Domestic Violence Awareness Events Region I Region 1 Office of Community Corrections is holding a month long fundraiser for the Domestic Violence Shelter “Peaceful Paths”in Alachua County. Peaceful Paths covers Alachua, Union and Bradford counties. They will be providing a speaker at the Service Center on October 13, 2010 and we have invited the other agencies in our building to participate which includes Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Health Department of Revenue and the Inspector General’s Office. For Circuit 1 event: Circuit Office (01-0): During staff meeting on 10/20/10, staff will review a presentation on DVD in reference to domestic violence. Milton (01-1): Staff will collect and donate supplies to Favor House as well as distribute flyers to offenders. Crestview (01-2): On 10/13/10, a cookout is planned along with the watching of a video reference Domestic Violence. Shalimar (01-3): On 10/13/10, a luncheon planned and proceeds from the event will be donated to a local shelter. Defuniak Springs (01-4): On 10/22/10, Jon Kinsey of Defuniak Springs Counseling & Wellness Center will do a presentation. Pensacola West (01-5): On 9/30/10, Raul Garcia of Hope Counseling will be doing a presentation and staff will donate old cellular phones to local shelter for use by clients there. Pensacola North (01-6) & Pensacola Central (01-8): Raul Garcia of Hope Counseling will be doing a presentation. Pensacola Bayside (01-7): Marsha Travis of Favor House will speak at a luncheon on 10/13/10. C2 (Tallahassee)--For C2 we have the Refuge House which is our local domestic violence shelter. They serve Leon, Jefferson, Gadsden and Liberty counties. We have a speaker, Hilda Little, from Refuge House who will be at 020 on 10/13 at 9:30am to speak to the Circuit about what they do and how they serve our area. Also, each office in C2 is collecting needed supplies for them and we will present them to Ms. Little on 10/13. In addition, CO is having a program at 11:30am on the 13th also, and they have invited us to attend to hear Judge Reynolds speak. Circuit 3 event: Lake City-collection of needed items donated to Another Way. Live Oak-office luncheon, donating needed items to Vivid Visions. Madison-collection of needed items to the Refuge House. Perry-presentation to office staff by the Taylor County victims/witness coordinator of the SAO. Old Town-presentation to office staff by Julie Herring of the DCSO and Leslie Hall of Another Way. Jasper-luncheon and exchange of domestic violence information/flyers to staff and offenders. Circuit 4 events: 040/047 04-0 & 04-7 will be preparing Halloween/Fall baskets for the women and children at the Quigley House women’s shelter in Clay County 041 From now until 10-13-2010, the staff at 041 will be gathering clothing for the women and children who are residents of Hubbard House. On 10-13-10, all staff will be provided with fact sheets regarding Domestic Violence and at luncheon which will be provided; staff will stuff plastic pumpkins with candy, small toys and trinkets for the children who reside at Hubbard House. According to April at Hubbard House there are usually 35 children at any given time. As you are aware, they can not allow the children residing there to go trick or treating for fear they could be attacked or snatched by their mothers’ attacker. April says due to the economy, no one has offered them assistance for Halloween so we will be filling a void needed. 042 That being said Wednesday, 10/13/10 is the Department’s Domestic Violence Awareness Day. The 042 office will be collecting toiletry items and baby care items to present to Hubbard House. Hubbard House is in need of these items. Travel size items are perfect for this (example: soap, shampoo, baby wipes, deodorant, etc). Please bring in all donations on or before 10/13/10. I have put a box in the conference room for items to be donated. Thank you for your participation and for your generosity in providing assistance to those in our community that are in need. 044 045 046 Our plan is to provide baskets of goodies for the children and personal items for the women of Micah’s Place, the shelter for battered women in Nassau County. Also, information will be provided to the officers regarding referrals to the shelter. We at 045 are having a speaker from NAS JAX, LaTresa Henderson who is a victim advocate for the Fleet and Family Support Center. She is also a volunteer at Hubbard House. She will be speaking about domestic violence between military personnel and civilian family referrals for counseling and any additional services they may require. Our staff at 045 will be offering our help/assistance to her if there if a need. She is scheduled to be here around 1030 and after her presentation we will have a luncheon in her honor and present her with a certificate of appreciation. 