PTA BOARD MEETING Irvine Unified School District Meadow Park

Irvine Unified School District
Meadow Park MPR – General Meeting
October 9, 2012
ATTENDEES: Marlo Cooper, Staci Kessel, Renee Rolin, Adi Kordovi, Susan Kramer, Jean
Anne Astrup, Windy Caudill, , Elisa Pak, Kelly Knutson, Merritt Blake, Angie McCance, Wendy
Dallas, Michelle Hoffpauer, Deinyell Vollucci, Lisa Hoertig, Diane Zembal, Kina Paegert, Shay
Churiwala, Lisa Livernois. Non board members present, please see attached list for details.
CALL TO ORDER: Marlo Cooper
 The Meeting was called to order at 8:24 am.
 Thanked everyone for coming.
 Welcomed Stephanie Early from IPSF and Diane Zembal as the Teacher Rep.
 The minutes from the September PTA Meeting are submitted as approved.
 $400 was deposited in July but the actual date was June 30, so it was deposited as prior
 July 2012
 Motion to ratify check # 3500- 3518 as listed
 Michelle Hoffpauer - made a motion
 Lisa Hoertig – seconded
 All those in favor – no one opposed
 Motion passed.
 August 2012
 $192.24 checks cleared.
 Motion to ratify checks # 3487-3488 as listed
 Lisa Hoertig – made a motion
 Kelly Knutson – seconded
 All those in favor – no one opposed
 Motion passed.
 September 2012
 $0.76 interest earned and $278 checks cleared.
 Still some checks are outstanding. Please see attached list.
 Diane Zembal to please ask the teachers to deposit the outstanding checks.
 Check to Baskin Robbins was returned by the post office. Merritt Blake is
following up.
 Motion to ratify check # 3508
 Jean Anne Astrup - made a motion
 Angie McCance – seconded
 All in favor – no one opposed
 Motion passed.
 Lisa Livernois introduced Diane Zembal as the Teacher Rep and thanked her.
 Diane Zembal thanked the PTA on behalf of all the teachers for everything they do and
for the new speakers and money for extra instructional support.
 We are trying different ways to get money by applying for various grants.
 Megan Kelly, the 6th grade teacher discovered and applied for Disneyland Grants and
received books and other stuff regarding bullying. Disneyland grant donors have said that
they don’t have enough applications this year so more teachers have put in applications.
 The money that the PTA gave to the principal was matched by grants and so we were
able to get iPods and some other electronics.
 5th Grade teacher got colonial days supplies for the next 3 years via grant programs. $800
from Disney and $2000 from Chevron.
 We need to get as many grants as possible
 Diane Zembal is writing a grant for digital camera. Megan Kelly applied for and got a
grant for modeling clay and other stuff for the Ropes Cart.
 Received grant for junior grade books for each classroom.
 We have 663 Students as of today and most classes are full.
 We had 620 Students last year. We have 30 new families in 1st grade this year.
 Marlo Cooper asked, now that the budget is approved who will buy the sharpeners etc.
Lisa Livernois replied Peter and Diane will do it.
 IPSF provided $1.57 million in grants and donations to IUSD & $1.59 million in
enrichment programs last year.
 IPSF’s sole purpose is to provide support to all schools in the IUSD. Through
community contributions, corporate donations and other fundraising activities, IPSF
makes substantial annual grants to IUSD that supports district-wide programs such as
Classroom Support, Fine Arts, Music, and Science, support to teachers in the classrooms,
Summer Enrichment program and more.
 IPSF also provides district with funds that can be used for salaries. For example, funds
from IPSF are used by the district each year to provide a minimum level of nursing and
health clerk support at each school site. Some PTAs supplement these funds for
additional hours.
 For instructional assistant the School District is given money by IPSF to distribute to
each school.
 Meadow Park used these funds to hire 2 credential teachers and they help with RTI and
some math assistant. MP gets 60 hours from the District.
 Lisa Livernois said that if we didn’t have the 60 hours we get from IPSF we would not be
able to run RTI the way we do. That money goes directly to the classrooms.
 Steffanie Early thanked Lisa for emphasizing the above point.
IPSF received a grant from COX communication for $15,000, but it can be used only for
Corporations usually fund in line with what their corporate mission statement is.
City of Irvine has a match grant program for classroom support.
IPSFs Annual Fundraising Campaign when every dollar is matched by the City of Irvine
begins on October 22nd.
IPSF is re-launching its website and need pictures of kids. Distributed photo release
forms for whoever is interested.
New fundraising opportunity SHOP FOR YOUR SCHOOL while supporting local
businesses using your mobile phone. It’s a free app for your smart phone called
Communities for Causes (CFC). Everyone should download and use to benefit your
Lisa Hoertig stated that IPSF makes other options available than direct donation. These
ladies that work for IPSF are very dedicated and passionate. They work very hard to
make it better for us. Thanks Steffanie.
Kina Paegert asked if the Triathlon is going to happen this year?
Stephanie Early answered yes. Triathlon will be held on August 24, 2013.
Shopping days fund raising to be held in Winter/Spring this year and not during the
holiday season like last year
Wendy Dallas encouraged everyone to please use the new smart phone IPSF application
Communities for Causes (CFC) it’s great.
Steffanie Early stated that if you know any vendor that wants to join the Communities for
Causes please direct them to her and if they sign up for CFC Meadow Park can get $150
per new vendor sign up.
