Rules of Procedure - MOAS - Organization of American States

REVISED: April 2012
Sponsored and Coordinated by the
Department of International Affairs
of the
Participants ................................................................................................................................... 1
Observers ............................................................................................................................ 2
Credentials .......................................................................................................................... 2
Precedence .......................................................................................................................... 2
President ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Powers of the President ...................................................................................................... 3
IV. Secretary General ................................................................................................................... 3
Committees .................................................................................................................................. 4
VI. Sessions and Meetings ................................................................................................................. 5
VII. Agenda.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Agenda of the Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS General Assembly…………..6
Agenda of the Plenary Sessions of the Model OAS General Assembly…………………8
VIII. Debates and Procedure ................................................................................................................. 9
Official Languages .............................................................................................................. 9
Quorum ............................................................................................................................... 9
Proposals (Draft Resolutions) .......................................................................................... 10
Amendments ..................................................................................................................... 11
Withdrawal of Proposals and Amendments..................................................................... 11
Reconsideration of Decisions ........................................................................................... 11
Points of Order .................................................................................................................. 11
Debate ............................................................................................................................... 11
Presentation of Proposal ................................................................................................... 12
Questions Concerning Proposal ....................................................................................... 12
Speakers’ List.................................................................................................................... 12
Motion to Extend Speakers’ List ...................................................................................... 12
Modus Operandi ............................................................................................................... 13
Suspension of Debate ....................................................................................................... 13
Closing of Debate ............................................................................................................. 13
Suspension or Adjournment of the Session or Meeting .................................................. 13
Order of Procedural Motions ............................................................................................ 13
Common Provisions to all Committee and Plenary Sessions .......................................... 14
IX. Voting ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Right to Vote..................................................................................................................... 14
Majority Required ............................................................................................................. 14
Voting Procedure .............................................................................................................. 14
Voting on Proposals.......................................................................................................... 15
Voting on Amendments.................................................................................................... 15
Voting by Parts ................................................................................................................. 15
Explanation of a Vote ....................................................................................................... 16
Elections ..................................................................................................................................... 16
XI. Documents of the Model OAS General Assembly ................................................................... 17
XII. Responsibilities of Participating Institutions ............................................................................. 17
XIII. Responsibilities of the Department of International Affairs of the OAS.................................. 19
XIV. Model OAS General Assembly Parliamentary Procedures
Short Form ............................................................................................................................. 22
(Revised, April 2012)
I. Definition
Article 1
The Model OAS General Assembly (MOAS) is a simulation of the political and
parliamentary proceedings of the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly
(Permanent Council) and of the General Assembly of the OAS, which is the supreme organ
of the OAS. These Model exercises are open to students from across the Americas, with the
main purpose of familiarizing students, through the practice of diplomacy, with the mission
of the OAS. The MOAS’ hands-on experience encourages the students to develop a
democratic conscience, leadership skills and negotiation techniques.
II. Participants
Article 2
Each of the OAS member states is represented by one university or high school
Article 3
Each university or high school delegation shall consist of ten delegates, one (1) or
more faculty advisors, and may include one (1) student as a Public Information officer. For
the high school MOAS, each delegation shall consist of five (5) head delegates and a
maximum of five (5) alternate delegates.
Article 4
Each delegation shall have a Chief of Delegation, who shall be responsible for the
general conduct of his/her delegation, so that his/her country may be represented at the Model
in a coherent and consistent manner. The Chief Delegate shall have the authority to assign
duties to any member of the delegation. The Chief Delegate is the representative of his/her
delegation to the General Committee.
Article 5
Each delegation may also have a Public Information Officer, who shall have free
access to all committee sessions, though he/she shall have neither the right to speak nor to
vote. His/her duties will be to contact local media to disseminate the Model OAS General
Assembly and the participation of his/her school in this event. The Public Information Officer
could also be in charge of seeking financial support from potential donors, prior to the
Model, in order to finance the participation of his/her delegation.
