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US Gov’t
Sec. 1
HR ___
The Scope of Congressional Powers
(1) What are the three types of congressional power?
(2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Congressional Power
The _____________________ grants Congress a number of specific _________________ in 3 different ways.
(1) The __________________________ powers are granted to Congress explicitly in the Constitution.
(2) The implied powers are granted by ________________ deduction from the ________________________ powers.
(3) The inherent powers are granted through the Constitution’s creation of a National Gov’t for the US.
Strict Versus Liberal Construction
Strict Constructionists
Liberal Constructionists
Strict constructionists,
led by _______________ __________________, argued
that Congress should only be able to
(1) its expressed powers and
(2) those implied powers _______________ necessary
to carry out those expressed powers.
Liberal constructionists,
led by ____________________ _______________,
favored a _________________ interpretation of the
_______________________, a _______________
interpretation of the ____________________ given to
Section 1 Review
1. The Constitution grants all of the following powers to
Congress EXCEPT
(a) the expressed powers.
(b) the inherent powers.
(c) the monarchical powers.
(d) the reserved powers.
Sec. 2
2. Strict constructionists favored Congress exercising
(a) only the expressed powers and those implied powers
necessary to carry out
the expressed powers.
(b) unlimited power.
(c) only the powers granted to it by State constitutions.
(d) powers granted to Congress through acts of the
The Expressed Powers of Money and Commerce
What powers does Congress have to tax?
How important is Congress’s commerce power?
How does the bankruptcy power work?
The Constitution gives Congress the power :
The Power To Tax
—Article I, Section 8, Clause 1
“To lay and ____________ Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to _________ the ___________
and provide for the common _____________ and general ______________ of the United States.…”
Limits on the Taxing Power
A _______ is a charge levied by government on persons or property to meet public needs.
The Constitution places four limits on Congress’s power to tax:
1. Congress may tax ONLY for _______________ _________________, not for _______________ _________________.
2. Congress may ________ tax ____________________.
3. ______________ taxes MUST be _____________________ among states according to their _____________________.
4. ______________ taxes MUST be ______________ at a uniform rate in all parts of the ___________________.
Federal Spending
1. In 2001 Congress approved ______% of our Budget to be spent on Education.
2. There was an (increase/decrease)
in spending on education from 1981 to 1991.
3. Currently the greatest percent of our Federal Dollars is spent on __________________ _________________.
4. There was an (increase/ decrease) in spending on National Defense over the last 20 years.
5. In 2001 more money was spent on (National Defense/ Health Care).
The Borrowing Power
(1) Article I, Section 8, Cl. 2 gives Congress the power “[t]o borrow Money on the credit of the United
(2) Deficit _________________ is the practice of ___________________ _________ money than ________________
in revenue and ________________________ to make up the difference.
(3) The public _________ is all of the money ___________________ by the government over the years and not
yet _____________________, plus the accumulated interest on that money.
The Commerce Power
The _______________________ power—
the power of Congress to regulate ______________ and _____________________ trade—is granted in the
Commerce _______________ of the Constitution.
The Constitution places four limits on Congress’s use of the
commerce power:
(1) Congress cannot tax exports.
(2) Congress cannot favor the ports
of one State over those of any other
in the regulation of trade.
(3) Congress cannot require that
“Vessels bound to, or from, one
State, be obliged to enter, clear or
pay Duties in another.”
(4) Congress could not interfere with
the slave trade (through 1808).
The Currency and Bankruptcy Powers
The Currency Power
The Bankruptcy power
Article ______, Section _____, Clause ______ gives
Congress the power “[t]o ________ Money [and]
__________________ the value thereof.”
Legal ______________ is any kind of money that a
creditor must by ____________ accept in payment
for ____________.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 gives Congress the
power “[t]o establish…______________ Laws on
the subject of ________________________
throughout the United States.”
_______________________ is the legal proceeding
in which the bankrupt person’s ______________
are distributed among those to whom a debt is
Section 2 Review
1. Which of the following is a limit on Congress’s
power to tax?
(a) only being allowed to tax for private purposes
(b) not being allowed to tax imports
(c) apportioning all direct taxes equally among
the States based on population
(d) only being allowed to tax businesses
2. The commerce power gives Congress the right to
(a) regulate interstate and foreign trade.
(b) establish proceedings for bankruptcies.
(c) practice deficit financing.
(d) create a national currency.
INTERPRETING GRAPHS AND POLITICAL CARTOONSUse the graph and cartoon to answer the following questions.
1. Which of the following expenditures was greater than the expenditure on health?
a. net interest on the national debt
c. administration of justice
b. income security
d. international affairs
2. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the cartoon?
a. It is selfish to expect anything from the government.
b. The government takes, but does not give.
c. The government wants to meet your needs.
d. Paying taxes is an enjoyable experience and brings out the best in people.
3. What message is the cartoon trying to convey?
a. trust for the government
b. the governments is willing to take, but not give
c. paying taxes is the duty of every American
d. expecting help from the government is wrong