File: chap12, Chapter 12

Community Health Chapter 12 Notes: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other
Drugs - A Community Health Concern
Multiple Choice
1. The drug that places the greatest economic burden on society in America is: A.
marijuana. B. heroin. C. tobacco. D. cocaine. E. alcohol. Ans: E Page: 342-343
2. The most costly drug problem in the United States, in terms of lives lost, is: A.
marijuana. B. cocaine. C. tobacco. D. heroin. E. alcohol. Ans: C Page: 342–Table
3. According to annual surveys on drug use, illicit drug use in American reached a
historic low in: A. 1975. B. 1992. C. 1996. D. 2002. E. 2005. Ans: B Page: 344
4. Which of the following best describes when one discontinues the use of a prescribed
antibiotic before the entire prescribed dose is completed or, when one takes four aspirin
rather than two aspirin as specified on the label? A. drug use B. drug abuse C. drug
misuse D. drug dependence E. none of the above are correct Ans: C Page: 345
5. A non-evaluative term referring to drug-taking behavior in general, regardless of
whether the behavior is appropriate is: A. drug use B. drug abuse C. drug misuse D.
drug dependence E. all of the above are correct Ans: A
Page: 345
6. What do alcohol, nicotine, nonprescription, and prescription drugs have in common?
A. They are all illicit drugs. B. They are all legal drugs. C. They are all illegal
drugs. D. They are all inexpensive. E. Both A and C are correct. Ans: B Page: 347
7. Tobacco use increases one's risk for all the following except:
stress. C. lung cancer. D. stroke. E. emphysema. Ans: B
A. heart disease. B.
Page: 346
8. Studies that have shown an inherited pattern of drug dependence were done with: A.
alcohol. B. tobacco. C. heroin. D. marijuana. E. none of the above are correct Ans:
A Page: 346
9. The national standard for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) indicating someone is
legally impaired to drive is:
A. 8.0%. B. 0.8%. C. 0.08%. D. 0.008%.
Ans: B
Page: 349
10. According to Harvard researcher Henry Wechsler the number 1 date rape drug is: A.
rhopypnol. B. marijuana. C. MDMA. D. OxyContin. E. alcohol. Ans: E Page: 349
11. The Synar Amendment is federal legislation that requires all states to adopt
legislation that:
A. prohibits tobacco sales to minors. B. praises the drinking age to 2.1
C. outlaws environmental tobacco smoke. D. lowers the legal level of intoxication. E.
allows for the “tobacco settlement”. Ans: A
Page: 351
12. Environmental tobacco smoke has been causally associated with: A. lung cancer.
B. new cases of asthma in children. C. lower-respiratory infections in children. D. all
the above are correct E. none of the above are correct Ans: D Page: 351
13. Abuse of prescription drugs has always been a problem, but which type of
dependence-producing prescription drug was being abused in 2005 by nearly 5% of 18 to
25 year-olds who got them from friends or relatives? A. narcotics B. stimulants C.
depressants D. steroids E. antibiotics Ans: A
Page: 353
14. Under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, drugs that have a high potential for
abuse and have no accepted medical uses and no acceptable standards of safety are
classified as:
A. Schedule A. B. Schedule C.
C. Schedule V. D. Schedule I. E. Schedule III. Ans: D Page: 354
15. The most abused illicit drug in the United States is A. heroin. B. MDMA. C.
methamphetamine. D. cocaine. E. marijuana. Ans: E
Page: 354
16. The illicit drug responsible for more deaths than any other is: A. methamphetamine.
B. heroin. C. cocaine. D. LSD. E. crack. Ans: B Page: 356
17. Cocaine is a: A. stimulant. B. depressant. C. hallucinogen. D. synthetic narcotic.
E. none of the above Ans: A Page: 357
18. Designer drugs get their name because they were: A. made for a specific group of
people. B. designed to avoid detection and prosecution. C. very expensive. D. all of
the above are correct E. none of the above are correct Ans: B
Page: 358
19. Testosterone and human growth hormone are considered what kind of drugs?
depressants B. anabolic drugs C. hallucinogens D. stimulants E. none of the above
are correct Ans: B Page: 359
20. Which group of drugs are useful in the rebuilding of muscles after starvation or
disease and for the treatment of dwarfism? A. stimulants B. depressants C. anabolic
drugs D. narcotics E. none of the above are correct Ans: C
Page: 359
21. All of the following are side effects found in men who use anabolic drugs except:
A. acne. B. gynecomastia (development of breasts). C. reduction in testicular size.
D. increased body hair. E. all of the above are correct. Ans: D Page: 359
22. Which of the following is often a drug of choice of the young because of availability
and low cost? A. depressants B. inhalants C. designer drugs D. anabolic drugs E.
