Reading Workshop 8:10-9:45 Target skill: Cause and effect Target

Whole Group:
TTW read
“Interrupted Journey”
Target skill: Cause
aloud to class (BTE
and effect
pp. 151-162).
Minilesson: TTW
Target strategy:
lead class in
discussion of
5-2.2 Analyze
relationships from the
informational texts to passage. TSW
draw conclusions and complete projectable
make inferences.
with teacher
5-2.8 Predict events in TGW discuss other
informational texts on cause/effect
the basis of causerelationships in
passage and list them
on sheet.
Small Group: TTW
5-1.11 Read
meet with leveled
independently for
groups if time allows.
extended periods of
Share: TSW share
time for pleasure.
how people’s actions
5-3.4 Spell correctly
have affected things
around them from
constructions, double their independent
consonant patterns,
and irregular vowel
Word Study: Lesson 6
patterns in
TTW model the sort
multisyllabic words.
and TSW repeat the
sort independently.
Reading Workshop
Whole Group:
TTW read “San Padre
Island Sea Turtles”
aloud to class (BTE
pp. T12 & 13)
Minilesson: TGW
discuss how author’s
purpose is based on
feeling toward
Small Group:
TTW meet with
leveled groups.
Share: TSW share
how the author of
their selection felt
about the subject and
how the reader knew.
Word Study:
TSW sort words
based on vowel sound
and spelling patterns.
Whole Group:
TTW read
“Skywoman and
Turtle” (BTE pp. 164166)
Minilesson: TGW
discuss how myths
explain events in the
natural world.
Small Group:
TTW meet with
leveled groups.
Share: TSW the
details of a myth they
have read.
Word Study:
TSW speed sort
words into correct
Whole Group:
TCW review
relationships in text,
recognizing clue
words, and inferring
(Powerpoint review)
Small Group: TTW
meet with leveled
Word Study:
TSW will orally quiz
each other to check
for accuracy in
Whole Group:
Skill assessment
Cold read
Word study quiz
Writing Standards 10/8-10/12
5-4.5 Use revision techniques, including
those learned at previous grade levels, to
enhance meaning, clarity, tone, and
progression of ideas.
5-4.1 Generate and organize ideas for writing
5-4.2 Use complete sentences in a variety of
types (including simple, compound, and
complex) in writing.
Writing Procedure
GRAMMAR: Correcting Run-On Sentences and Fragments
 Intro- Run-On sentences Power Point
 TTW guide students through the power point checking
for understanding.
 TTW play a review game with students, which review the
information in the power point, to check for
 TTW distribute pg. 25 of the grammar sheets for
students to practice independently.
WRITING: Free Writing
 Early finishers, who have published their competition
writing, may work on a free writing assignment.
 Review answers
GRAMMAR: Run-On Sentences
 Use page 26 of grammar sheets to review complex
 TTW guide students through 1-3 on the smart board.
 Students will finish the rest and check as a class.
WRITING: Focus Trait: Organization
Cause and Effect Paragraph
Day 1 &2 BTE: pg. 52-53
 TTW display Projectable 6.9 and ask students to identify
cause and effect.
 TSW identify topic sentence and details.
 TTW discuss words that show cause and effect (so that,
therefore, if… then,..). TCW read pg 160 and discuss the
author’s use of such words.
TTW distribute practice book pg. 72 for students to
practice adding cause and effect transitional words to
make sentences better.
 Discuss answers.
GRAMMAR: Run-On Sentences and Sentence Fragments
 TCW complete pg. 27 of grammar sheets to review skill.
TTW display on smart board to guide students through
the sheet.
WRITING: Pre write; Focus Trait: Organization
BTE-pg. 53-54 Days 3 &4
 TTW display Projectable 6.10 on smart board.
 TTW distribute the projectable to students to fill out.
 TCW discuss the Prompt and the teacher will model two
cause and effect relationships.
 Students will complete their T-Map.
 Students will use their T-Map to begin writing their draft
using the expectations on BTE pg. 54
GRAMMAR: Quick Review
 TTW Use this flashcard game that identifies run on
sentences and fragments.
WRITING: Focus Trait: Organization; Cause and Effect
BTE Day 5: 54
 TTW display Projectable 6.11 on smart board.
 TCW discuss Barry’s draft and corrections.
 Students will continue drafting and revise their writing.
 TTW conference with students about organization.
 TTW share a sentence from their writing.
GRAMMAR: Quick Quiz- Run on Sentences
 Use teacher created quiz.
WRITING: Organization; Cause and Effect Paragraphs
 TSW finish revising and publish their writing.
 TSW share a cause and effect relationship from their
Math 11:25 – 12:10
Unit 3 – Lesson 1 Standards: 5-2.4
TTW: model exploring fractions and decimals relations and
discuss SAB p.83; model writing fractions as decimals SAB p.84;
Independent practice HW p.47 ; math centers
TSW: participate in whole class discussion and completion of SAB
pp.83-84 and independent practice HW p.47; move to math
centers if mastered concept
Unit 3 – Lesson 3 Standards:5-2.1 5-2.4
TTW: model place value of decimals SAB p.87; have
students use code cards to make numbers with whole
and decimal values then work to compare various
numbers SAB p.88; discuss word and expanded form
with decimals; IP HW p.51
TSW: work to master whole numbers and decimals in all
forms SAB p.87 and HW p.51; math centers if time
Unit 3 – Les 2
Standards: 5-2.1 5-2.4
TTW: guide students to visualize decimals in various models using
SAB p.85 and extra math materials (found in TRB); pass out secret
code cards and introduce, have students create various decimal
numbers; whole class discuss inequality signs to compare decimals
and address misconceptions; have students complete SAB p.86
and review; if time – independent practice HW p.49
TSW: participate in whole group discussions and complete SAB
p.85 and HW p.49
Unit 3 – Lesson 4 Standards: 5-2.5 5-2.8
TTW: model adding/subtracting with decimals using
decimal number lines and code cards; relate
conversions in metric system based on decimal concept
SAB p.91; independent practice HW p.53
TSW: demonstrate mastery in add/subtract decimals
using SAB p.91 and HW p. 53; math centers if time
Unit 3 – Lesson 6 Standards:4-2.1
TTW: use HW p.55 various problems for review of
Thursday’s lesson; then review place value concepts
and increase/decrease numbers SAB p.99; independent
practice HW p.57-58
TSW: complete HW p.55 and check/correct; review
place value and complete SAB p. 99 and HW p.57-58;
math centers if time
Social Studies
Standard 5-2: The
student will
demonstrate an
understanding of the
continued westward
expansion of the
United States.
5-3.1 Explain how
the Industrial
Revolution was
furthered by new
inventions and
including new
methods of mass
production and
transportation and
the invention of the
light bulb, the
telegraph, and the
Monday (A)
TSW complete
study for Ch. 3 in
groups. TGW check
answers together.
Tuesday (B)
Chapter 3 Test
Chapter 3 Test
Thursday (B)
TTW discuss results
of Ch. 3 test with
Friday (A)
TTW discuss results
of Ch. 3 test with
TCW receive
information about
inventions project
(guidelines and
TCW receive
information about
inventions project
(guidelines and
TSW complete
workbook page in
TSW complete
workbook page in