Article 6
Universities and high-schools may be allowed to attend the Model as Observers,
without vote, voice, or possibility to run for election. These delegations shall have a
maximum of three (3) participants (with at least one (1) teacher) and shall pay a reduced
registration fee.
Article 7
Participation as Permanent Observer shall benefit those institutions that are
participating in the MOAS for the first time or plan to participate in the future. These
observers shall be bound to the Rules of Procedure of the Model.
Article 8
The Chief Delegate of each country shall report to the Registration Desk upon his/her
arrival and during the designated time on the Agenda, in order to receive his/her delegation’s
credentials and other registration material.
Article 9
The Order of Precedence of the delegations during the Model shall be established by
lot at the Opening Plenary Session of the Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS General
Article 10
The Order of Precedence shall be used for:
Determining the order in which Chief Delegates may make their general
Determining the provisional President of the Model in the event that the office
is vacant. In this case the Plenary Session shall be convened immediately for
the express purpose of electing a new President.
Determining the Vice Chairpersons, in the absence of the elected Vice
Chairpersons of any committee.
III. President
Article 11
A special Plenary Session shall be scheduled prior to the Closing Plenary Session for
the express purpose of electing the President, and Secretary General for the subsequent
session of the Model OAS General Assembly. These officers shall serve for the duration of
the Model session for which they have been elected.
Article 12
The Vice President of the Model (and of the General Committee) shall replace the
President in the event of his/her absence or disability.
Powers of the President
Article 13
The President shall:
Convoke the Plenary Sessions;
ii. decide on the order of business thereof;
iii. open and close the plenary sessions;
iv. direct the discussions and debates;
recognize the speakers in the order in which they request the floor, submit
points under discussion to a vote and announce the results thereof,
vi. decide on points of order;
vii. ensure parliamentary order; and
viii. comply with and enforce the provisions of these rules of procedure.
The president shall have voice but not vote. In addition, he/she shall work with the
Secretary General in assisting the Department of International Affairs (DIA) in the planning
of the Model OAS General Assembly.
IV. Secretary General
Article 14
The Secretary General of the Model participates with voice but without vote in the
deliberations of the Model OAS General Assembly. Candidates for this post may originate
from any of the Committees, but must be supported by the Chief Delegates (at the General
Article 15
The Secretary General of the Model shall work in close cooperation with the DIA, the
MOAS General Secretariat Staff and the President in order to ensure that proceedings run
smoothly and efficiently. In addition, the MOAS Secretary General shall preside at the
Closing Ceremony.
V. Committees
Article 16
The Model OAS General Assembly has the following standing committees:
General Committee (Chief Delegates, see Article 18);
ii. First Committee (Juridical and Political Affairs);
iii. Second Committee (Hemispheric Security);
iv. Third Committee (Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society
Participation in OAS Activities; and, Inter-American Council for Integral
Development – CIDI)
iv. Fourth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary Affairs).
Article 17
Each university delegation is entitled to have two delegates in each committee to
work at the same level of responsibility on the items of the agenda. Once a delegate has left
his/her seat during debate, s/he may not return until the draft resolution has been voted upon.
Each high school delegation is entitled to have one (1) head delegate and one (1)
alternate delegate in each committee. The head delegate may allow the alternate to debate in
his/her absence or when the alternate is particularly qualified to speak on the issue under
consideration. Only one delegate from a country can debate a point at a time. If the delegate
wishes to let an alternate speak, s/he must temporarily step down. However, the delegate and
alternate may not switch places while a draft resolution is on the floor. Once a delegate has
left her/his seat during debate, s/he may not return until the draft resolution has been voted
Article 18
The General Committee shall be comprised of the Chief Delegates. The President of
the Model shall be the Chairperson of the General Committee, with voice but without vote.
The Vice-Chairperson of the General Committee shall be elected during the last session of
the General Committee. The Vice-Chairperson shall replace the Chairperson according to
Article 12.