all of the above are correct Ans: B
Page: 360
23. Increasing the price of alcohol or increasing cigarette taxes are examples of what
level of drug abuse prevention? A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. all of the
above E. none of the above Ans: A Page: 360
24. Which of the following is not a basic element in drug abuse prevention and control?
A. drug abuse education B. treatment C. public policy D. law enforcement E. all
of the above are basic elements Ans: E
Page: 361-362
25. Our nation’s anti-drug efforts are headed up by the:
A. Office of the Attorney General.
B. Congressional Budget Office
C. Federal Bureau of Investigation. D. Office of National Drug Control Policy. E. Drug
Enforcement Administration Ans: D Page: 362
26. Of the federal level departments involved in drug control, which one has the largest
budget to fight drug abuse? A. Department of Justice B. Department of the Treasury
C. Department of Health and Human Services D. Department of Defense E. none of
the above are correct Ans: C
Page: 363
27. Which of the following agencies within the Department of Health and Human
Services is primarily involved in drug abuse research? A. Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration B. The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
C. National Institute of Drug Abuse D. Food and Drug Administration E. All of the
above are correct Ans: C Page: 363
28. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is located in which
A. Treasury B. Defense
C. Homeland Security D. Justice E. State Ans: C Page: 364
29. Which of the following Department of Justice agencies is responsible for
investigating and assisting in the prosecution of drug traffickers and their accomplices in
the United States and abroad, and seizes the drugs as well as the assets on which they
depend? A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. Drug Enforcement Agency C.
Immigration and Naturalization Services D. Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task
Force E. all of the above are correct Ans: B
Page: 364
30. The Department of Education’s drug abuse prevention budget has been cut every
year since 2002 under the Bush administration. Which of the following programs
received an increase? A. drug testing in schools B. alcohol abuse reduction program C.
Drug Free schools program D. Safe Communities program E. Stay Off Smoke (SOS)
Ans: A Page: 365
31. In the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program, what groups of people
present the lessons in the elementary school classroom? A. elementary classroom
teachers B. police officers C. health educators D. school nurses E. all of the above
