessings. If we know how
to encourage ourselves with these thought we will never blame
others for our miserable situations and moments. God is in control
of our lives. Don’t give that credit man or the devil!
For the love of money is a root of all
kinds of evil.
I Tim. 6:10
November III Week
It is an idiom or phrase which has two meanings. That depends
how we pronounce it. Pronounced separately, it means that money
is important for leading a comfortable respectable life. But money
is not all. The Bible clearly says that people who have been used
by money have fallen into many traps and ruined their life. Man
does not live by money alone, but by every word that comes from
God’s throne. It is God who grants wealth and makes one rich or
poor. The other meaning comes when we pronounce the words
together. It talks of things relating to money. In money matters
Christians are expected to be faithful. Jesus said, “Render unto
Caesar what you owe to him and to God what we should. Very
often we neglect that latter part. We hurry to pay the taxes before
due dates lest the government send as a warrant. But we are slack
in God’s affairs. We cannot serve God and mammon. And we
cannot be unfaithful in what we owe to others.
Let us lay aside every weight, and sin which so
easily ensnares us, and let us run Heb.12: 1
It is a pity to see someone struggling to pull up all the weight and
try to take a brisk walk early in the morning. For some it is a
problem of heredity. For others it is a design of their own. When
they were young they did not take enough care to think of what
they eat or how they dissipate excess calories. They became couch
potatoes watching TV all the time. And in course of time they
realize how it is become a social and economic problem when they
travel or go for buying clothes or outsized shoes. They cannot
wear the attractive design and fashion dresses and the realization
comes too late. And when they try to reduce their weight, their
heart which has been pumping at a higher pace fails to slow down.
Then it becomes a medical problem. Many are like that in spiritual
realm also. Taking in all kinds of stuff not knowing what to reject
and what does harm or good. And so at critical times in their life
they find difficult to make choices or restrictions. The children of
Israel found it advantageous to be friendly with their neighbouring
nations to do trade and cultural exchanges. But it went a little
beyond and invaded into their religious practices and worship of
Jehovah also. Everything seemed acceptable and good in the
beginning but later they became the laughing stock of every one
when they gasped for breath and could not flee in emergency
when the enemies invaded.
And he led the flock to the back of the
desert, and came to Horeb. Ex.3:1
October I Week
Moses was a prince – a war veteran, an active statesman. But
he was holding a shepherd’s rod in a wasted away land with no
one to talk to. Forty years of bareness. He felt insulted, hurt
and disappointed with God and even His own people. Why
should he try to do something again for others having ruined
his own life for trying to do good? We also come to such dead
end in our lives when God seems to be non-reactive, silent and
dumb. But did he know that one day the bush would catch fire
and a flame of freedom would spread all over? That is God
doing with our bareness.
You do not know what will happen
James 4:14
November III week
Someone rightly said that the status of a man is judged by the
number of plastic cards he has in his wallet. Someone also said
that the revenue in the churches have fallen down considerably
because people can not afford to throw their credit cards into
the offertory bags. The time is not far off that beggars in the
street would walk with a card and a swapping machine in their
hand and ask us to pay them by Master card or Visa card or
Diners or American Express. We have to thank all those
genius brains who made life so easier for us in one way but
made it complex in many ways. Our grand fathers dared not to
borrow one dollar or live in excess of their means. But banks
rush today offering loans and cards only to make us debtors
and lead a life of vanity. We buy ‘tomorrow’ ‘today’, not
knowing we may die next moment and leave others liable for
our liabilities. It is not a ‘credit card’ as it is named when it
brings discredit to us and others. There is no real credit or self
respect to its owner because the Bible calls the borrower is a
slave to the lender. Trying to live beyond our means and limits
is unscriptural. Though eternity is promised to us to morrow is
not ours until it dawns. Jesus said, “Sufficient unto the day is
the evil thereof.” “Boast not of tomorrow”.
Cash upon today, to do something for God.
You have given a banner to those
who fear you.
He will be as vessel for honour sanctified
and useful for the master II Tim. 2:20,21
November II week
October I week
I have not seen a battle ground except in a picture like the
many in the hall of fame in palace de Versailles, France. In one
of those paintings I saw a group of men muster to lift the flag
of their nation while their enemies fall on them and try to
slaughter them. The men holding the banner don’t look around
but press forward unperturbed because when the banner is
lifted the war in won.