04-6 Jacksonville SW will be hosting a luncheon at 12 N on Wednesday 10-13-10 in recognition of this day. The Supervisor of the Salvation Army Batterer’s Intervention Program, Dee Dee Riggs, will be guest speaker. 04-6 staff is asked to bring in non-perishable items in order to donate a Thanksgiving Food Basket to Ms. Riggs and the Salvation Army. Thanks to Debra Lewis for arranging the guest speaker. Please plan on attending and thank you for your cooperation. Circuit 8 Events: C8 (Gainesville)-- 08-0 Gainesville Main - Peaceful Paths will speak and the office will present them with a care package of toiletries, toilet paper, paper towels, Walmart gift cards and personal items for teenage boys. Staff will also wear shades of purple and enjoy breakfast together. 08-1 Chiefland – Tina Weatherington of Another Way Shelter for Battered Women will speak at the staff meeting on 10/26/10 and they will present her with items needed most: toilet tissue, paper towels, hair brushes, tooth brushes, shampoo, conditioner, books for adults and children. They will also have breakfast. 08-2 Starke - Ann Haynes, victim advocate for Bradford, Baker and Union Counties State Attorney’s Office will speak on 10/18/10 after which breakfast will be served. They are also collecting old cell phones, children and adult clothes and sheets to donate to Peaceful Paths. 08-3 Gainesville West – Peaceful Paths will speak and staff will donate items to the shelter followed by breakfast on 10/28/10. C14 (Panama) 14-0 Hamburger and Hotdog Luncheon-money provided to battered Women’s Shelter 10/5/10. A speaker on Domestic Violence will also attend the October staff meeting (Date TBD) 14-1 – Speaker City Bard, A Victim Advocate for SAO will speak at office staff meeting, 10/15/10. 14-2 – Collecting money and non perishable food items that will be donated to the Battered Women’s Shelter 10/13/10. 14-3 – Collecting non perishable food items that will be donated to the Washington Co. DV center 10/13/10. 14-4 - Collecting money and non perishable food items that will be donated to the Battered Women’s Shelter 10/13/10. APALACHEE CI Brown Bag Luncheon on October 13, 2010: The speakers will be Tammy Slay, Victim’s Advocate of Washington County and Cindy Bard, who holds the same title out of Jackson County. Both work out of the prosecutor’s office in their respective counties. So effective was the program last year that we’ve asked them to repeat the content which will address the special needs of domestic violence victims both before and after the incident occurs. They will help us to identify certain behavior traits that may be useful in assisting the aggressor before an incident develops. The format will be an informal “brown bag” luncheon at 12 – 1 pm in the training building. We had well over 100 in attendance last year and no one who comes will be disappointed. Food Drive for Local Domestic Violence Center: We will be having a drop box fund raiser for Refuge House in Quincy. The items donated will be used partly to support the Domestic Violence Awareness Event that is taking place on October 21, 2010 at the Gadsden County Courthouse and Refuge House. There will be a variety of speakers from different agencies to provide information and education. Domestic victims will also speak to share their stories. Boxes will be placed at all three units on Monday October 11, 2010. Suggested items to be donated will be: Drinks, Bottle water, chips, and cookies. This will be for the Domestic Violence Awareness Event. Other items which will be donated to the Refuge House will be: Diapers, wipes and hygiene items. CALHOUN CI Calhoun Correctional Institution is holding a Domestic Violence Awareness Luncheon on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Ms. Pam Martin, Domestic Violence Representative from the Salvation Army will be speaking to staff in reference to the effects of domestic violence on friends, families, and co-workers. We will be collecting donations of personal care items which will be distributed to the local domestic violence shelter. Mr. Stacey Sharpe, Assistant State Attorney, Circuit 14, Panama City, Florida provided a presentation regarding domestic violence in the criminal justice setting during the institution’s recent Sergeant/OIC Meeting. Approximately eighty (80) staff members were in attendance. The information provided by Mr. Sharpe was well received by those in attendance. CENTURY CI We are collecting monetary