Ivan Weber, LEED®-AP LEED® Specialist, Project Manager, Industrial Ecology/Sustainable Facilities & Communities Planner Ivan has decades of experience in environmentally responsible facilities planning, design and management, forming a major portion of his billion-dollars-plus construction/design management experience base, augmented by synergistic non-profit volunteer activities. Ivan is presently performing LEED® administrative services on several projects striving for LEED® certification. First recipient, Forster Lifetime Achievement Award in Sustainability, Salt Lake Sustainable Building Conference, April 2010. Founding Chairman, USGBCUtah, current Board member. Relevant Project Experience (partial), with EDA Architects, Salt Lake City LEED-EB and sustainability strategies analysis and advising, Commerce CRG on 170 South Main highrise (2007-08) LEED-NC: EcoCharrette planning & LEED certification management, Salt Lake County Southwest Recreation Center, and subsequent LEED strategies (2007-present); LEED-NC certification, Canyon Country Discovery Center/Four Corners School, Monticello UT (2008-09) LEED-CI certification advising and certification management, U. of Utah Campus Design/Plant Operations (current) LEED-NC certification consulting and management, Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility, two projects (current) LEED-NC certification, L.S. Skaggs Pharmacy Research Institue, U. of Utah (current) LEED-CI certification, EDA Architects’ office space in Boston Building, SLC (current) LEED-NC certification, Draper Senior Center, Salt Lake County (current) LEED-CS certification, Wasatch Development/Questar Building, Salt Lake City (current) Past Projects and Independent Consulting: USGBC-Utah Founding Chairman, 2003-2005; Board member 2008-present; adapting LEED-ND regionalizationpriorities. LEED analysis and advising, Nu Skin Provo Campus LEED analysis and advising, Western Distribution Center, Spanish Fork, Utah LEED advising, Leonardo-on-Library Square, including comprehensive sustainability review LEED advising, Salt Lake City High-Performance Building Program and LEED Ordinance LEED advising, Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency LEED Guidelines LEED advising, Salt Lake County LEED Ordinance LEED-NC 2.1 certification assistance, Prescott Muir Architects, Radius Engineering Warehouse LEED-NC, CI, CS, and ND advising, Howa Development/Marmalade LLC LEED-NC 2.2 advising, Prescott Muir Architects, Weber County Pleasant Valley Branch Library Environmental Planner Kennecott Utah Copper, 1992-2001; Initiated Kennecott’s land use planning project resulting in ‘Daybreak’, Kennecott Land Company, integrating green building/LEED, sustainable landscape restoration, native plants nursery, renewable energy planning. Numerous ‘industrial ecology’ sustainable business park planning projects in context of sustainable cities and ‘eco-industrial parks,’ Rhinelander WI, Ulster NY, Dalian China, Spencer WV, with E. Lowe of Indigo Development, Santa Rosa CA. Renewable energy development, Community energy efficiency and LEED programs for economic redevelopment, Anaconda MT, with Wikstrom Economic & Planning Consultants (2007) and with Richman Associates (current). Renewable energy consulting for State Prison Relocation Study, with Wikstrom Economic & Planning Consultants (completed) Sustainable industries and planning integration for economic regenerative development, emphasizing sustainable forestry, landscape restoration for tourism and recreation, and bioenergy development from forest resources, Oneida County Wisconsin, with Foth Engineering, Green Bay WI (2008), and Indigo Development, Santa Rosa CA. Work History: Construction Manager, Environmental Manager, Architectural Construction Manager, Specifier, General Contractor, Journeyman Carpenter, 1970-Present o > $1 billion in construction, construction management, architectural specifications, environmental management o Approx. $300 million in environmental cleanup and construction at Kennecott Utah Copper, as Environmental Planner and Contracts Manager 1992-2001 o 5 theaters, as project.manager, contractor and specifier o > 200 retail stores nationally, specifications and design management o o o o o o o 9 University buildings, as project manager, specifier, building inspector University of Utah Medical Center campus as project manager/chief building inspector, 1980-82 Deer Valley Ski Resort lodge construction (project manager for