CALIFORNIA STATE 4-H LEADERS’ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, October 24, 2009 WESTERN CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT DAVIS, CALIFORNIA The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM by President, Vicky Bosworth. The Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge were given. Minutes: The minutes were presented, moved and approved after correction of Terry Stark’s name. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was presented, moved and passed. The Audit committee presented the completed July 2008 – June 2009 audit. It was moved, seconded and passed. Dolores Hemphill presented the 2009 – 2010 budget, which was moved, seconded and passed. Kings County donated $100 to the State Fashion Revue. President’s Report: Vicky Bosworth is interested in visiting the Sections, and is willing to educate. She needs a list of the meetings from the Sectional Presidents. Vicky reported that Sharon Junge’s teleconference was very positive. All the Council Presidents were invited to participate. Vicky has received letters from various leaders from various counties. There is not a good process for dismissals of leaders – no authority to do anything on it. Leaders do not need to be kicked out of the program – and there is no peer review in place. She has heard that six leaders have been dismissed in one year. County policies should be reviewed, clear process made – policies should be in line. They are inconsistent. There is not a process in place with clear guidelines – line of command – warning. We should review dismissals and renewals. Vicky will bring this to the State Policy Committee in November. Sectional Reports: North Section: President, Sandy Lester reported that the 2009 State Leaders’ Forum Committee is working hard. As of October 3, there are 173 registered. This year’s WHY Conference was a great success. They have two new Sectional officers: Vice President, Barbara Nordin-Elmer, and Treasurer, Adrian Murphy. North Central Section: President, Murlin Lee reported that the Section is very busy planning the CAL Conference to be held in January. The Family & Consumer Science 1 Field Day is held today on Davis Campus. Our Citizenship Conference will be held April 10, 2010. South Central Section: President, Candy Brown reported that their last Council meeting was held at UC Merced. Peggy Gregory, Kings County 4-H YD Advisor, is the new advisor to the Sectional Council. They discussed using Adobe Connect to videoconference some meetings. They went over the final financial reports from the State Leaders’ Forum, and will be sending a check for $162.22 to the State Leaders’ Council. South Section: President, Tony Burkhardt reported that the Council has “Gone Green”. They are using Adobe Connect at their Sectional meetings. ACTING STATE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Sharon Junge was unable to attend; Jane Chin Young gave the following report for her: “State 4-H Leadership – with Mignonne Pollard’s leave, three Regional 4-H YD Advisors have been appointed to provide much of the same support that Mignonne provided. Please note these advisors are adding these duties to their already busy assignments. They will be available to support county staff on a range of policy, volunteer and program development issues: Jane Chin Young – North Coast and Mountain Range Peggy Gregory – Central Valley Region Steve Dasher – Central Coast and Southern Region 4-H Sectional Council Staff Support North Section – Matthew Portillo North Central Section – Jane Chin Young South Central – Peggy Gregory (Sue Moore and Melanie Curtis, support) Southern Section – Steve Dasher Financial Reporting – All of your financial reporting will continue to be to the State 4-H Office. Volunteer Development – This year we will be placing greater emphasis on statewide volunteer development. Sectional and State 4-H Council Constitution and ByLaws – With the release of the updated 4-H handbook we have updated the current templates for these documents. I would like for each of the State and Sectional 4-H Councils to update their Constitution and ByLaws using these new templates over the coming year. I am hoping this will be an opportunity for you to clarify your roles and enhance your support to the county councils.” Jane Chin Young informed us that the State Program took a 20% cut across the board. It left just one 4-H staff in every county. 2 Every County Council President has received a survey regarding the 4-H Volunteer Development. State Ambassadors Report: Cherry Chico reported that they have a team of 20 Ambassadors. They are now finalizing the details of their service project in Advocacy. They have started on the State Leadership Conference preparation. They will be attending the Tech Team orientation January 8-10 in Nevada. National Conference Team: Lezlie Elmer reported a team of six youth and two adults went to National 4-H Center in April 2009. They were working in round table groups, and visited USDA. Computer Corps: John Trammel reported that over the past few months, the current team members have been working together to restructuring the computer corps to where the team will be able to provide more and better services in the future to the State 4-H program. Starting January 1, 2010, the Computer Corps’ name will be changed to the California 4-H Technology Leadership Team. The team will be changed to a 13 months term from July to August, just like the State Ambassadors. Incentives/Recognition Committee will meet in January. 4-H SET Program (Science, Engineering and Technology) will hold a workshop at the 2009 State 4-H Leaders’ Forum. The Winter 2010 4-H SET Professional Development will be held at five locations (to be determined) throughout the state on February 6, 2010. The 4-H SET will be featured at the State 4-H Field Day on May 29, 2010 at UCDavis. 4-H State Fashion Revue – Karli Draxler reported that this year’s theme is: What’s in YOUR closet? The Fashion Revue will be held on May 29, 2010 at the State 4-H Field Day, Olson Hall, UCDavis. OLD BUSINESS State Leaders’ Forum 2009 – Cindy McIntosh reported that they have lined up the speakers from Past, Present and Future. They will be planting a tree in memory of members who have passed away. State Leaders’ Forum 2010 – Mary Ann Smith reported that the Forum will be held at Asilomar, November 5-7, 2010. The theme is “Upgrade – SET your Systems – Go!” If you have a SET Program that is successful in your county or even a club project, we want to hear about it. We want sharing of ideas on all levels. We have the Keystone and Capstone speakers confirmed. Start thinking about how you can help us with workshops. Western Regional Leaders Forum – Rosemarie Woods reported that the Forum will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, March 11 – 14, 2010. Registration, due by January 15, 2010, is $250; Late registration due by February 15, 2010 is $300. Tours are being held on March 10, 2010. 3 NEW BUSINESS 4-H Foundation Presentation – Annette Leeland, Foundation Director, was unable to attend. Review Discussion Worksheet – Vicky Bosworth presented a shorter version of the group discussion sheet to find out what the Sectional Councils should be working on the next six months. After voting on the short list the results were: 1. Youth Councils 2. Events/conference planning Vicky also emphasized that the Sections should be a better link to the counties.. Election The following leaders were elected: Vice President – Tony Burkhardt Policy Secretary – Sharon Smales Treasurer – Dolores Hemphill Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Birgit Hempel MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: NORTH SECTION Cherry Chico Lezlie Elmer Dolores Hemphill Sandy Lester Cindy McIntosh John McIntosh Kaytlin McIntosh Barbara Nordin-Elmer SOUTH CENTRAL Candy Brown Ashley Coates Kari Draxler Louise Draxler Sharon Smales Pauline Smoke Gerry Wakida NORTH CENTRAL Kelsey Arbuckle Vicky Bosworth Carol Crossett Cheryl Fraser Birgit Hempel Murlin Lee Virginia Steele Glenn Ward Rosemarie Woods SOUTH SECTION Tony Burkhardt Noel Keller Mary Ann Smith Ray Stark John Trammel Fern Vacca STAFF – Jane Chin Young 4