SPECIFICATIONS FOR TENDER CFT/07/ETF/0019 ATTACHMENT 1 - TERMS OF REFERENCE ANNEX 1 ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES ANNEX 1 ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES The activities and services listed below are not exhaustive. The ETF may ask the contractor to perform other duties within the scope of this framework contract and taking into account the specificity of each individual assignment. Activities and services are listed in alphabetical order. Subject Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 10 10 10 10 11 11 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 Accommodation Catering and refreshments Conference materials Data base and lists of participants Documentation ETF corporate identity Financial management Interpretation Management and follow up of participants Media activities Participants satisfaction survey Protocol Registration reports Reimbursement procedures Secretariat on site Security Social programme and entertainment Speakers and abstracts Technical infrastructure and equipment Travel arrangements Transfers and on-site transportation Venue Visa Procedures Web and IT 1/17 1. ACCOMMODATION Identification of good quality suitable hotels (three or four star, single/double/doubles for single use, including breakfast). The same level of quality and a similar location should be provided for all invited guests and as many rooms as possible should be booked in a minimum number of hotels. Written description of the relevant features of the proposed hotels. Negotiation of preferential tariffs, complimentary rooms, penalties and no show policies. Flexibility is needed on deadlines for rooming lists and last minute changes. Reservation of hotel rooms (both for participants paid for directly by the ETF and self funding participants). Hotel rooms must be guaranteed (no overbooking). Preparation and transmission of the rooming list to the hotel(s) within the appropriate deadline. Management of early arrivals and late departures outside standard check in/check out hours. Daily communication during the event and update with hotels (dealing with arrivals, new reservations, changes, cancellations and no-shows) in order to minimise penalties. Reviewing hotel invoices (cross checking hotel attendance lists, including no show reports, against the organiser’s lists) to ensure that it fits with the financial agreement and the reality. For events organised outside its premises, the ETF usually requires the event to be held in the hotel where participants are accommodated. In these cases, the hotel should have suitable conference rooms. Where this is not possible, the hotel(s) should preferably be within walking distance from the event venue. The contractor will take care of hotel arrangements for all participants to ETF events regardless of their category (please see under point 9.1, Categories of ETF events participants). The ETF offers participants single room accommodation. Double rooms will be organised only upon request for accompanying persons, and the additional cost will be at the participant’s expense. All incidentals (such as mini-bar, pay-TV, phone calls, hotel bar, etc.) will also be at the participant’s own expense. Shared rooms do not form part of ETF policy and must be avoided event in emergency cases (such as overbooking). The contractor will determine how many nights to reserve on the basis of the list of participants, the length of the conference and the flight schedule. Where travel arrangements require participants to spend additional nights in the hotel, this must be authorised by the ETF. The ETF reserves the right to set a maximum rate per night for accommodation. 2. CATERING AND REFRESHMENTS Organisation of coffee breaks and lunches at the venue in line with the agenda of the event. Identification of restaurants in town or in the proximity of the venue for social dinners. Organisation of receptions, cocktail and/or gala dinners. Provision of refreshments and mineral water in conference and breakout rooms, lounges (for speakers, delegates, press, VIPs), interpreters’ cabins, secretariat and offices (for conference staff). Organisation of pre-paid spare meals (i.e. meals not included in the event programme) for participants, to be arranged at the hotel where participants are accommodated or at restaurants nearby. 2/17 The contractor will take into account cultural or personal dietary requirements of participants (religion, vegetarian, health problems) and ensure that the suppliers propose suitable menus. In certain cases, a written declaration on the content of food may be necessary. A cross check of the different menus offered at the same event should be carried out by the contractor in order to avoid duplication. A choice of menus will be presented to the ETF event owner for agreement. For lunches and dinners, a printed menu should be made available on the tables indicating the title and date of the meeting. Seating order and place names may be organised for official dinners (see also under point 12, Protocol). The contractor will reserve the catering service for the appropriate number of people. If a minimum guarantee is asked by the suppliers, this shall be clearly indicated in the budget proposal. For spare meals, in case of long stays (such as for study visits) and for events held in Turin, the contractor shall propose a range of places where spare meals can be taken by participants, in order to avoid repetition, or a system of restaurant tickets which would serve the same purpose. The contractor should foresee a voucher system to ensure sound cost accounting. 