SPREAD OF HELLENISTIC CULTURE LEARNING AND COMMERCE Brought Greek culture to many areas—Nile Valley, S.W. Asia, borders of India o Society contained a small wealthy class and a large group of poor o In between was a small middle class which prospered during the Hellenistic era o Trade was based in major cities and trade routes linked China, India and Arabia to Hellenistic world Library of Alexandria—thousands of papyrus scrolls—much of the knowledge and literature of Hellenistic world As people grew more wealthy—education became more widespread o Old values were replaced with freer lifestyles for some groups o Women appeared in public and won new rights regarding property o Old Greek bias towards barbarians disappeared because everyone was “Greek” RELIGION ANDS PHILOSOPHY Greek concept of polis declined o Many felt they had lost control over their lives o Many turned to new religions and philosophies—focused on satisfying people’s need for sense of belonging Hellenistic kings encouraged practice of ruler-worship—provided a sense of civic duty o People found comfort in these figures for guidance Many turned to cults—introduced secret teachings and mysteries o Secrets of life after death and immortality o Provided felling of unity, security and personal worth 4 schools of Philosophy existed in Hellenistic Era o Cynicism—believed people should live simply and naturally w/o regard for pleasure, wealth, or social status Best known Cynic was Diogenes o Skeptics—believed the universe is always changing, all knowledge is uncertain Pyrrho is founder o Stoicism—divine reason directs the world—accept fate w/o complaints Everyone had a “spark” of the divine within—could only achieve happiness by following the “spark” Influenced Roman and Christian Thinking Zeno established philosophy in Athens o Epicureanism—aim of life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain—limit your desires to avoid suffering Epicurus is founder SCIENCE IN THE HELLENISTIC AGE Scientist learned using very simple instruments Showed little interest in labor saving devices—had slave labor MATH AND PHYSICS Euclid—developed geometry—showed how geometric statements flow logically from one to another o Book Elements is basis for modern Geometry books Archimedes o Greatest scientist of period o Calculated value of Pi—ratio of circumference to diameter in a circle o Invented Archimedes screw to draw water upwards MEDICINE Alexandria was center of medical science o Learned Egyptian art of embalming and cataloguing of body parts o To learn about anatomy they studied bodies of executed criminals Herophilus concluded the brain was the center of the nervous system These advancements allowed doctors to perform delicate surgeries ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY Used principles of geometry to track movement of stars and planets Aristarchus believed that the earth and planets revolved around the sun Hipparchus used trigonometry to predict eclipses o Used movement sun and moon to calculate length of year Eratosthenes—calculated distance around the earth accurately o Given job as head of Library of Alexandria as reward