1 Name __________________ Anatomy and Physiology, Mrs. Grant SKELETAL SYSTEM: DISARTICULATED SKELETON Lab In this laboratory exercise, you will learn the names of most of the bones of the human skeleton. In addition to learning the names of the bones you will identify various parts. Process: a projection on a bone for articulation or muscle attachment. Foramen: a hole in a bone through which blood vessels or nerves pass. Condyles: articulate with other bones. Begin with the axial skeleton: 80 bones Station 1: Look at the human skull - Skull – 8 bones joined together by sutures. 1. Define a suture. ____________________________________________ 2. Identify the following bones of the skull: Fill in the blanks below using terms such as forehead, sides, front, back, socket of eye, base _____ Frontal: forms the __________ and roof of ________________ _____ Parietal: form _________ and the roof of the cranium. _____ Sphenoidal: this is ______________ (anterior / posterior) to the frontal bone. _____ Temporal: form ___________ and ___________ of the skull. 3. Mastoid process, zygomatic process, syloid process are all part of what bone? 4. Describe the differences between the styloid process and the mastiod process. 5. What is the function of these processes? 6. Occipital: Forms the _______ and base of the cranium. Location of foramen magnum:_______________ What structure passes through this foramen? What is the location of the Occipital condyles? 2 These condyles articulate with what vertebra? 7. Facial Bones: Nasal: What does the nasal bone form? Nasel turbinates (nasal conchae): Scroll like bones inside the nose What is the purpose of the nasel turbinates? 8. Zygomatic – Forms the __________________. 9. Maxilla – What does the fusion of this bone form? 1. 2. 10. Mandible – This bone forms the ______________. madibular condyle: This bone articulates with what other bone? Mental foramen: What passes through these foramen and to where do they go? 11. Palentine Bone – Where is this bone located in relation to the maxilla? 12.Hyoid – Look inside the full skeleton. What is the purpose of this bone? Station 2: Vertebrae (33 total) – 13. 14. Cervical – How many cervical vertebrae are present? ___________ How can you tell the difference between a cervical vertebrae and a thoracic vertebrae other than size? 15. Identify the transverse foramen in these vertebrae. The Atlas is vertebrae number _____. The Axis is vertebrae number ______. Identify its odontoid process. What is the purpose of this Process? (rotation or muscle attachment) 3 16. How many Thoracic vertebrae are present? __________ 17. What other bones attach to these vertebrae? ___________ 18.. How many lumbar vertebrae are present? ____________ 19. There are 5 Sacral ( Sacrum )bones present. These fused bones articulate with what other bones? 20. Coccyx (4 fused bones) – What is the location of this bone as compared to the sacrum? ___________________ Station 3: Rib Cage 21. Ribs – How many ribs are present? _________________ 22. Of these ribs how many are true ribs? ___________ What makes these true ribs? ________________________________________________________________ 23. How many ribs are false ribs? ______ What determines if they are false ribs? 24. How many floating ribs are present? ________________ 25. Find the Sternum – this bone consists of 3 parts. Using directional terminology describe the location of the three parts of the stermun.: Manubrium – Body of Sternum – Xiphoid process – Appendicular Skeleton: 126 bones, BE ABLE TO TELL A RIGHT BONE FROM A LEFT BONE. 4 Station 4: Pectoral Girdle: 26. The Clavicle Forms the _______________. 27. Scapula – Also identify the following parts of the scapula: Scapular spine serves what purpose? Where is the Acromion process located? The acromion process articulates with what bone? Where is the Coracoid process located in relation to the blade of the scapula? The coracoid articulates with what bone? Glenoid fossa – articulates with what bone? Station 5: The arm 28. Humerus – Bone of upper arm Olecronon fossa – Where is this fossa located on the humerus? How do you tell a right humerus from a left humerus? ____ Radius – What is a unique characteristic about the head of this bone? How can you tell a right radius from a left? ____ ulna – o Olecronon process – This process forms the ________. How do you tell the difference between a right and left ulna? ____ carpals – These are the bones of the _____________. ____ Metacarpals – 5 bones of the __________. ____ phalanges – 14 bones of the _________________. Station 6: Pelvic Girdle: Know right from left bones. ____ Pelvis (coxal bone) - Consists of 3 fused bones. o How do you tell a right pelvis from a left pelvis? Ilium – This bone for the what of your pelvic girdle? Ischium – Describe the anatomical position of the ischium as compared to the pubis bone. Pubis – Is this bone anterior or posterior to the Ischium? Obturator foramen – What is the purpose of this foramen? Acetabulum – socket for ________ . Pubic symphysis – Describe the location of this disc cartilage. What are two differences between a male pelvis and a female pelvis? What is the reason for these differences? ____ Femur – longest bone of the body. Head – Is this proximal or distal to the medial and lateral condyles? Greater and lesser trochanters – What is the purpose of a trochanter? ____ patella – forms kneecap (this is missing from our kit) ____ tibia – large bone of lower leg. Is this bone medial or lateral to the fibula? ____ Fibula – the distal end of the fibula forms part of the _________ joint. 5 ____ Tarsals – 7 bones of the ankle. o Talus – articulates with what bone? o Calcaneus – form the _____ of your foot. o Cubiodal – Is this medial or lateral to the navicular? o Lateral, medial, intermediate cuniform – These bones are ________ to the talus. o Which is the largest tarsal? ____ Metatarsals – 5 bones of the foot ____ phalanges – 14 bones of the toes. Now you are ready to review, review, review!!!! 6