Article 19
The General Committee shall see that the work of the Model and its committees
proceeds correctly. It shall also decide upon matters, which may be referred to it by other
committees. The Chair, Vice-Chair or any delegate from any committee may move to refer a
proposal to the General Committee for its consideration. The motion requires a 2/3 majority
for approval in its corresponding committee.
Article 20
The General, First, Second, Third and Fourth committees shall be comprised of the
delegates that represent the Member States in the Model. Each of the committees shall have
a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Rapporteur.
Article 21
The Committee Chairperson shall have, as appropriate, the same power as those
indicated for the President of the Model in Article 13.
Article 22
The Elected Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson in the
Chair’s absence. The Vice Chairperson shall not serve as a representative/country delegate,
except in the event of a temporary absence of an elected Vice Chairperson; then the vacancy
shall be assumed by the principal representative in accordance with the Order of Precedence
as indicated in Article 10.
Article 23
The Rapporteur shall keep accurate records of all committee business.
Article 24
The committees shall consider the agenda topics approved during the opening plenary
session of the Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS General Assembly.
VI. Sessions and Meetings
Article 25
The Model OAS General Assembly and Preparatory Committee shall hold sessions
open to all properly accredited delegates, alternates, observers, faculty advisors, OAS stall
and MOAS support staff.
Article 26
The Model OAS sessions will be divided into two separate parts each with
appropriate agenda. The two separate parts will be the Preparatory Committee of the Model
OAS General Assembly, and the Model OAS General Assembly.
Article 27
The Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS General Assembly shall simulate all
the activities and sessions undertaken by the Permanent Council during the period prior to the
actual OAS General Assembly, and shall hold the following sessions:
An Opening Session;
A Plenary Session for the General Statements by the Chief Delegates;
Committee Sessions for the debate and approval of the resolutions to be
presented to the plenary session of the Model OAS; and
Committee Sessions for the election of Committee Chairpersons and Vice
Chairpersons for the next session of the Model OAS General Assembly (except
in the General Committee).
Article 28
The Model OAS General Assembly shall simulate the activities and sessions of the
OAS General Assembly, shall be held on the last day of the MOAS, and shall hold the
following sessions:
An Opening Plenary Session;
First Plenary Session for: (1) the Dialogue of the Chiefs of Delegations for
discussion and approval of the “Model’s Declaration”; (2) the approval of
courtesy resolutions, if any; and (3) the discussion and approval (in block) of the
resolutions approved in the committees;
Second Plenary Session for the election of the President and Secretary General
for the next session of the Model OAS General Assembly; and
A Closing Plenary Session which shall also include a Closing Ceremony.
VII. Agenda
Agenda of the Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS General Assembly
Article 29
The preparatory committee of the Model OAS General Assembly shall meet during
the first days of the MOAS and shall celebrate one (1) opening session of the Preparatory
Committee of the Model OAS General Assembly, one (1) plenary session for the general
statements of the Chief Delegates, and sessions for each of its five (5) committees.
Article 30
The Agenda of the Opening Session of the Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS
General Assembly, attended by all the participants of the MOAS, shall include the following
(in order):
Opening statement by the President of the Model OAS General Assembly;
ii. Establishment of the Order of Precedence of delegations by lot;
iii. Reaching agreement on the Plenary Session's Modus Operandi;
iv. Additions to, or deletions from, the Draft Agenda;
v. Adoption of the Agenda; and
vi. Adoption of the Model’s Calendar of Events
Article 31
The Second Plenary Session of the Preparatory Committee shall be for the express
purpose of hearing the general statements by the Chief delegates. The statements may refer to
the country positions in regards to the topics of the agenda (one or more), or to a special or
extraordinary situation occurring in the represented country.
Article 32
The approval of motions to adopt or to change the agenda, shall require a majority
vote of 2/3 of the Member States.
Article 33
Once the agenda has been adopted at the Opening Session, no new agenda topics may
be added.