 Motion to vote for Meadow Park PTA to join the IPSF Communities for Causes (CFC)
smart phone fundraising application.
 No one opposed
 Motion carried.
 Marlo Cooper will work with Diane Zembal and Performing Art Center for Art lessons.
 School Nurse has asked for donations of snacks and sweats (bottoms only). So if you
have things you are not going to use please donate. Thanks.
 Lisa Hoertig asked how many art lessons do the upper graders get?
 Lisa Livernois said 6 art lessons.
 Lisa Hoertig stated that she did not see many Art projects come home last year.
 Lisa Livernois asked Diane Zembal to check and see where the art work is being kept.
 Diane Zembal said that most teachers like to keep it in the classroom as long as possible.
V.P WAYS AND MEANS: Adi Kordovi and Renee Rolin
 Last restaurant night at Chili’s brought in $170.
 Still in need for someone to chair the Jog-A- Thon fundraiser.
Jenny Gorcoff said that gift wrap orders are in and they will be counting money
tomorrow morning.
Marlo Cooper asked anyone who is available to come tomorrow morning in the MPR
room to help count.
Renee Rolin – Spiritwear sales is going on right now. Would like to sell again in
December with maybe higher end items like sweat shirts and hats.
Marlo Cooper – Juice it up fund raiser did not start on time because the particular
franchise we were working with went out of business. We now have a new Juice it up
participating and we have made $116 so far.
Next Restaurant night will be on November 8th.
PROGRAMS: Staci Kessel and Kina Paegert
 Spoke to Dawn with Reflections. She has gone above and beyond and we are now
registered and ready to go.
 Staci Kessel - Red Ribbon Week
 We need volunteers for Red Ribbon Week.
 Lots of things have been planned for the week. Wear red one day, mismatched
clothing another day, wear red, white and blue day.
 Volunteers will be painting “pause” symbols during lunchtime, handing out red
ribbons to decorate the playground, Community Heroes visit by police and
firefighters, obstacle course setup by LTA, Dodge ball game by LTA and lots
 Walk to School Day
 October 25th is Walk to School day. Kids will meet at Springacre Park at 7:45 am
and walk to school from there.
 Meadow Park Revue
 The date for the annual Meadow Park Revue was discussed and possibly will
need to be changed.
 Book Fair - Angie McCance
 Book fair meeting is scheduled on this Thursday after drop off. Have lots of
 Talked to Staci Kessel and have lots of ideas for the event. Possible theme
Reading Stars. Will have red carpet for kids to walk on etc.
 Will be doing dads with donuts again this year. Thinking of doing parents lunch.
Have parents come and have lunch with kids and then go to the book fair.
 Lisa Livernois stated that this might not be a good idea since there is so little time
for lunch but will talk about specifics with Angie.
 Diane Zembal asked if we have choices of all the little junk choices the kids have
available at the book fair? Angie said she is going to look at all the choices
available and maybe put all these items behind the cash register at the book fair.
MEMBERSHIP/HOSPITALITY: Jean Anne Astrup and Merritt Blake
 Movie Night was a success.
 6th Graders raised $106 by selling glow sticks at the event.
 There was a lot of trash left behind on the grass.
 The ice cream social is scheduled for June.
Wendy did a great job on the directory. But we still need advertisers. So if you know of
anyone wanting to advertise please lets us know.
Jean Anne Astrup asked everyone to please sign up for snacks for the PTA meetings.
Thanked Lisa Hoertig and Deinyell Vollucci for bringing snacks today.
If anyone is interested in hosting the brunch for PTA Board please sign up.
Membership –
 Collected $10,000 this year but we are short.
 226 signed up for PTA membership, but we are short 49 from last year.
 We are short in all budget categories
 Our donations are low this year.
 Asked Diane Zembal to make sure all the teachers and staff have signed up.
 We might end up being $2000 short.
 Lisa Livernois said to make sure that PTA membership is listed 1st when the
Mustang Express is sent to families.
 Another flyer should be sent out in the backpack.
 Kina Paegert stated that Eastshore Elementary has PTA membership forms and
dues that can be paid online via credit card.
 Also it was discussed that MP has the lowest PTA membership dues at $15 per
person. Vista Verde asks for $250 each kid and they have no other fundraisers.
 Wendy Caudill said that the foundation website has a setup to accept credit card
payments online and we would have to look into it if interested in starting
something like that.
 Jean Anne Astrup said that Woodbridge High School has everything online and
she pays $400 each year for PTA membership.
 Marlo Cooper suggested we can get credit card scanner attachment for smart
phones to make it easier.
 Lisa Livernois stated that some schools sell spirit wear and PTA membership on
the day of classroom posting.
 Staci Kessel said that maybe parents and kids are choosing to donate to Jog-AThon rather than direct donations to PTA.
 Nothing to report
 Stated that some school has cork board setup with teacher’s wish list of things that they
need on sticky notes. Parents can look at it and decide what they can donate. Might be
something we might want to look into for our teachers.
ROOM PARENT COORDINATORS: Kelly Knutson and Elisa Pak
 Kelly – We are doing great. There was one class whose room parent backed out at the last
minute but we have taken care of it.
 Elisa – We are just waiting for funds.
Meeting adjourned at 10:02am.
Next PTA Meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 8:15am, Meadow Park MPR