CONTENT REVIEW AND PORTFOLIO RECOMMENDATION FOR PHYSICS LICENSURE OF TPC POST-BACCALAUREATE STUDENTS Candidate’s Name: _____Keith Tally_______________________________________ Reviewer’s Name: ______Andrew Ferstl________________________________ Date of initial review: ____Sept 25, 2014____________________________________ Date of portfolio review: __________________________________________________ Reviewer’s Signature: ____________________________________________________ Subject Matter Standards for Teachers of Physics Met Through Previous Coursework/Work Experience A. A teacher of physics must demonstrate a conceptual understanding of physics. 1) Use sources of information to solve unfamiliar quantitative problems and communicate the solution in a logical and organized manner. 2) Use computers to display and analyze experimental and theoretical data. Covered in coursework listed below. Requires Portfolio Documentation I believe this would be covered in many of the courses listed in the list below. Computers were used as analysis and computational tools in following classes: In Math 481, some time was spent on determining points in the problem space where I would like to see something a little more practical here in the following Portfolio Requirement Met the computer algorithms could converge on a solution, or areas in which the program would diverge from applicability (e.g. include division by very small numbers approaching zero) Math 481. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations and Interpolation. Orthogonal polynomials, least square and spline methods, numerical differentiation and integration. Euler. Taylor. Runge-Kutta. and predictor-corrector methods for solution of systems of ordinary differential equations. EE 313 included some usage of programs that the professor was developing to facilitate solutions of some of the problems. The program was very primitive in terms of input and display of output by today’s standards, but did include work in use of computers to carry out lengthy calculations. EE 313. Elementary Electromagnetics II. Magnetic forces and induction. Conduction. Electric and magnetic materials. Transmission lines in sinusoidal steady-state. Maxwell's equations. Uniform plane wave propagation and power flow in physical media. Reflection and transmission at normal incidence. Wave Interference Applications. Introduction to optical communication. sense: Mr. Tally certainly has the higher level skills for this standard but it might be too high for what high school students will be doing. Maybe a project showing the acquisition of data with a computer and the analysis of that data using a spreadsheet program (like Excel, Google Sheets) or a program specific for education like Logger Pro or Pasco, etc.. 3) Estimate common physical properties. 4) Develop a plan to ensure a safe environment and practices in all physics learning activities. Unsure as to level of coverage of this objective. B. A teacher of physics must demonstrate a knowledge of physics operations. Items covered in Physics 221 and 222 Physics 221. Introduction to Classical Physics I. For engineering and science majors. Elementary mechanics. Including kinematics and dynamics of particles, work and energy. Linear and angular momentum. Conservation laws. Rotational motion, oscillations, gravitation. Electric forces and fields. Current electricity, DC Circuits Covered in Rochester Public Schools SafeSchool online program. The Century High School Science Department had additional training with room safety checklists and materials and procedures safety requirements. Physics 222. Introduction to Classical Physics II Magnetic forces and fields, time-dependent electromagnetic fields, waves and sound, electromagnetic waves. ray optics and image formation. wave optics. heat. thermodynamics. Kinetic theory of gases. Can this be elaborated? Is there something to explain what these are? I am mostly looking for the ability to handle hazardous chemicals appropriately and similar situations 1) Understand linear and rotational motion. 2) Understand simple harmonic and wave motion. 3) Understand electricity and magnetism. 4) Understand physical and geometrical optics. 5) Understand the kineticmolecular model of matter and thermodynamics. 6) Understand contemporary physics. See above See above See above See above See above Covered in Physics 324 Elementary Modern Physics. For engineering and science majors. Special theory of relativity, wave-particle nature of light and matter. Quantum theory of atoms. Nuclear physics. Physics 325. Elementary Solid State Physics. Molecular and crystal binding, quantum theory of metals and semiconductors. Physics of semiconductor junction diodes and transistors. C. A teacher of physics must demonstrate an advanced conceptual understanding of physics and the ability to apply its fundamental principles, laws, and This is an area in which I will need to create a project to fulfill this requirement. A potential interest area is that of the quality of acoustics in various areas of schools, and the This is just a category description. The actual standards are described in concepts by completing a full research experience. impact on quality of instruction and communication of information. C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 below. Along with that would be research