Article 34
The first session of each of the Preparatory Committees shall have the following
Opening statement by the Committee Chairperson of each committee;
Introduction of the Committee Officers and staff (Vice Chairperson, Rapporteur,
Technical Secretary, and OAS Consultants);
Brief comments by OAS Consultants on the agenda topics pertaining to their
area of expertise;
Agreement on the committee’s Modus Operandi, including the consideration of
possible changes on the order of discussion of the items of the agenda of the
committee, and approval of such changes, if any;
Explanation about the process for collecting resolution proposals and the
operation of the working groups.
Article 35
The committee sessions must dedicate their first few minutes for the purpose of
collecting the resolution proposals, sending them to the Resolution Evaluation Committee,
and, if necessary, assigning working groups. During each Model, the following committee
sessions shall take place:
A minimum of five (5) committee sessions in the high school MOAS, and a
minimum of nine (9) committee sessions in the university MOAS. The
resolutions approved by the Resolution Evaluation Committee shall be debated
during these meetings.
A final committee session shall be held for the election of the commission’s
authorities for the next MOAS.
Article 36
The agenda of the last session of each preparatory committee includes:
Election of the committee’s Vice-Chairperson for the next session of the Model
General Assembly;
Election of the committee’s Chairperson for the next session of the Model OAS
General Assembly; and
Closing remarks by the Vice-Chairpersons of each committee.
Agenda of the Plenary Sessions of the Model OAS General Assembly
Article 37
The Agenda of the Model OAS General Assembly Opening Session shall be for the
purpose of the Opening Statement by the President of the Model OAS General Assembly and
the presentation and approval of the MOAS General Assembly Agenda. In this session the
Chief delegates may present any declaration or courtesy resolution that they wish to include
for discussion in the plenary sessions.
Article 38
The First Plenary Session shall consist of the following parts:
1. Dialogue of the Chief Delegates concerning the “Declaration of the Model” and
its approval.
2. Discussion on any other courtesy resolution(s) that may have been included in the
Agenda during the Opening Session.
3. Adoption (in block) of the resolutions approved by the four committees of the
Preparatory Committee of the Model OAS General Assembly.
Article 39
The Second Plenary Session shall be for the purpose of the election of the President
and Secretary General of the next Model OAS General Assembly.
Article 40
There shall be a closing plenary session of the MOAS General Assembly in which a
closing ceremony shall be included; both are to be conducted by the MOAS Secretary
General. The Closing Ceremony shall consist of the following:
Presentation of special guests.
Distribution of certificates of participation to each delegation.
Remarks by a representative of the OAS, of the sponsoring institution in the
host country, of an educational institution, or of any other institution may be
VIII. Debates and Procedure
Official Languages
Article 41
The official language of the Model OAS General Assembly shall be the language of
the host country. Ideally, the MOAS should be conducted in two of the official languages of
the OAS. In that case translation and simultaneous interpretation services may be provided by
students of those careers willing to do so, or by professional staff hired by the hosting
Article 42
A majority of the registered delegations representing the OAS Member States shall
constitute the quorum at the Plenary Sessions and at the committee meetings of the Model
OAS General Assembly. For a vote to be taken, the presence of 2/3 of such registered
delegations at the committee or Plenary Sessions shall be required. If one or more
delegations must depart prior to the conclusion of the General Assembly, the absences shall
be taken into account when considering quorum. Plenary sessions of the Model OAS
General Assembly require full participation of delegations, which should not depart prior to
the closing ceremony.
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Proposals (Draft Resolutions)
Article 43
In each committee only one (1) proposal per delegation shall be presented (excluding
courtesy resolutions and draft declarations). Proposals shall be presented in writing to the
Rapporteur of the Committee. For a proposal to be accepted for consideration, it must:
Deal specifically with a topic on the agenda of the committee in question;
Conform to the stylistic standards of the Model OAS General Assembly (The
Department of International Affairs will provide the standard resolution
proposal format);
Bear the signature of the Faculty Advisor of the delegation making the proposal
as an indication of approval for form and substance; and
Bear the signatures of five (5) delegates representing five (5) delegations, other
than the proponent’s. These signatures shall support the proposal as originally
presented during debate at their respective committees.