I have been to the top of the world over the Alps in Switzerland
where a flag on the pole flutters day and night. The chill wind
beating on my face and the snow heavily falling on my head,
and the feet slipping I crawled to that point, our guide holding
our hand and helping us. What a joy and pride to snap a picture
under that flag staff!
Jesus did it on the cross and the victory is won once and
forever, for all the mankind. Millions crawl there, the snow
and the fear and darkness around impeding them. But the
victory is won and the joy is shared, as long as the banner is
In a preacher’s study, were seen three little object. A lovely
Chinese enamel flower vase, a crystal glass jug of water on the
table, and ceramic dull green coloured coffee mug.
The first two were very expensive but the last one was precious
because that mug has been with him for over forty years since he
was a little boy. Each had its own use and application and had a
place of happy memory in his life. He would not want his wife to
bring coffee for him in the crystal jug or arrange the flowers in it.
But many of young preachers who are rising up like mushrooms
tend to mix up the purpose for which they are made. They like to
imitate many successful ministers in dress, style, speech and
pattern of ministry. How odd would it would it look if I put a
bunch of lovely flowers in a coffee mug? That is the reason why
many ministries fail or preaching proves powerless. Let us follow
what God has designed us to be - a coffee mug or an expensive
flower vase, and be content do our part little or big.
Remember that in your life time you
received your good things and like wise
Lazarus evil things.
October II Week
Man is a bundle of nerves and a pile of memories –good and bad.
We forget many things but some remain with us from cradle to
death bed. Happy and angry, moments sad and ugly, strong and
stirring emotions, fearful and hiding things we cannot share with
any one in life any time. At times our own memories blackmail us.
There was rich man who lived a sumptuous life and he died and
went to Hades. But when he looked up, he a saw a beggar who
used to sit at his door step and beg for a morsel of food. The rich
man was thirsty and asked father Abraham to send Lazarus with a
bottle of water. Father Abraham told him to switch his memories
and think of all the happy things he enjoyed on earth and which k
he did not care to share with poor Lazarus who was begging for a
morsel of food. Memories did not drop out even though the bodies
which housed it were left behind to rot in the grave. But we foster
the body and try to bury the memories. We fail to think which has
eternal values and which tends towards infinity. Jesus said worry
not for the body and its requirements but think of things that have
eternal values. Do we leave imprints of bad and sad or bitter
memories in the minds of others we will be held accountable for
that? Remember father Abraham’s advice to rich man.
You, O LORD, have done as
it pleased You. Jonah 1:14
November II week
The right thing is to ask, “What is God’s will for my life?”
But the first thing would be to see how to find is God’s will. Once
I know God’s will I must learn to adjust my life to it. The focus
must be on God; not my life.
These are the words which Jesus said in his last prayer and speech
on the night of His departure:
“Heavenly Father is always at His work to this very day. And I too
am working. I tell you the Son can do nothing by Himself. He can
do only what He sees the Father doing because whatever the
Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and
shows Him all He does”. Jn. 5:17-20
God is working now. I can do nothing of my own initiative. Father
loves me. He shows me everything. He is doing. Once I know
where He is working I will adjust my life and be there to work
with Him.
(Excerpts from Experiencing God.)
Receive one who is weak in the faith.
Rom. 14:1
And there arose a murmuring of the Grecians
against the Hebrews
– Acts 6:1
October II Week
November I Week
As the train pulled out of station we tried to settle down in our
seats and we found a decently dressed person sitting right in the
middle of our reserved berth. I and my wife had to sit at either
ends and he did not care to move to a corner either knowing well
he was sitting in somebody’s place. We felt embarrassed though
angry at that man’s indecency and waited for the coach conductor
to set right the matters. And the coach conductor came and
checked our tickets and then the man spoke. He was allotted an
upper berth and having a serious fracture in his thigh and the
wounds not fully healed he asked he should be granted another
seat at the lower berth. Then we felt ashamed that he was a man
with infirmity though it was not visible to us and we were happy
that we did not embarrass him with hard words. In life there are
many whom we come across every day but have deep wounds
within and the scars not visible. Some have diabetics or cancer or
unseen killing diseases which create in them a surge of feelings of
fear anger and pain. Many come to the worship and some even
may put up a smiling face with all their infirmities. There was a
woman with broken marriage five husbands and yet she talked
proud words to Jesus. But His gentleness transformed the ego in
her to a righteous zeal and concern for her own villagers who
mocked and insulted her. How do we deal with people having
infirmity unseen?