general contractor) Historic restoration and reconstruction, Capitol Theatre (contractor) Specialty contracts, Abravanel Hall construction Industrial construction, Bridger Power Plant and other industrial projects (journeyman union carpenter, early 1970s) Residential construction and restoration; independent investment housing renovation (ongoing) EDUCATION, PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS Bachelor of Arts, Earth Sciences, History and Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 1966; Graduate Study 1969-71 Geography and Asian Studies; Graduate Study 1974-75 Architecture, University of Utah “Actualizing Sustainable Mining: Industrial Ecology and Community-Centered Redevelopment at Kennecott Utah Copper” presented to Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), March 2005; critiquing sustainable mining principles and their application to Kennecott, and proposing progressive sustainable economic development to mining-damaged lands organized around ‘industrial ecology’ and community-centered development methods. “Healing Whole Communities: Tar Creek Beyond Superfund- Regenerative Redevelopment of a Mining-Damaged Site” (proposing redevelopment of childhood home area Superfund Site #1, based on green building and green building products development, as well as environmental remediation), presented to ‘Greening the Heartland’ green building conference, St. Louis, June 2008. ‘Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Green Building in Lake Baikal’s Resort Development,’ presented to Buryatia government, university and community leadership in workshop on mining, development and Lake Baikal, Ulan Ude, Russia, September 2007. ‘Sustaining Sustainability’ Workshop, presented to Canadian Institute 3rd Annual Conference on Mine Reclamation, 2006 ‘Redeveloping Kennecott’ paper presented to Canadian Institute 3rd Annual Conference on Mine Reclamation, 2006 Redevelopment Studies, with Indigo Development, Santa Rosa CA, applying ‘eco-industrial park’ principles and practices, in Dalian China, Spencer WV, Ontario Canada, Oneida County WI, 2008 Redevelopment Study, with Wikstrom Economic & Planning Consultants, Salt Lake City, applying renewable energy and ‘ecoindustrial park’ development drivers to Anaconda MT, 2006-ongoing AFFILIATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES National Institute of Building Sciences, member US Green Building Council, member National USGBC and USGBC-Utah Chapter; Founding Chairman USGBC-Utah 2003-2005; Board Member, 2009-Present Salt Lake County Open Space Trust Fund Board, Chairman & member 2007-2009 Salt Lake County Urban Agriculture Technical Committee, 2009-ongoing Salt Lake City High Performance Building Initiative, 2003-05, chairman sustainable sites committee Salt Lake City 2002 Olympics Environmental Advisory Committee; Founder, Sustainable Facilities Committee Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Rocky Mountain Working Group, developing ‘principles and standards’ for Rocky Mountain Region (first in North America adopted by FSC International) Board Member, Utah Society for Environmental Education, 1996-98 Board Member, Utah Water Conservation Forum (representing Kennecott) 1999-2001 Board Member, Friends of Great Salt Lake, 1998-2001 Board Member, Western Wildlife Conservancy, 1998-2000 Steering Committee Member, Law Fund of the Rockies – Utah Chapter (now Western Resource Advocates), 1992-95 Board Member, Western Mining Action Network, 2006-07 Charter Member, Salt Lake County Environmental Quality Advisory Commission, 1990-1996 Board Member, ASSIST, Inc., SLC, affordable and accessible housing ‘community design center,’ 1988-90 Governor’s Task force on Economic Development and Environment, 1988-89 Task Force Member, Utah Div. of Water Quality ‘Source Water Assessment and Protection Plan’ (SWAP) development, implementing Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, 2001-2002 Chair, Steering Committee and Sponsor, RDT’s Salt Lake County ‘Green Map’ Project, 2009-ongoing Chair, Facilities Committee, Repertory Dance Theatre, 1982-1996; Board Performing Arts Coalition 1992-95; resulted in creation of Wagner Center for Performing Arts, now home of Repertory Dance Theatre (RDT) and other performing arts organizations. Ivan Weber, Principal/Owner Weber Sustainability Consulting 953 1st Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 801-355-6863 home/office 801-651-8841 cellular ivan@webersustain.com