donations to be given to the Domestic Violence Project – Pensacola. Their project assists domestic violence victims, children and elders needing injunctions for protection against domestic violence. We will also have a guest speaker on October 13th from Lakeview (Baptist Health Care Systems) Kathy Dortch-West, Special Populations Network Court Services. FRANKLIN CI Franklin Correctional Institution will have guest speakers on October 13, 2010 in the Visitation Park to talk to staff. Refreshments will also be served. All staff are encouraged to attend. Bay City Work Camp will also be observing Domestic Violence Awareness Day the same day at the Work Camp. All staff are encouraged to attend. Staff will also collect and donate supplies to the local Refuge House. GULF CI Gulf C.I. is having training for staff on October 13, 2010 for Domestic Violence Awareness Month that will be conducted by Jennifer Bates of the Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program. We are also collecting donation of items for the Battered Women’s Shelter. HOLMES CI Holmes C.I. is holding a month long shelter drive collecting donations for a Domestic Violence Shelter that covers our local counties. This is a shelter that we continue to support throughout the year. We are distributing the purple ribbons and the 1-800 hotline number cards. Posters and information remain on display at the Training Building as well as throughout the Institution. Our TV Monitor is displaying domestic violence information as well as the following poem throughout the month: I GOT FLOWERS TODAY We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn’t mean the things he said, because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special day. Last night he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare, I couldn’t believe it was real. I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over. I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today, and it wasn’t mother’s day or any other special day. Last night, he beat me up again, it was much worse than all the other times. If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What about money? I’m afraid of him and scared to leave. But I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of my funeral! Last night, he finally killed me. He beat me to death. If only I had gathered enough courage to leave him, I would not have gotten flowers today. “Please, no flowers for me today!” JACKSON CI In Observance of Domestic Violence Month, we have scheduled a Hamburger/Hotdog Luncheon on October 13, 2010. During this luncheon, we will have a featured guest speaker from the Salvation Army/Domestic Violence, Ms. Jennifer May. Ms. May’s presentation will educate staff and raise the awareness on the programs established locally to provide assistance to victims of domestic violence. Ms. May will be accepting donations from staff in the form of check or money order to support our local Domestic Violence Shelter. JEFFERSON CI In recognition for Domestic violence awareness, on October 13, 2010 Jefferson CI has planned a staff luncheon with Special Guest Speaker, Ghia Kelly from Refuse House in Tallahassee. We will also be collecting health and beauty items to be donated to the shelter. LIBERTY CI At Liberty CI we have the Refuge House which is our local domestic violence shelter. They serve Leon, Jefferson, Gadsden and Liberty counties. We have a speaker, Hilda Little, from Refuge House who will be at Liberty CI Training Building on 10/13 at noon to speak to our institution about what they do and how they serve our area. Also, we are collecting needed supplies or checks for them and we will present them to Ms. Little on 10/13. In addition, Ms. Tiffany Parsons, from Gadsden County Sheriff’s Department will be participating in the program speaking on effects of Domestic Violence on Children. We have planned to serve a chicken lunch to those in attendance. NWFRC Victim’s Advocate, Tammy Slay, will be speaking about Domestic Violence on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, at the Training Building. A luncheon has also been planned for staff on this day. Staff has been requested to donate items that the domestic violence victims could utilize (clothes, luggage, non-perishable food items, hygiene items, toys, etc.) while at the shelters or to assist with their new start in life. We also have a table in each Visiting Park with brochures, contact information for help source, and other information on dealing with domestic violence. We placed them in the visiting park so they would be available for staff and visitors. They have been in place for several