Once the academic year begins parents are very busy in trying the
best institution for their children. Especially for the little ones they
are choosy about Kindergarten centres where the teaching and
treatment are equally good. In some institutions they teaching is
good but they are not tender with children or there is differential
treatment to the children of affluent families and the poor. In
some, the child is very happy and comfortable with games and fun
but they don’t learn much. Therefore the education of the little
ones is as expensive as the college going child. But the parent
would not mind it because the early years are formative period and
they want the child to have right attitude towards life and
education. It is much the same with church and spiritual matters.
There is good teaching in some churches but the treatment is poor.
Peter was a great teacher but he failed in his practice. He showed
differential treatments to the Jews and the gentiles. That was the
same problem in the first church where the Greek widows had
secondary treatment compared to the Hebrews. Corinth was a
church with excellent teachings from Paul and Apollo’s but they
had class differences even in the social gatherings. Such churches
will have only conflicts and not growth. Do you wonder why
church is not growing?- Because the teachings and treatments are
not in line.
All things work together for good for
those who love God.- Ro. 8:28.
You have name that you are alive, but
you are dead.
October III Week
When something good is taken from our lives or a financial
reversal takes place or a promotion is denied, we get upset with
ourselves as well as God. We sometime blame it as the evil eye of
our ill wishers. Many years ago we were driving to Dubai with our
children and on the way we stopped at a way side restaurant for a
cup of tea. After relaxing for a while we resumed the journey
again and reached Dubai. We unloaded our car and took our bags
and found that our little grand daughter’s specs were missing on
her and not in the hand bag. She was hardly four at that time. She
could not remember where she used it last. We had a doubt it was
left at the restaurant but it was too far to go back again. While
returned on our ay we checked at the restaurant and the parking
and found that the glasses were over run by the car smashed and
crushed beyond usage. We were upset with the child because
glasses were expensive those days. The next day hen we went to
the doctor to buy new glasses he did routine check up and found
there was a gross deviation in the dioptres and the child was too
small to observe or inform the difficulties in vision. She had a
little complication in her vision at that time and a prolonged usage
of wrong glasses would have affected her vision. Then we thanked
God for saving the little child’s vision through that small loss.
November I week
Horrifying to hear a word like that! But true. That is what
Jesus told John about one of the biggest churches in the first
century. It was full of activity. People thronging in the pews
and every seat occupied on a Sunday morning because the
greatest of the apostles were the pastors. That is very true. On
the bill board there was a full list of the meetings and timings;
the finance director’s report was encouraging; the pastor’s
message was eloquent. But all of it failed to come upto the
standards of the Master. We are busy listing our achievements
and are tired every night as we put down our robes after a day’s
hard work. But if the people continue to live the way they
lived yesterday though more names are added in the register, it
could be a tribute to the leader and his evangelical team, but
not making any improvement in the inventories in heaven
which are running low. If more names are not credited to the
book of eternal life, how can we call such a church successful
and not dead?
What do we look for crowd or quality?
I am the rose of Sharon and the lily
of the valleys
Songs S.2:1
Behold I lay in Zion a chief corner stone elect,
precious and he who believe on Him will not
be put to shame
I Pet 2:6
October III Week
Whether it is a wedding party or a funeral home, a festivity or a
celebration – a bunch of flowers are always there. They reflect the
joyful moments, the fading glory of life, the fragrance of goodness
and kindness left behind, a sense of showing the best of our life
and so on. Flowers are varied and yet every one of them is
beautiful and a bunch of them grab our attention. A collection of
thoughts drawn from the feet of the Lord are also like that.
Consoling, comforting, encouraging, cheering up, and gratitude –
it kindles ever so many emotions in our mind.
Very often we see ad in the paper saying, ‘unwanted gift, not even
unpacked or unused for sale at low price.’
When was it last you collected a bunch of flowers in your prayer
How sad would the person feel if he comes to know that the gift
he made to someone whom he loved, has come for sale at a throw
away price!
God gave His only begotten Son as a precious gift to mankind and
very often humanity treats Him as an unwanted gift. We are too
anxious to open a Christmas greeting and see who is the sender or
a gift parcel to see how it could be useful or valuable to us. But if
a gift remains in a corner untouched or even unpacked why then
do we receive it? We as well decline it!