No delegation may present more than one (1) proposal. This provision does not
apply, however, to proposals which may originate in the course of debate of a given topic or
within working groups.
Article 44
At the discretion of the officials reviewing resolution proposals, or of the delegates
during committee sessions, if two or more proposals are considered similar in content, a
working group comprising the sponsoring delegations shall be established with the purpose
of generating a single proposal. Thus, the resulting resolution proposal will be cosponsored
by those delegations. If the number of cosponsoring delegations is five or more, the proposal
shall not need co-signatories; if the number of cosponsoring delegations is less than five, then
it shall only have as many co-signatories as needed to complete a total of five delegations
Article 45
Delegates who comprise a working group for the presentation of a proposal can not
resubmit their original proposal. Cosignatories of working group proposals shall be listed in it
by alphabetical order. The members of the working group shall elect the speaker of the
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Article 46
At any time during the consideration of a proposal a motion may be made to amend it
by a delegate on the speakers’ list. The delegate must be on the list “against” the proposal. A
motion shall be considered to be an amendment to a proposal only when it adds to or
eliminates something from that proposal or changes part of it. A motion that would totally
replace the original proposal or that is not directly related to it shall not be considered to be
an amendment. Such a decision shall be taken by the presiding Chairperson.
Withdrawal of Proposals and Amendments
Article 47
A motion, a proposal or an amendment may be withdrawn by its proponent or any of
its cosignatories, before it has been put to a vote. Any delegation may present again a
proposal or amendment that has been withdrawn.
Reconsideration of Decisions
Article 48
For the reconsideration of decisions taken at the plenary sessions or by a committee,
approval of the corresponding motion by a vote of 2/3 of the member states shall be required.
Points of Order
Article 49
During the discussion of a topic any delegate may raise a point of order to
immediately address a procedural error. The Chairperson must urgently act upon points of
order. Any delegation may appeal this decision, in which case the appeal shall be put to a
simple majority vote. While raising a point of order, a delegate may not go into the substance
of the matter under discussion.
Article 50
Debate on each proposal shall consist of the following procedures:
Presentation of Proposal to be considered;
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Speaker’s list;
Presentation, debate and vote on draft amendments (if necessary);
Vote on proposal (as amended or originally presented); and
Announcement of vote result, which shall determine whether the proposal
passes or is rejected.
Presentation of Proposal
Article 51
A proposal is formally presented to the committee by the rapporteur who proceeds to
read the proposal’s title and operative clauses. The chair will immediately recognize the
sponsor of the proposal, who shall make a presentation speech. This speech must deal
directly with the proposal being considered.
Questions concerning Proposal
Article 52
Immediately following the speech by the sponsor, the chair shall recognize the
delegates who wish to ask questions about the proposal. All questions must pertain
specifically to the proposal and must be conveyed through the chairperson (in third person)
and in a question format. All questions and answers must be conducted through the presiding
Chairperson, or they will be ruled out of order.
Speaker’s List
Article 53
A speaker’s list shall be opened for discussion of the proposal being considered. The
delegates on the speaker’s list shall be recognized to speak in an order determined by the
Motion to extend speaker’s list
Article 54
Once the speakers’ list has been exhausted, the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or any
delegate may motion to extend the speakers’ list. This motion shall be put to a vote by the
committee. Delegates who spoke on prior speakers’ lists may be recognized to speak on
subsequent speakers’ lists; however priority shall be given to those delegations who were not
recognized on prior speakers’ lists. Sponsors of proposals may also participate on any
subsequent speakers’ lists.
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Modus Operandi
Article 55
All aspects of debate will be conducted according to the adopted modus operandi of
each committee. The DIA shall issue instructions about the Modus Operandi.
Suspension of Debate
Article 56
The President, Chairperson, or any delegate may propose suspension of debate. This
motion tables the proposal under consideration without a vote or conclusion of the speaker’s
list. The proposal may be reconsidered under the procedures of Article 48. Only two (2)
delegations may speak in favor of, and two (2) against, such a motion, which shall
immediately be put to a simple majority vote.