months now. We also make domestic violence a standard item on all staff meeting agendas. OKALOOSA CI Okaloosa CI’s proposed activities for this month include: The Electronic Bulletin Board will carry notices about Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will have a brown bag luncheon on October 13 in the training building with a speaker from Shelter House. During October, we will collect used cell phones to donate to be used for domestic violence victims. SANTA ROSA CI We have posted on our Broadcast System an announcement that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and upcoming events. Emails were sent out to all Santa Rosa Staff about Domestic Violence and attached information about Santa Rosa Kids House. Placed Collection Boxes at the Main Unit and Annex for donations for the Santa Rosa Kids House. Items requested to be donated are Food, Personal Items and Children Toys. Santa Rosa Kids House is a child advocacy Center serving abused and neglected children of Santa Rosa County. We will be having a Pot Luck Luncheon at the Training Building. Our guest speaker will be Tammy Burton, Executive Director of Santa Rosa Kids House. We will present Ms. Burton with a picture, poem, certificate and a Dough Basket filled with Blueberry Muffins. There will be a Resource Table with information about Domestic Violence. We will be handing out at the beginning of every shift Tootsie Pops with a purple ribbon attached. This will be for all Santa Rosa Staff. WAKULLA CI Wakulla CI will be hanging purple ribbons on our fence post. Requesting donations that will be distributed to the local domestic violence shelter. WALTON CI Walton CI is having a canned food drive for the month of October for our local domestic violence organization, Shelter House. We are holding our luncheon on 10/13/2010 and will have one of our staff that is a domestic violence survivor as the guest speaker. Region II Circuit Office will hold a Domestic Violence Luncheon on 10/13/2010 and Supervisors will bring donations to be provided to The Haven in Lake County. The Coordinator is CA Linda Brooks. Marion County Ocala East office is collecting old cell phones to be donated to the Rape Crisis Center in Marion County and other care packages for the residents. The Coordinator is CPS Mark Alfieri. Marion County Ocala West office is collecting items for a donation to the Spouse Abuse Center in Marion County. The Coordinator is CPSS Shirley Fountain. Marion County Belleview offices is collecting items to be donated to the Marion Co. Domestic Violence Shelter. The Coordinator is CPS Kathy Borden. Lake County offices will be collecting and donating items to The Haven in Leesburg, and arranged for Domestic Violence training to be provided by Kelly Smallridge, MA Executive Director Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, INC., at the Domestic Violence Awareness Luncheon on 10/13/2010. The Coordinator is CPSS Israel Branton. Sumter County is collecting donations to be given to Haven of Lake and Sumter Counties, Inc. The Coordinator is CPS Sharon Ferguson. Citrus County is collecting non perishable items such as canned and packaged foods, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, and cell phones for the Citrus Abuse Shelter Association in Citrus Co. The Coordinator is CPSS Tracie Pratt-Maynard. Hernando County is planning to have a speaker from the Dawn Center Women’s Shelter and a spaghetti luncheon fundraiser. The Coordinator is CPSS Black-Hamilton. 181 Melbourne: Staff are collecting donations of nonperishable food items, cleaning supplies, and other household items for the local Serene Harbor Domestic Violence Shelter. This is the only shelter in south Brevard County and is in desperate need of all types of assistance. During the morning of the event snacks will be provided through EBTF funds. 182 Cocoa: Domestic Violence training will be presented. And staff will have luncheon provided in part through EBTF funds. 