3. CONFERENCE MATERIALS Preparation of welcome kits (to be delivered to participants at the hotel upon arrival), including social and local information, tourist information, town map, specific information regarding the event (such as transfer, social programme, etc). Preparation of conference kit (to be delivered to participants upon registration on site), including agenda, list of participants, speakers’ papers, block notes and pens, social events programme, practical information. Preparation of information packages for various types of public (delegates, speakers, press, VIPs, etc.). Production of high quality printed material, such as invitations, programmes and mini programmes, venue plans, maps, seating arrangements, etc.. Organisation of desk-top publishing facilities to produce professional looking publications on site (i.e. conference newsletter). Organisation of tickets and vouchers (for social events, i.e. concerts, spare meals, etc.). Production of name badges including the ETF logo and/or the event logo, title of event, place and date, name of participant, organisation and/or country. A double set of badges shall be available on site for forgotten/lost badges. The possibility to produce professional looking replacement badges on site, in case of late substitutions or spelling mistakes must be envisaged. Badges must be simple and fixed without damaging clothing (no pins). Production of name plates (printed in recto-verso and readable from a distance), upon request with the ETF logo in colour. Organisation of large and small size flags (countries, EU and ETF, local authorities of host country) (see also under point 12, Protocol). The cost of production of badges and nameplates shall be included in the contractor’s event management fee. In the case of major events, the ETF may require special quality badges for which a specific cost estimate will be required. The design and production of information bags, conference kits or other materials (such as pens, block notes, pins, gift and congress accessories, etc) with a dedicated graphic or logo for specific events, if needed, is usually taken care of by the ETF. 3/17 In principle the ETF will make folders, block notes and pens with the ETF logo available for individual assignments. In case these ETF materials cannot be made available, the contractor will organise this service using hotel or venue materials with no additional cost. 4. DATA BASE AND LISTS OF PARTICIPANTS For any individual assignment, the ETF event owner will provide the contractor with the provisional list of invitees in excel format. On the basis of this information, the contractor will be responsible for handling and/or producing the following: 4.1 Data base of participants Entry of personal data upon receipt of registration forms from participants. Notification of any changes to participants personal data to the ETF event owner. Day-to-day management and update of the registration report (see point 13, Registration report). Production of regularly updated reports in excel format (see point 13, Registration report). It is important that the ETF and the contractor contact data bases can dialogue and data flow can be directly exchanged between the two systems. 4.2 List of participants (LOP) Production and printing of the list of participants in Microsoft Word format to be distributed at the event. Updating of the list of participants at the event (for example no show, data change notification, etc.) and production of a final post event list of participants (see Attachment 1, Terms of reference, Section 8.2.1). The word document of the list of participants must be accurate, up to date, and professional. The ETF audience is multilingual and particular attention must be paid to the accuracy of personal data. Before final production, the list shall be approved by the ETF. The ETF may request small changes to the list up to one day before an event. If necessary an updated list may be prepared and distributed to participants during the event. 4.3 List of participants’ signatures The contractor will be responsible for collecting the list of participants’ signatures to be used as the supporting document for the eligibility of costs. The list of signatures will be based on the most updated registration report, taken from the database of invitees and any further modifications, and shall be countersigned by the ETF. The list of signatures may differ from the list of participants described under point 4.2 (List of participants), which is only for communication purposes. For example, the list of participants may include people (such as a local authority representative attending the opening session) who have not been dealt with by the contractor and do not actually attend the overall event, and for whom fees cannot be claimed (see point 9.1, Categories of ETF events participants, and table A for more details). 4/17 5. DOCUMENTATION 5.1 Display area Organisation of: the ETF information stand (mobile stand, dimensions 3,00 x 2.50) areas for information stands and document displays, equipped with Internet facilities, multimedia presentations, screens, etc. Internet points for participants storage of ETF documentation upon arrival at the selected venue. In case the selected venue is temporary unavailable (for example because a different meeting is being held), the contractor shall be responsible for arranging an alternative costeffective solution for storage. 5.2 Translation of documents Usually the translation of content related conference documents and papers of the event is done by the ETF. The production of administrative documents related to the organisation and logistics of the event (e.g. registration form, practical information) in French and Russian will be taken care of by the contractor, with no additional costs for the ETF (see also under point 9.2, Correspondence with invitees). 5.3 Transcription of proceedings On request, the transcription of speeches or discussions will be organised by the contractor. 