Closing of Debate
Article 57
The President, Chairperson, or any delegate may propose the closing of debate if they
consider that a topic or resolution has been discussed sufficiently. This motion closes debate,
and moves to an immediate vote on the resolution being considered. This motion may be
opposed briefly by two (2) delegations, after which it shall be declared approved if voted for
by 2/3 of the Member States.
Suspension or Adjournment of the Session or Meeting
Article 58
During the discussion of any topic, the President, Chairperson, or any delegate may
propose that the session or meeting be suspended or adjourned. A motion to suspend the
session recesses the current meeting for an amount of time specified by the proponent of the
motion. A motion to adjourn ends the committee session until the next scheduled meeting.
Such a motion shall be put to a simple majority vote immediately and without discussion.
Order of Procedural Motions
Article 59
Except as provided in Article 50, the following motions shall have precedence, in the
order set forth below, over all other proposals or motions:
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Order of precedence:
Suspension of the session;
ii. Adjournment of the session;
iii. Suspension of debate to table the topic under consideration; and
iv. Closing of debate on the topic under consideration.
Common Provisions to All Committee and Plenary Sessions
Article 60
The provision regarding debate and procedure contained in Chapter IX shall govern
the plenary sessions and the meetings of the committees.
IX. Voting
Right to Vote
Article 61
Each delegation shall have the right to one vote.
Majority Required
Article 62
At the Model of the General Assembly OAS, majority means the vote of half of the
delegations present at the moment of voting PLUS one (as a minimum).
Article 63
On the Plenary Sessions and Committee Sessions, decisions shall be adopted by the
vote of the majority of Member States, except on those cases where the Rules of Procedure
determine otherwise.
Voting Procedure
Article 64
Votes shall be taken by a show of placards, but any delegation may motion for a roll
call vote, which shall be automatically granted, using the Order of Precedence of the
delegations established at the Opening Plenary Session. Votes by secret ballot shall be
conducted only for the election of MOAS authorities. No representative may interrupt the
voting, except for a Point of Order relating to the manner in which the voting is conducted.
The voting shall be considered final when the President or Chairperson has announced the
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Article 65
When taking a vote by a show of placards, the President or the Chairperson shall ask
for “those in favor,” “those opposed,” and “abstentions.” When named in a roll call, a
delegate shall answer “yes,” “no,” or “abstain.”
Voting on Proposals
Article 66
After discussion is closed, the proposal being considered, along with any approved
amendments if any, shall be put to a vote immediately. Proposals shall be voted upon in the
order in which they are presented. A simple majority is required to approve proposals.
Voting on Amendments
Article 67
A draft amendment must be submitted in writing to the Rapporteur and shall be
considered through debate and vote, before a vote is taken on the proposal that it is intended
to modify. A simple majority is required to approve draft amendments.
Article 68
When several draft amendments to a proposal are presented, the consideration and
vote on each draft amendment shall be taken in the order in which they were presented.
Article 69
When the adoption of one amendment necessarily implies the exclusion of another,
the latter shall not be put to consideration or to a vote. If one or more amendments are
adopted for a proposal, the complete proposal shall be put to a vote as amended.
Article 70
All delegations, regardless of their status as co-sponsors or cosignatories may vote in
favor of draft amendments. The adoption of an amendment to a proposal releases
cosignatories from their obligation to vote in favor of the proposal.
Voting by Parts
Article 71
When a delegation so requests, a proposal or amendment shall be voted upon by parts.
If any delegation opposes such a request, the opposing motion shall be put to a vote, in which
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case a simple majority shall be required for approval. If voting by parts is accepted, each
clause of the proposal shall be voted upon individually. Then the resulting proposal, which
will consist of operative clauses approved by majority vote, shall be put to a final vote.
When all the parts of a proposal or amendment have been rejected, such a proposal or
amendment shall be considered to have been rejected as a whole.