183 Palm Bay: Speaker on Domestic Violence has been invited. And staff will have luncheon provided in part through EBTF funds. Evelyn Ardley, CPSS, 09A has spearheaded a donation drive for Coburn Plaza to benefit the Harbor House of Central Florida. The Harbor House organization seeks to eliminate domestic violence in Central Florida by providing safety, shelter, empowerment, education and justice. Each of the three Offices at Coburn Plaza, (09A; 091 & 096) will seek donations of cell phones and items from the Harbor House “wish list.” On 10/13/10, we have tentatively scheduled a reception and asked their staff to provide a short training session for the staff of Coburn Plaza. Two Offices in Circuit 10 will be participating in their own creative event to assist in increasing awareness of Domestic Violence issues locally. P&P offices 10-6 Lakeland South and 10-1 Lakeland North will be taking up contributions of clothing for adults and children, along with other much needed supplies and donating them to the local women’s shelter that house victims of Domestic Violence. These items will be delivered to the shelter on the 13th day of October. Baker CI - Baker CI will host a Domestic Awareness Campaign on October 13th to raise staff awareness of domestic violence issues by educating staff on the signs of domestic violence and the agencies that are available to victims. The campaign will consist of an exhibit in keeping with the “Empty Place at the Table” exhibit. The exhibit works to recognize the individuality of each victim and raise awareness about domestic violence and its impact on our daily lives, and honor the victims of domestic violence. Leadership staff will distribute pamphlets and brochures that educate staff. Also, in keeping with Secretary McNeil’s initiative on domestic violence staff will be asked to wear the purple ribbon pin on this day. Throughout the month of October staff will be asked to donate hygiene items that can be used by victims living in the domestic violence shelters and the donations will be donated to our located domestic violence shelter. Columbia CI - We are selling hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch on October 13th . We are going to have Donna Fagan the Executive Director from Another Way, the domestic violence shelter in Lake City to speak on the shelter and domestic violence. All proceeds will be donated to Another Way. Cross City CI - Cross City CI has set up a donation box to collect toiletries for our local domestic violence shelter (Another Way, Inc.). I have contacted the local shelter Director, Leslie and have invited her to Cross City CI on October 13, 2010 to be part of our program wherein we have partnered with several local vendors who have donated items for a fish dinner that will be on October 13th. All donations will be given to Another Way, Inc. FSP – Florida State Prison will have a Domestic Violence Awareness Program on October 13, 2010 at 9:00 am in our Main Unit Chapel. We have been in contact with Peaceful Paths Domestic Abuse Network which is the agency who covers both Bradford and Union County. We will have speakers from our local area associated with Peaceful Paths. Refreshments will be served for staff. We are also currently collecting items for donations to Peaceful Paths. I attached a copy of our flyer. We will be accepting donations until October 12th and them providing them to the agency. Gainesville CI - On Wednesday the 13th of October, Gainesville CI will be hosting a domestic violence awareness program during the lunch hour with Christy Finnegan as our guest speaker. She is the director of the Arbor House, a domestic violence shelter which is located in Gainesville. We are now accepting donations from staff at all three units so that we may present these to Ms. Finnegan on the day of the luncheon. Hamilton CI - Hamilton Correctional Institution will be hosting a Domestic Violence Luncheon and Program for the employees on October 13, 2010 at 11:00am – 1:00pm. The program will be coordinated by Sergeant K. Curry and Mrs. K. Smith. This program is to educate the employees on different aspects of Domestic Violence by utilizing guest speakers, visual aids and participation. Lancaster CI – We plan to do a bbq and have a guest speaker from a local shelter. Proceeds from bbq will go to the shelter. Lawtey CI – Lawtey has scheduled a teaching session titled “The Preciousness of a Woman’s Worth”. This event will be hosted by one of our volunteers. Training will include a DVD. Madison CI – This year Madison C. I. will be collecting gifts and raising funds for the local Refuge House. Mrs. Shelia Combs the local representative for Refuge House Inc. will be speaking and presented with the gifts and funds during a luncheon on October 13, 2010. Mayo CI – Mayo CI is collection donations for Another Way Domestic Violence Center in Lake City, FL. Donation boxes have been placed in the administration building and at the metal detector in the main unit and work camp settings. Donations of toiletries, baby care products, first aid, feminine products, non-perishable food items, and household necessities are being accepted through October 12th. New River CI – During the entire month of October we will be collecting needed supplies for the Peaceful Paths Outreach Office in Gainesville. On October 