Name - Region 10 Start Page

Name ________________________________________________
Block ____
Date _____
Lab Activity
Background Information:
Many products we use are made or grown in other countries and sent here by plane, boat or truck. Some
companies that make televisions, for example, put them in wood crates that are stored in the cargo rooms
of freight ships. When ocean waves cause the ship to tilt from side to side, the crates can slide across the
cargo room floor and damage the televisions packed inside. Increasing the friction in the cargo room may
solve the problem.
Friction is a force between objects that opposes the relative motion of the objects. In this project, you will
be studying kinetic friction (also called sliding friction). When two objects are moving relative to one
another, kinetic friction converts some of the kinetic energy of that motion into heat. You can feel the heat
of kinetic friction if you rub your hands together. Think about what happens if you rub your hands against
a smooth, polished surface, like wood furniture, compared to a surface with a rougher texture, like denim
cloth. Which surface produces more kinetic friction?
First, you and your partners will design and conduct experiments to find how friction is affected by
different floor materials. Then, you will analyze your experimental findings to make recommendations to
the television manufacturer or the shipping company.
Gather a variety of different textured materials that might be useful for reducing sliding (teacher will
provide 4 different surfaces).
Observe the different materials with and without the hand lens. Notice different properties such as
texture, luster, hardness, etc. Record your observations in a chart below.
PROPERTIES OF FLOOR MATERIALS – list descriptions of the surfaces here:
Important Information:
 The television “boxes” will be represented by wooden blocks – you will not be
changing the surface of the boxes, only the surfaces of the floor.
 You must have at least 3 trials for each material – this will hopefully make your
data as valid as possible.
 Use the diagrams and directions attached to set up the “testing device”. BE
Materials (many of these may already be put together/set up for you):
 1 wooden dowel
 1 wooden block
 1 piece of oaktag paper (like a manila folder) for the testing track – can also use
a square of cardboard if given.
 1 sheet of foam
 1 sheet of sandpaper
 1 sheet of shelf liner
 1 sheet of felt
 1 piece of string
 20 small washers – or more if needed.
 1 plastic cup (to act as a reservoir to hold the small washers during testing)
 Ruler
 Masking tape
 1 paper clip
 triple beam balance (to measure the weight of all the washers you use)
Make sure your “testing track” looks like the diagrams given to you on the second page
of this packet. Read the added captions to help understand how to do your testing,
and what the results will tell you!
Complete the following steps (this is your FINAL draft!!!):
Step One: STATE THE PROBLEM, in the form of a question.
Step Two: RESEARCH THE PROBLEM. Use the information that we have learned
about friction (reading packet, notes, etc). Write down 5 BULLET NOTES about
important information regarding frictional forces.
Step Three: FORM A HYPOTHESIS. Based on the information that you know about
frictional forces between surfaces, make an educated guess regarding the outcome of
this experiment. Which surface do you think will be the best, and why?
(“If, then, because” format is necessary here)
Step Four: DESIGN THE EXPERIMENT: list the steps that you must go through in
order to correctly carry out your experiment. Each step should be numbered, and in
list format.
*******You should end up with 20 or more steps.
1.Gather all materials as listed.
2.Set up testing device according to the directions and diagrams on the second page
of this lab packet.
Now…you begin to explain how to place each material on the testing track, and how
you tested each material properly, and recorded data. Be Very Thorough and
Complete. Add diagrams or pictures if that will help.
In each column, record the WEIGHT IN GRAMS of the TOTAL NUMBER OF
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Shelf Liner
OBSERVATIONS (list observation statements of things you noticed during the
experiment) –
Step Six: GRAPH YOUR DATA. Using the following sheet of graph paper, create
the BEST kind of graph to show your data.
Your graph must show ALL TRIALS, and THE AVERAGE on one graph.
Remember: TAILS!
Title, Axes, Intervals, Labels, Scale.
A good and complete title that includes BOTH variables, independent variable is on
the x axis and dependent on the y axis, proper and consistent intervals, specific labels,
and a scale that ensures your data is spread out!
Step Six: WRITE YOUR CONCLUSION. Restate the problem, restate the hypothesis
and research, discuss REAL DATA (mention actual results from your tests), and
reflect on possible problems or errors in testing.
Reflection Questions:
Please respond the following questions in complete sentences. ELABORATE, and use
evidence from your experiment to back up your ideas.
Be sure to respond by filling MOST of the lines provided with your discussion.
1. Describe the surface of the “winning” material. What does it look like, what is it’s
texture and overall appearance, and what qualities does it have that is able to provide
the most friction? Use data/evidence in your response.
2. Would your results have changed if you could have changed the surface of the box,
AND the surface of the flooring? How would they have changed? Give an example
and use data/evidence.
3. If you could have added weight to the TOP of the box, what do you think that
would have done to your results? Why do you feel this way? Use evidence/data in your
4. What other surface can you think of, that we did not use, that may have achieved
even better results? Explain the surface, and why you chose it.
5. If you were to make recommendations to the shipping company as to how to keep
their cargo safe, what would you recommend? Use data that you obtained, and
convince them that your data is accurate, reliable, and how it will help them in keeping
their cargo safe.
Final Lab Activity:
“Shipping and Sliding”
Name ________________________________
Block _________
A Method for Testing Friction:
1. Construct a model shipping crate like the one in the diagram below. The paper clip will allow you to
pull the crate with a measured amount of force:
2. Use a piece of cardboard as a model of a cargo room floor.
3. Tape a plastic cylinder along the edge of your work table. Place the cardboard shipping floor on your
work table near the plastic cylinder.
4. Tie a loop at one end of the string and attach the loop to the paper clip. Drape the string over the
plastic cylinder and use tape to attach the plastic cup to the other end of the string (see diagram
5. By adding small washers to the plastic cup, you can measure the pulling force needed to start the crate
moving. The more force needed to start the crate moving, the greater the friction between the floor
and the crate materials.
6. Find the mass of a single washer and keep track of the total mass needed to START THE BOX
**Most of this is already set up for you, and set-ups are located on the
supply table.