Records Management Policy Statement

Records Management Policy Statement
January 2011
Policy Overview and Scope
Policy Aims
Responsibility for Records Management
Records Management Framework and Implementation
Staff Training and Development
Policy Review and Audit
Contact Information
1.0 Policy Overview and Scope
1.1 The University of Gloucestershire is committed to creating, managing and
disposing of its academic and non-academic records effectively in order to
document its operations efficiently and openly, as well as meeting its legal
obligations and community expectations
1.2 The Information Security Management System (ISMS) forms an integral part of
the University’s ISO 27001 accreditation for Information Security. The standard
provides a central focus for the institution’s approach towards the creation, filing,
retrieval and disposal of its records. The policies are built on the premise that
effective creation, control and disposal of records brings administrative and
financial benefits to the University, while promoting good practice in complying
with legal obligations, particularly those established by Data Protection and
Freedom of Information legislation
1.3 The policies are formulated in accordance with the Code of Practice on the
Management of Records, which is published under section 46 of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, the University’s Data Protection, Freedom of Information
Policies and the University’s ISMS
1.4 The policies are based on the understanding that all University employees are
responsible for creating and maintaining authentic and reliable records in relation
to their work
1.5 Within the context of this policy statement, “records” refers to all documents
created, received or maintained by the University in the course of carrying out
its corporate functions. These documents may be held in electronic or hard copy
Policy Aims
2.1 The policy provides a framework for managing the University’s records, and
seeks to educate and assist staff across the institution in fulfilling their
obligations and responsibilities in the important area of records management. It
is built around a number of practical goals:
UoG Records Management Policy
Owner: Academic Registry
Version 1
the creation and capturing of authentic and reliable records to
demonstrate evidence of accountability and information about the
University’s decisions and activities;
secure maintenance and preservation of access to the records, as long as
they are required to support University operations;
confidential destruction of records as soon as they are no longer required;
adherence to all legal obligations, specifically those established by the
Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000;
secure identification and archiving of records in-line with University
Archives policy
University-wide staff awareness of all records management and related
3. Responsibility for Records Management
3.1 Academic Registry is responsible for the development and maintenance of
records management policies and procedures. Central to this is the promotion,
implementation, maintenance and monitoring of all records management
activity, in consultation with relevant staff across the University
3.2 Responsibility for adherence to the policies (including the Data Protection and
Freedom of Information obligations) as developed by Academic Registry, lies
with the Heads of Department and Faculty Deans. Senior management
responsibility for records management lies with the Vice-Chancellor
3.3 On the basis of the information and guidance provided by Academic Registry,
staff are obliged to:
understand and adhere to policies relevant to their work;
ensure that records are held on the most appropriate medium for the task
they perform;
identify those records that are vital to the operation of the University, and
ensure they are preserved appropriately;
review periodically records that have been identified for permanent
archive; and
dispose of and/or destroy appropriately those records that have reached
the end of their retention period.
UoG Records Management Policy
Owner: Academic Registry
Version 1
4. Records Management Framework and Implementation
4.1 Each department will contribute to the development of a university Records
Retention Schedule setting out how long documents produced by that
department are retained, archived and destroyed. It is the responsibility of each
department to apply the Retention Schedules to the documents produced by that
department and oversee the archiving and destruction of the documents as
4.2 Each department will review the Retention Schedules annually to ensure that
they remains current and appropriate and reflect the department’s activities
4.3 Academic Registry will facilitate the development and maintenance of Retention
Schedules but it is the responsibility of the document-owning department to
apply the schedules.
4.4 Each department nominates an individual with whom Academic Registry liaises
on all matters relating to records management. Collectively, the group of
nominees is known as the Records Management Network.
4.5 In liaison with Academic Registry, each department is responsible for ensuring it
has effective manual and electronic filing systems that enable timely and
efficient access to data upon request.
5. Staff Training and Development
5.1 Academic Registry produces and maintains relevant guidance for staff, all of
which is published via the University of Gloucestershire Records Management
5.2 Academic Registry provides and supports appropriate training and information
for all members of staff. The training aims to provide employees with the skills
and knowledge necessary for them to understand and adhere to the policies, and
to raise awareness of the University’s legal obligations in this area.
5.3 The University’s new staff induction programme includes sections on Data
Protection and Freedom of Information to ensure new staff understand the
University’s legal obligations.