6. ETF CORPORATE IDENTITY The contractor will follow the ETF corporate identity guidelines manual in order to ensure that the ETF identity is consistent on all written communication (correspondence, programme, speakers’ papers, brochures, folders, badges, nameplates, menu cards, venue signs, etc). In case an event is jointly organised with other partners, more than one logo may be required on the event material. 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT In the financial management of events, the contractor shall consider that the ETF must comply with rules on public procurement and its financial regulation. Specific guidelines and training related to financial reporting will be provided by the ETF on this issue. For any given event the contractor will take care of the: financial planning (estimation and monitoring of the budget of the event) any necessary advance payments to suppliers (hotels, restaurants, etc.) payment of supplied services within the established deadlines management of a petty cash system for unforeseen petty expenditure during the event reimbursement of participants on the basis of ETF rules and procedures (see terms of reference, Annex 2 to Attachment 1, Terms of reference - ETF rules for reimbursement of experts attending ETF events, including collection of all necessary 5/17 8. administrative and supporting documents, lists of participants’ signatures, and bank transfers (see under point 14, Reimbursement procedures) cash reimbursement of participants, where reimbursement via bank transfer is not feasible financial reporting (see Attachment 1, Terms of reference, Section 8.2.2, and Annex D to the contract, Financial reporting guidelines). INTERPRETATION The contractor will undertake the selection and recruitment of interpreters in accordance with the event requirements. Services may include: simultaneous interpretation in EU and/or partner country languages (direct interpretation and not relay system, as a first option) consecutive interpretation in EU and/or partner country languages personal interpreters (“chuchotage”) organisation of light equipment (“bidul”) for simultaneous interpretation in small groups (especially but not exclusively for study visits). As a guarantee of quality, membership of respected international associations with certified standards is required for the hiring of interpreters. The contractor will provide interpreters with all necessary meeting documentation well in advance. 9. MANAGEMENT AND FOLLOW UP OF PARTICIPANTS 9.1 Categories of ETF event participants The contractor will handle different categories of participant to ETF events. Guest. All costs for participation will be covered by the ETF. The contractor will take care of all practical arrangements. Self. All costs for participation will be covered by the participant, except for meals included in the programme, which will be offered by the ETF. The contractor will take care of all practical arrangements (except travel, which are self organized). ETF staff. All costs for participation will be covered by the ETF under a separate budget. Meals included in the programme will be offered by the ETF. Travel arrangements will be dealt by the ETF. The contractor will take care of hotel reservations and provide assistance on site. Contracted experts and consultants. All costs for participation will be covered by the ETF under a separate contract. Meals included in the programme will be offered by the ETF. Travel will be self organized. The contractor will take care of hotel reservations and will provide assistance on site. Others. Participants for whom very little assistance is required may occasionally attend ETF events (e.g. authorities and VIP, local journalists, students). In these cases no fee can be claimed by the contractor, even if some services (registration, badge and name plate production, delivery of welcome kit, conference kit, transfers, etc.) shall be provided. Table A lists the categories of participants at ETF events, with an indication of which fees the contractor can claim. For participants not covered by these categories, eligibility will be established on a case by case basis. 6/17 Table A – Fees according to category of participants. Category of participants 1 Example Event management fee Participant handling fee 1. Guest Ministry official from Cairo attending an ETF event everywhere Yes Yes 2. Self European Commission official from Brussels attending an ETF event everywhere Yes Yes 3. ETF staff (for events held at ETF headquarters) ETF staff member attending an ETF event organised at ETF No No 4. ETF staff (for headquarters1) ETF staff member attending an ETF event organised everywhere (including Villa Gualino) Yes No 5. Contracted expert and consultant Expert contracted by the ETF to attend an ETF event everywhere Yes No 6. Others Participants handled by an ETF partner organisation, local journalists, local VIP/speakers, students, and in general all participants for those limited assistance and a limited amount of work is required. No No events held outside ETF For the purpose of fees calculation, Villa Gualino conference facilities are considered outside ETF headquarters 7/17 9.2 Correspondence with invitees All official communication to be sent to participants must have been previously approved by the ETF. Official documents (invitation letter, supporting documents for visa applications to enter Italy, agenda, list of participants) will have the ETF or the event logo and will be produced by the contractor in a professional format. For events where administrative correspondence (registration form, practical information, etc) is in French and/or Russian, an accurate translation must be provided by the contractor with no additional cost. The ETF will take care of the translation of content related documents (invitation letters, agenda, etc). Please also refer to point 5.2, Translation of documents. 