John 3:16 is an unpacked gift in the life of many Christians. To
some, the sight of it is so disgusting that they want to dispose off
as an unwanted gift because it questions their drinking habits or
their promiscuous living. Is it a wet blanket in somebody’s happy
social life?
Then take it and give it to those who are in need of it.
Now the serpent was more cunning than
any beast of the field. Gen.3:1
IV Week
Snake and the ladder is a popular indoor game played in villages
in India even today. Snakes drown all the progress the player has
made and the ladder lifts him back again.
That was the very first game known to mankind since the first man
Adam and his wife Eve lost every thing and glory by listening to
the serpent the devil.
There were three steps involved in the failure.
1. Self – listening to one’s own voice or desires.
2. Disobedience – disobeying God’s instruction.
3. Fear – hiding from the presence of God and others.
The ladder is the reversal of these three steps.
Fear – of his brother. Jacob was a man who fled from the face of
his brother Esau who wanted to kill him but he sought the
presence of God and got encouraged.
Obedience – to the instruction of his father to go to Padan Aram.
Self – he abandoned the desires and plan of self and committed his
life to God for prosperity. Therefore he was met by angels
ascending the ladder! He has set a good example for us to follow!
The heavens declare the glory of
October IV Week
Bees are busy humming their way all day long and Butterflies hop
from one flower to another. Both visit the flowers and bless them
with fertility. They collect the honey for themselves or for others.
But they do their part gently in creation. The bee works hard all its
life time for the drone and the queen and collect a spoonful of
The butterfly has a meek and ugly past emerged from the cocoon
grown from an unsightly worm. God looks to not what we were
but what we are and what we could be as a part of His great and
beautiful creation. Unknowingly our lives could bring joy and
radiance to others or add colours to their daily life or be helpful
and productive in every movement of ours.
As we enjoy every drop of honey from society let us remember we
carry something for their well being and prosperity- The good
news that God wants them ‘to multiply and replenish the earth’.
Preach the word! Be ready in season
and out of season.
II Tim. 4:2
LITERATURE EVANGELISMThere is a story of a young man who went to took up a job in a
small town. The first Sunday he went to church. The pastor was
happy to see a well dressed gentle man and thought of involving
him in some ministry. He asked if he could preach or sing or play
some musical instrument or join the street preaching or handle the
Sunday school. The young man replied in negative for all these
and said he would be happy to attend the Sunday worship and sit
and listen.
This is the situation of 99 percent of all literate Christians today.
If you are blessed reading this book, share it with some one. If you
are interested in knowing more about literature evangelism and
want to reach many for Christ, send us Email today. God bless
He who has pity on the poor, lends
to the Lord.
November IV week
“He that pitieth the poor lendeth unto the Lord.” That is King
James Version in which pity and lending are written in present
tense. But when we see the children begging in the street we
get annoyed. When we see in the TV how people suffer in
poor countries like Sudan or Somalia it does not stir up any
compassion within us. We feel we have nothing to do with
that. If the Samaritan did not have pity on the wounded
traveller the Bible would have been short of a nice parable
about a gate way to heaven. The second part of the verse is
still amazing – lending to the Lord. God the creator of all
things has never received anything from anyone. But the
money fallen into the bowl of the beggar strikes a debit account
in the name of God. Poor not necessarily means beggars. It
includes everyone around us who are in desperate need of
something which we can afford to part with. It may not cost us
anything. But it may mean an ocean of happiness to them and
may even transform their whole life style. Try looking for the
poor around you!
God becomes a debtor to you!
Two men went to pray- one a
Pharisee and the other a tax
For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son that whoever believes
in Him should have everlasting life. Jn.3:16
November IV Week
December IV Week
An educated man well placed in society and who used to go to
church regularly one Sunday saw a man in drab and dirty
clothes sitting next to him. There was a special speaker and the
church was crowded more than normal and every seat was
occupied, some even were standing at the back. The rich man
felt uncomfortable but could not leave his place and go because
it would become obvious, or someone else would be ready to
take his place. At the end of the worship the preacher made an
altar call, asking all who had some problems, unanswered
prayers, sickness, and financial crisis to come forward. The
rich man had only one problem; he was waiting for a
promotion in his office which was long due and that was
denied to him in spite of his hard work but he was too shy to
go forward. He thought people would mistake him for a sinner
‘with a secret sin’, if he went forward. He comforted himself
saying, “God would certainly reward me for my honesty and
good living sometime or other”. The poor man went forward
and was ‘sobbing’ because he was having financial crisis and
he could not give up his drinking habits. He knew where the
problem was and asked God for forgiveness and ‘help’. No
wonder his prayers were answered, and he lived a changed life
and his financial condition improved. The rich man continued
to be the same.
