
AP Psychology
Outline for pp 96 – 106
Due: 10/01 (A-day) or 10/02 (B-day)
This week, focus on: Rephrasing things in your own words!! I don’t want to see you
can find the right sentence from the book and put it in the right spot. I want to see that
you’ve READ the sentence, you’ve thought about it and understand it, and you can restate it using your own words. This is an outline, so you can do shortened versions of
Vocab: Skim your reading and list vocab terms and definitions at the top of your outline.
Remember to shorten and rephrase definitions in your own words where you can.
I. Behavior Genetics
A. Overview: What is important to behavior geneticists?
B. Genes [re-write this as a heading in your outline…you’ve already defined it in your
vocab section]
1. Chromosomes are made up of _____________ __. Your parents each gave
you __________
of them.
2. What do genes actually do?
3. We share _________% of our DNA with every other human.
4. We share __________% of our DNA with chimpanzees.
5. When genes work together, we refer to them as….
C. Twin Studies [again…use this as a heading in your outline]
1. Identical twins share_________________[several things].
2. Fraternal twins share _________________ but only share ________% of
their genes with
each other.
3. Influence of genes on behavior?
4. Effect of genes on divorce rates?
D. Jim Lewis and Jim Springer
1. Relationship to each other?
2. Why is this case interesting?
3. Researcher’s name?
4. Explain “the plural of anecdote is not data.”
5. Criticisms of Bouchard’s work
E. Adoption studies
1. Why useful?
2. Personality similarities/differences?
3. Possible explanations for differences in biological siblings’ personalities
4. What things are generally true of adoptive children?
F. Temperament studies
1. What can infants’ temperament tell us about their futures?
2. What is true of identical twins’ temperaments?
3. Physiological/biological connection
G. Heritability
1. What is heritability?
a. Heritability does NOT mean…
b. Heritability DOES mean…
c. If ALL other factors are equal, and the only explanation for a difference
in behavior is
“it’s genetic,” heritability would be ______%
d. If everyone had very similar genes, but very different environments,
what would that
mean for heritability?
2. Group Differences
a. Why are adults today taller than adults 100 years ago? Genes?
b. What else can we attribute group differences to?
3. Nature and Nurture
a. Summarize paragraph 1 of this section.
b. What does it mean that genes are self-regulating?
c. Genes vs environment
4. Gene-Environment Interaction
a. How to genes affect environmental factors?
b. Vice versa?
c. Genes lead us to select…what? Why does this matter?
d. What interaction is crucial?
5. Molecular Genetics
a. bottom-up
b. Goal of molecular genetics
c. What’s the potential here?
d. What are the risks and potential (or actual) consequences?