April 1, 2010 Nevada County Airport Tenants, Users and FriendsAIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING March 11, 2010: An Airport Commission meeting was held at 7:00pm Thursday March 11, 2010 at the Eric Rood Administration Center in Nevada City, CA. The next meeting will be at 7:00pm Thursday May 13th in the Board of Supervisors chambers in the Eric Rood Administration Center. Brief overview of the March meeting follows: I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance @ 7:00pm II. Public Comment (for items not on agenda): None IV. Commissioner Comments (for items not on agenda): None V. NID easement offer. I presented the information on the NID easement offer in support of use of airport property as part of their Banner Mountain Pipeline (see General News below). The Commission unanimously endorsed approval of the easement and acceptance of the offer. The Board of Supervisors also approved the easement and offer at their March 23rd meeting. VI. FY 09/10 Budget “howgozit” and FY 10/11 Budget. I presented the end of February budget numbers that reflect we are tracking close to budget with a projected year end result of + $15,000 revenue to expenditure. I also presented the draft FY 10/11 budget reflecting a + $6900 revenue to expenditure result that will likely improve to over $24,000 positive with the early pay off of the ’95 AIP loan using NID easement proceeds. VII. Airport Engineer & Consultant. On February 1st we released a Request for Qualification for companies interested in being the Airport’s engineering consultant. We received six proposals. An evaluation team made of Terry Lowell, Airport Commissioner, Mary Ross, Senior Purchasing Agent and me evaluated the proposals and recommend Mead & Hunt as the Airport Engineer and Consultant. The Commission unanimously endorsed the recommendation and the Board of Supervisors approved the recommendation at their March 23rd meeting. VIII. Manager’s Report: I briefed the Commission on the status of the Business Plan Action items and presented end of February fuel sales results that reflect about 1000 gal more than last year in both Jet A and 100LL sales. IX. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 7:00pm in the Board of Supervisors Chambers Eric Rood Administration Center. X. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. CAPITAL PROJECTS: Updated Airport Layout Plan (ALP): We have received approval from the FAA for the updated ALP and the final invoice for this work from M&H. We will now close out the contract and grant and submit a request for previously approved CA DOA matching funds in the amount of $1750. The FAA considers the ALP the Airport’s Master Plan. Runway Safety Area erosion and drainage improvement project: I met with M&H recently to get a briefing on the engineering and construction cost estimate for the runway erosion and drainage improvements. An FAA grant in the amount of $152k is funding this effort. This construction phase of this project will be coordinated with the runway repair and reseal effort in the fall of 2011 or spring of 2012. On September 3, 2009 we received an FAA grant offer in the amount of $150,000 for a package of environmental reviews, two Environmental Assessments (EAs) and two Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs) on four future projects including: purchase of 47 acres on the north side, purchase of the south half of Lot 6, perimeter fence upgrade, and obstruction removal in the 20 acres east of the airport in the approach zone. The contract has been let with Mead and Hunt with LSA as an environmental subcontractor. Total project cost is $157,895 of which the FAA will cover $150,000. The planned CA DOA match of $3562 will not be available due to the suspension of the State grant match program. Under the current scenario we will be liable for $7895. The cost of this effort will be spread over two fiscal years. A grant request has been submitted in the amount of $80,000 for the engineering and construction cost estimate for repairing the west end of the runway and resealing the mid and east ends. The local match requirement on this grant is $4210 and that will be in the FY 2010/11 budget. I expect grant award in late spring with the work completed in the last half of CY 2010. The actual construction will be coordinated with the runway and erosion improvement project in the fall of 2011 or spring of 2012. GENERAL NEWS: FAA MAINT TECHNICIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD: On Wednesday March 17th Gerry Rose of Sierra Mountain Aviation, Inc. received the Western-Pacific Region Aviation Maintenance Technician of the Year Award for 2010. Our local Sacramento Flight Standards Office entered his name along with his qualifications, letters from customers and a recommendation from his PMI. He was chosen from over a thousand candidates and this was the first candidate to win from the Sacramento FSDO. Great Job Gerry!! ACA BOARD MEETING: As a Director representing the Northern California Foothill airports I