Many years ago I visited an exhibition center in Boston, where
the samples of the computers from day one of development
were displayed. The super computers which were considered
to be wonders of the world are now displaced by small chips
which do the same job and more efficiently. There are chips
smaller than a finger nail and can store a hundred color
photographs or they could store voice, music and speech. But
we never think of those brains which put all those tiny
components to work. Nor do we have time to think of Henry
Ford, Graham Bell or Louis Pasteur or Wright brothers who
revolutionized the world with their wonderful inventions. So
also God remains unnoticed or forgotten from the minds of
men who freely enjoy all the beautiful things He made
including their own little brain. Those great men would have
been happier not because they did something outstanding but
that a host of men cared to remember and thank them. Do we
stand in awe at the super computers or the brains behind it? Of
the wonderful things in life or the good God who gave them all
free to us including His Son?
Add to godliness, brotherly kindness and
to brotherly kindness love.
II Pet.1:7
December IV Week
We are all concerned about soul winning. It is not a method by
which you can do it. It is by the life style we have. Jesus had
compassion for the lost. Without it, don’t ever attempt
evangelising. You don’t have compassion unless you have a
concern for the person. And if you have, you would contribute
something for his or her welfare. And you would make sure
whatever you contribute make them feel comfortable. And
wherever it is needed there must be kind and loving and wise
counselling. The key to miracles of Jesus was compassion.
And He fulfilled every step of the above in all the ministry He
Which of you, intending to build a tower
Does not sit down first and count the cost,
whether he has enough to finish it? Lk.14:28
A rich man wanted to build a factory and he hired a consultant. In
that vast area of land a little far away from the city (said to be the
industrial area), there was a lot of construction work going on. The
consultant used to drive each morning, to that place and in a
corner of that fenced parcel of land, in his cabin he would sit and
watch the progress of the work all around him but nothing
happened in his plot. At times he would be upset with the master
as to why he should hire him and give all facilities when nothing
seemed to progress with his project.
One day he went to the owner and expressed his disappointment
over all the lack of development. The owner appreciated his
honest comments but surprised that he was looking at things from
only his point of view. The Master had to bring in more people
like this consultant, some of them labourers, some skilled workers
and above all the suppliers and so on. And he was at it. Nothing
visibly happened does not imply nothing was going on. In our
ministry we are at times disappointed when nothing seems to
move. But do we know God is working behind silently and
organising many things?
For God so loved the world that He
gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have everlasting life Jn. 3:16
December I Week
When Christmas comes the shops are lit and the windows piled
with gifts. The snow the reindeer, the sledge, the Santa, the bag
and stockings loaded with gifts, the jingling bells, the Christmas
trees with stars and balloons and greetings, the mistle toe, the
carols and the crib and the fruit cake, the list goes on and on.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
that any person who does not have any of the above may not
perish but have everlasting life.
Which of the two we have at Christmas?
He that readeth should run- Habakkuk 2:2
December III week
How often we see warning notes saying ‘wet floor’ be careful
or ‘wet paint’ and yet some one sits on it only to find they have
not only soiled their clothes but spoilt the labour of a poor
painter. There are warning notes ‘care high voltage’ and still
some one is electrocuted. There are firm alarms and people fail
to evacuate immediately. There are warnings in the radio about
a ‘rough sea’ and still some dare to go for fishing and get
drowned. Hundreds of years ago a prophet by name Habakkuk,
was instructed by God to write a ‘danger signal for the nation’.
About a couple of prophets who came earlier than him also
went into the market place to give the same warning note day
after day. But people were too busy buying attractive things
that came from Arabia, Syria, Phoenicia and even far away
India. There were slaves and even beautiful women sold in the
market! The country enjoyed prosperity, socially economically
and politically. Even the priests in the temple overlooked the
crimes of bribing, affliction of the poor, murder which took
place in the high society. No one thought that a mighty nation
called Babylon would march on them and swap them away into
slavery and everything was gone. The Bible still has the same
warning note. Flee from the day of judgement. How do
people respond!