into measures that could be taken to improve acoustics, and/or develop alternate communications methods. As another option to meet those we can turn this into a physics education research project with me serving as the “academic”. This is something that could involve students in gathering information. I would hope to present information to the building administrators and staff with hopes of describing and implementing potential improvements to building surfaces, sound systems, and optimizing the delivery of auditory information during the school day. 1) Identify various options for a research experience including independent study projects, participation in research with an academic or industry scientist, directed study, internship, or field study. I would be willing to consider summer research opportunities that might be available, and would welcome suggestions. Another option would be to pursue summer research opportunities with the Mayo Clinic. This will include, identifying learning goals, creating a lesson plan, designing a pre-assessment and postassessment to measure the efficacy of the lesson, and a rubric for assessing the pre and post data. A presentation will then be done 2) Select an option and complete a research experience that includes conducting a literature search on a problem. To be determined. (TBD). 3) Design and carry out an investigation. 4) Identify modes for presenting the research project. 5) Present the research project in the selected mode. TBD. TBD. TBD. Specific Recommendations for Portfolio Documentation: _________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ based on the project and results. This will also include a literature search on research already done and a connection to the MN state science standards. ________________________________________________________________________ Transcript info: University of Iowa. Fall of 1980 4:13 Principles of Chemistry I Introduction to basic principles of chemical bonding and chemical reactions. 22M:35 Engineering Calculus I One-variable calculus keyed to engineering program; derivative, curve sketching, word problems, trigonometry derivatives, two-dimensional vector algebra, plane motion; definite integral and applications. 560:1 Introduction to Engineering Survey of various branches of engineering: the engineering approach to problem solving; elementary problems. 580:4 Engineering Computations Digital computer programming utilizing FORTAN; arithmetic and logic operations, loops, subprograms, input-output, flow charts, and program development techniques with emphasis on engineering applications. properties of pure substances; closed simple systems and onedimensional steady-flow open systems; engineering applications. University of Iowa. Spring of 1981 4:14 Principles of Chemistry II Continuation of 4:13 22M:36 Engineering Calculus II Three-dimensional vectors, cross product; natural log and exponential; formal integration; basic differential equations; conics, quadrics; weighted averages; infinite series. 560:3 Engineering Graphics Basic graphics concepts necessary in contemporary engineering including orthographic projection, geometric construction, pictorial representation, auxiliary views, sectioning, dimensioning, graphs and empirical equations, lines and planes, vectors. Iowa State University Fall of 1981 520:16 Thermodynamics I Basic elements of classical thermodynamics, including first and second laws, reversibility, irreversibility, Carnot Cycle, Computer Science 111. Computer Programming I, An introduction to computer programming and data structures emphasizing algorithm development and programming style. A block-structured language will be used. Emphasis on writing and running programs. English 105: Freshman Composition. Emphasis on development of writing skills. Eight to ten formal papers requrred each semester. Readings from a variety of sources MATH 265 Elementary Multivariable Calculus. Series. functions of several variables, gradients. multiple Integrals. Physics 221. Introduction to Classical Physics I. For engineering and science majors. Elementary mechanics. Including kinematics and dynamics of particles, work and energy. Linear and angular momentum. Conservation laws. Rotational motion, oscillations, gravitation. Electric forces and fields. Current electricity, DC Circuits Resistive Circuits, single time constant transients. Sinusoidal analysis, resonance. Mutual coupling, operational amplifiers EE 235. Electrical Instrumentation and Experimentation. Electrical components and safety systerns for measurement of voltage, current. power, impedance, and time. Elements of experiment design and techniques for prediction and evaluation of experimental results. Math 267: Elementary Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms Elementary theory and applications of ordinary differential equations. matrices and solutions of linear equations. eigenvalue methods for systems of linear differential equations, Laplace transforms. Physics 222. Introduction to Classical Physics II Magnetic forces and fields, time-dependent electromagnetic fields, waves and sound, electromagnetic waves. ray optics and image formation. wave optics. heat. thermodynamics. Kinetic theory of gases. Iowa State University Spring of 1982 Iowa State University. Summer of 1982 Computer Enginnering 280. Introduction