are correct Ans: B
Page: 367 True/False
32. True or false? A physiological state in which discontinuing use of a drug results in
clinical signs of illness is called physical dependence. Ans: T Page: 343
33. True or false? Psychoactive drugs are drugs that alter sensory perceptions, mood,
thought processes, or behavior. Ans: T
Page: 345
34. True or false? It is possible to be both psychologically and physically dependent to a
drug at the same time. Ans: T Page: 345
35. True or false? Type II inherited alcoholism is also known as milieu limited.
Page: 346
Ans: F
36. True or false? Adult alcohol drinkers are more likely to meet the clinical criteria for
alcohol abuse or dependence than underage drinkers. Ans: F Page: 348
37. True or false? All problem drinkers are alcoholics. Ans: F
Page: 348
38. True or false? Two out of every five college students reported episodes of binge
drinking within the two weeks prior to being surveyed. Ans: T Page: 348
39. True or false? The #1 drug problem in the United States is marijuana.
Page: 348
Ans: F
40. True or false? Alcohol has been found to increase one's risk of involvement in both
intentional and unintentional injuries. Ans: T Page: 349
41. True or false? Nicotine is the psychoactive and addictive drug present in tobacco
products. Ans: T
Page: 350
42. True or false? Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and secondhand smoke are terms
for the same thing. Ans: T Page: 351
43. True or false? The Food and Drug Administration is more concerned with drug
safety than abuse. Ans: T
Page: 352-53
44. True or false? Most over-the-counter drugs have the ability to provide consumers
with a cure for their problems. Ans: F Page: 353
45. True or false? One serious consequence of the misuse of prescription drugs is the
development of drug-resistant strains of pathogens. Ans: T
Page: 353
46. True or false? Because illicit drugs have no approved medical uses, any illicit drug
use is considered drug abuse. Ans: T Page: 354
47. True or false? Amotivational syndrome is a chronic effect of using LSD. Ans: F
Page: 356
48. True or false? Growing opium poppies is the latest trend among some high school
dropouts in Texas. Ans: F Page: 356
49. True or false? Hallucinogens cause a phenomenon known as synesthesia.
Page: 357
Ans: T
50. True or false? Anabolic drugs have no legitimate medical uses. Ans: F Page: 359
51. True or false? The Department of Justice addresses the demand side of the drug
trade. Ans: F
Page: 362
52. True or false? The Department of Health and Human Services addresses the supply
side of the drug trade. Ans: F Page: 363
53. True or false? There are only two cabinet level departments in the federal
government that are involved in drug control and receive funds to reduce alcohol and
other drug problems. Ans: F
Page: 362-365
54. True or false? Student Assistance Programs (SAPs) are school-based programs
modeled after employee assistance programs in the workplace. Ans: T Page: 367
55. True or false? Small companies are more likely than large companies to have the
major components of a drug-free workplace program. Ans: F
Page: 368
56. True or false? Research has confirmed that Drug Abuse Resistance Education
(DARE) programs reduce the level of drug use.
Ans: F
Page: 367
Short Answer
57. Why do abusers of alcohol and other drugs represent a serious threat to the
community? Ans: They (1) have greater health care needs, (2) suffer more injuries, and
(3) are less productive than those who do not. Page: 343
58. Identify the four categories of environmental risk factors that contribute to substance
abuse and give an example of each. Ans: (1) personal factors—impulsiveness,
depressive mood, stress, personality disturbances; (2) home and family life—family
structure, family dynamics, family problems, negative family events, family attitudes
toward alcohol and drug use; (3) school and peer groups—perceived and actual drug use
by peers; (4) sociocultural environment—social ecology, one's neighborhood. Page:
59. Alcohol reinforces the user in what two ways? Ans: (1) it lowers anxieties, and (2)
produces a mild euphoria. Page: 348
60. Name the three levels of drug abuse prevention and give an example of each. Ans:
(1) primary—raising price of alcohol or tobacco, arresting a drug pusher; (2)
secondary—programs aimed at drug users; (3) tertiary—programs designed to provide
treatment for abuse and aftercare, including relapse prevention Page: 360-361
61. The basic elements of drug abuse prevention and control are education, treatment,
public policy, and enforcement. Which attack primarily the demand side of the drug
abuse problem and which attack the supply side? Give an example of, and activity in,
each element. Ans: Demand side—education and treatment; supply side—public policy
and enforcement. Examples: education—ACS’s Great American Smokeout;
treatment—treatment and aftercare such as AA; public policy—limiting number of
bars or places to smoke; enforcement—arresting, jailing, and convicting drug dealers.
Page: 361-362
62. List the federal agencies in the Department of Homeland Security that have drug
interdiction responsibilities and explain what they do. Ans: The United States
Immigration and Customs Enforcement—works to prevent immigration to this country of
criminals, including those involved in drug trafficking; Customs and Border Protection—
protects our borders from external threats including drugs; and the U.S. Coast Guard—
helps to interdict illegal drug trafficking in our coastal waters. Page: 364
63. Identify the six key features for a successful community-based drug education
program. Ans: (1) a comprehensive strategy; (2) an indirect approach to drug abuse
prevention; (3) the goal of empowering youth; (4) a participatory approach; (5) a
culturally sensitive orientation; (6) highly structured activities. Page: 366
64. List the five facets of a typical workplace substance abuse program. Ans: (1)
formal written substance abuse policy that reflects the employer's commitment to a drugfree workplace; (2) employee drug education and awareness program; (3) supervisor
training program; (4) employee assistance program; (5) drug testing program. Page:
65. What do these organizations have in common: Mothers Against Drunk Driving,
Students Against Destructive Decisions, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics
Anonymous? Ans: They are unofficial agencies founded to prevent or control the social
and personal consequences of drug and alcohol abuse. Page: 368-369