attended an Association of California Airport Board meeting on Wednesday March 10th. Agenda included a review and changes to the proposed 2010 conference agenda, legislative update on matters concerning GA airports, a report on the SWAAE conference in Monterey last month and discussions on TSA involvement on GA airports. Of particular interest is a recently passed bill that could result in lower fuel prices at the pump. SB 6 (8X): Franchise Tax Board: State Board of Equalization: administration This bill is known as the gas tax swap bill and passed March 4, 2010; governor is expected to sign. The bill suspends the current 6% sales tax on motor fuel and increases the excise tax on motor fuel by 12.9 cents per gallon. This would also apply to aviation fuel. With limited understanding of legislative shenanigans, my take on this is that the legislature wants to move tax dollars out of a pot where use is mandated and into the General Fund where they can control how it is used. We’ll see. NID PIPELINE EASEMENT: Most of you have probably read about NID’s proposed Banner Mountain pipeline project. That pipeline includes about 4000’ lineal feet on airport property for which NID has obtained approval for an easement from the Airport. The easement begins on the far east side of the airport and runs west to the NID reservoir then northwest to the north side of the runway and then west to mid field where it turns north off the airport. NID has made an easement offer that has been reviewed and approved by the FAA, the Airport Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The plan is to use the proceeds of the easement to pay off two loans and make an additional payment against a third loan that will significantly reduce the airport’s annual long term debt service. PAPER PILOT CERTIFICATES: Paper pilot certificates expired March 31, 2010. See the FAA website below for links and information about changing your pilot certificate from a SSN based license to a newly issued number. http://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/airmen_certification/expiring_paper_certificates/ RAMPS 1 & 5 HANGAR DEVELOPMENTS: As reported previously, Legacy Aviation Development has redesigned the hangar project to make the units more affordable. The revised plan is for two buildings of 8 T hangars each for a total of 16 and two box hangar duplexes for a total of 4 (size 50x50) on Ramp 1 and 3 60x54 box hangars on Ramp 5. Legacy is planning to begin construction on the first phase in the spring of 2010. The first phase will be one building with 8 nested T hangars on Ramp 1. For more information contact Gina Hardy at 949 789-4565 ext 23 or visit www.legacyad.net . Anyone interested in sub-leasing or buying a Tee or Box hangar on either ramp 1 or 5 should contact Les Whittlesey at 949-789-4565 x 14 or les.w@legacyad.net LEGACY AD HANGARS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE. NEW LEGACY HANGARS ON RAMP1 WILL BE VERY SIMILAR. BULLETIN BOARD: EAA 1175 MEETING: 1st Tuesday of every month at Marlow’s Hanger (corner hangar on the north side, east end of the airport). 6:30 pm BBQ (weather permitting), BYOB (bring your own beef/ or chicken) 7:00 pm EAA meeting, including Guest Speakers. Anyone interested in Aviation welcome, Pilot or non-pilot. GEFA MONTHLY MEETING: Third Thursday of every month. Next meeting Thursday March 18th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Seaman’s Lodge in Pioneer Park in Nevada City. Event is “Pot Luck” so bring a dish, your utensils and favorite beverage. The club's primary goals are to: Promote the growth, safety and enjoyment of general aviation, support Nevada County Airport, increase public awareness of the airport and its importance to the economic well-being of the community, provide aviation scholarships to local youth, provide labor and materials to improve the facilities at the airport and, of course, the bi annual AirFest. Contact E-Mail: pasorider@theunion.net Phone: 530-272-8678 More: http://www.theunion.net/gefa/ FOR SALE: 1/3 share 1952 C-35 Bonanza w/ Hanger @ Nevada County, $15000. New engine and prop, IFR, clean, rarely flown. Juan Browne (A&P, ATP) (530) 277-5794 FOR SALE: Low time C-172 and 1081 sq ft T-hangar (D-145). $75,000 for both. Contact Bob Carman at bcarman@jps.net FOR SALE: 709 sq ft Port-A-Port, (D-131). Asking $25,000. Contact Tony Davis at tdavis9877@gmail.com or 916-343-6104 FOR SALE: 1428 sq ft executive box hangar. Ramp 3 hangar A-1, 42'x34' with 41’ bifold door, finished concrete floors with epoxy paint, heater. $95,000 Contact Debbie Wilson at 530-272-4685 or goeagle@sbbmail.com FOR RENT: 709 sq ft Port-A-Port, (D-130). Contact Joe Moore at 530-265-4952 FOR RENT: 378 sq ft storage unit in County hangar building. $94.50/mo. Access thru 3’ door between County and Arnie Luters hangars. Call Greg or Rob at 273-3374 WANTED: Exec I size T-hangar to buy for C-120. Contact David Strebel @ 707-321-1441, 530-4780883, 707-887-7706 or aerosnaps@yahoo.com WANTED: Hangar to buy for C-182. Contact Dave @ 530-346-7006