13 we will have a guest speaker from Peaceful Paths and a chicken and rice dinner in which we will ask for $3.00 donation and/or a donation of supplies all of which will go to Peaceful Paths. RMC – We are going to have a spaghetti w/meat sauce and garlic bread luncheon on the 13th. This will be held at the training building. Our speaker will be Psych Specialist M. Eberhard, who has done this in the past and has a nice PP presentation to go along with it. I also am going to contact Peaceful Pathways and find out what some of their most needed items are. I will then include in the email that we will be accepting donations for the Pathways program. The meal naturally is free of charge. Suwannee CI – Suwannee C.I. will host a presentation by Vivid Visions, local shelter in Live Oak. Their director or representative will bring referral information as well as give a power point presentation. We had them at the facility last year and they put on an extremely interesting program. We tentatively plan to make an EBTF request to have a brunch for attendees. We also plan to coordinate a fund raiser and gather donated items for the shelter to present them with on October 13th. Taylor CI – Our plans are to put big boxes at each of our three units for staff to donate to our local shelters. We also plan to have a program and invite a counselor from a local shelter to speak to our staff. UCI - We are cooking sausage dogs and hamburgers on the 13th. Donations will be accepted and the proceeds will be presented to a domestic violence shelter. Region III Community Corrections Circuit Administrators are coordinating the following: Circuit 06 is gathering up pre-owned cell phones, clothing, hygiene items and children’s toys for donations to local shelters. They are also collecting donations and placing flyers in office lobbies. Circuit 12 is likewise collecting items for donation to local shelters. Circuit 13 is having guest speakers at various offices to raise awareness, is collecting items for donation and is having a bake sale to raise funds. Circuit 20 is collecting items for donation and is holding breakfast and ice cream social fund raisers. In addition the 20-2 office has partnered with the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office and is collecting teddy bears for presentation to victims’ children. Avon Park C.I. Brevard C.I. CFRC A staff luncheon and program is planned for October 13th, with a guest speaker from the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office participating. Brevard CI will be having a Domestic Violence Program titled “Awareness Day” October 13, 2010 and luncheon. Speaker for the program will be Ms. Nancy Peltonen, Operations Director for Serene Harbor Inc. We are hosting a luncheon that will consist of two speakers, Tami Douglas, Executive Director – Kissimmee Health Now Center, as well as a fellow employee on October 13th. We are also taking donations for a local women’s shelter for various items requested, which will be picked up on the 13th as well. Demilly C.I. Hernando C.I. Hillsborough C.I. Demilly will be having Domestic Violence Awareness Program on October 13 with guest speaker, Joy Kruppa of Peace River. Each one is to donate $1 toward a leaf to place on tree of awareness of domestic violence. Donation will be given to Peace River Domestic Violence Shelter. Hernando Correctional will be having a Luncheon on 10/13/10 for their staff. The lunch will consist of sub’s from Publix, chips, drinks, and cookies. Along with the lunch, there will be a guest speaker. Marilyn Melvin, Victim Advocate from the New Port Richey Police Department will be the guest speaker. Hernando Correctional is having a fundraiser for the DAWN Center, domestic violence shelter in Hernando County. Hernando Correctional has decided to bring the trick or treating to them. We are collecting bagged candy, costumes, coloring books, puzzles, pumpkins (for carving), and anything else that the children can use for Halloween. I plan to submit an article and pictures after the luncheon is held for the Compass. At Hillsborough we are have requested a speaker from the Spring Women’s Shelter to come in and speak with both staff and inmates (TBA) as well as a clothing/food drive for the center. Staff luncheon on 10/13/10. Lake C.I. Lowell C.I. Lake CI is collecting items for the Haven of Lake and Sumter which assists domestic violence victims. The collected items will be delivered on October 14th. The below flyer was sent out yesterday. A luncheon will be doing on the 13th. During the luncheon we will have guest speakers from the local Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center