9.3 Mailing of invitation package The ETF will provide the contractor with: a provisional list of invitees in excel format a draft agenda the text of the invitation letter. Within 2 days from receipt of the above documents the contractor will be able to prepare and send out the invitation package. The standard invitation package includes: a) Invitation set A) Personalised invitation letter according to the type of invitee (speaker, guest participant, self participant, VIP, other). B) Draft agenda of the event and, in certain cases, the draft list of participants. C) Personalised official supporting document for visa application (see under point 23, Visas). The contractor will personalise the documents A and C on the basis of a template provided by the ETF. b) Registration Form The contractor will prepare the registration form of the event which will contain relevant administrative information and clearly indicate, among others, what is covered by the ETF in terms of accommodation, meals and other expenses. The registration form must be clear, user friendly and comprehensive of all the information needed, such as: personal data of the participant: gender, title, first name, family name, company/institution, department/service, job title, complete address (fields: street and number, country code, post code, town, country, phone, fax and e-mail) logistical information about participant’s registration: attendance at sessions and workshops, social events, lunches/dinners (including any special requirements), hotel confirmations (including any special requirements), travel and flight details logistical information to the participant: conference site, full hotel details (name, address, fax, tel. numbers, possibly a link to their website), check in and check out time, indication of hotel rates for self funding guests or the maximum number of nights covered for ETF guests, deadline for registration additional information such as registration/welcome desk opening times, instructions for pick up at the airport upon arrival or for public transport, official documents 8/17 required if any (passport, visa, vaccination certificate, health care insurance), maps of hotels and venue, local information (language, currency and exchange facilities, plug type, climate, clothing, etc.) disclaimers related to privacy protection issues. The form should be available on paper and possibly on line (see under point 24, Web and IT). The contractor will accept any registration request up until the last moment (even if a deadline was explicitly mentioned), even on site, unless otherwise indicated by the ETF. 9.4 Registration and follow-up of participants The contractor will be responsible for comprehensive assistance to participants and direct communication with them as regards all logistical matters (hotel reservation/confirmation, travel arrangements including delivery of prepaid tickets, administrative procedures such as insurance, reimbursements, visa, etc.). For some events the ETF may require help desk services in Russian or other language during the time leading up to the event, for which a separate cost estimate will be required. The processing of registrations must be quick and efficient. All individual cases and requests will have to be handled in a quick and courteous way. E-mail requests shall be answered within the same day. Urgent email requests shall be dealt without delay. A description of the IT tools used must be provided in the tender presentation, with particular regard to the extent of the use of web facilities for on-line registrations. The contractor will: a) acknowledge registration of the participant by e-mail (or fax) within 1 working day from when the registration is received, initiating the practical arrangements and giving information about the next steps (for example: when participants can expect to receive a flight schedule proposal, confirmation of hotel, etc) b) send a personalised confirmation about the practical arrangements within 5 working days. If practical arrangements cannot be finalised by this deadline, partial details should be sent c) send a reminder about practical information and official documents to be presented at the registration desk for reimbursement and registration procedure, by e-mail (or fax), 5 working days before the event. Regardless of the size and formality of the event, steps a), b) and c) have to be covered. The contractor will ensure an accurate follow up of participants who did not reply to the first announcement by e-mail and phone, to make sure that the invitation package has been received. The contractor will keep the ETF regularly informed about progress in registrations, so that, for example, replacement participants can be selected. All changes related to a single participant must be tracked by the contractor and be available on site during the event. Small changes may be made to the list of invitees up to one day before an event. Should such changes result in additional costs, the ETF must be notified and give its approval. (Travel arrangements and visas are treated respectively under point 20 and 23) 9/17 10. MEDIA ACTIVITIES The ETF has a framework contract for its media activities. Should the need arise for media activities under this contract, an individual request for an offer will be made. 11. PARTICIPANT SATISFACTION SURVEY For any given event the contractor will be responsible for distributing and collecting the event satisfaction evaluation form (see Attachment 1, Terms of reference, Section 8.2.1). The contractor may be asked to provide the ETF with a summary of the results indicated by the evaluation forms. The evaluation form will be prepared in cooperation with the ETF. 12. PROTOCOL Rules of ceremony might vary from one country to another. For ministerial level meetings, the protocol should be carefully planned in