Example assignment brief - University of the Arts London

UAL Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design
Art & Design
Project Brief:
4(a): National Gallery Visit
28th November 2013
Project Brief: 4(a): National Gallery Visit
UAL Level 2 Diploma Art & Design
Unit Title/s: Unit 2 – Introduction to contextual research in art & design
Start date from: Thursday 28th November 2013
Assessment deadline: 5th December 2013
Project Duration: 1
Deadline: 5th
December 2013
Assessment tutors
(initials): MT ML
Project Name: 4(a) – national Gallery Visit
Standardisation (signed):
Project Brief:
The purpose of this assessment is to:
The main theme of this assignment is to explore the impressionist art movement. Collect primary
research and use the gained knowledge to create research sheets and an illustrated essay.
At the National Gallery, you will be undertaking research related to the Impressionist Art Movement.
During the day, you will be asked to research works of art by four different impressionist artists. You will also
be asked to record the information in sketch books.
Back at College you will complete an illustrated essay based on the Impressionist art movement.
Summary of what you have to complete at The National Gallery
Information about 4 impressionist paintings –
a. The artists’ name
b. Date and title of each work of art
c. Description of each of the paintings in your own words
d. A minimum of 3 images based on each painting looked at
e. Buy at least 4 postcards of either the paintings looked at or paintings completed by
each of the 4 artists
Timings of the day
Meet in the Atrium (Foyer on the ground floor) at 8:30am in order to walk as a group the
Coach pick up area.
Arrive in London approximately 10:30am
Begin your research. You should aim to have completed the research for two artists by the
time you go to lunch at approximately 12:30pm
12:30pm allow yourself 30 minutes to eat your packed lunch – you will need to eat it in a
designated eating area.
1:00pm – 2:30pm continue your research on the four artists. You need to pace yourself in
order to be in a position to have completed the research on all four artists by the end of the
2:45pm Meet at the designated meeting point in the National Gallery, ready for a prompt
departure in order to return back to college for 5:00pm
Materials needed for the day
A range of drawing pencils and coloured pencils.
Oil pastels (Do not use chalks as this is not appropriate to use in sketchbooks)
Ink pen
Pencil eraser
Sharpener and bag to put sharpening’s into
Money to buy at least 4 postcards (Approximately £2.50 in total)
Packed lunch (Lunch can be bought but it is very expensive)
You must not leave the Gallery building at any time except when walking back to the coach – info to be
given on the day. You must come back to college in the coach at the end of the day.
Be prompt for times identified. Arriving late back to the meeting point at the end of the day will result in
a delayed departure, which may mean you missing the contract buses to take you home.
Task 1: Visit to the National Gallery
Within the gallery, you will be restricted to visit only the galleries relevant to the impressionist art movement – you will
be shown where to go and provided with a map of the gallery.
Below is the explanation of the work required to be completed.
You will be required to buy a postcard of the works researched, or if the gallery does not have a postcard of the
specific painting, then you are to buy a postcard from another piece of work produced by the artist. You must allow
£2.50 to purchase postcards on the day. – These you will present in your sketchbooks.
Activity 1
You will need to find 4 different impressionist paintings completed by 4 different artists (E.g. Works of art painted by
Renoir, Suerat, Monet, Renoir,…etc)
For each painting you need to do the following things:
1. Write down, in your sketch books, the artist’s name, date it was painted and the title of the work of art.
2. Draw a minimum of 3 pictures, using the following checklist;
a) Take a section and investigate the techniques the artist used. Using mark making skills try to re-draw
the selected area.
b) Take a different section of the painting and investigate colour and painting techniques used.
c) Draw an overall sketch of the painting to gain an idea of composition
3. Write a description of the painting in your own words. Use appropriate vocabulary such as ;
a) Landscape / portrait
b) Contrast of colours
c) Complementary, primary , secondary , tertiary colours
d) Oil paint / watercolour / other?
e) Composition
f) Figurative
g) Light & dark
Activity 2
4. Buy at least 4 postcards from the shop of works completed by the artists whose work you looked at. You will
need to present these in your sketchbooks alongside
Task 2 – Illustrated Essay
On your return from London, you are asked to write an illustrate essay that details and explains the
Impressionist movement.
You should aim to write at least 400 words and include a number of illustrations.
Use the evidence from the hand out given to you about the Impressionist movement, use the research you
have collected from the National Gallery, and use your time in the VLE sessions to complete further research.
Assessment Requirements and Criteria (what you need to complete):
Task 1:
a) Complete the research on 4 artists looked at at the national Gallery. You need to complete
drawings and annotation for each artist researched.
b) Buy 4 postcards and present these in your sketchbook
Assessment criteria for Unit 2; 1.1 1.2 1.3
Task 2:
Work on your 400 word illustrated essay
Assessment criteria for Unit 1: 1.1 1.2
Learning Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Unit two: Introduction to Contextual Research in art & design
Unit Aim:
This unit will develop in the learner an awareness of the value of contextual research to support art and design activity
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
The Candidate will:
The Candidate can:
Understand art and design contextual research
Research and record contextual information for a range of art and
Design activities.
Demonstrate the use of contextual knowledge to inform and
develop ideas for creative activity
Assess the effectiveness of contextual awareness to support
Creative activity.
Note: You will be able to access your grades and your individual learning plan (ILP) as they are
assessed online using ProPortal to chart your development and improvement throughout the year.