and the Children and Families Alliance to educate staff on Domestic Violence. In addition, we are collecting items for the Marion County Domestic Violence/Sexual Abuse Center. These items are being collected during the month of October. In addition this week, staff from the mental health department have been sending out information to staff via email and by handing out information on stress management, substance abuse, anxiety, etc. to educate them on ways to deal with personal and work related stress. They have also held stress reduction sessions for staff during lunch. Mental Health is doing a “clothesline project” during the month of October where inmate victims of domestic violence cope with their experiences. The clothesline will be displayed on October 13th. On October 20th, the Administration will be handing out the Department’s brochures on Domestic Violence at the entrances to the facility during shift changes. Marion C.I. Marion C.I.’s EBTF was asked to provide ½ of the amount of funds ($250.00) to participate in a luncheon which is to be held along with FCCD and Lowell C.I. in their Training Building on 10-13-10. “The Domestic Violence Awareness Luncheon” has two guest speakers who are scheduled to give a presentation: Diana Ayers, Victim Advocate Marion County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center and Monica Bryant, Marion County Children and Family Alliance. The spaghetti luncheon will be from 11:30AM to 1:00PM in the Lowell C.I. Training Building The luncheon is free of charge; however a list of needed items has been provided to staff members and you are encouraged to bring an item to be donated to the Marion County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center. For those folks that cannot attend the luncheon, but would still like to donate items to the crisis shelters, collection boxes are located at the Administration Building at Marion C.I. and Lowell C.I. Putnam C.I. Putnam CI and FCCD Chapter 26 have had an ongoing relationship of support for the local domestic violence center. We provide items for the major holidays as well as special need items that occur throughout the year. The Institutions has pledged additional support by way of collecting baby items such as diapers, bottles, clothing, blankets and toys. Putnam CI has also submitted one of our staff’s names to be included on the Department’s “Quilt of Remembrance”. Sumter C.I. Tomoka C.I. Zephyrhills C.I. Sumter CI is hosting a Domestic Violence Program presented by the Haven during a luncheon on October 13. To support October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Tomoka CI will demonstrate our efforts to end domestic violence by having a special casual day on October 13, 2010. For a minimum of a $5 donation, non-security staff will be allowed to wear casual dress by wearing purple on this day. Security staff is also encouraged to participate by donation and showing support by wearing a purple ribbon on their uniform on this date. All donated funds should be collected within their departments and turned into Ms. Gordon or Mr. Hodgson by the beginning of the work day October 13, 2010. 100% of donated funds will be delivered to Domestic Abuse Council here in Daytona Beach Representatives from Domestic Abuse Council will be present at the facility at 7:30 a.m. on this same date to meet and greet staff as they arrive to work. Domestic Violence Awareness Program held in the Chapel next Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 9:30am. Representatives from the SUNRISE OF PASCO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTER will be coming to speak. All staff that can attend has been invited to support this very important program. We are attempting to gather a box together of donated items for the women in the center to be presented on the 13th. Note: The following items have been requested by the SUNRISE Center: Paper Towels Garbage bags Cleaning supplies Personal items such as shampoo, etc. Region III Staff Development Training FCA Orlando It was also suggested that if anyone wanted to make out a check to purchase Bus Passes. The check would need to be made out SUNRISE of PASCO INC. (with designation at bottom of check for purpose to purchase Bus Passes. I believe bus passes are around $ 1.50 per day) To observe October 13th as Domestic Violence Awareness Day within the Florida Department of Corrections a special Domestic Violence Awareness Training to be held at FCA @ Orlando. Region IV Region Office: Toiletries are being collected for donation to A.V.D.A. and a presentation will be conducted by a Palm Beach County Victim’s Services