advance in consultation with the ETF and if necessary with the governmental partners involved. Arrangements should cover: 13. welcome at the airport decorations, such as flowers at the speakers’ table flags (in principle, alphabetical order English) interpretation, as necessary seating arrangements at the conference (priority, head of table, reserved first row, etc) seating arrangements at social events social invitation to authorities VIP rooms (refreshments and headphones available). REGISTRATION REPORTS During the preparation of an event, the contractor will provide the ETF event owner with regular and accurate registration reports in excel format, in principle once a week from the mailing of the invitation. An ad hoc timetable will be agreed for any given event with the ETF event owner. The contractor shall be able to produce up to the minute registration reports at short notice. The registration report will include information such as: Personal details Category of invitee and related codes Attendance at sessions and/or social events Travel schedule (date and time of arrival and departure, flight numbers) Hotel assignment Remarks (any other information about a participant) Travel cost type (prepaid, reimbursable) and cost Any other information requested by the ETF. The registration report should be organised in a flexible way allowing multiple sorting (by any type of information: name, country, category of invitee, hotel, attendance of sessions or social event, etc). Separate lists can be requested for VIP attendance. 10/17 After the event, final registration statistics will be provided by the contractor with additional information (see Attachment 1, Terms of reference, Section 8.2.2, and Annex 4 to Attachment 1, Terms of reference - Statistical report template). 14. REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES ETF guest participants may be entitled to travel reimbursement (if self organised), daily allowance (if applied), and miscellaneous expenses (visa and other traveling related costs). The contractor’s tasks will include: monitoring arrangements made by the participants themselves to check for noncompliance with the rules (for example, business ticket or out of the standard route schedule) providing participants with all relevant information and administrative forms needed for the reimbursement if daily allowance applies, preparation of the calculations according to instructions provided by the ETF and submission to the ETF for approval at least 1 week before the start date of the event collecting all necessary administrative forms and supporting documents, including expenses receipts, participants bank details, etc. following up individual cases where the documentation is not appropriate and/or complete completing participants’ individual files with the calculation of the reimbursement due if the payment of reimbursements is done by the ETF, the participants reimbursement dossiers should be returned to the ETF within 2 weeks from the end date of the event if the payment of reimbursements is done by the contractor, the due amount should be paid to the participant via bank transfer within 1 calendar month from the end date of the event. Participants from certain partner countries may not have a bank account. In these cases ad hoc solutions, which may include cash reimbursement, shall be looked for, and approved by the ETF. A full explanation of the ETF’s rules can be found in Annex 2 to Attachment 1, Terms of reference - ETF rules for reimbursement of experts attending ETF events. 15. SECRETARIAT ON SITE The contractor will be responsible for complete on the spot management of the event, the participants and the venue, including ensuring full visibility of the ETF during the event (signs, flags, stand, etc). In the on-site registration process, efficiency and rapidity will be of utmost importance. All the necessary resources (staff, infrastructure, equipment, and software) shall be provided to guarantee smooth on site registration. Furthermore, the registration procedure must be organised in such as way as to take into account the handling of reimbursements for some participants. 15.1 Equipment Reception desks should be equipped with: up-to-date PCs and software (Microsoft Office including Power Point/Excel/Word), Internet and email connection printer(s) 11/17 telephone(s) and fax complete stationery (including paper for printer and bins) Secretariat room(s) and offices are to be equipped with: up-to-date PCs and software (Microsoft Office including Power Point/Excel/Word), Internet and email connection printers telephone(s) and fax multifunction photocopier Availability of lockable storage room/area should be foreseen. 15.2 Registration on-site The registration processing system may be electronic and/or manual, depending on the size of the event. Electronic systems however should also foresee a manual backup. A description of the registration of on-site software used, if any, shall be provided in the tender presentation. For large events, a sufficient number of desks for on-site registration must be organised to ensure the smooth running of operations: 15.3 delegates desk speakers, Chairs, Facilitators desk press desk VIP desk ETF staff desk on-site accreditation general information desk. Staffing Conference assistants (hostesses/stewards) must be well briefed. All aspects of the policies of the conference must be communicated so they can answer delegates in a clear and confident manner. Furthermore, occasional staff must be able to handle queries with authority and assurance. Time schedules and task allocations have to be clearly distributed to all staff involved (staff briefing manual). Conference assistants must be bilingual (English or French and host country; any other language is an asset). They will work in a team under the supervision of a coordinator. The same team shall be available throughout the whole event. Conference assistants shall wear uniforms. 