Be diligent to come to me quickly. II Tim. 4:10
December III Week
It is amazing to see how Paul and his team of men, made such
long travels at short notice two thousand years ago when there
were no travel agents to organise the matters. Where did Paul
get all the money for his land or sea travel, or by mules or by
foot over hilly terrains, or through the forests, or over the rough
seas or through the sandy desert? Anyone travelling from
Thessalonica to Athens even today would find the passage
risky and very dangerous by road. Apart form travel, how did
Paul plan for his stay, food and change of clothing and rest?
Being the son of a very rich noble man, and a very highly
educated scholar, why did he take upon himself all these pains
and hurdles? What motivated him to do such things? The lives
of great men like Moses, Nehemiah, Ezra, should have served
as a source of great inspiration. Contrary to to-day’s preachers
who move on from nothing to wealth and fame, these great
men of God, gave up all that they had and ended up with the
reputation as a commoner, a convict, a social outcast and a law
breaker. And most of all they realized that their life was too
short to achieve something important for their dear Lord. They
did not form a ‘Paul’s crusade team’ or ‘Peter’s mass
evangelical team’ and so on. They did not even leave a tomb
stone for us to read anything of what they did. How do we take
evangelism and the need of the world as an urgent issue than
reading a morning newspaper?
Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup
and dish clean, but u your inward part is full of
greed and wickedness
December I Week
We buy most expensive clothes, custom made suits and shoes. But
do we buy such expensive inner garments or socks and things like
that. Some people do not care to change the socks everyday or as
often necessary. The real truth is that only the inner garments are
in contact with the body and the skin and not the expensive
clothes, on top of it. Therefore they ought to be clean and good
and changed often, each day.
Jesus said the same truth in other words. He criticized the
Pharisees for emphasizing the importance of cleaning the outer
side of the vessels and cooking pots than its inner side. The inner
sides are in contact with the food stuff and could cause food
poisoning in case it is not cleaned properly after every use or left
overnight unwashed. In olden days mud pots were mostly used
and food particles could lodge within the pores or if it were a
brazen vessel the spices and acidity of the food stuff would react
with the metal and get putrefied.
The lesson is than the inner man should be kept clean always
rather than an outer show of rituals and piety which the Pharisees
did. There was pride, hatred jealousy and anger inside and not
manifested outside and this could affect the destiny of the man.
I was a stranger and you did not
take me in.
Matt. 25:43.
Our fathers were under the cloud I Cor. 10:1
December II Week
December II Week
Have you ever heard a Christmas sermon about the inn-keeper?
Some one said he was unkind in not giving place to Mary and
Joseph. But the Bible says that there was no room in the inn
because of the taxation and the pilgrims had crowded everywhere.
The inn keeper could have said “sorry you have to try else where.”
But he said to Mary and Joseph, “can you please manage to
squeeze and adjust along with the cattle and the sheep in the
cowshed?”. Had he emptied a room and pushed the guests out,
Mary could not have had privacy because of the noise in the
adjoining rooms and the people trafficking outside the door. The
noise of a hundred sheep and a dozen cattle would not matter
This Christmas we may have a tight budget and great plans but
can we say, “can you please manage to squeeze?” to some one
waiting at our door.
On the last day the King shall say, “I was an hungered and you
never fed me, I was naked and you never clothed me. I was sick
and you never looked after me.” Matt. 25:43.
Ahab was a good king; but his idolatrous pagan wife bewitched
him so much, that he yielded to her whims and fancies. She
killed all the prophets of Jehovah and only Elijah was
somehow spared. Because of all this evil, the land faced severe
drought for over three years according to the command of God.
One day the King and the prime minister had been out in the
field looking for a patch of green land to feed their surviving
horses. Elijah appeared before the king and pronounced God’s
mercy to the people saying that a heavy rain would come down
soon and so the king should rush home. Though the sky was
clear and bright, Elijah spoke those words in faith and he went
on to pray. As Elijah knelt down and prayed he ushered his
servant to go out and look for changes in the sky. Six times
nothing happened, but the seventh time a cloud as little as the
size of a palm of a man appeared. Clouds represent the
presence of the Holy Spirit. Very often we ask for revival and
nothing seems to happen and the ministry seems to be as
fruitless as a piece of sun scorched land. But ceaseless prayers
can bring about great changes in the sky above. It was a cloud
just the size of a man’s hand but that was enough for Elijah to
go and warn the king again. Soon thunder and rain followed
and the king was drenched. Showers of blessings do come only
if we are persistent in prayer.