Mini-Treaty Canada-France: For Telefilm Canada use only: Application # Date received (Y/M/D): Original French-language Television Program Selective Financial Assistance in Development Application form Page 1 of 7 Applicants should be familiar with the Mini-Treaty Television Development – Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of France Regarding the Development of French Language Audiovisual Co-Production Projects for Television (the “Mini-Treaty Television Development Agreement”), the Financial Selective Assistance for Canada-France Coproductions Information Document (the “Mini-Treaty Information Document”) and the applicable Telefilm Canada business policies prior to completing this application form. Please complete all information requested and include all relevant documentation with your application. Please note that this application form must be signed by all applicants prior to submission to Telefilm Canada. Title: Previous Title(s): ISAN Number (if applicable; 26 digits): A. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of Canadian Production Company(ies) (Applicant): Name of Foreign Production Company 1: Address City Country Canada Tel Email address Address City Country Tel Province Postal code Fax (for official notifications) Web address Contact Name for this file (Name & Title): Province Postal code Fax France Email address Web address Name of Parent Company (if applicable): Name of Foreign Production Company 2: Address City Country Canada Tel Email address Address City Country Tel (for official notifications) Web address Province Postal code Fax Province Postal code Fax France Email address Web address Are you sure that your Co-Producer(s) submitted an application to the competent authority? Yes No B. PROJECT HISTORY Has this project ever been submitted to Telefilm Canada or the CMF/CTF? If it received funding, please provide the following information: Application Number At what stage? Amount Date of contract Yes No TFC0214 Mini-Treaty Canada-France / French-language television / Development – Application Form Page 2 of 7 C. PROJECT INFORMATION Synopsis (100 words or less): Number of episodes episodes Duration Production type Live action Language Category Drama Children’s Documentary Format Pilot One-off Mini-Series minutes / episode French Series MOW If the screenplay is based on an original work: Title of original work Medium (book, play, etc.) Author Citizenship of Author D. CULTURAL CONTENT INFORMATION (check only one) Cultural content refers to content only; NOT to production personnel. This information is gathered for statistical purposes only. Aboriginal Multicultural General (PRIMARILY about aboriginal characters or issues) (PRIMARILY about visible minority characters or issues OR characters or issues based on first generation immigrants to Canada from Eastern Europe or Latin America) (all other projects) E. SCHEDULE INFORMATION Projected completion date for this development request Estimated shooting start date Y M D F. PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Project Participants Canadian Producer Last Name First Name Citizenship Confirmed Foreign Producer 1 Foreign Producer 2 Executive Producer Scriptwriter(s) Story Editor / Consultant TFC0214 Mini-Treaty Canada-France / French-language television / Development – Application Form Project Participants Researcher Last Name First Name Page 3 of 7 Citizenship Confirmed Director Are there any third country participants involved in the project? Function Last Name First Name Yes (complete table below) Citizenship No Reason G. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Category of Financing Legal Name of Company or Organization Type of Financing Amount % of Total Confirmed Telefilm Canada – Mini-Treaty Advance $ % - Canada Media Fund – TV Development Advance $ % - Production Company $ % Broadcast Company $ % Other $ % Other $ % Total Canadian Financing $ % CNC – Mini-Treaty Advance $ CNC – Others Advance $ Foreign Prod. Co. 1 $ Foreign Prod. Co. 2 $ Broadcast Company $ Other $ Other $ Total Foreign Financing $ % TOTAL FINANCING $ 100.0 % TFC0214 Mini-Treaty Canada-France / French-language television / Development – Application Form Page 4 of 7 H. BUDGET INFORMATION Date of budget (Y-M-D) EXPENDITURES per Producer per country In Canada Country of expenditure In Foreign Country 1 In Foreign Country 2 Other Countries* Total (per Producer) Canadian Producer(s) $ $ $ $ $ Foreign Coproducer 1 $ $ $ $ $ Foreign Coproducer 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total (per country) *If the breakdown includes expenses under Other Countries (non-coproducing countries), complete the following table: Nature of expense Amount Reason spend necessary outside coproducing countries Country of expenditure Producer covering cost $ $ $ $ TFC0214 Mini-Treaty Canada-France / French-language television / Development – Application Form Page 5 of 7 Required Documents at time of Application N/A Enclosed Mini-Treaty Canada-France: French-Language Television Development Program At the time of application, together with this completed application form, the applicant must provide all of the documentation listed below. Please be advised that during the review of the project, the applicant may be required to provide additional documentation or information. Telefilm Canada reserves the right to request any document or information it deems relevant, including, but not limited to, any document or information pertinent to the eligibility of the applicant and the project. Please be advised that Telefilm Canada will not act as a depositary or be responsible in any way for the holding or return of any material submitted at any time in connection with the application or the project and such material may be destroyed at any time. 1. Corporate Documentation (only if modified since company’s last application to Telefilm) Incorporation documents for the applicant production company and parent company(ies), if applicable Corporate financial statements for the past three (3) fiscal years1 Shareholder or partner’s agreement (as applicable) Declaration of Canadian Status of Corporation and Corporate Information (available on Telefilm website) 2. Most recent creative material e.g. script, bible 3. Proof of citizenship of Canadian producers, executive producers, key creative personnel Proof of citizenship or permanent residency for (1) all Canadian producers and executive producers; and (2) all Canadian key creative personnel. Admissible proof of citizenship: legible photocopy of passport, birth certificate, citizenship certificate, or CAVCO personnel number. Admissible proof of permanent residency: valid permanent resident card for the duration of the production. 4. Notarized affidavit(s) for Canadian producer(s) and writer(s) Available on Telefilm website (“coproduction”) 5. Co-development agreement Duly executed 6. Chain of Title Contracts establishing full chain of title for the property, in particular, origin of concept 7. Development budget Detailed budget (in CA$), dated, in multi-column format showing each country’s participation in a separate column and a consolidated column. 