Chemistry Podcast Project

Six Weeks Projects – Chemistry Honors
You must create an audio podcast. Podcasting can be as simple as recording your voice as
if you are on a talk radio show or a radio broadcast. The requirements for the Podcast
Project are as follows:
- Time length: 3-5 minutes
- Topics: Periodic Table, Electron Configuration, Lab Safety, Chemical Bonding. You
may wish to add sound effects, music clips, and/or guest speakers. Be creative.
- Group: No more than 2 people per group. You may work individually.
- Vocabulary: Must include at least 8 vocabulary words from the book. You must also
include at least 4 elements or compounds.
- Written report: Must provide a TYPED outline of your talk show broadcast with all 8
vocabulary words defined and all four elements identified.
- Submitting the Project: You must submit your podcast as a media file (either by
emailing it to or uploading to the podcast channel that will
be provided to you at a later date).
- Length: 2-4 minutes
- Topics: Periodic Table, Electron Configuration, Lab Safety, Chemical Bonding.
- Group: No more than 2 people per group. You may work individually.
- Vocabulary: Must include at least 4 vocabulary words from the book.
- Written report: Must provide a TYPED copy of the lyrics and a separate TYPED copy
of the defined vocabulary words.
- Submitting the Project: You must perform your song/rap LIVE or submit it on a CD.
You may also upload the song to the podcast channel. Only one submission is
- Length: 3-5 minutes
- Topics: Periodic Table, Electron Configuration, Lab Safety, Chemical Bonding.
- Group: No more than 2 people per group. You may work individually. You may also
use people in the video that are not in your class; however, only two people may
receive a grade per project. You may appear in as many videos as you desire, but you
must inform the teacher from which project your grade will come.
- Vocabulary: Must include at least 4 vocabulary words from the book.
- Written report: Must provide a TYPED copy of the lyrics and a separate TYPED copy
of the defined vocabulary words.
- Submitting the Project: Your video must be turned in on a DVD. You may also
upload the video to the podcast channel. Only one submission is necessary.
- Length: 3-5 minutes
- Topics: Periodic Table, Electron Configuration, Lab Safety, Chemical Bonding. Your
assignment is to invent a product that the public could use or a Chemistry
student/teacher could use AND pitch your product in the form of an infomercial.
Possible ideas may include but are not limited to Sham-Wow, Mighty Putty,
Oxyclean, Orange Glow, etc. Your ad should include typical infomercial
characteristics such as reasons to buy, usefulness, reliability, price
(shipping/handling/tax), method of payment, and demonstrations of your product
being used.
- Group: No more than 2 people per group. You may work individually. You may also
use people in the video that are not in your class; however, only two people may
receive a grade per project. You may appear in as many videos as you desire, but you
must inform the teacher from which project your grade will come.
- Vocabulary: Must include at least 4 vocabulary words from the book.
- Written report: Must provide a TYPED flyer/ad that describes your product, the
details of pricing, and a photo of the product. You must also include a separate
TYPED copy of the defined vocabulary words.
- Submitting the Project: Your infomercial must be turned in on a DVD. You may also
upload the video to the podcast channel. Only one submission is necessary.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 3:00pm
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 3:00pm
1. You may wish to use personal video/audio-editing software such as Windows Media
Player, Windows Sound Recorder, Audacity, Final Cut, or Garageband. Any mediaediting software is acceptable as long as you can navigate and produce a final product
successfully. Do not use software of which you are unfamiliar and could be
2. Write out an outline or practice lyrics or a rough draft to help you get started.
3. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Do not turn in the first recording of your
project. You will need to edit and re-edit your recordings to produce a project of high
4. If you have questions, ask early! Do not wait until two days before your project is due
to ask Mr. Vaughn how to burn a DVD or record your voice. This will cause stress on
you and Mr. Vaughn.
5. NO PLAGARISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give credit where credit is due. If you use a
sound clip, music clip, video file, photograph, etc, simply cite your source and the
personal or company that deserves credit. If you use “unoriginal” material, it is
probably copyrighted, and (by law) you must give credit to the owner of that material.
If you are not sure, ask. Do not assume that something is ok to use.