7. Contact Information
Queries concerning any aspect of records management policy, including data
protection and freedom of information, should be addressed in the first instance to
Academic Registry.
Records Disposal Procedures
UoG Records Management Policy
Owner: Academic Registry
Version 1
8.1 The University of Gloucestershire recognises the importance of destroying both
paper and electronic records effectively in order to ensure compliance with its
various legal obligations and to protect the security of the information in all parts
of the University. Its fundamental aim is to ensure a rigorous and consistent
approach to the secure destruction and disposal of such records.
The policy recognises the difficulty in determining the level of confidentiality for
any specific record. The established definitions of “confidential” and “highly
confidential” material contained in the policy may not fit all, or every record in
need of destruction. The policy is designed to provide a framework within which
those involved in controlling destruction of records can operate. Individuals are
able to use limited discretion when making the final decision on which category a
particular record should fall into.
8.2 The effective destruction of records is an important part of the University’s
approach towards protecting the security of the information in its possession. In
particular, there are two specific legal obligations that require effective
adherence to this policy:
The provisions and principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 require the
University to ensure that any record containing personal data, such as an
individual’s name, address, or information relating to personal health, or
financial or legal matters, is managed in a way that prevents the inadvertent
disclosure or loss of information. In effect, this requires the University to
destroy personal data under secure and confidential conditions.
The provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 require effective
destruction of a record at the end of its lifecycle in accordance with the
established Record Retention Schedule, to be able to guarantee that responses
to requests for information made under the Act are lawful.
8.3 It is the individual responsibility of all staff to ensure information they are
handling is destroyed effectively, securely and in accordance with this policy.
Manual records that have reached the end of their lifecycle, either in accordance
with the Records Retention Schedule or as usual paper waste, are divided into
the following three categories, and are destroyed in accordance with the
instructions relating to each category:
Non-Confidential Information
Confidential Information
Highly Confidential Information
8.4 For Non-Confidential records and/or data, and those containing no personal
information, hexagonal bins are provided for recycling purposes. All hexagonal
recycle bins are emptied whenever necessary by campus administration, as
necessary. As paper collected in the bins is only ever recycled and never
shredded, it is the responsibility of all those placing material in the bins to check
that it has been identified correctly for recycling.
8.5 Confidential information can be defined as records containing basic personal
data, such as name, address, contact details, date of birth or similar. All
confidential information must be shredded or disposed of in line with University
UoG Records Management Policy
Owner: Academic Registry
Version 1
Records marked as confidential may not be shredded immediately. Any record in
need of immediate shredding must be treated as “highly confidential” (see
8.6 Any record containing data described below is treated as Highly Confidential
material, as is any record in need of immediate destruction.
A record is considered “highly confidential” if it contains the following material or
similar, or is in need of immediate destruction:
data relating to confidential financial activities of the University;
data relating to policy decisions/future activities of the University;
payroll and pension data;
sensitive personal data, as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998,
covering racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, Trade
Union activities, physical or mental health, sexuality, or details of criminal
higher level personal data, such as information relating to student/staff
disciplinary proceedings or harassment;
records containing “private” personal data, such as information relating
to an individual’s home or family life, personal finances, or a personal
records of a commercially sensitive nature, such as contracts, tenders,
purchasing and maintenance records, or legal documents;
records concerning intellectual property rights, such as unpublished
research data, draft papers, and manuscripts;
records containing personal or sensitive data about research subjects.
Anyone in doubt about which category to use is advised to contact Academic
8.7 Any Information already available in the public domain, for example via the
University website, but which could fall potentially into a “confidential” or “highly
confidential” category, such as decisions recorded in Council, Executive or
Committee minutes, is not normally considered to be “confidential” or “highly
confidential” material, unless otherwise stated. For records containing such
information, destruction via the hexagonal recycling bins is adequate.
UoG Records Management Policy
Owner: Academic Registry
Version 1
Policy Review and Audit
In conjunction with relevant staff, Academic Registry undertakes to review the
policies at least every three years, to help ensure compliance with government
legislation and new developments within the HE sector.
Academic Registrar
January 2011
Further information
Information Security Management System (ISMS)
Information Related Policies & Strategies
Freedom of Information
Data Protection
University Archives
UoG Records Management Policy
Owner: Academic Registry
Version 1