8. Financial structure Itemized financial structure (in CA$) for the Canadian and French producer indicating sources of financing 9. Broadcast agreement(s) Canada and/or France broadcast agreement(s) or letter(s) of commitment or letter(s) of interest 1. The applicant must provide for the last three fiscal years: (a) Consolidated and audited annual financial statements, if consolidated annual gross revenue of the applicant and its related parties is equal to or greater than $10 million; (b) Consolidated annual financial statements, together with a review engagement report if consolidated annual gross revenue of applicant and its related parties is equal to or greater than $5 million but less than $10 million; (c) Non-consolidated annual financial statements, together with a notice to readers if consolidated annual gross revenue of the applicant and its related parties is less than $5 million. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Telefilm reserves the right to request from the applicant, at any time and at Telefilm’s absolute discretion, consolidated and audited annual financial statements. TFC0214 Mini-Treaty Canada-France / French-language television / Development – Application Form Page 6 of 7 TELEFILM CANADA IS SUBJECT TO THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT AND THE PRIVACY ACT. PRIVACY NOTICE: In order to process this application, Telefilm Canada requires certain personal information about, among other things, the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative, and about the co-applicant or the co-applicant’s authorized representative if applicable. This information may consist of − among other things − the name, citizenship, coordinates and biographical information of the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative, and of the co-applicant or the co-applicant’s authorized representative if applicable. As well, the curriculum vitae, citizenship and other personal information of members of the creative personnel involved with the application may be included, if applicable. The collection and use of such personal information are in accordance with the Privacy Act [1] and section 10 of the Telefilm Canada Act.[2] Said personal information is collected so as to, among other things, enable the applicant to present this application, as well as to enable Telefilm Canada to carry out the processing of such application. Personal information may also be used for, among other things, conducting surveys with the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative, and with the co-applicant or the co-applicant’s authorized representative if applicable, for program evaluation and/or assessing client satisfaction. The personal information collected by Telefilm Canada in connection with this application, along with its related uses, are featured in the class of personal information entitled “Applications and Projects” published in Telefilm Canada’s Info Source profile,[3] as well as in Personal Information Banks “Automated Document, Records, and Information Management Systems” (PSU 904), “Public Communications” (PSU 914) and “Outreach Activities” (PSU 938). [4] By presenting this application, the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative, and the co-applicant or the co-applicant’s authorized representative if applicable, confirm(s) that he(they) has(have) read this Privacy Notice Statement and is(are) ready to provide personal information in accordance with it. [*] The masculine gender is used throughout to simplify the text. __________________________________ [1] [2] [3] [4] APPLICANT(S) STATEMENTS: The undersigned authorized representative of the applicant and co-applicant (if applicable) hereby: authorizes Telefilm Canada to discuss and disclose any information concerning any aspect of the funding application, the project, any previously completed project, the applicant and any related party to the applicant, with every entity connected (in Telefilm’s opinion) with the funding application, the project, any previously completed project, the applicant and any related party to the applicant, including, but not limited to, an external evaluator, persons sitting on any decision making committee for the project, actual or proposed financial partners, corporate and/or completion guarantors, interim financiers, auditors, legal counsels, the Canada Media Fund, the Department of Canadian Heritage, CAVCO, CRTC, foreign authorities representative(s), and other governmental entities (collectively the “Entities”). The applicant further authorizes said Entities to discuss and disclose to Telefilm Canada any information concerning any aspect of the funding application, the project, any previously completed project, the applicant and any related party to the applicant; authorizes Telefilm Canada to disclose on its website any and all information pertaining to the application and/or the project, such as the project title, genre and format, writing language and production companies; agrees to notify Telefilm Canada immediately if and when any changes occur to any of the submitted documents and shall provide written details of same; declares that the applicant(s) has/(have) not entered into any oral or written agreement or side deal that conflicts with any of the provisions of this application form, of the Mini-Treaty Television Development Agreement, of the Mini-Treaty Information Document or of applicable Telefilm Canada business policies; declares that the project complies and will continue to comply with the Mini-Treaty Television Development Agreement, the Mini-Treaty Information Document and applicable Telefilm Canada business policies; TFC0214 Mini-Treaty Canada-France / French-language television / Development – Application Form Page 7 of 7 has made and shall make without delay full disclosure to Telefilm Canada of any dispute, actual or potential litigation in connection with the project; declares that all persons specified as being Canadian in the Application and all accompanying documentation, are Canadians, in accordance with the Investment Canada Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or the Citizenship Act; authorizes Telefilm Canada to reproduce and distribute internally to its employees and subcontractors, all material submitted at any time in connection with the project, using any medium or support including its internal servers. The undersigned hereby declares and warrants that the information and documents submitted for this application are accurate, true and complete, and makes this solemn declaration knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. Signature of Applicant (Canadian Producer): I am duly authorized Name (please print) Title Date (Y-M-D) TFC0214