Explanation of a Vote
Article 72
After the voting has ended, except when it has been by secret ballot, any delegate may
request the floor to give a brief explanation of his/her vote. The President or Chairperson
shall limit the time of the explanation.
X. Elections
Article 73
Elections shall be by secret ballot, except when officers of the Model OAS General
Assembly or of its committees are elected by acclamation. Elections by acclamation shall be
when ALL the delegates are for the candidate. If there is one delegation against him/her, the
election is by majority. Under no circumstances shall the elections be conducted by roll
call vote.
Article 74
In cases when only one person is to be elected, if no candidate obtains the vote of a
majority of the Member States on the first ballot, a second and, if necessary, a third ballot
shall be taken. (The second ballot is limited to the two candidates receiving the largest
number of votes on the first vote.)
Article 75
Only registered participants (observers excluded) may be candidates at the Model
OAS General Assembly for elective office (President, Secretary General and Committee
Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons). A candidate must obtain the support of five
delegations in addition to his/her own delegation for the nomination to be valid. Candidates
must not have more than 5 signatures on their nominating petition. A delegation may support
only one candidate for each office; however, signing a nominating petition for a candidate
does not bind a delegation to vote for that candidate.
Article 76
Only Chief Delegates may sign nominating petitions for President and Secretary
General and, according to article 75, they may not sign more than one for each office. For
the Model OAS General Assembly for Universities, committee delegates may only sign
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nominating petitions for Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the committee to which they
have been assigned. They may not sign more than one nominating petition for each position.
For the Model OAS General Assembly for High Schools, only head delegates (not
alternates) may sign nominating petitions for Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the
committee to which they have been assigned. They may not sign more than one nominating
petition for each position.
Article 77
Candidates shall be allowed to make a three (3) minute presentation about their
qualifications for the position for which they are running.
Article 78
Elected officers may not run for the same office at the following session of the Model
OAS General Assembly.
Article 79
Candidates for all offices must have a thorough knowledge of the MOAS Rules
and Procedures and must make a commitment to attend the following session of the
Model OAS General Assembly.
XI. Documents of the Model OAS General Assembly
Article 80
The delegation working at the General Secretariat of the MOAS shall compile a
“Final Document” on the Model, which will include the Final Resolutions of the Model,
consisting of the resolutions approved at the Plenary Session of the MOAS. The General
Secretariat of the MOAS shall be responsible of making enough copies for all the
participating delegations and make sure that:
1. Three (3) copies are given to the OAS Department of International Affairs.
2. One (1) copy is given to each participating institution.
3. Three (3) copies are given to the sponsoring institution in the host country.
XII. Responsibilities of Participating Institutions
Article 81
Each participating institution shall ensure timely payment of the registration fee
established by the Department of International Affairs of the OAS, in order to participate in
the MOAS session.
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Article 82
Each participating institution shall appoint a faculty member to serve as advisor to the
student delegation, preferably an individual versed in inter-American affairs and the
functioning of international organizations, particularly the OAS. The advisor shall be
responsible for the behavior of his/her delegation. To that end, all members of the delegation
shall sign a Code of Conduct, provided by the DAI.
Article 83
Faculty Advisors shall be the main point of contact between the institution, the
student delegation, and the Department of International Affairs. The advisors must
accompany their student delegations throughout the duration of the Model OAS General
Assembly sessions.
Article 84
Faculty Advisors shall select their student delegations sufficiently in advance to allow
proper preparation for the Model, choosing students enrolled in academic areas related to
inter-American affairs, whose participation in the MOAS can prove useful for their academic
Article 85
Faculty Advisors shall take an active role in all phases of preparation for the Model,
scheduling and attending debate sessions, assigning research topics to the students,
monitoring the students’ progress, and promoting team work.
Article 86
Faculty Advisors should seek to ensure that student delegates receive academic credit
for participation in sessions of the Model OAS General Assembly.
Article 87
Faculty Advisors should ensure that their student delegations attend all official
conferences, meetings, and ceremonies scheduled for the Model. Should conditions make it
necessary to leave any event early, the DIA must be notified immediately.
