Analysis of the film “Stand by Me”

Analysis of the film “Stand by Me”
Comment briefly on the way your expectations about genre and audience are established
by the opening sequence and the first few scenes. Think especially about the voiceover
and the “framing” device.
Explain why the boys go on their journey and what it tells us about them.
Focus on the way the relationships between the boys are shown. What is suggested by the
assertion that “You never get friends like the ones you had at 12”?
How do the younger boys relate to the older group? What do the differences between the
groups suggest?
Why do you think the filmmakers chose to show the boys imitating adults in their
behaviour and speech?
How are we made aware that the boys have “grown up” over the course of the film?
What suggestions about teenage life does this film make?
Analysis of the film “Stand by Me”
Comment briefly on the way your expectations about genre and audience are established
by the opening sequence and the first few scenes. Think especially about the voiceover
and the “framing” device.
Explain why the boys go on their journey and what it tells us about them.
Focus on the way the relationships between the boys are shown. What is suggested by the
assertion that “You never get friends like the ones you had at 12”?
How do the younger boys relate to the older group? What do the differences between the
groups suggest?
Why do you think the filmmakers chose to show the boys imitating adults in their
behaviour and speech?
How are we made aware that the boys have “grown up” over the course of the film?
What suggestions about teenage life does this film make?