Multiple locations or in general - How one school can resolve 15

References for
Table of Contents overview
Best practices and most similar efforts in
conflict resolution & “peace education”
Benefits of a supplemental curriculum for
“social-emotional learning” (SEL)
Existing attempts at teaching the conflict’s
divided history in the land of that conflict 6
Working with the parents
Best practices of preschool / pre-primary
Administering a school in Cyprus
Omnipresence in life of either cooperative,
competitive, or individualistic interactions 8
How just one school could lead to
a conflict’s peace agreement
Social benefit of cooperative interactions:
Inclusive group identity gets stronger
Defining “most powerful evidence”
Academic-achievement books that list
cooperative learning & SEL as important
Development of group identities and
prejudice, usually in childhood
Classmates as socialization agents
Academic benefits (test scores) of cooperative
interactions (cooperative learning)
Evaluating conflict-resolution
and related education programs
Table of Contents in depth
Best practices & most similar efforts in
conflict resolution & “peace education”
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Multiple locations or in general
Development of group identities
and prejudice, usually in childhood
Multiple locations or in general
Omnipresence in life of either cooperative,
competitive, or individualistic interactions 8
Existing attempts at teaching the conflict’s
divided history in the land of that conflict 6
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Multiple locations or in general
Multiple locations or in general
Social benefit of cooperative interactions:
Inclusive group identity gets stronger
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Multiple locations or in general
Classmates as socialization agents
Administering a school in Cyprus
Why not The English or Junior School? 75
Academic benefits of cooperative
interactions (cooperative learning)
School funding: R&D expense using 1%
of defense budgets for bigger conflicts
Cyprus, Greece, or Turkey
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Multiple locations or in general
In the math classroom
Structured Controversy:
Best way to teach divisive topics
Reading, writing, & languages
Preschool / pre-primary
Potential criticisms and responses
Gifted students
Northern Ireland
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Korean Peninsula
Iraq and Afghanistan
Multiple locations or in general
How just one school could lead
to a conflict’s peace agreement
Schoolwide implementation
(no more than 35% of total lessons) 48
Multiple locations or in general
Preschool / pre-primary
Working with the parents
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
1. Importance of a long time horizon
for trust & successful negotiations
Northern Ireland
Multiple locations or in general
2. Enroll politically-tied 2-year-olds from
overlapping family & government trees 83
Benefits of a supplemental curriculum for
“social-emotional learning”
Cyprus, Greece, or Turkey
Best practices of preschool / pre-primary 73
Multiple locations or in general
In Cyprus
Multiple locations or in general
3. Parents affect children’s attitudes,
but the reverse is true too, over time
Northern Ireland
Multiple locations or in general
4. Impact of “extended & imagined
contact” on 2-year-old’s family
Northern Ireland
Multiple locations or in general
5. Continued flow across family &
government trees (“weak-tie strength”) 90
Defining “most powerful evidence”
6. Future positive meetings with the
disliked leads to cognitive dissonance 93
Academic-achievement books that list
cooperative learning & SEL as important 99
7. Cognitive dissonance changes one’s
attitude about preferred social identity 93
Multiple locations or in general
8. A shared social identity leads to more
cooperation, trust, & group problemsolving, including top negotiations
Collaboration-creativity connection 97
Evaluating conflict-resolution and
related education programs
Multiple locations or in general
International conflict resolution & “peace education”
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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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Multiple locations or in general
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Teaching the divisive history in the conflict
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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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Multiple locations or in general
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Development of group identities and prejudice, usually in childhood
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Multiple locations or in general
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Omnipresence in life of either cooperative, competitive, or individualistic interactions
Multiple locations or in general
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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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Multiple locations or in general
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Preschool / pre-primary / early childhood
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Potential criticisms and responses
Gifted students
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Schoolwide implementation (no more than 35% of total lessons)
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