15.4 Tasks Welcome service Hospitality desks at strategic locations (airport, hotel lobbies, railway station, etc.), including assistance for lost luggage Registration desks Setting up registration desks, including office stationery Assembly of conference bags/personal envelopes Organisation of badges Reception of visitors: distribution of badges, conference bags and personal envelopes Help desk during the event Assistance for departures Dismantling of reception desks 12/17 Assistance in conference rooms Reception at meeting rooms Helping speakers with IT presentations Distribution of documents to interpreters Verification/change of nameplates after each session Assisting speakers in the speakers’ room Assisting journalists in the press room Distribution of headsets Handling of wireless microphones during Q&A sessions Assistance to VIPs Accompanying VIPs and being at their disposal when needed Checking the VIP room on a regular basis Cloackrooms/Luggage rooms Management of the cloakrooms and luggage room services Display areas Transport/distribution of brochures and exhibition material from the storage room to the stands Set up and dismantling of the ETF stand 16. SECURITY Only the host country authorities can take responsibility and be accountable for security matters. However, the contractor must be aware of potential risks in the case of sensitive events or attendance and should liaise with the ETF and the security representatives involved. 17. Risk assessment (for the meeting, for individuals, for VIP protection, for the venue, for equipment and valuables) Monitoring risk (ongoing) Risk management (including evacuation plan for emergencies) Crisis management plan (responsibilities, measures and processes, information flow) Ad hoc arrangements for VIP’s attendance SOCIAL PROGRAMME AND ENTERTAINMENT The contractor may be requested to arrange: cultural visits and events gala events (table plan, participants list, place names for tables). Entrances to the room should be signposted in such a way as to help delegates find their tables. guided and sightseeing tours organisation of special events (music, theatre performance, etc), including authorisation and licensing paperwork speakers/press lunch or dinner programme for spouses and/or accompanying persons tourist information provision typical local evening welcome/opening reception. Information on a social invitation should contain: the host/inviter date 13/17 location and address map, if necessary colour code, if there are seating areas meeting place, if there is transportation dress code RSVP address. According to the type and duration of the event and the composition of its participants, the schedule of the social programme may vary. For major events, creativity will be appreciated, as will the ability to reflect the ETF’s mission statement through any performances. The details of the social programme should be indicated from the outset. 18. SPEAKERS AND ABSTRACT Contact with speakers and the collection of the meeting documents are usually taken care of by the ETF. However, the contractor may be requested to: 19. identify and contract out moderators, speakers, journalists, and personalities for a specific event send out guidelines for the preparation of papers gather abstracts distribute documents, either printed or in CD Rom format, at the conference and/or via the Internet produce high quality printed material even for a small number of copies. TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT Simultaneous interpretation infrastructure Simultaneous interpretation booths, fixed or mobile (specific standards will be specified on an ad hoc basis) Receiver sets for each participant (including headphones) Conference system (one table microphone for every two participants) Bidul system (light equipment) for simultaneous interpretation without cabins (max 25 participants) Recording of verbatim and simultaneous interpretation and transcription, to be provided in CD Rom/DVD format (floor language plus English) Technical equipment Audio visual Flipchart, paper, pens Microphones (including lapel microphones) and full sound system Overhead projector Screen and monitors Slide centre facilities for presentations Video conference facilities (live and on tape) Video projector IT ISDN lines PC and software (software: Microsoft Office including PowerPoint/Excel/Word, Internet and email connection, DVD) 14/17 Other Streaming facilities. Fax machine Photocopier machine (with sorter and stapler function) Printer Scanner Telephone lines and telephones Video conference facilities (live and on tape) Technical assistance 20. Permanent, full-time assistance will be foreseen from the preparatory phases (preparation of the venue, setting up of the conference rooms and secretariat) until the very end of the event, for all technical equipment (AV, Interpretation, IT, computer hardware and software, printers, photocopiers, telephones and fax) Back up equipment is to be made available by the supplier with no additional cost for the ETF. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Organisation of pre-paid flight tickets at the best price terms and conditions and offering the most convenient schedule. Delivery of the travel document to the participants. Organisation of prepaid travel by other means (train, other). The contractor will be responsible for all aspects of travel arrangements including direct contact with participants, providing all relevant information (timetables, availability, carrier, reservation, confirmation, etc.). Travel arrangements will be made on the basis of a list of participants transmitted by the ETF responsible. Within five calendar days upon receipt of the list of participants, the contractor will submit to the ETF event owner a draft overview of suitable travel schedules and costs proposed by the travel agency. This list will be regularly updated on the basis of the participants’ registration. For the organisation of prepaid flight tickets the contractor will refer to Annex 2 to Attachment 1, Terms of reference - ETF rules for reimbursement of experts attending ETF events and any additional guidelines which will be provided by the ETF. In principle, travels shall be organised accordingly to the most convenient route and fare. The contractor will pay special attention to that the flights proposed are convenient to the participant in terms of travelling hours and stop over, and that the price is competitive. The contractor shall seek for the ETF prior written approval in case: the cost of the flight ticket is higher than the cost budgeted the flight ticket is high-priced and no less expensive alternative is available economy class is not available any particular request is made by the participants which may have an impact on the cost of the ticket (booking a specific airline, personalised travel schedule, etc). The cost of the prepaid tickets shall be registered and kept up-to-date in the registration report regularly delivered by the contractor to the ETF. The cost of the flight ticket (either prepaid or reimbursed) shall also be indicated in the overall logistics list which will be delivered by the contractor after the event (see Annex D to the contract, Financial reporting guidelines, point 3). 15/17 In cases where participants organise their own travel arrangements, at the request of the ETF, the contractor will take care of reimbursements in compliance with the above mentioned rules (see also point 14, Reimbursement procedures). 21. TRANSFERS AND ON-SITE TRANSPORTATION Including: detailed plan of arrivals and departures for the event maintenance of an arrivals and departures transport list and provision of an accurate and updated list to the transport company reception team at the airport, including assistance for lost luggage shuttle service to and from the airport/hotels/conference venue/restaurant including hostess to provide full assistance transport for cultural programme VIP cars and assistance effective communication with all cars/buses review of invoices from transport suppliers, cross checking transfer times against the logistics of the event list, to ensure that it fits with the financial agreement and the actual transfers carried out. Full assistance from the contractor shall be ensured for the entire period in which participants are travelling, in order to organise local transfers in case of last minutes changes (delay, flight cancellation, etc) (see Attachment 1, Terms of reference, Section 7.4.8). 22. VENUE 22.1 Venue research and feasibility Identification of suitable venues to cover: type of programme, number of participants, style of seating layout, AV content and languages for simultaneous interpretation, if any configuration of conference facilities (for plenary and breakout sessions) configuration and location of reception, catering and display areas and other facilities (cloakrooms, lavatories, leisure) quality of accommodation and catering services security support facilities (namely office, office services, rehearsal room(s) secure storage room/space/press room, telephone lines, ISDN lines, satellite links, car parking, coach access, printing/photocopying equipment, etc. site inspections booking and hiring of the venue. A venue evaluation report describing main features of the venues proposed for an individual assignment shall be provided to the ETF event owner by the contractor. 2.2 Venue arrangements and management Audiovisual Catering break area Internet points/participant message board or equivalent system of electronic messaging for participants 16/17 23. Entrance control to allow VIPs only, and head table/first row protocol Established system to deal with lost and found property Display spaces Insurance and safety check Lighting Lounges/Seating areas/Speakers-VIP lounge with permanent food and beverage service (tea, coffee, juice etc.) Offices Plenary meeting room and workshop meeting rooms Press conference room Press room Registration area and technical equipment Security (access, registration) Signs and room decoration (e.g. the congress logo, flower arrangements, flags of participating countries, etc) Signposting creation and installation (panels on different types of supports usable in different location Simultaneous interpretation (including headphones distribution) Slide centre management Social events area Staff co-ordination (security, venue co-coordinator, hostesses, technician, etc) Technical equipment (including simultaneous interpretation infrastructure) Venue access VIP room (drinks and snacks, and headphones) VISA PROCEDURES Visa procedures may be a politically sensitive issue to take into account with regard to some countries that the ETF works with. The contractor must assist participants to obtain their visas in time to travel to the conference venue. This will include providing all the information and documentation (e.g. administrative forms) participants need to obtain their visas. The ETF has a special agreement with the Italian government as regards visa procedures to enter Italy. The contractor will receive guidelines about the standard procedures to be followed for events held in Italy. No special agreements are foreseen with other governments. Where a participant encounters problems in obtaining a visa, the contractor will inform ECU and the ETF event owner immediately. 24. WEB and IT The IT tools used, and in particular an explanation of how web facilities will be used for the on-line registration of participants for all events are described within the contractor’s technical offer. 17/17