The Odyssey Study Guide Characters- Know the following characters: Aeolus Antinous Athena Calypso Charybdis Circe Eumaeus Eurymachus Helios Hermes Ithaca King Alcinous Odysseus Penelope Polyphemus Poseidon Scylla Siren Telemachus Tiresias Troy Zeus Sequencing: put the events in the order in which they CHRONOLOGICALLY occur (They are scrambled now) Attack by the Laestrygonians Helios’ Island Island of the Lotus Eaters King Alcinous helps Odysseus get home Leaves Calypso Meets with King Alcinous Raid the Island of the Cicones Scylla and Charybdis Sirens Spend a year with Circe Storm at sea that kills Odysseus’ men Travel to the Underworld Trojan War Visit Aelous, the wind god Visit and Blind Polyphemus Know what an Epithet is and how to write a few Know the plot of the story and major events Know the genre and author of The Odyssey Know the plot points found in an epic and examples of each point The Odyssey Study Guide Characters- Know the following characters: Aeolus Antinous Athena Calypso Charybdis Circe Eumaeus Eurymachus Helios Hermes Ithaca King Alcinous Odysseus Penelope Polyphemus Poseidon Scylla Siren Telemachus Tiresias Troy Zeus Sequencing: put the events in the order in which they CHRONOLOGICALLY occur (They are scrambled now) Attack by the Laestrygonians Helios’ Island Island of the Lotus Eaters King Alcinous helps Odysseus get home Leaves Calypso Meets with King Alcinous Raid the Island of the Cicones Scylla and Charybdis Sirens Spend a year with Circe Know what an Epithet is and how to write a few Know the plot of the story and major events Know the genre and author of The Odyssey Know the plot points found in an epic and examples of each point Storm at sea that kills Odysseus’ men Travel to the Underworld Trojan War Visit Aelous, the wind god Visit and Blind Polyphemus