Name………………………… Date …………………………. Page 36

Date ………………………….
Page 36-37 in text book
Worksheet 1 unit 1
Q1/ fill in the blanks?
2- Each mitochondrion has a ……………. membrane, the outer one of which
controls the entry and exit of ………………………
3- The inner membrane forms many folds called …………………….
4- The mitochondrion filled with a liquid called …………………….. where
some of the enzymes used in …………………….. are found.
5- Mitochondria are the sites of ……………………………. in the cell.
they are often described as the …………………………. of the cell.
6- Enzymes involved in different stages of cell respiration are located on the
……………….. and in the …………………
Q2/ label the following diagram?
Q3/ fill in the blanks?
1. The function of cell respiration is to provide cells with
2. The most common food substance from which cells obtain energy is the
monosaccharide known as ________________, which has the molecular
formula _________________.
3. The difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is that aerobic
respiration requires the presence of __________________ while anaerobic
respiration does not. Also, MORE energy is produced from
____________________ respiration.
4. The cell’s usable form of energy is a chemical compound called adenosine
triphosphate, abbreviated ___________. This compound is considered a
HIGH-ENERGY compound because it enables our cells to efficiently carry
out their life processes (functions).
5. In aerobic cell respiration, ______ molecules of ATP are produced for every
1 molecule of glucose oxidized. In anaerobic cell respiration, only ______
molecules of ATP are produced (per 1 molecule of glucose).
6. Glycolysis is the conversion of 1 molecule of glucose into 2 molecules of
_______________ _____________ (aka pyruvate). Glycolysis occurs in the
__________________ of cells and produces a net total of ______ ATP.
Stages of aerobic respiration occurred in mitochondria
1- Chloroplasts are found inside the ……………………..tissues of plants
and some protoctists.
2- They are particularly abundant in the palisade mesophyll cells of ………
3- they belong to a group of organelles called ……………., many of which
contain pigments.
4- chloroplasts are similar in size to ………………. and like to
mitochondria ,they have a ……………………….. –the chloroplast
5- Label the following diagram ?
6- Match the terms below with the correct description?
Electromagnetic spectrum
Electron transport chain
Light-dependant reactions
Light-independent reactions
a. __________________ packet of solar energy
b. __________________energy-capturing portion of photosynthesis that
takes place in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and cannot proceed
without solar energy, it produces ATP and NADPH
c. __________________green pigment that absorbs solar energy and is
important in photosynthesis
d. __________________ large, central compartment in a chloroplast that is
fluid filled and contains enzymes used in photosynthesis
e. __________________ membrane-bounded organelle with chlorophyll –
containing membranous thylakoids; where photosynthesis takes place
f. __________________Photosynthetic unit where solar energy is absorbed
and high-energy electrons are generated; contains a pigment complex and
an electron acceptor
g. __________________Passage of electrons along a series of carrier
molecules form a higher to a lower energy level; the energy released is
used for the synthesis of ATP.
h. __________________Process usually occurring within chloroplasts
whereby chlorophyll traps solar energy and carbon dioxide is reduced to
a carbohydrate.
i. __________________ Series of photosynthetic reactions in which carbon
dioxide is fixed and reduced in the chloroplast.
j. __________________Synthesis portion of photosynthesis that takes
place in the stroma of chloroplasts and does not directly require solar
energy; it uses the products of the light dependant reactions to reduce
carbon dioxide to a carbohydrate