Advocate. Circuit 11: The Advocate Program and Safe Space are scheduled to deliver training/discussions on Domestic Violence, and personal hygiene items are being collected for donation to both Bridging Families and Communities (Advocates Domestic Violence Shelter) and Safe Space (Domestic Violence Shelter). Circuit 15: Staff attended “Kick-Off” Domestic Violence Awareness Month Opening Ceremony Breakfast, have set up various awareness displays and are collecting items for donation to Domestic Violence Shelters. Several training sessions are being conducted throughout Circuit and staff are wearing the purple “Domestic Violence” pins to show support of this cause. Some staff also participated in the AVDA Race on 10/9/10. Circuit 16: All offices have scheduled training/discussions on Domestic Violence, and toiletries, bed sheets and or gift cards are being collected for donation to local entities as well. 16-1 Marathon Office and 16-2 Tavernier Office: These two smaller offices will partner with the collection of items the local shelter said they needed. The 16-1 office on October 13th is having the CEO from the local shelter educate the staff as to domestic violence and the programs they offer. The 16-2 office on October 13th is having Christine Cunningham, contracted vendor, talk to the staff about domestic violence issues 16-0 Key West Office Linda Brackin of the Key West office will be putting on a presentation/training on Domestic Violence. CPSS Audette is supplying pizza and lunch during this presentation. Staff will be bringing in toiletries, twin bed sheets and/or gift cards (Which is what the local shelter said was needed.) These items will be delivered at the end of the day. Circuit 17: Officers collected canned and dry goods for Women in Distress. CHARLOTTE CI Charlotte CI will be holding their Domestic Awareness Luncheon on Thursday October 14th. Ms. Kay Tvaroch, Executive Director of C.A.R.E., (Center for Abuse & Rape Emergencies) will conduct a 30 minute presentation for all staff at Charlotte CI. The presentation will address how to prevent domestic violence, how to recognize both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, and how to get help for victims as well as perpetrators. Envelopes will be handed out to staff who wish to donate to C.A.R.E that can be mailed in at anytime if they wish to donate. There will be no transactions the day of this event to avoid distractions during this presentation. DESOTO CI: In Observance of Domestic Violence Month, Desoto C. I. has scheduled a program on October 13 (luncheon) featuring a speaker from the Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center of Sarasota, Fl. Guest presenter will be Ms. Michelle Gaines, Senior Educator at the center. Plans are to purchase appropriate merchandise and goods for the crisis center. Ms. Ivines, Education Supervisor, is the coordinator for our effort. HARDEE CI: On October 13, 2010 Hardee C.I. will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast / Bake Sale to raise funds for Lydia’s House and Gillespie Ministries/Hannah House shelters. Ms. Eva Perkins is coordinating this event. HOMESTEAD CI: Homestead CI will have a speaker, Dr. Carleen Vincent, Florida International University, at 9:00 a.m. and luncheon on 10/13/10 for staff. We will be collecting toiletries, shampoo, soap, conditioner, used cell phones and clothing for Safe Space in the Florida City area. Coordinator for the day is Richard Rosado, Classification Supervisor. DADE CI Dade CI is conducting a clothing drive. We will take the items to Safe Space which is a thrift store that caters to battered woman. When the woman go to a shelter they are given vouchers to use at Safe Space. We are also holding a bake sale and all funds raised will be donated to Safe Space as well. HENDRY CI Guest speaker Colleen Henderson from ACT (Abuse, Counseling and Treatment)and the Domestic Violence Organization for Lee and Hendry Counties are scheduled for Wednesday at the FCA building during the noon hour to speak with staff. Staff are donating stuffed toys for children of domestic violence and money received from a car wash fund raiser. Glades CI Glades CI has placed a donation box in the front of the institution for staff to donate money to assist with the purchase of food, clothing, and toys for the Harmony House, a domestic violence shelter, which services the Belle Glade and Pahokee area. Additional to the donation box, Glades CI will be hosting a Domestic Violence Awareness Luncheon on October 13, 2010. Staff will be serviced sub sandwiches, chips, and drink for a cost of $6.00. All proceeds will be donated to the Harmony House.