Article 88
Once the Model session has begun, Faculty Advisors should assume the role of
observers, confining advice to the delegations to off-floor meetings. Observations regarding
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problems that may arise should be addressed, in private, to the DIA, the appropriate
committee officer, or OAS staff consultant(s).
Article 89
Upon returning to their respective institutions, Faculty Advisors should meet with the
student delegations to evaluate their participation in the Model. The Department of
International Affairs will welcome suggestions and observations.
Article 90
Shall students be graded on their performance at the Model sessions results should not
be based on the number of proposals accepted or the number of times the delegate spoke
during committee sessions, but on the level of overall preparation.
Article 91
Faculty Advisors should make sure that
accommodations are made as far in advance as possible.
XIII. Responsibilities of the Department of International Affairs of the OAS
Article 92
The Department of International Affairs (DIA) of the OAS is responsible for the
MOAS program. In this capacity, the DIA is in charge of conducting negotiations with the
institutions that offer to host the Model. Also, the DIA shall initiate contact with as many
countries and/or institutions in the Hemisphere as necessary, with the purpose of promoting
the MOAS. The DIA shall negotiate an agreement for holding a MOAS with the host
Article 93
The DIA shall take upon the tasks of promoting, planning, coordinating and executing
each session of the Model, as well as the follow up activities of the Model.
Article 94
The DIA shall assign an OAS Member State to each participating institution.
Article 95
The DIA shall assign members of its staff for the coordination and conduction of the
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Article 96
The DIA shall assign the role of “MOAS General Secretariat” to a participating
institution. This delegation’s main function is to support the Model. The hosting institution
of a Model outside of the OAS headquarters in the United States shall be responsible for
providing the MOAS General Secretariat delegation. This delegation shall not pay a
registration fee.
Article 97
The DIA shall assign the role of “MOAS Communications Center” to a participating
institution—preferably one with an active mass-media and/or journalism program. This
delegation main responsibility is to keep all participants informed about the progress of the
MOAS sessions. Also, the MOAS Communications Center is responsible of disseminating
information to the local press about the MOAS. The hosting institution of a Model outside of
the OAS headquarters in the United States shall be responsible for providing the MOAS
Communications Center delegation. This delegation shall not pay a registration fee.
Article 98
The DIA shall provide information regarding the MOAS official documents, as well
as background information, to all participants prior to and during each session of the Model.
Article 99
The DIA shall select from among the Faculty Advisors in attendance at a given
Model, a few individuals to serve as Technical Secretaries, one for each of the five working
committees of the MOAS. The Technical Secretaries shall act as liaisons between the
respective committees and the DIA and assist in the resolution of any problem that may arise
in the course of committee business.
Article 100
The DIA shall try to assign OAS specialists to each committee, according to the items
of the agenda, to serve as consultants for each committee. The OAS consultants shall be
available to assist MOAS participants and officers when so requested and shall attend all
their committee sessions.
Article 101
The DIA shall award certificates of participation to all delegates and observers from
the universities and high schools participating in the Model OAS General Assembly.
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Article 102
All activities, announcements or communiqués that are not officially scheduled as
part of the Model program, must be approved in advance by the DIA. All press material
(photographs, videos, publications, etc.) produced by the host institutions of the Model OAS
as part of the model will be the property of the DIA.
Article 103
The DIA shall determine the participation fees for the Model OAS General Assembly
and it reserves the right to modify this amount, prior to the MOAS convocation, as changing
economic circumstances may warrant. Participation fees are non-refundable.
(In order of Precedence)
Point of order
Suspend Session
Adjourn Session
Suspend debate
Closing debate
Error in
If appealed
Recess meeting
Formally ends
Tables debate
Ends debate
Adopt / change agenda
Reconsideration of decisions
Roll call vote
Vote by parts
If opposed vote is taken
Elect officers
Proposal of amendment
Quorum for debate
Quorum for a vote
K E Y:
Simple majority
For the motion
Against the motion
Speakers list in the order in
which they requested the floor
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