to Digital Techniques. Number systems and codes. Introduction to Boolean algebra. Combinational and sequential logic design. Digital systems design examples. EE 212. Elementary Electromagnetics I. Lumped-circuit, distributed-circuit, and field models of physical systems for electrical energy transmission. Transient signals on transmission lines and application to digital signal transmission. lntroduction to electric and magnetic field theory. Laplace's and Poisson's equations; numerical solutions. EE 205. Electric Circuits I. EE 330. Electronics I. Overview of semiconductor physics. Piece-wise linear modeling of diodes. D-C models for bipolar transistor and FET Saturation and cutoff. Single time-constant switching circuits. Integrated circuit logic families. Comparators. Laboratory design projects. Deformation and strain of solids and fluids, constitutive equations for solids and Newtonian fluids. Applications to tension. Torsion. Flexure of solid bars and vibrations. Math 385. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fourier series. Separation of variable methods. Bessel series and Legendre polynomials. Introduction to Sturm-Liouville theory. Iowa State University. Fall of 1982 Iowa State University. Spring of 1983 EE 206. Electric Circuits II. Transformers, polyphase circuits. 2-port networks, Fourier series, Laplace transforms in circuit analysis. EE 313. Elementary Electromagnetics II. Magnetic forces and induction. Conduction. Electric and magnetic materials. Transmission lines in sinusoidal steadystate. Maxwell's equations. Uniform plane wave propagation and power flow in physical media. Reflection and transmission at normal incidence. Wave Interference Applications. Introduction to optical communication EE 331. Electronics II. Small-signal models and a-c coupled amplifiers. Power amplifiers. Linear operational amplifiers Frequency response Feedback. Laboratory design projects. EM 301 Fundamentals of Mechanics. Newton's laws. Equilibrium of rigid and deformable bodies, stress. Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. EE 309. Electric Network Design Graphs and Properties of gain and phase functions. Characteristics of tabulated filters. Scaling and transformations. Active network design. Elements of passive synthesis. All-pass networks. EE 351. Electromagnetic Devices and Electric Machinery. Magnetic circuit analysis. Iron core transformers. Force and torque calculations. Modeling of electromechanical systems. Introduction to electric machines. Modern motor control EE 352. Electromagnetic Devices and Electric Machinery Laboratory. Experiments with electric and magnetic devices: force and torque measurements, transformers and their equivalent circuits, electric rotating machines, and the digital and solid state control of machines. EE 474 Linear Systems Analysis. Writing equations for linear electrical and mechanical systems. State-space formulation. Solution of differential equations by transform methods. Block diagrams and signal-flow graphs. Feedback system characteristics Root-locus, Bode, and Nyquist plots and their relationship to system stability. Analysis using Linear Systems Analysis Program Math 481. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations and Interpolation. Orthogonal polynomials, least square and spline methods, numerical differentiation and integration. Euler. Taylor. Runge-Kutta. and predictor-corrector methods for solution of systems of ordinary differential equations. Iowa State University. Fall of 1983 EE 421. Communication Systems I. Frequency domain analysis. Linear modulation: signals, receivers, transmitters. Frequency division multiplex. Angle modulation systems. Calculation of signal-to-noise ratios. System comparisons. EE 436. Digital Integrated Circuits. Modem logic families: comparison of the vanous technologies as to fabrication constraints, speed. and power. Integrated circuit memories. Design and Implementation of digital logic systems and interfaces. EE 475. Design of Linear Control Systems. Z-transform and its relation to Laplace transform. Block diagram algebra for sampled systems. Time response of sampled systems. Root-locus in the z-plane. Sampled-data analysis using Linear Systems Analysis Program. Computation in both continuous and sampled-data systems. Design projects. Physics 324 Elementary Modern Physics. For engineering and science majors. Special theory of relativity, wave-particle nature of light and matter. Quantum theory of atoms. Nuclear physics. Iowa State University Spring of 1984 CPR E 440. Computer Based Instrumentation and Control. Introduction to computer based instrumentation and control. Logic devices, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters. Instrument buses (IEEE 488 and S100), personal computers. software support, system examples, data acquisition and control systems. EE 422. Communication Systems II. Sampling theorem and sampling practice. Pulse modulation systems. Quantization and pulse-code modulation. Time division multiplex. Information theory. Data transmission· spectral shaping, transmission impairments, and error rates. Comparison of modulation schemes for data transmission Physics 325. Elementary Solid State Physics. Molecular and crystal binding, quantum theory of metals and semiconductors. Physics of semiconductor junction diodes and transistors.